
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-24-21 Full episode B&B 24th November 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-24-21 Full episode B&B 24th November 2021

Episodes 11-25-21 and 11-26-21 will not be on TV due to the holiday in the USA (Thanksgiving Day).


  1. The scenes were definitely in the wrong order....

  2. Thank you Bob xxxx
    Still prefer the tradition at the Forresters

  3. there is something where i'm right, lope on screen looks like two strangers, even two friends with no intimate feelings or attraction. It’s not a couple that lights up the screen, there’s not that spark. Lope's scenes were so weird. It was as if, two friends who are like siblings. AN and SC definitely don't have a chemistry like Sinn or Thope. And even the few scenes Hope has had with Wyatt since Hope's arrival in 2018 have been promising. I'm not buying this revisited Thanksgiving, with "a couch" for a chair, with "the knees" for a table and the "brunch" meal. And the turkey that is cut standing on a buffet. The best holiday meals have always been the best at Eric's for years. The infuriating thing was Hope's demeanor about Deacon's absence. Everything has to be about her, her and her. I agree that she should see her father. But, she doesn't have to impose it on the family remnants who don't want him. And the glare she gave when Brooke and Ridge kissed. I tell you, Hope will be the next to trouble her mother's relationship with Ridge. There was Rick, Steffy, Phoebe, Thomas and Hope's next. Finally, Liam who recognizes the role and the positive impact on Kelly and Steffy. it was about time Liam finally said it and assumed he had hurt Steffy too. While Liam has times, he made Steffy suffer so much by cheating on him in every marriage and engagement he has had with her. I feel like saying, Brooke's last happy moment, Taylor is coming home, she intends to right some injustices, to reprise her rightful role as Kelly, Douglas and Hayes' grandmother and I can not wait to see it.

    Happy Thansgiving to all

    1. and I forget the absence of Thomas, so disrespectful. Ridge has two children who live in the same town. Steffy is present and where is Thomas. really awful. And I'm forgetting one more thing, Ridge calling Finn "Son". He never told Liam, karma for Liam.

    2. Thomas not there because the writers trying to focus on Paris and Carter now lol😂😂

    3. @Adrian totaly, so stupid. Oh Paris is beautiful, oh she is bla bla bla. So bad

    4. Where is RJ ??????? Brooke and Ridge have a son together who must be an adult, but we haven’t seen him in years no ?

  4. Sheila's vision was fun, especially when steffy called her mom😂 steff looks great

    1. very funny but a little weird. Hope's behavior when she started freaking out about Deacon and her right to be with them. and she scolded her eyes, Deacon's absence at Ridge. She totally has the right to see him, but where she is wrong. she does not have to force others to want not to see it if they do not want to. I found her a rotten child who didn't get what she wanted

    2. I loved the Shelia - Steffy dream sequence as well! JMW was so campy 😂 it was brilliant! Deacon’s made me laugh! Ridge never liked flip flopping Liam…he’s got a worthy son in law now and he makes sure Finn knows it!

      It is hysterical how Brooke likes to play Lady Muck and cannot use her posh formal dining room for a traditional family dinner? I missed Eric, I hope they aren’t setting her up as the new Forrester matriarch, especially since Ridge isn’t even Eric’s biological son.

  5. Too bad that Brooke & Ridge's huge, beautiful mansion doesn't have a dining room so that they could enjoy their Thanksgiving feast at a table instead of balancing it on their laps. 🤣

  6. It is unrealistic that Brooke wouldn't invite her sisters for Thanksgiving. Let us hope that II Giardino's - the only restaurant in Los Angeles - is serving turkey. 🤣

    1. Thought the same thing. Sisters, Thomas, and Eric, although I realize that Eric couldn't be there because of Quinn.

  7. I really hope they write JMW’s new pregnancy into the script! It would be brilliant to see Hope scrambling to get pregnant to keep up with her 😂

  8. this was so dumb
    no katie
    no donna
    no eric
    ok no queen but who cares? lol
    and no
    are you serious????
    at least they could explain their osbense
    its a tv show fiction but mistakes like these are annoying

    1. All they had to say was Katie was traveling to Will's boarding school to see him. They could have said Amelia had the holiday off, so Donna is with the kids, but will be joining us shortly and then just never show that part. We learned Thomas is moving, so all they had to say was he would be late due to moving. Eric & Quinn could have just decided to have their own private Thanksgiving.

    2. It was always by Eric, and that was always nice. And everybody take a chat how they feel about each other. That was every year a warm and honest feeling

  9. All the others r missing cause there’s no room for them in that mansion?? Highlight was sheilas day dream.. OMG steffy made me laugh!! Well I don’t think hope was really that thankful this thanks giving, the daggers every single time she looked at ridge said it all..

    I tbhought ridges speech was a bit in appropriate, bringing up everyone’s issues in front of everyone else, in detail!! U could see he made most people there uncomfortable.. and, who was the first one that was thankful for?? U guessed it, paris!! Great start to the speech, even had to bring up her singing!! And last but not least, looks like a carter, Quinn, Katie, Paris square coming on.. if paris, zende, Thomas and every other man on the show wasn’t bad enough.. I included Quinn, cause when she finds out carter might b getting on with Katie, especially, she not going to b happy..

  10. And deacon makes me laugh🤣🤣🤣 bring Sheila out of her daydream with “and then they lock u up and throw away the keys” 🤣🤣

    1. Deacon & Sheila together are comedy gold! Recently, I saw them on "The Talk". They had the same banter going on the talk show. So, it is an easy acting job for both of them and brings much needed humor to the show!

  11. They are supposed to be a "dynasty"where is the dining table??

    1. I know!!!! the outside shot of that house is HUGE...surely that could have knocked together a dining room for this episode

  12. 😂Sheila's daydream made me laugh so hard, omw..

    Thanks Bob for the heads up, will catch the next episode on Monday.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all 🦃❤️

  13. Why is everyone being so picky about the dining table? The family moment was quite cozy and intimate. I liked it. As a matter of fact, I always like seeing the family come together despite their issues throughout the year. It shows what is really important.

    I agree that Hope seems to have it out for Ridge due to his feelings about her father. She'll be alright though. She's a grown woman and she can have a relationship with Deacon without Ridge's approval.

    I can see the family scene with Deacon happening for real one day. However, Sheila can keep dreaming because there is no way that she will ever be accepted by the Forresters.

    1. I can see deacon being accepted for real too, but somehow, I can’t see that ridge will ever accept him because of brook.. ridge has never let brook associate with any of her ex’s except his dad Eric.. I think he feels threatened, because he knows how much brook likes to let her heart slip off her sleeve.. I can see trouble brewing with ridge and brook over deacon, then brook will turn to deacon and she will do what she always does, and it will b oh, I only slept with him because I thought our marraige was over, or oops, I thought he was u ridge!?

  14. But, the family did not come together. There were many people missing with no explanation. Rich people have formal dining rooms & don't balance a heavy Thanksgiving meal on their lap. The Connors do that, but the Forrester family would not! Not being picky, just pointing out that the show has an opportunity for improvement with details.

    1. And they usually avail themselves of that opportunity every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It shouldn't be a big deal if they do something different one year.

      As for family, Thomas may have felt uncomfortable with Zende and Paris there given that he just professed his feelings to Paris. Eric and Quinn weren't there for obvious reasons and Donna may not be in a thankful mood after losing her job and her honeybear and so, Katie decided to keep her company.

      Additionally, the show may have protocols in place as it pertains to gatherings and social distancing so they really could not have had a huge crowd on set.

    2. It could be that those who are missing might have taken leave for the real thanksgiving holidays? And eric Quinn, that’s an obvious one!!

  15. There could have been many reasons for the missing characters, but none were provided. I think it would have been interesting to have Katie there to see if others picked up on the connection between Katie & Carter... ♥️😚🌹😏♥️

  16. Today, they are replaying Finn & Steffy's wedding. Remember when Steffy got mad at Finn & decided not to file the marriage certificate. Does anyone remember whether or not the paperwork was filed? I can't remember it ever being addressed again...

  17. Hi Bob was there an episode today please xxx

    1. The episode of August of this year was re-shown today. The new episode will be on Monday.

  18. every one says that the video is no longer available?

    1. The video is working now. Something is wrong with your browser.

  19. I live in sweden and i cant see episode 25-26/11 why??

    1. There were no episodes on Thursday and Friday because of the holiday in the USA (Thanksgiving Day).

  20. It was nice to have a holiday that wasn’t all about the Logan sisters!

    I loved the daydream sequences it adds a lovely comical touch that livens things up a bit.

    Ridge was a bit brutal pointing out everyone’s negative experiences/behaviour and the Paris perfection litany was too over the top. He and Brooke holding themselves up as the model couple is too funny and it will implode as usual when Brooke and Deacon hook up again at some point.

    I see Hope’s hostility and I think Ms perfect is going to step into her mummy’s shoes and try to manipulate her mum into getting together with Deacon. Brooke definitely still has feelings for Deacon and if Ridge is away for five minutes she will need someone to comfort and keep her warm 😂!

    When Taylor comes back it will be brilliant to see what happens maybe some good old rows to liven things up. I could see Jack being taken with her after Linn divorces him.

    1. I can't wait for Brooke and Deacon. Especially if it comes at the hands of Hope. It will be nice to see a not so perfect side to Hope for a change. Jack and Taylor... not a bad idea at all.

      I also agree about Ridge. I usually like him but he has been a grand tool for the past couple of months.

    2. A grand tool🤣🤣 yes he has been.. I used to like him too but not lately.. and bfan spot on, ridges speech to everyone, blatantly pointing out their personal issues in front of everyone, he didn’t need to go that far!! And notice he pointed out everything about others, and none of himself or brooks tyrany!! Typical!!

  21. And lame, says to Finn newbies r on dish duty!! And I like how he says to Finn, I know I don’t say it enough, but in the spirit of thanks giving, then pretty much welcomes him into the family?? Like he and steffy just met a week ago?

  22. thanks Bob. What a sucky show thanksgiving was geeze louise

  23. Hope is one of the worst dressed women on the shows, and whata have they done to her hair??? yikes. Then Steffy has the glued to the head hair.
