Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-7-22 Full episode B&B 7th June 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-7-22 Full episode B&B 7th June 2022


  1. Donna wants to shout from the rooftops, the ancient mariner got it up! Old fart having an affair funny. Eric has gratitude for Donna. She didn't charge him. He looks disgusted looking at her. Idle rich tired of shopping and buying every new thing that somes along. All that's left is everyone else's main squeeze. The only challenge left, something to "get" away from someone else. Brooke goes home, sees Deacon says ugh!

  2. Who could Taylor date that would drive Ridge crazy? Bill? Deacon? Recast Thorn ? Jack? Carter?

    1. Yessss to any one of the above. Especially BILL

    2. Bills the second one one ridge despises from deacon, so either of them.. I would actually like Taylor with deacon.. imagine that.. ridge would be pissed.. and deacon is a sweetheart and would cherish Taylor and not hurt her or make her feel second to anyone.. !! But in my opinion, I don’t think things will last if ridge goes back to brook.. it won’t b long and she will screw up again!!

      I am so disappointed in the Quinn story line.. I was hoping she would finally catch him out.. before carter goes back to Paris.. I can see it now, carter will go with paris and Eric won’t b able to stay away from Donna, and finally get caught out, and it will b too late cause carter will have committed to paris.. what a mess it’s going to b!!

    3. Bill and Deacon are both in love with Brooke. No, thank you! They should bring on a nice gentleman who would appreciate her qualities. Someone new that she can build a lasting relationship with.

  3. His 1/2 brother Eric Jr? Original Rick? or Recast Rick?
    And Deacon should be calling ahead. Especially with the gas prices.

  4. Thank you Bob!!
    Who will ever want to watch this program again if Ridge goes back to Brooke?
    Taylor will leave this time for good.
    Now Brooke is finally giving orders to Deacon in not going.
    Liam and baby Hope were not happy over that decision . Didn't Hope one time say to her mom it was her fault for making him go there now she's knotting her head? What has become of this program???

    1. Tina, It's the writers stupidity of writing and Bradley Bell's taste on how he likes to run his belated Father's soap, which I think he has taking it downhill.

    2. Tina, I for one, will continue watching I’ve been on Brooke’s side this whole time. And I knew Brooke was going to win the Ridge battle.

    3. Lynn, but what do you think of Taylor? Wouldn't she bee great as a wife to Ridge. They have family. They share their two children. Brooke will let Deacon in the house!

    4. Tina, I think Ridge will always love Taylor like anyone loves an ex they have children with. I think he thinks she is nice and pleasant to be around, like he has mentioned. But he is not in love with Taylor. It’s just obvious that he isn’t, aside from the fact that he hasn’t reciprocated any of the “I love you’s” that Taylor has expressed to him. I guess the best way to say it is….the heart wants what the heart wants. And while you ladies think Taylor looks better on paper, she definitely isn’t in Ridge’s heart like Brooke is.
      All along I’ve said Ridge bugs me. I wish neither woman wanted him so much. He’s simply not that great.

  5. Thks Bob. The video kept on stopping and I had to keep restarting. Eventually it got going again. Something to do with the adds.

  6. Dear Bab .the new episode is removed. kindly pls, recitfy the problem.
    thanks man.

  7. This is the same Brooke who is ALWAYS in her daughter's bizness when it comes to her liam and Steffy pretends that she is this concern doting parent Now is " throwing " said daughter " under the bus" What a loker😙🙄🤷🏾‍♂️

    1. Yup it’s always all about Brooke!! Hope who? Look how many times Brooke destroyed Bridget’s life, why should Hope be any different? Brooke is going to tantrum when Liam and Hope take the bairns and move out. Kiss that free pool and nibbles goodbye lol.

      Ridge hasn’t decided yet. Brooke saying to respect her and her wishes is a joke, she never respects anyone else’s! Once again using sex to try and lure Ridge back into her web. 🙄🙄🙄 if he goes back he deserves every bit of pain and unhappiness Brooke has to offer . Because she always hurts him, disrespects their marriage and makes him unhappy. Genius that he is lol, Ridge keeps giving her another chance.

      Bring someone for Taylor that’s head isn’t inserted up Brooke’s arse and has a brain lol.

      Eric is just disgusting 🤢. Go back to your Barbie and give Quinn a divorce so she and Carter can be together already. Am soooooo bored , we all know Eric will go back to his Logan tarte.

    2. Yep, and I didn’t like how cold brook was about it.. she was horrible.. poor deacon.. she could have been a lot more soft and gentle.. deacon was so concerned about her and loving towards her and she comes out blunt and cold like that.. she could have explained it in a more loving way.. she even pointed out his devotion to her going there three times in one day , then threw it straight in his face.. she is a selfish cold hearted bitch.. she deserves no one.. the look on deacons face after she pretty much slapped it several times.. I really want deacon with Taylor.. she would treat him right, and he would do the same..

    3. Well I say it's about darn time that Brooke cuts her navel string off from Hope. Hope is a grown woman who should be standing on her own two feet. She has a father who is present in her life now, let them build their relationship without Brooke's interference. And I wish that Liam and Hope can also move out of the cabin and find their own digs far away from Brooke.

      That said, Brooke could have indeed handled the situation better. They were all at the house when she returned. She could have simply updated them on what happened with Ridge and kindly request that they all be understanding of her and Ridge's desires to have Deacon out of their lives. If Deacon and Hope are opposed to it, then they could have had further discussions about it. But Brooke will never learn. She just likes to go around exercising her control and laying down the law to everybody. It's what led to her marriage being in trouble and it also led to Sheila targeting her sobriety. Now, she's alienating the only person who has been there for her consistently (other than Hope, of course) throughout everything she was going through.

  8. LoL I said ridge is going to run back to Brooke 😂🙄

    1. The Brooke haters are seething right now. Go Team Brooke! Brooke for the WIN!!!!!

    2. No Lynn, I am not setting that ridge is going back to brook, I am seething at how brook just treated deacon!! She is a friggin winner alright.. I can’t understand how anyone can idolise a bitch like her.. and yes Lynn, she handled that like a badass pro didn’t she..

    3. Colly, please tell us how she should have handled it then? She has given Deacon zero hints that she’s interested in him romantically. If she wants Ridge to come home, she needs to be extremely clear with Deacon or he will keep coming back to the house and Ridge will be very upset. So you’re mad when she’s nice to Deacon, cuz that’s disrespectful to Ridge. And you’re mad when she’s direct with Deacon, cuz that’s disrespectful to Deacon. Lol. Brooke can’t win with you guys no matter what she does. So quit your bellyaching about her behavior.

    4. Read my comment above 7.20pm, Lynn, that is how I think she should have handled it..

    5. A bit of tact and gratitude to him for trying to b there for her, she doesn’t seem to mind him being there for her till now.. she sat with him droning on about herself months with deacon, and then BOOM , big backhand blow!!

      rather than sit him down and thank him for all the support he has given her and then gently explain the reasons he can’t b there anymore.. if she was respectful in the way she handled this situation then I would have given her full credit for that, and I mean that sincerely Lynn, but of course, as usual, brook is her usual cold hearted, bitch self who cares for no one but herself, and thinks she can treat anyone however she pleases, especially those who care for her most.. she is the EPITOME of a narcissist.. look the word up in the dictionary, there’s a picture of brook 🤣🤣🤣

    6. Colly, sure Brooke could have sugar coated it more. But I think she has been abundantly clear with Deacon all along that she loves Ridge and wants her husband back. Deacon absolutely saw the writing on the wall. He knew that if Ridge agreed to come home, that’s what Brooke would want. She has not been stringing Deacon along. Deacon has chosen to stick around. I feel badly for Deacon too, because you know he’s gonna be super hurt. But I don’t think Brooke sees another option if she wants to respect Ridge’s wishes. You have all said it 1,000 times…Ridge hates Deacon. So now that Brooke gives Ridge exactly what you have all been saying he deserves, now Brooke is the villain again ???? 😂😂😂
      With a guy like Deacon, she felt she had to be blunt and direct or he would never stop coming by the house. You know it’s true.
      Sure Brooke could have sat Deacon down and been super kind and sweet. Do you honestly believe Deacon would have stayed away if she were to have handled it that way??? Not in a million years.
      So yes, I feel sorry for him cuz he’s gonna be heartbroken. But at the end of the day she is prioritizing her husband which all the Brooke haters have been complaining she hasn’t been doing for months.

    7. The issue here isn't whether or not she's prioritizing her husband. The issue is how she spoke to Deacon. Glad to see you admit, among all the fluff, that Brooke could have handled the situation better. Deacon, of all the people around her, deserved her harsh treatment of him the least.

    8. As if Brooke prioritises anyone above herself. She just figured out what button to push to try and win Ridge over again. She was wracking her brain and Deacon gave her the idea. There was no moment of self realisation or understanding how she undermines her husband constantly with her selfish behaviour. This is literally just a strategy she sussed out to manipulate Ridge. Deacon, well he’s disposable to Brooke and she can always collect him from where she threw him and sweet talk him round… should things not go according to her schemes with Ridge.

      Brooke is only thinking of what she wants and how to appease Ridge to achieve her goals. She doesn’t give a rat’s arse about how Ridge feels… she never did, it’s always all about her!

    9. As usual, total exaggeration on your part about the way she handled things. I didn’t say she handled it horribly. I said she could have been kinder, but was sure it wouldn’t have had the same impact if she wasn’t stern.
      And she’s known all along that Deacon was the issue. There’s no surprise there. She decided to give Ridge what he wants because she wants her husband back. Husbands and wives concede all the time in relationships to maintain harmony in a their relationships.
      As far as her “realization” about what she had to do….what she realized is that Deacon has in fact been hanging around a lot. And if she truly wants her husband back, that situation will have to change. So she’s gonna make sure it changes.
      I’m used to your constant Brooke beratement, so who really cares how you think she handled it. She decided to lay down the law, and that’s what she’s doing. End of story.

  9. Now we get some Liam eye candy. Lol
    Quinn is the new B&B medical doctor. 🤣🤣🤣
    Brooke as she walks in….“Deacon, why are you still here??”
    See, Brooke did not give him the go ahead to wait at the house for her.
    So lame how Quinn admires her own portrait all the time. 🤣🤣🤣
    Ridge regarding Brooke…”I do miss her.”
    Hey all the Brooke haters, let’s see you try to shred and disparage Brooke after what she said to Deacon at the end! Lol. Good luck with that. Brooke totally said the right thing and with conviction!! Gooooo Brooke!!! Good job!!
    Oh and Ridge, that shirt is just awful on you. Makes you look fat and flabby. Lol

    1. I can't give credit to Brooke for what she said to Deacon for 2 reasons. 1) This is what Ridge wanted all along. Brooke trying to implement these boundaries now are only because she's trying to get Ridge back so she's going to give him what he wants. She's desperate because she's seeing Ridge and Taylor getting close. 2) Why did she have to speak to Deacon in that manner? Deacon has been nothing but sweet to her but here she comes barking out orders.

    2. Elle, wow just wow. So if Brooke is too kind to Deacon, then you accuse her of being inappropriate with Deacon. And now Brooke is saying it with conviction that he can’t come to the house, and you accuse Brooke of being “mean.” Why don’t you simply admit that no matter what Brooke says or does, you will find fault. That’s what the Taylor lovers accuse me of. You guys do it ALL THE TIME with Brooke. Oh and I will say that Taylor handled herself just fine in today’s episode. Oh that’s right, she wasn’t in it. That explains it. Lol

    3. And yes, Deacon has been nothing but sweet. But clearly Deacon is not taking the hint. As Brooke said, that is his third trip to the house in one day. So Brooke felt the need to be very direct so there is no confusion.

    4. When have I ever said that Brooke has been inappropriate with Deacon? I've been advocating for them to get back together for a while now. What I've said time and time again is that Brooke was wrong for putting Deacon before Ridge. And for the record, I've supported Brooke plenty in the past when she deserved it.

    5. What hint was Deacon supposed to take? He came over twice and Brooke engaged him in conversation telling him every intimate detail about her visit to Ridge's. When she went the second time to see Ridge, she left Deacon in the house. She didn't tell him that he had to leave. And she didn't have to speak to him that way as soon as she opened the door and saw him there. It was rude and uncalled for. A simple explanation to him about what was discussed with Ridge and asking Deacon to understand would have worked.

    6. I must have missed those comments you posted supporting Brooke. Lol

    7. Elle, I think it was pretty clear when she told Deacon before she left that she was going to get her husband back. She also told Deacon that she assumed his comments were supposed to make her feel better, but they were actually having the opposite effect, because she didn’t want Deacon to disparage Ridge. She wanted her husband back, and she didn’t appreciate or want Deacon speaking badly of Ridge.

    8. Yes Lynn, that was before you started posting here. In the earlies, there were only a few of us who used to post here.

      Regarding your post directly above, none of what you said states where Brooke told Deacon he had to leave or gave him a hint he had to do so.

    9. I guess you are implying Deacon is as dumb as dirt. If I’m Deacon and Brooke tells me….”I’m on my way to get my husband back”, I would take that as a clear sign…that’s my clue to exit. Lol

    10. Apparently, he is dumb as dirt cuz there he was, awaiting Brooke's return.

      Why can't you just admit that Brooke never asked or hinted to him that he must leave?

    11. That’s absolutely not true. He came back to the house. He had left when she did, then came back to make sure she was “OK” because he is in love with her and is desperate to have her love him back. She made it clear. He is hoping against hope he has a chance tho.

    12. It doesn't matter whether he left or he stayed. You are trying to say that Deacon is as dumb as dirt for not catching on to Brooke's hints and that if it were you, that would be a clear sign for you to exit. Deacon might have left but he came back and was waiting for Brooke. So apparently, he is dumb as dirt since he did not get the hint. It seems Brooke also seems to think he's dumb as dirt given the manner in which she addressed him when she walked in the door - "What are you doing here, Deacon? This is the third time that you are here."

    13. Lynn, no one ever accused brook of being inappropriate with deacon for being kind to him..there is a difference in being kind and being in appropriate

    14. Lynn you always make denigrating remarks about Ridge’s appearance. He looks fantastic for a fella his age and honestly how shallow can you be?? He spends time with his wife and children instead of living in the gym… boo hoo.

      We see Eric looking less than Mr Universe with his physique but I don’t hear you mocking him constantly. Brooke isn’t exactly perfect herself lol.

      One thing I notice about American film and tele stars… they must all be perfect lol. In UK we have actors that look like you and I and our neighbours. Sure some are super glam or outrageously stunning but especially on soaps one can be craggy, have wrinkles, look like a real human lol. American soaps must have plastic faces, everything airbrushed and perfect with massive fake tits etc to be considered beautiful.

    15. Lol. People constantly say Brooke looks plastic…which she does not, or that she is fat, which she is not, or that she is starting to look old….which she does not. And I make one comment about Ridge in that shirt and you get all defensive??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      And BBfan, don’t assume for a minute what I look like. I’ve done modeling, and take very good care of myself. Don’t pull me into your “average looking American” comments. Speak for yourself.

    16. I never said anything about average looking Americans that is all you Lynn. Your statement about modelling explains your disdain for those who don’t fit your personal idealistic body image. It really isn’t something to brag about. Outer beauty and inner ugliness really don’t equate to being beautiful!

      TK who plays Ridge can act… he’s a handsome fella just because he’s not your 30 ish cup of tea doesn’t mean he’s old and fat. It tells a lot about the lens you view the world through. I look more at how people act and treat others… being a bully isn’t beautiful!

  10. Colly, put your mangos and cream in the freezer. It’s gonna be a month between desserts. 😬😬😬

    1. Not yet Lynn, he hasn’t gone home or put his ring back on yet.. Mayb the writers r doing what u said, when he told brook to leave and he will see her at the office?? Mayb they r just trying to throw us off, they always do that, remember!!

  11. Look at Brooke playing all coy and trying to seduce her husband while begging him to "please come home Ridge. I'll make it worth your while." She's draped all over him telling him she loves him so much and wants him home while Ridge just stands there looking at her. Lol.

    Ridge said 3 things which are important to note and which I am sure went over Brooke's head.

    Brooke: "You and I make up better than anybody."
    Ridge: "That's absolutely true. IT'S BECAUSE WE'VE HAD SO MUCH PRACTICE."
    Ridge has acknowledged that he and Brooke consistently have problems that cause them to walk away from each other which is why they have had to make up so many times.

    After the brief Bridge montage, Ridge said to Brooke that he is never going to forget who they WERE. It seems Ridge has indeed been doing a lot of thinking about his relationship with Brooke over the years.

    At the office, Ridge told Carter that Brooke said that Deacon will no longer be an issue for them then he said WE'LL SEE. So Ridge isn't buying Brooke's proclamations just yet. He knows that Brooke always says that she will do better but things never change.

    I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that Ridge is going back to Brooke. She however, is convinced that he is. Lol.

    1. Elle, he is. If you aren’t convinced yet, you are simply delaying your pain.

    2. Apparently you are only good with the coy and sappy sweet when it’s Taylor who is doing it. Brooke can play the sugary sweet game too. Brooke is better at it apparently, because she has won Ridge over. lol.

    3. Lynn, trust me when I tell you that I will feel NO pain if Ridge goes back to Brooke. However, I will be rather amused if he doesn't for the simple fact that Brooke is pushing away the one man who has shown her kindness, loyalty and genuine love. And if/when Ridge tells Brooke he wants a divorce, she will have no-one to run to.

    4. I have never commented on Taylor's behavior when she's around Ridge because, to me, it's irrelevant especially since Taylor has already made it clear to Ridge that they cannot be involved as long as he's still married to Brooke. And I don't see anything wrong with a little flirting between her and Ridge. They're not hurting anybody

    5. You mean the same Taylor who tells Ridge she still loves him every chance she gets? The same Taylor who tells him she misses him since he moved out? The same Taylor who was passionately kissing Ridge on multiple occasions? The same Taylor who showed up with food at Eric’s house so she could spend time with her ex? You mean that Taylor ????

    6. I don’t agree they aren’t “hurting anybody”. I know I wouldn’t want my husband flirting with his ex. It is inappropriate unless his plan is truly to leave Brooke. And clearly that is not the plan.

    7. Yes, that's the Taylor I'm referring to except she did not passionately kiss Ridge on multiple occasions; that happened one time. The second time when Ridge tried to kiss her, she pulled away, reminded him that he is still married and said that she was not going to be his rebound. Since she put a stop to it, it has not happened again.

      Ridge is acting like a single man, in case you didn't notice. He took off his wedding ring and has been spending a lot of time with his ex-wife and has been flirting with her as well. This is why Brooke is so desperate to get Ridge back. She sees how close they're getting. Walking in on them having dinner together took her quite by surprise and when Ridge asked her to leave, it made her realize that she stands a very good chance of losing Ridge. That's why she has suddenly decided to kowtow to his demands where Deacon is concerned.

    8. So let me get this straight, Ridge should divorce Brooke because of a kiss, but it’s perfectly fine for Taylor and Ridge to kiss?? No harm, no foul??? I don’t think so!!!!

    9. Ridge is a big boy, no one is holding him to the fire. If he truly wants Taylor, he knows damn well he can have her in a heart beat. He’s choosing to be with Brooke. So regardless of what Brooke does or doesn’t do, or thinks or doesn’t think…Ridge will make his decision based on what his heart tells him.

    10. Hahaha, well said Ell, but Lynn won’t like the fact you paid so much attention to detail.. but after how brook just treated deacon, I hope she ends up a spinster.. she has a heart of stone.. she doesn’t deserve anyone.. she cries on deacons shoulder all day, and then slaps him in the face.. yeah anyone who has her is a WINNER 🤣🤣

    11. Lynn, first of all, Brooke betrayed Ridge when she kissed Deacon. Not just because they were in a committed marriage at the time but also because Deacon's is Ridge's public enemy #1. What Brooke did was worse than Ridge kissing Taylor after he LEFT Brooke. Marriage vows were already broken by Brooke. That said, nobody said that Ridge should divorce Brooke over the kiss. Ridge had already forgiven her for that. It's the lies and Brooke putting Deacon before Ridge that he had a problem with.

      Colly, Brooke was so rude and horrible to Deacon. She's not a nice lady at all! And she needs to pay attention to what Ridge said to her. He didn't say much since she did most of the talking, but what he said says a lot about how he truly feels.

  12. welcome all to 'the Elle & Lynn show'..

  13. Yet Ridge has NOT decided anything! Just because he didn’t bounce Brooke straight out the door doesn’t mean he’s buying what she’s selling. In the past he would have slept with her and all would be forgiven. He hasn’t done that at all. He went to Forrester not to the Logan estate!

    Brooke was unpardonably rude to Deacon. She was fine with him hanging around earlier because she had a sympathetic ear and a man to dote on her. Now she thinks she’s got Ridge on the rails she is giving him the boot. She is assuming a lot.

    Gloat all you like. Ridge has NOT chosen anyone as of yet!

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂. You’ll see.

    2. Well said, Bbfan! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    3. The time in the bedroom is coming soon. No pun intended.

    4. Of course, Lynn. If Brooke has her way, she'll bed Ridge and once it's over, Ridge will return to Eric's to continue thinking about his future while Brooke remains in bed in post-sex bliss thinking that she has succeeded in getting Ridge back. The same thing happened with Donna yesterday. Lmao! After Eric told her that they have to end their affair, she took him to bed and wanted to shout it on the rooftops, only to have Eric get up, get dressed and say "this has to end. Bye!" Ahaha.

    5. Lynn it may, but really that is all Brooke and Ridge have to their relationship. The rest of the time Brooke orders Ridge around like he’s the help.

      Nothing will change in that relationship because Brooke will always be a selfish self-centred narcissist! She had literally never cared who she’s hurt as long as she gets her way.

      She gives her fake one eyed tear and apologizes only when there is no other option to get what she wants. The moment she gets it, she’s right back to doing the same shite.

      Brooke slept with other men while married to Ridge. I can still see her standing in Forrester one tear on her cheek, saying she it was a stupid mistake. She couldn’t understand how it happened. But it would never happen again… they were destiny, blah blah… sound familiar??

    6. Lol Lynn, yes Ridge kept choosing Brooke as a mistress. While she cried, begged and crashed his weddings to other women… lol she was good for some fun but he kept choosing other women as his wife lol. He was also with Morgan l, engaged to Ashley, etc etc. He marrried Brooke finally and she cheated on him etc etc. she spent more time as the odd affair chasing Ridge while he was committed to someone else, than being his wife. But sure he always chooses Brooke 😂🤣😂😂🤣

    7. Sorry to disappoint, ladies. Brooke is not the mistress, nor does she act like one. The one who would fall into that category would be Taylor since Ridge is MARRIED TO BROOKE. Your precious Taylor is doing her best to be the mistress. Cuz she knows she will never be Ridge’s # 1. That spot is already filled by Brooke.

    8. Elle, it’s not gonna work that way. Ridge and Brooke are close to being reconciled. You’ll see.

    9. How is Taylor doing her best to be the mistress when she does not even want Ridge kissing her? She actually put a stop to it. All they do is talk, laugh and have fun.

      Lynn, all bs and tongue-in-cheek comments aside, Taylor's aim is not to be Ridge's mistress. I don't even know why your focus is on what Taylor is doing while ignoring what Ridge is doing. Ridge has been all the more obssessed with Taylor and his words to her the other day clearly show that he does not want to lose her again. He wants her in his life.

  14. Yes Lynn we will see 🤣🤣 what did u say the other day, the writers r just trying to throw us off..

    1. Even after they are officially back together you will still be making excuses. I’m sitting back and enjoying it as it all unfolds.

    2. The only excuses being made r by brook 🤣🤣

  15. Ok Lynn, enjoy it while it lasts 🤣🤣🤣 it never lasts , that’s the way it’s always been.. so go do some shimmie while u can 🤣🤣

  16. Thank you Bob.
    😂😂 You guys all crack me up. The comments here are becoming more entertaining than the show itself. 🤣 love you guys keep it up.

  17. So I've been watching since I was little girl with my gran, Im now 34... about the age of the soap, Ridge always goes back to Brooke, she messes up and he runs back to Taylor, its always goin to be a back and forth thing until they become non existent. The storyline will continue for decades from generation to generation, with Hope and Steffy fighting over a man... and eventually Kelly and Beth... It is what it is... Just sit back and enjoy :-)
