I don't see why it should have interfered yesterday. Biden wasn't on my channel when it was time for the show. But anyway, I just hope Deacon stays away from Brooke. Ridge or nobody else needs to see them together at all and especially not in their house. Deacon needs to leave her alone and she needs to tell him to stay away. I just wish that they would get on with this. I want to see Sheila, Steffy, Thomas, and Taylor go down. I am getting tired of their mouths, acting like little children, a psychiatrist not behaving like a psychiatrist should, and the smug little looks on their faces. And if Ridge was any kind of person he would go somewhere else to stay. He does not have to stay at Steffy's.
I just could not wait for that episode to end. I was getting so sick of listening to Steffy's mouth. OMG she sounds like such a little child. You would think that Ridge would get tired of listening to her. At least he's going to be staying in the guest house, even though I don't think he should be there at all. Brooke needs to think about New Year's Eve a little more. She has to get the fact that she was feeling tipsy or whatever before she started drinking the vodka. Then she would start talking to people about it and finally the truth will come out. I don't know how the truth will come out but I know it has to and I just wish they would hurry up with it. The storyline is just getting ridiculous especially listening to Steffy's mouth over and over. She needs to quit trying to tell her father what to do. He is an adult and can work on his own problems. She wouldn't like anybody interfering in her life. But then again I forgot Steffy has double standards. I do believe that Brooke and Ridge will get back together after everything is out. The only thing is she needs to stay away from Deacon. Brooke can support her daughter's decision to spend time with him without having him around her. Deacon needs to stop trying to push himself on her.
It seems to me that with Carter sex overrules any of his thinking. We don't have to keep seeing him exercising and showing his chest either. It would be nice if he decided to stop things, but who knows with him. And I just don't like Paris and wish she would just go away
Yes Maddy, where it comes to the Brooke and Ridge situation you are 100%correct. If I have to listen to Steffy with that pathetically childish voice any longe I will vomit!! She doesn’t use it when she’s dictating to her poor husband. What a poor brow beaten specimen he is. Steffy isn’t in a marriage it’s a dictatorship / abuse. The Maroney supporters need to live it up while they can, Ridge will be back with Brooke shortly with his tail between his legs begging for her forgiveness. As soon as he finds out Brooke was set up.
Brooke set herself up and it still doesn’t excuse her lying to Ridge all that time, or her choosing not to be with him in the first place . Or Brooke forcing Ridge RJ have Deacon shoved in his face and in their home and siding with him and Hope in front of Ridge way before the drunken night! Brooke wasn’t drinking or impaired for any of that! That was all her usual unthinking selfish behaviour!
Ridge is an idiot to go back because Sheila gave Brooke real champagne. That doesn’t change all of Brooke’s bad choices and other underlying issues!
Bbfan101 Brooke was right to tell Ridge that Hope is a grown woman and can make decisions for herself and she also was right to say that Hope didn't have to move off of HER PROPERTY to see her father but it isn't her fault that outside people (Shelia Carter) wish her harm and plot to see it done to her. When Deacon showed and saw that Brooke was impaired then he should have left no matter what Brooke invited him to do because he was sober with clear thoughts. So Ridge was right when he said Deacon took advantage of Brooke and Deacon was used by Sheila.
Brooke wasn’t right to have Deacon strolling in their home at all hours or be constantly daydreaming about having sex with him years ago or telling her husband that her former lover who openly states he still loves and wants her, is always welcome in their home and lives!
Brooke wasn’t right to lie to her husband for a month and a half and tell his grandson to keep quiet about what he saw!!! Or to have Liam and Hope lie to a Ridge for her!!
Steffy is being used as the heavy weight and as to keep the contrast of angelic Taylor. 😇🤢 Thomas was merely a vehicle for Steffy to vent. If his actions would have been part of a bigger scheme that changed the trajectory of relationships, the driveway scene would have remained unrevealed. Why Steffy as the dog taking on Brooke and Hope then pressuring Ridge? Because the higher they climb, the harder they fall. Once Steffy has parents reunited, Sheila reveals her part and dates Steffy to tell anyone since the parental reunion collapse. In return, access to Hayes. She surrenders much to Finns surprise and graditute. Wait for it to blowup. Who saves Brooke? Deacon Who saves Steffy or Hayes? Hmm Deacon, Brooke, Hope... Does it matter? Apologies for any of them will be sweet. Or will Taylor be the heroine? Please no. NOOOoo!
And if Steffy and Hope have a fist fight it needs to be Steffy that gets to the crap beat out of her. She is so childish and vindictive. She sticks her nose in daddy's business too much. She needs to concentrate more on her own life.
Steffy & Hope fighting would be like Nelly Olson & Laura Ingalls from Little House fighting. Hope even has the Little House wardrobe - well, minus a hat!
Considering Ridge wasn’t sleeping with Brooke and happily married to Taylor and devoted to her and their three children, there is NO chance Hope is Ridge’s daughter!!!
Tina- why would you be happy for Taylor? The woman is supposed to be a psychiatrist and they're not doing a good job portraying her as one. A real psychiatrist wouldn't even be involved in this situation if they were this close to it. A real psychiatrist wouldn't allow a man that just had a fight with his wife to be kissing all over her. A smart woman wouldn't think that things would be so great for her this soon. She is a phony in all ways. Tries to act all sweet and innocent with the Ridge situation when we know she's hoping that he stays with her. I don't care much for any of these people because they act like they're so high and mighty. None of them are perfect and have done their own share of wrongs. So they really just need to lay off Brooke. The point is this whole situation is between Brooke and Ridge and people need to stay out of it. I think Steffy needs to spend some more time with her husband and children and stay out of daddy's business.
🥱 same tune another day! Again let’s all feel sorry for St Brooke no matter what she does most always be forgave marriage not interfered with!
So where was that attitude when Steffy made ONE mistake with Bill under extenuating circumstances? I mean you all supported Brooke calling Hope to come to LA and break up the marriage for good? To be constantly picking at Liam to dump Steffy…. She made one mistake but that could never be forgiven! Meanwhile Hope throws herself at Liam, kissing him, making out with him, having sex and getting pregnant and he was still Married!!!
I didn’t hear you saying boo about Bill setting up fake scenes and lying to Liam to keep them apart! Liam forgave Steffy, loved her enough to work through their issues and come home before Bill’s stunt. I didn’t hear how no one should interfere then. It’s all Hope deserves Liam blah blah! Hope had previous chances and SHE threw them away being childish. Liam and Steffy truly and deeply loved each other. If Brooke can cheat a million times and still deserve forgiveness in your book then that should have applied to Steffy and Liam but it doesn’t and never will because she’s not a Logan!!
I’m sick of the same boring rants about poor poor Brooke 🤮! She had made her bed and deserves to stew in it.
Paris is just painful to watch and they have made Carter so unlikeable now. Tell Paris the truth about her mum and quit playing with little girls. She is clearly all about sex and has NO regard for Carter’s future only her own selfish desires . By the way agree she does not like men! Lol have her chase all the women, she could be Brooke’s new love interest 😈😈😈😈
Taylor is the rebound chic. Ridge was already kissing her just hours after having a fight with Brooke. Ridge still hasn't told Taylor that he loves her even though Taylor has been professing her love for him. Their little family that they are bragging about is the rebound family. Like yeah, we're number two.
Ridge loved and was married to Taylor. Brooke was the rebound when he thought Taylor died! Brooke tried to break up every relationship Ridge had since she met him. He was engaged to Caroline when Brooke met him! He chose to marry his Doc, not his Logan! Brooke was his piece on the side so to rewrite her as the great love of his life etc is a sad joke!
Ridge and Brooke never lasted long because she couldn’t stop cheating and turning to other men! It’s a joke how they try to act like Brooke and Ridge had a long happy marriage hahahahahha!
Yeah Taylor likes Being leftovers because we all know he will run back to Brooke like he always does but Taylor must like being hurt because we all know Ridge always goes running back to as he says His Logan
Bbfan101 you are obviously not a true fan of b&b because if you were then you would know that Ridge was with Brooke first before they ever had children Brooke was engaged to marry Brooke but ended up marrying Coraline Spencer Sr and when she was diagnosed with lukemia was went to counseling with Dr. Taylor Hayes when Coraline died of lukemia Ridge didn't go back to Brooke he got with Taylor
Unknown in the very first episode ever of B&B Ridge was with Caroline Spencer!! Brooke met him at his engagement party to Caroline and he mistook her for his fiancé!
I am a true fan and have watched for many years! I’m disgusted at Bell Jr rewriting history!!!
She is BI or trans No judgement But her male energy is so high! Even Maya didn't exude that. Remember how Carter flirted and chased her? Rick never found out. Maybe they need to revive that?
Do you notice that Paris always pulls slightly away when she's kissing Zende or Carter? It's weird. Why do you think she's bi or trans? Just wondering.
I've always wondered if the actor playing Carter is gay! Because they don't seem to be into one another at all. Many gay actors do play straight people, but these two are so awkward with each other. Perhaps its just inexperience as actors.
Oh Carter actor is married to a woman! It’s Paris, DW that has no chemistry with any man! Remember the Quinn Carter love scenes? 🔥 It’s nothing to do with him. She is a terrible actor and is so physically unable to pretend to be attracted to men! Her whole body is pushing away, it’s palpable!!!
The actress playing Paris has huge boobs. I think that she is very self-conscious about it and that is why she contorts her body that way in her love scenes. It probably makes her uncomfortable rubbing up against the mens. Lol.
Zende will never know Eric will never know Yawn.. Question Has Paris been up to the loft yet? Zoe has Quinn has Paris wants sex! Not a relationship. Or commitment. Her favorite words are we are not committed to anyone. We could be so good together Carter. Don't deny the chemistry. Paris is so immature. Doesn't she know one night would be sooo 🔥 but it will sizzle out in no time. Think with the right head Carter. You are a lawyer and CFO. Paris is new undergrad with a social worker degree. Barely a step above a barista. Paris loves the chase. She/ he is so manly. I vote BI/ fluid.
Ridge should be careful. He can stay at Eric house or how about the multi millionaire gets a place of his own. The same bed room Paris stayed in with no AC. Get a hotel suite. This is too cheesy and cringe. Besides Ridge, you need to be careful before the assets are divided. Your wife has claim to your company too. And where are Katie and Donna? Brooke wouldn't go this long without confessing and playing victim. Never
I don't get it - yeah actually Brooke does need to talk to Katie, Donna, and also again with Eric. She needs some people in her corner and they might be able to help in some way instead of having to deal with troublemakers like she is now.
I don't think Ridge is welcomed at Eric's house anymore after all the vitriol he spewed against his father's wife.
Paris never stayed in the guest house, Finn did. Back then the ac was not functional. I am sure it has been repaired or replaced by now.
@Maddy, the only troublemaker here is Brooke. The same Brooke who firmly planted herself in Eric and Quinn's marriage and pushed her sister onto Eric just so that he could leave Quinn. How did that turn out?
And as if that wasn't enough, she then decides to side with her daughter in having Deacon a part of their lives and home even though she knew how her husband felt about him. Brooke brought this all on herself and now she wants sympathy for her failing marriage. She should have thought about that when she was busy trying to get Eric to leave Quinn.
Faites taire cette ringarde de Steffy!!! Elle n a pas sa propre famille à s occuper!??? Elle fait mal à la tête tout comme sa tribu avec Thomas et sainte Taylor! Des loosers!!!
Everybody blaming Brooke and Taylor, Hope and Steffy but no one sees the real culprit here-Ridge! He is the weakling that could never quite make up his mind, he couldn't stay single for even an hour this time(or for as long as the ride between the two houses is), he has always ladies in waiting and keeps being oh so confused. All these women brooding over him for years and years, leave him be, go out and meet new men. Surely LA has plenty of them in this soap and actual actors looking for work. He should be the one crying and despairing over the great women he has lost or couldn't keep. This soap needs a feminist writer who will establish some powerfull female role models, not these desperate,depending on one man, forgiving,longing,waiting,fighting one another over men embarassing excuses of women! And Ridge, do go on that holiday soon!
all of you who are ecxited then DONT soon truth will come out truth will prevail\ and ridge will reunite with brooke so just for now he happy you taylor fans it wont last bwaaaaaaaxahahahahahahaha
The truth that Sheila swapped bottles? And…/ so what? That made Brooke turn to Deacon and then made her lie to Ridge all that time? It made Brooke choose not to be with Ridge on NYE and stay home to be with Hope and Deacon? It made Brooke hush up Douglas? Or choose Deacon when he was fighting?
Same Ridge that ran off got drunk and got married or every time turn to another woman when Brooke fall off the wagon , he met her that way and still marry her and is no better than her. Taylor is stupid to even consider Ridge while he is still married and Steffy is in no place to talk because she has slept with father , son ,brother ,ex husband in drunken state just as Brooke
You have that right! Slithering Steffy, slithering along the concrete path screaming at Liam to forgive her for sleeping with his father🤮🤮 GROSS and PATHETIC Steffy!!
Ridge didn’t turn to Shauna because Brooke fell off the wagon! He left Brooke and turned to Shauna because Brooke was bitter and ugly and ordered him to disown his own son. She spent months on stealing Douglas to give to Hope and Liam ( who didn’t want anything to do with it actually) as a replacement for Beth. She and Hope thought it was “unfair” Steffy and Liam shared a child from their marriage and Liam and Hope were only together because of trap baby Beth, and without her there was no reason to stay together and keep Liam from his loving wife and daughter he lost because of Hope.
Ridge could not stand Brooke being bitter and vindictive to others like Quinn who did nothing to her. Brooke invaded Quinn and Eric’s home, ordered Quinn out, shout and ranted and spewed vitriol then physically assaulted Shauna, unprovoked! Brooke went to Eric and demanded he literally throw Quinn into the street for NO reason other than she wasn’t good enough.
Unlike the gold digger Logans, Quinn had owned her own jewelry business for many years and raised Wyatt all on her own.
Brooke was cruel and unjust and later when Quinn retaliated lied and still lies that it was for no reason. That she Brooke was innocent blah blah.
Brooke gave Ridge ultimatums and he chose not to be bullied or take part in stealing his grandson from his son. Brooke sabotaged her own marriage with her ugly words and behaviour! Ridge divorced her because he saw a nasty bully he was married to.
One who never supported him and who hated his children. Shauna was a warm loving woman who didn’t ask for anything and was there for him. She made him laugh and smile and see how blessed and charmed a life he led!
It’s totally unfair to paint Brooke as a victim. She’s always been a bully as PP said. She’s a nasty piece of work and will be again!
Maursa you always talk about Steffy making ONE mistake with Bill. How is that any different than Brooke having a long ongoing affair with her Daughter Bridget’s husband Deacon? And actually getting pregnant with his child, Hope??? Or Hope sleeping with Steffy’s husband Liam, after chasing him and throwing herself at him for months??? She also got pregnant with a married man!!
How is Steffy worse than Brooke stealing another of Bridget’s husbands Nick, especially following Bridget’s pregnancy and miscarriage??? Or being married to Ridge and sleeping with a underage teenager who was Hope’s boyfriend??? Or being married to Eric and pursuing amd sleeping with his son Ridge over and over????
In what alternate universe does this condemn only Steffy for her mistakes but vindicate Hope and Brooke??? It’s utterly asinine and unfair!
Bbfan101 you have left out sooo very much history. How long have you watched this show? I have from the first episode.
Brooke is a chemist and created a patented formula for Forrester so earned her place in the company. I'm not going to take the time to correct all of your statements. Steffy chased every man Hope had because of her jealousy,so Liam was Hope's man all along and was manipulated by Steffy and Bill at the time. I could go on, but watch old episodes to know what you're talking about! Ridge and Brooke have been in love since they laid eyes on each other!
@kidd Your last sentence about Ridge and Brooke is totally false! Maybe you need to go back and look at old episodes. Brooke was ALWAYS Ridge's piece on the side, his default chick. He fell in love with Taylor and actually left Brooke, found Taylor at the beach and proposed to her then proceeded to have a family with her. Brooke only became "the love of Ridge's life" after Hunter Tylo left the show. That was a huge change in history. Also, if you would recall, after Brooke made the Belief formula, Ridge tried to steal it from her by PRETENDING that he was in love with and wanted to be with her. He deceived her for a long time. Please don't try to twist the facts. Yes, Ridge loves Brooke but she was not always the love of his life. That is why Brooke is so insecure now about Taylor because she knows what Taylor meant to Ridge and she is afraid of losing Ridge again to Taylor for good.
Omg steffy there like a high school kids , she seem to forget she is also a married woman that screw Liam on Finn head. The writter need to dig up one of Finn ex so she can no what it is to fight for a marriage. Shelia need to hurry up and spill the beans. Taylor you have more class Ridge is still a married man till those divorce papers are sign. ALSO HE WAS JUST Defending Brooke till Taylor walked in. Because of Steffy I hope Ridge leave Taylor behind high and dry after using her as a rebound. Taylor only came back because steffy told her Ridge and Brooke was in a bad place when Deacon got out of Jail. Omg can someone get Paris thirsty ass off her sister Ex fiance acting like she is in heat 😤 gosh she has a pathetic roll.
Okay with all the Taylor hater here! Are you actually watching the bloody show???
Ridge is staying in the guest house, he and Taylor are NOT sleep together and Taylor isn’t draping herself all over Ridge or running to Brooke to gloat etc. Taylor is giving him space, she is staying in her own room at Steffy’s , and for those unaware she sold her own home to $Bill years ago!
Those are things Brooke has done when she stole Ridge or another man from his wife or fiancé.
She had to have sex ( her only true hold on any man, love never really came into it) immediately, she always threw her conquest in (insert current victim of Brooke’s cruelty here…) gloating over her victory amd then discarding said man for another lover when she tired of her plaything! Rinse, repeat.
Taylor is well aware of the long, toxic, dysfunctional on again off again relationship of Brooke and Ridge. She’s not rushing because unlike the the accusations, she does understand that Ridge needs time. I don’t see her pressuring Ridge or trying to manipulate him which Brooke always does. Taylor is being cautious because she doesn’t want to be hurt.
Again with Steffy Bell is making her the heavy because he has to make Brooke a victim to herself as always and Hope. He’s talking the one strong powerful woman on the show and trying to make her unlikeable… oh women only count who chase every man, who must be pursued by all the all men etc.
Oh by the by, has anyone notice Thomas is having no thoughts of Hope? Lol another Bell fabrication, and Brooke was jumping on the Thomas is acting strange again wagon lol!
Liam is a whiny baby who doesn’t actually want to be stick with Hope n Brooke. Of course he told Steffy the truth about Brooke sending him over, he never wanted to be Brooke’s spy. He’s only with Hope because Steffy refused to take him back!
This whole storyline didn't make sense from the get go. Brooke telling Sheila to stay from Steffy and Hayes, I mean why would Brooke care... Then that set Sheila off on a mission to destroy Brooke for that reason...
I just see poor Taylor getting hurt all over again, once the truth about the champagne switch comes out.
Good Lord! Taylor and ridge have been divorced for years! Staffy and Thomas need to grow up and get over it! Bridge wall end up back with brooke, and what did not cheat on Ridge, so even considering ending a marriage over that BS is insane! This is coming from someone who has been with the same man since 1979, married since 1983. Majorly upset and pissed off yes, but Ridge should have went to his dad's house.
Yeah Mummy Dr B is way out there with the Zende worship. She literally knows nothing but what she sees on Social Media and wants to force her 22 yr old daughter into marriage? Ugh!
Omfg I hate that they've made Thomas and Steffy one note wonders in order to district from the fact that Ridge is the OG Liam he literally goes from one family to the other as soon as one of these women disappoint him. They're too old for this shit and it's played out.
Steffy and thomas are acting like children. If you have to BEG your father to go back to Taylor--its not meant to be. Its pathetic. As for Paris storyline, I have found myself fastforwarding through that nonsense. Carter used to be a standup guy
Why are these 3 smugs talking about Ridge like he is not there or have a say in it? Especially Steffi 🤮 they need to stop pushing. Taylor wants it so bad but she is not stupid. She is careful because she knows how much Ridge loves his Logan. And one day he Wil run back to her. Steffi and Thomas are so stuck in keeping daddy away from miss loose-legs that they forget how much it will hurt their mother in the end.
Carter only needs to pour a bucket of ice-water over Paris do she can cool off! After the cool down he should tell Paris the truth.
Sooooo sick of Thomas and Steffy s pathetic attitude "I want mommy and daddy back together, waaaay!". They don't care about his happiness! Just what they want. Steffy should be worrying about her own husband and family. Bashing Brooke and no mention of Taylor's transgressions, the woman is not Mother Teresa, nor Steffy needing a paternity test for BOTH kids! Sleeping with her husband's father, rules for thee but not for me!
Brooke paternity tested two of hers too! Brooke slept with her husband’s SON, and her husband’s BROTHER and 2 of her daughter’s husband and oh yes her sister’s husband and her daughter’s teenage boyfriend who was a minor ( and cheated on her husband doing so). Pointing out Steffy’s 2 mistakes doesn’t make Brooke less guilty for her million misdeeds!
Bffan101. Puleeeeze!!!! Steffy chased every man who was with Hope! Jealous and disposable! If she hadn't done that and butted out and gotten her OWN man, which she never did before poor ole Finn, Hope and Liam would have never have been apart to begin with!
Liam and Hope were apart because Hope was a spoiled little girl who wanted a Perfect fairy story of a life. She made constant demands and ultimatums. She stomped off when she didn’t get her way. She used her virginity to manipulate Liam and that backfired!
After that they had loads of opportunities, Hope’s immaturity and spoiled antics agin with ultimatums etc and her running off blah blah are what kept them apart! She was the issue!
Hope never accepted that Liam loves Steffy and still does! He’s only with Hope now because Steffy told him no, and refused to dump Finn and remarry Liam! Liam went Back to Hope because Steffy said enough and rejected him!!! The mannequin was just an excuse to escape from a marriage he didn’t really want to be in! He admitted he was still in love with Steffy and made a mistake being with Hope, who he was only with because of Beth and Steffy being fed up and telling him to marry Hope! Steffy made that decision, Liam didn’t choose Hope.
Kidd you never address Hope moving to LA with the sole purpose of breaking up Liam’s marriage after Steffy made one mistake and by the way it was a byproduct of Liam making out with Sally Spectra two times! You go on and on about people leaving Ridge and Brooke alone no matter how many times she cheated on Ridge over the years, yet Steffy made 1 mistake and Hope is justified in throwing herself at Liam! She was making out and on the verge of having sex in a dressing room backstage! Hope slept with Liam while he was married to Steffy and she pregnant with their daughter Kelly!!! Hope didn’t respect Liam running back to his life Steffy, whomhe told many times over the years that she was the love of his life, as soon as he found out Bill tricked him! Liam had forgiven Steffy and was moving back home, sent her all the bouquets with the messages, he wanted to fix his marriage. Hope couldn’t sleep with him fast enough even though he was married and Hope fans were overjoyed!
Stop pretending that Liam doesn’t love Steffy or she got him by default. He fought his brother to get her back. There was NO thought of Hope at all! Go back and watch the Monaco trip where Liam is walking around crying and thinking of the life he lost (SC actually same “The Song That Never Played “ that was the theme for that). Liam fought hard to get his love back, he married her for a third time in Australia, there was NO manipulation etc, just two I love that found their way back to each other! Hating on Steffy won’t change that!
I prefer her with Finn because he’s a much better man than Liam will ever be. That doesn’t change Hope’s fear that Liam will leave her in a second for Steffy if she’s available!!!! Hope knows he loves Steffy!
At least Steffy owns her mistakes and has apologized for hurting Hope, Liam etc!
Hope has never once apologized for sleeping with Liam while he was married or for getting pregnant with Steffy’s husband! I wish just once, while Hope is being sanctimonious throwing Steffy’s past in her face…just once, Steffy would remind Hope that every time she sees Beth, she’s reminded that Hope slept with her husband and has a child by him! I wish she would remind Hope that she isn’t innocent!! One can dream I guess!
Fans, during Brooke line up of men, Ridge Father, his Brother, and her sister, Katie Husband, her daughter Hope boyfriend, she also forgot one of the men she was in LOVE with Deacon, her daughter husband(Hope Mother)!!! Just Saying!!!
Brooke, is still i Love with Deacon!!! Brooke and Deacon AFFAIR was INTENSE!!! I REMEMBER when he tried over and over to stop, she continued to tell him she Loved him!! Just Saying!!1
Brooke dated both of Ridge Brothers!!! Brooke has two children by his Father, and continued to INTERFERE with Ridge Mother, Stephanie Marriage!!! Just Saying!!!
I don't see why it should have interfered yesterday. Biden wasn't on my channel when it was time for the show. But anyway, I just hope Deacon stays away from Brooke. Ridge or nobody else needs to see them together at all and especially not in their house. Deacon needs to leave her alone and she needs to tell him to stay away. I just wish that they would get on with this. I want to see Sheila, Steffy, Thomas, and Taylor go down. I am getting tired of their mouths, acting like little children, a psychiatrist not behaving like a psychiatrist should, and the smug little looks on their faces. And if Ridge was any kind of person he would go somewhere else to stay. He does not have to stay at Steffy's.
DeleteI just could not wait for that episode to end. I was getting so sick of listening to Steffy's mouth. OMG she sounds like such a little child. You would think that Ridge would get tired of listening to her. At least he's going to be staying in the guest house, even though I don't think he should be there at all. Brooke needs to think about New Year's Eve a little more. She has to get the fact that she was feeling tipsy or whatever before she started drinking the vodka. Then she would start talking to people about it and finally the truth will come out. I don't know how the truth will come out but I know it has to and I just wish they would hurry up with it. The storyline is just getting ridiculous especially listening to Steffy's mouth over and over. She needs to quit trying to tell her father what to do. He is an adult and can work on his own problems. She wouldn't like anybody interfering in her life. But then again I forgot Steffy has double standards. I do believe that Brooke and Ridge will get back together after everything is out. The only thing is she needs to stay away from Deacon. Brooke can support her daughter's decision to spend time with him without having him around her. Deacon needs to stop trying to push himself on her.
DeleteIt seems to me that with Carter sex overrules any of his thinking. We don't have to keep seeing him exercising and showing his chest either. It would be nice if he decided to stop things, but who knows with him. And I just don't like Paris and wish she would just go away
DeleteAgree with all, Maddy!
DeleteYes Maddy, where it comes to the Brooke and Ridge situation you are 100%correct. If I have to listen to Steffy with that pathetically childish voice any longe I will vomit!!
DeleteShe doesn’t use it when she’s dictating to her poor husband. What a poor brow
beaten specimen he is. Steffy isn’t in a marriage it’s a dictatorship / abuse.
The Maroney supporters need to live it up while they can, Ridge will be back with Brooke shortly with his tail between his legs begging for her forgiveness. As soon as he finds out Brooke was set up.
Maursa, Agree 100% !!!
DeleteBrooke set herself up and it still doesn’t excuse her lying to Ridge all that time, or her choosing not to be with him in the first place . Or Brooke forcing Ridge RJ have Deacon shoved in his face and in their home and siding with him and Hope in front of Ridge way before the drunken night! Brooke wasn’t drinking or impaired for any of that! That was all her usual unthinking selfish behaviour!
DeleteRidge is an idiot to go back because Sheila gave Brooke real champagne. That doesn’t change all of Brooke’s bad choices and other underlying issues!
Not RJ, sorry autospell playing again
DeleteMaddy all of your comments are very on point
DeleteMaursa I totally agree
DeleteBbfan101 Brooke was right to tell Ridge that Hope is a grown woman and can make decisions for herself and she also was right to say that Hope didn't have to move off of HER PROPERTY to see her father but it isn't her fault that outside people (Shelia Carter) wish her harm and plot to see it done to her. When Deacon showed and saw that Brooke was impaired then he should have left no matter what Brooke invited him to do because he was sober with clear thoughts. So Ridge was right when he said Deacon took advantage of Brooke and Deacon was used by Sheila.
DeleteBrooke wasn’t right to have Deacon strolling in their home at all hours or be constantly daydreaming about having sex with him years ago or telling her husband that her former lover who openly states he still loves and wants her, is always welcome in their home and lives!
DeleteBrooke wasn’t right to lie to her husband for a month and a half and tell his grandson to keep quiet about what he saw!!! Or to have Liam and Hope lie to a Ridge for her!!
🧼 🧽 Carter & Paris 🚿 🧽 🧼
ReplyDeleteNow, if Carter & Paris would just both take a cold shower - separately!
Paris is hard to to watch. Ugh.
DeleteGood one!
DeleteIs it still called "jungle fever"?
Deletemaybe when your mom does it
DeleteYes she is J
DeleteCan't stand Steffy
ReplyDeleteSteffy is being used as the heavy weight and as to keep the contrast of angelic Taylor. 😇🤢
DeleteThomas was merely a vehicle for Steffy to vent. If his actions would have been part of a bigger scheme that changed the trajectory of relationships, the driveway scene would have remained unrevealed.
Why Steffy as the dog taking on Brooke and Hope then pressuring Ridge?
Because the higher they climb, the harder they fall.
Once Steffy has parents reunited, Sheila reveals her part and dates Steffy to tell anyone since the parental reunion collapse. In return, access to Hayes. She surrenders much to Finns surprise and graditute.
Wait for it to blowup.
Who saves Brooke? Deacon
Who saves Steffy or Hayes? Hmm
Deacon, Brooke, Hope...
Does it matter? Apologies for any of them will be sweet.
Or will Taylor be the heroine? Please no.
Maybe Douglas will be the hero again haha 😂!
DeleteCan’t stand Steffy either!!!
DeleteSteffy is acting like such a saint! I thought she had really changed and was beginning to like and respect her..... NOT now! Grow up and butt out!
DeleteKidd yessss that is what I am saying
DeleteSteffy and Hope need to have a good fist fight and kill all the animosity
ReplyDeleteAnd if Steffy and Hope have a fist fight it needs to be Steffy that gets to the crap beat out of her. She is so childish and vindictive. She sticks her nose in daddy's business too much. She needs to concentrate more on her own life.
DeleteSteffy & Hope fighting would be like Nelly Olson & Laura Ingalls from Little House fighting. Hope even has the Little House wardrobe - well, minus a hat!
DeleteFirst fight?
ReplyDeleteI vote for mud or jello
Wearing Brookes Bedroom lingerie
So much for their one big happy family for the kids. Cousins and siblings till the death.
DeleteI style believe that hope is Ridge,s daugther
DeleteConsidering Ridge wasn’t sleeping with Brooke and happily married to Taylor and devoted to her and their three children, there is NO chance Hope is Ridge’s daughter!!!
DeleteFinally, I am so happy for Taylor!!
ReplyDeleteBut she needs to change professions
DeleteTina- why would you be happy for Taylor? The woman is supposed to be a psychiatrist and they're not doing a good job portraying her as one. A real psychiatrist wouldn't even be involved in this situation if they were this close to it. A real psychiatrist wouldn't allow a man that just had a fight with his wife to be kissing all over her. A smart woman wouldn't think that things would be so great for her this soon. She is a phony in all ways. Tries to act all sweet and innocent with the Ridge situation when we know she's hoping that he stays with her. I don't care much for any of these people because they act like they're so high and mighty. None of them are perfect and have done their own share of wrongs. So they really just need to lay off Brooke. The point is this whole situation is between Brooke and Ridge and people need to stay out of it. I think Steffy needs to spend some more time with her husband and children and stay out of daddy's business.
Delete🥱 same tune another day! Again let’s all feel sorry for St Brooke no matter what she does most always be forgave marriage not interfered with!
DeleteSo where was that attitude when Steffy made ONE mistake with Bill under extenuating circumstances? I mean you all supported Brooke calling Hope to come to LA and break up the marriage for good? To be constantly picking at Liam to dump Steffy…. She made one mistake but that could never be forgiven! Meanwhile Hope throws herself at Liam, kissing him, making out with him, having sex and getting pregnant and he was still Married!!!
I didn’t hear you saying boo about Bill setting up fake scenes and lying to Liam to keep them apart! Liam forgave Steffy, loved her enough to work through their issues and come home before Bill’s stunt. I didn’t hear how no one should interfere then. It’s all Hope deserves Liam blah blah! Hope had previous chances and SHE threw them away being childish. Liam and Steffy truly and deeply loved each other. If Brooke can cheat a million times and still deserve forgiveness in your book then that should have applied to Steffy and Liam but it doesn’t and never will because she’s not a Logan!!
I’m sick of the same boring rants about poor poor Brooke 🤮! She had made her bed and deserves to stew in it.
Paris is just painful to watch and they have made Carter so unlikeable now. Tell Paris the truth about her mum and quit playing with little girls. She is clearly all about sex and has NO regard for Carter’s future only her own selfish desires . By the way agree she does not like men! Lol have her chase all the women, she could be Brooke’s new love interest 😈😈😈😈
Taylor is the rebound chic. Ridge was already kissing her just hours after having a fight with Brooke. Ridge still hasn't told Taylor that he loves her even though Taylor has been professing her love for him. Their little family that they are bragging about is the rebound family. Like yeah, we're number two.
DeleteRidge loved and was married to Taylor. Brooke was the rebound when he thought Taylor died! Brooke tried to break up every relationship Ridge had since she met him. He was engaged to Caroline when Brooke met him! He chose to marry his Doc, not his Logan! Brooke was his piece on the side so to rewrite her as the great love of his life etc is a sad joke!
DeleteRidge and Brooke never lasted long because she couldn’t stop cheating and turning to other men! It’s a joke how they try to act like Brooke and Ridge had a long happy marriage hahahahahha!
Yeah Taylor likes Being leftovers because we all know he will run back to Brooke like he always does but Taylor must like being hurt because we all know Ridge always goes running back to as he says His Logan
DeleteYou are so right, Rebound Taylor and she knows it.🤣🤣🤣
DeleteBbfan101 you are obviously not a true fan of b&b because if you were then you would know that Ridge was with Brooke first before they ever had children Brooke was engaged to marry Brooke but ended up marrying Coraline Spencer Sr and when she was diagnosed with lukemia was went to counseling with Dr. Taylor Hayes when Coraline died of lukemia Ridge didn't go back to Brooke he got with Taylor
DeleteSorry guys spell check I meant to say that Ridge was engaged to marry Brooke but ended up marrying Coraline Spencer
DeleteUnknown in the very first episode ever of B&B Ridge was with Caroline Spencer!! Brooke met him at his engagement party to Caroline and he mistook her for his fiancé!
DeleteI am a true fan and have watched for many years! I’m disgusted at Bell Jr rewriting history!!!
Paris just looks funny trying to be sexy. Lol. I thought she was long gone by now. Yuck.
ReplyDeleteShe is BI or trans
DeleteNo judgement
But her male energy is so high!
Even Maya didn't exude that.
Remember how Carter flirted and chased her? Rick never found out.
Maybe they need to revive that?
Do you notice that Paris always pulls slightly away when she's kissing Zende or Carter? It's weird. Why do you think she's bi or trans? Just wondering.
DeleteI've always wondered if the actor playing Carter is gay! Because they don't seem to be into one another at all. Many gay actors do play straight people, but these two are so awkward with each other. Perhaps its just inexperience as actors.
DeleteOh Carter actor is married to a woman! It’s Paris, DW that has no chemistry with any man! Remember the Quinn Carter love scenes? 🔥 It’s nothing to do with him. She is a terrible actor and is so physically unable to pretend to be attracted to men! Her whole body is pushing away, it’s palpable!!!
DeleteThe actress playing Paris has huge boobs. I think that she is very self-conscious about it and that is why she contorts her body that way in her love scenes. It probably makes her uncomfortable rubbing up against the mens. Lol.
DeleteZende will never know
ReplyDeleteEric will never know
Has Paris been up to the loft yet?
Zoe has
Quinn has
Paris wants sex! Not a relationship.
Or commitment. Her favorite words are we are not committed to anyone. We could be so good together Carter. Don't deny the chemistry. Paris is so immature. Doesn't she know one night would be sooo 🔥 but it will sizzle out in no time.
Think with the right head Carter. You are a lawyer and CFO.
Paris is new undergrad with a social worker degree. Barely a step above a barista. Paris loves the chase. She/ he is so manly. I vote BI/ fluid.
Lol Paris doesn’t have a masters in anything lol!
DeleteRidge should be careful.
ReplyDeleteHe can stay at Eric house or how about the multi millionaire gets a place of his own.
The same bed room Paris stayed in with no AC.
Get a hotel suite.
This is too cheesy and cringe.
Besides Ridge, you need to be careful before the assets are divided. Your wife has claim to your company too.
And where are Katie and Donna?
Brooke wouldn't go this long without confessing and playing victim.
I don't get it - yeah actually Brooke does need to talk to Katie, Donna, and also again with Eric. She needs some people in her corner and they might be able to help in some way instead of having to deal with troublemakers like she is now.
DeleteI don't think Ridge is welcomed at Eric's house anymore after all the vitriol he spewed against his father's wife.
DeleteParis never stayed in the guest house, Finn did. Back then the ac was not functional. I am sure it has been repaired or replaced by now.
@Maddy, the only troublemaker here is Brooke. The same Brooke who firmly planted herself in Eric and Quinn's marriage and pushed her sister onto Eric just so that he could leave Quinn. How did that turn out?
And as if that wasn't enough, she then decides to side with her daughter in having Deacon a part of their lives and home even though she knew how her husband felt about him. Brooke brought this all on herself and now she wants sympathy for her failing marriage. She should have thought about that when she was busy trying to get Eric to leave Quinn.
Don't hold back Sheila
ReplyDeleteSheila said to Deacon "it worked!", strange that he did not pick up on that and asked "what worked?".
DeleteSteffy keeps saying she'll never let you down Ridge. Her big Forrester family reunion is now in her devious hands. Bahaha 🤣
ReplyDeleteTaylor looked attractive loved her power suit look
ReplyDeleteThank you Bob xxxx
Right! They are staring to let Taylor shine more including wearing makeup etc whew about bloody time!
DeleteTaylor and sparkle?? LOL. She'll never, ever be as gorgeous as Brooke!
DeleteThank you, Bob!
ReplyDeleteFaites taire cette ringarde de Steffy!!!
ReplyDeleteElle n a pas sa propre famille à
s occuper!??? Elle fait mal à la tête tout comme sa tribu avec Thomas et sainte Taylor! Des loosers!!!
Paris is the worst actress in kissing closing the eyes in disgust and the bodylanguage is horrible
ReplyDeleteYes, she always leans backwards and certainly does not look like she's into the kiss.
DeleteEverybody blaming Brooke and Taylor, Hope and Steffy but no one sees the real culprit here-Ridge! He is the weakling that could never quite make up his mind, he couldn't stay single for even an hour this time(or for as long as the ride between the two houses is), he has always ladies in waiting and keeps being oh so confused. All these women brooding over him for years and years, leave him be, go out and meet new men. Surely LA has plenty of them in this soap and actual actors looking for work. He should be the one crying and despairing over the great women he has lost or couldn't keep. This soap needs a feminist writer who will establish some powerfull female role models, not these desperate,depending on one man, forgiving,longing,waiting,fighting one another over men embarassing excuses of women! And Ridge, do go on that holiday soon!
ReplyDeleteAmen to that! Powerful women are definitely needed.
Deleteall of you who are ecxited then DONT
ReplyDeletesoon truth will come out
truth will prevail\
and ridge will reunite with brooke
so just for now he happy you taylor fans
it wont last
The truth that Sheila swapped bottles? And…/ so what? That made Brooke turn to Deacon and then made her lie to Ridge all that time? It made Brooke choose not to be with Ridge on NYE and stay home to be with Hope and Deacon? It made Brooke hush up Douglas? Or choose Deacon when he was fighting?
DeleteSame Ridge that ran off got drunk and got married or every time turn to another woman when Brooke fall off the wagon , he met her that way and still marry her and is no better than her. Taylor is stupid to even consider Ridge while he is still married and Steffy is in no place to talk because she has slept with father , son ,brother ,ex husband in drunken state just as Brooke
DeleteYou have that right!
DeleteSlithering Steffy, slithering along the concrete path screaming at Liam to forgive her for sleeping with his father🤮🤮 GROSS and PATHETIC Steffy!!
Ridge didn’t turn to Shauna because Brooke fell off the wagon! He left Brooke and turned to Shauna because Brooke was bitter and ugly and ordered him to disown his own son. She spent months on stealing Douglas to give to Hope and Liam ( who didn’t want anything to do with it actually) as a replacement for Beth. She and Hope thought it was “unfair” Steffy and Liam shared a child from their marriage and Liam and Hope were only together because of trap baby Beth, and without her there was no reason to stay together and keep Liam from his loving wife and daughter he lost because of Hope.
DeleteRidge could not stand Brooke being bitter and vindictive to others like Quinn who did nothing to her. Brooke invaded Quinn and Eric’s home, ordered Quinn out, shout and ranted and spewed vitriol then physically assaulted Shauna, unprovoked! Brooke went to Eric and demanded he literally throw Quinn into the street for NO reason other than she wasn’t good enough.
Unlike the gold digger Logans, Quinn had owned her own jewelry business for many years and raised Wyatt all on her own.
Brooke was cruel and unjust and later when Quinn retaliated lied and still lies that it was for no reason. That she Brooke was innocent blah blah.
Brooke gave Ridge ultimatums and he chose not to be bullied or take part in stealing his grandson from his son. Brooke sabotaged her own marriage with her ugly words and behaviour! Ridge divorced her because he saw a nasty bully he was married to.
One who never supported him and who hated his children. Shauna was a warm loving woman who didn’t ask for anything and was there for him. She made him laugh and smile and see how blessed and charmed a life he led!
It’s totally unfair to paint Brooke as a victim. She’s always been a bully as PP said. She’s a nasty piece of work and will be again!
Maursa you always talk about Steffy making ONE mistake with Bill. How is that any different than Brooke having a long ongoing affair with her Daughter Bridget’s husband Deacon? And actually getting pregnant with his child, Hope??? Or Hope sleeping with Steffy’s husband Liam, after chasing him and throwing herself at him for months??? She also got pregnant with a married man!!
How is Steffy worse than Brooke stealing another of Bridget’s husbands Nick, especially following Bridget’s pregnancy and miscarriage??? Or being married to Ridge and sleeping with a underage teenager who was Hope’s boyfriend??? Or being married to Eric and pursuing amd sleeping with his son Ridge over and over????
In what alternate universe does this condemn only Steffy for her mistakes but vindicate Hope and Brooke??? It’s utterly asinine and unfair!
Bbfan101 you have left out sooo very much history. How long have you watched this show? I have from the first episode.
DeleteBrooke is a chemist and created a patented formula for Forrester so earned her place in the company. I'm not going to take the time to correct all of your statements. Steffy chased every man Hope had because of her jealousy,so Liam was Hope's man all along and was manipulated by Steffy and Bill at the time. I could go on, but watch old episodes to know what you're talking about! Ridge and Brooke have been in love since they laid eyes on each other!
@kidd Your last sentence about Ridge and Brooke is totally false! Maybe you need to go back and look at old episodes. Brooke was ALWAYS Ridge's piece on the side, his default chick. He fell in love with Taylor and actually left Brooke, found Taylor at the beach and proposed to her then proceeded to have a family with her. Brooke only became "the love of Ridge's life" after Hunter Tylo left the show. That was a huge change in history. Also, if you would recall, after Brooke made the Belief formula, Ridge tried to steal it from her by PRETENDING that he was in love with and wanted to be with her. He deceived her for a long time. Please don't try to twist the facts. Yes, Ridge loves Brooke but she was not always the love of his life. That is why Brooke is so insecure now about Taylor because she knows what Taylor meant to Ridge and she is afraid of losing Ridge again to Taylor for good.
DeleteOmg steffy there like a high school kids , she seem to forget she is also a married woman that screw Liam on Finn head. The writter need to dig up one of Finn ex so she can no what it is to fight for a marriage. Shelia need to hurry up and spill the beans. Taylor you have more class Ridge is still a married man till those divorce papers are sign. ALSO HE WAS JUST Defending Brooke till Taylor walked in. Because of Steffy I hope Ridge leave Taylor behind high and dry after using her as a rebound. Taylor only came back because steffy told her Ridge and Brooke was in a bad place when Deacon got out of Jail. Omg can someone get Paris thirsty ass off her sister Ex fiance acting like she is in heat 😤 gosh she has a pathetic roll.
ReplyDeleteOkay with all the Taylor hater here! Are you actually watching the bloody show???
DeleteRidge is staying in the guest house, he and Taylor are NOT sleep together and Taylor isn’t draping herself all over Ridge or running to Brooke to gloat etc. Taylor is giving him space, she is staying in her own room at Steffy’s , and for those unaware she sold her own home to $Bill years ago!
Those are things Brooke has done when she stole Ridge or another man from his wife or fiancé.
She had to have sex ( her only true hold on any man, love never really came into it) immediately, she always threw her conquest in (insert current victim of Brooke’s cruelty here…) gloating over her victory amd then discarding said man for another lover when she tired of her plaything! Rinse, repeat.
Taylor is well aware of the long, toxic, dysfunctional on again off again relationship of Brooke and Ridge. She’s not rushing because unlike the the accusations, she does understand that Ridge needs time. I don’t see her pressuring Ridge or trying to manipulate him which Brooke always does. Taylor is being cautious because she doesn’t want to be hurt.
Again with Steffy Bell is making her the heavy because he has to make Brooke a victim to herself as always and Hope. He’s talking the one strong powerful woman on the show and trying to make her unlikeable… oh women only count who chase every man, who must be pursued by all the all men etc.
Oh by the by, has anyone notice Thomas is having no thoughts of Hope? Lol another Bell fabrication, and Brooke was jumping on the Thomas is acting strange again wagon lol!
Liam is a whiny baby who doesn’t actually want to be stick with Hope n Brooke. Of course he told Steffy the truth about Brooke sending him over, he never wanted to be Brooke’s spy. He’s only with Hope because Steffy refused to take him back!
Dezzi so right!
DeleteSo over the writer give us some new scripts those old lines or scenarios are getting boring
ReplyDeleteWhy is Hope the most weirdly dressed person on the show like in every episode?
ReplyDeleteI’m telling you, bin bag chic is her look. Maybe wardrobe is colour blind??
DeleteThis whole storyline didn't make sense from the get go. Brooke telling Sheila to stay from Steffy and Hayes, I mean why would Brooke care... Then that set Sheila off on a mission to destroy Brooke for that reason...
ReplyDeleteI just see poor Taylor getting hurt all over again, once the truth about the champagne switch comes out.
DeleteGood Lord! Taylor and ridge have been divorced for years! Staffy and Thomas need to grow up and get over it! Bridge wall end up back with brooke, and what did not cheat on Ridge, so even considering ending a marriage over that BS is insane! This is coming from someone who has been with the same man since 1979, married since 1983. Majorly upset and pissed off yes, but Ridge should have went to his dad's house.
Deletehonestly im kinda wondering if that biotch of a crazy pschyco mOther to paris an zòe doesnt want carter dating her daughtersfor SHE HERSELF WANTS HIM
ReplyDeleteYeah Mummy Dr B is way out there with the Zende worship. She literally knows nothing but what she sees on Social Media and wants to force her 22 yr old daughter into marriage? Ugh!
DeleteI love this show via Internet here in Zimbabwe 🇿🇼
ReplyDeleteHow about they bring Nick back and Bridget then Brooke, Taylor and Bridget could fight over him, Ridge who??? Lol
ReplyDeleteOmfg I hate that they've made Thomas and Steffy one note wonders in order to district from the fact that Ridge is the OG Liam he literally goes from one family to the other as soon as one of these women disappoint him. They're too old for this shit and it's played out.
ReplyDeleteParis legs looks like its been polished and varnished. I was sooo happy with not seeing her.
ReplyDeleteSteffy and thomas are acting like children. If you have to BEG your father to go back to Taylor--its not meant to be. Its pathetic. As for Paris storyline, I have found myself fastforwarding through that nonsense. Carter used to be a standup guy
ReplyDeleteWhy are these 3 smugs talking about Ridge like he is not there or have a say in it? Especially Steffi 🤮 they need to stop pushing. Taylor wants it so bad but she is not stupid. She is careful because she knows how much Ridge loves his Logan. And one day he Wil run back to her. Steffi and Thomas are so stuck in keeping daddy away from miss loose-legs that they forget how much it will hurt their mother in the end.
ReplyDeleteCarter only needs to pour a bucket of ice-water over Paris do she can cool off! After the cool down he should tell Paris the truth.
Sooooo sick of Thomas and Steffy s pathetic attitude "I want mommy and daddy back together, waaaay!". They don't care about his happiness! Just what they want. Steffy should be worrying about her own husband and family. Bashing Brooke and no mention of Taylor's transgressions, the woman is not Mother Teresa, nor Steffy needing a paternity test for BOTH kids! Sleeping with her husband's father, rules for thee but not for me!
ReplyDeleteBrooke paternity tested two of hers too! Brooke slept with her husband’s SON, and her husband’s BROTHER and 2 of her daughter’s husband and oh yes her sister’s husband and her daughter’s teenage boyfriend who was a minor ( and cheated on her husband doing so). Pointing out Steffy’s 2 mistakes doesn’t make Brooke less guilty for her million misdeeds!
DeleteMaddy you are soooo on target!!!!
ReplyDeleteBffan101. Puleeeeze!!!! Steffy chased every man who was with Hope! Jealous and disposable! If she hadn't done that and butted out and gotten her OWN man, which she never did before poor ole Finn, Hope and Liam would have never have been apart to begin with!
ReplyDeleteLiam and Hope were apart because Hope was a spoiled little girl who wanted a Perfect fairy story of a life. She made constant demands and ultimatums. She stomped off when she didn’t get her way. She used her virginity to manipulate Liam and that backfired!
DeleteAfter that they had loads of opportunities, Hope’s immaturity and spoiled antics agin with ultimatums etc and her running off blah blah are what kept them apart! She was the issue!
Hope never accepted that Liam loves Steffy and still does! He’s only with Hope now because Steffy told him no, and refused to dump Finn and remarry Liam! Liam went Back to Hope because Steffy said enough and rejected him!!! The mannequin was just an excuse to escape from a marriage he didn’t really want to be in! He admitted he was still in love with Steffy and made a mistake being with Hope, who he was only with because of Beth and Steffy being fed up and telling him to marry Hope! Steffy made that decision, Liam didn’t choose Hope.
Kidd you never address Hope moving to LA with the sole purpose of breaking up Liam’s marriage after Steffy made one mistake and by the way it was a byproduct of Liam making out with Sally Spectra two times! You go on and on about people leaving Ridge and Brooke alone no matter how many times she cheated on Ridge over the years, yet Steffy made 1 mistake and Hope is justified in throwing herself at Liam! She was making out and on the verge of having sex in a dressing room backstage! Hope slept with Liam while he was married to Steffy and she pregnant with their daughter Kelly!!! Hope didn’t respect Liam running back to his life Steffy, whomhe told many times over the years that she was the love of his life, as soon as he found out Bill tricked him! Liam had forgiven Steffy and was moving back home, sent her all the bouquets with the messages, he wanted to fix his marriage. Hope couldn’t sleep with him fast enough even though he was married and Hope fans were overjoyed!
DeleteStop pretending that Liam doesn’t love Steffy or she got him by default. He fought his brother to get her back. There was NO thought of Hope at all! Go back and watch the Monaco trip where Liam is walking around crying and thinking of the life he lost (SC actually same “The Song That Never Played “ that was the theme for that). Liam fought hard to get his love back, he married her for a third time in Australia, there was NO manipulation etc, just two I love that found their way back to each other! Hating on Steffy won’t change that!
I prefer her with Finn because he’s a much better man than Liam will ever be. That doesn’t change Hope’s fear that Liam will leave her in a second for Steffy if she’s available!!!! Hope knows he loves Steffy!
At least Steffy owns her mistakes and has apologized for hurting Hope, Liam etc!
DeleteHope has never once apologized for sleeping with Liam while he was married or for getting pregnant with Steffy’s husband! I wish just once, while Hope is being sanctimonious throwing Steffy’s past in her face…just once, Steffy would remind Hope that every time she sees Beth, she’s reminded that Hope slept with her husband and has a child by him! I wish she would remind Hope that she isn’t innocent!! One can dream I guess!
You seem to forget that Hope returned her engagement ring to Liam. I am not so sure that they would even be together if Steffy was out of the picture.
DeleteRight o Elle, very true but Hope fans will insist it’s all Steffy’s fault and Hopeless is a victim! 😂
DeleteFans, during Brooke line up of men, Ridge Father, his Brother, and her sister, Katie Husband, her daughter Hope boyfriend, she also forgot one of the men she was in LOVE with Deacon, her daughter husband(Hope Mother)!!! Just Saying!!!
ReplyDeleteBrooke, is still i Love with Deacon!!! Brooke and Deacon AFFAIR was INTENSE!!! I REMEMBER when he tried over and over to stop, she continued to tell him she Loved him!! Just Saying!!1
ReplyDeleteBrooke dated both of Ridge Brothers!!! Brooke has two children by his Father, and continued to INTERFERE with Ridge Mother, Stephanie Marriage!!! Just Saying!!!
ReplyDeleteIn my Opinion how can anyone don't think Ridge DESERVES BETTER!!! Just Saying!!!
ReplyDeleteWriter's, Producer's, etc, I am happy that Sheila and Deacon are back, they are making the show more Exciting!!! Just Saying!!!
ReplyDeleteWriters, Producer's, etc, it is time for Deacon to adjust his personal appearance. (Shave)!!! Just Saying!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree Anonymous!! Just Saying!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree, Pammy!! Also Brooke is Continuing to allow Deacon over when he want to come over!!
ReplyDeleteJust Saying!!!