
Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-12-21 Full episode B&B 12th October 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-12-21 Full episode B&B 12th October 2021


  1. Well considering what Bills done Liam has no room to talk
    Thanks Bob xxxx

    1. I wish Hope was the kind of person who would remind him of that. It wasn't too long ago that she blamed Bill for Liam being in prison.

    2. I do too! Bill is worse than Deacon! I mean he had Ridge thrown out of a helicopter, blew up Spectra with Liam and Sally inside, and that’s for starters!

    3. Ikr she needs a back bone 🦴 but I think they are setting it up for Hope and Finn to bond over

    4. Yes, bill is far,far worse..Liam was king hit by his own father, almost blown up, etc etc etc,and Liam is the last one to say how dangerous deacon is to the kids and hope... deacon did nothing to hope except not b around growing up, but he never hurt her.. the only thing I will give Liam is deacons involvement in liams kidnapping with Quinn.. I guess thinking about that, I can see why Liam is so dead against him.. but still, deacon is far worse than bill.. bill should have been in jail most of his life for things he has done..

    5. Oops meant bill is far worse than deacon..

  2. Sheila's comments about the moth in Deacon's wallet and using his library card to pay for the drinks made me laugh!!

  3. Steffy's my girl and I love her to death but... "Just like I did with Sheila." That statement was very insensitive to say. First of all, Sheila is not her mother but Deacon is Hope's father. Secondly, all Steffy did was tell Finn that his mother couldn't be a part of their lives. Finn was the one that actually told Sheila, more than once, that she couldn't have a relationship with him or his son. I understand how Steffy feels about Sheila and why but she should be a little more sensitive toward Finn.

    I hope this doesn't mean we're going to see Steffy and Liam bonding over this mess.

    1. They’ll be so worried about the kids, that they’ll separate, get together, and still co-parent with hope and finn

    2. I think Hope and Finn will become close and Sheila and Deacon will into that!

    3. I think u r right Bfan,pretty predictable..and I am with u Ell, I am a big steffy fan too,but the writers r making her out so insensitive at times..sometimes she is compassionate to his feelings,then she is really cold..I don’t like how she brings it up in front of people,like the other day at hopes,she brought it up and was vey insensitive,and u could see Finn was uncomfortable and embarrassed..she wonders why Finn hides things from her, because he is not confident enough to talk to her about it..if I were to make such big demands of my husband,I would keep it private between us and I would encourage him to talk about how he is feeling about it all and allow him to b honest about it,without fear of retribution..I would still stick to my guns,but I would also be there to help him through it too..and I would not bring it up in every single conversation we’s doing my head in..B&B really need to give the repetitive scripting a’s like they r just filling in gaps to get the sl’s to last as long as possible..and to top it off,they bait us with something, then let us down like a hot air balloon,then pretty much let us know what’s going to happen long before it does..the predictability is BS,we shouldn’t b able to guess what’s next,but without fail, same story line, different month,different actors,and around the merry go round we go!!

  4. I am starting to think that Liam and Steffy deserve eachother. Maybe Hope and Finn should hook up, they seem like a much better match. Also, why not just let Shiela and Deacon get to know their grandchildren, under supervision...Never let them be alone with them until they trust them (If they ever do) How the Forrester are acting atm , they might be doing things worse by keeping them away, because it makes ppl think about ways around it, if they are desperate enough. So I think that the Forresters are just feeding the crazy by refusing any contact.

    1. Sheila and Deacon are quite different in terms of their history with the Forresters. Sheila is a psycho/sociopath who has killed, attempted to kill and made the Forresters lives a living horror. Deacon is a drunk with bad judgement (hope he does not decide to work with Sheila this time).

      Sheila should be nowhere in Finn's or Hayes' lives because she is flat out dangerous and cannot be trusted. She pretends well but will always have a motive or twisted plan up her sleeve because with Sheila, everything is about what she wants. Deacon, on the other hand, is not as self-centred or selfish. Ridge and Brooke are being too hard on him. They can give him a chance.

      The Forresters are acting pretty self-righteous and holier than thou. I can get where they are coming from because of the history they have with these 2 individuals but where Deacon is concerned, I think they can give him the benefit of the doubt.

    2. I agree Ell, Sheila is a whole different entity compared to anyone on this show..spanning both Y&R as well as B&B,over decades of seriously sick and twisted things..she has kidnapped babies multiple times and she wouldn’t hesistate to kidnap Hayes..once she gets obsessed,that’s it,and she is already obsessed with Hayes..she is a very serious threat,and does crazy,deadly stuff to get what she wants..I do not blame steffy one bit..I would do anything to protect my baby and family from her..I would not take any risk whatsoever..if u don’t know every crazy deadly thing she has done,go into Wikipedia and search the name Sheila Carter,and go to story lines in the menu thing, and it tells every sordid detail of what she has done up till now.. it’s fun reading..

  5. Let's go back to the Vinny thing for a moment, shall we? In the real world, would everyone just take a statement from a lab tech that committed suicide due to his undying love for his buddy that"changed the paternity results" without retesting? Finn seemed a little odd back at that time too. A bit too fakely obsessed with Steffy. Having a private birth with the creepy lady. Pushing for that quick wedding. Just saying it leaves some openings for some shockaroos😁

    1. This is what soaps are all about. It can even come out that Sheila was the one that encouraged Vinny to do what he did.

  6. bold and the beautiful is boring so far this week too much talk talk with nothing else

  7. so Steffy and Liam will end up together AGAIN.....due to spouses not wanting their husband and wife to see their mother and father.....go figure, so predicable!

  8. Agree unknown, it’s bad when u know where a storyline is going a long time before it happens..come on writers, have a bit of imagination of ur own than recycling sl’s and people..although having said that, I like that Sheila and deacon r back..and they r putting lots of humour between them..I just wish they would stop dragging their long has Sheila been back for now, and barely nothing yet.. just get to the good stuff already..I like the chemistry between deacon and Sheila..they r like two kids scheming..

  9. Steffy is the Younger version of Broke the only difference is she not "yet" did Will the youngest son of Bill and brother of Liam and wyatt.

    Uhmm Liam remember your dadda Steffy remember your momma shooting bill like forrester

    1. Seriously? Steffy is nothing like Brooke! Liam is the only husband of someone else she slept with and to be fair, Hope slept with Liam while he was married to Steffy and got pregnant!

      Steffy is being faithful to her husband so what is your deal?

      Brooke has cheated on every single person she was ever with! She stole her own daughter’s husband and got pregnant by him ( Deacon was married to her daughter Bridget when she slept with him and got pregnant with Hope), she slept with Katie’s husband Bill, slept with Ridge while married to his father Eric ( thought Bridget was Ridge’s daughter instead of Eric’s) tried to steal Ridge from his wife fiancé then wife Caroline, stole Ridge from his wife Taylor, slept with her teenage daughter’s (Hope’s) date to a dance, slept with her two of her husband’s half brothers one of which was also Bridget’s husband (Nick) and the list is endless!

  10. How hard would it b to trust your own mother when she has slept with TWO of your husbands..there is not a single male except for carter and Charlie, that brook has not slept with in this show.. and Liam, but the way she protects him even when he cheats on hope, I am sure she wants to!!

  11. How hard would it b to trust your own mother when she has slept with TWO of your husbands..there is not a single male except for carter and Charlie, that brook has not slept with in this show.. and Liam, but the way she protects him even when he cheats on hope, I am sure she wants to!!

  12. I love that Kimberlin “Sheila” Brown got a new intro picture and Sean “Deacon” Kanon so soon as well 👍🏼 Means their characters are here to stay a while 🤔👏🏼❤️
