Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-22-22 Full episode B&B 22nd February 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-22-22 Full episode B&B 22nd February 2022


  1. Don't tell me you're given on us Ridge. I love you so much.
    The drama! The cliffhanger! Yawn
    Finally 2 people who can't use alcohol as an excuse.

    1. Brooke is all about the longing she loves the chase but when she gets Ridge she then proceeds to run to the nearest man to screw it all up.i hate how she's already trying to blame the booze if I hadn't been drunk being drunk doesn't make you start making out with people or invite them into your marital bed being sloppy does and she was sober in the following months of lying.

    2. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

    3. “‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ Fans Might Hate Brooke, But There’s No Denying She’s a Legend,” was among many similar headlines of online soap magazines a few months ago. Brooke is WRITTEN to be an entitled vile unlikeable hypocrite. So rather than telling us you want to ‘vomit,’ why not refuse to tune in?

    4. Well gee it's nice to see that they had the decency not to have sex.

    5. Right Maddy, something Brooke would never have done. She would have bedded him ASAP to cement the deal lol

    6. Wr tune in because there are 90% other likeable characters, i am not going to stop watching a show because Brooke is a high school bully lol.

    7. Hi, Charmaine ... was talking to the multiple Brooke fans yesterday who said they were going to hurl because Ridge wanted to be with Taylor. Your posts are very logical. It’s still amazing that Brooke has any fans. The writers make her the kind of woman other women don’t like. Does she have any female friends outside of her family?

    8. Does she truly have any inside her family other than Hopeless?? I mean she has slept with and betrayed Bridget with two of her husbands, she betrayed Katie with her husband Bill, and then sided with Bill against Katie to take her son Will, away from her, she did sleep with Hope’s underage, teen boyfriend and betray her as well as being so drunk she left Hope n RJ home alone to burn the mansion down (while She went hunting men), they were nursery school and toddler age, she screwed Donna by pushing her relentlessly to go after and throw herself at a very married Eric which got her exiled for forever from FC and the mansion ( no more Christmas, Thanksgiving etc at the big house), she kind of tolerates Flo but they aren’t chummy. Who does that leave ??

      I agree, Brooke is a narcissist, always has been. She never respected other women or their marriage/relationship. All males (

    9. Are fair game for Brooke regardless of her or their relationship status.

    10. Excellent points, as usual, Bbfan. I stand corrected - Brooke truly has no friends. Hope & family don’t count. She uses Eric at her whim and he tolerates and supports her to a point, like family, but I wouldn’t include him as a friend ... who does that leave? Yep. She needs Deacon otherwise she’ll be alone.

    11. I am sick of Brooke!! Ridge stay with Taylor

    12. Lol yup Brooke has no true friends she has betrayed everyone who knows her lol! I mean there Is Bill he’ll always “comfort “ her 😂

  2. Waiting for the Brooke fans that were slamming Taylor yesterday for being "no better" than Brooke. Do you think Brooke would've restrained from sleeping with someone else's husband?

    1. one wife to the next ridge is a sleeze

    2. Brooke doesn’t know the meaning of restraint!!!

    3. She's probably used restraints but that's the extent of her understanding of the word 😂

    4. 😂😂😂😂😂

    5. You all may say that Brooke can't restrain herself but we all know from experience that Brooke can definitely restrain herself just not when alcohol is involved

    6. She can restrain from true affection ( she loves only herself), she can restrain from loyalty and commitment to her spouse, she can restrain from giving a feck who she hurts and destroys as long as she gets her way! Lol I stand corrected she can show restraint then lol! 😂😂😂😂

  3. Ridge you have morning breath.
    Oh Eric are you disappointed?

    1. lol ew ya he just jumped outta bed n ran to slutty brooke

    2. Not really… had to go get his stuff again, move out, drop off his wedding ring and look unimpressed by Brooke’s fake crying and pleading again! And he was right she does the same thing when she hasn’t been drinking it’s just the latest excuse for her bad behaviour again!!! He didn’t hug her back, he pulled her off him and wasn’t falling for I’m sorry, I lovvvve you, I oopsied again routine!! Well done Ridge about bloody time!

    3. Eric has always been a simp for Brooke despite her using and discarding him

    4. Maybe it's just me but Eric looked like he couldn't care less about Brooke's drama.

    5. I agree Elle, hopefully he is over her winging and whining and NOT over her trying to break up his marriage to Quinn.

    6. For all the Brooke haters, I give it a few months tops before Ridge and Brooke are back together. So enjoy it while you can. 😂😂Brooke and Ridge are the foundation of the show. That won’t change. Poor Taylor is stupid enough to fall for it. As a psychiatrist she should truly know better!! We are just supposed to believe Ridge just turned off his love for Brooke and turned it on for Taylor all in about 5 minutes time. 🙄🙄. Give me a break! Like I said, enjoy it while you can. There will be no Ridge / Taylor love story that lasts beyond a couple months. Stay tuned!

    7. Lynn and Maddy, What does Taylor being a psychiatrist have to do with the cost of tea in China? She is not allowed a personal life?

    8. She reads people for a living. You don’t think she has experienced things like this with her patients - rebound relationships?? It has everything to do with it. Having a personal life has nothing to do with the fact that she should know better. Especially with Ridge.

    9. She “reads people?” She’s a psychiatrist, not a psychic. LOL

    10. Let me put it another way for you….she should be less clueless and gullible. And far less of a doormat for Ridge who wasn’t interested in her at all until the love of his life betrayed him. Speaking as a woman, I wouldn’t take anyone’s nasty seconds. Taylor has zero self respect. It’s sad!

    11. And the character is written to be human, who still believes in love. They all are. And if Brooke can be hopeful, so can Taylor.

    12. @Lynn.. Taylor was the love of Ridge's life until TPTB decided to change that. Ridge always chose Taylor over Brooke, which is why he had a family with her and not with Brooke. The character of Taylor is back now and we do not know for how long so saying that Ridge and Taylor will only last for a couple of months hinges, I believe, on how long the character of Taylor is going to be written into the storyline.

      And it is not accurate to say that Ridge wasn't interested in Taylor. How do you know? Taylor has not been around for many years with the exception of a visit here and a visit there. Now, she's back for good, according to her so let's wait and see where this leads.

      Taylor is not being gullible, she is being careful because she knows that Ridge also loves Brooke. So again, we should wait and see what happens.

    13. I agree Elle, Ridge always used his Logan for sex but he married women and had family with ones he really loved! Brooke only finally got married to Ridge when he thought his true love Taylor was dead! Brooke tried to make sure Taylor stayed that way too! Remember fake pregnancy and miscarriage?? Brooke did it to hurt Taylor and deceive Ridge, manipulate him into staying with her. That was no accident or oopsie. It was Cold and Calculated!!!

      I doubt Bell Junior will allow Ridge and Taylor to have a real chance since he’s always revamping history for his precious Brooke to reign as evil queen of B&B. He destroyed this soap in so many ways. We can only live in dismal Hope that he pulls his head out and revives it before it gets canceled.

      The writing is repetitive and just sad really. He makes all the characters unlikable, pathetic and wastes so many opportunities to something dramatic and soapy all to prop pathetic Brooke and Hope.

      Bring back the industrial espionage, fashion house showdowns, something other than HFTF! I miss the epic Sally/Stephanie/ Eric showdowns!

    14. Amen, sister! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    15. I missed 20 years of episodes. So honestly I never saw the things you ladies are referring to. But I can tell by the way the show is written now that Brooke and Ridge will end up back together. The writing is sloppy and rushed to have Taylor and Ridge turn into anything real. It is pathetic. And I still maintain Taylor is very gullible and pathetic if she believes Ridge can just flip a switch. That’s not the way love works when you’ve been very committed to your wife for years!! I definitely don’t see Brooke as the evil queen. I definitely see her as the queen tho!

    16. Spot on Lynn, I completely agree with you. All the Taylor fans out here better enjoy it. Even if Brooke and Ridge are done for good, Brooke is the undisputed queen of B&B, and will be until Katherine Kelly Lang retires. And rightfully so. Love Brooke or hate her, her portrayer is a gorgeous and talented actor, who has carried this show from it's beginning. B&B would totally suck without Brooke Logan and her drama

    17. Lynn, in the 20 yrs you missed, Ridge and Brooke were apart with other people for the majority of it. They never last more than a year or two and Brooke cheats and they break up. They have been married 8 times and sometimes for a few months before they implode!

      They marry other people blah blah. This is big fiction in Hope and Brooke’s mind that those two have been happily married all this time! 😂

      Ridge has had many many other loves as has Brooke! Brooke has been with so many men and broken up many happy homes in that time.

      So sorry don’t agree about this loving devotion through the years.

      Brooke has Never been devoted to Ridge. She was married to other men and tried to keep him on the side as a fall back! That’s not love!

      Ridge was happy with loads of other people, it’s laughable this grande destiny bullocks that is now being fed us!

  4. o move on u alchi brooke lol thats wat u get go to eric now

  5. that suit color on hope she looks like one of fat tonys gangster he has the same cour suit lolll

    1. Another hideous bin bag chic outfit for Hope. Honestly where do they get those horrid clothes??? The colours were nauseating!

    2. Hideous is right! Right out of the 70s.

    3. they dress hope up in all mix matching colors dont mix or match at all she somedays looks like she living back in the 70s and other days looks like she been shopping out of a dumpster get it together as a whole actually the show seems to be running on empty

  6. Replies
    1. That's a lot of people for a little beach house.
      Did Thomas find his dream home yet because he could always crash in the pool house.
      With any luck, Paris still has a key and will drop by when she dumped Carter.
      Dose Wyatt ever visit these days? He's a neighbor.
      Old people are so horny and slutty.
      Menopause and Viagra is the new B&B.
      Remember the old days when Brooke could hide her knickers in Bills secret office/ bedroom closet?

    2. That is no little beach house! It’s a cliff side mansion that Steffy purchased and look at the aerial views, there’s loads of room in there!

    3. Yeah Brooke is an expert at hiding her knickers from the man’s wife she’s sleeping with and lying to her husband about them lol! 😂😂😂

    4. At least Thomas and Steffy own their own homes and aren’t still living off mummy even though they have money to burn! Hope and Liam are pathetic! Liam is over 30 and Hope is getting close she has no desire to be a grown up! She has a daughter but acts like a spoiled 16 yr old. Grow up! Go spend some of your millions and buy a damn house to live in! Make sure you have a room for Auntie Donna since she takes care of Beth more than you do!

      Thomas may be dropping by, but he owns his own place, just like Steffens, they elem for their money and pay their own way. Ridge can’t live in the home he bought and paid for because it’s “Brooke’s “ house/estate now. Taylor sold her home to Bill so those two can go get their own place lol! Or hey move into Finn’s house, since it’s around the corner from Steffens and his place!

    5. Sorry autocorrect is on a rampage lol!

  7. Taylor is so ethical. Go break up your marriage face to face.
    Don't text or ghost 👻
    So old school.

    1. Taylor is ethical , she didn’t have sex with him and wanted him to go face Brooke and her fake tears. If he doesn’t give in to her usual manipulating and ends his marriage then she can truly be with him.

      Brooke has never let a man being married to someone else stop her from relieving her loneliness or whatever the excuse is today.

      Did you not hear Brooke making excuses the second Ridge came in… it’s not my fault blah blah!

    2. @I don't get it... Too funny. 😂😂😂

  8. Eric are you advising and sympathizing with your DIL who cheated and lied?
    Even after she trashed your cheating wife?
    Now that's cold 🥶 man.

    1. Eric is special lol, he never ceases to amaze me.

    2. Brooke always calls in Eric to put the screws to Ridge and talk him into going back to the tramp! Eric is utterly blinded!

    3. Especially since he knows what a cheating lying tarte she is, after all she used him cheated on him took millions and a chunk of FC from him 2 x!! Eric will never see Brooke for the manipulative selfish brat she is! The one crocodile tear again!

    4. @I don't get it... He was only sympathizing with her falling off the wagon. He seemed pretty disinterested with the rest. He was probably thinking "That's what you get for trying to break up my marriage." What did Confucius say about digging 2 graves?

  9. And Taylor
    If you think Brooke has so many men, you might want Ridge tested and rubber coated before you have another "sleepover". Just sayin'

    1. At least Taylor has the class not to SLEEP with him! Brooke screws men in their marital bed while the wife is out! Brooke brings men into her marital bed then has hubby without showering in between or changing the sheets… you were saying?

      Taylor didn’t have sex with Ridge because he’s still married!!! That is always an invitation for Brooke!

    2. @I don't get it... I know, right!

    3. Really? Taywhore slept with more men, even brookes son and father so stfu , also brooke did not kill anyone, all the pathetic assholes i steffy house did

  10. If you have any doubt that Deacon didn't get into Brookes Bedroom lingerie line, get tested because he has been in prison the last few years.
    Prison man. He probably got more than most of the B&B men this year.

    1. Oh no. Don't get Travis started please! Now we'll have to hear about Deacon's hard so and so. 🤦🏻‍♀️🙉

  11. Stake your claim.
    Oh Steffy
    Was that why your hung that pathetic picture of Liam on your wall even when he was with Hope?

    1. Oh Hope is that why you came back from Italy and threw yourself at a married man? Why you were trying to have sex in a changing room while your pregnant wife is at home? Why you got pregnant with a married man and demanded he leave his fiancé and baby daughter??? Why you let your engagement ring even though you chose and married other men and left Liam how many times but oh yes … that’s pathetic!

    2. I'm so glad Taylor didn't listen to Steffy and Thomas.

  12. Thank you Bob. For the first time i actually feel sorry for Brooke, none of this would hav happened but for the alcohol which destroys the brain makes one do stupid things. SOMEONE should have figured this out by now, Ridge is a stupid idiot. NO morals in soaps

    1. Wrong, Brooke did this by LYING to Ridge! By FORCING him to have Deacon in his home and life and telling him he had NO say in it!!! Brooke CHOSE to stay home with Deacon, Hope etc instead of going with her HUSBAND to work on their marriage and appreciating him making a romantic trip for them! Brooke CHOSE to have Deacon stay and make out with him and drink more and LIE to her husband and PRESSURE a 6 yr old into keeping her dirty secret! Brooke could have come clean and Ridge would have forgiven her straight up, she refused!! That is 100% on Brooke and she conveniently forgot to tell Eric all of that! Playing the victim again!

    2. Did you feel sorry for Donna when Eric kicked her out of FC after Brooke encouraged her to go after Quinn's husband? Brooke is receiving her just desserts. You don't go inserting yourself in someone else's marriage without it blowing up in your face. Karma is a big ole B and just perfect for Brooke.

    3. Bbfan, Brooke wants to blame the alcohol because she knows Ridge was willing to forgive her. However, Ridge is not leaving because of the alcohol or even the kiss. He is leaving because Brooke chose Deacon over him. This has gone past the alcohol. It's about Brooke not having the capacity to be completely loyal to her husband.

    4. Elle, correct. Defending Deacon was really the last straw for Ridge. I always put myself in their position and I would have felt the same way as Ridge did.

    5. Absolutely Elle, Brooke never put Ridge first or showed loyalty! She chose Bill over him and her sister Katie, not just with making out but in backing Bill to take Will from Katie! She chose Hope over and over and lied to Ridge casting Thomas as a father who abandoned his child, and the family and business to cover for Hope when she believed she murdered Thomas!! Brooke was actually happy he was dead and would lied to Ridge for eternity if Thomas hadn’t popped back up! Sooo loyal lol! Brooke has literally never had Ridge’s back. She’s only out for herself and Hope and it’s out of her own guilt even then.

      Brooke doesn’t care if Ridge is hurting or whatever as long as she gets her way! She stabs him in the back and is still playing the victim!

      The alcohol only highlighted who she really is!

  13. Ridge is a ass hole and a big as baby because he didn't believe in his wife .Brooke should move on with some one like deacon or bill.about time it's. Over with Brooke and ridge .I can't wait for Thomas and sfetty and ridge get karma to them

    1. When your spouse is a lying cheat repeatedly for decades how do you believe in them? She literally just lied to him for the last couple of months again!!! He’s a fool to believe in her!

    2. I think you have it wrong. Ridge believed in his wife... for years! Brooke, otoh, doesn't believe in her husband or the love that he has for her otherwise she wouldn't keep turning to other men.

      As for karma, I hope you're loving the karma Brooke is experiencing now for interfering in Eric and Quinn's marriage. I know I am!

    3. I agree totally. Brooke was fooled by Sheila and Steffy stole Liam so many times from Hope.I cant count... Thomas is mentally ill. A psycopath. Both these sibblings sucks and are morally totally corrupt. Look at their lives???!

      They should not give ANY moral speach at all to anyone. Especially not to Hope Liam and Brooke. Steffy and Thomas are the worst caracter themselves! How come? Cause of Ridge? No Bridges son RJ seems ok. Probably cause Taylor or Marone (Ridge) together are no good match. Their children is proof of that!

      How come Taylor has the guts to give ANY moral speach?
      Where were she when Thomas crushed Brookes and Ridges marriages with all lies and manipulations? And drugged Liam so that he would sleep with her sister? (HOW SICK IS THAT??? )

      Thomas used his friends to lie to Brooke in order to pushed Ridge to Shana? Where were Taylor when Thomas went totally crazy and tried to force Hope to marry her and used Douglas for that matter? Where were Taylor when Thomas used Zoe and married her just to get Hope jealous?

      What trac record do Steffy have on men? Thomas is disturbed. Totally nuts. Trying to force Ridge to marry their mom and TAKE Ridges phone And STOP Brooke from SPEAKING to her husband?

      How old is he? 15 yrs old? WHY do these disturbed sibblings WANT to force or MANIPULATE their parents to get togehter...SPEAKs for itselves! TOTALLY lunatic!

      DO they want to have their "getting togehter" and braking up Brookes and Ridges marriges on their conscious?

      YEAH! Do you know why? BECAUSE they have no conscoius at all AND the screen player tries to make THESE lunatic look GOOD!

      And Ridge....Who get DRUNK and married Shana i Vegas?

      HOW can anyone defend Ridge STeffy Thomas and Taylor. They are scumbags.

      Ridge should be GLAD if Brooke want s him especially after been KISSINg BOTH Shana and QUINN while DRIKNING. AND Quinn TWICE!

      English is not my language otherwise I had been a much better screenwriter.

      No one sees through all this morally corrupt Forresters,,,, Taylor includes. Ridge almost kissed her OR hugged her at his office.

      THAT s OK?????

    4. After everythinh you wrote unknown my only question is how can anyone defend Brooke and Hope? I would rather know an enemy that tells me they don't like me, than one that smiles in my face and stabs me in my back. That's what Brooke and Hope do. They pretend to like you for their own gains, and when it's time to get rid of you, they pretend they didn't know you and throw you out like trash. Oh and to top it all off, act all innocent like they didn't do you dirty. Steffy never "pretended to like Brooke or Hope, she told them straight up, to their faces "I do not 'F' with you" so there was never a surprise when Steffy did something. But the other two "could never do wrong or hurt anyone intentionally" (it's always a mistake with them) In my view, the first few times it's a mistake, after that, you are just doing it on purpose. Even before Brooke's Alcohol binge. Brooke knew how her husband felt about Deacon, and she CHOSE to ignore that... it was an intentional decision to not support him because she wanted to support her daughter. Anything and i mean ANYTHING that happens after that, in my view was intentional. She should've known better

    5. Lol unknown, Steffy stole Liam so many times?? What a laugh , after the gondola ( and Liam CHOSE to marry Steffy) she did she steal him?? It was Hope chasing married Liam trying to take him from the woman he CHOSE to marry!!! Hope was the one breaking up marriages and thinking she has a right to do it! She has that same mentality as her mum that she owns and has exclusive rights to a man. He’s not even a person, just a prop, a prize to win and gloat over, who cares if you take him from his pregnant wife or new born daughter??? After all only “winning “ matters. Even if he does truly love, and has said more than once that the other woman is the love of his life… entitled spoiled Logans must always win the man!!!

      Hope breaking up Liam and Steffy over the years has always been intentional! Hope plays helpless and victim but never was!

      She learnt from the best, Brooke is the queen of destruction. They both chose to do things that they know hurt others and are shady. They just don’t care!!!

    6. Oh Hope CHOSE to marry Wyatt, Hope CHOSE to make ultimatums so she could have a fairytale life and then ran off pouting when it didn’t work exactly as she demanded. Spoilt little brat princess sabotaged her own relationship and life so stop blaming Steffy! Hope pushed Liam away and manipulated him, that’s not love!

  14. I had to laugh about Brooke and her vows. She’s made vows to so many men and never kept them, not ONCE!!! They mean nothing to her unless she’s once again begging forgiveness for hurting , cheating etc, promising for the millionth time it will never happen again! Again 😂

    1. When she brought up the vows, I was like "the same vows you broke, Brooke?" The audacity of her to throw their vows in Ridge's face as if she ever respects marriage vows.

  15. Thomas's shirt is giving me Star Trek: The Next Generation vibes. 😂 And the wardrobe people are just putting Hope in one horrible outfit after another. Steffy gets all the good clothes, even when JMW is pregnant.

    1. JMW wouldn’t be caught dead in Hope’s ermmm wardrobe lol! Steffy is a fashionista heheh!

    2. Lol Ren I had to look at Thomas’s top again, definitely had an ST Next Gen feel to it 😂

  16. Oh oh. Quinn, you better watch out. Donna is out of the picture and Ridge will be soon. Your husband will be fair game for Brooke who cannot stay single for long.

    1. So mature and again with the verbal abuse go troll some other board! Attacking fictional characters is fine . Attacking real humans who have every right to their opinions is NOT!

  17. Taywhore drugged and got ridge wine then slept with him, she also killed darla then slept with thorne, she shot Bill in the back coward ass! She slept with Rick eventhough she knew pheobe still loved him, later Phoebe died because of a string of events that Taylor started, she slept with James when married ro ridge, she went after Eric even went to his bedroom when Stephanie was sleeping there, later also became his girlfriend, she slept with stepen logan to get precent in the company, she kissed ridge on hopes wedding infront of brooke in brookes house, really? And this is just a small portion of all the disqusting things she did, so pls brooke is a saint compared, and dont get me started on taywhore disqusting kids
    Did everyone forget, ally forrester, Emma barber? Darla forrester? And the ppl ridge killed !
    Who did brooke kill? Who did she shoot or treat as bad? And dont forget Taylor walking away from baby jack, an infant? She is the Wirström and yes she slept with more men than brooke and did som much worse things

  18. Missing the point ... Sheila caused this entire drama never mind the past. Ridge will always want Brooke. Its Taylor who will get hurt when the truth comes out.

    1. Brooke caused all this drama when she went after Sheila, being all nasty and sanctimonious and gloating! Brooke bullied Sheila and set all this in motion. Sheila switched labels, Brooke drank that ends Sheila’s involvement! The rest is all on Brooke her bad choices before and after the evening in question. No one made her lie or disregard and disrespect her husband’s feelings as usual! It’s indicative of their entire relationship which has been off again on again for decades. This fiction that they were happily married for years is utter bullocks. Those two cheat break up marry other people rinse repeat!! Destiny my arse!

      Good riddance to bad rubbish Brooke! If only she would just do one and we don’t have to see her for 20 years lol!
