Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-24-22 Full episode B&B 24th February 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-24-22 Full episode B&B 24th February 2022

There was no episode today because of a special news report.


  1. 🥺🥺😩😩😢😢😢 Thanks Bob! We appreciate you bringing B&B to our world!

    1. i saw the same episode as well it was nice see something different with actual cast not just 6 people

    2. No Vladimir Putin loves War!
      The real Dracula shared the same name - Vlad The Impaler!
      Both evil tyrants!
      But unfortunately one is still alive!

  2. Replies
    1. So true ! Democrats love war !!!

    2. So today came BOLD ???
      Or did you have to do without a soap like I did !!!
      And sorry this war is just 2 state lines away from me!!!
      And tell me The brothers are fighting each other again!!!

    3. @ Treize 13, looks like you need a history lesson. The 2 most recent wars where the US sent troops into battle were both under President Bush. Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush is a Republican. And Republicans are all about big military budgets. You should never bring politics into a discussion on this blog. Esp when you are straight up wrong!

    4. Thank you Lynn! I had basically the same reply to Treize as you have written!

    5. Deborah 19, thank you! I almost bit my tongue. But then I thought…nope!! Once political discussions start on these blogs, it will go downhill fast.

    6. Lynn and Debora:
      The democrats have an equally atrocious track record when it comes to wars. This administration failed miserably when pulling out of middle east and now their failure to stop a Tyrant? As if peaceful hogwash negotiations would really stop a Tyrant. Obama was in office EIGHT years and vowed to end U.S. military interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan--only to have failed. As painful as this show is to watch at times, I would have much preferred watching B&B instead of Bidens slurs and scripted telepromter msg.

    7. @ Soapking, we can agree to disagree. As far as “stopping a tyrant”…it wouldn’t matter how Biden handled it. No matter what he does or doesn’t do, your side wouldn’t be happy. So please educate all of us idiots as to how to “stop a tyrant???” LMAO!!!!!!

    8. As a non-American, Trump was in bed with Russia so he would not be saying anything to them about the current nightmare their leader is perpetrating.

      Why politics, I guess that is the way of no B&B battles are available?? 😂

    9. @ Treize 13, seriously where do you get your information??? You have ZERO clue what you are talking about. Trump dropped more bombs on Afghanistan in 2019 than had been dropped since 2006!!! FACT. LOOK IT UP!!!
      Trump also bombed Yemen more than Bush or Obama. Maybe you were living under a rock during Trump’s disastrous presidency????

  3. Replies
    1. There was no episode today because of a special news report.

  4. I like Katie and Wyatt
    Fun easy going relationship

    1. I actually liked them together too! Too bad Bully Bill and Brooke wanted them to split up! Brooke included because she sided against Ridge and Katie with Bill’s bid to take Will from her (again) as retaliation!

      I still laugh he worried about Will being confused by the familial relationship, yet he’s grande with Liam playing step daddy to cousin Douglas and uncle Bill being Grandad 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

    2. IMO that's why RJ is always off the canvas. He's a half-brother to Hope *and* Thomas, so his existence in their lives would just make things too complicated.

    3. RJ was just a prop to put Ridge and Brooke back together despite her sleeping with Ridge’s half brother Nick lol! Keep it all in the family 😂😂😂

  5. I like Katie and Wyatt
    Fun easy going relationship
    Brooke needs some of her kids and grandkids to visit

    1. Probably because none of them want anything to do with her!

  6. But they probably shouldn't bring their spouses or anyone she hasn't yet seduced

    1. Lol Right??? On the bright side no pregnancy dramas now for Brooke 😂

  7. im from australia and i got the episode

  8. Comment peut on voir les anciens épisode en France

    1. When a new blog with old episodes appears, I will add a link to the "my other blogs" page.

    2. Tu veux dire “en français” ? Moi je les regarde sur ce site, en anglais. En français je crois que tu ne peux pas.

  9. Don't worry Brooke, he'll be back. He's only gone because the new Ridge has not married Taylor and the writers have done this because in our puny little minds we are still seeing the old Ridge with the old Taylor. But, really this should not have mattered as we now have a new Taylor. Makes sense, right?

  10. Stefy should know the phrase, " if you live in a glass house do not throw stones". She stole Liam from Hope, had an affair with Her then father-in-law, then she didn't know who was the Haze's father. As to Sheila's scheme, karma is a *****.

    1. She stole Liam once over 10 yrs ago! Steffy and Liam were married 3 times after that! Hope managed twice. Hope married other men and walked away from other chances with Liam because she was an immature spoiled brat princess who wanted life to be a fairytale and when it wasn’t she couldn’t handle it! Hope doesn’t own Liam for life because he was once her boyfriend or finance. She divorced Liam after they thought Beth died. Liam had been engaged to remarry Steffy before they knew Hope was pregnant and demanding he be with her. Liam and Steffy’s marriage ended because Bill staged a fake seduction scene for Wyatt to tell Liam about and then Bill lied about an ongoing affair that NEVER HAPPENED!!! Liam couldn’t back to Steffy fast enough when Wyatt finally came clean and told him the truth. Liam left Hope on the rushed 24 hour wedding day Brooke set up and Hope was still wanting to marry him despite knowing he wanted back with Steffy and Kelly! Liam never would have been with Hope if Bill hadn’t played dirty tricks. IMO it’s worse breaking up a family than the gondola 🚠 trick Hope fans never got over!!!

      Brooke, Hope and their fans, never accepted that Liam married Steffy out of love!

      Actually Liam and Steffy were married for years and much longer than Hope has been. They were happily married until Bill in his insane desire to steal his son’s wife set about to ruin their marriage!

      Hope stole Liam in the last three years by sleeping with him and getting pregnant with Beth while he was married to Steffy who was pregnant with their daughter Kelly! Although to be fair, Steffy jumped off the train wreck and told Liam to go be with Hope since he couldn’t choose. She was done with it all. She even gave them her wedding ring for him to give Hope 😂 Still Hope hurt Steffy deliberately, she stuck an engagement ring under Steffy’s pregnant nose rubbing in that she was taking Steffy’s husband and going to marry him!

      Liam never actually chose to marry Hope again! Witness his run to Steffy the second he had an excuse, begging her to dump Finn and for them to be a family again with Kelly. He admitted being with Hope was a mistake and he never stopped loving Steffy! The only reason he ever went back home to Hope was because Steffy refused to throw away her relationship (she was only dating) with Finn. She didn’t want Liam back again! She wanted him to go home and work it out with Hope the night before and kept telling him to talk to her etc before they started drinking. Liam instead, lied to Hope saying he was at the office etc. He didn’t want to work it out with Hope. He saw a way out of the Baby Beth trap marriage back to his true love Steffy.

      Yeah it’s Karma, Hope is with a man who is only with her because Steffy wouldn’t take him back!!! Which is why, like Brooke she’s always afraid for her marriage when another woman is around 😂😂😂😂

    2. Not true, I have seen Liam choose Hope time and time again over Steffy. He loves and wants Hope!
