
Friday, December 10, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-10-21 Full episode B&B 10th December 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-10-21 Full episode B&B 10th December 2021


  1. What is going on with Hunter Tylo these days? I think, however, Krista Allen would make a nice new character on the show

  2. the good part? thank you Bob. They shouldnt have replaced Tylor w someone else look alikes dont work. I think its time i took a break from this stupid show.

    1. i have don't watch 2 month and it's the same only another taylor is back, i hate the taylor caracter so i stop again.

  3. Ridge is so fucking boring he wines to much.brooke and bill need to be back together.everytime his part comes on I skipped over it that's also go for steffy and Thomas too

  4. why it is ridge needs to be boozed up to be with a next woman?

  5. I dont like new Taylor at all. Pls put her back with Ridge. This Ridge is such a jerk!!!! Cant just dictate Hooe what to do!!!

  6. Here we go again,Ridge stop whining over Hopes decision..Back and forth,now that Taylors back maybe you should hook up with her so Brooke can hook op with Deacon, problem solved..

  7. who the heck is she that aint taylor hatee wen they switch ppl ughh

  8. Now, here comes the drama B&B is known for. Been far too long. Glad Taylor is back. I like how she was eyeing Ridge up and down. Come on back Ridge and Taylor. ❤️

    1. Ridge looked smitten when he saw Taylor. Fully expect them to reunite.

    2. He sure did. Can't wait to see the chemistry between these 2.

    3. Me too! I wasn’t impressed with what brook said about Taylor, when at present people are mentioning her indiscretions betraying her own daughter!! She has no right to say what she said.. that really peed me off.. talk about hypocrisy.. she is having a go at ridge with his insecurities with deacon and the next breath as soon as Taylor’s brought up she says things like that!! Especially with who their mother is because she didn’t come to the wedding, because she was helping kids in third world countries.. yes Taylor has had issues, but like ridge said, after everything she went through with Sheila, she could be forgiven for some things, especially since she lost years of her life and kids SAVING BROOKS LIFE!!

  9. I can't stand Taylor and not even a new actress could make me change my mind

    1. I prefer Taylor to the slut Brooke.

    2. Unknown Taylor slept with more men in the show than brook did
      Plus she killed somebody shot at bill stole a medical report and her daughter died because she slept with her boy friend
      She is no better than brook

  10. So Taylor could sneak into a house supposedly guarded and locked down against Sheila?
    😆 Poor kids
    And Taylor, the good deeds, so commendable given you tried to Kill Bill but we're never charged. Lol
    You are now going to be the sweetness vs Brooke. Missing Shauna right now.

  11. Welcome Taylor
    I do hope Bell isnt just gona use character to boost up logans
    Thank you Bob xxx

  12. Love Krista Allen, as the new Taylor. She is a wonderful actress and very pretty lady. 🤗🎄❤️❤️

  13. Wow. This actress looks a lot like Hunter Tylo.

    Bell is resurrecting all the long time characters in an effort to increase ratings. I welcome it!! Loved the Taylor/Brooke drama of long ago. Can't wait to see what's in store. It's about time that Ridge goes back to his true love. 😁

    I wish Sheila would leave Deacon alone.

    1. You would think Sheila would get a clue. Deacon said he would rather be with a mop than her! 😂

    2. If nothing else, the actors do have a fun and quirky chemistry when they're together. They play very well off each other.

  14. Ring the bell, the cow has come home

  15. I love Krita Allen..she was awesome as billy on dool.. she hasn’t changed much at all, still stunning as ever.. I can see ridge is going to dump on her and get drunk and end up waking up to her the next morning.. typical scenario.. but I hope they do!! Like Ell said, some brook taylor drama!! This will happen because the last scene of brook saying her and ridge r solid and no one will come between them, and next scene ridge rocks up at steffy’s with a bottle of scotch in hand and the way he looked at Taylor!! And steffy will encourage it!!

    As for deacon, this is now becoming him obsessing over brook.. that’s all he is now thinking about.. and Sheila is getting on my nerves.. doesn’t she have some plan to hatch.. she is becoming obsessed with her jealousy for deacon, it’s driving her nuts.. she won’t stop until she causes trouble for him because she cannot stand the fact he has what she wants , and if she can’t have what she wants, then she not gonna let deacon have it either.. she is just humiliating herself trying to come onto him the way she is.. and how did she know deacon was staying there?? Did she not get it when he said he would rather sleep with the mop?? How humiliating and still she didn’t stop.. last time she was on b&b, she worked as a waitress there, so she can’t have a go for that.. only difference he is sleeping there.. leave him alone..

    I hope they didn’t bring Sheila back for all this time to just have her up sniffing deacons ass all the time like a cat on heat??

  16. If Taylor came back to get ridge back than her heart is black! She was away got toooooo long! That's weak! Just like her daughter. Bet you a chocolate and a cookie that Steffi will leave her husband if Liam waves at her with his "willy"! The foresters think they are untouchible. When they are blind for reality they won't see that they are just as touchible as everyone!

    1. Liam is a pathetic man child . Steffy has a real man now who isn’t a waffle King. Why would she want Lame back? Hope can have him!

      I’m still laughing how Lame was all Hope who? While she was out of sight totally out of mind. How hard did he fight to get Steffy from Wyatt??? He only remembered and suddenly loved Hope so much when she came back and pursued him and then only married her because of their trap baby Beth!

      I’m glad Steffy got out of that toxic triangle! Ridge should walk away from the Hogan witches and go back to the wife who loves him and doesn’t put him last after anyone named Logan and any other fella who flatters her and catches her eye!

      I’m looking forward to some Taylor - Sheila rows over Finn and Hayes lol!

    2. Bnb fan simply because steffy has been and always be a doormat to liam 😂😂😂

  17. Hayes is NOT Taylor's name sake !! I wonder how much stupid those writers can be serioulsy!!! Hayes was her first husband's name, Steffy gave her son the name of an abusive man wow!!! And Taylor is happy about it?!

    1. Yes Hayes is Taylor's name sake. Taylor last name is Hayes.

    2. Hayes was her abusive first husband, why would one name the sweet wee bairn that? It’s Taylor’s professional name, so fair enough but still!

  18. Yay! Taylor is back. 🎉😘

    Krista is gorgeous, loved her as Billie Reed on Days of our lives all those years ago, hoping she does good in her new role on B&B, has some big shoes to fill.

    She does however look more like Steffy's sister than her mom... Hope I can say the same for myself and my daughter in years to come... Lol

    Anyway Let the drama unfold! 💣

  19. L❤ve me some Taylor and Ridge whomever play the roles...goosebumps at their scene today🙂this Brooke " thing" has run its course its stale dull boring....😙

  20. L❤ve me some Ridge and Taylor no matter whose playing the roles🙂 got goosebumps at their scene today 🙂this "Brooke" thing has run its course its dull and boring and stale....😙
