Brooke, you can actually consider yourself lucky that you have Steffy on your side after you always made her life hell & she always took one bell after the other from you & Hope !!! But I think after Finn dies Sheila will kill herself and that will change lives in both soaps forever and Steffy & Hope will probably share Liam & Wyatt then!!!
I hope no one dies and for once Sheila is RIGHT. Brooke doesn't deserve anyone not even her own children. She's such a spoiled woman. Poor Bridget. Let's not forget what Bridget went though for her too.
Tina yeah brook is bad but what about Taylor who slept with rick and when her daughter phoebe knows she caused the accident which killed her coz she was in love with rick she is poor too
Phoebe died after Steffy told her about Rick making a move on her, the relationship with Taylor was way before, and Rick was not with Phoebe anymore. Same as Brooke with Bridget/Nick, but the whole Deacon affair was on another level.
These guys consider it exercise to peep and snoop from one door crack to the next. They are gonna get crossed eyes staring through the doors that are ajar.
Well i hope that nobody dies and that the spoiler that i read is that steffy will go into a coma in place of maternity leave. and that will bring her parents closer.
Big bad Steffy looked scared as heck when Sheila snatched her butt up. What happened to all that badness she was trying to portray herself as having? Now sit your scared self down somewhere and chill out🤣😂
Serve Steffy right!If roles were reversed Brooke would NOT say...she kept Caroline's letter to Ridge a secret AND was not soo ready to tell Ridge " her so-called destiny love of her life" when Thomas was missing after he fell at Forester's 😙off course her die hard apologists fanatic fans would love us to forget these things😙
In the very early shows Caroline was Bill's daughter. Why did they change it to niece/uncle? When she was tricking Thomas to be with her instead of Sally, Bill Buttinsky was her uncle and orchestrating the fake dying lie as if his life depended on it. C'mon let people run their own scams..
they are not the same Caroline, and they are not the same Bill. The Bill we see now is Bill senior's son, and young Caroline (Douglas' mother) is the daughter of one of Bill senior's daughters, sister of Bill & Ridge's Caroline, I think.
All I know is that they better hurry along this Steffy/Sheila storyline because I have zero interest in hearing Brooke talk about "an outside force" for the next 3 months. 🙄🤣
And there you have it folks! Taylor acknowledged to Thomas today that Ridge can go back to Brooke any day now. She's not under any delusions that she and Ridge might reunite as a couple. Interesting though that Ridge's expression was so stoic as though that was not the answer to Thomas' question that he wanted to hear.
I can see Steffy being harmed by Sheila, possibly Finn as well, and this family having to heal from Sheila's interference. It will certainly bring them closer together. Taylor talked about Ridge needing time to heal today. Foreshadowing of what's to come maybe.
Mayb Ell, but if it ends up like that, it solves steffy’s may leave, but not TK?? He is supposed to b leaving for a while, and I don’t think they brought the new taylor in to up leave so soon?? So not sure how that’s going to work.. unless, they pre recorded enough scenes to get them through till they both return?
That’s too funny, Elle. Look how you spin it! Did you also not hear Taylor say to Thomas and Ridge….”I think everyone knows how I feel about Ridge.” Then she asked Ridge if he felt pressured. She says the things about Ridge possibly going back to Brooke only because she is fishing. She is hoping Ridge says…”No, I’m completely done with Brooke and ready to move on with you, Taylor.” But those words are not coming out of Ridge’s mouth anytime soon. We all know it’s Taylor who is the one pursuing Ridge. Why don’t you just admit it?
That’s too funny, Elle. Look how you spin it! Did you also not hear Taylor say to Thomas and Ridge….”I think everyone knows how I feel about Ridge.” Then she asked Ridge if he felt pressured. She says the things about Ridge possibly going back to Brooke only because she is fishing. She is hoping Ridge says…”No, I’m completely done with Brooke and ready to move on with you, Taylor.” But those words are not coming out of Ridge’s mouth anytime soon. We all know it’s Taylor who is the one pursuing Ridge. Why don’t you just admit it?
I'm not spinning anything, Lynn. Did you not see that when Ridge came into the office, Taylor was about to leave and he stopped her because he wanted to hear her answer to Thomas' question about whether she wanted to be with him? And did you not also hear Taylor say that she has probably been too honest about how she feels about Ridge? Which was why she set the record straight with both of them. Why do you think she had to do that? Because Thomas has been waxing poetic about her and his dad being so good together and Ridge wants to know if she would like to reunite with him as well as randomly popping up to see her at her office, coming up to her room to make out with her, making her breakfast in bed, buying her favorite coffee etc. Ridge has been the one pursuing Taylor, not the other way around. All I have heard Taylor say over and over again is that Ridge has to deal with his feelings for Brooke and that she is there to support him. Then in this show, she said that she is fully aware that Ridge can go back to Brooke any day now. So why don't you just admit that Ridge is the one who is pursuing Taylor?
Funny that you are the one saying that Taylor is possibly fishing and that she is hoping that Ridge says he is completely done with Brooke yet you say that I am the one that has somehow spinned what actually happened on screen.
You are placing a lot of hope on Ridge going back to Brooke once the truth about what Sheila did comes to light. I only hope that you are not sorely disappointed when Sheila does something horrible to Steffy and this family (yes, they are a family) has to band together to save/support/help Steffy.
Ridge is torn, he is still in love with Brooke and Taylor!! In my opinion you can love two people but chose the one that satisfies "your" selfish needs!!!! Just Saying!!!!
Elle, what you stated doesn’t make sense. If Taylor admitted she has already been “too honest” then that simply means she has already put all her cards on the table with regard to her true feelings for Ridge. As I’ve already stated, she has told Ridge and others that she is still in love with him. She has told multiple people that Ridge is the love of her life. And the only reason Ridge is staying at Steffy’s is because Steffy begged him to stay after the blowup with Brooke.
There is absolutely no possible way you can honestly believe that Ridge is pursuing Taylor. it’s completely the other way around. She is always dropping into Forrester unannounced trying to spend time with him. And she acts all coy and tries to make the silly little jokes…which have not been funny by the way. That whole unicorn discussion was awkward and weird. Not to mention how he almost had to scold her for being so ridiculously naive about Sheila. The great psychiatrist has been duped by Sheila more than anyone else. Too funny!
Even Thomas said on Thursday or Friday’s episode…”We all know how mom feels, but now I’m starting to think dad still has feelings too.” Meaning…..”We all know mon wants dad back. But what do you feel dad??” And then when Ridge was put on the spot he said, I have feelings for your mother with a defensive tone in his voice. He did not say…”I’m still in love with your mother”. He did not say….”Your mother is the love of my life.” He didn’t say either of those things.
The sad thing has always been is that Ridge has only been romantic with Taylor when he is feeling especially heartbroken over Brooke. He is using her as some kind of rebound while he goes through this hard time.. Ridge and Taylor are absolutely not sustainable for the long haul.
This thing that happened with Finn and Steffy will definitely impact the future events with his “Forrester family.” But as I’ve said, he will most certainly not end up with Taylor in the end. We should place our bets now.
And as far as my “fishing comments”…she is absolutely fishing. She wants to know where Ridge stands with her. Of course she says she wants to be supportive and doesn’t want him to feel pressured. Because she wants his feelings for her to be genuine. And while I absolutely believe he cares about her. She is simply not the love of his life, and she never will be.
Did anyone notice that Sheila looks like Brooke Shields (today) That Brooke was so beautiful as a child but now has a shrewish deranged look too. I thought Sheila was a huge Amazon, but she was shorter than petit Steffy. I don't buy Thomas's or Steffy's sudden interest in fairness to Brooke. I don't buy Brooke's constant obsession with outside forces - BOO! Boring. Brooke should be considering who else's family she can break up and give up on stodgy Ridge for the moment. He'll be the one crawling back as soon as he sees her next conquest. Go for Steffy's hubby to keep the circle going. They don't want any outside DNA anyway.
Yes unknown, the waiter was listening in and watching.. don’t know where he is going to come into it, but, I can’t imagine they had him doing that for no reason.. perhaps he find steffy unconscious in the alley way??
This has to be a joke...right? Hopes accessory? At least Liam isn’t dictated to the way Steffy tells Finn EXACTLY how high to jump and when to jump!! Steffys marriage is nothing short of a dictatorship to the degree of being funny/pathetic. Finn is just a joke to the degree of it being amusing.
You most have missed the episode, Maursa, when Hope told Liam, in no uncertain terms, that Deacon is going to be a part of their lives and family whether Liam liked it or not. No matter what concerns Liam had, even when he had an issue with Deacon being around their kids, Hope told him that by questioning her decision, it meant that he was also questioning her judgment. Liam then had to accept that Deacon was going to be a part of their lives because it was Hope's decision. There was no discussion about it, just Hope's say so.
Steffy has taken a stand where Sheila is concerned. And, as we are now seeing, she had and continues to have every right to since Sheila has not changed one bit.
puleeze im so sick of hearing brook accuse taylor steffy and thomas of harassing ridge into getting back with taylor and trying to keep them apart. will she ever just grow up and accept that the reason her and ridge are not together is because she lied to him by not tellingbhim the whole complete truth of what happened on new b years eve.. loed steffy looked scared when sheila got up in her face. but sheila is right its noone elses place to decide if sheila and finn have a relationship but sheila and finn.. its their choice.. if they would back off and give her a chance sheila mite turn out to be decent naturally with people treating her like crap shes gonna get defensive back on em.. thomas and steffy both need to just keep quiet about what she did to brook and let things play on out to be how its gonna be
Brooke will never genuinely admit that she got herself in this mess because she still does not see how supporting Deacon over her own husband was bad judgment on her part. She pretended for a little while that she is taking full responsibility for what happened but realizes that Ridge is not buying it so she's back to playing the victim. Blame everyone and everything else for what happened on NYE except her own actions.
Pammy, brook is grabbing at straws now, as to who to blame, so she is now saying it’s some “outside force” 🤣🤣 that’s a first for brook!! So we have, “some outside force”, trying to keep her from her “destiny?” who the hell is writing this crap..?
The moment Sheila is exposed Ridge will mutter a quick "oh," and run and pack his bag and take off for Brooke's now that she actually was a victim, "YAY," according to Ridge.
Watched B&B since day one back in March 1987. Original Caroline's dad was Ridge's enemy. He only wanted to marry her to get back at her dad. She died of an illness decades ago. The Caroline who was on B&B more recently is the niece of ORIGINAL Caroline and Dollar Bill's niece. Original Caroline would be Brooke's age if she was STILL on B&B! I know it's a bit confusing but hope I've explained it?
Aww wonderful Bridget is back that would hopefully mean some much needed new storylines. The writers have been so lazy recently, basically recycling the same lines for months!! Even gave up on that mind-numbing as hell Paris-Carter-mommy thing. Poor actors.
It would be so interesting to see Bridget involved in this whole Deacon coming back to town and proving to be a different man situation. Hope she sticks around!
But there is "an outside force" being used on Brooke to make her drink. It is actually "The Force" as wielded by Dark Side Sheila employing her Sith mind tricks.
Brooke, you can actually consider yourself lucky that you have Steffy on your side after you always made her life hell & she always took one bell after the other from you & Hope !!!
ReplyDeleteBut I think after Finn dies Sheila will kill herself and that will change lives in both soaps forever and Steffy & Hope will probably share Liam & Wyatt then!!!
C est en voulant protéger Steffy et sa famille de cette cinglée de sheila que Brooke se.retrouve dans cette position je vous rappelle
DeleteIam a German My France is Not so good !!!
Please on't spoil any story just watch the show.
ReplyDeleteNow we have the sensitive Brooke🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾
ReplyDeleteI hope no one dies and for once Sheila is RIGHT. Brooke doesn't deserve anyone not even her own children. She's such a spoiled woman. Poor Bridget. Let's not forget what Bridget went though for her too.
ReplyDeleteTina yeah brook is bad but what about Taylor who slept with rick and when her daughter phoebe knows she caused the accident which killed her coz she was in love with rick she is poor too
DeleteI guess you're right too. This program is so messed up.
DeleteI guess you're right too. This program is so messed up but we love it the same.
DeletePhoebe died after Steffy told her about Rick making a move on her, the relationship with Taylor was way before, and Rick was not with Phoebe anymore. Same as Brooke with Bridget/Nick, but the whole Deacon affair was on another level.
DeleteBrooke got involved with Nick one of the times he was with Bridget. Bridget was married to him and pregnant with their baby Nicole that died.
Deleteoverhearing in this family is a negative attitude
ReplyDeleteOh.mon Dieu!😳🙄🙄
DeleteThese guys consider it exercise to peep and snoop from one door crack to the next. They are gonna get crossed eyes staring through the doors that are ajar.
DeleteWell i hope that nobody dies and that the spoiler that i read is that steffy will go into a coma in place of maternity leave. and that will bring her parents closer.
ReplyDeleteBig bad Steffy looked scared as heck when Sheila snatched her butt up. What happened to all that badness she was trying to portray herself as having? Now sit your scared self down somewhere and chill out🤣😂
ReplyDeleteYou sure got that right! Big, bad Steffy looked terrified. Lol
DeleteSteffy realizing gulp, oops I might have overdone it. Her left eye looked a little crossed from peeping in doorways.
DeleteServe Steffy right!If roles were reversed Brooke would NOT say...she kept Caroline's letter to Ridge a secret AND was not soo ready to tell Ridge " her so-called destiny love of her life" when Thomas was missing after he fell at Forester's 😙off course her die hard apologists fanatic fans would love us to forget these things😙
ReplyDeleteIn the very early shows Caroline was Bill's daughter. Why did they change it to niece/uncle? When she was tricking Thomas to be with her instead of Sally, Bill Buttinsky was her uncle and orchestrating the fake dying lie as if his life depended on it. C'mon let people run their own scams..
DeleteI agree!! Just Saying!!
Deletethey are not the same Caroline, and they are not the same Bill. The Bill we see now is Bill senior's son, and young Caroline (Douglas' mother) is the daughter of one of Bill senior's daughters, sister of Bill & Ridge's Caroline, I think.
DeleteAll I know is that they better hurry along this Steffy/Sheila storyline because I have zero interest in hearing Brooke talk about "an outside force" for the next 3 months. 🙄🤣
ReplyDeleteAnd there you have it folks! Taylor acknowledged to Thomas today that Ridge can go back to Brooke any day now. She's not under any delusions that she and Ridge might reunite as a couple. Interesting though that Ridge's expression was so stoic as though that was not the answer to Thomas' question that he wanted to hear.
I can see Steffy being harmed by Sheila, possibly Finn as well, and this family having to heal from Sheila's interference. It will certainly bring them closer together. Taylor talked about Ridge needing time to heal today. Foreshadowing of what's to come maybe.
Mayb Ell, but if it ends up like that, it solves steffy’s may leave, but not TK?? He is supposed to b leaving for a while, and I don’t think they brought the new taylor in to up leave so soon?? So not sure how that’s going to work.. unless, they pre recorded enough scenes to get them through till they both return?
DeleteThat’s too funny, Elle. Look how you spin it! Did you also not hear Taylor say to Thomas and Ridge….”I think everyone knows how I feel about Ridge.” Then she asked Ridge if he felt pressured. She says the things about Ridge possibly going back to Brooke only because she is fishing. She is hoping Ridge says…”No, I’m completely done with Brooke and ready to move on with you, Taylor.” But those words are not coming out of Ridge’s mouth anytime soon. We all know it’s Taylor who is the one pursuing Ridge. Why don’t you just admit it?
DeleteThat’s too funny, Elle. Look how you spin it! Did you also not hear Taylor say to Thomas and Ridge….”I think everyone knows how I feel about Ridge.” Then she asked Ridge if he felt pressured. She says the things about Ridge possibly going back to Brooke only because she is fishing. She is hoping Ridge says…”No, I’m completely done with Brooke and ready to move on with you, Taylor.” But those words are not coming out of Ridge’s mouth anytime soon. We all know it’s Taylor who is the one pursuing Ridge. Why don’t you just admit it?
DeleteI'm not spinning anything, Lynn. Did you not see that when Ridge came into the office, Taylor was about to leave and he stopped her because he wanted to hear her answer to Thomas' question about whether she wanted to be with him? And did you not also hear Taylor say that she has probably been too honest about how she feels about Ridge? Which was why she set the record straight with both of them. Why do you think she had to do that? Because Thomas has been waxing poetic about her and his dad being so good together and Ridge wants to know if she would like to reunite with him as well as randomly popping up to see her at her office, coming up to her room to make out with her, making her breakfast in bed, buying her favorite coffee etc. Ridge has been the one pursuing Taylor, not the other way around. All I have heard Taylor say over and over again is that Ridge has to deal with his feelings for Brooke and that she is there to support him. Then in this show, she said that she is fully aware that Ridge can go back to Brooke any day now. So why don't you just admit that Ridge is the one who is pursuing Taylor?
DeleteFunny that you are the one saying that Taylor is possibly fishing and that she is hoping that Ridge says he is completely done with Brooke yet you say that I am the one that has somehow spinned what actually happened on screen.
You are placing a lot of hope on Ridge going back to Brooke once the truth about what Sheila did comes to light. I only hope that you are not sorely disappointed when Sheila does something horrible to Steffy and this family (yes, they are a family) has to band together to save/support/help Steffy.
Ridge is torn, he is still in love with Brooke and Taylor!! In my opinion you can love two people but chose the one that satisfies "your" selfish needs!!!! Just Saying!!!!
DeleteElle, what you stated doesn’t make sense. If Taylor admitted she has already been “too honest” then that simply means she has already put all her cards on the table with regard to her true feelings for Ridge. As I’ve already stated, she has told Ridge and others that she is still in love with him. She has told multiple people that Ridge is the love of her life. And the only reason Ridge is staying at Steffy’s is because Steffy begged him to stay after the blowup with Brooke.
DeleteThere is absolutely no possible way you can honestly believe that Ridge is pursuing Taylor. it’s completely the other way around.
She is always dropping into Forrester unannounced trying to spend time with him. And she acts all coy and tries to make the silly little jokes…which have not been funny by the way. That whole unicorn discussion was awkward and weird. Not to mention how he almost had to scold her for being so ridiculously naive about Sheila. The great psychiatrist has been duped by Sheila more than anyone else. Too funny!
Even Thomas said on Thursday or Friday’s episode…”We all know how mom feels, but now I’m starting to think dad still has feelings too.” Meaning…..”We all know mon wants dad back. But what do you feel dad??” And then when Ridge was put on the spot he said, I have feelings for your mother with a defensive tone in his voice. He did not say…”I’m still in love with your mother”. He did not say….”Your mother is the love of my life.” He didn’t say either of those things.
The sad thing has always been is that Ridge has only been romantic with Taylor when he is feeling especially heartbroken over Brooke. He is using her as some kind of rebound while he goes through this hard time.. Ridge and Taylor are absolutely not sustainable for the long haul.
This thing that happened with Finn and Steffy will definitely impact the future events with his “Forrester family.” But as I’ve said, he will most certainly not end up with Taylor in the end. We should place our bets now.
And as far as my “fishing comments”…she is absolutely fishing. She wants to know where Ridge stands with her. Of course she says she wants to be supportive and doesn’t want him to feel pressured. Because she wants his feelings for her to be genuine. And while I absolutely believe he cares about her. She is simply not the love of his life, and she never will be.
Did anyone notice that Sheila looks like Brooke Shields (today) That Brooke was so beautiful as a child but now has a shrewish deranged look too. I thought Sheila was a huge Amazon, but she was shorter than petit Steffy. I don't buy Thomas's or Steffy's sudden interest in fairness to Brooke. I don't buy Brooke's constant obsession with outside forces - BOO! Boring. Brooke should be considering who else's family she can break up and give up on stodgy Ridge for the moment. He'll be the one crawling back as soon as he sees her next conquest. Go for Steffy's hubby to keep the circle going. They don't want any outside DNA anyway.
ReplyDeleteI think sumone was listening to Sheila and steffy I think it's the waiter from yesterday.
ReplyDeleteYes unknown, the waiter was listening in and watching.. don’t know where he is going to come into it, but, I can’t imagine they had him doing that for no reason.. perhaps he find steffy unconscious in the alley way??
DeleteNice to see Hopes accessory got to speak and nod
ReplyDeleteI cant wait for Steam to come
Thank you Bob xxxx
DeleteThis has to be a joke...right? Hopes accessory? At least Liam isn’t dictated to the way Steffy tells Finn EXACTLY how high to jump and when to jump!! Steffys marriage is nothing short of a dictatorship to the degree of being funny/pathetic. Finn is just a joke to the degree of it being amusing.
DeleteYou most have missed the episode, Maursa, when Hope told Liam, in no uncertain terms, that Deacon is going to be a part of their lives and family whether Liam liked it or not. No matter what concerns Liam had, even when he had an issue with Deacon being around their kids, Hope told him that by questioning her decision, it meant that he was also questioning her judgment. Liam then had to accept that Deacon was going to be a part of their lives because it was Hope's decision. There was no discussion about it, just Hope's say so.
DeleteSteffy has taken a stand where Sheila is concerned. And, as we are now seeing, she had and continues to have every right to since Sheila has not changed one bit.
puleeze im so sick of hearing brook accuse taylor steffy and thomas of harassing ridge into getting back with taylor and trying to keep them apart. will she ever just grow up and accept that the reason her and ridge are not together is because she lied to him by not tellingbhim the whole complete truth of what happened on new b years eve.. loed steffy looked scared when sheila got up in her face. but sheila is right its noone elses place to decide if sheila and finn have a relationship but sheila and finn.. its their choice.. if they would back off and give her a chance sheila mite turn out to be decent naturally with people treating her like crap shes gonna get defensive back on em.. thomas and steffy both need to just keep quiet about what she did to brook and let things play on out to be how its gonna be
ReplyDeleteBrooke will never genuinely admit that she got herself in this mess because she still does not see how supporting Deacon over her own husband was bad judgment on her part. She pretended for a little while that she is taking full responsibility for what happened but realizes that Ridge is not buying it so she's back to playing the victim. Blame everyone and everything else for what happened on NYE except her own actions.
DeletePammy, brook is grabbing at straws now, as to who to blame, so she is now saying it’s some “outside force” 🤣🤣 that’s a first for brook!! So we have, “some outside force”, trying to keep her from her “destiny?” who the hell is writing this crap..?
DeleteLmao Colly. Too funny.
DeleteThis is a outside force and its not first time Brooke have gut feeling.Aswell with Quinn thing
DeleteI am happy to see Brigett back!!! Just Saying!!!
DeleteThx Bob sheila needs to be exposed already
ReplyDeleteThe moment Sheila is exposed Ridge will mutter a quick "oh," and run and pack his bag and take off for Brooke's now that she actually was a victim, "YAY," according to Ridge.
DeleteSheila, came back not to hurt anyone, and was NEVER given a chance, by people that have no right to judge given their past!!! Just Saying!!!
DeleteWhy is Dora the Explorer on instead of B & B???
ReplyDelete🤣🤣 sunshine, Dora is usually the video after b&b.. have you tried refreshing your browser??
ReplyDeleteWatched B&B since day one back in March 1987. Original Caroline's dad was Ridge's enemy. He only wanted to marry her to get back at her dad. She died of an illness decades ago. The Caroline who was on B&B more recently is the niece of ORIGINAL Caroline and Dollar Bill's niece. Original Caroline would be Brooke's age if she was STILL on B&B! I know it's a bit confusing but hope I've explained it?
ReplyDeleteThanks Deborah!
DeleteAww wonderful Bridget is back that would hopefully mean some much needed new storylines. The writers have been so lazy recently, basically recycling the same lines for months!! Even gave up on that mind-numbing as hell Paris-Carter-mommy thing. Poor actors.
ReplyDeleteIt would be so interesting to see Bridget involved in this whole Deacon coming back to town and proving to be a different man situation. Hope she sticks around!
DeleteBut there is "an outside force" being used on Brooke to make her drink. It is actually "The Force" as wielded by Dark Side Sheila employing her Sith mind tricks.
ReplyDeleteSheila and Deacon made the show interesting. I don't want to see them go!!! Just Saying!!!
ReplyDeletecould someone tell me if bold and the beautiful show today