
Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-14-19 Full episode B&B 14th November 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-14-19 Full episode B&B 14th November 2019


  1. I wonder if that was another vat that just had water in it?

  2. If that wasn't Thomas in the suit then it be someone who witness hope down there, if Brook talks Hope into not going to Ridge and confess, I'm sure Brook Logan will do a cover up. Because Brook Logan is a hypocrite. I hope she gets in trouble for Thomas disapearence too. I never could stand her from day one. She always try to act like a saint.

    1. I second every word you said..have disliked Brooke since beginning. She is nothing but entitled and hypocritical. Hope is just as mother, like daughter. I cannot stand the actress who plays Hope..she is such an overactor.

    2. She really is a hypocrite, just a horrible person honestly. I really hope that Hope goes to Ridge, no pun intended.

  3. Hope has such beautiful flawless skin. No wonder Thomas is obsessed with her lol.

  4. Hope is a murderer...and the fact that Brooke knows makes her an accessory after the fact which means they both can go to prison...and even if Thomas survived and he's alive then Hope is still guilty of attempted murder

    1. Exactly! Brooke is always making her kids out to be the good guys, like they could never do anything wrong. But doe we forget how Rick treated Caroline when she was with Ridge a little ways back, and how Hope can basically do anything she wants even if its cruel or wrong because dont worry Mommy will be there to cover it up. What Hope and Brooke did was wrong, how Brooke is treating Thomas is wrong, and they bother should get locked away, do some time and maybe reign in some of their crazy entitled views.

  5. Hope and Brooke are now both guilty of attempted murder with Thomas. I hope this story line isn't gonna go on for months. Just arrest Hope. She doesn't give a damn about Liam/Beth. Her actions made that pretty clear.

  6. I really cannot stand this situation, Hope and Brooke need to be put away, and at least stop pacifying their actions.

  7. HopeLess should go to the police and confess everything, she should be locked up for attempted murder. Her mother Slutfromthevalley-Brooke...oh my god...she already trying to cover it up....but PsychoThomas is not dead. He will reappear. I am not defenting PsychoThomas, he is unfit to be a parent, but HopeLess took it to far and now she has to pay the cost

  8. Thank you Bob. May everyone have a blessed weekend. 😊

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Where i live the station says Days of our lives will air at 2:05 am Saturday, do not know about the other shows.

  10. Hello,Regardless of what you think of Brooke Hope; the guy is a narcissist and psychopath. he doesn't care about his kid-never has, ITS ALL ABOUT HIM ALWAYS HAS BEEN. it was self defense.If he wasn't chasing her to have force her to have sex- it wouldn't have happened..[ that vat should have been covered.] What kind of parent uses an innocent child to get what they want. HELLO

  11. if brooke and hope ended up in jail then they d leave the show and i dont think they are gonna live the show any day somethin will happen and thomas will come back from the dead.also maybe thomas was crazy a little but ev in the show are fuc hypocrits and hurt other people over the years

  12. As a male, come on men have a choice- we're not that weak we cant stand up for ourselves. those women seemed sincerely upset, everyone knows Hope would never hurt anyone-shes too week to be able to live with guilt- even if she could get away with this. Come on men- Real men don't treat women this way. and if was Ridge's daughter and brooks son then you cant tell me he wouldn't want him locked up. Thomas needs professional help-Not mummy making excuses.If my daughter -wouldnt let him near her- No decent man would-Can see he's dangerous

  13. funny how when someone breaks the law, Brooke wants them held accountable, but yet she does wrong or Hope, she says she didnt mean it or you werent to blame..... always Brookes way or no way
