The Bold and the Beautiful 3-24-22 Full episode B&B 24th March 2022
The Bold and the Beautiful 3-24-22 Full episode B&B 24th March 2022
Due to a special report, today's episode was not shown in full. Therefore, tomorrow there will be the same episode on TV. The next new episode will be on Monday.
There are no other men in the whole universe except these men. It runs in the family like genetics. Also Brook has no other children except Hope. The others have vanished in thin air including RJ who was supposed to be a teenager. Crap show unrealistic cheaply produced with no new people for years, no visible fashion designs of any importance, no fashion show or merchandise being processed and most of the time we don't even know what FC does. Its cheaply written and produced completely unrealistic and waste of time to watch. Other than that its great. Hahaha
There were probably others who were highlighted but the show was interrupted. I'm sure that Brooke is going to wake up tomorrow feeling validated. Lol.
Memories of Macey and Darla and Bridgette Quite a narcissistic dream when all the men are telling you how lucky they were to love you Funny she never bedded Mossimo
Ahhh.... loved that Brooke finally admitted that she couldn't be alone, as well as everyone else. We've been saying that for years and Brooke fans have been denying it. Well, there it is! 😂🤣
You ladies always say Brooke can’t stand to be without a man. There’s a difference between someone who doesn’t like to be alone and someone that always needs to be in a sexual relationship. She is happy to have Hope with her and was sad that Hope had to leave.
I think Nick and Brooke had the chemistry But this is glorifying a woman who used sex to climb the ladder in Forresters Spencers and Marone s Where are the facts ? This is a vision as seen through logan eyes Brooke worked on getting Ridge removing obstacles but using others to stay close to Ridge. She destroyed Stephanie marriage She at one time took over Forrester Creations She caused Maseys early demise She destroyed Both Bridgets marriages She had sex with Hopes bf She destroyed Katies marriage Taylors marriages twice So this is Brooke ideal world where she is adored by all men Thank you Bob xxxx
🤣🤣 yes, when she is not boosting her ego while she is awake, she does it in her dreams!! “Oh brook, I was so lucky to b loved by u”, and “now I’ve had u, no one else compares”.. lol.. and that’s what they have to show for 35 years!!
Oh, younger Eric, wow!, quick get me the smelling salts, just too handsome for an old lady. My first boyfriend at school looked like Eric. Sad memories because he dumped me for the school prefect, but funny how I have found other boyfriends who resembled him as I went through life. Screwed me up psychologically I guess. Oh well, to sleep, perchance to dream!
On Sheila Brookes bff at one time when she helped Brooke take over of Forrester Creations Once Brooke had all she wanted from Sheila she turned on her especially when Eric married Sheila but Brooke pregnant Eric and Son paternity ensued Sheila didnt aim on Taylor she ducked in front of Brooke the target Bell always has Forresters saving Logans giving them satisfied wins with smirks
ITS kinda Like Sadism on Side Steffy Saved more Lifes Then Brooke & Hope Together !!! 2008 Owen & Donna 2011 Brooke & Thomas 2011 Amber & Rosie 2017 Liam & Sally (Allready Prego with Kelly , Kelly Saved Her Daddy with Mami )
Is Brooke still an employee? It's hard to tell because whenever we see her at the office, she's either gossiping or trying to throw someone out. She's never working.
Booklover123 not all of us have let ourselves go! Mind you the average soap fan sits on their butt most of the day eating ding dongs, Cheetos and day drinking.🥞🧁🍨🍩🍪🥃🍷🍷🥃🍸🍸🥃🍷🍻 Some of us watch while on the treadmill.🧘🚴🏋️🏃
Way too many ads, cuts into the program every 2 minutes. Why can't the ads wait until the normal commercial breaks? There never used to be any ads for the Young and the restless, and the bold and the beautiful. Also the picture constantly freeze's up, Yes I updated my browser.
so we get this back to back new episode friday too nice cliffhanger cbs for the weekend i think im going to be sea sick for the next couple of months this is the last straw for me so much wasted talent not being used too bye bye
No Lynn, u r mistaken, it’s brook dreaming of all her lovers to boost her ego because she is alone, and as she said, she can’t b alone, so she grabs the first man she sets eyes on to appease her loneliness.. lol
KKL is a great actress. Whether you like her character or not does not change that fact. I definitely think of Brooke as the queen of the show. Stephanie is dead. So she is no longer queen.
She has always been a great actress. Being considered the whore of daytime and having viewers both hating and loving her character speaks to KKL's talent as an actress. No-one can deny that. I even remember when Don Diamont first joined the show, in one of his interviews, he stated that he was most looking forward to working with KKL.
Or her many escapades to the steam room to seduce Ridge when she knew he was in there. There was even that one episode where he tried walking away from her and she held on to his ankles so that he wouldn't leave. He still walked away dragging her behind him. Another classic episode.
Trying to make it look, all these years later, like Brooke didn't railroad every relationship for her own selfish purposes is indeed a reach. Poor Bridget, her own daughter, was railroaded by her mother twice. Deacon and Nick.
It’s going to take a whole week of shows to get through all of brookes lovers!! And of course the B&B writers are making the 35 year anniversary, all about brook, like she is the only one on the show.. if anyone deserves the attention for the anniversary, it should b Eric.. the show is supposed to b about fashion house, not the one who sleeps around the most.. Eric is the iconic fashion mogul, and it is he that should b highlighted through this.. but no, it’s got to b all about brook and her lovers..
I wonder if Oliver will make an appearance and that there’s a flash back where he lost his virginity to, as deacon puts it “brook friggin Logan”.. lol
Colly, I am a little younger than Brooke in real life…mid 50’s. And I have had plenty of boyfriends during my time on this planet. Been married more than once too. Her countless lovers are par for most of us who watch this show. And beyond that, it’s a soap opera, so of course she will have lots of ex’s. Anything less would be boring.
I totally agree. Every episode is about Brooke and Ridge. I fast forward thru every scene they are in because it is exactly the same. Actually every episode is the same. We have talked about and replayed Sheila switching labels 100 times...can we please move on? Can we please show other characters besides Brooke and Hope
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I've watched B&B since day one. Only watched this today to see hot Winsor Harmon.He was a real Forrester but was treated like a 2nd class citizen by his parents. He had an office in the basement. Never understood how he could've been w Taylor when she killed his wife Darla-which really effed up his daughter's head. Yrs later Steffy killed Thorne's then adult daughter. Like mother like daughter! I'd say I'm qualified to speak about Taylor's psychiatric "skills" since I'm a psychologist. Have never seen Taylor w an actual patient. Who would get therapy from someone more mentally ill than her patients? Taylor's 1st husband was a total psychopath-played to perfection by Peter Brown. WHY would you keep his last name-Hayes? And Steffy naming her son Hayes was just so very wrong! Taylor suffers from what I call "Doormatitis". I doubt that term needs any explanation! First episode it was made clear Ridge didn't love the original Caroline. He hated her father so much he proposed to Caroline to get back at her father. If characters on soaps had morals & integrity nobody would watch since the soaps would be boring as hell! Name one character on B&B or on ANY soap, who isn't a hoe-male or female! BTW-in real life Susan Flannery & KKL were good friends and Susan mentioned in interviews she was tired of KKL never getting acknowledged w a daytime Emmy. My mom watched Days from the start. Susan Flannery played a shrink on it-Dr Laura Horton. Dr Laura had a LOT of problems & should've been in therapy herself! On a lighter note-thank you Bob for posting soaps for us to enjoy. Of course I don't like the ads either but it's not something Bob has control over. Wishing everyone a wonderful day. And-hey people-don't take soaps so much to heart. They're tv shows-not reality.To me it's a brief sojourn from daily life. Also- a remembrance of my late mom who cracked me up w how she took soaps so seriously. She had me watching them while I was still in her womb! Would LOVE it if B&B brought Winsor Harmon back.A hot Scorpio man. I watch now for Sean Kanan-yep-another hot Scorpio. Had a friend who was madly in lust w Sean. She's passed but I think of her every time Sean is onscreen! I know if heaven has tvs my friend is watching & drooling over Sean. Who WOULDN'T be?
Thanks Lynn. Was hoping another therapist would comment on Taylor first. She's the epitome of unprofessionalism.Hard to believe it's 2022 and so many women still suffer from "Doormatitis"! The only person who can make you happy is YOU. Having a good man in your life is great--but he'd only ADD to your happiness--not be the sole reason you're happy. If someone doesn't value & love themselves-no one else will either. Getting off my "soapbox" now. Lol!
I just want to be entertained. This isn't entertainment anymore. It's the poor pitiful Brooke show. Zero storyline. Can we please show other characters and stop with the Brooke and Ridge destiny crap.
Is it only B&B that gets interrupted by just about any other possible broadcast from breaking news to colledge baseball or do other soaps get put in the second place like this too? I'm watching this from Europe and l'd really like to know if B&B has always had to play the second fiddle or is this a recent thing since the ratings are so low?
So Brooke's "Loves" are Ridge, Ridge's Dad and Ridge's brothers. Nice touch Bold lol.
ReplyDeleteThere are no other men in the whole universe except these men. It runs in the family like genetics. Also Brook has no other children except Hope. The others have vanished in thin air including RJ who was supposed to be a teenager. Crap show unrealistic cheaply produced with no new people for years, no visible fashion designs of any importance, no fashion show or merchandise being processed and most of the time we don't even know what FC does. Its cheaply written and produced completely unrealistic and waste of time to watch. Other than that its great. Hahaha
DeletePlus her daughters husbands and boyfriends and her sisters husband and...
DeleteUnknown nailed it
DeleteThere were probably others who were highlighted but the show was interrupted. I'm sure that Brooke is going to wake up tomorrow feeling validated. Lol.
DeleteHere here unknown👍🏼👍🏼 love the summary
DeleteAnd the forgotten RJ suppose to be the son with the love of her life, her destiny 🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾
Delete@Unknown, she looked beautiful! I thought that Eric and Quinn's reunion in Monte Carlo was quite romantic.
DeleteLoved the Monte Carlo except for spoiled interfering Steffy.
DeleteYou forgot Dollar Bill (her sister, Katie's husband) and Deacon (he was her daughter's husband at the time). Brooke & Deacon had a daughter (Hope).
DeleteOnly 16 minutes?
ReplyDeleteThe show was interrupted by President Biden.
DeleteThis episode will be shown again tomorrow and its full version will be added.
DeleteLoved this Christmas 🎄 ⛄🎄edition of B&B
ReplyDeleteHo HoHo Ho Brooke
I guess that is why Ho HoHo Ho Brooke was so attracted to Deacon when he wore the Santa hat! Ho HoHo Ho! Merry Christmas! 🎅
DeleteHo Ho Ho
DeleteHa ha Ha
Good one Unknown! 😜
Memories of Macey and Darla and Bridgette
ReplyDeleteQuite a narcissistic dream when all the men are telling you how lucky they were to love you
Funny she never bedded Mossimo
I said the same thing. Did we really need to be reminded about super slut Brooke?
DeleteIt was nice seeing Nick and WH Thorne though.
Elle you nailed Brooke right on Super Slut Brooke LOL....dan LOL
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYet they keep insisting family is everything to them despite children they never visit and Grandchildren they never mention.
DeleteAhhh.... loved that Brooke finally admitted that she couldn't be alone, as well as everyone else. We've been saying that for years and Brooke fans have been denying it. Well, there it is! 😂🤣
ReplyDeleteYes Ell, and brook fans, that is from the horses mouth!! And I don’t mean the one one she was riding!! Pun intended!!
DeleteYou ladies always say Brooke can’t stand to be without a man. There’s a difference between someone who doesn’t like to be alone and someone that always needs to be in a sexual relationship. She is happy to have Hope with her and was sad that Hope had to leave.
DeleteI think Nick and Brooke had the chemistry
ReplyDeleteBut this is glorifying a woman who used sex to climb the ladder in Forresters Spencers and Marone s
Where are the facts ?
This is a vision as seen through logan eyes
Brooke worked on getting Ridge removing obstacles but using others to stay close to Ridge.
She destroyed Stephanie marriage
She at one time took over Forrester Creations
She caused Maseys early demise
She destroyed Both Bridgets marriages
She had sex with Hopes bf
She destroyed Katies marriage Taylors marriages twice
So this is Brooke ideal world where she is adored by all men
Thank you Bob xxxx
Yes. This is literally "in her dreams." 🤣🤣
Delete🤣🤣 yes, when she is not boosting her ego while she is awake, she does it in her dreams!! “Oh brook, I was so lucky to b loved by u”, and “now I’ve had u, no one else compares”.. lol.. and that’s what they have to show for 35 years!!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOh, younger Eric, wow!, quick get me the smelling salts, just too handsome for an old lady. My first boyfriend at school looked like Eric. Sad memories because he dumped me for the school prefect, but funny how I have found other boyfriends who resembled him as I went through life. Screwed me up psychologically I guess. Oh well, to sleep, perchance to dream!
DeletePerfect summary Unknown
DeleteRecollections may vary...
On Sheila
ReplyDeleteBrookes bff at one time when she helped Brooke take over of Forrester Creations
Once Brooke had all she wanted from Sheila she turned on her especially when Eric married Sheila but Brooke pregnant Eric and Son paternity ensued
Sheila didnt aim on Taylor she ducked in front of Brooke the target
Bell always has Forresters saving Logans giving them satisfied wins with smirks
ITS kinda Like Sadism on Side Steffy Saved more Lifes Then Brooke & Hope Together !!!
Delete2008 Owen & Donna
2011 Brooke & Thomas
2011 Amber & Rosie
2017 Liam & Sally (Allready Prego with Kelly , Kelly Saved Her Daddy with Mami )
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIs Brooke still an employee? It's hard to tell because whenever we see her at the office, she's either gossiping or trying to throw someone out. She's never working.
DeleteBooklover123 not all of us have let ourselves go! Mind you the average soap fan sits on their butt most of the day eating ding dongs, Cheetos and day drinking.🥞🧁🍨🍩🍪🥃🍷🍷🥃🍸🍸🥃🍷🍻
DeleteSome of us watch while on the treadmill.🧘🚴🏋️🏃
Elle is Katie still an employee?
DeleteTY for posting.
ReplyDeleteWay too many ads, cuts into the program every 2 minutes. Why can't the ads wait until the normal commercial breaks?
ReplyDeleteThere never used to be any ads for the Young and the restless, and the bold and the beautiful. Also the picture constantly freeze's up, Yes I updated my browser.
No new episode today due to president Bidens speech, they showed a rerun.
ReplyDeletethis was the new episode
DeleteIt's getting impossible to enjoy watching. Ads are ok bu these ones are shit. Come on pls
ReplyDeleteThe ad pop up is annoying lol
ReplyDeleteYes, truly, so sick of seeing benefits of baking soda on toes and face,literally every 2 minutes 😵
DeleteLutfiyya 🤣🤣🤣
Deleteso we get this back to back new episode friday too nice cliffhanger cbs for the weekend i think im going to be sea sick for the next couple of months this is the last straw for me so much wasted talent not being used too bye bye
ReplyDeleteHaving same problems as Tim and others. Constant breaks with ads and freezing. Never had these problems before. Really not nice.
ReplyDeleteThis episode repeats 2 identical scenes and is not complete, I guess it is a technical problem
ReplyDeleteheather tom and bill diamont need to go back to the young and the restless where they will get actual air time which they deserve
ReplyDeleteA tribute to the Queen of the show….love it!!!
ReplyDeleteNo Lynn, u r mistaken, it’s brook dreaming of all her lovers to boost her ego because she is alone, and as she said, she can’t b alone, so she grabs the first man she sets eyes on to appease her loneliness.. lol
DeleteThe flashbacks were real. So not sure how I’m wrong.
DeleteAnd it absolutely was intended to be a tribute to Brooke. 😊
DeleteKKL is a great actress. Whether you like her character or not does not change that fact. I definitely think of Brooke as the queen of the show. Stephanie is dead. So she is no longer queen.
DeleteBrooke looked very pretty in today’s episode.
ReplyDeleteI agree Lynn.. she looks lovely today!! I hate the character of brook but I really like KKL..
DeleteShe has always been a great actress. Being considered the whore of daytime and having viewers both hating and loving her character speaks to KKL's talent as an actress. No-one can deny that. I even remember when Don Diamont first joined the show, in one of his interviews, he stated that he was most looking forward to working with KKL.
DeleteOr her many escapades to the steam room to seduce Ridge when she knew he was in there. There was even that one episode where he tried walking away from her and she held on to his ankles so that he wouldn't leave. He still walked away dragging her behind him. Another classic episode.
DeleteTrying to make it look, all these years later, like Brooke didn't railroad every relationship for her own selfish purposes is indeed a reach. Poor Bridget, her own daughter, was railroaded by her mother twice. Deacon and Nick.
It’s going to take a whole week of shows to get through all of brookes lovers!! And of course the B&B writers are making the 35 year anniversary, all about brook, like she is the only one on the show.. if anyone deserves the attention for the anniversary, it should b Eric.. the show is supposed to b about fashion house, not the one who sleeps around the most.. Eric is the iconic fashion mogul, and it is he that should b highlighted through this.. but no, it’s got to b all about brook and her lovers..
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Oliver will make an appearance and that there’s a flash back where he lost his virginity to, as deacon puts it “brook friggin Logan”.. lol
I absolutely knew all the Brooke haters were gonna be pissed about this episode. I enjoyed it. 😁
DeleteYes Lynn , it is enjoyable being reminded of brooks countless lovers and massive ego!!
DeleteBrooke has it all figured out...she gives each guy a number like at the bakery so if she forgets who whatshisface was she can look up the number code.
DeleteColly, I am a little younger than Brooke in real life…mid 50’s. And I have had plenty of boyfriends during my time on this planet. Been married more than once too. Her countless lovers are par for most of us who watch this show. And beyond that, it’s a soap opera, so of course she will have lots of ex’s. Anything less would be boring.
DeleteWorse episode ever , sick of the Logan show I’m done watching!!!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. Every episode is about Brooke and Ridge. I fast forward thru every scene they are in because it is exactly the same. Actually every episode is the same. We have talked about and replayed Sheila switching labels 100 times...can we please move on? Can we please show other characters besides Brooke and Hope
DeleteThis is what happens when you aren't loved by your dad; You get a character like Brooke 😶
ReplyDeleteConnor Oliver Deacon Bill etc etc etc etc...
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Can't see Carter, a lawyer, going back in to war with mamma and the sister he gilted over a cute but silly little girl.
ReplyDeleteI've watched B&B since day one. Only watched this today to see hot Winsor Harmon.He was a real Forrester but was treated like a 2nd class citizen by his parents. He had an office in the basement. Never understood how he could've been w Taylor when she killed his wife Darla-which really effed up his daughter's head. Yrs later Steffy killed Thorne's then adult daughter. Like mother like daughter! I'd say I'm qualified to speak about Taylor's psychiatric "skills" since I'm a psychologist. Have never seen Taylor w an actual patient. Who would get therapy from someone more mentally ill than her patients? Taylor's 1st husband was a total psychopath-played to perfection by Peter Brown. WHY would you keep his last name-Hayes? And Steffy naming her son Hayes was just so very wrong! Taylor suffers from what I call "Doormatitis". I doubt that term needs any explanation! First episode it was made clear Ridge didn't love the original Caroline. He hated her father so much he proposed to Caroline to get back at her father. If characters on soaps had morals & integrity nobody would watch since the soaps would be boring as hell! Name one character on B&B or on ANY soap, who isn't a hoe-male or female! BTW-in real life Susan Flannery & KKL were good friends and Susan mentioned in interviews she was tired of KKL never getting acknowledged w a daytime Emmy. My mom watched Days from the start. Susan Flannery played a shrink on it-Dr Laura Horton. Dr Laura had a LOT of problems & should've been in therapy herself! On a lighter note-thank you Bob for posting soaps for us to enjoy. Of course I don't like the ads either but it's not something Bob has control over. Wishing everyone a wonderful day. And-hey people-don't take soaps so much to heart. They're tv shows-not reality.To me it's a brief sojourn from daily life. Also- a remembrance of my late mom who cracked me up w how she took soaps so seriously. She had me watching them while I was still in her womb! Would LOVE it if B&B brought Winsor Harmon back.A hot Scorpio man. I watch now for Sean Kanan-yep-another hot Scorpio. Had a friend who was madly in lust w Sean. She's passed but I think of her every time Sean is onscreen! I know if heaven has tvs my friend is watching & drooling over Sean. Who WOULDN'T be?
ReplyDeleteDeborah 19, completely agree with your assessment of Taylor. Thank you for your thoughts / professional opinion. 👍🏻
DeleteThanks Lynn. Was hoping another therapist would comment on Taylor first. She's the epitome of unprofessionalism.Hard to believe it's 2022 and so many women still suffer from "Doormatitis"! The only person who can make you happy is YOU. Having a good man in your life is great--but he'd only ADD to your happiness--not be the sole reason you're happy. If someone doesn't value & love themselves-no one else will either. Getting off my "soapbox" now. Lol!
DeleteI just want to be entertained. This isn't entertainment anymore. It's the poor pitiful Brooke show. Zero storyline. Can we please show other characters and stop with the Brooke and Ridge destiny crap.
DeleteIs it only B&B that gets interrupted by just about any other possible broadcast from breaking news to colledge baseball or do other soaps get put in the second place like this too? I'm watching this from Europe and l'd really like to know if B&B has always had to play the second fiddle or is this a recent thing since the ratings are so low?
ReplyDeleteI think Brooke is getting crazy