Ridge is smart he know Brooke inside and out and for her to give up on their marriage without a fight is because she want to be with Deacon!!! How can you blame her Deacon is HOT!!!! JUST SAYING!!!!
I will go first!! @I don’t get it, when you add up up all your short sentences , it adds up to a “novella”, if u r going to post 10 small posts, then put it all together, u r no different to me or anyone else who leaves comments... we r all entitled to post comments and u don’t have to read mine, or maddy’s, or anyone else’s, that may be to complicated for u?? so try to “get” that u r no better than anyone else on here and there’s no reason to start issues with others, maybe try to b a bit more mature and respectful of others on here.. I don’t pick on u, never have, and I did used to like u, even when u were once begging people to talk to u?? But it appears u have turned into a bit of a bully..
Not all the posts are meant to be bullish I think some need to relax and just laugh about some posts. My friend was also attacked by colly once. And my friend didn't even meant it that way. So @colly, dont take it personal. You'll get old before your time comes. 😉 Oh and this is not to pick on colly but to reflect his/her behavior towards others.
Unknown, i don’t attack anyone.. if someone is disrespectful towards me, I am not going to just laugh it off.. this is a blog about the show, not to pick on other posters.. a healthy debate is acceptable, insulting other posters unprovoked is not.. there was no need to write what he/she wrote.. it was unnecessary and childish, and unprovoked.. it is immature to behave that way..
I enjoy and RESPECT others posts, even if I don’t agree with them.. but I don’t need to reflect on my behaviour, because I don’t disrespect other posters like that.. but thank you for the advice, I will take it on board 😊
I didn't see Ridge trying to stop the divorce. Instead, he said that he will send someone to pick up his things. Clearly, he's starting to feel something for Taylor again, that's why he's conflicted.
Ridge has love and lust for Brooke. Taylor is his shoulder to cry on and his therapist as he goes through his trial separation period from Brooke. She is playing with and is guaranteed to get burned.
I wouldn't let my dog near Paris ....just saying....she would gross anyone out and I would love to see Zende with anyone else but Paris...she looks like a dog .... just saying
Whatever happened to the B&B when they were a top rated soap. Now all they show are the same old characters, including characters that have no talent. It's gotten so boring. Who are the scriptwriters? It's not worth watching anymore. Did all the other characters lose their jobs?
The soap was completely destroyed in 2018 for the new Hope, by destroying the OTP #Steam Steffy & Liam, the series Lost the ❤️ and the soul, including the dynamics, In addition, most fans are tired of seeing the entire Steam SL abused for Lope, and each SL then becomes Hopes SL, regardless of whether it was for others !!!
Apparently there is 9 writers for the show, and they still can’t write anything decent.. I think they r getting lazy with covid as their excuse.. if they keep going this way, they r going to get the axe..
It's not that she is ugly, to me, she just can't act, and when she sucks lips with Carter, she looks like she sucks lips with him, like a goldfish...she doesn't kiss him convincingly, she sometimes kisses him while being a bit apart from him so only her head is moving forward a bit. It looks weird.
And there is also ofc the hypocrisy of it all. She complained about Zoey being in the wrong, wtf is she doing herself? and with Zoey's ex none the less? Yeah, she has convinced herself that she is free and single and that Carter is the same, but it's not all about that. They will break 2 hearts in this process, they should have let it go as soon as they started feeling something. Zoey and Zende will be hurt by this.
Paris has a pretty face, big boobs and bad hair. She could improve her appearance a lot by getting a cute hair style. But no, we aren’t jealous of Paris’s looks! For crap’s sake, the show is filled with very attractive people. We don’t like Paris’s character or her ability to act the part. I don’t find her a talented actor. That’s the reason we don’t like Paris.
Colly, Agreed. They bring in new models on the show and it’s really obvious they are just getting their feet wet in acting. But they are only on the screen for a minute or two at a time. With Paris, they took a very novice actor and gave her a prime role in the show. The comment above from MeMeMe about us women being jealous of Paris was ridiculous however.
🤣🤣🤣 yes, I don’t think any of us r jealous of paris.. she is way too young for such a big role in a show like B&B.. but having said that, the standards of the show has dropped so much so, that it seems like it’s just anything goes.. I don’t think they will b winning any awards next round!!
I actually feel so sorry for Taylor. Second best doesn’t even cover it! She must know that too, that’s why she’s will take any little crumb Ridge throws her way. He comes from Brooke and throws a crumb her way and she grabs for it. it’s pathetic!! I certainly wouldn’t want to go to her for marital advice. Can you even imagine?! “Oh just take anything he’s prepared to give you” “Don’t worry whether he’s in love with someone else, be a doormat for him, he may care a little for you one day”. “ You will never be her...but”!! Poor, poor woman! But a psychiatrist? She can’t sort her own pathetic life, much less anybody else’s.
paris should ve said i am a grown up young woman you cant tell me who to date and what to do if you dont like it bye bye nice seeing you mommmy dearest thomas should spill out the truth asap steffie needs to stop blaming brooke for everything queen was a nice comeback and where the f is finn?
This.... who the hell does her mother think she is? The LOVE Police? Even though I don't like Carter and Paris together, her mom is absolutely bonkers. Who behaves like that? Meddling in their childrens lives when they have moved away from home and is a young adult. Sure, she could advice her daughter to not go through with this, but that is it, she has no right in demanding anything.
Paris’s mother is a total witch. No mother of a woman in her 20’s has any right to act like that. They have her playing a lunatic. Paris nerds to tell her to get the hell out and mind her own business.
Exactly! Grace is absofreakinlutely NUTS! Going into your adult daughter and demanding who she should love or date!! I cannot stand Paris at all, but her mom has lost the plot. No wonder her children are so screwed up. She needs to get a life. She acts like she wants to screw Zende the way she goes on and on about how wonderful and perfect he is. She barely even knows him! I hate Grace as much as Paris
I agree all, grace is out of control.. the fact she is pushing her to get married at her age says a lot.. no matter what the circumstances, she is way to young to get married.. grace just wants her set up for life by marrying zende.. but in the next breath, I cannot stand her with carter.. it’s just wrong on so many levels, and it seems like they r settling in with story line.. it’s all we r going to see now..😖
OKay I have a question for you...well two questions....does Brooke see to have put on lots of weight and it also looks like she had a breast implant....or she is gaining weight all over...Question 2....is Steffy pregnant....that outfit she had on today sure looks like she is....
I think both women should dump ridge. He is a player. What is ever easy. Bith deserve better. And im so tired of carter picking up women who are already in a relationship. Get a grip. Find your own. And Paris appears to want anyone that her sister "Zoey" has had. So sibling rivalry. I think so. Any how. Im over the carter drama stuff
I would feel some sort of attachment to the Brooke-Ridge-Taylor saga of they were the real Ridge and Taylor. Those two here (as talented as they are) have no history with each other so nothing for us to feel. If they had at least kept Hunter - she and Brooke had the real birch fight chemistry. Gosh poor Paris please let the girl speak with a normal human speed. Nobody is dragging their sentences like this. And repeating over and over and over and over the same ones. Same for Steffy. Please get new writers this is insulting to the intelligence - theirs and ours.
I'm not commenting if it was a good idea or not to have a new Ridge because there was no choice involved if they wanted to have one. All I'm saying is that I don't much care about who he ends up with (if there's even such a thing in soaps) because he has no history with either (or maybe minimal with Brooke). Thorsten is amazing and that's no question but also nothing to do with my point.
I would pin Carter with Katie way before Paris !! Paris is a lil trifling wreck how could she even want to be with her sister ex fiance after , she slip in on Zende when her sister had a crush on him and was stuck in a position. She judge Zoe for being with Carter and crushing on Zende but thing in Zende and Zoe use to talk online before meeting in person. Paris have no morals and I hope the Forrester and that Quinn ruin her too and Carter is way too fine to have him constantly falling for women that's taken.
Grace may or may not be after the Forrester money or name for her daughter. But which mother will be ok with their like girl going to screw their sister's ex fiance? When she raise them with morals. A man she see as a fright to ruin a future and a job her daughter work hard for.
Dezzi, I agree with u, totally!! As a mother, with a daughter around the same age, I would feel the same way.. but having said that, grace is going way too far, making threats, and even worse, trying to marry her off at her age because she thinks zende can give her the world.. she should not be telling zende to propose, and certainly not saying she has talked to paris and that she will accept his proposal, giving him false hope, knowing what’s going on with carter.. she is setting him up for heartbreak..
I would encourage my own daughter to stay single and enjoy her life while she is so young and to focus on her career at this point, as she has worked so hard to through school etc.. but threatening carter, and giving zende false hope, not a good way to go about it in my own opinion.. but, of course, it’s a soap!!
Also, I am not sure if it’s the money grace is after, but it seems that way to me.. she keeps saying things that indicate that.. also, I notice that everytime she is at forrester, while she is talking, she is always picking up the jewellery and admiring it and putting it on, same with looking at all the designs and material, but mostly the jewellery.. Mayb I am reading to much into it.. but I seem to notice it a lot??
I think Ridge is still deeply in love with Brooke. He said to Brooke, "for the record, the only life I ever wanted is with you." He seems sad that Brooke is not fighting for their marriage. Then, when Ridge tells Taylor that Brooke is giving him a divorce, they both seem surprised. They both acknowledge he has mixed feelings. Poor Taylor will eventually get her heart broken. 💔
They aren't divorced yet. For Brooke to love Ridge so much that she is willing to let him go because her sabotaging ways hurt him & deprive him of peace & happiness is mature & selfless of her. It must make Ridge stop & think.
Ridge enjoy bouncing back and forth and love having 2 women madly in love with him. He loves brooks so much but rans into Taylor arm kissing her after just telling Beooke she has always been the one that storyline is so dumb.
Hay, is Stephanie pregnant? It could be show or real life to be written in the show . Just looking at the outfit. This show is entertaining. This blog comment section is BETTER 😃. just saying
Paris' money hungry mom should be written off the show immediately. I have said enough about Brooke vs. Taylor, both sleeping through whole families. Taylor topping it off with having slept with all Brooke's male relatives lol. I'd love to so see Quinn and Brooke team up against Sheila, that would be entertaining.
Paris... go stand in the corner and make balloon animals or something
We need Grace to visit her ex in prison. For an overly invested mother, where was she when Zoe was suffering and in need? She came from her momma's nest in London so messed up. Chasing ZENDE, creeping into Wyatt's house, Bullying Emma and thrusting herself onto the Forrester runway. Then she got in the baby lies mix and pyscho Thomas. Her near affair with Zende was the least of her issues. Trying to make herself love Carter and want the "normal" married, 2 kid scenario. Threatening her sister- maybe she knew the side of Paris we all see now. She could have used a mother for many months.
oh heck no....Shauna trys to be a goodie two shoe....and I don't like her....
DeleteRidge is smart
Deletehe know Brooke inside and out
and for her to give up on their marriage without a fight
is because she want to be with Deacon!!! How can you blame her Deacon is HOT!!!!
No, Shauna is an awful actress and that was a stupid story line.
DeleteShould be for twenty more seasons. For starters.
Deletethanks Bob.
ReplyDeleteI am so done w this stupid show will check back in about a mo from now
You won't miss anything
ReplyDeleteThey keep repeating the storyline! And why is Thomas not telling his Das what Sheila did?
DeleteWho's going to write the novella today?
ReplyDeleteMaddy or Colly?
Both! The question is who will write it first? 🤣
DeleteI will go first!! @I don’t get it, when you add up up all your short sentences , it adds up to a “novella”, if u r going to post 10 small posts, then put it all together, u r no different to me or anyone else who leaves comments... we r all entitled to post comments and u don’t have to read mine, or maddy’s, or anyone else’s, that may be to complicated for u?? so try to “get” that u r no better than anyone else on here and there’s no reason to start issues with others, maybe try to b a bit more mature and respectful of others on here.. I don’t pick on u, never have, and I did used to like u, even when u were once begging people to talk to u?? But it appears u have turned into a bit of a bully..
DeleteNot all the posts are meant to be bullish I think some need to relax and just laugh about some posts. My friend was also attacked by colly once. And my friend didn't even meant it that way. So @colly, dont take it personal. You'll get old before your time comes. 😉 Oh and this is not to pick on colly but to reflect his/her behavior towards others.
DeleteUnknown, i don’t attack anyone.. if someone is disrespectful towards me, I am not going to just laugh it off.. this is a blog about the show, not to pick on other posters.. a healthy debate is acceptable, insulting other posters unprovoked is not.. there was no need to write what he/she wrote.. it was unnecessary and childish, and unprovoked.. it is immature to behave that way..
DeleteI enjoy and RESPECT others posts, even if I don’t agree with them.. but I don’t need to reflect on my behaviour, because I don’t disrespect other posters like that.. but thank you for the advice, I will take it on board 😊
I dont like the path Bell is taking with the Forresters
ReplyDeleteThanks Bob xxxx
I think its all a dream look at yesterday episode. Its a dream
DeleteI think that Paris is the girl for carter,and I want grace to leave the forresters money alone.that's what she wants
ReplyDeleteWait until Quinn reveals Carter knew about proposal and ring before Paris.
ReplyDeleteThank goodness Katie wasn't wasted on Carter.
ReplyDeleteAmen to that! Sadly, Katie is wasted on $Bill.
DeleteSadly, Katie is a waste.
DeleteKatie who?
DeleteTaylor, twice Ridge has come to your bedroom. Both times he just left his wife. How would you advise your client if this were their situation?
ReplyDeleteExactly. Rebound...
DeleteAbsolutely! Any woman who agrees to be the “runner-up” is a fool. This won’t end well for Taylor. She’s gonna have her heart broken yet again.
DeleteThese menopausal women
ReplyDeleteParis looks like a mosquito.. I see that every time I see her
ReplyDelete🦟 The long limbs? 🦟 😂😂
DeleteYes… 😂😂😂🦟
Deletethis show is so gross right now i just watched the brooke ridge scenes that was it not worth my time anymore
ReplyDeleteI didn't see Ridge trying to stop the divorce. Instead, he said that he will send someone to pick up his things. Clearly, he's starting to feel something for Taylor again, that's why he's conflicted.
DeleteThat said, I hope Taylor doesn't fall for it.
Unknown 😂😂😂😂
DeleteRidge has love and lust for Brooke. Taylor is his shoulder to cry on and his therapist as he goes through his trial separation period from Brooke. She is playing with and is guaranteed to get burned.
Delete*Taylor is playing with fire and is guaranteed to get burned.
DeleteBring Nicole Back!
DeleteParis makes me want to puke
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't let my dog near Paris ....just saying....she would gross anyone out and I would love to see Zende with anyone else but Paris...she looks like a dog .... just saying
DeleteWhatever happened to the B&B when they were a top rated soap. Now all they show are the same old characters, including characters that have no talent. It's gotten so boring. Who are the scriptwriters? It's not worth watching anymore. Did all the other characters lose their jobs?
ReplyDeleteThe soap was completely destroyed in 2018 for the new Hope, by destroying the OTP #Steam Steffy & Liam, the series Lost the ❤️ and the soul, including the dynamics,
DeleteIn addition, most fans are tired of seeing the entire Steam SL abused for Lope, and each SL then becomes Hopes SL, regardless of whether it was for others !!!
Luisa 😂😂😂😘
DeleteApparently there is 9 writers for the show, and they still can’t write anything decent.. I think they r getting lazy with covid as their excuse.. if they keep going this way, they r going to get the axe..
DeleteI Need Holydays from Hope , can she Not going again For 3 Years or more to Milano ???
DeleteAnd can anybody please give Liam His Brain Back ???
Paris is one beautiful young lady. The body is HOT HOT HOT! Young ladies thriving will always attract haters!
ReplyDeleteParis and Carter make it work. 💋🤠
It's not that she is ugly, to me, she just can't act, and when she sucks lips with Carter, she looks like she sucks lips with him, like a goldfish...she doesn't kiss him convincingly, she sometimes kisses him while being a bit apart from him so only her head is moving forward a bit. It looks weird.
DeleteAnd there is also ofc the hypocrisy of it all. She complained about Zoey being in the wrong, wtf is she doing herself? and with Zoey's ex none the less? Yeah, she has convinced herself that she is free and single and that Carter is the same, but it's not all about that. They will break 2 hearts in this process, they should have let it go as soon as they started feeling something. Zoey and Zende will be hurt by this.
Paris has a pretty face, big boobs and bad hair. She could improve her appearance a lot by getting a cute hair style. But no, we aren’t jealous of Paris’s looks! For crap’s sake, the show is filled with very attractive people. We don’t like Paris’s character or her ability to act the part. I don’t find her a talented actor. That’s the reason we don’t like Paris.
DeleteLynn I think she is just very young and inexperienced.. I think she is not experienced enough for a show like this..
DeleteColly, Agreed. They bring in new models on the show and it’s really obvious they are just getting their feet wet in acting. But they are only on the screen for a minute or two at a time. With Paris, they took a very novice actor and gave her a prime role in the show. The comment above from MeMeMe about us women being jealous of Paris was ridiculous however.
Delete🤣🤣🤣 yes, I don’t think any of us r jealous of paris.. she is way too young for such a big role in a show like B&B.. but having said that, the standards of the show has dropped so much so, that it seems like it’s just anything goes.. I don’t think they will b winning any awards next round!!
DeleteI actually feel so sorry for Taylor.
ReplyDeleteSecond best doesn’t even cover it! She must know that too, that’s why she’s will take any little crumb Ridge throws her way. He comes from Brooke and throws a crumb her way and she grabs for it. it’s pathetic!!
I certainly wouldn’t want to go to her for marital advice. Can you even imagine?! “Oh just take anything he’s prepared to give you” “Don’t worry whether he’s in love with someone else, be a doormat for him, he may care a little for you one day”. “ You will never be her...but”!!
Poor, poor woman! But a psychiatrist? She can’t sort her own pathetic life, much less anybody else’s.
Could not agree more. All these women are pathetic, because they all NEED MEN TO FEEL VALIDATION! It's ridiculous that they're all so codependent
DeleteAgree, agree, agree!!!
Deleteparis should ve said i am a grown up young woman you cant tell me who to date and what to do if you dont like it bye bye nice seeing you mommmy dearest
ReplyDeletethomas should spill out the truth asap
steffie needs to stop blaming brooke for everything
queen was a nice comeback
where the f is finn?
This.... who the hell does her mother think she is? The LOVE Police? Even though I don't like Carter and Paris together, her mom is absolutely bonkers. Who behaves like that? Meddling in their childrens lives when they have moved away from home and is a young adult. Sure, she could advice her daughter to not go through with this, but that is it, she has no right in demanding anything.
DeleteParis’s mother is a total witch. No mother of a woman in her 20’s has any right to act like that. They have her playing a lunatic. Paris nerds to tell her to get the hell out and mind her own business.
DeleteExactly! Grace is absofreakinlutely NUTS! Going into your adult daughter and demanding who she should love or date!! I cannot stand Paris at all, but her mom has lost the plot. No wonder her children are so screwed up. She needs to get a life. She acts like she wants to screw Zende the way she goes on and on about how wonderful and perfect he is. She barely even knows him! I hate Grace as much as Paris
DeleteI agree all, grace is out of control.. the fact she is pushing her to get married at her age says a lot.. no matter what the circumstances, she is way to young to get married.. grace just wants her set up for life by marrying zende.. but in the next breath, I cannot stand her with carter.. it’s just wrong on so many levels, and it seems like they r settling in with story line.. it’s all we r going to see now..😖
DeleteOKay I have a question for you...well two questions....does Brooke see to have put on lots of weight and it also looks like she had a breast implant....or she is gaining weight all over...Question 2....is Steffy pregnant....that outfit she had on today sure looks like she is....
ReplyDeleteHi barb, yes steffy is pregnant with her 3rd bubba.. and I think it’s just that brook is putting on weight all over..
ReplyDeleteI think both women should dump ridge. He is a player. What is ever easy. Bith deserve better. And im so tired of carter picking up women who are already in a relationship. Get a grip. Find your own. And Paris appears to want anyone that her sister "Zoey" has had. So sibling rivalry. I think so. Any how. Im over the carter drama stuff
ReplyDeleteGood post
DeleteI would feel some sort of attachment to the Brooke-Ridge-Taylor saga of they were the real Ridge and Taylor. Those two here (as talented as they are) have no history with each other so nothing for us to feel. If they had at least kept Hunter - she and Brooke had the real birch fight chemistry.
ReplyDeleteGosh poor Paris please let the girl speak with a normal human speed. Nobody is dragging their sentences like this. And repeating over and over and over and over the same ones. Same for Steffy. Please get new writers this is insulting to the intelligence - theirs and ours.
I'm not commenting if it was a good idea or not to have a new Ridge because there was no choice involved if they wanted to have one. All I'm saying is that I don't much care about who he ends up with (if there's even such a thing in soaps) because he has no history with either (or maybe minimal with Brooke). Thorsten is amazing and that's no question but also nothing to do with my point.
DeleteTK is a dream
DeleteParis needs to put on some clothes...She's been semi nude for a few episodes...
ReplyDeleteJeepers you all into complaining ... Enjoy the show
ReplyDeleteI would pin Carter with Katie way before Paris !! Paris is a lil trifling wreck how could she even want to be with her sister ex fiance after , she slip in on Zende when her sister had a crush on him and was stuck in a position. She judge Zoe for being with Carter and crushing on Zende but thing in Zende and Zoe use to talk online before meeting in person. Paris have no morals and I hope the Forrester and that Quinn ruin her too and Carter is way too fine to have him constantly falling for women that's taken.
ReplyDeleteGrace may or may not be after the Forrester money or name for her daughter. But which mother will be ok with their like girl going to screw their sister's ex fiance? When she raise them with morals. A man she see as a fright to ruin a future and a job her daughter work hard for.
ReplyDeleteDezzi, I agree with u, totally!! As a mother, with a daughter around the same age, I would feel the same way.. but having said that, grace is going way too far, making threats, and even worse, trying to marry her off at her age because she thinks zende can give her the world.. she should not be telling zende to propose, and certainly not saying she has talked to paris and that she will accept his proposal, giving him false hope, knowing what’s going on with carter.. she is setting him up for heartbreak..
DeleteI would encourage my own daughter to stay single and enjoy her life while she is so young and to focus on her career at this point, as she has worked so hard to through school etc.. but threatening carter, and giving zende false hope, not a good way to go about it in my own opinion.. but, of course, it’s a soap!!
Colly yes she is definitely taking it too Far that's for sure !! She should encourage her daughter to slow it down and not rush into anything.
DeleteAlso, I am not sure if it’s the money grace is after, but it seems that way to me.. she keeps saying things that indicate that.. also, I notice that everytime she is at forrester, while she is talking, she is always picking up the jewellery and admiring it and putting it on, same with looking at all the designs and material, but mostly the jewellery.. Mayb I am reading to much into it.. but I seem to notice it a lot??
DeleteI think Ridge is still deeply in love with Brooke. He said to Brooke, "for the record, the only life I ever wanted is with you." He seems sad that Brooke is not fighting for their marriage. Then, when Ridge tells Taylor that Brooke is giving him a divorce, they both seem surprised. They both acknowledge he has mixed feelings. Poor Taylor will eventually get her heart broken. 💔
ReplyDeleteThey aren't divorced yet. For Brooke to love Ridge so much that she is willing to let him go because her sabotaging ways hurt him & deprive him of peace & happiness is mature & selfless of her. It must make Ridge stop & think.
DeleteRidge enjoy bouncing back and forth and love having 2 women madly in love with him. He loves brooks so much but rans into Taylor arm kissing her after just telling Beooke she has always been the one that storyline is so dumb.
DeleteHay, is Stephanie pregnant? It could be show or real life to be written in the show . Just looking at the outfit.
ReplyDeleteThis show is entertaining.
This blog comment section is BETTER 😃. just saying
JMW is pregnant with her third child, but so far , it hasn’t been written into the show?
ReplyDeleteParis' money hungry mom should be written off the show immediately. I have said enough about Brooke vs. Taylor, both sleeping through whole families. Taylor topping it off with having slept with all Brooke's male relatives lol.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to so see Quinn and Brooke team up against Sheila, that would be entertaining.
Paris... go stand in the corner and make balloon animals or something
We need Grace to visit her ex in prison.
ReplyDeleteFor an overly invested mother, where was she when Zoe was suffering and in need? She came from her momma's nest in London so messed up. Chasing ZENDE, creeping into Wyatt's house, Bullying Emma and thrusting herself onto the Forrester runway.
Then she got in the baby lies mix and pyscho Thomas. Her near affair with Zende was the least of her issues.
Trying to make herself love Carter and want the "normal" married, 2 kid scenario. Threatening her sister- maybe she knew the side of Paris we all see now.
She could have used a mother for many months.
Hi bob video not playing..pls reload thnx
ReplyDeleteThe video works. Something is wrong with the browser or internet connection.