Wow there's nothing like somebody getting off and enjoying the fact that they're going to destroy somebody's marriage. The witch Steffy has no idea what the circumstances were. She's jumping to conclusions that Deacon and Brooke slept together. She's jumping to conclusions in thinking that this is something that Brooke wanted. She has the nerve to say that Brooke has never put Ridge first which is not true. She even lied when she said she didn't want to have to see Brooke and Ridge's relationship end. I mean seriously all she's been talking about is her father and mother getting back together. Even though we know it's probably not going to happen I really wish that Brooke would just come clean with Ridge herself. Everybody's behavior in this whole situation is just ridiculous especially when they don't know the whole story. But once again here you have people getting involved because they're vindictive and troublemakers. And when you get right down to it they're only thinking about themselves. If they cared so much about their father they would mind their own business and we all know that they don't care about Brooke which is ridiculous because Brooke has never done anything to Thomas or Steffy. She had a right to have a problem with Thomas when everything was going on with what he was doing to Hope. And once she found out that he had a medical condition that caused him to do those things that doesn't make a difference because nobody knew about that at the time all the crap was going on. As I said we're most likely going to have to see Brooke and Bridge separate again and of course watch what's going to happen with Ridge and Taylor but with any luck it isn't going to last and Brooke and Ridge will be together again. Ridge better remember what happened between him and Shauna and it all happened because he heard a part of a conversation between Brooke and Bill and not the whole thing. No reason to run off and get involved with another woman. And let's not forget how he got drunk and didn't realize what he was doing. It's another situation where people were starting trouble because of being vindictive and seeking Revenge. Revenge that Quinn shouldn't even have been seeking because she was the one that did wrong and didn't like the fact that she got caught. Too many people on here don't think about circumstances and everything that actually happened. They just seem to want to blame Brooke for everything and it's getting a little old.
Taylor's never been as beautiful and attractive as Brooke!
Ummm..... Steffy high and mighty? Does anyone else remember that she pursued Hope's man Oliver, and good Lord, Liam? Always jealous of Hope and the Logans. MORE importantly, does she have amnesia about sleeping with two men in the same timeframe when she had both kids and didn't know which man was her baby daddy? Slept with her husband's father, and there was ZERO manipulation by him she was on top of him vigorously stripping off her clothes. Then supposedly committed to Finn, slept with married Liam, paternity question both kids🙄🙄. Having an affair with Bill while he was married to Katie, get the picture lilly white😂🤣 Steffy?
Taylor cheated on Ridge, shot Bill, swept under the rug, and while committing a DUI, ran over and killed Thorne's wife, Darla. Such self-righteous witches. Innocent Taylor has also been with all Forrester men, speaking of which, Steffy keeps saying that Brooke isn't a real Forrester, and she is just as much a Forester as Taylor is!
I can't stand a double standard, rules for thee but not for me.
Brook has always stuck her nose in Steffy marriage too. Conspiring to get hope and Liam together even when they were married to other poeple. So hell yeah Steffy go for it.
Loved ♥️ the password Charlie used to enter Brooke & Ridge's house security system: lemonbars
😂 🍋 📶 😂
A nice nod to Pam's famous lemon bars!
When Ridge sees the videos, Brooke's sour face will look like she has been sucking on lemons. 🍋 And, Ridge will pay Deacon yet another visit at the bar. 📶 🍾 🥂 📶
Yes that will all happen and then Steffy and Thomas will get the egg splattered on their face when everyone finds out that Sheila Carter is the real reason that Brooke relapsed and she'll be back in
Obviously some people know nothing about addiction. Every addict is different and she should have recognized the feeling, but still, not her fault! Mistakes were made, and the little crybaby boy Douglas could have slept without his bunny, far too old to even be sleeping with a stuffed animal.
The child is 6 are you serious, of course he needs his bunny living with Hope and Liam!
Brooke is 100% responsible for LYING to Ridge!!! He told her he doesn’t blame her for getting drunk and can forgive anything she did under the influence as long as she tells him the truth! Brooke DOESN’T TRUST her husband. She and she alone chooses to keep lying to him. Honestly, Ridge might have been cross with Deacon over the kiss and him staying over and would have blamed him. However, Brooke’s ongoing lies and trying to force poor wee Douglas to be quiet and cover for her are not things he will easily get over. That is ALL Brooke!
Paris wants to sleep with her sister's ex. Yuck And sleep with 2 men at her work place. Yuck And she was soooo self righteous and judgemental of Zoe. So now Paris wants a committed relationship with a future? Carter can't you see this is just a month since she said the opposite? A month since you kissed? Paris is hurt? Lol she didn't care about how Zende would feel. So Paris will make do with Zende like Zoe did with Carter. Are we all to believe that Charlie is a security and tech wiz? Lol
Yep, as I said in an above post about Steffy being high and mighty, paternity doubts with both kids, committed to Finn and slept with Liam who was married and slept with her hubby's Dad!
Thomas also has done alot of crazy stuff, not all due to his brain tumor
So you’re saying Steffy is the same as Brooke then? By the way Steffy did NOT sleep with Bill when he was married to Katie. Brooke did, she actually took him away and married him! Brooke had to paternity test Bridget ( she was married to Eric and also sleeping with Ridge and it was ongoing , not once like Steffy and Bill… Brooke married Eric to make Ridge jealous and be close to him while Bill pursued Steffy who had no interest in being with him after she fell in love with Liam) and RJ because she was sleeping with Ridge her husband and his half brother Nick! Brooke stole Eric from his wife and had no issue sleeping with a married man, or her daughter Bridget’s husbands ( Nick and Deacon who fathered Hope). Brooke slept with Hope’s prom date, who was a minor at the time and she was married to Ridge! Brooke is a serial cheater who has hurt and wrecked so many lives. I’m sick of hearing how she hasn’t done anything to anyone.
Quinn hatched the scheme for Shauna amd Ridge after Brooke, completely unprovoked stormed into her home multiple times, making threats, telling her to leave town and demanding Eric leave his wife, swearing to destroy their marriage!!! It was none of her damn business, she hated Quinn for replacing her in Eric’s life and having her painting over the fireplace. So don’t pretend Quinn went after Brooke for no reason or because she was caught out. Quinn was behaving herself and trying to reform. Brooke has NO room to talk about anyone with all the shady shite she’s done! And she did hurt Taylor, what do you call faking a pregnancy and miscarriage to steal Ridge and keeping Thomas a secret and threatening Taylor to stay dead so Brooke could have her “destiny “ 🤮
No matter Sheila dosed her, Brooke’s lies are all on her!
Hope is no angel either! She, who was married to Wyatt and also sleeping with his brother Liam ( thought she was pregnant and had no idea who the baby daddy would be), slept with Liam and got pregnant with Beth while he was married to Steffy and demanded he abandon his newborn daughter to pamper her and be all about Beth. Stop making the Logans out to be poor persecuted angels! Brooke and Hope have both blasted Steffy and Taylor, went to Steffy’s home, walked in the front door like they own the place and with NO provocation, set out to get in their faces, make demands and pry in their private lives. How is that okay but Steffy and Thomas trying to protect Ridge makes them horrible people?
The fact is Brooke has cheated on Ridge numerous times and when he was with Shauna, he was Divorced from Brooke so he wasn’t cheating! His children have every right to suspect Brooke!
does brook not know her and ridge ,their own home has a home security video set up. if not why? has she forgot about it or did she not know their home had one?
I can't take another day of seeing sullen stone face Brooke. Botox overkill??? She's unable to smile.😂🤣 And now that her secret is about to be revealed...we gotta endure another looong month of watching that sullen Stone face. Send Brooke on a looong vacation. And like Ridge I'm tired of her dark depressing behavior. There has not been any joy and happiness in Brookes house since New Years Eve. Glad that Carter is ending it with Paris. Obvious there's no chemistry between the two. Paris has no sex appeal. Carter needs to find someone more mature and available. Hope next week brings something new. Not these same characters and stories.
Paris how you go say that you don't a relationship but now you wanna see where things take you with Carter plus it's your sister ex at that such a slut and I'm sick of Brooke shit Steffy and Thomas is getting on my damn nerves trying to hook up their parents back together
Right now, all that's on Brooke's mind is that Douglas saw her. The thought about getting found out via video footage hasn't even entered her mind. Plus, NYE was a month ago. She's probably thinking that footage from that night would have already been erased.
Paris is the worst! Zende has been nothing but good to her but it seems like she doesn't care one bit about how hurt he would feel finding out about her and Carter. I hope Carter sticks to what he told her and doesn't fall into Paris' arms again.
Brooke needs to come clean and let the chips fall where they may. Her marriage may stand a better chance of surviving if she is honest with Ridge than if he were to find out from Taylor, Thomas and Steffy.
Elle- I too was hoping that Brooke would tell Ridge herself what happened. Even though I don't think it will go over very well I believe it would be better hearing it from her than finding out from his kids. I can understand Brooke being afraid of Ridge finding out especially when it involves Deacon and considering their past. The point is she never intended for any of that to happen and it probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for the alcohol and Sheila. Like I've said before people need to remember how Ridge handled things getting involved with Shauna and getting drunk and letting the things happen that he did. A much worse scenario, in my opinion. And as usual people like Steffy, Thomas, and Taylor don't recall all of that. Brooke really does love Ridge a lot and what happened is something that she didn't want to happen and we've even seen her tell Deacon that she loves Ridge and wants to be with him and we've even seen her ask Deacons to leave. He has been pushing himself on her and hasn't been leaving her alone which, in my opinion, is just wrong. He claims he's there because he wants a relationship with his daughter, but he continually puts himself in Brooke's life. It would be nice if somehow he was involved with helping the truth about everything to come out. Even though it won't make a whole lot of difference to me because I know that he wants Brooke for himself. I do believe that we are going to have to see Brooke end Ridge separate again because of other people's vindictiveness and being troublemakers, but in the end I think they will get back together. At least I hope so because nobody should have their marriage end because of other people meddling jumping to conclusions and starting trouble.
Elle- and also why don't Steffy and Ridge confront Brooke before jumping to conclusions and telling Taylor and Ridge about it? The truth probably wouldn't matter to them though because they're too obsessed with mommy and daddy being together and thinking they will all be one big happy family. This may blow up in their faces when the real truth does come out. Ridge may have a problem with the way they jumped to conclusions before knowing the real story and them setting out to destroy their marriage. People need to realize that even in real life alcohol has a way of affecting people and making them not think straight or realize what is happening. The point is that this all happened because of Sheila and her evilness because she doesn't like hearing the truth about herself and hasn't changed her ways of handling things. Brooke didn't cause all of this to happen and this is why I get so mad when people are so quick to come down on her.
Maddy, this all started because Brooke felt that she needed to threaten Sheila. Brooke went to visit Deacon about the non-alcoholic wine and instead, decided to verbally assault Sheila. What is happening with Brooke now is a direct result of Brooke's judgemental attitude.
And the real truth is that Brooke spent NYE with Deacon, encouraged him to drink and ended up kissing him. The real truth is that Deacon spent the night in Brooke's bed and left the following morning. That's bad enough even without Brooke and Deacon sleeping together and Ridge is not going to like it.
Whaaaaaat? You can't say something to someone without them setting you up? Deacon kissed Brooke and she should've pushed him away, and they didn't sleep together as in sex.
Do you know Sheila from both soaps? She was verbally assaulted? LOL. For one crime, she set her own Mother's house on fire and burned her to death! Poor little verbally assaulted Sheila!
Maddy, Brooke created the issues with Ridge when she gave him ultimatums to either side with her and disown his son or get out! He filed for divorce remember and she signed! He was divorced from her when he was with Shauna so Brooke brought that on herself! She is the one who was so bitter and nasty and did nothing but go on ugly rants about Quinn ( who was minding her business and being a good wife to Eric) and Thomas. Brooke was hell bent on destroying Eric and Quinn’s marriage like she had a right to interfere, especially given her history!
The NYE wouldn’t even be anything if Brooke had told Ridge the truth. She keeps lying and now manipulated poor Douglas. That will be the thing that Ridge will have an issue with. The fact is, like Elle said previously, Brooke would have kissed Deacon eventually. Brooke had been constantly reliving their long affair in her mind and she loves it Deacon reminds her that they were in love. Brooke flashes back the drunken kiss more because she liked it. They were making out, so it wasn’t a quick kiss either. She has never come clean about her relationship with Deacon, that SHE initiated, she pursued Deacon and got him, then played victim to cover her tracks. Clearly she has unresolved feelings for him!
@kidd We all know what Sheila has done but highlighting her unstable behaviour does not absolve Brooke of setting in motion all of what she is experiencing now. Matter of fact, Brooke should have known better than to publicly attack Sheila the way she did. It's not like she does not know what Sheila is capable of. Brooke made her own mess and is paying for it now.
I don't know why people are trying to make Brooke out to be some innocent bystander after all of the marriages she has destroyed as well as sticking her nose in where it does not belong!
Right Hope there's no reason anyone would find out Brooke's secret. Afterall, you's two's only bring it up every Monday-Thursday between 7am-9, 12-2pm and again on Fridays on even numbered hours! So I'd bet y'all are SAFE as Charlie's lemonbar security code!!!! Paris and Carter you's two's would make a gorgeous baby. IJS, hopefully not but WoopWoop🥰😍🤗😉 If y'all end up together it'd be par4theINTERCOURSE 🏌️♂️⛳ Everyone else on the wicked show has already been through everyone else 2-3x's. So y ask y?
brooke is so dumb/some 6 year old come and tell you hey granny i saw you kssing santa she could ve said thats right hon..santa came for a visit cause he wanted to leave this gift to you the new playstation 5 vr he finally got it lol and to thank him i kissed him on the cheek.but dont saw a word to anyone specially your dad thomas cause they ll tell you there is no santa and you will be miserable FOR LIFE lol She could ve send lame to go and get the damn thing and bring it asap as long as she was telling him this moronic story end of story kids ar dumb they beleive ev you tell them
Yeah right? So now Brooke could just say she can not remember anything and that Deacon has been trying to convince her they had kissed and he had stayed the night but she didn't believe him that is why she said nothing and didn't want to upset Ridge over some Deacon's fantasy.
I KNEW that Carter woulds exercise restraint, if only because of Zende. Paris wants to bed Carter and then she would not want to get involved. It's a fake caring on her part, although she never seemed much into Zende. And her Mom needs to STFU! 😌
Writers, Producer's, the ex Taylor is very missed, but the new Taylor doesn't measure up to her BEAUTY. Also, her hair cut make her look more UNATTRACTIVE to the ex Taylor!! JUST SAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This paris storyline is aweful. Its childish and now the mom is in town. Is anyone else fast forwarding this crap??steffy is like the child who wishes mommy and daddy were together--lame. Brooks pathetic.
Wouldn't it be a criminal offence that Brooke's security has been interfered with without her authority? The house is hers and even though FC have access to such footage Steffy and Thomas have overstepped their positions to get these videos. How can this be overlooked and how can Charlie be a willing participant to this as head of security?
Charlie said that he is the one who set up the security system for Brooke & Ridge's home. He installed all the cameras himself. He works for the Forresters so he felt he was taking direct orders from his bosses by searching the videos. Truthfully though, Steffy & Thomas could have told their Dad, Ridge, what Douglas told them & then they could have suggested he looked at the home videos for that night. There is more drama if they are the ones to spill the beans about "Beacon" & the New Year's 💋 & sleepover!
Criminal offence or not, it does not absolve Brooke from her misdeeds. The fact is, there is video evidence of her latest scandal. Whether Thomas, Steffy and Charlie are are arrested and fined for what they did is moot because Ridge still is not going to like it.
Taylor hair cut does NOT bring out the beauty of the ex Taylor, which we miss. It make her look less attractive than Brooke!! Just Saying!!!
DeleteWow there's nothing like somebody getting off and enjoying the fact that they're going to destroy somebody's marriage. The witch Steffy has no idea what the circumstances were. She's jumping to conclusions that Deacon and Brooke slept together. She's jumping to conclusions in thinking that this is something that Brooke wanted. She has the nerve to say that Brooke has never put Ridge first which is not true. She even lied when she said she didn't want to have to see Brooke and Ridge's relationship end. I mean seriously all she's been talking about is her father and mother getting back together. Even though we know it's probably not going to happen I really wish that Brooke would just come clean with Ridge herself. Everybody's behavior in this whole situation is just ridiculous especially when they don't know the whole story. But once again here you have people getting involved because they're vindictive and troublemakers. And when you get right down to it they're only thinking about themselves. If they cared so much about their father they would mind their own business and we all know that they don't care about Brooke which is ridiculous because Brooke has never done anything to Thomas or Steffy. She had a right to have a problem with Thomas when everything was going on with what he was doing to Hope. And once she found out that he had a medical condition that caused him to do those things that doesn't make a difference because nobody knew about that at the time all the crap was going on. As I said we're most likely going to have to see Brooke and Bridge separate again and of course watch what's going to happen with Ridge and Taylor but with any luck it isn't going to last and Brooke and Ridge will be together again. Ridge better remember what happened between him and Shauna and it all happened because he heard a part of a conversation between Brooke and Bill and not the whole thing. No reason to run off and get involved with another woman. And let's not forget how he got drunk and didn't realize what he was doing. It's another situation where people were starting trouble because of being vindictive and seeking Revenge. Revenge that Quinn shouldn't even have been seeking because she was the one that did wrong and didn't like the fact that she got caught. Too many people on here don't think about circumstances and everything that actually happened. They just seem to want to blame Brooke for everything and it's getting a little old.
DeleteTaylor's never been as beautiful and attractive as Brooke!
DeleteUmmm..... Steffy high and mighty? Does anyone else remember that she pursued Hope's man Oliver, and good Lord, Liam? Always jealous of Hope and the Logans. MORE importantly, does she have amnesia about sleeping with two men in the same timeframe when she had both kids and didn't know which man was her baby daddy? Slept with her husband's father, and there was ZERO manipulation by him she was on top of him vigorously stripping off her clothes. Then supposedly committed to Finn, slept with married Liam, paternity question both kids🙄🙄. Having an affair with Bill while he was married to Katie, get the picture lilly white😂🤣 Steffy?
Taylor cheated on Ridge, shot Bill, swept under the rug, and while committing a DUI, ran over and killed Thorne's wife, Darla. Such self-righteous witches. Innocent Taylor has also been with all Forrester men, speaking of which, Steffy keeps saying that Brooke isn't a real Forrester, and she is just as much a Forester as Taylor is!
I can't stand a double standard, rules for thee but not for me.
Brook has always stuck her nose in Steffy marriage too. Conspiring to get hope and Liam together even when they were married to other poeple. So hell yeah Steffy go for it.
DeleteLoved ♥️ the password Charlie used to enter Brooke & Ridge's house security system: lemonbars
ReplyDelete😂 🍋 📶 😂
A nice nod to Pam's famous lemon bars!
When Ridge sees the videos, Brooke's sour face will look like she has been sucking on lemons. 🍋 And, Ridge will pay Deacon yet another visit at the bar. 📶 🍾 🥂 📶
Yes that will all happen and then Steffy and Thomas will get the egg splattered on their face when everyone finds out that Sheila Carter is the real reason that Brooke relapsed and she'll be back in
DeleteObviously some people know nothing about addiction. Every addict is different and she should have recognized the feeling, but still, not her fault! Mistakes were made, and the little crybaby boy Douglas could have slept without his bunny, far too old to even be sleeping with a stuffed animal.
DeleteThe child is 6 are you serious, of course he needs his bunny living with Hope and Liam!
DeleteBrooke is 100% responsible for LYING to Ridge!!! He told her he doesn’t blame her for getting drunk and can forgive anything she did under the influence as long as she tells him the truth! Brooke DOESN’T TRUST her husband. She and she alone chooses to keep lying to him. Honestly, Ridge might have been cross with Deacon over the kiss and him staying over and would have blamed him. However, Brooke’s ongoing lies and trying to force poor wee Douglas to be quiet and cover for her are not things he will easily get over. That is ALL Brooke!
Ohhhhhh can’t wait to see them show Ridge the videos! Wheeeeeeeee
ReplyDeleteCarter really?
Paris wants to sleep with her sister's ex. Yuck
ReplyDeleteAnd sleep with 2 men at her work place.
And she was soooo self righteous and judgemental of Zoe.
So now Paris wants a committed relationship with a future? Carter can't you see this is just a month since she said the opposite? A month since you kissed?
Paris is hurt? Lol she didn't care about how Zende would feel.
So Paris will make do with Zende like Zoe did with Carter.
Are we all to believe that Charlie is a security and tech wiz? Lol
Definitely not a wiz! I wouldn't trust anyone to have access to my home security system other than me and my husband.
DeleteSteffy should let things play out .hate her and Thomas chapters I skipped over them.
ReplyDeleteYep, as I said in an above post about Steffy being high and mighty, paternity doubts with both kids, committed to Finn and slept with Liam who was married and slept with her hubby's Dad!
DeleteThomas also has done alot of crazy stuff, not all due to his brain tumor
So you’re saying Steffy is the same as Brooke then? By the way Steffy did NOT sleep with Bill when he was married to Katie. Brooke did, she actually took him away and married him! Brooke had to paternity test Bridget ( she was married to Eric and also sleeping with Ridge and it was ongoing , not once like Steffy and Bill… Brooke married Eric to make Ridge jealous and be close to him while Bill pursued Steffy who had no interest in being with him after she fell in love with Liam) and RJ because she was sleeping with Ridge her husband and his half brother Nick! Brooke stole Eric from his wife and had no issue sleeping with a married man, or her daughter Bridget’s husbands ( Nick and Deacon who fathered Hope). Brooke slept with Hope’s prom date, who was a minor at the time and she was married to Ridge! Brooke is a serial cheater who has hurt and wrecked so many lives. I’m sick of hearing how she hasn’t done anything to anyone.
DeleteQuinn hatched the scheme for Shauna amd Ridge after Brooke, completely unprovoked stormed into her home multiple times, making threats, telling her to leave town and demanding Eric leave his wife, swearing to destroy their marriage!!! It was none of her damn business, she hated Quinn for replacing her in Eric’s life and having her painting over the fireplace. So don’t pretend Quinn went after Brooke for no reason or because she was caught out. Quinn was behaving herself and trying to reform. Brooke has NO room to talk about anyone with all the shady shite she’s done! And she did hurt Taylor, what do you call faking a pregnancy and miscarriage to steal Ridge and keeping Thomas a secret and threatening Taylor to stay dead so Brooke could have her “destiny “ 🤮
No matter Sheila dosed her, Brooke’s lies are all on her!
Hope is no angel either! She, who was married to Wyatt and also sleeping with his brother Liam ( thought she was pregnant and had no idea who the baby daddy would be), slept with Liam and got pregnant with Beth while he was married to Steffy and demanded he abandon his newborn daughter to pamper her and be all about Beth. Stop making the Logans out to be poor persecuted angels! Brooke and Hope have both blasted Steffy and Taylor, went to Steffy’s home, walked in the front door like they own the place and with NO provocation, set out to get in their faces, make demands and pry in their private lives. How is that okay but Steffy and Thomas trying to protect Ridge makes them horrible people?
The fact is Brooke has cheated on Ridge numerous times and when he was with Shauna, he was Divorced from Brooke so he wasn’t cheating! His children have every right to suspect Brooke!
does brook not know her and ridge ,their own home has a home security video set up. if not why? has she forgot about it or did she not know their home had one?
ReplyDeleteThey added cameras after Sheila crashed the wedding. Steffy got them as well , I remember Ridge and Brooke discussing how to keep Sheila away.
DeleteI can't take another day of seeing sullen stone face Brooke. Botox overkill??? She's unable to smile.😂🤣 And now that her secret is about to be revealed...we gotta endure another looong month of watching that sullen Stone face. Send Brooke on a looong vacation. And like Ridge I'm tired of her dark depressing behavior. There has not been any joy and happiness in Brookes house since New Years Eve. Glad that Carter is ending it with Paris. Obvious there's no chemistry between the two. Paris has no sex appeal. Carter needs to find someone more mature and available. Hope next week brings something new. Not these same characters and stories.
ReplyDeleteParis how you go say that you don't a relationship but now you wanna see where things take you with Carter plus it's your sister ex at that such a slut and I'm sick of Brooke shit Steffy and Thomas is getting on my damn nerves trying to hook up their parents back together
Deleteor did ridge have one set up in his and brook's home and forgot and never told brook that he had it done?
ReplyDeleteRight now, all that's on Brooke's mind is that Douglas saw her. The thought about getting found out via video footage hasn't even entered her mind. Plus, NYE was a month ago. She's probably thinking that footage from that night would have already been erased.
DeleteParis is the worst! Zende has been nothing but good to her but it seems like she doesn't care one bit about how hurt he would feel finding out about her and Carter. I hope Carter sticks to what he told her and doesn't fall into Paris' arms again.
ReplyDeleteBrooke needs to come clean and let the chips fall where they may. Her marriage may stand a better chance of surviving if she is honest with Ridge than if he were to find out from Taylor, Thomas and Steffy.
Elle- I too was hoping that Brooke would tell Ridge herself what happened. Even though I don't think it will go over very well I believe it would be better hearing it from her than finding out from his kids. I can understand Brooke being afraid of Ridge finding out especially when it involves Deacon and considering their past. The point is she never intended for any of that to happen and it probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for the alcohol and Sheila. Like I've said before people need to remember how Ridge handled things getting involved with Shauna and getting drunk and letting the things happen that he did. A much worse scenario, in my opinion. And as usual people like Steffy, Thomas, and Taylor don't recall all of that. Brooke really does love Ridge a lot and what happened is something that she didn't want to happen and we've even seen her tell Deacon that she loves Ridge and wants to be with him and we've even seen her ask Deacons to leave. He has been pushing himself on her and hasn't been leaving her alone which, in my opinion, is just wrong. He claims he's there because he wants a relationship with his daughter, but he continually puts himself in Brooke's life. It would be nice if somehow he was involved with helping the truth about everything to come out. Even though it won't make a whole lot of difference to me because I know that he wants Brooke for himself. I do believe that we are going to have to see Brooke end Ridge separate again because of other people's vindictiveness and being troublemakers, but in the end I think they will get back together. At least I hope so because nobody should have their marriage end because of other people meddling jumping to conclusions and starting trouble.
DeleteElle- and also why don't Steffy and Ridge confront Brooke before jumping to conclusions and telling Taylor and Ridge about it? The truth probably wouldn't matter to them though because they're too obsessed with mommy and daddy being together and thinking they will all be one big happy family. This may blow up in their faces when the real truth does come out. Ridge may have a problem with the way they jumped to conclusions before knowing the real story and them setting out to destroy their marriage. People need to realize that even in real life alcohol has a way of affecting people and making them not think straight or realize what is happening. The point is that this all happened because of Sheila and her evilness because she doesn't like hearing the truth about herself and hasn't changed her ways of handling things. Brooke didn't cause all of this to happen and this is why I get so mad when people are so quick to come down on her.
DeleteMaddy, this all started because Brooke felt that she needed to threaten Sheila. Brooke went to visit Deacon about the non-alcoholic wine and instead, decided to verbally assault Sheila. What is happening with Brooke now is a direct result of Brooke's judgemental attitude.
DeleteAnd the real truth is that Brooke spent NYE with Deacon, encouraged him to drink and ended up kissing him. The real truth is that Deacon spent the night in Brooke's bed and left the following morning. That's bad enough even without Brooke and Deacon sleeping together and Ridge is not going to like it.
Whaaaaaat? You can't say something to someone without them setting you up? Deacon kissed Brooke and she should've pushed him away, and they didn't sleep together as in sex.
DeleteDo you know Sheila from both soaps? She was verbally assaulted? LOL. For one crime, she set her own Mother's house on fire and burned her to death! Poor little verbally assaulted Sheila!
Maddy, Brooke created the issues with Ridge when she gave him ultimatums to either side with her and disown his son or get out! He filed for divorce remember and she signed! He was divorced from her when he was with Shauna so Brooke brought that on herself! She is the one who was so bitter and nasty and did nothing but go on ugly rants about Quinn ( who was minding her business and being a good wife to Eric) and Thomas. Brooke was hell bent on destroying Eric and Quinn’s marriage like she had a right to interfere, especially given her history!
DeleteThe NYE wouldn’t even be anything if Brooke had told Ridge the truth. She keeps lying and now manipulated poor Douglas. That will be the thing that Ridge will have an issue with. The fact is, like Elle said previously, Brooke would have kissed Deacon eventually. Brooke had been constantly reliving their long affair in her mind and she loves it Deacon reminds her that they were in love. Brooke flashes back the drunken kiss more because she liked it. They were making out, so it wasn’t a quick kiss either. She has never come clean about her relationship with Deacon, that SHE initiated, she pursued Deacon and got him, then played victim to cover her tracks. Clearly she has unresolved feelings for him!
I agree exactly. 👍
Delete@kidd We all know what Sheila has done but highlighting her unstable behaviour does not absolve Brooke of setting in motion all of what she is experiencing now. Matter of fact, Brooke should have known better than to publicly attack Sheila the way she did. It's not like she does not know what Sheila is capable of. Brooke made her own mess and is paying for it now.
DeletePerfectly said, Bbfan!
DeleteI don't know why people are trying to make Brooke out to be some innocent bystander after all of the marriages she has destroyed as well as sticking her nose in where it does not belong!
Right Hope there's no reason anyone would find out Brooke's secret. Afterall, you's two's only bring it up every Monday-Thursday between 7am-9, 12-2pm and again on Fridays on even numbered hours!
ReplyDeleteSo I'd bet y'all are SAFE as Charlie's lemonbar security code!!!!
Paris and Carter you's two's would make a gorgeous baby. IJS, hopefully not but WoopWoop🥰😍🤗😉
If y'all end up together it'd be par4theINTERCOURSE 🏌️♂️⛳
Everyone else on the wicked show has already been through everyone else 2-3x's. So y ask y?
brooke is so dumb/some 6 year old come and tell you hey granny i saw you kssing santa
ReplyDeleteshe could ve said
thats right hon..santa came for a visit cause he wanted to leave this gift to you the new playstation 5 vr he finally got it lol and to thank him i kissed him on the cheek.but dont saw a word to anyone specially your dad thomas cause they ll tell you there is no santa and you will be miserable FOR LIFE lol
She could ve send lame to go and get the damn thing and bring it asap as long as she was telling him this moronic story
end of story
kids ar dumb they beleive ev you tell them
Yeah right? So now Brooke could just say she can not remember anything and that Deacon has been trying to convince her they had kissed and he had stayed the night but she didn't believe him that is why she said nothing and didn't want to upset Ridge over some Deacon's fantasy.
DeleteI KNEW that Carter woulds exercise restraint, if only because of Zende. Paris wants to bed Carter and then she would not want to get involved. It's a fake caring on her part, although she never seemed much into Zende. And her Mom needs to STFU! 😌
ReplyDeleteWriters, Producer's, the ex Taylor is very missed, but the new Taylor doesn't measure up to her BEAUTY. Also, her hair cut make her look more UNATTRACTIVE to the ex Taylor!! JUST SAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBrooke, I hope you are going to feel some of the PAIN and SUFFERING you CAUSED to your Children and OTHERS!!!Just Saying!!!
ReplyDeleteParis, I hope you lose Zande and Carter!! Just Saying!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe new Taylor is not that ATTRACTIVE!!! Just Saying!!!!
ReplyDeleteOk, is it just me? The acting is getting terrible. Especially the closing lines. Taylor's reaction to what Stef no big surprise?
ReplyDeleteThis paris storyline is aweful. Its childish and now the mom is in town. Is anyone else fast forwarding this crap??steffy is like the child who wishes mommy and daddy were together--lame.
ReplyDeleteBrooks pathetic.
Its time for Ridge and Taylor again. Brooke runs everything her way. Thanks Bob
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be a criminal offence that Brooke's security has been interfered with without her authority? The house is hers and even though FC have access to such footage Steffy and Thomas have overstepped their positions to get these videos. How can this be overlooked and how can Charlie be a willing participant to this as head of security?
ReplyDeleteCharlie said that he is the one who set up the security system for Brooke & Ridge's home. He installed all the cameras himself. He works for the Forresters so he felt he was taking direct orders from his bosses by searching the videos. Truthfully though, Steffy & Thomas could have told their Dad, Ridge, what Douglas told them & then they could have suggested he looked at the home videos for that night. There is more drama if they are the ones to spill the beans about "Beacon" & the New Year's 💋 & sleepover!
DeleteCriminal offence or not, it does not absolve Brooke from her misdeeds. The fact is, there is video evidence of her latest scandal. Whether Thomas, Steffy and Charlie are are arrested and fined for what they did is moot because Ridge still is not going to like it.
DeleteNo show today ?
ReplyDeleteNo, not on Sunday! 😊
DeleteOops, had my days mixed up lol