
Monday, March 7, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-7-22 Full episode B&B 7th March 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-7-22 Full episode B&B 7th March 2022


  1. Mattress in the guesthouse was broken in by Paris.

  2. Why does everyone whisper? Is that how soap opera school trains actors? LOL

  3. How nice was it to see brook and Taylor in new clothes!! I am not a brook fan but she looked good today, although I didn’t like the boots she had on, at her age it’s a bit mutton dressed like lamb with the boots... a simple pair of heels would have looked better.. for her age she looked good.. I looooved Taylor’s outfit.. about time they started dressing her up a bit..

    Deacon , looks like your in, if Thomas says nothing.. what a bad position Sheila has put him in.. I would tell ridge, then remind him that it was irrelevant because she was sober enough to remember deacon kissing her and she let it happen and she was sober when she silenced a little boy to keep her secret and she only came clean when the walls started closing in, and she felt she was going to get caught out after her conversation with steffy.. she knew steffy knew, the look on brooks face after steffy left said it all.. she went into a panic..

    And she was sober when she defended deacon BEFORE and AFTER what happened.. and being an alcoholic she would have known that she was feeling the effects of alcohol before she opened the bottle, even deacon could tell, before opening the vodka..

    Even ridge said it was not about the alcohol, it was everything she did when she was sober, lying, hushing Douglas, defending deacon.. so if Thomas tells him, then reminds him of what he himself said, then it shouldn’t matter..

    But of course the Logan loving producer will make brook the victim, and it will b too late anyway cause he’s gonna catch her with deacon again or bill? And it will start all over again, but taylor won’t let ridge back in after he goes running back to brook after he finds out, cause she will realise it won’t work because the first opportunity he will run back to brook.. so he will be out in the cold without either women and won’t cope, and will take off overseas.. that’s my prediction?? And brook telling deacon it doesn’t feel like he is supporting her when he reminds her of what SHE did?? lol..

    1. Beige, very beige, very boring!!

    2. I agree actually, too much.. I am from down under too old fan.. where r u in the country? I’m stuck in boring old Canberra!

  4. I love the outfit Taylor's wearing. I would love to see her in a dress and hoe long is Brooke going to be off work. Does she still. Have a job. Hate what she's been wearing and the outfit today is awful. Seem s like nobody's working anymore.but I don't want Brooke and ridge back together. I would love to see her with some one else like hopes dad. He loves her so much. And Sheila needs a man. I don't want her to get write off so soon. I don't want her to go to jail. She's just lonesome

  5. This whole Brooke vs Taylor thing is so funny, since they both slept through the whole family. As i recall Taylor slept with Ridge, Thorne, Nick, Eric, cheated on Ridge with James Warwick and Hector Ramirez. Drunkenly killed Darla and didnt tell anyone right away. Tried to kill Bill Spencer TWICE. Not to Mention her relationships/affairs with Brooke's brother Storm, her son Rick AND her father Stephen. Married another ex of Brooke's, what's his name, whip? and then married a few other men. I got trouble seeing the halo above her head lol

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      You're good Dakota. 👍🏽

    2. Dakota, thanks for the fill on Taylor's amours. I'm a new-ish B&B fan. I'm not at all surprised that she's technically as hypocritical as everyone else on the show, but hey the actor just started this gig, so let's let her selectively wipe her slate clean! She looks so much more innocent than does Hunter Tylo (who frankly is hard to watch), so I'll go with that.

    3. Exactly. She's just as slutty as Brooke, but they try to rewrite history and make her out to be a righteous goddess among women 😂😂😂

    4. Exactly, plus Taylor was the reason her daughter died, coz pheobe was in love with rick to find out that dear saint mommy slept with him, because of that phoebe caused the accident

    5. Yes me too.
      I’m tired of hearing how Brooke slept with all the Forrester men.
      Well so has Taylor but her hatred for the Logan’s didn’t stop her getting it on with Brookes father. The matriarch of the Logan’s and with such a touch of hypocrisy Brookes brother! She thinks she’s better than Brooke when in actual fact she ridiculously similar!
      She needs to be careful the halo doesn’t slip and choke her.
      She had better hope Bill keeps his mouth shut or she will be in jail so fast and let’s be honest if he gets wind of what’s happening to Brooke he may just put her away... with any luck.

    6. At least Taylor never railroaded or tried to come between anyone's marriage or family. And that's the difference between her indiscretions and Brooke's.

      Taylor kissed Hector once and she slept with James because they thought they were going to die and it happened only once. Again, it's what makes the difference between Taylor and Brooke. Every man that Brooke has met was her destiny or "it was meant to be". It's how she justified stealing another woman's husband, including her own daughter's.

    7. There is NO DIFFERENCE. One is as bad as the other Elle🤣🤣

    8. Mmysh, Phoebe was upset because she discovered that Rick made a move on Steffy too.. Taylor didn't have anything to do with that

  6. i can see it now, Thomas tells Ridge, he goes to Brook and shes kissing or in Deacons arms innocently but that sends him back to Taylor. Can we get more characters please bring Quinn Dollar Bill Wyatt, leave Paris and Carter business out of it. Thanks Bob

  7. Is Taylor a saint all of a sudden? I remember it differently. And she is talking about her life to the one who shot her?

    1. Thank you! Taylor is NO SAINT. Many on this blog will disagree with that statement. They have selective memory!

    2. Noone ever said that Taylor is a saint however, people often paint Brooke as one, making excuses for her past and current actions. It is never her fault. Ridge made her do it. She was drunk. There is always some excuse for Brooke's behaviour because apparently she is Saint Brooke who does no wrong. Not intentionally anyway.

  8. Taylor Hayes is not a good psychiatrist because how is she not able to read Thomas nor psycho Sheila vibes when she is conversating with them both on a regular???

    1. Because she is acting like a teenager. And Steffi is chearing her with her pom-poms

  9. For all the Brooke haters…I am so proud of her! She is handling this perfectly. All your negative comments have fallen on deaf ears and continue to. She is awesome! And I hope you have the same outrage for Sheila walking into Taylor’s office while she is on the phone with a patient as you had for Brooke walking into Taylor’s office last week.

    1. I am looking forward to seeing Brooke with other men not just Deacon or Bill, because she and the (new) Ridge do not have the same chemistry she had with old chiselled jaw (previous) Ridge! Therefore who cares if he stays with Taylor. In fact, they go well together. Just sayin!!!!!

    2. Lmao Lynn. You're so funny.

      But okay. Brooke having a pity party so that everyone can feel sorry for her is her handling it perfectly. Brava Brooke! Lol. Look at her smiling up at Deacon. She already told Deacon not to entertain any thoughts of them ever being together but she is still letting him into her home, holding her hand and smiling up at him with that "come get me" look. Brooke sure is handling it perfectly alright!

    3. Omg, Lynn, Ell, I am crying with laughter at both your comments.. Lynn thought she had one over the brook haters, and Ell, you are spot on, but you left out the way brooks legs suddenly fell apart, the way she was sitting when she said he shouldn’t b there, and again, when she was sitting on the arm of the sofa lounge, not very feminine? I have never seen her sit that way , unless she was sitting on top of a man.. body language says more than words Lynn.. and the way she reacted when deacon said, your brook frighten Logan, the way she blushed and giggled.. yeah, I think she is handling it great!! All but said come get me.. lol..

    4. Oops, meant friggin, not frightened lol..

  10. i hate it that they doin again the storyline everyone blames thomas in the end.i dont know i kinda side with this character and i hate to see it treat him like a monster in the end..

    1. I'm holding out hope that he will tell Ridge about Sheila.

  11. oh man no hope today i couldnt wait to see if she was wearing the same 70s clothes as usual also if this again is still the same day then why would brooke and taylor have different clothes on today when todays seens are carry over from friday

    1. Lmao. Strangely enough, I was also waiting to see what Hope would have been wearing. Haha.

  12. They sure have upgraded Taylor’s appearance. And it was wonderful to see Brooke smiling today.

  13. I think today was supposed to be a new day, finally

  14. it was not a new day if what everyone was talking about friday was carried over today therefore they all should have the same clothes on they really need to get there shit together over there behind the scenes on all levels they are getting very sloppy and not even trying to hide it

    1. It was clearly a new day. Sheila was back in her room and was paid a visit by Thomas. Ridge and Taylor also ordered lattes which suggests that it was the morning.

    2. Yes. It was obviously a new day. 🌞

  15. Thanks for yesterday Bob. Always enjoy the B&B

  16. And I had to laugh at not just what she said , but also the face she pulled, when she was admitting her wrong doings and said “I chose to lie about it,” then says, “well I just didn’t tell him about it, which is the same I guess”?? Really, u can’t tell the difference when u hush up a little boy, that it’s just that u didn’t tell him?? Lol.. bimbo behaviour?? But the look on her face when she said it, lol..
