Friday, September 10, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-10-21 Full episode B&B 10th September 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-10-21 Full episode B&B 10th September 2021


  1. What’s with Carter always taking off his shirt. It’s definitely sexist to say the least

    1. Carter has been on this show for years, fully clothed. Maybe the consistency of him being shirtless so much has to do with the storyline. Young and virile hunk vs old and unable to perform geiser.

      I don't even get why people are so bothered by it. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    2. yah-in front of Ridge at the office? What was that for?

  2. I knew it! Glad to see Eric finally put the needs of his wife first. Wonder what Brooke and Ridge will have to say about it.

    1. Can’t wait to see brookes reaction🤣🤣 she will b livid.. not only he takes her back, but let’s her keep sleeping with carter!! I can see Brooke passing out right now lol..

    2. Elle and Colly what a strange disturbed comments you write.
      Always putting down Brooke. And she is right not to trust Quinn. Quinn who says after looking at her awful portret, that it reminds her of how far she has come, living in a mansion....the real reason. Becoming rich and not real love are her intentions. So Brooke is right all the way.

    3. Margareet, I sincerely apologise if our comments offended u, but I think the term disturbing is a bit harsh?? I , nor Ell, we’re trying to be offensive in our comments, we r just saying what we think about fictional characters.. u r very loyal to Brooke, and I respect that.. but no characters, r saints on this show!! Brooke has lied, manipulated, broken up families, and cheated on many men, including Eric, and with his own sons, I don’t think u can get worse than that?? She is a hypocrite in my opinion.. when it comes to infidelities, I think she might even top the list.. she should not b constantly inserting herself into Eric’s marriage to another woman.. she treats him like a little child.. as Eric himself said, his marriage is not open for discussion, or critique!!

    4. Also, yes Quinn mentioned the mansion, but when they were getting a divorce she did not ask for a thing, Brooke on the other hand, is only wealthy because she receives so many alimony’s for all the children she had with nearly all forrester men and her perfume and brookes bedroom line, given to her by Eric or ridge or both, no different to Quinn’s jewellery line!! And how many times did she take forrester from under every ones noses?? I think that she wants Quinn gone because she is worried that if Eric passes , Quinn will get the mansion?? A mansion that Brooke is obsessed with.. Brooke doesn’t even knock on the door, just waltzes right in, to bad if they were having intimate relations on the lounge?? Brooke feels an ownership to that mansion, and her biggest hate is quinn’s portrait on the wall!!

  3. Look Quinn, you’ve had a nice run…but it’s getting weird. Time to move on to Genoa city, I heard Gloria is looking for a new jewelry designer…plus Jack is free, if you don’t like him take victor…

  4. Kimberlin Brown is a brilliant actress, love her as Sheila Carter.

    1. Always has been perfectly evil!! Time and again Sheila has claimed good intentions and the Forrester’s along back in the day her major feud in Genoa City with Lauren pushed her over the brink!

  5. Yooooooo this is getting weird and wild. Whoa! I never saw this coming.

  6. Why do the hair styling department put Paris in those ugly wigs and cheap looking clothes!Need new writer's the story line keep repeating itself with different characters; so predictable....

  7. could someone please run Sheila over? And Eric is more a man than all the men in this show all together ever will be.

  8. About time Finn grew a pair!

    I love it, evil Sheila is plotting and scheming, I sense a murder on the way!

    1. I think he saw the manipulations finally!! Her showing steffy the text, and then nothing wrong with her!! Sheila is livid.. all it took was a little heart emoji 🤣🤣 but her main concern seems to b and her motivation has been from the start, to “embrace” being part of the forresters, despite all of them not having a bar of it.. what is she going to do, kill all of the family she desperately wants be one of 🤣🤣

      I think she is going to set steffy up somehow!! Killing her would only drive finn completely away from her and prove she was lying that she is not a danger, so she will set her up and send her off to jail, then finn and Hayes r hers for the taking..

    2. Or she will try to kill steffy and kidnap Hayes!!

    3. Sheila could pull another poisoning or make Steffy look unfit somehow. Sheila is now truly mental and there is hell to pay!!

    4. Ohhh Sheila could slip drugs into Steffy’s drink, food etc to get her addiction active again? Hmmmm

  9. Replies
    1. I see this being Eric testing Quinn’s love and devotion! Plus if Carter gives in! Eric may have his moments but this smells of a set-up!

    2. Why do you think Eric is going to lend Quinn to Carter? He has seen how much Quinn is willing to sacrifice for him. I think he is going to give them his blessing to be together and he will let her go.

      I also do not see this as a set up. Eric has overheard Quinn and Shauna talk about her feelings for Carter and he also listened in on her and Carter's conversation about the time they spent with each other. Eric is already fully aware that Carter and Quinn were together and have feelings for each other. He wants Quinn to be happy so I believe he will let her go so that she and Carter will be together.

  10. not concerned, agreed - it's a bad look for b and b. carter is the commodity, and the deeply racist stereotype used here, Black-man-as-stud, is beyond offensive. I'm seriously steaming mad.

    1. My thoughts, exactly. This sort of thing happens, in real life, too. It's grotesque. I really wish they wouldn't go there. Just end Eric/Quinn. I hope we get an Eric/Donna reunion.

  11. I agree, that was a good way of putting it chasity🤣🤣 it seems a bit of a controversial story line as u put it mssmythe, what r the writers thinking?? It really shows their inability to come up with something to capture the audience without crossing lines!!

  12. Not only that, but how insulting is it to both carter and Quinn.. that’s the second time he has insulted her now.. when she questioned him why now? When they were supposed to b signing, and he said he thinks it’s because of Sheila, realising none of what Quinn did compared to Sheila.. the look on her face.. don’t blame her, if that’s the reason he changed his mind, and now this!! Wow Eric, u really know how to treat a lady, and u call urself a romantic!! lol

    1. IKR? Colly, you nailed it. Eric is a lowdown dirtbag, always has been, right? Tomcatting around on Stephanie, fathering multiple families simultaneously, yadda yadda yadda. Now in frustrated older age, he seems to want fetishistic porn played out live. So on top of offensive, yeccch.

    2. Mssmythe along with u, I have never liked Eric’s character!! Like u said, he is and has always been a tomcat.. and now, he is so desperate to hold on to a much younger woman, that he is willing to pimp her out to the COO… definately not the way to treat the woman he apparently loves so much!! I don’t that is part of his job description.. but I,like u, do find this story line offensive on many levels, and what u said before, spot on!! b&b really r crossing a major line here.. I find it repulsive to b honest.. so insulting to Quinn and Carter’s characters.. if I was given that plot to play, I would have said no!!

    3. I believe it is a set-up you all to see if Quinn gives in. A test of her love and devotion to Eric! Plus Carter to the Forrester family!

    4. I don’t think so. Eric doesn’t want to be alone and no other woman, especially Donna is going to stand by him with the ED and be willing to give up sex forever at age 50. He knows Quinn will but thinks he has to throw her a bone to keep her with him. It’s utterly selfish on Eric’s part and shows absolute lack of respect for Carter and his wife!

  13. Just why are they making Sheila acting like she only had Finn??? She had 5 children and Daisy had a child, Lucy, so she already is a Grand-mother! We know Sheila raised Mary until she was an adult (SORAS in 2002 as an adult LOL she was supposed to have 5 years old...)
    She learned that Sheila kidnapped her as a baby and took her away from her father James, she let Sheila rot in hell and went to live with James. So when did Sheila had Finn ? Diana was born in 2003 and the twin in 2006. Finn is a doctor so he is more than 30... Ok, it's soap but even if it's fictional, they need to stay consistent!

  14. Not sure when she had him, but she doesn’t care about ANY of her kids or other grandchild.. not even Finn.. she cares only for Hayes because he is a forrester.. she had plenty time to contact Finn before, but now he married a forrester and had a kid to steffy, she thinks she is back in with the out of the swamp she came!
