Monday, September 20, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-20-21 Full episode B&B 20th September 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-20-21 Full episode B&B 20th September 2021


  1. The logan sisters will come up with a plan to get donna and eric together..

  2. Ok the writers are officially sick

    1. Yes the writers are sick. This whole thing with Eric, Carter, and Quinn is disgusting. Makes you wonder how perverted the writers really are. Gross!! They need to get off this nasty crap.

  3. I would just like to note Katie's hypocrisy saying "How Eric, can you forgive Quinn after the betrayal". I think Katie forgets how many times she has forgiven Bill's cheating with Steffy and Brooke and how many times she has forgiven Brooke who betrayed her several times and where her sister almost had her own husband's child . And Katie must remember that she slept with her niece's husband and almost had the child by her niece's husband. And she was forgiven for this betrayal of her niece.

    1. Katie has also slept with her stepson and for a while she has also wanted Eric in the beginning of his marriage with Quinn. No one of them has any right to judge.

  4. The logans need to come off it. A woman can have friends and can go out whether by herself or with friends in a marriage. She is under no obligation to spend every waking hour with her husband also that would be co-dependancy and toxic... much like a lot of their marriages.

    1. I agree scarlet and Hanan..! I have a husband but still have a social life, so does he!! That’s healthy.. the Logan’s think that cause Quinn is not glued to erics side 24/7 and that he that old he needs baby sitting?? Come on writers!! Katie talking about his accomplishments made me laugh , considering ALL the Logan sisters have tried to steal and take those accomplishments right out from under him🤣🤣

    2. Oh come on everyone about Katie making a remark about Quinn going out. The point was that Quinn and Eric just got back together. She thought because of that it was strange that they weren't spending time together. And to anyone that said that people in marriages do things without doing them together, yes, but not this way.

  5. Steffy looked stunning in her negligee . It does make me wonder though, how their real life spouses/partners feel watching them portraying passionate and intimate scenes with other actors

    1. Well, sex scenes are pretty normal in movies and TV and soaps. I would suppose that the spouse of an actor would be used to it. This is nothing new. Just sayin.

  6. Put Eric with Donna and Quinn with Carter. Or have Quinn become pregnant with Carter's child.😂😂

  7. This cuckold storyline has to be one of the top 3 most disgusting storylines I've ever seen on daytime. This is worse than the Brooke having sex with her daughter's husband who made her listen while deflowering her or the Brooke having sex with her teen daughter's boyfriend at her graduation party. The only storyline that comes close is the Ridge and Bridget romance. Also, on Passions, they had an hermaphrodite sleep with their father and their nephew.

  8. Replies
    1. What is the "Negro" thing? Carter has been there a long time and the writers picked him for the situation because of Zoe, etc. Quit putting race in this. Not acceptable.

    2. Not to mention, Carter and Quinn were intimate long before this. So really, Eric didn't give Quinn anything that she didn't already have. They are in love and I, for one, love that they are exploring interracial couples. The last one we had was Rick/Maya and when was the last time we saw them???

    3. Then Quinn should have stayed with Carter instead of going back to Eric. She supposedly loves Carter and they supposedly had a good sex life so she really didn't need to go back to Eric. This whole storyline is just disgusting. Being married, and no matter what your problem is, letting your wife have sex with somebody else and your wife doing it no less. Not to mention Carter letting it happen. It doesn't say too much for any of them.

    4. To be fair, Quinn told Carter she didn't want to leave him because she loved him. It was Carter who insisted that she go back to Eric because he supposedly could have made her very happy and give her a good life. I don't remember her jumping for joy either when Eric tore up the divorce papers. She was ready to sign them and return to Carter.

  9. Totally confused!!!!
    When did knocking on Eric's door become ... "A THING"
    Doesn't everyone just walk in?

  10. Which four languages does Eric speak? Anyone know?

    1. Oops I meant now that is funny, sorry anonymous, had a dislexic moment.. lol

  11. If it was not for the story lines there would be no soaps.

  12. B&B have always pushed the boundaries with controversial issues.. I personally think that they trying to bring awareness to of what men go through, trying to deal with ED, and extra marital/open marriage situations.. it is the way they r approaching it that is the problem.. I initially had issues with this story line, still sort of do, but I can see where they r trying to go with this, however, the manner in which they r is what I don’t like…they r bringing it across in a very disrespectful way to the characters, which is what I have issues with..
    but Eric is encouraging a relationship with them, knowing full well they love each other.. I think he is trying to help Quinn decide who she really wants to b with, if there were no feelings, just sex, it would be absolutely discusting, but I see now where they might b trying to go with it.. Eric knows their feeling will get much stronger as time goes by, and he knows those feelings can’t just b turned off.. it will end up boiling down to who she loves more, not what they can and can’t give her.. and maybe they r also using carter to give him more airtime and involvement in the show and it’s story lines, because in the past until Zoe, we didn’t see him that much, so mayb we r taking it the wrong way, because of the writers inability to portray or project a proper meaning to a story??

    1. I really do not have an issue with the storyline. Never did. I do think however, that Eric is being selfish. It is clear after his conversation with Katie yesterday that he does not want to be alone. But he knows how Carter and Quinn feel about each other too. He needs to divorce her and let her have the life he claims he wants her to have. It is not Quinn's fault that he has ED so he should never have taken her back only to "approve" of her affair.

    2. I agree totally, but that would b too easy, if they r trying bring the awareness to these issues, it would b too clean cut of a story line then.. they like to drag these things out..

  13. I got creeped out when Quinn cuddled up with Eric / Eric cuddled up with Quinn after she knowingly (at least we possibly thing they had sex). Possibly she put the brakes on for all we know. But still if she and Carter did that kinda gross curling up with Eric after. Would feel just yucky or should to any normal human being - but then no one on this show is normal. Lol

    1. It seems she and Carter were intimate. When she came from the shower, she was going to sleep until Eric asked her about how things went. She told him she couldn't and didn't want to talk about it with him. It made me think that they were intimate otherwise she would have just said that they weren't.

  14. Gross the Eric/Quinn cuddle up after Quinn /Cater possibly had sex (perhaps Quinn stopped and couldn’t follow through). But just felt yucky even if she did getting all curled up with Eric after another nan she was kissing and touching. Typical of the all gross people on this soap opera an things they would do and out up with. Lol

  15. Yuck, none are normal. Let’s curl up with Eric after having sex (at least we think you did) with Carter. Maybe you put a stop to it though. Gross curling up with someone else after sex or Eric letting her curl up with him.

    1. Prev, Quinn said they did when Eric asked her..I have to admit,that scene did make me extremely uncomfortable and grossed out,I was thinking,I hope she at least showered..I don’t think he should b asking her about it..

    2. But this isn't a normal situation either. If Eric insists on things being this way, I would sleep in a separate bedroom if I were Quinn.

  16. seriously these Logan girls need to get lives, gosh, it's like 'what, you wife is not home' what the hell does it have to do with anyone, especially the Logan's, makes me want to hurl......writers need to wake up!

    1. Right? Katie never went to Quinn’s office to see was she there. She just wanted to start trouble, it’s the middle of the work day and your wife who works isn’t home? Huh? Do any of the Logans who “work” at Forrester actually work at Forrester? 😂🤣😂

      Not to mention the Logans coven go on and on about Quinn not being good enough for Eric when all three got what they have by marrying rich men and taking their money! Hypocritical gold diggers!!

      Two of them were married to Eric and Brooke was sleeping with his son the whole time! Donna cheated too and they talk about Quinn?

      I think Katie is again making a play for Eric, what a nasty surprising if she does get him and then she’s stuck with the ED! They will all blame Quinn for breaking Eric 😂

      Ridge is being hypocritical as well! How many affairs did he have over the years? He slept with his father’s wife (Brooke) and had a thing for Quinn too! Please.

  17. This little something what steffi is wearing is not at all sexy.

  18. And Carter is not passionate at all. Quinn is a way better actor. She gives her best.

  19. And also i´m looking for a man who´s not interessted in sex but loves me unconditionally. Life could be so easy if....
