Monday, March 21, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-21-22 Full episode B&B 21st March 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-21-22 Full episode B&B 21st March 2022


  1. Anticipation
    Booklover123 posts are awesome!!!

  2. Last episode got 80 replies.
    Is that a record?
    Such passion to see which menopausal woman gets old man Ridge in bed.
    And award, one bottle of K Y goes to...

    1. Nah, some episodes get more than that. I've seen a few get more than 100 comments. Then if I'm really short on time, the question is: Watch the show or read the comments on this page? The comments are almost always more entertaining. 🤓

    2. I don't get it, don't know how old you are, but your menopausal and old man comments are just stupid.

    3. Forgive you both. I imagine you are flashing. Grab a cold one.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Day one in all this Deacon mess, Ridge said he's getting too old for this. On a soap? Lol
    Never have those words been spoken.
    Not by Eric or the real Stephanie
    Definitely would never be said by the stallion Bill.

  4. Flashbacks of Brooke and Sheila are fantastic.
    Finn your spontaneous hotel visit to mommy is risky. You have to know Steffy tracks your phone and car and...

    1. They certainly are fantastic, especially the fashion from those days. Beautifully tailored and the make-up and hair also classy. Look at the clothes they are now wearing! Dreadful cutting and construction, they look like they've come out of the clothes bin "outside" of the OP Shops. Oh well, pour myself another champagne and reminisce.

    2. Steffy is not tracking anyone. She is too busy trying to get her parents back together. She should track Shelia; however, Steffy is too lazy to even lock her doors! 🤣🔑🗝️😂

  5. Steffy slumming in the alleyway.

    1. Nosing into others people's business is right up Steffy's alley! 😂

  6. Steffy peeping in the alleyway could lead to her thinking Thomas is having a secret fling with Sheila. That could be funny as Steffy imagines romantic scenes between them. Steffy wouldn't have to force herself to barf that whole pizza she just scarfed.

  7. Please Thomas keep your mouth shut. Your family doesn't deserve the Logan family. They all need to get OUT!

    1. Tina- he needs to keep his mouth shut to Steffy, but she'll find out somehow cuz she's nosy. He needs to come clean to his dad. His dad won't like finding out he kept it from him. I'm sorry but Ridge and Brooke's marriage shouldnt end especially because of Sheila and trying to get involved in her son's and grandsons lives. She's being evil as always to get what she wants. That's not ok.

    2. Brooke interfered in Ridge's and Taylor's marriage on multiple occasions. Lying to Ridge about Taylor being pregnant with his son, trying to keep Taylor away from Ridge when she discovered that Omar had kidnapped Taylor. Trying to seduce Ridge in the steam room on multiple occasions so that he would leave Taylor for her.

      Do you think Ridge and Taylor deserved to end on account of Brooke's numerous attempted manipulations and evil behaviour?

  8. So sick and tired of this damn annoying advert!!! Every five minutes we have to look into the face of Salma Hayek and some old bat!! Get rid of it!!!! It is irritating AF!

  9. Steffy wouldnt hide our Steffy would have walked straight
    up and confronted them Thanks Bob xxxx

    1. Maybe that was a way for Steffy to eavesdrop while hiding her pregnancy...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. The actress is pregnant. Steffy is not. That baby bump is getting harder to hide! Hence, they showed Steffy peeking 👀 at Thomas & Sheila today.

  10. OMG I no more and said something about Steffy following Thomas and sure enough that's exactly what happened. She is so nosy. It will be interesting to see where this goes now. And Liam even mentioned the fact about Deacon not being at the house and you would think Brooke will have enough sense to tell him to quit coming around. Liam should have told her to tell him to quit coming around when she said that he shows up on his own. Yes I am a Brooke fan but she needs to wise up when it comes to Deacon being around. And that Sheila and how she lies to Finn about doing nothing wrong. And Thomas should keep in mind exactly what Sheila has been all along which is a whack job. Not to mention he knows that Steffy does not want her around her family. So now what are the writer's going to do? Are they going to make Steffy be grateful to Sheila for what she did to get her parents back together? Will she let her be part of the family? If Steffy does find out what's going on I don't think she'll want anybody to know about it so hopefully Thomas will end up saying something or it'll get found out another way. I don't care what anybody says about Brooke I want her and Ridge to stay together especially when crazy Sheila was the one that interfered in their lives. All I can say is they should do away with Sheila this time around. I just wish the writers would hurry up and get this storyline over with because it has been going on forever.

  11. Maddy, you are so right, it has been going on forever. I think the only thing new today was Thomas meeting with Sheila, and Steffy spying on them. Other that that, it was repeats of conversations we have heard 50 times before. Probably 3 mins of new dialog today. So sad.

  12. Peeping Steffy 👀 needs to ask her favorite nephew, Detective Douglas 🕵️‍♂️, to help her solve the mystery as to why his Daddy, Thomas, had to meet her mother-in-law, Sheila, in an alley...

    1. GOOD one! Detective Douglas Very funny! The brains of the whole operation in Malibu

    2. That kid is the next Kojak!

    3. Oldfan, just give Kojak Junior a lollipop! 🍭 😂

    4. Detective Douglas, brains of Malibu. Funny
      Not an especially high bar but for a kid he rocks!

  13. Writers, Producers, It is time to bring back other Actor's, Actresses. The show is Boring. I love DEACON AND SHEILA!! Just Saying!!!

  14. Today, "Brooke" was on the Talk. They showed Brooke's very first scene on B&B. It was with Eric. Oh my goodness, they were so young. Even her voice sounded like a young girl. They were talking about the 35th anniversary. Quite a difference between that sweet young thing on day one & 35 years later...

  15. Me too Barbara!! I love deacon and Sheila!! They are what is saving this show at the moment.. if they were not in it, it would be boring as f*#^.. at least we don’t have to see paris!! I agree maddy and Lynn, this story line is well past it’s use by date!!

  16. Well, after having to miss two episodes last week , today, boring, let down.. surprise, surprise.. the rich meeting in alleyways, classy!! If that’s the best writers can do?? I think they gonna get the🪓 soon..

  17. I wonder how much of the budget they had to spend on creating the alley way set?? They probably just took them out the back stage door to film it..

    1. Yes! The sets are pretty limited. Several mansions: Brooke's, Steffy's, & Forrester. A cabin/cave: Hope's. An apartment/condo: Carter's. A hotel room: Sheila's. Offices: Forrester Creations & Dr. Taylor Hayes. One restaurant/pub: Deacon's Diner. Occasionally, there is a hospital & a jail. And, today we got an alley! Cheers! 🥂

  18. My prediction: Steffi will learn the truth but keep it from everyone. When Finn finds out he'll leave Steffi and tell Sheila to leave h alone. She'll kidnap the baby.

  19. I miss Quinn, Shauna, Eric, Katie, Flo, Donna...This story doesn't deserve so much focus...Time to weave in other storyline...At least we're finally seeing new outfits...

    1. New outfits? Are you kidding me? Worse than the ones before. Help, I need the smelling salts!!!

  20. Ok guys a bit of history for you Why Sheila hates Brooke
    Simple Brooke did what Hope did to Thomas she pretended she was a friend.Brooke needed Sheila as part of her plan to take Forrester Creation from the family which she succeeded in doing years ago.
    The minute she got the company she dumped on Sheila from a great height and just as Brooke tried to cut Thomas out Brooke did same with Sheila years ago.Brooke turned the family against her which started the revenge spree
    Thanks Bob xxxx

  21. I don't think Steffy was being nosy. I believe she was acting out of concern for Thomas given his past and the fact that he has been acting strangely of late. She followed him to ensure that he wasn't in trouble or anything.

    Steffy wants her parents back together, no doubt, but it will be interesting to see what she will do if she learns about Sheila's role in her father walking away from Brooke. On the one hand, she wants her parents together but on the other hand, she does not want Sheila anywhere near Finn and Hayes. Keeping Sheila's secret would mean allowing Sheila into their lives.

    I don't get Brooke, and I agree with Maddy. Deacon has been the very reason that Ridge walked away from Brooke yet she continues to entertain him. Why? I mean, I don't mind revisiting Breacon. With the changes Deacon has made, I believe he is in a better position now to be the perfect man for Brooke. It makes me think that Brooke secretly wants Deacon.
