
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-29-19 Full episode B&B 29th May 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-29-19 Full episode B&B 29th May 2019


  1. So sad that Flo's dirty little secret has come between her and Wyatt and Hope.

  2. May it continue to fester and pus abound.

  3. I truly hate this Baby Beth story line dragging out.
    I guess the Writers simply ran out of writing skills.

    1. Enough is enough on this Beth storyline. Liam needs to bring Hope to a shrink.

    2. I had to stop watching 2 weeks ago - I couldn't take it anymore. So stupid.

  4. I'm so sick of all this dragging

  5. Im refusing to watch The Bold now till Beth is back with her mother. It's boring to be just dragging it out. End it!

  6. the writers are smart! the secret will be revealed when Wyatt is with Flo, Hope is with Thomas and Liam is back with Steffy. Imagine what would happen then!! Triple drama....all will be shattered!!!!

  7. This storyline is a pain in the ass. Sally s secret is nothing in compare to Flos secret. Flo in living the happy good life and sally hope and liams life is falling apart. This storyline is cruel. It it showing younger people to cheat and lie and everything good will happen to you. This is really getting on my nervers and is insensitive to mothers who really lost their babies. Can this pls stop now this is taking it tooooo far!!!

    1. I agree .it's just going to be the same crap over again. Steffy would be a fool to take Liam back. I'm sure as soon as she does the secret will come out and Liam and hopH will be back together. Thomas needs to be put in a assylum hes completely lost it. Hope needs counseling. They just keep making things worse and worse. The storyline is ridiculous. Flo needs to come clean and tell the truth now. This has gone on way too long.

  8. have you the 30th may please

  9. I don't like Liam and the way one minute hes all Steffy then next Hope Steffy deserves better and Liam isn't good enough for our girl anymore maybe in the future he will be redeemed but he will have a lot of work to do after the way hes treated her,Hope to walk out with the baby within hours was disgusting

    1. Especially since #Steam's first child didn't come back, I think it's really repulsive that they always suffer Steffy, Liam should have treated his SoulMate what Steffy is with the respect she deserves, she never marketed him or rejected him, she was always for him because she always gave him her whole heart and finally broke it in 2020 !!!
