Monday, June 13, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-13-22 Full episode B&B 13th June 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-13-22 Full episode B&B 13th June 2022


  1. Taylor a bit annoying to day
    Sheila is back great ending
    Thank you Bob

  2. Getting good today!!!

    Hmmmm will Hope tell anyone about Eric and Auntie Donna???

    Sheila, “Li , where is my son?” Lol let’s hope she didn’t get another gun. I can see her shooting Li, then keeping Finn tk herself!

    Taylor looked stunning today! It’s lovely to see her natural beauty being highlighted.

    Quinn needs to show up too, check on Eric and Hope is a witness lol! Cover that wench in honey and tie her to any hill heheheh 😂

    1. Wow. I don't know why these writers work things the way they do. First of all if I asked somebody who was at the door and they didn't answer me I wouldn't open it until they did. And then, of course, the writers couldn't have had Li shut the door and lock it when she saw who it was. I sure hope Sheila doesn't plan on doing anything to Li so he doesn't have anybody helping him get better. I read where somebody said they saw on spoilers about Steffy and Finn being together so I hope that's true. I guess I'm anxious to see how they're going to play this out with Sheila. Maybe she will try to do something to Li and that's when Finn will wake up and take care of Sheila. I've been saying that the ultimate payback for Sheila would be for her own son to either kill her or send her to jail. Taylor is just annoying to me because it seems like she's always showing up around Ridge. She was rude to Brooke when she went to visit Eric, but she's been showing up at Eric's and now at work to see Ridge. I was wondering why we can see Donna and Eric together without them having sex every time. He'll probably end up having a heart attack some day when he's there. And I knew Hope would find out. I thought she would go by the window and see them because of it being in the scene. Sure will be interesting to see how everything plays out.

    2. I don't like Li but I don't wish her dead. I like Maddy's idea about Finn waking up and dealing with Sheila.

      I looooved the colors Taylor had on today. I wouldn't wear the top she had on but she sure looked classy today! ♥️

    3. Li committed some kind of fraud faking Finn's death then absconding with the dead body. Today, Sheila is at Li's and she'll find Finn.. Moving Li aside wouldn't take much effort for an Amazon Warrior. Then they have to collaborate or Li's deal is blown. The cops wouldn't expect Sheila to be there. The cops will be busy scouring WalMart security footage in hopes of seeing Sheila buying cement blocks, rope, Hefty trash bags, and 6 bottles of bleach. Crooks don't wanna spend more, either. They can sit there at Finn's bed concocting a different story for Finn as to why he's there. Li and Sheila can answer in unison, "Steffy who?" if he asks. They might have to bonk him on the head 3 stooges style to move him somewhere else he wouldn't recognise.

    4. Hope would run to Brooke about Eric and Donna so she could lord it over Quinn who in turn will use it against Eric + Donna for a huge $ettlement.
      Carter starting up with Parris was a low for a story line. He has to be thinking Quinn will get so jealous she can't help herself. I'm sick to death of Quinn talking up her love or Eric, Carter must be too. Not too nice to use Parris for that purpose. Monster-Mamma is gonna get him. Since they all have affairs, and it's "different" when THEY do it, shouldn't be a long drawn out thing for the Eric- Quinn breakup. It will "ruin" the Eric- Donna thing because there is no substance. Eric will get the hell out and look at Brooke again as a safe-haven as Ridge takes some kind of trip to think about it. Ridge should know Brooke can't be left alone for 5 minutes or more affairs for her. All the while talking up Ridge- that no one wants to hear about. No guy ever wamted to hear the virtues of some overblown egotistical absentee.

    5. BL you keep going on Quinn wanting Eric’s money. You do remember that when they were divorcing she literally refused to take anything from Eric. Literally the only thing she wanted was that her very lucrative and popular jewelry line ( she brought her jewelry business that she’d been running for years to Forrester) not be destroyed out of spite. Even Ridge fought to keep it because it was so good for Forrester Creations!

      She is not and never has been a gold digger. Unlike the Logan’s who took Eric for millions and shares of Forrester!

  3. Ridge needs to stay out of Carter’s personal life. Carter needs to stay away from Paris… she’s bad news all round.

    1. I like seeing the Ridge/Carter friendship. I think that Carter may come clean to Ridge about how he feels about Quinn.

    2. True hmmm, maybe Ridge can give him some perspective, like running to a young girl who is way too young and immature is a serious no no , especially when you don’t love her.

      I don’t like that they make Carter so needy and like he has no choice of women. They should be beating down his door sure!

  4. Payoff! Fantastic cliffhangers and two of my favorite scary mommies all in one episode. Thank you, Bob

  5. Taylor's too old to bare skinny boney shouders. People mistakenly think skinny equals good looking. Like good and bad nakey, bad older gal trying to look younger screams desperation.
    SOMEBODY Press Li for details. So Li, go get some ashes and hand them over. That's no biggie if you snuck a whole live body out all by yourself. You lifted it into your little car, or stole an ambulance. How lucky no one noticed this tiny lady wrestling a body into a vehicle. At least she knows she can kill someone if need be and just take the body, no one cares.
    Hope peeking in to Eric and Donna - priceless. What will she do with it? Run to Brooke so Brooke can rub it in Quinn's face. Yay Sheila!

    1. Booklover123 I don't think Brooke would run to Quinn. Anxious to see who she tells first or maybe she'll confront Donna first. Will thus be the reason Quinn has for running back to Carter. Two wrongs don't make a right so I hope she remembers what happened with Carter and her. I don't believe Quinn and Eric should stay together. They should just be with who they want to be with.

    2. Brooke was urging Donna to get Eric so she’d love what Donna is doing. Brooke would tell Hope to keep her mouth shut and tell Donna to continue sleeping with Eric and urging him to leave Quinn.

    3. Then Brooke will go to Eric and plead Donna’s case and tell him to dump Quinn etc. I hope he does because Quinn doesn’t deserve the shite he’s doing to her. She deserves to be happy with Carter. He will run to her the second she’s free!!

    4. BBFAN, Brooke would absolutely not tell Donna to keep sleeping with Eric behind Quinn’s back. There is no way Brooke would advise that. You are soooooo wrong!!!

    5. Eric is despicable! After everything Quinn told him, his response is to run to Donna - who he ended things with - and tell her that she makes him feel light? I hope he and Donna get together and she cheats on him again, and when he runs back to Quinn, she will already be happy and fulfilled with Carter.

    6. Brooke told her straight up to go after Eric anyway she can and will 100% support Donna cheating.

      For the record, Brooke supported her doing it the first time Donna was his mistress and he was married to Stephanie!! You probably missed it since you weren’t watching. Brooke and Katie urged her to steal Eric from Quinn because he’s her true love blah blah. Brooke has never had a problem with sneaking Aaron’s and stealing another woman’s husband or with her sisters doing that. It’s only if it’s someone who wants Ridge or Liam that it becomes an issue!!!

    7. BBFAN, I saw Brooke tell Donna she deserved to be with Eric and that Quinn did not deserve him. And that’s true! But Brooke 100% DID NOT advise Donna to have an affair with Eric behind Quinn’s back. She did not say that. And when Brooke finds out from Hope, she will most likely want Donna to end up with Eric. But I can guarantee she WILL NOT condone the affair that Donna is having. She will want it to be out in the open and will root for Donna to be with Eric! But Brooke will not condone Donna sleeping with Eric behind Quinn’s back. Brooke has way too much class for that!!!!!! Should we place our bets now????? I maintain Brooke will NOT encourage Donna to continue the affair behind Quinn’s back.

    8. The Queen of affairs will not advise or condone her sister having an affair? This is the same Brooke who encouraged her young virgin daughter to sleep with Liam while he was married to Steffy because she thought Hope was the better woman for Liam.

      Brooke will be ecstatic when she finds out and I am quite certain that she will not discourage her sister from sleeping with Quinn's husband. As Bbfan stated, she will run to Eric to plead with him to leave Quinn.

    9. Running to Eric to convince Eric to leave Quinn and be with Donna is NOT the same as condoning the cheating that is currently going on. I am certain Brooke will root for Eric and Donna. Of course she will !!! But Brooke will not condone the sleeping around / sneaking around behind Quinn’s back. Shall we bet ???

    10. If Brooke discourages Donna from carrying on her affair with Eric until he and Quinn are divorced, that's a separate issue and I will actually applaud Brooke for doing that. But if she tells Eric that he must leave Quinn to be with Donna but does not discourage Donna from sleeping with him before that happens, that's the same as Brooke condoning the affair.

    11. She will 100% tell Eric to leave Quinn to be with her sister. However, Brooke won’t condone the cheating. She will most likely let Donna make her own decisions about how she conducts herself. I would bet that Brooke will not condone anything going on behind Quinn’s back. As I said, Donna ultimately will make her own decisions. Brooke will NOT tell Donna it’s OK to continue the sneaking around behind Quinn’s back.

    12. No need to get technical about Brooke actually telling Donna not to continue an affair with Eric while he is still married. We can agree on 2 things here: 1) Brooke will encourage Eric to divorce Quinn, and 2) Donna will make her own decisions. However, in regards to Brooke condoning or not condoning the affair, Brooke may not specifically tell Donna it is okay to continue sneaking around behind Quinn's back but neither will she tell Donna that she should stop the affair until Eric is divorced. I can guarantee you that. And that is equal to Brooke condoning Donna's actions. As a matter of fact, Brooke might very well tell Donna that she is happy for her. That is also condoning Donna's behaviour.

      Brooke (and Katie) encouraged Donna to go after Eric despite Donna's reservations about him being a married man. They did not care about that. All they wanted was for Quinn to be out and Donna to be in. So it's ludicrous to now think that Brooke will somehow grow a conscience or develop morals and tell Donna that it is not okay to continue the affair behind Quinn's back.

    13. Elle, it looks like you are the one who is getting “technical” about Brooke. And that is not a correct statement when you say not telling Donna to stop cheating is the same as condoning something. Two entirely different things. Brooke may well tell Donna what she is doing is wrong. Or she may encourage Eric to choose Donna. But that in no way says Brooke is encouraging the cheating. Brooke will want Eric to go to Quinn and end the marriage. And that’s the exact opposite of condoning the cheating. I think Brooke has great morals!! I absolutely question Taylor’s, however. Always skulking around so she can try to work it with a married man!! Taylor has serious moral issues!!

    14. 🤣🤣🤣 sorry, but I find that hilarious, that brook has great morals.. where were her morals when she kissed her sisters husband, and when she kissed deacon, and lied about both until she got caught out.. where were her morals when she got hope and Liam to keep her secret and hushed up Douglas?? Yes she has great morals.. and that’s just what you have watched.. the other 30 years worth of good morals is just a sight for sore eyes, just ask Katie and Bridget!!

  6. Sheila's back happy dance! Barge past equal nutjob Li. Li is out manned so, OK but just you and me Sheila.

  7. Oh good grief what a lot of happenings today !! Thks Bob

  8. Why does Taylor wear things that accentuate those skinny arms and shoulders ??!! Eat something for God’s sake! And why are you there?? Why do you continue to stalk Ridge?! And omg what is the “pose” on the desk??!!! Bahaha!!! And can you please just talk like a normal person!!??
    Donna, pleeeeeaaase you are the queen of corny. Well another open door, so Hope can see Auntie Donna and Eric kissing. Hope is bound to tell someone. There’s no way she can keep this a secret.
    Hey BBFAN - thought it was supposed to be Brooke who was stalking Ridge???? But NOPE, as usual it’s Taylor!!! QUEEN STALKER TAYLOR!!!!

    1. It’s so ugly when women especially, feel the need to be constantly body shaming other women! Too thin, too fat , too this, too that!

      Constantly making nasty remarks regarding the actress playing a character you despise says a lot about you and it’s not what a kind person you are. Being a model blah blah doesn’t entitle you to bash other women!

      None of us is perfect… not mention actors are following scripts. I’ve seen some really ugly comments recently from Brooke fans about the individual actors. I have to wonder what amazing inside info you lot to making judgments about people NONE of us know! They play characters … ffs enough of your nasty comments about REAL people… bash the characters all you like.

    2. BBFAN, you are such a hypocrite- I will say it over and over again. Name calling Brooke is your favorite thing to do!!! You commented in the past that Brooke couldn’t pull off the skinny jeans because she was too heavy. And she would look horrible. And how Brooke looks dumpy in all her clothes. Or the fact that Brooke is a bitch / slut / witch. All comments from you. And now you choose to get on your high horse because I comment on how ridiculously skinny Taylor is!!! Hilarious!! And by the way, others agree with me on this thread!!
      And what’s your excuse for the continued stalking of Ridge by Taylor???? Why does she keep showing up uninvited !!??? No one asked you to come and no one wants you there Taylor!!!
      Last Friday you were commenting how Brooke was minutes away from showing up at Ridge’s office to stalk him. But low and behold — it’s TAYLOR!!!!! Because OF COURSE IT IS!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. BBFAN, I notice you totally focus on my comments about Taylor being way too skinny instead of the other paragraphs I wrote! Guess you couldn’t say anything to defend Taylor’s behavior so much more convenient to focus on that one sentence. Lol. You aren’t fooling anyone. 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    4. Lynn I never said anything about Brooke being too fat to wear anything! Good effort though! I didn’t answer your rant against Taylor because it’s a repeat of the same things you say every day. I’m still trying to understand why you call her a slut all the time when she hasn’t slept with anyone in years!!! Brooke on the other hand always has a man in her bed!

      I don’t need to defend Taylor against the rants of someone who is completely biased for one character without having wanted about 30 yrs is of the show and proclaims herself the expert on said character and calls anyone who disagrees a liar!

      It’s petty and childish so I choose to ignore it! I notice you personally attack myself, Elle and Colly on a regular basis over fictional characters!

      Taylor’s behaviour doesn’t need defending! Ridge told Brooke to give him space because she cannot stop pushing! She messed up and blames it all on Sheila and won’t stop pressuring Ridge to forget it and come home blah blah.

      Ridge never told Taylor to stay away! She’s not pressuring him or forcing herself on him, or trying to lure him with sex.

      He tells her enjoys spending time together because they can just enjoy each other’s company and she doesn’t pressure him. Not to mention their daughter just lost her husband and is dealing with his psycho mums!! They are grieving as a family and hanging out a family, which they are and always will be!

      Brooke is relentless in trying to get her way! She has utterly disrespected Ridge’s boundaries, he told her can’t deal with her right now! He needs time, I’ll see you at the office… etc. She NEVER listens and doesn’t CARE what he wants!

      Making statements about Taylor, a fictional character is different than attacking the actress who plays her! You act like you know Krista Allen personally and she refuses to eat! Lol there are people who cannot gain weight no matter what they eat! I’m not judging the actors or actresses on weight that’s ridiculous! You turn to body shaming actors when you can’t defend your favourite character etc. It gets old! The truth is there is literally nothing Taylor could ever do that would be right in your eyes, ever!

      I did credit Brooke with being kinder to Deacon and I had to reach deep to find something positive about her. Her character is a narcissist bully! I don’t however say nasty things about KKL who plays her.

      I am not forced to acknowledge ALL of your comments. I am allowed to choose what to ignore as a lot of it is asinine, and what to respond to. Again my having a different opinion or I don’t know actually having WATCHED the show all the way through doesn’t make me a liar! You accused me of gaslighting this board a couple of months ago, without any cause!

      You have a right to your opinions, it isn’t your place to bash posters who disagree with you or ignore what you write!

      Honestly I don’t have enough hours in the day to respond to all of your rants about Taylor and no desire to deal with it! I have a life like everyone else on here.

      I’m sorry if you don’t like me ignoring parts of your posts. Honestly we’ve been over the same ground so many times… you always say the same things and then we repeat ourselves in answer and it’s a complete exercise in futility!

    5. I'm not a Taylor fan but she looked pretty today.

    6. Agreed Kelly. Taylor looked quite elegant today.

    7. I will never understand why people think it is OK to criticize an actor or actress on their physical appearance. It's one thing to talk about the clothes or accessories they wear but to attack the actor's or actress' features is uncalled for. There are many times when we've made negative comments about the way Brooke or Hope are dressed but there are times when we also comment on how pretty they look or how nicely they're dressed. Not because a character may not be your fave means that the actor or actress playing said character can be attacked. That's not cool at all.

    8. The Brooke haters absolutely did say Brooke was too fat to wear skinny jeans. It was repeated by multiple people multiple times. And yes, comments were made about how Brooke is getting “old” and needs to wear loose fitting clothes to hide her stomach. If I had as much free time as others appear to have who post on this blog, I would go back through them and list days and times and who said what.
      BBFAN, I am beyond 100% certain that it was YOU who called Brooke “plastic looking”….which I find very ironic since she has had the least plastic surgery of just about anyone on the show. It’s ridiculous how you TRY to appear so high and mighty. You are soooooooo pious about your comments like you never possibly say anything inappropriate about Brooke - and you are soooooooo innocent! 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂. What a bunch of garbage! You are one of the WORST perpetrators on this blog!!! And that’s why it’s fun to go after your comments. Because they are so biased and so over the top!!! Some afternoon when I have a hour or so to kill, I’m gonna go back through your nasty Brooke comments and be sure to throw them up in your face. It’s not gonna take much effort because you do it so often!!!
      And reality check - Ridge and Brooke are already on their way to being back together. Tailor has already lost the war. And you as much as admitted it a few episodes back. I asked Colly (who will never address it), and I’ve asked you who will never address it - if Ridge was only trying to get away from Brooke to “think”, then why did he need to move out of Steffy’s / Taylor’s house????? You will never answer because you know I’m right. You also won’t address the comments that I call you out on because God forbid you admit you are WRONG! But newsflash - you are wrong all the time!! The most recent time you were wrong was your comment about how Brooke was going to be showing up to stalk Ridge. She was “on her way” according to you. And like I said, and you won’t address. - it’s TAYLOR who shows up uninvited. Soooooo many excuses come from you. None of which hold water. So please educate me how calling someone “plastic looking” isn’t attacking the person personally ??? What does that have to do with KKL’s character Brooke??!!! Not a damn thing! You are ripping on the actress!! You are ripping on KKL when you call her “plastic looking”. And as I said, she looks the most natural of all the actresses!!
      And news flash - what ever Taylor’s name is in real life - she does not need to be that thin. And it’s not that a 50 year old woman can’t gain weight. I don’t know ANY 50 year old women who can’t gain weight!!! It’s simply because she chooses to look anorexic. And I will rip on her ALL DAY LONG for choosing to like some anorexic person - because it is NOT attractive! Especially at her age! It looks absolutely ridiculous!!

    9. Lynn, I love how you claim to know that any 50 year old can gain gain weight, and how you know the actress playing Taylor has chosen to be anorexic?? Has brooks superpowers passed on to you also?? There are many reasons why certain people can’t put on weight, even at the the age of 50 and above.. for example, if they suffer from an over active thyroid, or have Graves’ disease which is an autoimmune disorder, there r many autoimmune disorders that hinder the ability to put on weight.. a hormone imbalance, which is prevelant in menopausal women.. some just have very fast metabolisms, such as yourself when u told me u drank milkshakes all the time to try to put on weight, but if u have a naturally fast metabolism, u can eat or drink whatever u want and not put on weight.. if u have type 1 diabetes, where all the sugar you consumes, goes to the blood stream, instead of your muscles and other energy consuming functions in the body, that causes u to burn fat because it’s the only energy source available when all the energy sources is stuck in your blood stream.. also cancer treatments can destroy many functions in the body including those that regulate our bodies ability to use energy sources correctly.. the actress that plays Taylor, has had cancer, melanoma, a very severe form of it, that required a very specialised procedure to take 16 layers of skin off her face, then had to have reconstructive surgery, as well as common brutal cancer treatments.. and in actual fact, she was always a very healthy weight until that happened.. so I am not sure who it is that u know that is 50 and above who can’t be skinny??

    10. Colly, none of the things you mention above are the case. I just took 5 mins to read about Krista Allen. Turns out she is a yoga instructor and a vegan. So those are life choices. And she could gain weight if she wanted to.
      But I will say that what I read about her life I respect. She loves animals and doesn’t eat meat because it’s cruel. And she loves the planet and wishes everyone had the same respect and love for the planet as she does! Both things - love for animals and our planet I am 100% behind that thinking!!
      My comment about me having to drink milkshakes everyday was when I was 13 years old. Not a woman in my 50’s. I could gain weight if I tried at this point in my life. But I am active and eat lots of vegetables / fruit to stay slim because I care about my appearance.
      It’s a fact that the camera adds 10 pounds. So if she looks that painfully thin on camera, I can’t imagine how thin she must look in person.
      I will never like the Taylor character. And I think Krista Allen needs to drink a few of those milkshakes!!! But I will say I respect her choices - the love for our planet and animals. That is absolutely cool !!!!!!

    11. Also Lynn, I did address why ridge moved out of steffies, I said it was because he knew it was wrong to be staying there while he was trying to work out what he wanted.. go back and read it.. and you keep saying that brook is the most natural looking looking person on the show who has had plastic surgery.. that is just YOUR opinion.. many others disagree.. and that is THEIR opinion..

    12. Lynn, I did not say krista Allen has any of the conditions that I mentioned.. you must have missed the point!! the conditions I speak about, were in regards to reasons that can prevent people from putting on weight, including those in the 50 years and above.. not all people in that age bracket “choose to be anorexic”..

      Having said that, the actress krista Allen DID, infact have a serious cancer, which was a serious melanoma on her face, and DID, in fact have a specialised surgery to have 16 layers of skin on her face removed to get all of the cancer.. and she did have to have reconstructive surgery afterwards, and other cancer treatment.. given your profession in a plastic surgeons office, you would know the procedures I am talking about.. and it wasn’t that long ago..

      and her life style now, would most likely be the way it is, due to what she went through.. if u look at photos of her prior to having cancer, she was a very healthy weight.. often, when people go through something like that (cancer), it changes their view on life.. and their habits..

      but to reiterate, apart from the cancer, I did not say krista had any of the other conditions I mentioned.. my point was, that in respect of your comment, not all 50 year olds and above can simply just put on weight and not all of them “choose to be anorexic”..

    13. And although you personally doesn’t know any 50 year old person that can’t put on weight, does not mean they don’t exist, and there are people out there who can’t due many different reasons..

    14. Thanks for the information, Colly. I did not know that the actress had dealt with such a horrific medical issue. Glad to know she came out of it with such a positive outlook.

      I found the article about her issue and it has a picture of her before the cancer. She did, in fact, have a good size. Here is the link if anyone is interested. Scroll down to see the photo:

    15. Thank you Colly! Voice of reason! Lynn, I ignore most of what you write because it’s repetitive rants and frankly not worth answering! We can try and explain to you a million times and yet you have the same rant etc. It’s futile!

      For you to accuse me of using words some of which I never have or was quoting someone.. when you use them literally on a daily basis to describe Taylor or Steffy, is the height of hypocrisy!

      You admittedly base your opinions on limited data (4.5 years out of a show running more than 30) and call posters who disagree with you liars, without common sense, hypocritical, gaslighting the board etc etc. You like to launch personal attacks if one doesn’t read and respond to all your posts… ones that have been addressed numerous times afore and are now ignored due to the futility of having to write it out yet again! You also choose to ignore or claim anything you don’t want to hear is lies! Yet, not you or any of the Logan fans will address why it was wrong for Steffy to sleep with Liam once while he was married to Hope and call her a slut, whore, etc. Yet rationalise Hope losing her virginity to Liam while he was married to Steffy, at Brooke’s insistence! Or sleeping being married to Wyatt and sleeping with Liam at the same time. Or Hope sleeping with Liam, moving in with him and demanding he leave his wife and marry her. It’s also never addressed that after Liam’s wife has a miscarriage, Hope again swoops in, sleeping with Liam and making demands. Then while Liam is married to his pregnant wife Steffy, Hope again pursued him and slept with him and got pregnant! She also waved her old engagement ring in Steffy’s face and was planning her wedding all while Liam was still married. When Liam found out that he’d been manipulated and tricked by his father into ending his marriage to Steffy, whom he had already forgiven, Hope tried to force him to marry her anyway when he clearly wanted to go back to Steffy. When he and Steffy reunited and were engaged, with a newborn Kelly at home, Hope made nasty comments about and mean links at wee Kelly and again threw herself at him and was all but having sex in a dressing room when Steffy walked in on them. When Hope found out she was pregnant from her affair with Liam, she demanded that Liam leave Steffy, his fiancé ( he said he should have trusted her and their love etc) and their newborn daughter and cater to Hope’s every whim… she broke up that family! This is all either ignored or rationalised because Hope saw him first 😂 or is married to him now. Yet she is a saint lol.

      End of the day, nothing will change your opinions and you will never respect any other than one that agrees with you.

      Those of us watching over the years have varying opinions and back our favourites… the banter is enjoyable and it’s fun to read the competition lol.

      However someone nitpicking every word, making nasty comments about real people vs comments about the characters, writers, storyline, Bell JR ruining his father’s legacy etc is getting old.

      I will continue to ignore much of what you write and to choose NOT to answer many of your personal attacks, especially against me because they are repetitive and unwarranted! You claim to bring balance to the force in here by backing Brooke no matter what she does, if that is your goal, well done you!

      However, it’s inappropriate to be constantly making inaccurate and viscous personal attacks against other posters ! We are real people with a right to our opinions.

      How about we stick to the characters on the show? Retract those raptor claws of yours and let us get in with enjoying the board. Otherwise I’ll be once again ignoring any post with your name next to it!

    16. Aww, thanks for sending that link Elle. Funny thing is Katherine Kelly Lange (aka Brooke), Krista Allen (Taylor), Kimberlain Brown (Sheila) and Jacqueline MacInnes Woods (Steffy) are all good mates in real life. Good to know they have the sense not to mix up the characters they play with who they are. Lol.

    17. It was skin cancer on her nose. As usual you spin it to try to make it seem different than was actually the case. I know many people who have had skin cancers removed from their noses.
      Oh and BBFAN, look who’s talking about a RANT!! You mean like the 10,000 words you wrote above??? You mean a rant like that???!!!
      You are gonna be wrong about the way Brooke handles it, and I will absolutely be sure to point that out to!!!

    18. Lynn, did u not read that she had to have 16 layers of skin taken off her face, which is a very specialised procedure?? It was not just a little spot they just burned off.. U working at a plastic surgeons office would know that is a specialised procedure.. and I am getting really fed up with your snarky comments.. I read it, did u not read that?? I don’t spin anything Lynn, and I am tired of you carrying on the way u do towards me and others.. go and do a better search and you will find that I am right.. and you seem to know a lot about everything don’t you.. it’s either, I know this or I don’t know of anyone that .. you seem to be an expert on everything.. and u seem to think u are always right, and you spit at ppl, and I am tired of it.. I do not do that to u and don’t proclaim to know everything about everything and I don’t accuse ppl of making things up or lying or word play or games or smokin things and telling ppl they mustn’t have a life and spit at ppl just to make a point.. if u r so busy u seem to have plenty of time to tell everyone about how u know everything about everything and then when u can’t prove a point say u don’t have time to check out the facts?? U r one of the biggest hypocrites on here Lynn, and if u have no proof of something u accuse ppl of lying.. I am done with this crap.. seriously Lynn.. attacking characters on the show is one thing, but be a bit more respectful of other posters..

  9. I would love to see the look on Li's face hen finn wakes up and the first name he calls out is STEFFY

    1. Did u notice when she said steffies name he reacted..

  10. hey i loved hopes outfit today and yes taylor sure looked classy too.yay donna and eric got caught but by hope who will spill the tea to her mom who will happily rub quins face in itthen quin and carter can finally be free to hook up and carter can send that lil bully paris on her way ...

    1. I did not particularly like what Hope had on but it was DEFINITELY BETTER than most of the outfits she usually wears.

    2. Hope's cowgirl outfit would be
      great here in Colorado Springs, CO! Tomorrow is the Western Street Breakfast - the first big event to open the Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo. YEE HA!

  11. I think Taylor looked stunning today, and in my opinion has every right to go and see ridge, as their family is going through a horrific tragedy, and wether ridge chooses to b with brook or not, or Taylor or not, ridge and Taylor had a family well before brook married him.. they have three children together, and one of them just lost her husband and was also shot.. so they are both supporting their kids and each other through all of this.. they are also best friends.. like it or not..

    Well that was a great ending today!! And Li, well, I think she is going through a lot also , like Taylor pointed, she is a doctor, trying to save her sons life.. what she is doing, keeping it from steffy is very wrong, but I do think that she doesn’t want to give false hope to her.. she did say on more than one occasion she hates that steffy is going through this, but, Li has committed an illegal act, i I think her way of thinking is, that if no one knows, and Finn doesn’t make it, she won’t lose her life’s work.. I think that if he pulls through, then she is happy to to face the consequences, even if it means losing her life’s work.. I think that is her line of thinking.. it will be an interesting week ahead!!

    1. Hi D!! I think Sheila will blackmail Li into keeping her hidden, because she knows what Li did was illegal, and Sheila is a nurse, so she knows a lot about medical.. or she might do something bad to Li and take over the care of Finn.. but I think Finn will wake up when he hears Sheila’s voice.. it might scare and shock him, so once he wakes, if Sheila tries to hurt Li , Finn will know, and that might deter Sheila hurting her? I just don’t know, how Sheila thinks that Finn will want anything to do with her after what she did.. but then again, it’s Sheila and she is psychotic, so who knows.. she might go to deacon expecting him to hide and help her.. big mistake if she does.. if he retaliates towards her, she won’t have a hope in hell against him with his background in karate..

      And I actually think, that if ridge goes back to brook , that deacon and Taylor might bond.. imagine how furious that will make ridge 🤣🤣

    2. So let me get this straight….when Taylor goes to the office to see Ridge uninvited, Taylor has “every right”, but when Brooke goes to the office to see her HUSBAND, then she is a stalker???? Yeah? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

    3. That is not what I just said.. in yesterdays comments, you said something or other, to bfan about Taylor is going to go to the office to stalk ridge, and I jokingly said that I bet that’s where brook is headed and just because she hasn’t got there yet doesn’t mean she is not on her way, because she was absent at the little Logan gathering, which is highly unlike brook to miss, particularly since it has been a fair while since they have had one.. but in my comment today, I said that Taylor has every right to see ridge, and gave the reasons why..

    4. The thing is that Ridge specifically asked Brooke for space and time (on more than one occasion) yet she continually goes to him and blatantly disrespects his wishes. Ridge did not ask that of Taylor. As a matter of fact, he told her that he enjoys spending time with her because she makes him better. Ridge welcomes Taylor's visits because he himself always finds an excuse to call or text her to come meet him at the office or at Eric's. And, as Colly pointed out, they have a family together and are currently going through a very tragic situation with their daughter.

      The last time I checked, people who are stalked become displeased with the stalking. Ridge very clearly showed his displeasure when Brooke showed up at Eric's and he had to tell her that he will see her at the office. I have not seen him at any time show any displeasure toward any of Taylor's visits.

    5. Exactly Ell!! He told brook he and Taylor need to spend time together, and did not ask Taylor to leave, and also told Taylor he enjoys spending time with her, and went to the lengths of telling her he is worried she will leave, and that he doesn’t want that, and that he wants her in his life.. so why can’t ppl grasp that?? On the other hand, he told brook he went there cause he needed time to process everything that’s happened, which includes what brook did, and asked her to understand that he needs time with Taylor and at his dads and would see her at the office, in other words, not at his dads.. and when she returned later, he said what r u doing.. in other words, why r u back here.. but ppl can’t grasp that..

      Even if ridge goes back to brook, it won’t last.. and I have a feeling that deacon and Taylor might bond over it, and I can see ridge getting very jealous.. so regardless, of wether he goes back to her or not, he did not tell Taylor he needed time away from her, he said the opposite, that he needs to spend time with her.. he had a family with Taylor long before marrying brook, and brook knows he will always be there for that family, including Taylor..

  12. And can’t spell either 🤣🤣

    1. Lol, he'll find it someday.😅. Colly did you get my last email? If so message me back tomorrow? Late here, until tomorrow, it could be interesting.

    2. I will check now love!! I will respond to and you will get it tomorrow in your time ❤️

  13. I’ve been thinking of these lazy writers had any imagination lol they would SORAS Will and RJ and bring them back for Paris. I mean a Spencer and Forrester they are both trust fund brats for gold digger Paris to “fall in love with” … Carter who??? 😂

    1. But you know what the writers would do, another love triangle 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Two men fighting over paris, that would kill me.. 🤣🤣
