Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-10-22 Full episode B&B 10th February 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-10-22 Full episode B&B 10th February 2022


  1. The women of B&B
    Who is the biggest liar?
    Who is the biggest tramp?
    Who is the biggest bitch?
    The boys are such wimps.

  2. So Taylor is saying that they don't know what happened when Deacon spent the night and Ridge immediately jumped to the conclusion that his wife is having an affair. Seems he knows his wife's capabilities. Lol.

    The truth is out. Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.

    1. Or he is projecting? I mean he did spend the night with Shawna in the bed, in the room, above the bar and nothing happened. Except the drinking and the kiss.

    2. You got it Elle, Ridge knows how many times Brooke has actually slept with other men and his kind goes there straight away.

      I wish they had shown the video. Seeing the time stamp and Deacon leaving minutes before he arrived and after he texted Brooke he was coming home that would have shaken him!

      He is really saying , “You didn’t have an affair with Deacon (AGAIN) right?”

      Honesty, I hope he doesn’t believe that Deacon spent the night in her bed amd they didn’t do anything. Maybe he will arrogantly confront Deacon again and he’ll pretend they did sleep together 😆😆🤣🤣.

      I think Ridge and Shauna should get back together. She was good for him actually. Brooke will turn to Bill and Eric to pressure Ridge or make him jealous to try and get him back. Poor Deacon will be her fall back if that fails. She cannot be alone for a second without a man.

  3. a whole week to get this situation to come out. Jeez what a drag. It was anticlimactic ending.I miss the B&B big reveals.

  4. That pause makes Brooke look sooooooooooooooooo guilty. "No!" would have shot out of my mouth so fast and hard that Ridge wouldn't have had time to begin his classic stare down!

    1. OMG, I came here to say the exact same thing...why did she esitate? She is not having an affair with Deacon, and nothing more than a kiss happened that night. Why is she silent?

    2. Maybe because her constant flashbacks to when they were having an ongoing affair that resulted in Hope, or thinking non stop about making out on New Years or the obvious feelings she still has for Deacon make it hard to deny emotional betrayal!

      Brooke can tell everyone how much she loves Ridge but she’s always thinking about other men, whether it’s Bill or Deacon or whoever! She is incapable of being faithful!

    3. It's a soap. The pause was calculated.

  5. Oh Ridge
    He thinks it's an affair?
    But I doubt the scrawny Taylor is going to be a good rebound. He is more of a Shawna kind of guy.

  6. Priceless that Deacon, who hasn't been to Hopes place since New Year Day, is
    visiting when Brooke is confessing.
    Do you think Deacon and Ridge will run into each other as the Friday cliff hanger? Taking bets.
    Venmo me and I will hold the cash.

  7. You know who is going to love this ? Quinn
    You know who is going to give side eye? Katie
    You know who is going to come running home to give her a smack down?
    You know who won't give a 🤬?
    RJ and Rick
    RJ and Rick who you say??

    1. I sure wish that Quinn had a front row seat to the karma that Brooke is experiencing right now after she tried so hard to end Eric and Quinn's marriage.

  8. You know who needs to be recast? And soon?
    Throw out a few names for a good Taylor
    And remember, they can dye her hair, add wigs (lol) or extensions (yuck) so don't limit your ideas, like this casting director did.

  9. What a stupid way to do it…. No security footage for Ridge to see Douglas against the glass watching? No seeing Deacon enter in the evening and leave in the morn??? Damn, they had so much they could have done with this but no, he runs home, Brooke whines n cries all is forgiven blah blah how ridiculous all to keep the Logans front and centre as always! 🙄🙄🙄🙄

    1. True ! I wanted Taylor to show Ridge the security footage so bad !

    2. She let him go home to get the truth from Brooke. Once Brooke confirms what Taylor said, the video footage would be moot.

  10. Taylor recast
    Casting director clearly needs assistance.

    Needs chemistry with Ridge, physical presence to match Brooke strength,
    and eats 3 squares and a snack.

    Kelly Sullivan
    Chrystal Chappell
    Gina Tagnoni
    Alla Korot
    Marie Wilson
    Hope of Days

  11. Ridge has got to be tired of looking at Stone face Brooke. Never smiles and always whining and it's depressing. Always kissing on other men. Brooke is a born cheater and liar.

    1. Can we recast Shawna as Taylor and get them 🐪🐫 ing?

  12. Where is Bill? He will definitely have an opinion about all of this crazy 💩

    1. Bill will once again forget Katie’s existence, he’ll tell Brooke how bad the Dress Maker is for her and try to woo her back lol!

  13. Could Liam be any more lame?
    Did the DNA test get switched because he can't be Bill son

  14. Taylor thinks Ridge is an innocent victim of Brooke?
    She doesn't know he had flings with Katie, Quinn and Shawna I gather.
    And her choice of men includes her father in law and The first Dr Buckingham, thanks.
    And she has shooting someone in common with Sheila.
    I miss James.
    And Thorne

    1. Well Brooke hid Ridge’s wife being alive from him for how long? All the while threatening Taylor to stay dead? Faked a pregnancy and miscarriage to try and keep Ridge while his wife actually was pregnant with his child and made Ridge loose out on the first years of Thomas’s life? Brooke who cheated over and over again on Ridge? Who was Eric and Ridge at the same time? ( how is sleeping with your husband’s sons repeatedly soooo much better than Steffy one time sleeping with Bill? Brooke also needed multiple paternity tests because she never knew who the daddy was!!!)

      Brooke always lies to Ridge and he’s so blind to her he never sees it and gets hurt over and over!

      Brooke shoved Thomas over a cliff and left him for dead so that is better?? Lol talk about hypocritical!!!

    2. Ridge and Brooke already signed divorce papers when he got involved with Shauana totally different situations. He never slept with Quinn either. It started as test to see if she would cheat on Eric and she didn’t!!

      Ridge never cheated on Brooke with Katie! Lol

    3. @Bbfan, I was listening to Brooke and Steffy today and when Brooke talked about Steffy never being able to accept her in her father's life, I wished Steffy could have reminded Brooke that she never accepted Steffy and Thomas as Ridge's children either. Up till recently, she still did not want Thomas as a part of their family. And the only reason she has accepted Steffy is because Liam is now with Hope, which is what she always wanted.

    4. Yes she demands Deacon come back n the property to see Hope but wanted to kick Thomas to the curb.
      These women are all hypocrites and sluts.
      And their parenting is questionable too.

  15. Eventually Deacon will find out he is a Forrester and he will kick that Moronic, I mean,Moroni in the almonds.

  16. And would good, kind, Dr Finn support the as t bitchy self righteous side of his wife? Does he even know the real Steffy?

  17. Steffy selfish bitch needs to be remimded about RJ's existance, her brother which she's ruining his parent mariage by manipulating. What a horrible person

    1. Oh please. Not even Brooke remembers RJ otherwise she would not be making the "mistakes" she continues to make. Brooke doesn't need Steffy to jeopardize her marriage, she is doing that just fine on her own.

    2. And I still believe that RJ is really NJ, in which case, has no relation to Steffy.

    3. 👏👏👏👏

  18. Brooke is an ugly lying manipulative slut who thinks she is better than everyone and thinks she can do whatever she wants and not have consequences. I've NEVER liked Brooke and never will. I can't wait until Ridge leaves her. I don't see how Sheila and Brooke hate each other when they are the SAME.

    1. Are you forgetting that this whole storyline is all because of what Sheila did? Brooke was basically drugged and goaded into further losing her sobriety. She lied to Ridge because something happened which never would have otherwise, and she was confused, traumatized and petrified.

  19. Who should Ridge be with?
    Oh wait
    He thinks Paris is terrific.
    Paris loves being fluid.

  20. Recast Taylor!!!!
    Hey hey
    Ho Ho
    New Taylor has
    Got to go!

    1. Hey. If you say it enough times in this forum that I am sure the writers and producers of B&B do not visit, you just might get your wish. Who knows? Lol.

    2. 😂😃😂😂

  21. Thanks for the encouragement Elle!
    Taylor recast anyone,?
    Actress, 50-60.
    Not afraid to eat. Not whiny.

  22. At least Sheila knows what she wants and doesn't mind going after it.

  23. I'm really done with Steffy. What a nasty, entitled, hoity-toity witch.

  24. Yes Steffy was way out of line. Its Ridge's business to sort out ... hope he does it was entirely Sheila's doing. Brooke would never have done this if she had been sober.
