
Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-28-21 Full episode B&B 28th October 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-28-21 Full episode B&B 28th October 2021


  1. Your married ex husband/ boss is rubbing up against your body to get a hard on and he says I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. Lol
    #TheWriting! #MeToo #DonnaGetsRich
    How they can frame all this as two loving friends helping each other is so ridiculous and cringe.

    1. Mmmm Hmmmph!! Just as bad as the previous storyline. Ordering his subordinate to screw his wife. Now rubbing your crusty balls on your employee.... #Free Weinstein .... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Quinn, is sex the only thing you can talk about? It's getting old now. Change the record already

  3. Quinn is raging lol
    Brooke rode her broom straight to Erics
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  4. Good episode today apart from Zende overbearing PDAs in the office. Ending was superb

    1. I am over Pari and zende too unknown,sooooo boring, just bring on Sheila deacon!!

    2. Paris has no chemistry with Zende.

    3. And it shows that she's a good actress because I think we can all feel it.

    4. There is no chemistry there because both actors are plain old boring. Zende always seems uptight even when he is supposed to be having lighthearted moments and fun with his girlfriend. And Paris, I don't know why she always contorts her body in that way when someone is coming in for a hug. It's as though she doesn't want her body to touch theirs so she just rests her chin on their shoulders while the rest of her body remains right where she was standing. It's always awkward and does not add to what should be special moments between her and Zende. They both need to lighten up and have some fun.

  5. How is Quinn the villain?
    It is so disgusting to hear Brooke applaud her sister for arousing another woman husband as Katie, who was a victim of Brooke sleeping with Bill, listens.
    Okay ladies. The writers want us to believe a man only get an erection with someone he loves.
    If only
    That means no cheating, no rapes
    Not good news for hookers

    1. I guess it all depends on the way people want to look at things or think about things. I look at Brooke as being happy about what happened with Eric because she cares about Eric and wants him to be happy. The same goes for her sister. Quinn doesn't deserve to be with Eric. She cheated on him the first time with Carter. She has lied to Eric to try to cover her butt whenever she did something wrong. Then she's got the nerve to say she loves Eric and what's going on with his sex life does it matter, yet she ends up in bed with Carter again. I don't care if Eric approved of it or not. It's still cheating. Eric obviously has issues with his feelings about Quinn. The two of them need to move on without each other. Sex seems to matter more to Quinn than she lets on and it's something you can find anywhere so let her go look for it somewhere. It would be great to see her run back to Carter just to have him tell her it's over and ask her to leave. I just think everybody should stop coming down I'm Brooke and Donna.

    2. I agree. I think Quinn is the true villain. Can’t wait for Eric to move on from Quinn…and moving on with Donna would be just fine.
      Zende and Paris bug me. The story line there is boring.

    3. Really I don't get it because Brooke slept with everyone fathers sons messes around with her sister's husband and nobody sees what kind of rage and w**** she is and then she's judgmental and condescending him about other women and their transgressions please somebody needs to muzzle that b**** she's such a hypocrite she thinks she knows what's best for everybody oh I can't stand her

    4. Thinking Quinn is the villain over Brooke is extremely toxic and a red flag

    5. Dee, u forgot, daughters husbands and boyfriends,and brothers,half brothers, step sons,brothers,teenagers, did I miss anyone?

    6. Maddy, brook doesnt care about Eric, she cares about that mansion and her portrait going above that fire place when erics gone.. it would b a lot easier to talk Donna into handing over the mansion than it would b Quinn when Eric is gone..that’s what she really cares about..

    7. Dear I don't get it....🀣🀣🀣 Trophy for best comment πŸ†

    8. I agree Brooke is the real villian. Brooke is the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen. As for Quinn she most likely would have left sleeping dogs lie if Brook did not stir the pot so much and constantly under mind Eric and Quinn. And as for the affair yes it should not have happen but it takes 2bfor a marriage to fall apart and for the longest time it seemed that Eric never stuck up for Quinn when Brooke was Bad mouthing her. And then to almost completely ignore and show no love to your wife, it can put a strain on any marriage. It will take Eric and Quinn working together to fix there marriage and the logans to stay out of it. He also need to maybe do marriage counseling with Quinn and stop going to Katie or Donna and really set boundaries for Brooke. As for the ED thing. Putting pressure on your self to perform is the wort thing you can do. So I think Donna is right about he just need to be relaxed.

    9. @Soapsfan43, you hit the nail on the head. Very objective and intelligent response.

      Quinn is not the villain here. Brooke has said time and time again that she will do whatever it takes to get Quinn away from Eric and her portrait from off the wall. She continued to run to Eric urging him to leave Quinn because Quinn does not love him and continued to meddle in Eric's and Quinn's marriage. Quinn's retaliation was a reaction to what Brooke did. Quinn's life had completely changed since marrying Eric but Brooke was determined to bring that side out of Quinn again just to prove a point to Eric. Brooke is the worst kind of hypocrite there is because she not only judges other people for their actions without remembering that she did much worse, but she also stands in judgment of other people while stepping out on her own marriage (sharing clandestine kisses with Bill at the cabin). She then continues her tirade against Quinn without even considering that she cheated on her husband the night before. I am so fedup of Brooke!

    10. Maddy, both Brooke ( with Eric’s sons) and Donna ( Sleeping with Owen) cheated on Eric when they married to him!! Brooke is the biggest cheater out there she cheated on every person she was ever with , slept and stole two of her daughter Bridget’s husbands (remember Deacon, Hope’s Daddy, he was married to Bridget when Brooke had to have him and got preggers) ( How about Bill and Brooke cheated with him more than once while he was married to and in a relationship with her sister Katie) and what about sleeping with Hope’s date who was a minor? They both helped steal Forrester from Eric and the Forrester family, and took him for millions!! They are gold digging hypocrites! We are reacting to them slamming Quinn for cheating with Carter which is less than either of them has done and then trying to insert Donna into Eric’s bed!

  6. Remember Brooke slept with Bill

    Then she tried to convince Katie that she is the only one for Bill.
    It is actually Eric who is cheating in that relationship

  7. The Dick wants the blonde and the brain wants the brunette πŸ€ͺ 😏 brooke you misinterpreted it 🀣🀣🀣

    1. And everybody chasing me Quinn out to be the floozy and Donna's so sweet and innocent but she dresses like a cheap tramp for work no class at all she doesn't hold candle to Quinn I like when she's a tough go get in b**** and just because she speaks her mind everybody thinks she's the bad girl Brook's done way more false s*** and her sister walks around letting a married man rub his peedered out pepper all over her like a tease in her trampy dress no class 😡😝🀣πŸ₯Ί

    2. Very true, Boldsteff. You hit the nail on the, um, head. 😁

    3. J, 🀣🀣🀣🀣

    4. Y'all are killing me!

      But I totally agree!

  8. Brooke is a pain, meddling in everyone's business.

  9. I found Brooke's words so humiliating for Quinn. Quinn is not perfect and has done questionable things. Brooke is no better and I can't wait for Taylor to come back (Hunter Tylo will not be returning and Krista Allen is taking over the role of Taylor. She will reappear on December 10th). But, Brooke who still dares to be moralistic about a marriage (the sex life of others) that does not concern her. I really felt sorry for Quinn because someone who touches her and her husband's sex life is really horrible, even for Brooke, I think. Brooke already can't stand people criticizing her for her bedtime mistakes, her cheating and her sex life. She continues to mess around and play other people's sex therapist. She should be careful, because Taylor is going to come back and Madame is going to blame Taylor for taking Ridge away from her (As with Shauna, because initially it was Ridge who kissed Shauna and that is to take away from his wife. Long before that. Quinn does not put his two cents' worth). And Donna who doesn't know how to keep things quiet, I find her so pathetic and bad.

    1. I love Krista Allen! I couldn’t imagine anyone else in Hunter Tylo’s, 59, role and at 50, she can pull it off and give Brooke a run for her money. Krista was the best Billie on DOOL and dated George Clooney for a few years. Can’t wait to see her as Taylor. Thanks, Hanan.

    2. Anonymous, I too think Krista Allen is perfect for the role!! They were talking about Kristian Alfonso at one stage, who would have been good too, but I am excited to see Taylor back, and krista is perfect!!can’t wait for her to finally put brook in her place!!

  10. I just wanted to punch brook!! I have so had enough of her meddling in others sex lives..does she think she is a sex therapist??I guess she is pretty qualified in that are, how to steal another womans man! She should write a book.. she had no right interfering,even Donna said why does she have to get involved..Eric is not happy with Donna now and Quinn’s face, said it all!!watch out Donna!! And the way it came across to Quinn was like he slept with Donna.. but I guess he is having an emotional affair..

  11. Leave it to hypocritical Brooke to condone her sister's behavior with a married man and demoralize Quinn!! As if she's Virginal Saint Brooke without a closet Full of her own 🦴's.She's worse she struts around holier than thou in this fantasy world she's constructed in her own mind where she's this perfect Angel she forgets how full her closet is with skeletons. She's been with father Eric and both his sons and she actually slept with her own daughters husband not to mention her sisters husband several times!!Quinn's no Angel but she doesn't pretend to be either. Brooks slept her way through the whole family of men from 1 generation to the next and had kids with all of them she's a douche extremely low class Whoe stop judging and take a look in the mirror🧟

  12. In one breath brook tares strips off Quinn for having an affair, which brook has done in EVERY relationship she has ever had, which is too many to count, lost track years ago, then in the next breath encourages her sister to do the same thing!!wow!!not surprising though.. and brook started rumours with Pam, both about Donna and Eric, and purposely implied Quinn was unfaithful, hope she she gets in big shit with that!!

  13. its ok for donna to go after a married man but when poor thomas had a huge crash with hope it was a big no from all parts????
    WHAT A S@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#

  14. Ugh.... they are making Eric behave like a dirty old pig, and Donna is dressing so slutty at the office...And Brooke trying to get him away from Quinn is just sickening. He is a grown man, he can speak for himself. Butting her nosy self in everyones business when she herself has done so many bad things. And how can Katie condone this? So if you don't like the person (Quinn) then cheating is okay? They are so hypocritical, all of them. Quinn should just say Good Bye to Eric and leave him.

    The whole thing is just cringe, Eric getting a boner from hugging Donna...*smh*

    1. Your remark about Donna is right on. If I was a guy I would think that a strong woman dressed like one at the office would be much sexier than the way Donna is dressed. But then, I'm not a man. lol

  15. Brooke and Eric are inevitable. I prefer Brooke with Bill bit that won’t happen until something happens to Katie. Something permanent.

  16. To Eric & Quinn: If you two were living in the real world, you could come out to Colorado Springs, CO. There is a clinic here called Peak Performance for Men which fixes ED problems. This practice advertises that new blood vessels can replace the old, broken down blood vessels and fixes the ED problem. Hey B&B, why not come out and film episodes in the beautiful foothills of the Colorado Rockies!

  17. So as rich as they are, the doctors that tried to fix Eric were stupid, because he does not have ed? or is Donna a miracle maker:))
    Yes, people are also stupid and meddling in real life, but i would never allow anyone to do what Brooke is doing. She acts like a stupid and boring person, just walking around gossiping and talking bad about other people. Ridge deserves better:)
