I filled sad for brooke.now she needs to heel and find new love and for get winey ridge.hope prouders put Brooke and bill back to toether .now she can be with someone can trust her.when is Karna coming to sfetty and Thomas and ridge.some one needs slap sfetty snuck off her face
Why do they need Karma, their whole childhood was a bouncing ball because of this lady. The same Steffy and Thomas you think deserve Karma, were just kids when this same lady, used to say things like "nothing and no one can keep them apart". She said this when Thomas was born and kept the truth from her then Husband Ridge, that he had a son. Who does that? or when Taylor was pregnant with the Twins (and married to Ridge) keept insisting her and Ridge are meant for each other bla bla bla. Every chance she got to seduce Ridge whether it was being stuck in elevators, getting locked in the steam room etc (while he was married with Taylor), she always disregarded that family for her own gains. Someone who says things like nothing and no one can keep us apart, is the one that deserves Karma because you are talking about the man's children.
I am so sick of so many people here bashing Brooke. Okay she's done things in the past and been involved with other men, but it seems to me like a lot of people seemed to forget what the circumstances that were that led up to what happened back then. Rather anybody wants to remember it or not Ridge was involved in one way or another. Ridge isn't totally innocent. And I'm sick of the fact that he can't think about the things that he has done. Let's compare drinking nights. I think what he did was a lot worse when he got drunk and was with Shauna. And I'm tired of people not thinking that alcohol can make people do things that they wouldn't normally do. It is a fact that alcohol changes a person's behavior when they've been drinking. Just like it changed Ridge's behavior when he was with Shawna and drunk. The difference is Ridge knew why he was drinking and he chose to do it. Let's not forget that Brooke is an alcoholic. The poor woman got screwed over by that psycho Sheila. You don't go and make it so an alcoholic has alcohol to drink. I'm so sick of people saying how Brooke also made out with Deacon. I don't think I would call one kiss making out. And I don't know why anybody, even Brooke, is saying that she defended Deacon. It's like Eric said anybody would have done the same thing when they saw them fighting. And it was Ridge that got the last shot in with the glass or whatever it was and that's what Brooke saw when she went in. There was nothing wrong with her making sure that Deacon was all right and she was more or less thinking about Ridge and not wanting him to get into trouble or do something he would regret. But of course everybody has to look at things in an evil way when it concerns Brooke. And I am so sick of Miss Steffy and little Thomas acting like little children. And so far Taylor hasn't said anything about her and Ridge to Sheila, but she shouldn't be talking to Sheila about the situation at all. I really think the writers need to get her into another occupation because she really sucks as a psychiatrist. A real psychiatrist would have pulled themselve out of the situation when they were close to it like she is. A real psychiatrist wouldn't have let a man come to her house that was married and the same day that he got in an argument with his wife and kiss her and spend the night at her house. And then just stand there and even listen to Sheila about all of this? Seriously? Even though I hate listening to Steffy and Thomas with their crap I'm getting satisfaction because I know that the truth is all going to come out and that Brook and Ridge will get back together. He told Brooke exactly how he felt about her as far as always loving her and her being his Logan. So we know who he truly loves and it isn't Taylor. And anybody on here that has to say that Brooke was the cause of Taylor and Ridge splitting there was also circumstances involved with all of that too. The point is Ridge made his decision when he made it so if Taylor was any kind of a person she would have got over it. In the end Taylor, Steffy, and Thomas will all get what they deserve. I can't wait either.
I kinda felt bad for her too. But I hope her and ridge don't get back together, because Ridge is an ass. I don't care who she's with as long as it's not Eric, Thomas, or Liam lol. I could care less if the whole Forester foursome left town for good.
I’m glad that Brooke was suffering she getting what she deserves, I’m tired of seeing them together tired of seeing her crying all the time when she makes the mistakes she just got through not long ago kissing Bill now she kiss and Deacon, I’m glad ridge leave and her, Let it go back with her sister’s husband or Deacon.
This show is so unrealistic unbelievable. People barge into each other's front unlocked doors into their homes, clinics, whatever else. When a drama stops being realistic and believable people treated as a joke and not respect it. The writers need to look at their silly scenario and have more competent writers to bring this show back to its old glory. Atm its a joke.
You are so right. It's become more like a parody of a soap opera than an actual soap. The repetitive dialogue, the lack of different characters, the laziness of it all, It's cringeworthy. Young and the restless has also been pretty boring lately, but b&B is just become TERRIBLE. I really don't know why I keep watching.
Brooke handled herself perfectly. So much for all the waterworks everyone kept talking about. Now it will be Deacon to the rescue. Deacon is hot! Wouldn’t mind those two being together for a while. But it will be brief, just like the Taylor / Ridge thing will be brief. Can’t wait for Sheila’s world to come crashing down around her when she finally gets caught. Sheila is gonna end up spilling her guts to Deacon. And it’s gonna blow up in Sheila’s face. That woman seriously needs to get a job! And also can’t wait for karma to slap Steffy in her smug face! That’s gonna be sweet! Steffy is beyond full of herself these days!
What is this Steffy Karma, sheesh the lady has been through enough. Is she not allowed to want her parents together? When did that become illegal or immoral lol. I remember when Eric left Donna to reunite with Stephanie, all their grown a** kids were trying to help Eric win Stephanie back. Ridge said himself that when they had a chance to reunite their parents they were extremely happy. Those grown people didn't get or deserve any Karma. How come Hope is allowed to disrupt EVERYONE'S lives because she wanted her Dad in everyone's lives, especially when everyone had reason not to want him around. And look now. where is her Karma? Does she deserve Karma. Haaibo leave Steffy along, she did nothing wrong but whine, thats all she is guilty of. She did not switch Brookes drinks and did not force her to kiss Deacon. All she did is ask her parents (ok demand) that her parents get back together. Again that is not a crime lol.
Steffy slept with Liam when he was married to Hope. Then she gave everyone a paternity share that it may be Liam’s baby. Steffy went along with Thomas’ plan of the staged kiss on the deck outside when she knew Hope was on the way to the house to see Liam. She has done everything to control everybody’s lives according to what suits her needs. She wants Sheila out, she wants Deacon out, she wants her dad and mom back together and has completely schemed to make that happen…even though Ridge is married to Brooke. Steffy is extremely self-absorbed. Even her mannerisms and the way she talks is super annoying.
So she deserve Karma for which part exactly? for being smug as you initially wrote or for the paragraph after that? If we saying she deserve Karam for her and Liam's mingling. Does Brooke deserve it too for the many people she's hurt? How about Hope for getting pregnant by a married man? Or her forcing her dad on everyone? Or how about the men for being H**s? what about Bill and all the messed up things he has done to his loved ones. Man the whole cast deserves Karma, based on what you're saying then.
Brooke has cheated on Ridge a million times and will again given the chance. Loving someone doesn’t mean you are good together. They are so toxic as a couple, always have been!
Well done Ridge finally growing a pair and not letting her manipulate you once again! Brooke is still missing the point that she chose Deacon over Ridge when she told him that Deacon would be in their home, in their lives whether he liked it or not. Spoiled brat Hope should have grown the feck up… she and Liam use some of their trust funds or hey their massive undeserved salaries to buy a house for their family and quit sponging off mummy!!! Liam wants to it’s selfish Hope wants to stay with mummy and she’s welcome to have her father at her own home and property. She demanded he be at holidays and in Brooke and Ridge’s home and Brooke sided with her against Ridge.
Then chose to spend NYE away from her husband knowing Deacon would be there!
Her drinking doesn’t excuse her lying to Ridge all that time or siding again and defending Deacon. She isn’t loyal to her husband and now she is paying for it.
Brooke has always hurt Ridge, cheated on him, slept with other men, made out with other men etc and then cried and been forgiven. I hope Eric doesn’t rush to her defence. I hope he remembers her trying to destroy his marriage.
I hope Ridge is ready to get off the toxic dungheap of a relationship with Brooke for good.
Hope was so smug, well, just because mummy has always gotten away with bad behaviour doesn’t mean that will never change.
@Bbfan EXACTLY!!! Been wondering why these kids don't buy their own Mansions or at least apartments. The Brooke fans keep asking for Steffy's "karma" for doing absolutely nothing to brooke but maybe this is Hope's Karma, for forcing Deacon on everyone.
But that being said...the sad thing about this soap is Ridge is and will always be an idiot and probably "forgive" Brooke for her wrong doing when this Sheila mess is revealed. Or perhaps these writers might surprise us all. I mean they did it with the Eric and Quinn saga, every time i was convinced they were done, the writers swept in and kept them together. So maybe they might give this Taylor and Ridge story a chance and perhaps we may get a single Brooke for a change, that would be new for her.
What really got to me today was Hope telling Steffy that her mom and Ridge are still married. I wish Steffy would have reminded Hope that she slept with her husband, Liam while Steffy and Liam were still married. That would have shut her right up!
@Charmaine I believe that Taylor will figure out what Sheila did and she will tell Ridge. It would be interesting that way as we can get to see whether Ridge will decide to return to Brooke or not.
Elle, with all the times Hope throws Steffy’s behaviour in her face, you never hear Steffy do the same! What a hypocrite, Hope you slept with a married man, got pregnant and demanded he leave his wife and newborn daughter to be with you! How does she sit there like butter wouldn’t melt? Hope came back to LA from Italy with the sole purpose of breaking up a marriage!! I mean she spouts all this crap about Brooke and Ridge and how she should be forgiven, no one has a right to attack a marriage etc. Steffy literally made a one-off mistake and Hope couldn’t get back quick enough to try and spilt them up permanently! Brooke was behind that all the way! Liam loved his wife, he chose Steffy and married her out of love! Brooke amd Hope had NO respect for that marriage or for Eric and Quinn’s! Quinn hadn’t even cheated and Brooke was determined to throw Quinn out of Eric’s life like she has the right or any say??? What a joke🙄🙄🙄
Elle, agree about Taylor, her face today says she suspects something is up already. Unlike Brooke who has and would sit on the info of roles were reversed, Taylor will be honest with Ridge despite any personal loss that would occur. And yes Brooke is guilty of hiding info from Ridge to keep him for herself… remember Taylor escaping Prince Omar and Brooke telling her to just leave and stay dead? Or then faking pregnancy and miscarriage to keep a grip on Ridge??? Yeahhhhh
Bbfan, I do remember. Brooke was always the default wife, the woman Ridge would run to whenever he couldn't have his Doc. Brooke moved hell and high water on many occasions to come between Ridge and Taylor. She even literally grabbed him by his ankles to stop him from walking away from her when she was trying to seduce him. Ridge walked away dragging Brooke behind him while she was on the floor holding on to his ankles for dear life.
Then TPTB decided to change history and suddenly made Brooke the love of Ridge's life however they cannot erase history. Fans will always remember who Ridge truly loved and had a family with. And that's why Brooke is still so insecure about Taylor. She knows what Taylor means to Ridge and she knows that she stands to lose Ridge forever if he returns to his Doc.
Ridge has to forgive Brooke because the only females that are available in Malibu California are Brooke, Taylor and Sheila. The only other ones that exist are teens on spring break loaded with covid. He doesn't exactly commit to Taylor with the cloying lobster like claws. He has looked at her hand as she's all feely with his shirt material. It didn't work for George Costanza, either.
Sad they are using Sheila just to break up 2 couples. First Jack and Lei and now Brooke and Ridge. Give her a story line already!!!! Sheila sitting in a hotel room is lame. So Sheila will ask Deacon to help her with Finn since she helped him re Brooke. Or she will slip with TMI in front of Taylor. But not before these new couples hook up. If Deacon canendsvup exposing Sheila, he'll be a hero to hope but Ridge is not going to be apologizing to the man who drank with his wife. Not anytime soon.
Brooke fans never hold her culpable for her behaviour, ever! She’s done the same thing a million times! Drunk or sober she can’t be loyal or faithful. Then she lies and lies and chooses another man over her husband , rinse repeat! Brooke never changes! She always gets away with it so why change? Cry enough and she’s golden and ready to the same again! She hurts others and is totally oblivious all she cares about is herself!
You know who Shelia will tell about Brooke boozy breakdown? Steffy Yup She will blackmail for a visit or three or ten with her boys for staying quiet about the champagne 🍾 thereby keeping Ridge with Taylor. Let's see how far Steffy will go. Look out Finn.
I am not sure what the point of this story line is and if the writers know where they are taking their characters. What is the point of breaking Brooke and Ridge for a little while only to have them reunited once they find out about Sheila's manipulation and throw Taylor in the mix. This is an insult to Tridge fans. If they want to keep Ridge and Brooke together- then keep them together and please come up with the new brand storylines.
Must we suffer through Brooke hitting Skid Row now,? Reinventing the one and only real Matriarch, Stephanies famous homeless storyline? When she ends up in Finns ER and he finds out Steffy kept Sheila role from him? Who swoops in to comfort him? Not Paris!!!! Maybe Hope because you know Steffy will lean on Liam.
The unbelievable part of this story line is that Katie and Donna are AWOL They have coffee at Brookes at least every week and lunch at Deacons cafe ( officially renamed)
Katie is with Bill having a video chat with Will and Donna is moseying along the lonely highway somewhere... honey in hand and probably thinking about Eric sucking on her bony finger.
Let's see how quickly Brooke will be "inlove" with Deacon, because whenever she gets rejected, she jumps onto the next. Or...Is that why Eric popped by, is he gona be her next? Hmmmm Maybe Bill again, seeing as him and Katie ain't happening. Oooooh maybe new sauce. Perhaps Jack... thats one way to piss off Steffy lol. I am still waiting for her to "slip up and make a mistake with Liam. So far thats the only son in law she hasn't messed with yet because Deacon, Oliver and Nick weren't off limits for her. Or another twist what about Thomas "again" yeah yeah i know that kiss was all Thomas' idea , but she still didn't stop him.
No one has forced Ridge to have Sheila in his life and Sheila isn’t Ridge’s ex that he still has feelings for! Deacon is those things for Brooke!
Don’t tell me she doesn’t all the flashbacks to making love to Deacon etc … she never got over him leaving her.
Brooke has lied to everyone for almost 30 yrs to cover her arse… she wasn’t a victim of Deacon, she pursued him, got him, wanted to keep him and loved him! He left out of respect for Bridget because he was Hope’s father.
Brooke lied her arse off in an attempt to make herself less disgusting for sleeping with, having a long ongoing affair with and getting pregnant by her daughter’s husband!!!
Brooke told her husband that her former lover would be in their home and lives so get over it! She sided with Hope and Deacon. She refused to listen to Ridge’s concerns and upset and he knew her well enough to know that at some point she and Deacon would “make a mistake “ that would hurt Ridge!
Elle, spot on… Deacon walks right in and makes himself at home. Sheila skulks around Taylor’s office 😂.
Lol we realise that, we are talking about fictional characters not the actors themselves. True, some don’t like the Taylor recast, personally, KA is stunning of B&B doesn’t hide her beauty to prop other characters (cough cough Brooke) 🙄🙄🙄.
The writers on this show try to revise history to prop certain characters and it’s insulting to fans who have been here since the beginning!
You people can rag on steffy all you want. She's here for one purpose - to be Brooke's karma. All those husbands she seduced, all those wives she humiliated. All those times she made steffy and Thomas an outcast and propped her kids up. Taylor never I'll treated any of Brooke's kids. So she deserves exactly what she is getting!
Now I know what this show needs! It needs the characters to have a go at each other, so that when one complains about who slept with who, the the other throws back at them with their history, accompanied by flashbacks to the occasions. This will liven the show up and the writers won't have to think of new lines for the script. That will save money and time. They payback for us viewers is that it will be like a tennis game and we can keep score on who topped who. Can't wait for this to happen. I reckon soft old Eric will win in the end.
I am so tired of seeing the roll that steffy and Thomas play. They seem like 2 small children. And which is worse, Brooke's confused and unexplainable kiss with Deacon or Ridge purposely going to Taylor's and kissing her.
I don't think the question is what is worse, it's why have they both turned to other people?
Brooke gets news that Ridge is stuck on the jet so she spends the night drinking with her pal, Deacon and makes out with him. Why would she do that to the husband she claims to love?
Then we have Ridge making a beeline for Taylor after seeing Brooke defend Deacon. Yet, he says he loves Brooke.
Two people who truly love each other will not turn to other people so willingly. But to answer your question, kissing someone and using the excuse that you were drunk and didn't know what you were doing (even though remembering, in full detail, the events of what happened) is worse. Brooke couldn't be all that drunk if she remembers the kiss so clearly.
So any thoughts on where Steffy will be for a few months? JMW should be going on Mat leave soon for her third baby.
I’m wondering does Sheila kidnap her? Will she and Finn take the bairns on an extended holiday to get away from the drama?
Ugh heard the news that Paris is back next week… 😩 more terrible and awkward scenes to come with Carter and Paris in bed ewwww. Will have to flashback to him and Quinn, they lit the screen on fire!!!
I will ff through Paris stuff, she’s got NO chemistry with anyone. I think they should bring her out as fancying one of the female models, it’s more her vibe.
Wyatt and Bill will be back , I would not be surprised if Bill goes after Brooke again now she’s single! He cannot help himself! He will be making good one liners about the “dress maker” 😂
Brooke and Deacon are more exciting, Bbfan. I want to see them together for a while now that Deacon has cleaned up his act. I also want to see the grown, adult Hope rooting for and encouraging her parents to get back together.
I filled sad for brooke.now she needs to heel and find new love and for get winey ridge.hope prouders put Brooke and bill back to toether .now she can be with someone can trust her.when is Karna coming to sfetty and Thomas and ridge.some one needs slap sfetty snuck off her face
ReplyDeleteWhy do they need Karma, their whole childhood was a bouncing ball because of this lady. The same Steffy and Thomas you think deserve Karma, were just kids when this same lady, used to say things like "nothing and no one can keep them apart". She said this when Thomas was born and kept the truth from her then Husband Ridge, that he had a son. Who does that? or when Taylor was pregnant with the Twins (and married to Ridge) keept insisting her and Ridge are meant for each other bla bla bla. Every chance she got to seduce Ridge whether it was being stuck in elevators, getting locked in the steam room etc (while he was married with Taylor), she always disregarded that family for her own gains. Someone who says things like nothing and no one can keep us apart, is the one that deserves Karma because you are talking about the man's children.
DeleteI am so sick of so many people here bashing Brooke. Okay she's done things in the past and been involved with other men, but it seems to me like a lot of people seemed to forget what the circumstances that were that led up to what happened back then. Rather anybody wants to remember it or not Ridge was involved in one way or another. Ridge isn't totally innocent. And I'm sick of the fact that he can't think about the things that he has done. Let's compare drinking nights. I think what he did was a lot worse when he got drunk and was with Shauna. And I'm tired of people not thinking that alcohol can make people do things that they wouldn't normally do. It is a fact that alcohol changes a person's behavior when they've been drinking. Just like it changed Ridge's behavior when he was with Shawna and drunk. The difference is Ridge knew why he was drinking and he chose to do it. Let's not forget that Brooke is an alcoholic. The poor woman got screwed over by that psycho Sheila. You don't go and make it so an alcoholic has alcohol to drink. I'm so sick of people saying how Brooke also made out with Deacon. I don't think I would call one kiss making out. And I don't know why anybody, even Brooke, is saying that she defended Deacon. It's like Eric said anybody would have done the same thing when they saw them fighting. And it was Ridge that got the last shot in with the glass or whatever it was and that's what Brooke saw when she went in. There was nothing wrong with her making sure that Deacon was all right and she was more or less thinking about Ridge and not wanting him to get into trouble or do something he would regret. But of course everybody has to look at things in an evil way when it concerns Brooke. And I am so sick of Miss Steffy and little Thomas acting like little children. And so far Taylor hasn't said anything about her and Ridge to Sheila, but she shouldn't be talking to Sheila about the situation at all. I really think the writers need to get her into another occupation because she really sucks as a psychiatrist. A real psychiatrist would have pulled themselve out of the situation when they were close to it like she is. A real psychiatrist wouldn't have let a man come to her house that was married and the same day that he got in an argument with his wife and kiss her and spend the night at her house. And then just stand there and even listen to Sheila about all of this? Seriously? Even though I hate listening to Steffy and Thomas with their crap I'm getting satisfaction because I know that the truth is all going to come out and that Brook and Ridge will get back together. He told Brooke exactly how he felt about her as far as always loving her and her being his Logan. So we know who he truly loves and it isn't Taylor. And anybody on here that has to say that Brooke was the cause of Taylor and Ridge splitting there was also circumstances involved with all of that too. The point is Ridge made his decision when he made it so if Taylor was any kind of a person she would have got over it. In the end Taylor, Steffy, and Thomas will all get what they deserve. I can't wait either.
DeleteHave to agree with you, Maddy. I really was rooting for Brooke.
DeleteWhy does that only apply to Brooke and Hope? Ridge, Liam and Eric made their choices too and Brooke and Hope NEVER respected them!!!
DeleteI kinda felt bad for her too. But I hope her and ridge don't get back together, because Ridge is an ass. I don't care who she's with as long as it's not Eric, Thomas, or Liam lol. I could care less if the whole Forester foursome left town for good.
DeleteMaddy, I always agree with your comments! You go girl!! 👍🏻👍🏻
DeleteI’m glad that Brooke was suffering she getting what she deserves, I’m tired of seeing them together tired of seeing her crying all the time when she makes the mistakes she just got through not long ago kissing Bill now she kiss and Deacon, I’m glad ridge leave and her, Let it go back with her sister’s husband or Deacon.
DeleteFukk brook she deserved that sick an fedup of her
DeleteYes its karma now Brooke knows how Steffy felt when Brooke helped break up her Steam.Thank you Bob xxx
ReplyDeleteThis show is so unrealistic unbelievable. People barge into each other's front unlocked doors into their homes, clinics, whatever else. When a drama stops being realistic and believable people treated as a joke and not respect it. The writers need to look at their silly scenario and have more competent writers to bring this show back to its old glory. Atm its a joke.
DeleteYou are so right. It's become more like a parody of a soap opera than an actual soap. The repetitive dialogue, the lack of different characters, the laziness of it all, It's cringeworthy. Young and the restless has also been pretty boring lately, but b&B is just become TERRIBLE. I really don't know why I keep watching.
DeleteBrooke handled herself perfectly. So much for all the waterworks everyone kept talking about. Now it will be Deacon to the rescue. Deacon is hot! Wouldn’t mind those two being together for a while. But it will be brief, just like the Taylor / Ridge thing will be brief. Can’t wait for Sheila’s world to come crashing down around her when she finally gets caught. Sheila is gonna end up spilling her guts to Deacon. And it’s gonna blow up in Sheila’s face. That woman seriously needs to get a job! And also can’t wait for karma to slap Steffy in her smug face! That’s gonna be sweet! Steffy is beyond full of herself these days!
ReplyDeleteWhat is this Steffy Karma, sheesh the lady has been through enough. Is she not allowed to want her parents together? When did that become illegal or immoral lol. I remember when Eric left Donna to reunite with Stephanie, all their grown a** kids were trying to help Eric win Stephanie back. Ridge said himself that when they had a chance to reunite their parents they were extremely happy. Those grown people didn't get or deserve any Karma. How come Hope is allowed to disrupt EVERYONE'S lives because she wanted her Dad in everyone's lives, especially when everyone had reason not to want him around. And look now. where is her Karma? Does she deserve Karma. Haaibo leave Steffy along, she did nothing wrong but whine, thats all she is guilty of. She did not switch Brookes drinks and did not force her to kiss Deacon. All she did is ask her parents (ok demand) that her parents get back together. Again that is not a crime lol.
DeleteSteffy slept with Liam when he was married to Hope. Then she gave everyone a paternity share that it may be Liam’s baby. Steffy went along with Thomas’ plan of the staged kiss on the deck outside when she knew Hope was on the way to the house to see Liam. She has done everything to control everybody’s lives according to what suits her needs. She wants Sheila out, she wants Deacon out, she wants her dad and mom back together and has completely schemed to make that happen…even though Ridge is married to Brooke. Steffy is extremely self-absorbed. Even her mannerisms and the way she talks is super annoying.
DeleteSo she deserve Karma for which part exactly? for being smug as you initially wrote or for the paragraph after that? If we saying she deserve Karam for her and Liam's mingling. Does Brooke deserve it too for the many people she's hurt? How about Hope for getting pregnant by a married man? Or her forcing her dad on everyone? Or how about the men for being H**s? what about Bill and all the messed up things he has done to his loved ones. Man the whole cast deserves Karma, based on what you're saying then.
DeleteBrooke has cheated on Ridge a million times and will again given the chance. Loving someone doesn’t mean you are good together. They are so toxic as a couple, always have been!
ReplyDeleteWell done Ridge finally growing a pair and not letting her manipulate you once again! Brooke is still missing the point that she chose Deacon over Ridge when she told him that Deacon would be in their home, in their lives whether he liked it or not. Spoiled brat Hope should have grown the feck up… she and Liam use some of their trust funds or hey their massive undeserved salaries to buy a house for their family and quit sponging off mummy!!! Liam wants to it’s selfish Hope wants to stay with mummy and she’s welcome to have her father at her own home and property. She demanded he be at holidays and in Brooke and Ridge’s home and Brooke sided with her against Ridge.
Then chose to spend NYE away from her husband knowing Deacon would be there!
Her drinking doesn’t excuse her lying to Ridge all that time or siding again and defending Deacon. She isn’t loyal to her husband and now she is paying for it.
Brooke has always hurt Ridge, cheated on him, slept with other men, made out with other men etc and then cried and been forgiven. I hope Eric doesn’t rush to her defence. I hope he remembers her trying to destroy his marriage.
I hope Ridge is ready to get off the toxic dungheap of a relationship with Brooke for good.
Hope was so smug, well, just because mummy has always gotten away with bad behaviour doesn’t mean that will never change.
Delete@Bbfan EXACTLY!!! Been wondering why these kids don't buy their own Mansions or at least apartments. The Brooke fans keep asking for Steffy's "karma" for doing absolutely nothing to brooke but maybe this is Hope's Karma, for forcing Deacon on everyone.
DeleteBut that being said...the sad thing about this soap is Ridge is and will always be an idiot and probably "forgive" Brooke for her wrong doing when this Sheila mess is revealed. Or perhaps these writers might surprise us all. I mean they did it with the Eric and Quinn saga, every time i was convinced they were done, the writers swept in and kept them together. So maybe they might give this Taylor and Ridge story a chance and perhaps we may get a single Brooke for a change, that would be new for her.
What really got to me today was Hope telling Steffy that her mom and Ridge are still married. I wish Steffy would have reminded Hope that she slept with her husband, Liam while Steffy and Liam were still married. That would have shut her right up!
Delete@Charmaine I believe that Taylor will figure out what Sheila did and she will tell Ridge. It would be interesting that way as we can get to see whether Ridge will decide to return to Brooke or not.
DeleteElle, with all the times Hope throws Steffy’s behaviour in her face, you never hear Steffy do the same! What a hypocrite, Hope you slept with a married man, got pregnant and demanded he leave his wife and newborn daughter to be with you! How does she sit there like butter wouldn’t melt? Hope came back to LA from Italy with the sole purpose of breaking up a marriage!! I mean she spouts all this crap about Brooke and Ridge and how she should be forgiven, no one has a right to attack a marriage etc. Steffy literally made a one-off mistake and Hope couldn’t get back quick enough to try and spilt them up permanently! Brooke was behind that all the way! Liam loved his wife, he chose Steffy and married her out of love! Brooke amd Hope had NO respect for that marriage or for Eric and Quinn’s! Quinn hadn’t even cheated and Brooke was determined to throw Quinn out of Eric’s life like she has the right or any say??? What a joke🙄🙄🙄
DeleteElle, agree about Taylor, her face today says she suspects something is up already. Unlike Brooke who has and would sit on the info of roles were reversed, Taylor will be honest with Ridge despite any personal loss that would occur. And yes Brooke is guilty of hiding info from
DeleteRidge to keep him for herself… remember Taylor escaping Prince Omar and Brooke telling her to just leave and stay dead? Or then faking pregnancy and miscarriage to keep a grip on Ridge??? Yeahhhhh
Bbfan, I do remember. Brooke was always the default wife, the woman Ridge would run to whenever he couldn't have his Doc. Brooke moved hell and high water on many occasions to come between Ridge and Taylor. She even literally grabbed him by his ankles to stop him from walking away from her when she was trying to seduce him. Ridge walked away dragging Brooke behind him while she was on the floor holding on to his ankles for dear life.
DeleteThen TPTB decided to change history and suddenly made Brooke the love of Ridge's life however they cannot erase history. Fans will always remember who Ridge truly loved and had a family with. And that's why Brooke is still so insecure about Taylor. She knows what Taylor means to Ridge and she knows that she stands to lose Ridge forever if he returns to his Doc.
DeleteRidge has to forgive Brooke because the only females that are available in Malibu California are Brooke, Taylor and Sheila. The only other ones that exist are teens on spring break loaded with covid. He doesn't exactly commit to Taylor with the cloying lobster like claws. He has looked at her hand as she's all feely with his shirt material.
DeleteIt didn't work for George Costanza, either.
Sad they are using Sheila just to break up 2 couples.
ReplyDeleteFirst Jack and Lei and now Brooke and Ridge.
Give her a story line already!!!!
Sheila sitting in a hotel room is lame.
So Sheila will ask Deacon to help her with Finn since she helped him re Brooke. Or she will slip with TMI in front of Taylor.
But not before these new couples hook up.
If Deacon canendsvup exposing Sheila, he'll be a hero to hope but Ridge is not going to be apologizing to the man who drank with his wife. Not anytime soon.
absolutely!!! @Unknown
DeleteBrooke fans never hold her culpable for her behaviour, ever! She’s done the same thing a million times! Drunk or sober she can’t be loyal or faithful. Then she lies and lies and chooses another man over her husband , rinse repeat! Brooke never changes! She always gets away with it so why change? Cry enough and she’s golden and ready to the same again! She hurts others and is totally oblivious all she cares about is herself!
DeleteYou know who Shelia will tell about Brooke boozy breakdown?
She will blackmail for a visit or three or ten with her boys for staying quiet about the champagne 🍾 thereby keeping Ridge with Taylor.
Let's see how far Steffy will go.
Look out Finn.
Getting too old for this!
ReplyDeleteOh Ridge that line was priceless.
Truer words never spoken.
I am not sure what the point of this story line is and if the writers know where they are taking their characters. What is the point of breaking Brooke and Ridge for a little while only to have them reunited once they find out about Sheila's manipulation and throw Taylor in the mix. This is an insult to Tridge fans.
ReplyDeleteIf they want to keep Ridge and Brooke together- then keep them together and please come up with the new brand storylines.
Must we suffer through Brooke hitting Skid Row now,?
ReplyDeleteReinventing the one and only real Matriarch, Stephanies famous homeless storyline?
When she ends up in Finns ER and he finds out Steffy kept Sheila role from him?
Who swoops in to comfort him?
Not Paris!!!!
Maybe Hope because you know Steffy will lean on Liam.
The unbelievable part of this story line is that Katie and Donna are AWOL
ReplyDeleteThey have coffee at Brookes at least every week and lunch at Deacons cafe ( officially renamed)
Lol right?? Hmmm makes one wonder?
DeleteDeacon’s Cafe 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂
Katie is with Bill having a video chat with Will and Donna is moseying along the lonely highway somewhere... honey in hand and probably thinking about Eric sucking on her bony finger.
Delete🍯 🐻😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂
DeleteYes!! Brooke is single again. I hope she will grab for the bottle again so that story is definetly over...
ReplyDeletelol probably not for long. Has she ever been single? I can't recall.
DeleteLet's see how quickly Brooke will be "inlove" with Deacon, because whenever she gets rejected, she jumps onto the next. Or...Is that why Eric popped by, is he gona be her next? Hmmmm Maybe Bill again, seeing as him and Katie ain't happening. Oooooh maybe new sauce. Perhaps Jack... thats one way to piss off Steffy lol. I am still waiting for her to "slip up and make a mistake with Liam. So far thats the only son in law she hasn't messed with yet because Deacon, Oliver and Nick weren't off limits for her. Or another twist what about Thomas "again" yeah yeah i know that kiss was all Thomas' idea , but she still didn't stop him.
ReplyDeleteridge didn't want deacon in his family, now he has sheila, his new co-grandmother lol
ReplyDeleteSheila isn't visiting every week the way Deacon visited his and Brooke's home. That's the difference.
DeleteNo one has forced Ridge to have Sheila in his life and Sheila isn’t Ridge’s ex that he still has feelings for! Deacon is those things for Brooke!
DeleteDon’t tell me she doesn’t all the flashbacks to making love to Deacon etc … she never got over him leaving her.
Brooke has lied to everyone for almost 30 yrs to cover her arse… she wasn’t a victim of Deacon, she pursued him, got him, wanted to keep him and loved him! He left out of respect for Bridget because he was Hope’s father.
Brooke lied her arse off in an attempt to make herself less disgusting for sleeping with, having a long ongoing affair with and getting pregnant by her daughter’s husband!!!
Brooke told her husband that her former lover would be in their home and lives so get over it! She sided with Hope and Deacon. She refused to listen to Ridge’s concerns and upset and he knew her well enough to know that at some point she and Deacon would “make a mistake “ that would hurt Ridge!
Elle, spot on… Deacon walks right in and makes himself at home. Sheila skulks around Taylor’s office 😂.
I swear to God if Shelia's plan gets busted because she's talking to herself aloud I'm going to be the one that needs therapy.
ReplyDeleteThe writers really need a new plot device. It’s always the same. Talk out loud, get caught, 🥱
DeleteHey guys, it's a show and this is the actors/actresses jobs. And don't yawlz try to be acting all innocent and judgemental 🤣
ReplyDeleteLol we realise that, we are talking about fictional characters not the actors themselves. True, some don’t like the Taylor recast, personally, KA is stunning of B&B doesn’t hide her beauty to prop other characters (cough cough Brooke) 🙄🙄🙄.
DeleteThe writers on this show try to revise history to prop certain characters and it’s insulting to fans who have been here since the beginning!
You people can rag on steffy all you want. She's here for one purpose - to be Brooke's karma. All those husbands she seduced, all those wives she humiliated. All those times she made steffy and Thomas an outcast and propped her kids up. Taylor never I'll treated any of Brooke's kids. So she deserves exactly what she is getting!
ReplyDeleteShut up cow
Delete@Ally 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Correct you are!
Delete@freddie, you are out of order. Stop being verbally abusive to other posters. The moderator needs to block your school yard bullying.
DeleteNow I know what this show needs! It needs the characters to have a go at each other, so that when one complains about who slept with who, the the other throws back at them with their history, accompanied by flashbacks to the occasions. This will liven the show up and the writers won't have to think of new lines for the script. That will save money and time. They payback for us viewers is that it will be like a tennis game and we can keep score on who topped who. Can't wait for this to happen. I reckon soft old Eric will win in the end.
DeleteI am so tired of seeing the roll that steffy and Thomas play. They seem like 2 small children. And which is worse, Brooke's confused and unexplainable kiss with Deacon or Ridge purposely going to Taylor's and kissing her.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the question is what is worse, it's why have they both turned to other people?
DeleteBrooke gets news that Ridge is stuck on the jet so she spends the night drinking with her pal, Deacon and makes out with him. Why would she do that to the husband she claims to love?
Then we have Ridge making a beeline for Taylor after seeing Brooke defend Deacon. Yet, he says he loves Brooke.
Two people who truly love each other will not turn to other people so willingly. But to answer your question, kissing someone and using the excuse that you were drunk and didn't know what you were doing (even though remembering, in full detail, the events of what happened) is worse. Brooke couldn't be all that drunk if she remembers the kiss so clearly.
Exactly Elle! 👏👏👏👏👏
Deleteam enjoying this show all the way in Zimbabwe
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome
DeleteSo any thoughts on where Steffy will be for a few months? JMW should be going on Mat leave soon for her third baby.
ReplyDeleteI’m wondering does Sheila kidnap her? Will she and Finn take the bairns on an extended holiday to get away from the drama?
Ugh heard the news that Paris is back next week… 😩 more terrible and awkward scenes to come with Carter and Paris in bed ewwww. Will have to flashback to him and Quinn, they lit the screen on fire!!!
I will ff through Paris stuff, she’s got NO chemistry with anyone. I think they should bring her out as fancying one of the female models, it’s more her vibe.
Wyatt and Bill will be back , I would not be surprised if Bill goes after Brooke again now she’s single! He cannot help himself! He will be making good one liners about the “dress maker” 😂
Brooke and Deacon are more exciting, Bbfan. I want to see them together for a while now that Deacon has cleaned up his act. I also want to see the grown, adult Hope rooting for and encouraging her parents to get back together.
DeleteNow you know how Steffy felt Brooke!!!
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