
Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-13-19 Full episode B&B 13th August 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-13-19 Full episode B&B 13th August 2019


  1. Thanks , Douglas is the hero well done, now just stop Thomas

  2. please a Hope again I expected angels singing outside the cabin window lol when Hope was recalling the night she had sex got pregnant and wrecked Steffy family Have people forgotten because we haven't

  3. Liam was with hope first it's Steffy that stole Liam now hope is taking what's rightfully hers

  4. Am happy beth is with her mom and dad at last.i love watching theme bonding together...🅱🅱🅱😆😆😆😆😆

  5. Thanks Bob from the land down under.

  6. I cannot believe they hurt Steffie like that. I was Steffie I would have did a DNA test before I let the baby go out he door. I cannot stand Hope you threw Kim away and Madrid Thomas and she know she should not have married Thomas. If you loved Kim so much you should have stayed with him. I am getting tired of Hope with her weak self. Let Lim stay with Steffie and let Steffie be pregnant again with Lim child from the night he slept with her. I am tired of his Lim stuck between to women. I hope she do not do like her mother.
