Exactly end of the day Brooke lied again and again. Made Douglas be quiet and has Liam and Hope lying too! They keep on about why Brooke was drinking like that absolves her for making out with Deacon and choosing to lie and cover it up!
Taylor was dead on, Brooke always does what she wants then cries, all is forgiven and rinse repeat for over 30yrs now! She will never change.
I always wondered why Ridge didn’t think he deserved better than being treated like a toy Brooke discards when a shiny new comes along but doesn’t want to throw it away because she might break the new one!
Eric fool that he has been for Brooke all these years, letting her use him and cheat on him in the name of love will be pushing Ridge to go back because he always does. Why doesn’t he see how much Brooke breaks Ridge’s heart? Why would a parent want a serial cheater for their son or daughter??
Go Thomas, send that witch back home on her broomstick 🧹! I love he asks will she push him off a cliff again 😂 Who the hell is Brooke to show up at Steffy’s and demand to see Ridge? She tried to play victim, yeah guess what Thomas and Steffy had ring side seats for your many many betrayals while they have been alive and heard about the many that happened before they were! What a joke, her crying about her marriage slipping away, how many times should Ridge have to our up with her going round other men and lying to him about it.
It’s sad how the producers play down KA natural beauty, she’s actually stunning IRL. I think they don’t want competition for Brooke, I hope they fix the new wig they are making her wear and dress and make her up to show what a gorgeous lass she is! Ridge, keep your eyes and heart open and see Brooke for the toxic human she is!
I can see Hope and Liam going after Thomas and him blasting them for allowing Brooke to manipulate and abuse wee Douglas! I think a change of custody for Douglas should be a priority!
Well so far this is the one episode that has really made me angry. This was unbelievable. I'm glad Ridge's phone rang when Brooke tried to call him and she knew that Thomas had his phone. It's also ridiculous that he thinks he should take his father's phone. I guess what I'm tired of the most is all the insinuations that everybody are making about Brooke. Even the fans. Okay Brooke has been with a few men but what people seem to forget is that Ridge had to be involved with them happening somehow. Whether anybody wants to believe it or not she does love Ridge and she just didn't go out and do the things she did for no reason or that there wasn't something to do with him involved. And I'm just tired of listening to Steffy and Thomas with their crap about he needs to be with their mother and their family. Give me a break. Do they really think they're going to be able to keep Brooke from talking to Ridge? And Taylor is a real joke. They should not have her portraying a psychiatrist. She had no right to sit there and say how Brooke does what she wants and she doesn't care about anybody else's feelings. That's just not true and like I said a lot of these situations had to do with Ridge himself. And why is it okay for him to run right over to Taylor's house and say all this crap and then kiss her? Seriously? And if Taylor was a real psychiatrist and knowing how it was too soon to allow it to happen she wouldn't have let it happen. She would have backed off. And if Taylor even let's Ridge stay there that's even worse. If nowhere else he could go to Eric's. It's not okay for him to think he should stay the night there and is definitely not okay for Taylor to think so. Helluva a psychiatrist is all I can say. This is all getting ridiculous and truthfully I think I'm just going to quit watching. It's not like they won't show flashbacks or something down the road so we'll know what basically went on anyway. Just tired of listening to the same old crap from Steffy, Taylor, and Thomas day after day. I will continue to believe and say that he won't stay with Taylor, especially when all the details of what really happened comes out.
Brookes an old whore she even went after Thomas at one point. I have been severely wasted in my time but just being drunk spiked or not doesn't make you start sucking face and cozying up to your ex in bed. The worst part was her telling Douglas to keep quiet you don't involve children in adult drama. I do think that they've made Taylor pathetic and needy she seems to only exist for ridge just give her a life outside him plz. The Thomas & Steffy stuff was too much and i'm on their side but even I was like oh shut up you two. I hate Brooke and hopes take on the situation oh they told ridge before my mother had a chance, it happened Nye it's almost march.
Maddy, during the months leading up to Christmas, all Brooke kept talking about was that Eric deserved better than Quinn that he deserved to be with someone like Donna. She kept going on and on about it. Were you tired of listening to that rhetoric as well?
Elle you forget the Logans have their own rules! They are allowed to break up marriages it’s only Hope’s and Brooke’s that mustn’t be interfered with as decreed by the self proclaimed ruler, Brooke!
Last I checked Maddy, psychiatrist is a job! So as PP said, Taylor wasn’t acting in her role as a Dr and responded as the loving trusted person she is in Ridge’s life. Expecting to be an disinterested 3rd party doing analysis is ridiculous!! She isn’t Brooke and Ridge’s therapist or marriage counselor. A good one, by the way, looking at the history of the relationship would tell them how toxic and dysfunctional that relationship is and suggest they split up for good. Suggest closure instead of once again entering a cycle that clearly harms them emotionally as well as physically.
Brooke should be seeing a therapist anyway she has been repeating the same patterns all her life and at 60 cannot understand why it keeps happening to her. She should be looking at her own behaviour that causes issues and perpetuates them! She STILL sees herself as a blameless victim!!
This has turned into the cheesiest most ridiculous story and dialogue! The way Steffi is laying in bed, she'll be in the bedroom pushing her dad's ass for hime while he bones her mom. 🤢 And they all talk about what ridge deserves. Ridge has been a waffling asshole for decades. Personally I think he deserves to be alone. Brooke should stay single so she can live the slutty life she wants. Taylor needs to have her brain scanned to even consider taking ridge back. And the speed at which he just up and decided to "come home" gave me whiplash! This show is so disappointing. I pray to the soap gods for some different characters and storylines. B&b uses to be good, but lately IT SUCKS. I would love to not see Brooke, Steffi, or Hope for a solid month. At least we haven't had to look at Paris all week.
I was thinking the same thing about this show. Why do we have to keep reliving the same storylines over and over again. Can't the writers find anything else to write about besides the same people in the same triangle? I bet we will have to suffer through Steffy Liam and Hope again soon with them trying to throw in Finn like it's not still the same 📐 turnt ⬛ LBVS
The problem with the show now is that the original actors like Brooke, Eric, Bill and the new actors who replaced some of the originals are too old! B & B was about a fashion house run and inhabited by beautiful people who wore glamourous clothes and had questionable morals with 80's values. But at least it was entertaining. Unfortunately all that is left are old people with questionable morals and/or erectile disfunction? What next, episodes about incontinence pads? Also unfortunately, the younger actors aren't very experienced at acting and it shows and they are also boring because of their "woke" attitudes. No wonder Sheila is so popular, she shows them what they are missing, even if she is crazy as a loon.
Immediately after a fight is too soon for a married person to start a relationship with another person - even if it is your ex-wife. Pathetic! Can't be 5 minutes without a significant other. Ridge needs to file for divorce first before pursuing another relationship. Or, is he like his daughter, Steffy, & doesn't file marriage/divorce papers?
Just like Brooke couldn’t be alone for a few hours after she blew off her husband taking her on a romantic trip! She asked Deacon to stay and drink with her!! She was unable to be without a man to worship and adore even for a few hours! Please!
Bbfan101 if Brooke wasn't spiked before Deacon showed up then Brooke would have never asked Deacon to stay and drink with her. That's the point of Sheila Carter switching the bottle because she knew that was the only way to make Brooke do anything out of character.
Sadly that IS Brooke’s character! I think she would have spent time with Deacon either way. She was cross Ridge was stuck on a plane and didn’t hover what she wanted. She has done it literally a million times over the years. Boo hoo I didn’t get my way now I will punish you and comfort me by turning to … insert name of current male here! If it was the first time maybe buy it but Brooke has a history of doing this for over 30 years! Brooke started the original affair with Deacon when he was married to her daughter Bridget. Brooke was lonely and sad that Ridge was happy with his wife Taylor and she needed to be loved so Deacon was young, hot and his being her son in law was no reason not sleep with him and fall in love. I mean she’s played victim over it for decades now!
It’s just one more in a very very long list of “mistakes “ she lied to Ridge about and she just can’t help it so he always has to forgive her hurting him in the name of “destiny “ a toxic one at that!
Not to mention Brooke selfishly blew off the romantic trip Ridge planned for them as couple. They had been having marital issues because of Brooke’s demands regarding Deacon. Hope and Liam would have been fine with Ridge and Brooke taking time to work on their marriage! It would have been perfect, but Brooke chose to stay at “her home” where she knew Deacon would be attending the party in the home Ridge bought her and they live in. She wanted to exert her power over Ridge. She went and bullied Sheila, she set it all in motion. I have zero sympathy for Brooke!
The fact is Brooke could have just been honest with Ridge and NONE of this would be an issue now. He told her he would forgive anything she did while drinking if she was forthcoming with him, he begged and pleaded. Brooke kept lying to his face!!
Because unless one sees them file the papers ( the officiant actually does that anyway lol) it couldn’t have happened?? You do realize we are supposed to believe there is a whole lot of life going on “offscreen” we just see snippets through the lens lol!
We never see any couple filing their papers on here and Carter could have done it for them or whatever.
Need to be Put in their place. Their whole lives they have watched their family come together then geet split apart by Brooke. Where was karma then? What did Bridget do to derserve Brooke (her mother) sleeping with her husband? What did hope do to derserve her mom sleeping with her first serious boyfriend?
Brooke destroys everything in her line of sight. So is karma gonna come for Bridget for staying away from her mother. Is karma gonna come for Hope if not then why does it have to come for Thomas and Steffy doing everything they can to protect their dad.
Ridge is smiling. Brooke hasn't been making him happy. He should finally step away from his "destiny". Give Brooke Logan a looong break...from the show.
Right once with a dying friend is not being a serial cheater like Brooke who literally craves and needs men fighting over her. She has always needed at least two men vying for her favours! It’s just how she is and always will be.
Ridge knows Taylor was a faithful loving wife. Brooke betrayed Ridge endlessly and betrayed her former husbands WITH Ridge. She has no concept of loyalty and what she has is to herself first and only.
Taylor is such a doormat. And Steffy is completely unhinged, just like Thomas. What a disgrace. Sure Ridge is just gonna dump Brooke and just pick up a relationship with Taylor all in one day. Are you kidding me? It’s not like replacing a pair of socks. Steffy is my least favorite character these days. She needs to be smacked down…HARD!
Like Hope and Liam? Or Brooke and Ridge whenever he was married to other women and she demanded he leave them and be with her, and there wasn’t even a problem with his current spouse???
So when Rick or Hope or RJ say it, it’s all grande! But Steffy and Thomas are unhinged lol 😂 usual Logan double standards!!!
👋👋👋 I bet JMW is so sick of Steffi's stupid repetitive dialogue. And the fact that no grown woman would say this stupid shit to man who had repeatedly hurt their mom the way ridge has done Taylor. And no self respecting woman would be sloppy seconds for the 300th time. Not a bit believable
C'mon Lynn. Clearly you haven't been watching this show for very long. This is the MO of Ridge, Brooke, Liam, Bill and others on this show. They hop from one relationship to the next, all in one take! Ridge gravitating toward Taylor and kissing her does not surprise me at all. By end of next week, we will see Brooke moving on with Deacon. Just watch.
Yet Lynn Brooke hops from being in bed with her husband and goes straight to her lover or better yet her lover sneaks in to have sex in the marital bed then she swings back to hubby without showering or changing the sheets! Lol that is sooooo much better yes! Brooke expected Ridge to leave his marriage to other women and come to her bed the same minute so who is sloppy seconds?
I hope Ridge will leave Brooke, but more do I hope that he will go back after he finds out about Sheila Thomas Steffi and Charlie. Taylor is wrong for kissing a married man. And also for making Brooke's bad choice to try and fix her relation with Ridge. If she was a "good psychiatrist" as Thomas and Steffi claims, she would know that this is a bad way to reunite with your ex. He is still in love with his ex stupid cow🤦🏻♀️
While they're changing Taylor's wardrobe, they need to do the same for Hope. She looks like she just auditioned for an episode of Little House on the Prairie. Geez!
Nooooo Taylor. You're making it way too easy for Ridge to come back.
Hypocrite Brooke strikes again daring to be upset because Thomas doesn't want her anywhere near HER husband when it wasn't too long ago that Brooke didn't want Quinn at FC to talk to Eric.
😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😂 Hope has ALWAYS had zero class or fashion sense since they SORAS’d her! She wore very posh, darling dresses and had gorgeous blonde curls ( child actresses Rachel and Amanda Pace specifically) as a little girl playing in the mansion. Her mum was Forrester and Brooke tried to emulate Stephanie and whatever model caught Ridge’s eye. She dressed Hope in the kiddie couture stuff.
But since the KM days she either wore trashy, slutty dresses in dreadful colours (remember all the skin tight ones is hideous colours?) or bin bag chic like she does now. It’s not Boho which had some cute designs / patterns which is supposedly what HFTF has. What about all the evening gowns and couture stuff Thomas and Zende are always designing??
You never see Hope wear anything flattering it either looks like something an 80 yr old “living in the 70’s” would reject as ugly or just dowdy, frumpy with terrible colours and cut. Then we have the tableclothes she wore all the time, or kaftans no 20-30 something would be caught dead in, or the horrid babydoll thing that would have been appropriate for Beth who is doomed to be an 18 month old actress until they SORAS her lol.
Hope even took PhoBeth who wore gorgeous wee outfits, bows etc with Steffy and Kelly and the first thing she did was put the ugliest, frumpiest, clothes and accessories on her!
It was tragic, how on earth could someone who dresses like Hope have a fashion line or anyone who would want to dress like her!??? Oh yeah pill popping teen needed something to do other than sit around the mansion daydreaming about marrying and living happily ever after with Prince Charmless at age 17!!! So hey, let’s give her a fashion line and as a bonus we will hurt and humiliate her stepsister who works hard and has to earn her way! Win Win🏆😂😂😂
A decade or so later we have the fashion police’s most wanted poster work Hope Logan Spencer front and centre!
Well, if Hope is Laura Ingalls on Little House, then as her mother, Brooke would have to be Caroline Ingalls. That would never work! Brooke would be a great Nellie Olson though. So would Steffy! 😂
Emmm news flash they did happen that’s how Hope came to be!
But now, yeah I see Brooke turning to Deacon if Ridge does not run straight back to her. She can never be without a man or two for more than 3 seconds.
Yes, they will happen because we know that Brooke wanted Deacon from the moment that he came back into her life. That's why she fought Ridge tooth and nail to accept Deacon being in their home and on their property. It's also why she kissed him on NYE. Brooke is using her drunkeness as an excuse but we know that she really wanted it to happen.
I Totally Agree, she's using her drunkenness as an excuse, like she fibd other excuses for all the power tines she's done wrong to Ridge. Ridge is just her toy until she wants to go out & play with another toy, & whenever she gets caught she has to find her Dumb excuses to get away with her Cheating.!! It's high time Rodge open up his eyes & send her packing, & stayceith someone who treats hin with True & Full Respect..!!
So Ridge kissed Taylor...are they even now? Naah it is always double standards with them two🤣🤣maybe he will sleep above the covers too this weekend😅see you Monday😉
The thing is though that Brooke practically moved Deacon into their home/lives without any regard as to how Ridge felt about it. She therefore should not be too perturbed about Ridge doing the same thing with Taylor. The only double standard I see here is from Brooke. Don't do as I do, only do as I say. 🙄
But, as usual, the Brooke fans will try to make her look like the victim by highlighting what Ridge is doing with Taylor without admitting to the fact that Brooke was the one who "made her own bed."
Here is photo of KA aka new Taylor, https://images.app.goo.gl/54L4WFQR3d3BZea98 Look at how stunning she is and this would be a perfect B&B look, but no they downplay her beauty so Brooke doesn’t get overshadowed!!
Noone has forgotten about it. The difference is though that Ridge did not lie about it or hid it from Brooke for weeks. He was very open with her about everything he remembered of that night. Brooke however, was open with Ridge only about the drinking part and kept the rest a secret.
Finally karma hits Brooke. The tramp of the valley needs to go back to te valley and take Hopeless en Deacon with her. She will have a beautifull life is the desert...
First, Brooke never went after Thomas...Thomas was after her. Part of his sick behavior for years.
I have never wanted Brooke with Ridge (old or 2.0) because of how wishy washy and slimy he has been over the years always playing every woman he has ever been with against the other. Just so happens that Brooke and Taylor have had the longest rivalry. Talk about someone who never lets their bed sheets cool off! He has bounced from one woman to the next since the show started in 1987. He was dating Caroline and at the party his mother was hosting he mistook Brooke for Caroline from behind and the rest is history. He has mentioned many many times over the years that he fell in love with her that day. Regardless of who he's been with he always starts pursuing Brooke again because he is never satisfied with one woman. So for all the Brooke bashers, keep that in mind. Not to mention all the times he has left Taylor for Brooke, even left her at the altar. All the broken engagements with other women only to return to Brooke, and all the times he's interrupted Brooke's weddings to other men. The same will happen this time around with Taylor 2.0. They both keep thinking he's going to let one of them be enough and he ALWAYS has a plan B. If Taylor hadn't come back, he would have probably gone back to Shawna or started crying on Quinn's shoulder. He's really despicable too since he has slept with his father's wife (then Brooke); played kissy face for months with Quinn (dad's current wife); slept with his brother's wife (Caroline) while he was downstairs in their family home when they were all still living in the family home; had an illicit affair with Rick's wife (Caroline); and more recently got so drunk he ended up married to Shawna and remained married even though he didn't recall it--as a way to punish Brooke for kissing Bill one time! What I really hate is the writers starting this same love triangle BS over again.
It wasn’t just a kiss, it was her making out with a man she had previously had affairs with and been married to.
Ridge didn’t treat Brooke like his love, she was most often his mistress! Ridge was a playboy back in the day and was notorious! Brooke knew that she was blinded by the bling! She wanted the Forrester name, money, power the Hollywood/Beverly Hills lifestyle! Why do you think she married Eric?
Ridge bought and gave her the estate she’s been living in for the last 20 years lol! She made out like a queen from all the alimony and child support payments between Eric, Ridge, Bill etc etc!! Brooke,Katie, and Donna all got their money and mansions out massive divorce settlements!! Brooke was all about the “Forrester “ name she was a gold digger!
Kissing Bil a former lover and husband she’s cheated with previously l, lying to her husband, him hearing Brooke say she’ll always love Bill, Brooke demanding Ridge throw Thomas out of his life and support Liam ( who wasn’t consulted and did NOT agree) and Hope stealing Douglas to raise as a replacement for Beth, Brooke ranting and screaming nonstop bitter diatribes against Quinn in her own home because Brooke decided she wasn’t good enough for Eric , making demands of Eric to divorce his wife, giving Ridge ultimatums…. And you blame Ridge for divorcing her and turning to someone else? Really?? You said yourself, Brooke slept with Ridge when she was married to his father, whom she never loved, just used and discarded, Brooke always cheats, Ridge knows that! Sooo Brooke making out with Bill ran a lot deeper! Again with the lying and cover up.
Did you notice that when Steffy went out the sliding glass door, she left it open. Wonder who is going to walk in on Ridge & Taylor's reunion...
ReplyDeleteTaylor's drescode is distracting. It needs to be improved. Please
ReplyDeleteFix her hair
DeleteTaylor's hair grew at least 4 inches in one episode. Amazing. Whatever caused that, then bottle it and make millions!
DeleteExactly end of the day Brooke lied again and again. Made Douglas be quiet and has Liam and Hope lying too! They keep on about why Brooke was drinking like that absolves her for making out with Deacon and choosing to lie and cover it up!
DeleteTaylor was dead on, Brooke always does what she wants then cries, all is forgiven and rinse repeat for over 30yrs now! She will never change.
I always wondered why Ridge didn’t think he deserved better than being treated like a toy Brooke discards when a shiny new comes along but doesn’t want to throw it away because she might break the new one!
Eric fool that he has been for Brooke all these years, letting her use him and cheat on him in the name of love will be pushing Ridge to go back because he always does. Why doesn’t he see how much Brooke breaks Ridge’s heart? Why would a parent want a serial cheater for their son or daughter??
Go Thomas, send that witch back home on her broomstick 🧹! I love he asks will she push him off a cliff again 😂 Who the hell is Brooke to show up at Steffy’s and demand to see Ridge? She tried to play victim, yeah guess what Thomas and Steffy had ring side seats for your many many betrayals while they have been alive and heard about the many that happened before they were! What a joke, her crying about her marriage slipping away, how many times should Ridge have to our up with her going round other men and lying to him about it.
It’s sad how the producers play down KA natural beauty, she’s actually stunning IRL. I think they don’t want competition for Brooke, I hope they fix the new wig they are making her wear and dress and make her up to show what a gorgeous lass she is! Ridge, keep your eyes and heart open and see Brooke for the toxic human she is!
I can see Hope and Liam going after Thomas and him blasting them for allowing Brooke to manipulate and abuse wee Douglas! I think a change of custody for Douglas should be a priority!
Well so far this is the one episode that has really made me angry. This was unbelievable. I'm glad Ridge's phone rang when Brooke tried to call him and she knew that Thomas had his phone. It's also ridiculous that he thinks he should take his father's phone. I guess what I'm tired of the most is all the insinuations that everybody are making about Brooke. Even the fans. Okay Brooke has been with a few men but what people seem to forget is that Ridge had to be involved with them happening somehow. Whether anybody wants to believe it or not she does love Ridge and she just didn't go out and do the things she did for no reason or that there wasn't something to do with him involved. And I'm just tired of listening to Steffy and Thomas with their crap about he needs to be with their mother and their family. Give me a break. Do they really think they're going to be able to keep Brooke from talking to Ridge? And Taylor is a real joke. They should not have her portraying a psychiatrist. She had no right to sit there and say how Brooke does what she wants and she doesn't care about anybody else's feelings. That's just not true and like I said a lot of these situations had to do with Ridge himself. And why is it okay for him to run right over to Taylor's house and say all this crap and then kiss her? Seriously? And if Taylor was a real psychiatrist and knowing how it was too soon to allow it to happen she wouldn't have let it happen. She would have backed off. And if Taylor even let's Ridge stay there that's even worse. If nowhere else he could go to Eric's. It's not okay for him to think he should stay the night there and is definitely not okay for Taylor to think so. Helluva a psychiatrist is all I can say. This is all getting ridiculous and truthfully I think I'm just going to quit watching. It's not like they won't show flashbacks or something down the road so we'll know what basically went on anyway. Just tired of listening to the same old crap from Steffy, Taylor, and Thomas day after day. I will continue to believe and say that he won't stay with Taylor, especially when all the details of what really happened comes out.
DeleteBrookes an old whore she even went after Thomas at one point. I have been severely wasted in my time but just being drunk spiked or not doesn't make you start sucking face and cozying up to your ex in bed. The worst part was her telling Douglas to keep quiet you don't involve children in adult drama. I do think that they've made Taylor pathetic and needy she seems to only exist for ridge just give her a life outside him plz. The Thomas & Steffy stuff was too much and i'm on their side but even I was like oh shut up you two. I hate Brooke and hopes take on the situation oh they told ridge before my mother had a chance, it happened Nye it's almost march.
DeleteMaddy, during the months leading up to Christmas, all Brooke kept talking about was that Eric deserved better than Quinn that he deserved to be with someone like Donna. She kept going on and on about it. Were you tired of listening to that rhetoric as well?
DeleteElle you forget the Logans have their own rules! They are allowed to break up marriages it’s only Hope’s and Brooke’s that mustn’t be interfered with as decreed by the self proclaimed ruler, Brooke!
DeleteHypocritical all!
Last I checked Maddy, psychiatrist is a job! So as PP said, Taylor wasn’t acting in her role as a Dr and responded as the loving trusted person she is in Ridge’s life. Expecting to be an disinterested 3rd party doing analysis is ridiculous!! She isn’t Brooke and Ridge’s therapist or marriage counselor. A good one, by the way, looking at the history of the relationship would tell them how toxic and dysfunctional that relationship is and suggest they split up for good. Suggest closure instead of once again entering a cycle that clearly harms them emotionally as well as physically.
DeleteBrooke should be seeing a therapist anyway she has been repeating the same patterns all her life and at 60 cannot understand why it keeps happening to her. She should be looking at her own behaviour that causes issues and perpetuates them! She STILL sees herself as a blameless victim!!
Well not happy Taylor deserves better
ReplyDeleteWe all know Brooke wont let go
Thanks Bob xxxx
And here we go again. Another annoying triangle of who deserves the man.
ReplyDeleteAmen, Charmaine. Sexism is boring.
DeleteAmen sister!
DeleteMen and their fantasies yawn
This has turned into the cheesiest most ridiculous story and dialogue! The way Steffi is laying in bed, she'll be in the bedroom pushing her dad's ass for hime while he bones her mom. 🤢 And they all talk about what ridge deserves. Ridge has been a waffling asshole for decades. Personally I think he deserves to be alone. Brooke should stay single so she can live the slutty life she wants. Taylor needs to have her brain scanned to even consider taking ridge back. And the speed at which he just up and decided to "come home" gave me whiplash! This show is so disappointing. I pray to the soap gods for some different characters and storylines. B&b uses to be good, but lately IT SUCKS. I would love to not see Brooke, Steffi, or Hope for a solid month. At least we haven't had to look at Paris all week.
DeleteI was thinking the same thing about this show. Why do we have to keep reliving the same storylines over and over again. Can't the writers find anything else to write about besides the same people in the same triangle? I bet we will have to suffer through Steffy Liam and Hope again soon with them trying to throw in Finn like it's not still the same 📐 turnt ⬛ LBVS
DeleteShe certainly is
DeleteLet's blame it on the covid🤦🏻♀️
Deletenot concerned about charity- I agree about the show being stupid, but I agree more about Taylor being pitiful.
DeleteThe problem with the show now is that the original actors like Brooke, Eric, Bill and the new actors who replaced some of the originals are too old! B & B was about a fashion house run and inhabited by beautiful people who wore glamourous clothes and had questionable morals with 80's values. But at least it was entertaining. Unfortunately all that is left are old people with questionable morals and/or erectile disfunction? What next, episodes about incontinence pads? Also unfortunately, the younger actors aren't very experienced at acting and it shows and they are also boring because of their "woke" attitudes. No wonder Sheila is so popular, she shows them what they are missing, even if she is crazy as a loon.
DeleteImmediately after a fight is too soon for a married person to start a relationship with another person - even if it is your ex-wife. Pathetic! Can't be 5 minutes without a significant other. Ridge needs to file for divorce first before pursuing another relationship. Or, is he like his daughter, Steffy, & doesn't file marriage/divorce papers?
ReplyDeleteJust like Brooke couldn’t be alone for a few hours after she blew off her husband taking her on a romantic trip! She asked Deacon to stay and drink with her!! She was unable to be without a man to worship and adore even for a few hours! Please!
DeleteOh you are so right
DeleteBbfan101 if Brooke wasn't spiked before Deacon showed up then Brooke would have never asked Deacon to stay and drink with her. That's the point of Sheila Carter switching the bottle because she knew that was the only way to make Brooke do anything out of character.
DeleteSadly that IS Brooke’s character! I think she would have spent time with Deacon either way. She was cross Ridge was stuck on a plane and didn’t hover what she wanted. She has done it literally a million times over the years. Boo hoo I didn’t get my way now I will punish you and comfort me by turning to … insert name of current male here! If it was the first time maybe buy it but Brooke has a history of doing this for over 30 years! Brooke started the original affair with Deacon when he was married to her daughter Bridget. Brooke was lonely and sad that Ridge was happy with his wife Taylor and she needed to be loved so Deacon was young, hot and his being her son in law was no reason not sleep with him and fall in love. I mean she’s played victim over it for decades now!
DeleteIt’s just one more in a very very long list of “mistakes “ she lied to Ridge about and she just can’t help it so he always has to forgive her hurting him in the name of “destiny “ a toxic one at that!
Not to mention Brooke selfishly blew off the romantic trip Ridge planned for them as couple. They had been having marital issues because of Brooke’s demands regarding Deacon. Hope and Liam would have been fine with Ridge and Brooke taking time to work on their marriage! It would have been perfect, but Brooke chose to stay at “her home” where she knew Deacon would be attending the party in the home Ridge bought her and they live in. She wanted to exert her power over Ridge. She went and bullied Sheila, she set it all in motion. I have zero sympathy for Brooke!
The fact is Brooke could have just been honest with Ridge and NONE of this would be an issue now. He told her he would forgive anything she did while drinking if she was forthcoming with him, he begged and pleaded. Brooke kept lying to his face!!
Because unless one sees them file the papers ( the officiant actually does that anyway lol) it couldn’t have happened?? You do realize we are supposed to believe there is a whole lot of life going on “offscreen” we just see snippets through the lens lol!
DeleteWe never see any couple filing their papers on here and Carter could have done it for them or whatever.
It was a boring today.steffy and Thomas need to be put in there place I hope karma bite them in butt.soon on the show iam going to laugh my ass off
ReplyDeleteNeed to be Put in their place. Their whole lives they have watched their family come together then geet split apart by Brooke. Where was karma then? What did Bridget do to derserve Brooke (her mother) sleeping with her husband? What did hope do to derserve her mom sleeping with her first serious boyfriend?
DeleteBrooke destroys everything in her line of sight. So is karma gonna come for Bridget for staying away from her mother. Is karma gonna come for Hope if not then why does it have to come for Thomas and Steffy doing everything they can to protect their dad.
👏👏👏👏👏👏 Thank you Scarlet!
DeleteMe to!
DeleteRidge is smiling. Brooke hasn't been making him happy. He should finally step away from his "destiny". Give Brooke Logan a looong break...from the show.
ReplyDeleteBrooke never made Ridge happy. His job was to make her happy lol or didn’t you get the memo??
DeleteUgg that 💋
ReplyDeleteTaylor you had a relationship with James don't forget
Right once with a dying friend is not being a serial cheater like Brooke who literally craves and needs men fighting over her. She has always needed at least two men vying for her favours! It’s just how she is and always will be.
DeleteRidge knows Taylor was a faithful loving wife. Brooke betrayed Ridge endlessly and betrayed her former husbands WITH Ridge. She has no concept of loyalty and what she has is to herself first and only.
Oh no a kiss that isn’t stiff and forced and painful to watch like Paris or Brooke?? Lol! Loved TK’s face after he was floating lol!!!
DeleteBbfan101 get a life dude 😂😂😂
DeleteEmmm I’m not a “dude” lol and have a full happy life! Lol this is just some fun!
DeleteOmg so done watching this show. Repeat repeat repeat. Are the writers serious.Its like listening to a broken record.
ReplyDeleteI know. It drives me freaking insane.
DeleteTaylor is such a doormat. And Steffy is completely unhinged, just like Thomas. What a disgrace. Sure Ridge is just gonna dump Brooke and just pick up a relationship with Taylor all in one day. Are you kidding me? It’s not like replacing a pair of socks. Steffy is my least favorite character these days. She needs to be smacked down…HARD!
ReplyDeleteLike Hope and Liam? Or Brooke and Ridge whenever he was married to other women and she demanded he leave them and be with her, and there wasn’t even a problem with his current spouse???
DeleteSo when Rick or Hope or RJ say it, it’s all grande! But Steffy and Thomas are unhinged lol 😂 usual Logan double standards!!!
With Brooke it’s a very one sided relationship she takes and takes and takes and only give back pain and betrayal. Hmmm. Fair trade??
Delete👋👋👋 I bet JMW is so sick of Steffi's stupid repetitive dialogue. And the fact that no grown woman would say this stupid shit to man who had repeatedly hurt their mom the way ridge has done Taylor. And no self respecting woman would be sloppy seconds for the 300th time. Not a bit believable
DeleteHilary, agree 100% !!!!
DeleteC'mon Lynn. Clearly you haven't been watching this show for very long. This is the MO of Ridge, Brooke, Liam, Bill and others on this show. They hop from one relationship to the next, all in one take! Ridge gravitating toward Taylor and kissing her does not surprise me at all. By end of next week, we will see Brooke moving on with Deacon. Just watch.
DeleteI second everything you said Lynn!
DeleteYet Lynn Brooke hops from being in bed with her husband and goes straight to her lover or better yet her lover sneaks in to have sex in the marital bed then she swings back to hubby without showering or changing the sheets! Lol that is sooooo much better yes! Brooke expected Ridge to leave his marriage to other women and come to her bed the same minute so who is sloppy seconds?
DeleteI hope Ridge will leave Brooke, but more do I hope that he will go back after he finds out about Sheila Thomas Steffi and Charlie. Taylor is wrong for kissing a married man. And also for making Brooke's bad choice to try and fix her relation with Ridge. If she was a "good psychiatrist" as Thomas and Steffi claims, she would know that this is a bad way to reunite with your ex. He is still in love with his ex stupid cow🤦🏻♀️
ReplyDeleteWhile they're changing Taylor's wardrobe, they need to do the same for Hope. She looks like she just auditioned for an episode of Little House on the Prairie. Geez!
ReplyDeleteNooooo Taylor. You're making it way too easy for Ridge to come back.
Hypocrite Brooke strikes again daring to be upset because Thomas doesn't want her anywhere near HER husband when it wasn't too long ago that Brooke didn't want Quinn at FC to talk to Eric.
😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😂 Hope has ALWAYS had zero class or fashion sense since they SORAS’d her! She wore very posh, darling dresses and had gorgeous blonde curls ( child actresses Rachel and Amanda Pace specifically) as a little girl playing in the mansion. Her mum was Forrester and Brooke tried to emulate Stephanie and whatever model caught Ridge’s eye. She dressed Hope in the kiddie couture stuff.
DeleteBut since the KM days she either wore trashy, slutty dresses in dreadful colours (remember all the skin tight ones is hideous colours?) or bin bag chic like she does now. It’s not Boho which had some cute designs / patterns which is supposedly what HFTF has. What about all the evening gowns and couture stuff Thomas and Zende are always designing??
You never see Hope wear anything flattering it either looks like something an 80 yr old “living in the 70’s” would reject as ugly or just dowdy, frumpy with terrible colours and cut. Then we have the tableclothes she wore all the time, or kaftans no 20-30 something would be caught dead in, or the horrid babydoll thing that would have been appropriate for Beth who is doomed to be an 18 month old actress until they SORAS her lol.
Hope even took PhoBeth who wore gorgeous wee outfits, bows etc with Steffy and Kelly and the first thing she did was put the ugliest, frumpiest, clothes and accessories on her!
It was tragic, how on earth could someone who dresses like Hope have a fashion line or anyone who would want to dress like her!??? Oh yeah pill popping teen needed something to do other than sit around the mansion daydreaming about marrying and living happily ever after with Prince Charmless at age 17!!! So hey, let’s give her a fashion line and as a bonus we will hurt and humiliate her stepsister who works hard and has to earn her way! Win Win🏆😂😂😂
A decade or so later we have the fashion police’s most wanted poster work Hope Logan Spencer front and centre!
"Bin Bag Chic" you have made my day with that description! Thank you.
DeleteGood one! Lol
O try to imagine everyone practicing their lines, essentially Hope.lol
ReplyDeleteWell, if Hope is Laura Ingalls on Little House, then as her mother, Brooke would have to be Caroline Ingalls. That would never work! Brooke would be a great Nellie Olson though. So would Steffy! 😂
DeleteYess! Maybe Brooke & Deacon will really happen.. <3
ReplyDeleteEmmm news flash they did happen that’s how Hope came to be!
DeleteBut now, yeah I see Brooke turning to Deacon if Ridge does not run straight back to her. She can never be without a man or two for more than 3 seconds.
Yes, they will happen because we know that Brooke wanted Deacon from the moment that he came back into her life. That's why she fought Ridge tooth and nail to accept Deacon being in their home and on their property. It's also why she kissed him on NYE. Brooke is using her drunkeness as an excuse but we know that she really wanted it to happen.
DeleteI Totally Agree, she's using her drunkenness as an excuse, like she fibd other excuses for all the power tines she's done wrong to Ridge. Ridge is just her toy until she wants to go out & play with another toy, & whenever she gets caught she has to find her Dumb excuses to get away with her Cheating.!! It's high time Rodge open up his eyes & send her packing, & stayceith someone who treats hin with True & Full Respect..!!
DeleteSo Ridge kissed Taylor...are they even now? Naah it is always double standards with them two🤣🤣maybe he will sleep above the covers too this weekend😅see you Monday😉
ReplyDeleteThe thing is though that Brooke practically moved Deacon into their home/lives without any regard as to how Ridge felt about it. She therefore should not be too perturbed about Ridge doing the same thing with Taylor. The only double standard I see here is from Brooke. Don't do as I do, only do as I say. 🙄
DeleteBut, as usual, the Brooke fans will try to make her look like the victim by highlighting what Ridge is doing with Taylor without admitting to the fact that Brooke was the one who "made her own bed."
This is getting really spicy, can't wait to see who'll Ridge end up with
ReplyDeleteHere is photo of KA aka new Taylor, https://images.app.goo.gl/54L4WFQR3d3BZea98 Look at how stunning she is and this would be a perfect B&B look, but no they downplay her beauty so Brooke doesn’t get overshadowed!!
ReplyDeleteShe looks so much like Hunter Tylo in that photo.
DeleteHas Ridge and everyone else forgotten the drunk night Ridge had with Shanna!!! and even got married for Pete's Sake!!! Ridge isn't perfect either!!
ReplyDeleteNoone has forgotten about it. The difference is though that Ridge did not lie about it or hid it from Brooke for weeks. He was very open with her about everything he remembered of that night. Brooke however, was open with Ridge only about the drinking part and kept the rest a secret.
DeleteRidge was divorced from Brooke!! Ex husband can kiss and marry whoever he wants and he was honest with her!!
DeleteBrooke was married and lied and lied and lied!!!
Finally karma hits Brooke. The tramp of the valley needs to go back to te valley and take Hopeless en Deacon with her. She will have a beautifull life is the desert...
ReplyDeleteBrooke has how many kids with Ridge??!! All of Taylor's,kids are for Ridge so dont see how her kids wanting their family can be wrong or strange 😙
ReplyDeleteShe has one with Ridge Taylor had 3
ReplyDeleteMaybe still say RJ is actually Nick Junior!!
DeleteFirst, Brooke never went after Thomas...Thomas was after her. Part of his sick behavior for years.
ReplyDeleteI have never wanted Brooke with Ridge (old or 2.0) because of how wishy washy and slimy he has been over the years always playing every woman he has ever been with against the other. Just so happens that Brooke and Taylor have had the longest rivalry. Talk about someone who never lets their bed sheets cool off! He has bounced from one woman to the next since the show started in 1987. He was dating Caroline and at the party his mother was hosting he mistook Brooke for Caroline from behind and the rest is history. He has mentioned many many times over the years that he fell in love with her that day. Regardless of who he's been with he always starts pursuing Brooke again because he is never satisfied with one woman. So for all the Brooke bashers, keep that in mind. Not to mention all the times he has left Taylor for Brooke, even left her at the altar. All the broken engagements with other women only to return to Brooke, and all the times he's interrupted Brooke's weddings to other men. The same will happen this time around with Taylor 2.0. They both keep thinking he's going to let one of them be enough and he ALWAYS has a plan B. If Taylor hadn't come back, he would have probably gone back to Shawna or started crying on Quinn's shoulder. He's really despicable too since he has slept with his father's wife (then Brooke); played kissy face for months with Quinn (dad's current wife); slept with his brother's wife (Caroline) while he was downstairs in their family home when they were all still living in the family home; had an illicit affair with Rick's wife (Caroline); and more recently got so drunk he ended up married to Shawna and remained married even though he didn't recall it--as a way to punish Brooke for kissing Bill one time! What I really hate is the writers starting this same love triangle BS over again.
for you folks who don't know some of the history: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O7Alz5yaPM
DeleteIt wasn’t just a kiss, it was her making out with a man she had previously had affairs with and been married to.
DeleteRidge didn’t treat Brooke like his love, she was most often his mistress! Ridge was a playboy back in the day and was notorious! Brooke knew that she was blinded by the bling! She wanted the Forrester name, money, power the Hollywood/Beverly Hills lifestyle! Why do you think she married Eric?
Ridge bought and gave her the estate she’s been living in for the last 20 years lol! She made out like a queen from all the alimony and child support payments between Eric, Ridge, Bill etc etc!! Brooke,Katie, and Donna all got their money and mansions out massive divorce settlements!! Brooke was all about the “Forrester “ name she was a gold digger!
Ridge is an ass. I've never liked him. I don't see why any women would fight over the old Ridge or the new one.
DeleteKissing Bil a former lover and husband she’s cheated with previously l, lying to her husband, him hearing Brooke say she’ll always love Bill, Brooke demanding Ridge throw Thomas out of his life and support Liam ( who wasn’t consulted and did NOT agree) and Hope stealing Douglas to raise as a replacement for Beth, Brooke ranting and screaming nonstop bitter diatribes against Quinn in her own home because Brooke decided she wasn’t good enough for Eric , making demands of Eric to divorce his wife, giving Ridge ultimatums…. And you blame Ridge for divorcing her and turning to someone else? Really?? You said yourself, Brooke slept with Ridge when she was married to his father, whom she never loved, just used and discarded, Brooke always cheats, Ridge knows that! Sooo Brooke making out with Bill ran a lot deeper! Again with the lying and cover up.
DeleteTaylor's the idiot again, stupid story line sine she's the dr that's supposed to be logical and not constant rebound second choice. I'm done watching
ReplyDeleteWhich actor(s) dreaming of the Ridge Taylor reunion?
ReplyDeleteIt's moving too fast to be real! IJS🏁🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎👄🧐
ReplyDeleteWhat are my lines today....
ReplyDeleteRidge bouncing back and forth between 2 women. Really??? The viewers deserve better. Thomas is supposed to be sane now??? Taylors haircut gross. 🤣🤣🤣