Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-21-20 Full episode B&B 21st October 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-21-20 Full episode B&B 21st October 2020


  1. Thomas is still obsessed with hope, he must locked up and the key must they throw away

    1. Wow! I thought that was going to be a wedding dress, boy was I surprised!😂

    2. Wow! A "Hope" sex doll? I was actually thinking how crazy that would be if that was really what was in that box...and then it turned out to be exactly that. Truly creepy stuff. I guess this makes up for the insipid three way love triangle with Zoe and Carter and "The Artist Known As Prince..." This storyline is truly rotten, and an all time low for B&B. I wish the writers understood that in order to make the audience care about new, secondary better make them interesting...And you have not..

  2. I really can't take on Tomas again I think is time for him to leave the show for good he just irritating me

    1. just stop watching please. Its time for you to leave the show and be happy again

  3. What the hell Thomas? That’s so creepy!

  4. What the hell Thomas? That’s so creepy!

  5. Thomas is definitely off his rocker for sure!!!!!! He does need to be locked up.....

  6. It reads Content Rejected. Bob.

  7. His not changed, thanks to his mommy that his been working with lol, it definitely runs in the family, I just want to see what happens with Quinn, Hopes done good with Liam, and Liam will soon find something strange about Thomas, Zoe needs to pick one person, but did read Nicole is coming back for a visit hmmmm . I like Carter.

    1. craziness is in his DNA so mother so son

    2. Quinn is on her way back to the desert with the other scorpions and airhead Shauna...What does Eric expect, marrying this psycho bitch that is young enough to be his GRAND DAUGHTER?

  8. Bell you and a certain blonde putting Hope and Liam on this rosy mountain again so sick of Lope and now Thomas poor man deserves better than Steffy sloppy seconds and now the dummy is an insult to Forresters

  9. Nice. :))) Thomas is crazier than ever.
    No wonder after therapy by his mother who is also not better.
    I still don't like Finn or believe that he loves Steffy.
    Zende should take Zoe and go back to Paris. They deserve each other.
    And Steffy should take Carter if she wants a honest man who wouldn't cheat on her. He is the only such one in the whole show.
    At least so far.

    1. Interesting. Why don’t you think that Finn loves Steffy?

    2. I don't know, but when Finn stood in front of her and Liam's picture looking at it, there was this weird music which somehow made me believe that he might not be who we think he is.
      I understand why the picture might have upset him and all that, it was just his look along with that background music that made me think this for the first time.

    3. oh, and I am not the person you originally asked, just stating my opinion :)

  10. Thanks Bob for fixing the video.

  11. and There you go!!! tomas is still as crazy as he was !!! I am sure that the doctor has to do with tomas !!! it is to be continued !!!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @Sue It could make sense. Thomas knew how Liam would react at Finn's presence in Steffy's life and perhaps he hoped that Liams behavior would tear Hope and him apart. But beloved Hope didn't play as expected.

  14. They had to go back to this foolish line of obsession over hope... why can't we just see some fashion for a change... goshhhh

    1. Young Bell doesn’t have the talent his Father had! This is the new Hollywood, no real fashion just sex!

  15. Thomas obsession with Hope never made sense. He clearly loved Sally and Caroline... just propping up lame Lope again! Bleh!

  16. How does Kelly sleep at night....continual day naps for a 4 year old, I understand because of Covid they can't really have her filming...but COME ON!

    1. So true! You never see any of the kids on the show. Always napping or playing outside. A bit ridiculous.

    2. hahaha you're right, always napping :D And Kelly has been making the same noises for a while now

    3. Those gurgling baby noises are actually Quinn...

  17. I also thought the wedding dress would be in that box.Yes, that head WAS creepy! I knew Thomas was still obsessed w Hope-but he really needs to be put away after seeing that head of Hope! Is this supposed to be a Halloween spooky story? That music was creepier than the head! I didn't think of Thomas working w Finn before reading another viewer's idea on that. It DOES make sense. I've never trusted Finn. How long has he known Steffy & now he's "in love"? Why hasn't anyone pressed Steffy to reveal WHERE she got those pills? I would've agreed that Carter is a decent, caring man before he had a key made for Zoe to move in. He has something wrong w him. What did they have-1 or 2 dates & he wants her to move in? Huge red flag! Is he blind to how Zoe flirts w Zende? If Carter's last name was Forrester he'd have a chance w her.Yes, Zende & Zoe should leave together. Really hope we don't have to hear anymore of her "singing"! When do we find out what Eric did about Quinn? Just let the 3 skanks leave town- Quinn, Shauna, & Felony Flo.God only knows what truly SICK thing Thomas has planned now!Once again- that head is just too creepy!

  18. Replies
    1. nothing out of the ordinary, right? lol joking, it would be a bit small for that purpose, too

    2. @Travis This was my first thought. But I don't know if there are children here. *g*

  19. why was Hope's doll delivered to Hope for the future archives? Someone else could have just opened it, no?

  20. says content rejected and video under it does not work so pls fix it BOB.


  22. Bob pls fix the vdeos of October 19-21 2020 because neither of them work.

  23. I really wish these episodes would stay posted for more than a few days. We are missing them all..
