
Monday, November 22, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-22-21 Full episode B&B 22nd November 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-22-21 Full episode B&B 22nd November 2021


  1. Can we just put Tanner Novlan in a SILENT Joe Boxer campaign or something. His "acting" SUCKS !!!

  2. Having said that, he's overreacting to the news of Jack being his father. It's ridiculous. Suck it up and move on

    1. Agree. Maybe it's the shock. He should be calming down. ...or not.. 🧐

  3. Brooks need to still of people business she remembers she did it all father and sons and her daughter husband

  4. Finn. Eeds to get a life. He cd forgive steffy he like a dummy he cant act lol

  5. I guess it's safe to say that Finn is NOT happy about finding out who his biological father is.

    He went overboard though. I could have seen Li being angry and unforgiving about her husband stepping out on her and having a child with the other woman but Finn was raised by his biological father all his life and all he sees is how his dad lied to him? He is accepting of his biological mother even though she is a sociopath and felon but he cannot accept that Jack is his bio dad.

    So Thomas decides to move out but figured he would just put it out there about wanting a chance with Paris before he moseyed along. Lol. Thomas is too much.

    Carter and Zende. Bleh.

    1. You do realize finns pissed cause his own father kept it from him all these years. I would be too. He should of told finn when he turned a teenager

    2. but he is also terribly pissed that his mother was so wronged all those years ago & just found out...i would be very upset too!

    3. I'm not saying that Finn should not be upset. I'm saying that he went overboard. Just before Jack and Li arrived, he was gushing to Steffy about the wonderful parents he had. Then, he finds out Jack is his bio dad and he flips because, according to Finn, his entire life has been a lie. That's reaching and over-reacting. The bottom line is that he was raised by 2 wonderful and stable parents. Yes, he can be upset but finding out that this man he has admired and looked up to his whole life is actually his bio dad should be something to celebrate. It's nice that he can defend his mom but she needs to handle her business herself.

  6. OC Finn is overreacting, it is so silly for him to react this way. BTW does anyone fastforward Zoë and Zende like me? 😁

    1. So finn just found out after years of being lied to and you think he was sopose to say that's OK dad. Give me a hug. I would of reacted the same way for a few days you would too

  7. Finn is overreacting. He's is not raised by the devil but by his own dad. Get over it Finn...

  8. Zende and Carter have more chemistry than Zende and Paris.

    I saw some people applaud Tanner Novlan's "acting" on social media. They must have been sarcastic.

  9. In my opinion Finn has a right to be mad at his dad!

    1. I agree. Especially since he just barely found out this huge bombshell. You can't expect him to just forgive and get over it right away. Give him time, I'm sure he won't stay mad forever. Everybody on this show forgives everybody else eventually. At least if they are "family," it seems that forgiveness is inevitable.

  10. Damn, Finn is mad as hell. I'm sorry but the last scene had me cracking up. And speaking of bad acting, Thomas and Paris...YAWN! Their scenes together are a waste of airtime.

  11. Thomas was way out of line there, but I think Paris handled that situation with grace. Am I the only one who *doesn't* think Tanner Novlan is a terrible actor?

    1. NO!! I think he is ok and is slowly getting the hag of it.

    2. He's just not right for this role. Maybe Sean Penn's role in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. "Hey Bud, let's party" 😂😂😂

  12. Paris' hair reminds me of Cheetos!

  13. The storyline is getting annoying

  14. I personally think Finn had every right to get as upset as he did.. his father didn’t just admit to having an affair, he adopted his own son!! All that to just cover his own ass.. that is piss weak of him!! And from Lee’s point of view, as she said, she wasn’t aware she just adopted her husbands love child from an affair.. jack can say all he likes that he did it to protect “them”, BS, in the next breath he says he did cause he didn’t want to lose lee..

    And I commend Finn for how he protected his mother and how he knew what she was going through, working long hours and trying to conceive.. and he would probably feel like everytime his mum looks at him now, it’s going to be different.. he said I am a product of that betrayal to my mother, so he is probably going to feel bad that every time she looks at him now, it’s going to instantly remind her that of the affair and that she raised a child from it.. even though lee would not do that, Finn is going to feel like it..

    Even a few episodes ago, when jack organised to meet Sheila at il giardino , so he could manipulate her into keeping quiet.. he went from threatening her, to using her feelings for him, when he reached across the table to hold her hands.. and the way he reacted when she said Finn wants to know about him, he was so stressed and desperate.. the ONLY reason he came clean, was because Sheila said Finn is adamant finding out who is real father is, and that it would b better finding out from him, than Finn finding out any other way.. so he had no intention on coming clean.. but he was forced to, because it was going to come out anyway.. so I have no sympathy for jack and his excuses.. it was not just an affair, he tricked lee into adopting Finn and went to the lengths to adopt his own child.. that’s sick.. but I think eventually he will forgive him but it will take a while..

    1. THANK GOD! Someone FINALLY saw the light! Li was so worried about Finn she forgot to slap the man on the face so I'm glad HER son has got her back!

    2. It’s sad, because Li, who is not a blood biological parent, and she is the one who cares and loves him the most!! Sheila only showed up right after he married a forrester, and has said time and again that she WILL b apart of the forrester family.. where was she all the other decades?? There’s no doubt that jack lives and adores his son, and credit to him for the life he gave him, but it does not excuse the lengths he went to , so he could ultimately protect himself.. he made so many excuses, and the best one was “I did it because I was young and couldn’t handle facing being a grown up” , something like that, how insulting to Li, and Finn.. daddy wasn’t ready to play grown ups??

    3. Finn has a right to be upset, but he took it too far. He needs to see the benefits of being raised by his actual father. All of that shouting and "get out" was unnecessary. He showed Jack more vitriol than he does Sheila who is, by far, much worse. If Finn is adamant about alienating his only father, he needs to also think about what that would mean for the rest of his life and his children's lives. I hope he comes around soon because that reaction from him was way too much.

  15. Thomas is just a repeat of Zoe with Zende with his "if there is a chance, let's explore it...". eh!!

  16. Will Zoe and Carter find their way back after the much needed separation, or will Zende be enamoured by Zoe when the Thomas fiasco surfaces? Hmmm

  17. And, I have a sneaky suspicion that the reason Sheila urged jack to come clean, was for her own benefit.. she will come out looking better than jack, cause a big part of it was that jacked conned Sheila into giving Finn up!! Now she will say jack took advantage of her to take Finn away from her, hoping Finn will get more angry at his dad, and be more accepting towards her.. she has an agenda!!

    1. Sheila already admitted to Finn that she willingly gave him up because she could not give him the life that he deserved. You can hate Jack but it doesn't seem like there was any conning involved. And even if there was, Sheila had many opportunities to make herself known to her son if she felt that she was wronged since she also admitted to Finn that she watched over and kept up with him all his life.

  18. Jack deserved what he got. He is a liar and a cheat. Finn is kind and honest and. You dont just move on from your father lying to you all your life !! It is shattering. Paris speaks so slowly like she has just woken up ... and Thomas good grief all about himself again. But I love the Bold and thank you Bob.

  19. Its a shame I have to fast foraward through the paris, thomas. Ande zende love triangle. Its so fake.
