Monday, June 6, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-6-22 Full episode B&B 6th June 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-6-22 Full episode B&B 6th June 2022


  1. Y'all team tridge or bridge (no answer will be wrong)💕

  2. Donna wants Quinn out and Eric is taking too long. She has to worry he might keel over with Quinn $till as the wife and the heir- unthinkable! Donna going balls out to get rid of her. This old coger can't keep a thought long enough to get it done.
    Brooke should see Deacon is the fun one and they can get in all sorts of trouble together. Forget the stogy boring middle age guy that reminds you you're middle age too. She thinks of herself as an ingenue. It would be nice not to have to think of a guys lumbago acting up.
    Eric cut my losses and run? Donna acts like Well yeah whatever it take$ to me happy. ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME.
    Is Taylor going to drive to hell and back for thomas and douglas' dinner? Nah- they get canned manwich and a bun. wonder bread white- (the worst one)


    1. Donna's gonna kill him too soon. Quinn's spy ring blowing up the meters! Please find them so we don't have to hear Quinn talking Eric up.
      Ridge never recriprocates either Brook's eternal love or Taylors giggly fake laughing at such witty fortune cookie messages.

    2. Donna full on panicking now.. don’t talk Eric, just feel, just feel, sex is the answer.. now how am I gonna stop him leaving?? Oh just make him feel, then give him a heart attack..

    3. I see Donna proclaiming to be PREGNANT and saying it is Eric Child!!!! Just Saying!!!

    4. Since he had a vasectomy that would not work in Donna’s favour lol!

  3. Well i saw this coming
    Bridge again
    Thanks Bob xxxx

    1. Mandy, u couldn't have have said it better😂

    2. Yes, agree. I’ve been saying it all along too. We knew. 😬

    3. I am happy Brigette is BACK!!! JUST SAYING!!!!

  4. Now as I am watching it I feel like Imma stop watch it Ridge just can't choose one it's not that hard, in a way I feel like non deserve Ridge just bc he went from one to another a then repeat the cycle over and over.......I should've known she would've go running bk to Ridge, and ridge is the next dump *** he can't resist Brooke omg I will take another 2 yrs off again this episode is boring as f--k so yh I will visit it again in like 6 months.

    1. B@B you are not giving up, it is getting EXCITING, BECAUSE, BRIDGET, DEACON, SHEILA, BILL SPENCER, DONNA are BACK!!! JUST SAYING!!!

    2. Writer's, Producer's, etc, we as fans would love to see Eric Family(Children) RETURN!!! Just Saying!!!

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  6. TY Bob.
    This is all interesting with the ring. Quinn is going to kill Donna.. I am sure. Eric is not capable of doing anything and Donna is forcing him!! 😂
    I think Brooke will win at the end as always.
    Brooke told Ridge that Deacon will not be at their home but he went there two times in one day. What a liar she is!

    1. Ohhhh wanna see Carter and Quinn walk in on them! Donna would love it, she wants $ric and all that lovely Forre$ter cash lol.

    2. Quinn was pretty clever in making a ring that keeps track of where Eric is, that is going to be a BIG SURPRISE for Eric. Eric should know that Quinn is clever in finding things out

    3. I know Tina, deacon was there when she left to see ridge, so as deacon stands in THEIR home waiting for her to come back again, she is point blank lying to ridge as deacon is standing in the house.. mayb ridge does go home with her and finds deacon there!! That would b good!! 🤣🤣 caught out lying again.. she didn’t send him packing when she should have, especially if she was expecting to bring ridge home!! Ridge deacons not welcome in our home, but just b aware he has been there all day and might still b there when we get home 🤣🤣

  7. Ohhh! I choked when Brooke said, he needs to come to HER home to be at peace and relax, but can Brooke do that? I have heard her many times that she would improve herself and change for Ridge, BUT has she really? I don't see all I see is her old habits that NEVER die. Ridge will be a dummy if he fall for her lines again. There is NEVER a peace at her home all there is is WAR!

    1. Brooke is all drama all the time and of I want …I want…I want…I want … but really a wife should do this or that! Honestly you are just now sorting that Brooke???

      Ridge doesn’t look impressed and isn’t falling for Brooke’s and wee seduction 😂!

      She literally doesn’t listen to anything he says. “Brooke I need space, see you at the office” “Oh Ridge whatever you say, I’m lonely and don’t want to be alone… no man for five seconds, and really we both know all that matters is that I win over Taylor and everything always goes my way… so get your arse home now… Kay????” 😂🤣😂🤣

    2. Don’t worry Elizabeth and bb, I think ridge sees through her.. it’s the same old crap she says when she’s begging him to come back to her, same ole promises and she is in full panic mode now because ridge very bluntly told her he will see her at the office.. she pointed out relaxed and some other thing she has never said before and they are traits that Taylor has..🤣🤣🤣 he’s not going back yet..

    3. He’s going back very very soon. Brooke won. You’ll see.

    4. Yes we’ll see!! And even if he does, it won’t last cause she will either screw up again, or ridge will realise he loves and wants to b with Taylor.. but either way, it’s not going to happen and if it does it won’t last long at all.. 🤣🤣

    5. No he doesn’t love or want Taylor. Neither one of those things have been said to Taylor by Ridge. How many times does Taylor need to say it to Ridge before he finally says it back??? A million ??? LMAO!!!

    6. Lynn no one is stupid.. of course he is not going to say it back while he is still married and can’t make up his mind.. for goodness sakes woman..🤣🤣 that would b stupid, even for the idiot writers..

    7. Oh you must be kidding me. Of course he would say it if it were true. But it isn’t true! He would tell Taylor, I love you Taylor and I’m leaving Brooke to be with you. But all he told Taylor today was that BROOKE WAS HIS WIFE!!! Not the words Taylor was hoping for. 😂😂🤣🤣🤣

    8. Mangos and cream soon a thing of the past, Colly. 😬😬😬😬

    9. As you have said time and time again, Lynn, you have not been watching for long. This is the nature of soaps when it comes to triangles. The man doesn't ever say "I love you" to both women. However, when he does choose one, not long after does he realize that his heart really lies with the other. And that's when he will say it.

      Ridge not telling Taylor now that he loves and wants to be with her does not mean that he doesn't feel it. He just does not want to throw it out there lightly without knowing for sure that he truly means it because he does not want to hurt her. Brooke is his wife and he does still love her but love is not the be all and end all of a marriage. The fact is that their marriage has become broken on account of the many "mistakes" that Brooke has made and love alone cannot repair it. Why do you think Brooke has to make all these "promises" to Ridge in order to get him to come back home? Because she has realized that even though she knows Ridge still loves her, he does not want to return to a marriage for more of the same.

      I am pretty sure that this Bridge reunion is premature. Either Brooke will do something to mess it up again or, as Colly said, Ridge will realize that Taylor is who he wants to be with. Enjoy your Bridge reunion while it lasts, Lynn.

  8. Why do the Logan's always bed men! Both Donna and Brooke tell Eric and Ridge "I know you love me, I know you want to come home, I know you aren't happy in your marriage, I know you want to be with me" 😂😂😂 why not just say "I know you want a good roll in the hay" that is the ONLY way that the Logan's can get a to BED them! Tramps I tell you 😂😂😂

    1. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

    2. I unknown, that’s the only way they can get a man, or keep a man, sex, but as the Logan’s like to call it , “passion”, 🤣🤣🤣

    3. Uhhhhh, why would Brooke be saying what you said when she is already married to Ridge??

    4. She may be married to Ridge but he is not sharing her bed. And as has been pointed out, the Logans, and Brooke particularly, strongly believe in the power of sex. It's their go-to when things are not going their way. Sleep with him and all will be well again.

  9. Finally! Quinn is going to rush over to the club and catch Eric with Donna.

    And there it is, Brooke's one-eyed tear. 😂😂😂

    So now it's OUR home? And you didn't listen to Ridge, Brooke. You didn't really hear what he was saying? You think? Brooke's so desperate for control that she resorts to promising to implement boundaries where Deacon is concerned. The very same boundaries that Ridge tried to implement that Brooke did not want to accept. Lol. Let's see how long this is going to last as I'm certain that Brooke will grow wary of playing the submissive wife soon enough.

    1. Brooke will switch modes at some point and play hard to get instead of nagging wife. She'll make sure Ridge sees her date hard and heavy anything that walks by. They'll pretend she's preg or a scare of it as if she wasn't menopausal.

    2. That's funny, BL. Brooke cannot pull out the "I'm pregnant" card again. However, she might be tempted to try! Lmao.

  10. Ell, when brook said deacon won’t b welcome in OUR home, ridge raised his eyebrows as if to say really, now your saying that.. I loooved watching her squirm, and she had the nerve to tell deacon Taylor doesn’t care that they r married 🤣🤣🤣 she’s shutting her pants.. I don’t see ridge going home to her anytime soon..

    Ell I don’t think the ring tracks where he is, only his vitals.. when carter said where is he she said he’s at the club.. so they will turn up there and he won’t b there.. then he will come back to the office or home and b fine, and then Quinn will get suspicious and start following him to “the club” and catch him out that way..

    1. I agree, Colly. I think Bridge reunion will be short-lived. Deacon is way too invested now. No way is he going to just step aside. Brooke will mess up again. She always does. Plus, Ridge will be off the show for a while. Brooke's destiny is to be alone in the near future. 😂😂

      Yes, the ring tracks his health. I just want Quinn to catch her oh-so-loyal husband and his mistress together.

    2. I would rather have Brooke with Deacon. Ridge is nothing. He’s boring and old looking. I actually hope Brooke ends up with Deacon. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that Ridge will PICK Brook over Taylor.

    3. Of course u would , now that it looks like he might not pick her after all.. I don’t bloody care who he picks.. I am more interested in the Quinn sl at the moment.. wish they would move it along.. yes ridge go home so we don’t have to listen to brook whine and beg and carry on.. please 🥱🥱🥱

    4. No Colly, I already know Ridge is picking Brooke. I have said that same thing about 100 times. I’m simply saying that Deacon is preferable if you ask me.

    5. You just might get your wish, Lynn. Stay tuned.

  11. I think carter will get suspicious too.. he’s pretty intelligent at picking things up..


  13. Taylor “I’m so grateful for these moments with you Ridge.”
    Ridge “I’m so grateful for this food all the way from San Gabriel.” 😂😂😂😂

    1. Don't stop there, Lynn. Finish the sentence.....

      Ridge: "I'm thankful for this food all the way from San Gabriel, and I'm thankful for you being back in my life."

  14. You ladies just can’t help yourselves….no matter what Brooke says or does, you find fault. Brooke handled herself brilliantly with Ridge and with Deacon, yet still you blast her.

  15. Ridge to Taylor….Brooke’s my wife.

    1. That's not what was said.

      Taylor (speaking about Brooke): "I know you don't want to hurt anyone."
      Ridge: "She's my wife."
      Taylor: "I know."

      Perspective, Lynn.

  16. What’s more embarrassing is watching brook constantly chase ridge , begging him to go home.. what’s embarrassing is ridge telling her he will see her at the office and her show up AGAIN, the same night, again begging him to come home, what happened to I need my space and time?? 🤣🤣🤣 ridge WANTS and LIKES to spend time with Taylor.. he told brook he will see her at the office.. now that’s embarrassing 🤣🤣 and to top it off, she is trying to create a peaceful and relaxed home without drama, which is exactly how Taylor is, for him to come home to as she said, while lying through her teeth about deacon not being welcome as she left deacon in the house before she left.. what is she going to do after all that talking, all those promises if he does say yes, let’s go home now?? Is she gonna call deacon on the sly and say quick get off the property your not welcome anymore, we’re on our way home..??🤣🤣 she offered things to him that she never has before, things that Taylor offers.. guess there’s a first time for everything 🤣🤣🤣

    1. No, what’s embarrassing is Taylor’s wishing like a 15 year old girl that the cool guy in class will finally like her. But as usual, the cool guy will go for the head cheerleader…which is his wife Brooke.
      “Oh gee, Thomas….I hope Ridge picks me over his wife.” Giggle giggle. Sorry giggly girl, Ridge is gonna return home to his wife. And you are gonna be left all alone in Steffy’s house for months cuz you sent her packin’ hoping your master plan to win Ridge back would work. But alas, it is not gonna happen. You are just the ex, Taylor. And that’s all you will ever be!! Maybe you can find some other poor fool who will fall for your food gifts and you can win that guy over with Chinese from San Gabriel!!! Hahahaha!!!

    2. Oh Lynn, ridge had never even been married to brook before he married Taylor, so I think brook is the ex to start with!! there’s another fun fact from the history books of b&b!!

    3. I don’t know who he married first - but he dated / loved Brooke long before he met Taylor.

    4. Colly, Brooke went from "This is MY HOUSE and Deacon is welcomed here any time." to "Please come home Ridge. I did not listen to you before. I will make OUR home a place where you can relax and feel safe." Brooke pandering to her husband's needs just to get him to come back home to her is pathetic. I've said it before, Brooke is desparate now because she sees Ridge and Taylor getting close again. She will do just about anything at this point.

    5. Actually he wasn’t dating Brooke she was just his bit of fluff on the side. She married Eric in an attempt to make Ridge jealous lol. He slept with her but she was married to someone else .
      Not to mention, when he was a widow she begged him to marry her, said it was his dead wife’s final wish etc. Ridge turned her down and married the woman loved and wanted … his doc 😂!! Soooo Brooke only got him finally when he believed his wife , whom he loved was dead! Brooke threw herself at him for years and years and he turned her down. He did sleep with her for a while to con her over the BeLief patent lol. And again chose Taylor.

      Go ahead rewrite history.

  17. Lynn u find everything u can to pick at Taylor for.. I have never seen u say anything nice about her or give her any credit where it’s due?? So u r just as hypocritical as u accuse us of being.. and as i have said before, I give credit where it’s due, but brook did not handle herself very well at all.. especially yesterday and the day before.. if you can defend her for the way she was and things she said then u r more than bias.. and tell me Lynn, if u think she handled deacon and herself well today, what is brook going to do if ridge says, yes let’s go home?? She just told him she is not allowing deacon around their home and propert, yet he was there of the last three episodes, and when she left.. how is she going to explain him being there when they walk in the door.. and secondly, ridge told her he needs his space and time, and he would see her at the office, and what does she do, she comes back, waits till Taylor leaves and just waltzes on in to Eric’s.. did she respect ridges wishes, did she leave him alone for a minute.. no! She said, I couldn’t wait one more day to talk to u, in other words, we will talk now, not at the office.. you r so blind sided by her that she could do anything at all and u would defend her for it.. so if u can b so nasty about Taylor, who is an actual saint compared to brook, then why say we can’t help ourselves.. look in your own backyard before telling us what we r doing wrong? U r right, I can’t give brook any credit because she has given me absolutely nothing to give her credit for!! 🤣🤣🤣 I promise Lynn, when brook does something worthy, I will give her credit, but u might want to bunker down like it’s Armageddon coming..

    1. Lynn has stated, Colly, that it is her job to discredit Taylor. So it does not matter what Taylor does or says, Lynn will twist it to suit her own narrative.

      Taylor has instituted boundaries when it comes to Ridge. She has stopped Ridge from even kissing her and had to remind him that he is a married man and that she would not be his rebound. However, they do have children together and have always had a very good relationship. Does she still love him and wish that they could be together again? Sure. But is she determined to break up his marriage the way Donna is determined to break up Eric's marriage? No. Taylor is not trying to discredit Brooke or trying to get Ridge to leave her. She keeps telling Ridge that she understands the situation. She even told Thomas and Steffy that their father has a lot to deal with and needs time to himself to sort things out.

      Brooke, on the other hand, has been blatantly wrong in her treatment of Ridge where Deacon is concerned. Lynn herself said that in a marriage, there must be boundaries. She said it about Brooke but it applies to Ridge as well. He tried to set boundaries where Deacon was concerned and Brooke was having none of it. And that was wrong! There is nothing wrong with Brooke supporting Hope's relationship with her father, but why is he allowed to come into the home she shares with Ridge? When Deacon was banned from coming to the house after the "incident", how did he get to the cabin to see Hope to tell her that he was no longer welcomed at the main house? Clearly, there is another way to get to the cabin other than passing through the main residence. When Deacon returned for his phone on NYE, why didn't Brooke give him his phone and let him go along his merry way? Brooke did not have to give Deacon free reign to her home. He does not even knock. Brooke brought this all on herself. You will never see Lynn admit to that though.

  18. Wow Lynn, so u really think in a situation like steffy’s that Taylor sent her packing so she could get to ridge.. ?? If that’s not grabbing at straws I don’t know what is.. ridge was VERY clear in both his English and demeanour when he sent brook packing, and u might have missed it because you can’t see past brooks nose, but ridge didn’t seem all that happy that brook came back to the house after he CLEARLY told her he would see her at the office, not Eric’s, the office!!! 🤣🤣

    1. Omg, how many times are you gonna repeat yourself? You’re becoming as bad as the characters on B&B! Ridge said he needed ALONE TIME TO THINK. That is why he moved out of Steffy’s and into Eric’s. Please tell me what part of the phrase “NEED TO BE ALONE TO THINK” includes the words - Taylor is an exception to the alone time rule. I think not!!! Alone means ALONE! If he just needed time away from Brooke, then he could have stayed living at Steffy’s. I have zero clue why you just can’t acknowledge that fact. So Brooke should be leaving him alone. And Taylor should be leaving him alone. But it seems that neither one is doing what Ridge asked. Taylor has been there multiple times uninvited. And so has Brooke. So quit defending Taylor like she has every right to be barging in. She does not have any more right doing that than Brooke. Period.

    2. And yes, I totally think Taylor sent Steffy packing so she could focus her 100% attention on winning Ridge back. Sending Steffy away made zero sense when Taylor “the psychiatrist” said “Steffy needs all our support right now as she heals”. So much so according to Taylor, that it included the support of Hope’s husband, Liam!!!! Now all of a sudden, she needs ZERO support and should go stay in some far away place away from everyone and everything she knows!!!! Talk about about face!!! Taylor is the most looney tunes psychiatrist that ever lived!!! So the only logical explanation is her need for some alone time with Ridge. But she’s not gonna be getting that reconciliation she’s hoping for.

    3. Actually I think Ridge seemed quite happy with what Brooke had to say. And I fully expect tomorrow’s and Wednesdays episodes to show just how happy Ridge is with Brooke saying what she did. We will see.

    4. Lynn, taking our favourites out of the equation for a minute, I thought what Taylor suggested was the right thing.. and I think all the advice she has given steffy is well advised.. steffy does need some quiet gentle time to process everything and especially be one on one with kids through all of this.. at no time did Taylor give any impression that she had anterior motives for suggesting a break away from the heartache.. and if you honestly think that’s the reason Taylor suggested what she did, then it’s not the brook haters that have blinders on.. i don’t think you could be unbiased for a second.. I can’t believe you actually think that Taylor suggested that just so she could go after ridge.. I find that rather amusing actually 🤣🤣

    5. I never heard Taylor offer to go with Steffy for support. All I remember seeing was Taylor ramrodding Steffy the hell out of there. Also Ridge just gives a smile no matter what either Taylor or Brooke says about their undying devotion to him. Maybe he'll fake his own death in
      Europe or where ever he is going.

    6. Lynn, he all but did say Taylor is the acception.. my goodness Lynn.. he just told brook he went to Eric’s for alone time to process everything that’s happened, which includes what brook did, then he told brook that he and Taylor need to spend time together.. then told her to understand and he’d see her at the office!! So he basically told brook he will b spending time with Taylor!! What r YOU not getting.. uhgggg🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    7. Can u not get passed the dot the I and cross the syndrome 🤣🤣🤣

    8. He did NOT say Taylor was the exception. He said they needed to support each other through the Steffy / Finn loss, but he didn’t give her carte blanche to stop by when ever she felt like it. He agreed to finish eating the food she brought. Beyond that there is no open invitation for Taylor to swing on by with additional baked goods. For goodness sake, even Taylor told Thomas that Ridge needs time to think. So Taylor understands that, but you don’t ??? Now that is funny!!!

    9. Booklover123, exactly….Taylor just shipped Steffy off. She sure acted all concerned in the hospital , but now all bets are off!! You’re on your own, Steffy!!! Sink or swim!! Bahahahaha!!!

    10. Colly, let’s address the elephant in the room. If all Ridge was trying to accomplish was to get away from Brooke, then why would he need to move out of Steffy’s at all??? What would be the point?? Whether he is at Eric’s or Steffy’s, Brooke isn’t around. So why go to all the hassle of moving out of Steffy’s if his only goal was to get away from Brooke?? I have pointed that out multiple times and you continue to ignore that fact. The answer…..HE WANTED TIME ALL ALONE TO THINK.

    11. Lynn, you need to look again at the episode where Ridge went over to Brooke's to tell her about what Sheila did to her (I think it was 2 episodes in total). Yes, Ridge needed alone time to think. That was why he went over to Steffy's in the first place. He needed time away from Brooke. However, the reason he moved out of Steffy's was because he felt it was not fair to Brooke that he was staying there so he told Brooke that he will move in with Eric (it's in one of those 2 episodes I mentioned above). There was even a lot of outrage on this blog when he told Brooke that. It was said that Ridge was leaving his family yet again just to please Brooke and that his daughter Steffy was going through so much right now yet Ridge can only think about how Brooke felt about him living at Steffy's with Taylor there. So no, Ridge did not move to Eric's for alone time from Brooke and Taylor. He wanted alone time from Brooke, not Taylor and he told her that much when he said that he and Taylor need to spend time together because of what their family is going through. Then after Brooke left, he told Taylor that he needs time to think about his future but he is afraid that she will leave again and he does not want her to; that he enjoys spending time with her because she makes him better. As usual, you are misinterpreting (or maybe just ignoring) what is said to suit your own narrative.

    12. Actually Lynn, the reason Ridge moved into Eric's was because he wanted to placate Brooke who had a problem with him living in the same house as Taylor. Ridge agreed that it was not fair to Brooke and told her that he would move into Eric's. There was even a big uproar on this very blog about Ridge leaving Steffy at the time that she needs him most just to pander to Brooke. Ridge only needed alone time away from Brooke, not from Taylor. He told Brooke on more than one occasion that he needed time to think. Then he told Taylor that he loves spending time with her and is afraid that she will leave again. He also told her that she makes him better that's why he loves spending time with her. Ridge did not need alone time from Taylor because Taylor did nothing to him. That was Brooke.

    13. Actually Lynn, the reason Ridge moved into Eric's was because he wanted to placate Brooke who had a problem with him living in the same house as Taylor. Ridge agreed that it was not fair to Brooke and told her that he would move into Eric's. There was even a big uproar on this very blog about Ridge leaving Steffy at the time that she needs him most just to pander to Brooke. Ridge only needed alone time away from Brooke, not from Taylor. He told Brooke on more than one occasion that he needed time to think. Then he told Taylor that he loves spending time with her and is afraid that she will leave again. He also told her that she makes him better that's why he loves spending time with her. Ridge did not need alone time from Taylor because Taylor did nothing to him. That was Brooke.

  19. Why in the world do you assume Deacon is still at Brooke’s house?? She made it clear to him she wasn’t interested in his advances. Even as he poured it on THICK!!!! All Brooke thought about was going to see Ridge and getting her husband back. Where’s the credit you are giving Brooke for doing that / handling things that way with Deacon??? There was ZERO flirty / coy from Brooke with Deacon. ZERO!!! So after Brooke left, I would assume Deacon went on his way. What in the world gives you the impression Deacon is waiting at Brooke’s house waiting for Brooke to return??? Ridiculous!!

    1. The second Brooke gets the heave ho from Ridge she will spend all of her time trying to make him jealous. Winning is all she cares about- has to beat Taylor above all else.

    2. Brooke isn’t getting the heave or the ho. She’s matured. She doesn’t try to make him jealous at this point in her life. Those are the games of the 30 something’s on the show. Lol

    3. And I honestly believe both Brooke and Taylor love Ridge with all their hearts. They both want him. But the primary driver is not beating Taylor. Brooke wants her husband back. Beating Taylor is just an added bonus. Lol

  20. Lynn, she left the first time and when she got back he was still there, when she left the second time, did she tell deacon he has to leave the property and not return like she just promised she did.. no.. let’s see where deacon is when brook ends up coming home alone shall we!! I am pretty sure deacon will b there ready for her when she comes home disappointed again.. we will know tomorrow or the way this show goes in about a week..

  21. I actually hope deacon gets his gal, only because he is such a sweetheart! But having said that, brook would hurt him and that would be sad for him.. 🤣🤣

    1. I like Deacon too. Someone said he isn’t rich or powerful enough for Brooke. And sadly, that’s probably true. But it goes beyond that. Brooke does feel guilty about hurting Bridgette. She knows that was a bad time in her life. She loves Hope, but recognizes her choices with Deacon were not wise ones. So I doubt Brooke will go back to Deacon.

    2. The thing is though Lynn, she hurt Bridgett again, even worse than with deacon.. Bridgett married a man called nick, you saw the one on the 35 year anniversary, bridgett was married to him first and bridgett had a miscarriage with him, and while bridgett was grieving their baby, brook swooped in and took nick away from bridgett , so that’s twice, and both were really bad, she fell pregnant with one of Bridgette’s husband and took the other one out from under her while she was grieving their lost child.. I can’t remember in which order it was, but it doesn’t matter.. what mother swoops in and goes after their daughters husband, not once but twice and the circumstances like that.. come on Lynn.. feeling bad about doesn’t cut it.. if she felt so bad, why do it her daughter twice, bridgett had to grieve her lost baby AND lose her husband to her mother, and finds out her mother is pregnant with her other husband.. and both times, brook was the instigator.. she doesn’t have the reputation she does for no reason.. I think slut from the valley is to mild for her.. if you can defend all of what I just wrote, what she did, then I take my hat off to you.. I would want you as a best mate because I could do anything and u would defend me 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. And whoever said he’s not rich and powerful enough brook, yes that is sad, because it’s true Lynn.. ever since brook helped her mother with a catering gig that she was a waitress at, and she even admits it and says time to time, that when she laid eyes on ridge and Eric and the life they lived, she was in awe of it all, and then she went on to make it her mission to seduce ridge, and Eric.. ridge was engaged to Carolyn when brook met him, she tried to take him away from her but he wouldn’t and went on to marry Carolyn, then she died from cancer, and that’s when ridge met Taylor.. he went to see her for therapy sessions and fell in love with her and brook tried again but he wanted his DOC and went on to marry Taylor, so brook went after Eric, to cement her place in forester creations world.. there’s so much u have not seen and would bet my house that if you watched from day one, you would know why there r not many brook fans love.. I don’t think even you would like her anymore!! Actually I take that back 🤣🤣🤣

    4. I’m done for tonight. It’s late. I remember Nick and I liked Nick. I think he also starred on Melrose Place. Just another hot guy who adored Brooke. 👍🏻😁👍🏻

    5. As I said, I liked Brooke in the beginning and I like her now. I’ve said multiple times, 4 1/2 years is enough time for me to judge Brooke for who she is today.

    6. Travis, no one is forcing you to read what Colly and I write. Your comments should be blocked. It’s so ridiculous what you write each day. You think it’s funny, but nothing funny about it.

  22. Well JMW clearly had to go on maternity leave causing her character to go on an extended getaway so having her Mom Taylor mentioning that she needs to go off to heal and process the grief really shouldn't seem too weird. What you guys think the writers would do explaining her lack of screen time?

    1. Precisely, she went away for her Mat leave last time even though they wrote her pregnancy into the show. She, Finn and Kelly were off having family time afore she gave birth.
