Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-27-22 Full episode B&B 27th January 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-27-22 Full episode B&B 27th January 2022


  1. Yawn the Brooke n Hope show all of it sigh! Sooooooo boring same old dialogue and soooo sick of Ridge praising Brooke and telling her how amazing she is etc. How does TK choke out those lines lol?

    1. Its just so boring. My God this show keeps getting more and more boring.

  2. When the truth comes out everyone will know that Stone face Brooke, Hope, and Liam manipulated poor Douglas to keep him quiet...all hell will break loose for them. The Forrester's will probably want Thomas to take his son back. Taylor will be the one to say Hope and Liam have not been doing what is in the best interest of the child. That includes his well being. Those three yahoos only care about poor Brooke. She's a grown woman for Pete's sake
    You should always put the children first. Hope and Liam...and lying grandma have neglected and violated Douglas' custody agreement. Can't wait to see it all blow up in their faces
    The are all hypocrites. Especially Liam who supposedly always tells the truth. Don't let this drag on. Please!!!
    And thanks for not showing Paris and Carter today. 👍

  3. Brooke: I'm doing all that I can, seeing my sponsor, going to meetings, taking responsibility and finally- lying my azz off to you!!!! Awhhhhh hahahahaha sucker 🍭

  4. Brooke asking to speak to Douglas alone should have brought an immediate reaction from Hope.
    Oh sure she said and ran from the room.

    1. You would have thought Hope would have got her Mom alone & asked about the conversation Brooke had with Douglas. If for nothing else, she should have questioned her Mom so everyone would be on the same page.

    2. Hope never should have allowed Brooke to speak with Douglas alone , she knew what her mum was going to say. Hope’s only job there was to protect Douglas from Brooke’s manipulation, instead she and Liam cannot leave fast enough and poor Douglas is left to that witch.

      Thomas bring your wee man home where he belongs. Clearly Hope puts her selfish mother’s wants ahead of Douglas’s well being!

  5. Today, when Ridge was trying to encourage Brooke, he was telling her everything she had done right. He said "you didn't lie about it". 🤣

    Oh please, let Douglas ask Grandma to read him the bedtime story about Pinocchio! 🤥

    Would love to see stone face Brooke read that book to Douglas.

    Did you notice that when Ridge asked Brooke what was going on, she said she was reliving that night. What's the matter, Brooke, are you having a hard time packing up the memories? Unable to do what you told Douglas to do? 🤔

    Do as I say not as I do!

  6. Well at least we didnt have to see paris love triangle👏👏👏

  7. Same story lines,over and over and over ....please enough

  8. Carter and paris..omg ..boring and tasteless😕😞

  9. So Sheila has developed a super hearing powers now? It is waaay too obvious where all this is going. Why can't Bill overhear them instead and start meddling in it? It was alo way more interesting when Taylor had a drinking problem. Finn should almost kill Kelly in some car accident and Deacon saves her, then Steffy falls in love with Deacon, Ridge consoles Taylor who starts drinking again, Nick comes back to Katie, Brooke goes back to Bill and they jet off somewhere cool?😊

    1. Yes, it looks like Sheila was having trouble hearing what Deacon and Hope were whispering about.
