Friday, January 15, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-15-21 Full episode B&B 15th January 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-15-21 Full episode B&B 15th January 2021


  1. Replies
    1. Hope needs to stop puttin all the blame on steffy yes steffy could have stop it but the same energy you have for steffy use it on liam liam is at fault here not steffy liam had the right to find out wat was goin on but he did hope think liam is a saint he not so u lookin for someone to blame blame your so call husband who could do no wrong and leave steffy alone am sick of these two fights over this guy who isnt worth it the way i see it she had all the mouth for steffy and none for liam she just there feelin sorry for a guy who cheats on her not 1or twice god know how many times hope did u know he was going to end your marriage with that one kiss that he taught happen and their you are want to forgive wat bullshit

  2. Thanks! She left the portrait. Who does that to their loving BF. Hope and Finn deserves better.

    1. Hope was wonderful standing up to steffy and liam.finn and hope needs to be together.why dont they give hope a due over and having a baby too.zoe chacater is a bitch .carter show had been on the show listening to what zoe was saying

  3. Time to stop watching, Steffy standing there listen to Hopeless without saying a word. Bad writing!

    1. Unknown it is just good writing. Stuffy ho was put in her place the right way. Hope said the right things. All was TRUE!!

    2. I hate you Hope; you're just like your mother Brooke. Stop pretending to be a good person because you're not. Stephie don't let that bitch Hope to talk that way to you. Who is she anyway - a child of her half-sister's husband.

  4. I really don't like Steffy...

  5. I am astonished that Steffy's Donald Duck lips could let any man get near her.

    1. Be kind. Remember its just a show and there are real people behind their characters on a show

    2. Any guy would bounce off those lips across the room. Ridge (the old Ridge) almost bounced off Taylor's pumped up lips years ago during a scene. Even though they were acting he could hardly stop laughing. It was like kissing a Michelin tyre!!!!

  6. If I were Finn, I know if it were me I would have lost it physically on Liam. I would have went all caveman on Liam by beating the holy hell out of him especially if I was in that position. Hell, it has happened to me before in the sense of being cheated on by my girlfriend and then me confronting the guy.

    1. ABSOLUTELY! Lameazz deserves a beat down as well as his scraggly, brainless TWAT of a wife.

    2. Why Terry? As you said your ex cheated on you, not the other guy. Why didn't you beat her? ;) Liam didn't betray Finn. Steffy did. She could have said no. Your ex too.

    3. For some reason, it's always that way. The person being cheated on attacking the person their partner cheated on them with. Been in a similar situation. A guy friend of mine and I were at another guy friend's place and we got drunk. My friend fell asleep on the couch and I slept on a mattress on the floor, the guy who lived here had left and went to his gf. When he got back, he lay down on the mattress behind me (no contact, it was a rather big mattress and I was facing the wall) and took a nap. I was hungover and didn't care. His gf had a key to the apartment and when she showed up, she freked out - ON ME. She was furious for months, at me, she even attacked me physically. Me, not him. That's how people are irl, not just on the show!

  7. Steffy and Liam deserved every word that was said to them

    1. Do you recall how Beth was conceived

    2. Amber, it still does not make what Steffy and Liam did ok. I also remember that Steffy didn't know who Kelly's father was after having sex with her own father in law. Ewww. If my husband had sex with my mother, he would never get in my bed again. In 2 out of 3 (including Aspen) of Steffy's kids, she didn't know who the father was. Not a good track record.

  8. Good show! Finally both Liam and Steffy are being confronted with their feelings and what they did to others! Also, yay yay to both Hope and Finn for standing up and taking a stand on their future!!!!!

    1. Saint Hope is no better. Dont forget her crazy scheme dating two brothers Liam and Wyatt at the same time. And thats while she was sane. At least Liam did this because of distress as much as i hate the guy.
      And it was basically the same reason she got pregnant with beth...Liam was upset....AGAIN. See the trend and the common denominator? LIAM.If he did it with you, he can do it to you.
      Personally I made it a rule in my life...if I'm dating and some calls to curse or ask about 'their' man the answer is go ask him and dont call me back and block the man immediately. I don't want his explanation.Hope need to go to her husband. She only has mouth for Steffy. I wasnt hearing her all that loud when Liam was confessing. Just cried like an idiot most of the convo. Ppl disrespect you as much as you allow them to which is what both Hope & Steffy do, marrying the idiot over and over again. smh

    2. Agreed with you and seems like they forget that how Beth was conceived and back in the days Hope had the who's the daddy issue too even it was a false alarm cause she was dating Wyatt and Liam at the same time. But that was i like to say it's all about personal perception.

    3. I agree with you. Hope is a bitch just like her mother Brooke.

  9. I love Hope and Liam together and now they are splitting them up again

  10. Thank you my Star
    Well guys Bell sure is making Steffy look weak and Hope mouth runs the show
    Disgusting Bell Steffy fans are disgusted no wonder JMW and Scott not happy with story

    1. I agree. DUMBbell loves him some bleached blonde WHORES. The show was originally about FORRESTERS but DUMBell loves the WHOREgans. If there was a "writer" on this show, Steffy would have gave it to that bytch but good. They make Steffy the strong one and then take away her voice. THIS SHOW SUCKS! SMFH!

  11. Liam needs to realize that two wrongs don't make a right. Just because he thought that Hope was cheating on him with Thomas, doesn't make it right for Liam to sleep with Steffy.

  12. I think Zoe and Hope went shopping with Mariah, the red piglet from Y&R.
    Working in the fashion industry doesn't help.

  13. Ask the fans what they would like to see hope and finn together as new hottest couple on the show

  14. Shut up hope just shut your face!!!!!

    1. Unknown Hope is right to put Steffy in her place! Steffy has to shut/close her legs for Liam now he finally has married Hope.

    2. Right, everything out here mouth is hypocritical BULL SHYT cuz she and her whore mother did everything more than once that she is accusing Steffy of and for the life of me I dont understand why Steffy is standing there letting that trash bytch run her mouth. SHUT THE FUK UP HOpeless.

  15. Hope is just like her mother, always ready to blame someone else for her husband sleeping with another woman. And when Hope said that she wouldn't call Steffy what Taylor used to call Brooke was just as bad as calling her that. Hope is something else. If she really was so moral, she never would have slept with Liam when she wasn't married to him and gotten pregnant with Beth. She needs to look in the mirror when she says the word slut.

    1. Hope forgets a lot of things she has done in the past. As much, I don't like what steffy did. But, Hope really should be asking questions about Liam and who he really is. how he has treated her and Steffy for years.

    2. or WHORE bcuz thats what she is and so is her mother. The whole WHOREgan family are HOME WRECKING, GOLD DIGGING, ADULTERER, WHORES! Right back to the grandmother Beth. WHY oh WHY isn't STeffy telling her off? The brainless twat did exactly what she said Steffy did to Steffy. But of course she's BRAINLESS & B&B has no writers, JUST CLOWNS. It could have been a good show but as usual it sucked.

  16. I think Finn should have that same conversation with Steffy & Hope!!

  17. Who is dressing the actors? Hopes clothes look like thrift store rejects put together by a blind woman.

    1. LOL I agree, they dress her like a bag lady

    2. I guess you must have million dollar wardrobes!

    3. Hope dress today is by Marc Jacobs, “Babydoll Dress.” Look them up, I haven’t seen any bag ladies wearing that!

    4. Pretty vile, all of them. I almost rolled around the floor laughing when I saw what Zoe had on!!!!!

  18. finn said what i wanted liam to hear , he is a bad person, he takes his clothes off in public if steffy is naked

  19. Hope makes me sick. I'm glad to see other people remember how she pulled Liam in that closet and was jumping on his leg like the tramp she is.

    1. Unknown the slutty tramp is Steffy Ho....sleeping with her F.I.L., chasing after Liam from of the moment she layed eyes on Liam, while he was with Hope....

  20. I think the baby will be Liam's unless steffy changes the paternity test. But maybe if it is Finn's baby she would change it to Liam's because she actually want to be with Liam

    1. i think Finn will change it and not tell Steffy or Liam. he's in the perfect position to do so

  21. honestly just want to move past this "fighting over Liam" nonsense again. dear lord. the man is bland. ain't no women in real life fighting over a guy like him, please. they could both do better.

    1. SERIOUSLY!! I think DUMBbell is attracted to Scott CLifton in some way as to why he believes Lame to be a leading man when Lameazz is fugly and just as stupid as Dopey. They are a perfect match together and that night with Steffy should not have happened as well as Bill but until this sucky show gets some writers, the WHOREgans will keep getting away with everything and winning. Side note- Zende took his shirt off and he had a dad bod. Umm DUMBbell again and his attraction to guys.

  22. Just got on board...interesting opinions everyone has...just remember how it all started when Liam came into the show...he and Hope met and hooked up first...privileged Steffy decided she wanted Liam so she manipulated the situation and weaseled her way into Liam and Hopes relationship with lies and deception...Steffy started the whole ugly sabatoge...because what Steffy wants Steffy gets...I wouldn’t ever trust or believe anything she has to say...come on having an affair with Liam’s my book no excuse...I hope the writers revisit the possibility that Kelly is Bill’ that would be worth watching...

    1. AGREE!! Steffy is exactly like her mother. The truth was that Brooke was with Ridge FIRST and Taylor wanted him. She went after him even when he repeated her that he wanted a life with Brooke but Taylor insisted and then she went to see Eric and begged him to fight for Rick' sake because he needed to be with his parents. She didn't give a damn to Rick, all she wanted was to break Ridge and Brooke. Then Eric listen to her and asked Ridge to not take away Brooke from him and for the love of his father, Ridge gave up on Brooke and married Taylor so Brooke could stay with Eric. That was the story and not the lie they repeated year after year that Brooke broke Taylor's marriage. Ridge was the one whom took the decision to go back to Brooke, he never let her go on with her life and make each men she met go away from her. Steffy did the same thing, she always wanted the men that were interested in Hope. I hope this baby is Liam's and so Hope will be free of the jerk. She doesn't need to have someone like Ridge in her life, unfaithful, untruthful, playing the victim all the time with his beaten dog look, going back and forth them.
      Liam and Steffy are meant to be, 2 liars and cheaters are so well together

    2. obviously you didnt watch the show from the biginnings actually RIDGE was engaged to another woman not taylor when brook met ridge and she done every lie and trick to have him when she couldnt she seduced his father and marry him. then he met taylor and marry her and brook done everything to have him and get him away from his family

    3. Ahh the immature one, She had him first, she had him first, she was ROBBEDDDDDDDDD. Umm Lameazz was attracted to Steffy bcuz the brainless twat couldnt please or keep her boy and theres no shame to a woman doing what a man does unless of course he has a WIFE like Taylor was and so was Steffy. Karma came a knocking for the HOME WRECKING HO who did what she just told Steffy, FIRST, while Steffy was pregnant & VERY married to LAMEAZZ! Go back and watch the show! And for the record. DUMB & DUMBER need to stay together forever and DOPEY needs to figure out how to keep her boys pants on and him away from the very delectable STEFFY!

    4. Miss_Sushi I like your got it!

  23. It's time someone stand up to Liam selfish ass , I don't know what they see in him. Steffy been hooked on Liam like hooked on phonics from day one even though he was with hope from the get go. Since Liam save her from that bathtub her eyes have been on the price , all who watching from start knows. But Liam don't deserve any of those women!!

  24. Shut the hell up hope, your mom is still the slut of the valley.... I can say karma sucks for you. You accussed steffy of stealing your man imagined how she felt while still married to liam and pregnant withy kelly. You just knoncked your self to getting pregnant with beth slefish bish!!!

    1. He was annulling his marriage and engaged to Hope when she got pregnant with Beth

    2. Annull-ING and annull-ED has two different meanings. Sounds like a Maury episode to me. Married and engaged.....hmmmm. Who am I to judge if you approve of that sorta thing

  25. WAY TO GO FINN!! At least someone who's putting Liam in his place! He is so right about him, Liam is exactly how he described him! Just another Ridge, like one wasn't enough on this show!

    1. Absolutely, what a man, in every sense of the word. My god, we women dream of finding someone like that in real life, someone who has our back!!!

  26. Zoe, Zende has told you to your face, he does not want you, not that he does not want to pursue a relationship with you, he simply does not desire you any more. Wake up!!! Many women are faced with a man telling them this fact, but they choose to ignore it and continue to convince themselves that the man is just "uncertain". Baloney!!! Men actually do tell the truth, you just don't want to hear it!!!

    1. YES! When she told him, what am I ugly or something, I WAS SCREAMING YES YES YES YES YES YES!! But he's fugly too with his dad bod and a lil feminine Exactly how DUMBbell likes them.

  27. VERY BAD WRITING!!! How dare this lil home wrecking, slut, whore call Steffy a home wrecker when she home wrecked Steffy's marriage, HOW MANY TIMES??? DOPEY HO IS TRASH just like her mother. The bastard family stain needs to look in the MIRROR!!! and put a leash on LAMEazz cuz clearly it was revenge sex against you! Steffy's intuition should be to punch that lil brainless twit in the mouth. HOW FUKING DARE SHE!!! YOU WRITERS ARE CLOWNS! STEFFY SHOULD HAVE GAVE IT TO HER! HATE THIS FUKING SHOW!

    1. Steffy wrecked her own home by slepping with Bill

  28. Very immature. Lets see how you look. JEALOUS HATER! Jacqueline is GORGEOUS!

  29. Stephy ur lips!! Please stop. U look as bad as ur tv mom

  30. Yes!Her eye brows have a mind of their own🤣🤣

  31. here comes the twins boys one finn one liam

  32. Steffy wrecked her own home up by sleeping with Bill

  33. What happened to today's show January 18 2021 and when will it be back.

  34. Fan's no matter who you support,NO MAN or Woman come in your life after TWO Months have a RIGHT to EXPRESS an OPINION about your life, just saying!!!! Stephanie Don't Know if Finn is a good person or a Bad person, ONLY he is a Doctor!!! HE IS A STRANGER!¡!! Liam know Hope have feelings for Thomas, just like he knows Staphnie have feelings for him!!! The difference is, he is LIVING with Hope feeling's for Thomas, to the point Thomas is now Living on the property where he lives! How many of you would except someone that you don't trust, and feel they are still in love with your mate to work with them,and your mate is okay with them living on the same property? JUST Saying!¡!!!!
