Friday, November 19, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-19-21 Full episode B&B 19th November 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-19-21 Full episode B&B 19th November 2021


  1. Forgive and move on with the storyline already! But wait, Sheila is no longer a villain but a sweet granny right?

  2. Thank you Bob
    I forgot so his dad adopted his own son x

  3. I love Thomas but I think what he just did was uncalled for.

    1. Agree. So much for being a "changed man."

    2. Paris: I have a boyfriend
      Thomas: I am not keeping a record of u, and I just want to get to know u better, and u r just seeing admiration, and I respect your relationship with zende


      Thomas: I am really into u and I am really falling for u, and I am telling u how I really feel, and I can see a future with u,

      And the old Thomas is back!! I often wonder if the writers just write crap and don’t re read what they have written??? Or they are just really that bad at writing?? I think it’s the latter!!🤦‍♀️

  4. Come on writers…what’s up…this on going scenario with Thomas after everyone’s wife/GFs is getting old…I would like to see another side of Thomas…IDK maybe his own man (reformed) it’s not like he can’t get anyone on his own…why are they making Paris such a “tease”…they’re just making her into another Zoey…again, old storyline…the soaps are all getting repetitive and boring…I only follow two soaps B&B, Y&R that’s it for me…they use to be entertaining and exciting what happened?

    1. Totally agree truth.. it BS.. it’s like this tornado the writers have got going.. the sl’s r just rotating around and around just with changing the characters around.. I used to love this show, but it’s getting rediculous..

    2. Bang on. Zoe 2.0
      Remember when Paris was disgusted by Zoe? She was so self righteous.

  5. It's a wonder documents don't go missing with how often pple share the desks in the Forrester office.

    I'm old fashioned in that I like my personal space

  6. What the hell does Finn know about "manning up?" He didn't have the balls to tell his wife that Sheila contacted him after they got married. And instead of telling his wife that he wants to get to know his birth mother, Finn confides that to Paris and Hope. It's rare to see Finn get pissed off but it's funny as hell. LOL.

    As for Thomas and Paris, i don't know why the writers are trying to put these two together. I don't see any chemistry between them. And that orange hair Paris is sporting is an eye sore.

    1. Yes. The chemistry is Hope & Thomas. Paris has chemistry with only herself.

    2. Hell no. Hope doesn't want him. You know Hope loves her some Liam.

  7. Agree!! Lose the Easter egg hair colors, Paris!

    1. 🤣🤣, Thomas says “the way u light 💡 up a room when u walk in” and everyone turns to her?? I think he is confused?? The hair is whats lighting the room up and makes heads turn?? Especially this latest colour, it’s blinding.. three colours of the rainbow so far!! Only 4 to go?? Can’t wait to see green!!

  8. Thank you Bob! I’m tired of all of this stupid and boring storylines…. I want Flo and Wyatt !

  9. i mean paris she is not even hot lol
    the whole forgive me thing is so boring and its been done to death to all the soap operas.yes now finn will stay mad at him like get out i dont wanna see you again bla bla and then voila one shining day i forgive you dad

  10. Like J said , Paris only has chemistry with herself!! I don’t see any chemistry with her and any other male on the show.. I am sooo disappointed the writers r turning thomas back into what he was.. he started to b a good guy for a change, now they r completely doing a back flip and he is going to b unlikable again.. first he says it’s just admiration, then in the next breath, professes his love for her.. come on.. it’s a zoey, carter, zende sl, but a different guy.. it’s BS.. and boring..

    As for Finn, anonymous, u r spot on there!! Finn is being a bit hypocritical there.. he hasn’t learned any lessons, and keeping things from his own wife because he doesn’t want to lose steffy.. but then again, steffy has made it difficult for him at times, but it’s no excuse.. and telling others how he really feels and not steffy, not a smart way to go about it..I can’t stand jack.. I haven’t liked him from the start.. he was forced into telling the truth.. he thanks Sheila for not outing him and he is only telling the truth cause he has no choice now.. he would still lie if he was able to.. even telling lee, he tried to convince her not to tell Finn.. but I have to say, the way Finn spoke about his mother and defended her, was really touching.. she is the only non blood relative and has more morals and grace than any of the women on this show.. she is the one who loves him most.. hopefully Finn took notice of jack’s warnings about Sheila though, when he told him she kept popping up on the news.. and hopefully he gets angry at her too for becoming between lee and jack with the affair and not telling him about jack when he asked.. but we all know , what we say doesn’t count to the writers..seriously bell needs to man up and hire a new writer and step down, if he want the show to b successful, rather trying to fill his fathers shoes unsuccessfully.. if he can’t see that he is the one jeopardising the shows, somethings wrong..

  11. Replies
    1. Awww♥️Baby number 3🤰I adore her, they sure are a power couple ❤️ I'm sure they would fit in her pregnancy into the storyline somewhere... Can't wait!

    2. Wow, awesome!! Congrats JMW!! With the story line the way it is now, if they do include it, it might b another, steam affair and who’s the daddy!! Wouldn’t surprise me, because trouble is coming for lope with deacon, and probably sinn as well.. and the way the writers keep repeating the story lines, desperately trying to keep us watching, probably will happen..

    3. Could be that Sheila does something to Steffy and she goes away for a while. When she comes back Finn is with Hope😴. Or worse Paris😤

    4. Actually Scarlett I think u might b right..?

    5. Scarlet , nooooo, not paris 🤣🤣🤣

  12. I was thinking...what if this storyline with Paris and Thomas has Thomas go back to his weird psycho self if Paris turns him down. Personally, i think Thomas came on a little too strong with Paris saying he wants a future with her. Okay, that's something you say after a few months of dating someone, not to your co worker or your new roommate who you know is involved with someone else. How about instead of Thomas and Paris, what about...Thomas and Quinn! I can hear the "NOOOOs" already. LOL!! Just kidding. Have a good weekend everybody. See you guys back here on Monday.

    1. Step granny?? I think that’s the only one that’s not been done??

    2. Sure why not Thomas & Quinn…at least it’s not the same old storylines…that would spice it up…besides, not bloggers can be hating on Quinn instead of Brooke…she to can fo through the Forester men like Brooke…Quinn loves families relatives…first Bill Spencer a child out of wedlock Wyatt…affair with son's bro Liam a short attraction w/a kiss Ridge marry Eric so why not “Thomas” makes perfect sense to me…than she’ll having nothing to say about Brooke’s choices…KARMA

  13. I was so happy to see Jack still alive on today's episode. With her training, I thought Li would have found a secret medical way to bump him off by now!

  14. The writers need to stop with Thomas and Paris. Paris looks like a child and Thomas like a sleezy pedophile! Stop it now!

    I can't help but laugh at Zende's gullibility. Carter just told him what he overhead about Thomas and Paris having a special dinner and all he can say is that he hopes they can have more? That Paris has been a good influence on Thomas? Wasn't it not too long ago that Zende called Paris out on her feelings for Finn? Or has he forgotten about all those times she was gushing over another man while being involved with him?

    I may be the only one, but I liked how Jack handled the reveal. He was quite mature about it. He did not try to offer any excuses or justifications, neither did he beg for Li or Finn to see it his way. He may end up losing his family but I'm glad to see that he was man enough to come clean. He could have just asked (or told) Sheila to continue covering for him since she doesn't seem to mind doing so.

    1. And, I think that jack would still not have owned up, only that he has no choice, and Finn was determined to find his father, so jack knew what Sheila said was right, it’s better coming from him than Finn finding out any other way.. so he would have kept lying I think..

  15. Even though I don’t like jack, I tend to agree with u Ell.. he was completely honest about it and did tell the truth.. but adopting your own son was so wrong on so many levels.. and like fin said, lee was working long hours exhausted and trying to conceive and then jack does that!! He doesn’t deserve her..and tricking lee into adopting his child that was conceived from an affair.. I think that would b hard to forgive.. his only saving grace for Finn is what he said about getting to know Sheila and watching the news ect.. but even then??
    And where paris is concerned , u r spot on, it does 👀 like that!! When paris was crushing on Finn it was like a teenage girl crushing on a man, and this is back to front.. Thomas I think is older than steffy, so would b about the same age as Finn.. it is so not appropriate, but then again, NOTHING on this show is ever appropriate🤣🤣

    1. Cheating is always wrong but I give Jack kudos to ending the affair once he realized who Sheila was and ensuring that his son was not left with Sheila. He should have come clean back then rather than put on the charade of adopting his biological son but, as he explained, he did not want to lose Li. I sort of understanding his thinking at the time. Having an affair is one thing but having an affair with a sociopath and impregnating her takes it to another level. I don't think Li would have been very understanding back then. And Finn would not have had the benefit of 2 loving parents to mold him into the person he is today.

  16. I thought Thomas,Steffy and their sister that died were triplets?

  17. No, Thomas is not a twin..I am pretty sure he is the oldest though
