Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-4-21 Full episode B&B 4th August 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-4-21 Full episode B&B 4th August 2021


  1. Thanks Bob! Knew you'd come in clutch!

  2. Thanks u so much the video as come in

  3. This episode was the show of shirtless men. Lol. Boring episode in terms of plot to say the least. Fast forwarded through most of it. But thank you as always for posting, Bob! You are the best!

  4. And of course the wedding is tomorrow. Lol. I am sure Steffy’s wedding dress will be exceptional just the same because can’t all wedding dresses be whipped up in 6 hours?? lol
    And yes, Taylor should def try to get a flight to Cali from Africa to be there for the wedding that’s in 12 hours. Completely ridiculous that that would even be part of the script. Episodes like today’s have me wondering why I still watch the show. 😞

    1. Her dad has been working on it and again, Soap time, not real time here … months go by overnight, sometimes years! Find out your pregnant today, give birth in a fortnight 😂

    2. They're used to whipping up wedding dresses at the drop of a hat. They've been doing it for years with the oh so many weddings they've had in the family. I'm sure this was nothing. Especially since Finn and Steffy got engaged a while aback. I'm sure they already had her dress in the works.

      I also believe Steffy said from jump that Taylor was not going to make it to the wedding. When she and Finn announced the wedding to her family and Ridge asked if she told Taylor, she immediately said that Taylor would not be able to make it, suggesting that she would have contacted Taylor first before setting a date.

    3. Right world class fashion house, tradition of a Forrester original wedding dress that we saw Ridge working in already.. c’mon she is a Forrester they do weddings in a flash all the time! And again we’re supposed to know that it wasn’t overnight, I mean wee Hayes is already a couple of months old overnight 😂 love Soapy time it’s amazing ahahahhaah! Besides does no one remember Brooke throwing Hope an extravagant wedding overnight including a Forrester original gown?

    4. Lol Bbfan, before we know it, Hayes will be bringing his girlfriend home to mama and papa!

  5. Everybody having sex on B&B today.......

    1. It is a soap opera, they are known for that 😂

  6. What's up with all the thick,fatty naked chest
    Hope and Liam have no chemistry making love
    Quinn&Carter and Steffy&Finn have to give Hope a few lessons

    1. I didn’t see any fat today… the lads have been bulking up… hitting the gym hard apparently!

    2. I was especially surprised by Liam. Has he always looked like that? I can't seem to remember him looking like that. Or has he been putting in some extra hours at the gym? Lol.

    3. Was thinking the same thing, SC has definitely been bulking up.

  7. I think Carter should have taken a shower first.

    1. HA! I thought the same thing...

    2. Some women love the sweaty look. They think it's hot! Not my preference but hey, whatever gets Quinn going, go for it. Lol.

  8. The wedding of the century
    The dress,the venue, the guest list, the catering, ...
    So unique.

  9. Quinn has a lot of confidence shaking her 50 yr old butt on that younger, hot, hard body of Carter's.

    1. I don't think it's confidence. After years of being married to an old geiser, I think it's more like she's releasing what she's had pent up inside of her for so long. Haha.

    2. Exactly Elle! She’s got her young fella who has the passion and stamina to keep up with her lol! And they are so falling in love in top of it all!

    3. Ikr. Quinn is basking in it and she deserves someone who will not put another woman before her. All it took was one night of passion with Quinn, and Carter was like "Zoe who?"

  10. Wyatt and Katie used to be fun.
    And Bill riding Brooke in that bedroom off his office.
    I think we need a real cougar relationship like Thomas and Donna.

    1. wyatt and katie were a lot of fun

    2. They were the role playing scenes were just brilliant! That is the happiest I’ve ever seen Katie!

    3. Aww. I took a break from the show around that time for about 2 years! I should go look up some old videos of them. I have never been a fan of Katie's but I love Wyatt. His personality is similar to Ridge's. He always has a cute comeback.

    4. Oh my gosh Elle you have to, the pizza delivery guy, plumber , etc it was brilliant and they had so much fun!

  11. Is it just me that thinks how funny it is that Liam gave up his beach house next door to his brother for a rocking chair in a wood cabin under his MIL thumb. The contrast to his former cell is striking.

    1. Yeah…with a cold, clueless wife too… yeah Liam you sure scored there 😂

    2. Do they even have a bedroom?

    3. I've always thought that....he was living the he is in that dark little cabin. He is the son of a Billionaire living in Los Angeles...but he chooses to live like the Ingles on Little House on the Prairie

    4. Right and Hope the daughter of a multimillionaire… they both make tonnes of money never actually going to work and yet live like summer cottagers on Brooke’s estate. All to live rent free and have access to the amenities! Grow the hell uo, buy a bright airy house to raise those bairns in!

      This cabin is Hope’s style… sad and dingy. I still remember Pheoebeth went from gorgeous wee outfits to the ugliest hippy cheap looking ones once Hope got her Beth back. So sad even the hair bows were dreadful. Shows the taste or lack of the mothers!

      Liam and Hope play house! They are both so immature! I still remember all the bullocks Steffy went through to purchase her own home as a single mother after her husband ran off with his pregnant mistress, Hope!

    5. Lmao @ the Ingles on Little House on the Prairie. You made me spit out my tea. Too funny.

  12. Kimberlin Brown returns tomorrow, Sheila is Finns mother, looking forward to she devil Sheila. Rumour I am hearing is there looking to recast Taylor Hayes, maybe Kristian Alonso? Would be a suggestion ex hope Days Of Our Lives.

    1. Ohhh love her, KA she’d be Brilliant! Hurrah KB is back she’s so fab at being bad and psycho! Never a dull moment with Sheila on B&B!

    2. Agree Sheila Carter, plays psycho at its finest. Love Kimberlin Brown, especially when she lifts her eyebrows lol.

    3. Ohhh aye it’s the secret signal ahahah 🤨😎😎

    4. Love me some Sheila!!
      I can’t wait for her to expose
      Carter and Quinn too!! Finish what she started in 2017 👍🏼😀👏🏼

  13. My gosh I guess everyone is in heat on this show today lol

  14. Well, THAT was boring. lol

  15. Thank you for posting this! So great to keep up with all the Forresters and Logans.

  16. What kind of matron of honor is Hope? Wedding is tomorrow and she did not even offer to help with the planning???

    1. Hope is all about herself as usual. She’s so clueless.

  17. Steffy hasn't even talked about her dress nor Hope's matron of honor dress nor the cplor.

    1. Steffy doesn’t need to. Her father, remember world class designer Ridge Forrester? He’s following tradition and designing her dress.. he was already working on it when he came over with his sketch pad and was hiding it from her! When Forrester or Logan women marry they get a Forrester original created by Ridge/Eric or Thomas depending…

  18. Replies
    1. I agree!! All the complimenting, " oh you're the greatest, oh I cant see my life without you"
      Its like they all forgot that they have cheated on each other🤣🤣🤣

    2. Oh please when it’s Lame and Hopeless we hear about their destiny 🤮 Finn and Steffy loving each other on the eve of their wedding… that was a beautiful thing! Finn actually means it, Liam was struggling for positive things to say to Hope who is the stiffest woman really. How is she Brooke’s daughter??

    3. This version of Hope is pretty dull. Even the previous Hope had more spitfire in her.

      Bill is probably thinking of ways that he can totally expel Justin from SP without giving him a dime. Katie is probably off somewhere pretending that she still does not want to reunite with Bill. Either that or she is reminiscing with Donna about Eric. And Wyatt, well all we ever see him do is work at SP. They don't even give him and Flo any together time as a couple.

    4. Absolutely Elle.
      New Hope has too much of a conscious. Old Hope was a bit more conniving like her Mom.
      Wyatt and Flo were hot and now they’re not(house nor SP 😂)

  19. This was the most pointless episode yet - I also fast forwarded.

  20. If I hear one more time about steffy being a strong , confident , "hear me roar" woman im going to barf. Wonder if fins parents know steffy is a cheater. I love how everyone compliments each other and then sleeps with someone else---typical soap opera

    1. Eons ago! Let’s not get started on that I mean hearing Brooke always makes me sick especially with her history of cheating on every person she’s ever been with and Hope was chasing and sleeping with a married man so she is no better! Soap king you always make nasty comments about the women being confident.. that is not a bad thing and shouldn’t make one so uncomfortable… yes women are allowed to be something other than barefoot an pregnant in the kitchen!

    2. Then do like everyone else and just ffwd the scenes you don't like. Jack and Li do not have to know that Steffy is a cheater as I am sure they understand not every relationship is perfect (I'm sure their's weren't either, especially if it turns out that Finn is Jack's biological son). Everyone makes mistakes at some point or the other, unless it's Brooke who is a pathological mistake-maker. Nevertheless, Steffy has always been strong, confident and self-sustaining and if the man she loves chooses to make remind her of that everyday, it's his perogative to do so.

    3. 👏👏👏👏
