Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-30-22 Full episode B&B 30th March 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-30-22 Full episode B&B 30th March 2022


  1. Well, that was intense at the end. I was waiting for Sheila to pull out a firearm...

  2. i bet sheila does something to steffy, like hits her in the back of her head or pushes her
    to where she falls and hits her head and gets knocked out.

  3. Good episode. Things are starting to get a bit more exciting. Thanks Bob!

    1. Lynn, u just contradicted yourself love!!🤣🤣 u say it’s a good episode and things r getting more exciting, which I assume u mean the scenes with Sheila, then a few comments below u say u want her killed off lol.. what then??

    2. Colly, true! Lol. I guess I wish the show could be a bit more exciting without Sheila. But you are right, there has to be a villain or everything is just milk toast like Taylor. 😂😂
      I guess I hate Sheila so much because of what she has done to Brooke. Maybe if Sheila were on a mission to destroy Steffy, she wouldn’t bug me so much. 😬
      But touché….you are correct. B&B has to have the characters we love to hate. 😂😂😂

  4. steffy is pregnant to the eye lol i don't think the writers take the risk of dropping her

  5. JMW acting was great
    Her reaction at the end fear but holding her own
    Thanks Bob xxxx

  6. At last we are seeing a shred of decency from Steffy. She needs to go to her father and tell him the truth so that Brooke can stop living with this bs.
    It’s plain to see he cares about Taylor as a friend, but it’s very obvious he’s very much in love with Brooke!
    Why is Taylor prepared to be second best to Brooke, she looks like an absolute fool. Prepared to accept any little crumb Ridge throws her. Pick up your pride Taylor and tell Ridge that you’re not prepared to accept being at best, second to Brooke. She comes across as a pathetic fool, not as a reknowned psychiatrist.

  7. At last we are seeing a shred of decency from Steffy. She needs to go to her father and tell him the truth so that Brooke can stop living with this bs.
    It’s plain to see he cares about Taylor as a friend, but it’s very obvious he’s very much in love with Brooke!
    Why is Taylor prepared to be second best to Brooke, she looks like an absolute fool. Prepared to accept any little crumb Ridge throws her. Pick up your pride Taylor and tell Ridge that you’re not prepared to accept being at best, second to Brooke. She comes across as a pathetic fool, not as a reknowned psychiatrist.

    1. Maursa, couldn’t agree more with everything you said! I have said the same things many times before. And yes, today Steffy finally showed a bit of decency. We sure have been waiting a long time for that!

    2. What crumbs are Ridge throwing that Taylor is picking up?

      I also heard her tell Thomas very plainly that while she would like to reunite with Ridge one day, it can't be now because he is married to Brooke. So that leaves her pride intact, imo. You Taylor-haters would say anything to make her look bad even though she hasn't done a single thing to encourage Ridge. Thomas, Steffy and Sheila are the ones who want Ridge and Taylor together more than anyone else.

    3. Elle, she has told Ridge she never stopped loving him and he did not return the sentiment. She acts like a teenage girl who is in love with the quarterback of the football team. Never putting her needs first, just constantly consoling Ridge and telling him she is there for him. She is a total doormat. Not sure why you Taylor lovers can’t see that.

    4. And as I recall, in a scene in Taylor’s bedroom, she told ridge that they can’t happen, because she knows that he loves brook and is confused about his feelings.. and as she again, pointed out today, as much as she wants it to happen, she won’t, because he is still married and still loves brook.. so I am not sure why some people say she is picking up crumbs for??

      Brook on the other hand, would not be that diplomatic.. if the roles were reversed, brook would pull out every trick in the book to take ridge from Taylor, and would not care that he was married to her or had feelings for her.. him being married to someone else has never stopped brook.. so if people want to talk about anyone having no dignity, just watch the episode where ridge tried to walk away from brook while she was on the ground wrapped around his ankles, being dragged along the ground lol.. somehow, I can’t see Taylor resorting to that..

    5. I wanna see the ankle wrapping of brooke on ridge. I'm already laughing in anticipation. They are all equally horrendous in their pasts so really no one is better than anyone else. Some actually killed people, like thomas bumping that girl driving off a cliff and it all gets swept under the rug and forgotten never mentioned again. Brooke's obsession on why she drank isn't buyable because we all do stupid stuff and wonder why we did it. We say huh? and go on to do other stupid things. She would not have thought about it that much. Her backpeddaling to ridge about her mistake sending him to taylor would be enough for her to obsess about.

    6. Lynn, nothing is wrong with Taylor being a supportive friend to Ridge. The important thing is that she is not crossing any lines because she is, in fact, putting her needs first. Her need not to be vulnerable to Ridge despite her feelings for him and her need not to be used by Ridge as a replacement for Brooke. The fact is that Taylor has been completely respectful of Ridge and Brooke's marriage and has set boundaries that Ridge is not allowed to cross.

    7. Elle, Taylor is going to be devastated when Ridge chooses Brooke over her. She is in love with someone she is trying to be “a friend” to. That is bound to turn out badly. The only reason she is setting these fake boundaries is because she thinks it looks good…not because she actually wants it. Her heart is going to get broken. Watch and see.

    8. And how are all the makeout scenes they have shown between Taylor and Ridge - lots of passionate kissing in multiple scenes - how is that setting boundaries??? Lol.
      When Deacon and Brooke kiss - then you think Brooke is a total slut. But when Taylor and Ridge kiss (Ridge is MARRIED still to Brooke) - then Taylor is setting boundaries???? Really ?? Lol. Interesting take on “boundaries”.

    9. And how are all the makeout scenes they have shown between Taylor and Ridge - lots of passionate kissing in multiple scenes - how is that setting boundaries??? Lol.
      When Deacon and Brooke kiss - then you think Brooke is a total slut. But when Taylor and Ridge kiss (Ridge is MARRIED still to Brooke) - then Taylor is setting boundaries???? Really ?? Lol. Interesting take on “boundaries”.

    10. Your first comment about Taylor being heartbroken when Ridge goes back to Brooke is based on your view that Taylor is so in love with Ridge now and wants him back. What is being ignored is that Taylor also understands that Ridge is married to Brooke and is no way near moving on into a new relationship so I am not sure that Taylor will be as heartbroken as you think. Once it comes out that Sheila switched the bottles on the wine, Taylor may actually encourage Ridge to return to Brooke.

      Regarding your second comment, Ridge has been the instigator whenever they kissed and Taylor pulled away from him and let him know that it could not go further. I would say that that is setting boundaries because she could have allowed him to take her to the bed and have sex with her (which is what Brooke would have done if the roles were reversed) however, Taylor stopped it. Matter of fact, Ridge has been the one running after Taylor, making her breakfast, going to see her at the office etc. Also, Ridge has had nothing to say to Thomas or Steffy about their desires to have their parents back together whereas Taylor is the one that has constantly had to tell them that she will not allow them to play matchmaker for her and Ridge, that IF they decided to get back together, it will be their choice. So again, I do not see where Taylor is being a doormat or not setting boundaries.

    11. Completely disagree. Taylor has said to Ridge and others that Ridge is the love of her life. And that she is still in love with him. He has not said either of those things to anyone, and he has NOT said those things to Taylor.
      What was it that he said the other day in the office at Forrester….”There are worse things than spending time with Taylor.” Wow, huge compliment!!! LOL!!! NOT!!!
      Taylor has not pulled away as you say during the kissing. There have been multiple kissing scenes between Taylor and Ridge. And only one of those times do I recall Taylor saying they should not let things go further. I remember for a fact that after one of their makeout sessions she was telling Ridge how nice it was.
      None of this matters. It’s all just our perception of the people’s behavior on the show.
      But you guys rooting for Taylor and Ridge to become a couple again for any long term relationship are going to be grossly disappointed. Just sayin’.

  8. Well that eposode of brook and all her ex husband did anyone see that there were a father and 2 sons standing in that line. Tacky! And that right there shows the woman she is. Who would be married to the dad and the two brothers. Its screams Gold digger and tramp and brook and her sister just take turns with the Forrestor men which makes them trams and definitely gold diggers also. I wish they would get rid of all the Logan sluts! Just write them off the show period and put some decent actors in there place!

    1. Soap fan, without Brooke the show would be a huge failure. She is awesome!!

    2. Unknown, it’s actually the opposite of what you said…for me anyway. I don’t like mean girls at all. I generally root for the underdog. And I don’t see Brooke as a mean girl at all. I do, however, see Steffy as a very mean girl who is full of herself and I don’t like Steffy! Today for the first time in literally months, she did the right thing.
      And the thing about Taylor isn’t that I despise her…I mainly just feel sorry for her. I respect strong women who aren’t gonna be at some man’s beck and call. I guess I’m kind of a feminist and don’t like to see women bow to men. And that’s what I see in Taylor. She just straight up worships him. She has said he is the love of her life and she never got over him, and that she is still in love with him. Sorry, but the truth is, Ridge is not now, nor will he ever reciprocate those feelings for Taylor. She can say all day long that she wants to wait till Ridge heals. But we all know that if he were to profess his love to her, she would swoon hard!
      I just want Taylor to find a man who truly adores her like she does him. And that person is not Ridge.
      Seriously though, I really don’t like mean girls…..

    3. In this case incest is a game the whole family can play. Eric almost stroked out when he saw ridge kissing bridget. Brooke plowing through the forrester family is funny. Every dopey looking forrester man drooling over her is funny. Get rid of Brooke? I don't think so. She sorta carries the show. Who cares when taylor walks into a room? no one. Taylor has no pizzaz. Every forrester man has done every logan woman. The deep love they share with their brother's latest cast-off is funny. Instant in-love like oatmeal. So in love, so so in love, in the same breath, " ooh, who's that," as soon as a woman walks in the room. The present woman is already a conquest- on to the next!

  9. The show would suck without Brooke

    1. Hilary, you got that right! There would be no show without Brooke. The Brooke haters are just mad cuz the writing is on the wall that Ridge will be returning to Brooke soon.

  10. 🤣🤣Lynn and Hilary,you both make me laugh, you're so convinced in your own points of view.Many of us don't agree with your opinions. I love Sheila and Steffi

    1. Unknown, I get the impression that everyone on this blog is convinced of their opinions. That’s why people have opinions, they think they are right. The Brooke haters are just as sure of themselves. And it is very obvious that many don’t agree with us. That doesn’t make my opinion any more or any less valid than yours.

  11. Whether or not you love Brooke or hate her, she is the heroine of this show, and always has been. The show would be so boring without her and her many love affairs and scandals. That's what soaps are made for! The drama that is BROOKE LOGAN😊

  12. I would enjoy Sheila more if she was actually bringing the evil that we know she is capable of. Since she's back she's been too tame for the Sheila Carter we love to hate. It's past time for her to crank up the heat and act like the delicious psycho we know she is.

  13. I agree with u Hilary , the Sheila we knew back then is not the Sheila we know now .She is to calm the she devil needs to come out .

    1. 👹 Sheila She-devil 👹
      Look out, Steffy!
      They have been playing creepy music...

  14. Well, on another note, whatever goes down with steffy and Sheila, the waiter who was ravsdropping on Sheila’s little out loud conversation with herself, knows something is up, and u can see his ears pricked up the whole conversation between steffy and Sheila , so either he will come to the rescue, or at least be able to tell someone what he overheard.. I am pretty sure something bad is going to happen cause it got a little physical there for a second there.. either steffy is going to push and shove and Sheila will retaliate, or steffy will turn her back to walk away after telling Sheila that everyone will know what she did, and she hasn’t changed, and Sheila will panic and do something while steffy’s back is turned.. but really, how stupid of the writers, cause how obvious would it b that Sheila is responsible if anything happens to steffy.. Perhaps she will think that no one will suspect her because when she tried to tell Thomas that steffy confronted her the first time, he cut her off.. so she would b thinking that Thomas doesn’t know steffy knows so no one else would know.. ?? Who knows??

    1. I agree, Colly. Something is definitely going to happen.

      I think the reactions from the waiter was to highlight that Sheila is getting back to her crazy ways. Before she was acting quite normally while out in public but here she is now talking to herself while other people are around. Sheila has officially snapped so I am guessing it is all going to go downhill from here. Steffy better watch out.

      I'm happy she told Finn so at least someone knows that Steffy knows what Sheila did. Thomas has no idea that Steffy overheard his conversation so he will, more than likely, be the one coming to her rescue.

  15. Great episode. Thanks Bob, I'm super happy to watch the Bold.

  16. So the ptoduction team decided to splash on another filming set-the alley behind il Giardino aaahahahahaha. It must have set them back so much that they had to save on the acting team for months. Well at least some action today and looking forward to see more of the alley action🤣🤣🤣
