
Friday, April 17, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-17-20 Full episode B&B 17th April 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-17-20 Full episode B&B 17th April 2020

Repeat 6-2-2014


  1. This is not the april 17th show. Why would you put that it is when it is clearly not. However the past weeks shows have been really great!! Thank you.

    1. every Friday they are showing previous viewed episodes

    2. Ok "They have been airing this show in Spanish" and now their showing shows from 2-3 yrs back

    3. We can see this show now here in the UK on ccxtv I'm so pleased as it was on diva and Channel closed so I'm looking forward to watching it again as I've seen it since 1993 when in South Africa on mnet channel thanks

  2. Replies
    1. Because of the coronavirus, old episodes are broadcast on Fridays.

    2. Dumb,old episode on Friday's when they will be doing that all the days on end of May when there new episodes ends ,so just let us enJoy the new ones while we can :( :(

  3. Enough W/Sally pretending to be ill.
    This is really boring ��
    Where is the ( NEW ) man in Steffy's not Bill ! Viewers get tired of the Circle. Fresh blood is needed.
    It's also time for Erick to set some boundaries for Brooke & insist she respect ( HIS ) wife .back bone for the men.

    1. Yeah the same old thing " bring on some New. Hot Stuff

    2. Its boring But I am glad she was trying to get back with Wyatt when Flo came on the show and Messed it all up. Can't stand Flo and her name is sicking that woman say Aunt Flo is visiting, on their period. FLO is a stupid name that B&B did that.

  4. Why did they ? It’s not today’s show!!! It’s doesn’t make since, why all the time they make Sally lose , she needs a man too!! Brook and Katie , Steffy also !

  5. Maybe Sally needs to design for fenmores and hook up with fen or better yet theo

  6. Also, how is it Thomas just ran away again and once again did not get held accountable for his actions.
