
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-24-18 Full episode B&B 24th July 2018

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-24-18 Full episode B&B 24th July 2018


  1. uh I think I missed the part when liam was half naked in the dressing room. It looked like he had his whole suit on to me

  2. No you didn't miss anything Liam was fully dressed when Steffy walked in.

  3. I thought so Stephie is so dramatic

  4. I think that Steffy should be upset however she did the same and much worse. They didn't plan it a for her to compare the two indiscretions is not right. They were married when she slept with Bill. They were not married when he made out with Hope. Not to mention Hope is also carrying Liam`s child, but the children will be loved regardless. Being with someone because of the kids won't make a happy home because the parents are not really happy. And kids should witness true love coming from both parents whether they are together or apart. Some Parents should be together because they are in love, and they embody what it means to be in love and show an example of love and family. Brooke and Ridge are the example of what true love is. Honestly if anyone belongs together its Ridge and Brooke. Steffy, Hope, and Liam need to learn from them so they can decide what would make them happy. What is their perfect love story and who is their perfect love. Flaws and all, because nothing can keep that love from happening. Brooke and Ridge are the perfect example of an unbreakable bond and unshakable love that will last forever because they will last forever. That is what is important.
