
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-15-22 Full episode B&B 15th March 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-15-22 Full episode B&B 15th March 2022


  1. Sweetie Brooke
    Creeping back to you very soon
    Lol Sheila
    Deacon thinks you should get your old job back.
    Sheila and her unsolicited sexual advances.
    These two crack me up.

  2. Oh Thomas you could win Hope if you save Brooke

  3. Finally a good look on Hope
    Coffee delivery man? Oh Taylor. You want to get your beans roasted.
    Definitely not believable that Sheila hasn't begged to see her grandson since Christmas.

    1. Sheila's grandson is a figure of speech, not anyone she really cares about seeing. Throw yourself harder at Deacon, Sheila, you'll both plow through the fence. Cling peaches don't cling as hard as Taylor. "Glad cling wrap" took the concept from Taylor. Drippy Syrupy goodlieness of Taylor could leave US in a diabetic coma. Ridge can't exist around all that! She could bore him to death, and still collect insurance, there's no law against being boring.

    2. i agree .it was hopes hair and makeup that made her look pretty on todays episode. but i wish she would go back to the wavy look she had in her hair like she did 2 years ago. the episode where thomas passed out at his apartment and ended up in the hospital and hope was there at the hospital seeing thomas with her hair in waves and a black and white jacket on

    3. Are they ever going to bring this story to an end? The one thing good about watching the show here is I can fast-forward through things I don't want to watch. Fast-forwarded through the Taylor, Ridge, and Steffy scenes. So sick of listening to Steffy repeat herself over and over. So sick of watching Ridge and Taylor act so chummy. So sick of Sheila and her gloating. Trying to push Deacon to be with Brooke which is the last thing I would like to see. I don't want him going anywhere near her. If she was smart she would tell Deacon to stay away. And then the last scene with Steffy running her mouth to Hope? Steffy is such a b****. She's sarcastic and rude and she needs to be slapped. But seriously they have been dragging this out for way too long and they need to get on with it. I will say I will quit watching if it ends up with Ridge and Taylor getting together. Don't want to see any more issues if Deacon decides to be around and Ridge finds out because he'll automatically jump to the wrong conclusions anyway. There's just no good reason for Deacon to be near Brooke. They need to get rid of Sheila and I hope they do it in a good way this time. As I said before they need to kill her off.

    4. Oh Deacon, I am waiting for the episode when you karate chop Sheila after she physically attacks Brooke and your daughter Hope will join in using the self defence tactics you have taught her. Oh glorious day coming!!!!

    5. Brooke is nothing but trash.. well a whore....her looks are gone they keep repeating the same things over and over between her and Hope...who I can't stomach....all I want to see is Deacon in bed with Brooke and Ridge walks in and is over her once and for all....Ridge and Taylor belong together and if you don't put Ridge together find her a man that will love her like she needs to be loved and let Ridge be by himself once and for all....when it comes to Brooke I fast forward her part...she's not one bit attractive anymore.....put her on a street corner with a red light on the pole...just saying....enough of the rewording day after day....

  4. omg im so sick of everyone that is in the know thing that just because sheila put the alcohol free label on the real alcohol that she is at fault or brooke getting wasted and then kissing deacon and letting him spend the night. sheila is only guilty for switching the labels and anything brooke did after that is all on brooke. what is ridge suppose to blame sheila for her kissing and sleeping with deacon. stupid idiots i swear...its brookes fault period

    1. ashrpblond- obviously you don't know how alcohol works and especially with alcoholics. And not only holds true on the soap, but it holds true in real life. I am a very quiet keep to myself person. I very seldom drink at all but I can tell you that the few times I have my personality did change. So yes Sheila is to blame for what happened because of the effects alcohol does have on people and even more so on alcoholics. Not to mention that Sheila did all of this just for revenge because Brooke told her that she would keep her away from Steffy and her kids. Trying to make Brooke look evil for saying that is ridiculous because to me it just shows that Brooke cares about the family and doesn't want anything to happen to them because of Sheila the whack job. And of course Sheila has to resort to her usual ways of handling these things instead of acting like she's sane. No reason at all for her to have done what she did to Brooke. And yes she should be held accountable for it. The only reason she did it was to try to get the Foresters on her side so she can get close to her son and grandson. Everyone should know that Sheila has an ulterior motive for everything. What she did is just wrong because normal people don't stoop to those levels. And I don't think it's fair to say that Brooke let Deacon sleep in the same bed with her because from what I heard she actually passed out and didn't even know he was there until she woke up in the morning. This is how things get twisted around to try to make somebody look bad even by the fans of the show. None of what happened would have happened if it wasn't for alcohol being involved. Everybody deserves to know the truth and then maybe some of these idiots on the show will stop and figure out what she Sheila's motives were. And I have to wonder what Steffy would think if she found out Sheila had a part in all of this. I mean I don't think it should be that hard to figure out. Brooke and Ridge don't have to have their marriage come to an end because of people getting involved and doing things on purpose to destroy Brooke.

    2. Correct. Even if it had been poured into her mouth, she CHOSE to swallow it. Sooo sick of brooke with Ridge please breathe some new life into this STAGNATE PILE OF BEEN DONE TO DEATH BOREDOM Shes been coniving parasite from day1 go back to episode 1, start watching again. He deserved BETTER. THE WAY SHE LURED HIM IN WAS QUITE DISGUSTING, begging, force, groveling, and lies.she had to force him to even say he loved her.

  5. Hope needs to shut up and let it go. Brooke and Hope hate it when they lose out to Taylor or Steffy.And I've said it before, steffy is Brooke's make Brooke and the Logans miserable for the crap they've pulled throughout the years!

    1. Disagree, Steffy is a spoiled brat who doesnt appreciate Brooke, who raised her as her own daughter with love while her real mommy was pretending to be dead, it's another time when Taylor arrives - immediately Steffy becomes hateful of Brooke, but when Taylor is not around - Steffy has nothing against Brooke, Pathetic really

    2. Btw give me at least one proof how Logans ''pulled crap'' to Marone's and Forrester's
      The facts are Stephanie broke Brooke's mother first love and after years seperated parents from their children
      All throught years Brooke wanted was to be with love of her live - Ridge, who was always playing her and cheating, bouncing between her or Caroline/Taylor
      Her all other affairs are affections of this and abondonment of her father in the childhood,
      She just wanted this closeness, to feel secure - forget about the pain they gave her, just like ppl in real life do that
      Is that really hard to understand?

    3. How about brooke sleeping with her young stepson, " on the island" or sleeping with Hopes even younger boyfriend at the party... oh wait , plants and masks, yeah thats the excuse you can use this time ....brooke no age limit to her partners teenagers ...ok

    4. You mean like when Taylor got it on with Rick? Brooke's son? :D

  6. It's so inspiring to see Taylor with Ridge. And of course the Login's are always the ones who love to ruin it all. I bet Thomas will say something, which I hope he won't.
    I love what Sheila did. It only shows what Brooke is always capable of doing and that is betraying constantly Ridge and making him become unstable.
    Think of how all the Login's ruined this family.. Each and every one of them!

    1. I feel bad for you now, thinking it is inspiring to watch a woman have no self esteem and be happy to be second choice. And love what Sheila did? That's so wrong on so many levels lol. Also Brooke didnt make Ridge unstable, neither did Taylor for that matter. He is just shallow and unstable all on his own


    1. Thank you ONA. I hope everybody has noticed that Ridge has not told Taylor he loves her, but Taylor has told him she loves him. Taylor shouldn't be involved in this the way she is. She is supposed to be a professional and is too close to the situation to be involved. She should have never let Ridge run to her the same day that him and Brooke got into their argument. She puts on this innocent act like she's not trying to influence him in any way, but look how she's acting. In my opinion, it's sickening. Brooke and Ridge need to be together because their marriage shouldn't end because of people seeking revenge like the crazy whack-job Sheila did.

    2. Taylor always looks like she's posing, and fluttering her eyelashes like some sweet little girl. It's so dumb lol. I literally laughed watching her sweet little miss sunshine act, and her constantly talking about 'moments ". That's right girl, enjoy em while they last, cause MOMENTS is all you're going to get when Ridge runs back to Brooke! We've seen this story play out for literal decades. 🥱🥱🥱

  8. Varför är delen så kort 20 min.
    Kan du inte förlänga den?eller lägga upp 3 delar BOB

    1. Only one episode of this duration is aired every working day. Therefore, it is impossible to glue several videos into one. If all five episodes of the week aired on the same day, then it would be possible to glue several videos into one.

  9. Hope looked amazing today her hair and makeup beautiful

  10. not only did hope wear something different two days in a row which was a miracle they finally nailed it today she looked beautiful

    1. You are kidding? Yes, her hair and makeup looked much, much better, but the outfit made her look like she'd escaped from an orthodox monastery in some East European country. Oh God! I am in such despair, help!!!!

    2. Loved Hope’s outfit, hair and makeup. I agree she looked beautiful. Steffy looked slutty and they need to start showing her from the boobs up from now on. That baby bump is way too big to hide. So sick of hearing “Snotty Steffy” whenever she addresses Hope. She tries to act like such a diva. But she is simply rude and very self-absorbed. Hope is always 1000 times more mature and composed than Steffy, even though Steffy is much older. And Taylor is soooooooo sickening hanging on Ridge’s every word. She is acting like some love struck teenager. Ridge has not said he loves her. And she has confided in him multiple times that she still loves him. It is just too sad to watch.

    3. Lynn I agree, I loved hopes outfit too, and even her hair and face today , she looked beautiful!!

  11. I don't know why Logans fan are so vulgar, the scream all the time specifically both of you Tina and Maddie. Forresters(Steffi, Thomas neither Taylor) have their rights to keep Ridge in a save place far away from His own wife Brooke. Ridge did nothing wrong , Brooke betrayed him by kissing Deacon. She broke their vows of marriage and I think it's enough to push anyone to walk away ( what I said to run away. So these storyline make sense. So go ahead Steffi! Be a lion to keep your father in a save place

  12. This crap is so boring 😭 We've heard and seen the same thing play out for weeks. I don't give a flying f who ride ends up with, I just want some different characters on set and some new storylines! I can't wait till Steffi leaves to have her baby and ridge leaves for vacation. Maybe then we'll have something new going on.

    1. Careful what you wish for Hilary, we might end stuck seeing paris,carter,zende for the next 6 months lol..

  13. Steffy and Taylor are the same as brook, plus the killed people so how they have the nerve to judge her, such ho hypocrites especially bully steffy who slept with her father in law and enjoyed it
    And Taylor who slept with rick and caused her daughter‘s death not to mention the psycho thomas

  14. Ok I keep commenting on the terrible fashion but I just realised that today's fashion in the real world is boring, does not fit nor sit well on all women not just on this show. We have almost become apologetic for looking glamourous on a daily basis, even the red carpet fashion is plain, ugly and boring. Oh dear, what's left! Must get out my little cardie (cardigan) and shift dress, plus sandals and look like a welfare case! Please rename this show The Boring and The Plain!

  15. Thank you Bob
    Steam is coming later

  16. What the hell happened to that show? Why are the writers so lazy - there used to be multiple storylines, different places, topics around work... now it's all a version of the same sentence "why did Brooke drink" and "my dad will be with my family" in one office and 2 houses - for THREE MONTHS (with the occasional Paris-Carter interruption which only makes things worse because who cares about that??) Am I the only one whose intelligence feels insulted? Those writers should be fired.

  17. I agree , for him to just pick up with Taylor just like that ...That's a rebound !
