I don't believe Sheila is targeting Hope. I think Sheila would attack anyone who recognized her and would blow her cover. Afterall, Sheila cut off her own toe so she could have freedom. She even said she would do it again...
I had to laugh, when hope asks about her name being Italian and Sheila says it mean I always win 🤣🤣 and Liam is right, I give him stars for what he said about ridge is waiting to pounce on hope with the old I told u so.. brook looked a bit worried for a second there when Liam said if that happens!! 🤣🤣 that scene was so messed up with brook ridge and Liam.. Liam’s worried about hope, brooks worried about deacon and his confrontation, and ridge already gloating like the pompous pig he is..loved his response when brook said did it get physical, and ridge genuinely seemed shocked when he said no, what am I, 12?? Umm it sure got physical last time!! 🤣🤣 anyone notice the both concerned and confused look on Liam’s face when brook said she believes it’s all coming from steffy and Taylor??
Let's wait for Booklover & Lynne's hateful comments....I think it's the same person using two different log in's 🤣🤣🤣🤣 crazy bunch, it's just a soapie 🤣
It's just a soapie but it's fine for you to break rules and talk other posters. Why you think you are high and mighty is because anyone doesn't like your favorites is a problem for you. Bob might be interested in reminding people what they need to talk about the soap and characters, even if you don't agree. Skip reading the ones you don't like or face getting shut down. Scion sticky don't correct other posters - Onyx Path Forumshttp://forum.theonyxpath.com › forum › main-forum › 1... No one without the title "Moderator" gets to tell other posters how to post. ... Do not use the Flag button to disagree with a rules post or official ..
Here's what I wish would happen. Brooke would decide she didn't love ridge anymore and send him packing. Then Taylor could have him, but probably won't want him because she couldn't technically beat Brooke. Ridge would be so lonely and distraught that he'd leave the country. I hate ridge almost more than Sheila. He is such a hypocritical asshole. He can play rubdown with Taylor all the time, but Deacon isn't even allowed to talk to Brooke? F*** Ridge. I wish someone would murder him 😂
unknown August 26, 2022 at 11:42 AM Let's wait for Booklover & Lynne's hateful comments....I think it's the same person using two different log in's 🤣🤣🤣🤣 crazy bunch, it's just a soapie 🤣 @booklover, you are a LOT more crazy than I originally thought 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you do realize that it's a soapie right 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
THIS IS NOT OK!!!! This is not about the program, This is a soapie but you are OPENLY and maliciously attacking the people. To target specific people for this type of bullying is not ok!!!!!!!!!!! How dare you and how narrow minded can you be?! I understand that this bullying is because there opinion differs from yours...how childish can you be? This is a chat forum? Grow up! Bob this is your site,I strongly suggest you put some hard and fast rules in place regarding this behaviour. It needs to be stopped NOW!!
Lol, Booklover123 and I ARE NOT the same person. We have very different writing styles and opinions about things. I just enjoy standing up against bullies like “Asrpblond” and “unknown”. It’s been said before, and I will say it again…. You ladies are not the blog police. Your opinions are no more valid than anyone else’s. So simply mind your business!
👏👏👏👏 Well said. Some of these commenters act like we're talking about their children, not a show! It's ridiculous how they become so vicious because we have, gasp, a different opinion! How dare us not agree with them!
Brooke time to dig in and demand Ridge play by his own rules and stay away from Taylor. Or both shut up and forget it. Ridge kissing Taylor was the perfect move to capatalize on. Stay together out of fear and live in fear forever. Ridge forget Deacon and worry about Douglas and Thomas' bad driving skills. Deacon throw up Ridge kissing Taylor now.! Ridge'a tirade would end quicker. Ridge has the teabags to tell Deacon about his bad choices? Dragging two women along is classy? Ridge needs to get his head soaked by a bucket over a door. Hope thinks Deacon has a new gf. Sheila can fold up the knife for now, maybe later some action. When is Ridge the gasbag's vacay?
Thanks for the perfect examples of rule breaking. Moderator, this poster is breaking rules attacking other posters and needs to be reminded of the or shut down.
This poster : unknown August 26, 2022 at 12:02 PM @booklover, you are a LOT more crazy than I originally thought 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you do realize that it's a soapie right 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bob is kind enough to spend time uploading for us all to enjoy. I personally respect and appreciate all Any comments that are nasty dont belong here Keep posts short to help Bob If u cant post positive just say a Thank You
I totally agree ..if ridge is gonna demand brook 2 stay away from deacon she should give him the ultimatum of staying away from taylor brook feels threatened by her and ridge is threatened by deacon and he and brook both being hypocritical holier than thou bullies to their arch rivals enemies. It needs to stop ridge doesnt know if deacon wont or is a changed man and taylor and steffy are not the ones pushing thom on douglas that was purely thom but yes his family are gonna back him up. Brook say thom cant have everything he wants well then neither can she and hope. He was unstable due to damn brain tumor. Medical prib not his damn fault he is stable caple of raising his son now tge truth needs to come out now about that letter from caroline thom wrote stating carol wabted hope to be douglases mom if she should die
I wish Deacon could have told Ridge that his interests are actually elsewhere - with his ex-wife. That would sure have sent Ridge into a tailspin. Haha.
If by ex-wife, you mean the one who is doing her best to be his current wife (Taylor), Deacon has not even mentioned Taylor once recently. That ship has long sailed. And I think Ridge is beyond worked up trying to “protect” Brooke. So no, Taylor doesn’t figure into this mix at all.
Lynn, you are delusional if you think Ridge won't have a conundrum if he gets wind that Deacon was putting the moves on Taylor. It doesn't matter if Deacon isn't presently doing so (he isn't presently taking photos with Brooke and Hope either), Ridge would not stand for it.
You may not like Taylor but if Ridge can accost Deacon for the woman that he has not fully recommitted to, how do you think he will react for the woman he is currently committed to spending all his time with?
Lol, Elle. Look at you grossly exaggerating to make your point. Ridge is NOT currently “committed to spending all his time with Taylor.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Let’s see…has he moved back in with Taylor? Nope. Slimy Ridge went to France with Taylor for their daughter Steffy. Since he’s been back he’s been with Brooke on multiple occasions. The family dinner (where the “Forrester” women pulled their sluttiest clothes out of the closet so they could squuuuueeeeze into them) was a dinner celebration for Finn returning to the family as well as thinking that Douglas may be returning to the fold. But that was in no way Ridge committing to spend all his time with Taylor. And we saw Ridge get visibly angry with Taylor and Steffy at Steffy’s when the 2 cackling hens were berating Brooke. Ridge is a dog and will most likely play both sides for as long as he can. I’ve been saying for months that once Ridge fully commits to Brooke, and he will…I absolutely hope Brooke kicks his sorry ass to the curb!!! Immediately! But what I do know is that Ridge will not choose Taylor to be the one he fully commits to. That will simply never happen. Her giggly, juvenile behavior would send him over the edge in 5 minutes!!!
Lynn, since Ridge moved back in with Brooke, how often have we seen them together? Even Brooke voiced her concern to Hope recently that she and Ridge have not been spending a lot of time together. Ridge is with Taylor at Steffy's, at the office and at Eric's. We have seen him with Brooke when he first moved back in, when he returned from Monaco, at the office when he told her about the kiss with Taylor and on Friday's show when he returned from the Forrester party at Eric's. However, in all of those times we saw him with Brooke, there was more arguing and stand-offs between them than intimacy. With Taylor, he is either kissing her, hugging her, having his hands on her or telling her how she makes him feel. And this is what I meant when I said he is more committed to spending time with Taylor because he is actually spending time with her and developing a closeness with her compared to the times he spends with Brooke. Come on now.
And I really do not care who Ridge ends up with. Both women deserve better. If he chooses to be with Taylor, kudos to Brooke for dodging a bullet. If he chooses to be with Brooke, kudos to Taylor for dodging a bullet. It really does not matter to me. However, it is very clear to see that, for some time now, Ridge has been enjoying spending time with Taylor and has been doing so as much as he can. I cannot say the same for Brooke. Brooke has been relegated to interfering in Hope's family problems, chit-chatting with Liam, taking photos with Hope and Deacon and scheming with Donna. She and Ridge have had minimal contact time together.
Elle, we see things very very differently. The reason Ridge has seen Taylor more.., 1. She insists on stalking him at the office. She just shows up uninvited all the time. 2. Ridge goes to his daughter’s house to see a Steffy who has been away for weeks. And see his grandkids etc. He is not there to specifically spend time with Taylor. He is simply spending time with the group of them. 3. I already fully addressed the “family dinner” above. And Ridge has absolutely not had his hands “all over Taylor”. She hangs on him like a lovesick teenager and looks up at him with those doey eyes that make everyone want to vomit. 4. And of course there is dissension over the Douglas thing. That’s a given and causing friction between Ridge and Brooke. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her and want to get past it. I gotta cut this one short. Busy day in my “real life!” 🤣😂😂🤣
Lynn, just because you don't want to admit that Ridge has been loving being around Taylor doesn't mean it is not true. Ridge told Taylor while they were at Eric's that she makes him feel good. If you think that has nothing to do with why he is always going over to Steffy's, kissing Taylor, hugging her or putting his hands around her waist or on her legs, then you are either very naive or, as I said before, just don't want to admit it.
I don't know if Taylor shows up uninvited to Ridge's office or not but even if she did, you don't see Ridge angry about it or acting like she's unwelcomed. He always gets a huge smile on his face when he sees her and always finds an excuse to put his hands on her. Maybe you're too busy being repulsed by Taylor to notice it. I understand because I cannot see anything past Douglas' bad acting whenever he is in a scene. Lol.
@Elle, here’s what I will say…Ridge never gets a huge smile on his face when he sees anyone. And that very much includes Taylor. Ridge is definitely not a smiley guy. He always looks annoyed as far as I’m concerned. The ONLY time I actually saw Ridge get a huge smile on his face was when they were told Finn was alive. That’s honestly one of the very first and only times I have ever seen him truly smile. He mostly scowls through all his scenes. You keep bringing up the kiss like it’s happened numerous times. It happened in France. That was it. And you are also conveniently forget to mention that he recently told Brooke he loves her more than anything. Clearly, as I have already stated multiple times, Taylor literally swoons over Ridge in a completely disgusting fashion, as she hangs on his every word. It’s so damn pathetic and unattractive. Brooke doesn’t force herself on Ridge, she gives the asshole his space. I’m sure Ridge loves the over the top adoration Taylor gives him. It simply feeds his ego. However, not once has he told Taylor he’s in love with her or wants her back. Not once. He’s playing them both as I keep saying. Taylor is acting completely slutty by actively pursuing a married man. I will say it again, where’s your outrage??? If it were Brooke doing what Taylor is doing, we’d never hear the end of it!!!! Once Brooke and Ridge get past this Douglas tug-o-war, they will reestablish their commitment. And once Ridge is fully committed to making things work with the love of his life, Brooke, that’s when I hope she will once and for all dump his butt!!!!
No ridge is not right i think deacon may play sheila.. take her money and run and turn her in to authorities. Being he refuses to let hope or even brook down.ridge just acting like a bully trying to control people and hypocritacly putting them down all the time without knowing truth of it.. or giving a benefit of doubt especially when hes jelly and feels threatened by them
If Ridge is so concerned about his wife how about spend some time with her or move on to "Taylor". He's being totally erratic these days, randomly popping here and there like a jack in the box and unable to express proper emotions. Liam being a detective was so cute. They should give this boy a storyline at long last, he's being wasted always chatting with his MIL. Deacon 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ If he has half a brain he should just turn Sheila in.
On Ridge's "To Do" list for today (and every day): 1. Go harass Deacon at his place of work, being sure to remind him never to come to my place of work; 2. Drop by to see Taylor and be all touchy-feely with her to lead her on; 3. Argue with Brooke about our children's issues with each other. Repeat from beginning.
Okay Deacon, now that you know it's Sheila, and you are sober how can you stand to look at that crazy treacherous dog. Then make out with her too. Yuck! Dude, you can do better. Go get a hooker. At least you would be helping someone pay some bills. 😁
Puleeze ridge you have no right going to deacons job getting up in his face over tge sltitious named brook that you married. You already know she cant stay loyal to you and the pic wasnt his fault he was invited by hope to come to office but of course brook just happened to pop in at same time get over it. They have a child 2gether same as u & taylor haz kids 2gether.. stop acting like a bully & lay off of deacon.. u are no better than he is ... deacon i would just get an advance on that money sheila offered to give u take it and run off somewhere else and call authorities and let em know where shes at..find a way to turn her in without you winding up back in jail
Lmao Elle. I do hope Pammy's scenario is what writers have in store. I was starting to like Deacon and really hope he's not that stupid and has an agenda. BUT who knows where they take this.
So sheila ur disquise working so far but you go harming hope ya can bet deacon gonna wind up killing u and finding nearest bear country or alligator pond to feed the animals
My thoughts exactly. Brooke says Thomas can't get what he wants, at the same time insinuating that Hope can get everything she wants. Sometimes I just can't with Brooke.
Brooks a narcissist, simple as that.. she won’t change.. at the beginning of the show, her flash back with ridge, asking her to support him while he supports his son.. what she is really thinking, is how am I going to be able to stop Thomas taking Douglas without ridge noticing, so it looks like she is supporting but is not!! We will wait and see.. back when brook was at Eric’s begging ridge to come home, after his meal with Taylor.. part of her big spiel to get him to come home, was that she realises as a wife she needs to listen to him and respect and support him and I quote “and that’s what I am going to do”!! So let’s see if she does.. or let’s see if she uses others like Donna and hope etc, to make it appear as though she is but in the background, brewing the witches pot!!
Ridge, how do you say the things you do without cracking up at the ridiculousness of it all??!!! Let’s see….you have been playing touchy feely with Taylor for the last week plus. So while you are off playing house with Taylor, you think it’s perfectly fine to also go to Deacon’s place of work and totally harass him for a pic with Brooke from days ago that was completely innocent??!!! Just when you think people on this show couldn’t get anymore hypocritical, they surprise you and take it up a notch!!! Ridge needs to go!!! Please Brooke, dump his sorry butt!!!
I would really like to see Brooke and Deacon give it another try. Deacon would cherish her for sure. But he needs to get rid of Sheila and stop allowing her to manipulate him. He just needs to let the authorities know that she just showed up at his place in disguise. He won't get charged with harboring a fugitive if he just tells them the truth about what happened. However, the longer he allows Sheila to stay, the worse it will get for him.
Nah Ell, deacons to good for brook.. he deserves someone who won’t use him as a doormat.. brook is quick to discard any man who doesn’t serve her a purpose..
Oh now, now Colly…let’s not be so bitter. Brooke deserves the best! Just cuz you don’t like her doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a ton to offer a man. She is beautiful, intelligent, accomplished and fierce for the ones she loves! And you refuse to even spell her name correctly. It’s Brooke not brook.
Oh how I wish Lynn. I just want to see Brooke kick his sorry butt to the kerb.She deserves happiness with a man who is dedicated to her and only her. All that crap with Steffy and Thomas and the Forrester family! The only Forrester in the room was Eric. He really believes he deserves to use the name Forrester. It`s no wonder Rick despises him, because Rick really is Erics son and a Forrester in every sense of the name. I`m not sure why he doesn`t go look up his biological father, perhaps the Maroneys don`t want him in their lives and I can fully understand why. I`m hoping this near miss with Hope will wake Deacon up and he gets rid of Sheila out of his life forever. Yes, Deacon is a scoundrel but he`s a far better man than Ridge could ever wish to be.
@SayWhat, go smoke some more of whatever you’re smoking. Just sit back and enjoy the high that you are obviously experiencing. Booklover123 has been on this blog far longer than I have and most likely has watched this show for decades. I just started watching less than 4 years ago. So go troll someone else, I have zero use for you and your conspiracy theories!!! 😂😂😂
Wow!!! So, Ridge can have his cake and eat it, too!!! It’s OKAY to not invite his wife to a family dinner, cozy up to Taylor and let Taylor be all touchy, feely and huggy with him, BUT Deacon can’t be in a selfie with Hope and Brooke. I agree Deacon and Hope did that intentionally but Ridge is going overboard with this. I wouldn’t want a man who couldn’t decide who he wants.
I honestly believe that secretly hope did want ridge to see the photo of her brook and deacon together in hopes of it causing brook abd him some issues in hopes of it splitting them up because she secretly wants her parents back together the same as steffy and thom wañt their parents back together. But really someone needs to get it thru ridges thick skull the pic was not his fault hope had invited deacon to stop by the office to chat and look at some of her designs yet mommy dearest just halpened to pop in around same time was no bad intentions on deacons part maybe a lil on hope who secretly wanted for ridge to see it and cause probs between him and brook. As it is ridge hasnt fully recommitted to brook yet
Heck yeah deacon should have brought up the kiss ridge and taylor shared and also the forrester dinner party brook was convienently not invited to but taylor was. And fact it was brook who kissed him not him that kissed her on new years. Ridge is being a hypocrit and self rioghtous bully its pathetic he needs to be knocked off his high horse too when it comes to deacon and attacking him blaming him instead of holding brook accountable for any of her bad behaviorr he is wrong to even be harassing deacon on his job that he works hard at to prove to hope and brook he is changed and wants to and trying his best to do right by hope and even brook
Ridge and brook both infuriate me for placing all their problems on someone else instead of on each other where it belongs same as hope makes me sick with her whiniy crying pouting when she doesnt get her way with something
Yeah, I got to say, ridge is really way out of line.. firstly, not cool to confront deacon at his work place.. firstly , it could put deacons job on the line, and what’s going on with them has nothing to do with work.. that would have been humiliating and downgrading to deacon.. ridge is totally acting like the pompous a*^+# he iz actually meant to b on this show.. I can’t stand him and I hope Taylor doesn’t go down that road again..
Deacon, wake up and turn Sheila in.. what r you doing!! If u really want to prove to hope you have changed, turn Sheila in..
Brook, go stick your nose in someone else’s business please.. or why don’t you go and confront Thomas to his face about this?? You won’t do that because you know he won’t tolerate your demands..
I don't get why Ridge even paid Deacon a visit in the first place. It was so random. When Brooke tried to explain what happened, he barely had a reaction. What changed?
I agree about Deacon. He needs to stop putting up with Sheila and her manipulations. This close call with Hope should put some sense into his head. Hopefully.
I agree Mandy, and considering that, Liam didn’t not want anything to do with Douglas initially, because he firstly didn’t agree with what brook and hope did to get custody, and secondly, he did not want to do that to Thomas because he would have been upset if anyone did that to him where kelly was concerned.. but typical Liam, agrees with anything brook says because he knows how much power and influence brook has over hope.. so what’re ever the monster in law says goes 🤣🤣🤣
Yes I have been wondering the same thing?? Hi bfan, where r u love?? U ok?? If you don’t want to blog anymore it’s all good, but just check in and let us know your ok love??
You ladies didn’t see my same question days ago. I had asked where BBFAN had disappeared to and said that you aren’t your normal trifecta without her. 😬😬😬
Well this is highly unusual for bfan.. she has been on this blog for as long as it’s been created I think, and she usually lets everyone know if she is not going to be on for a while, so it’s only natural that Ell and I would be worried about her Lynn.. perhaps those grillings you gave her when you came back here, telling her not to reply to you and how stressed out being on here made you, because you felt she was attacking you everytime she dared to disagree with you, may have promted her to take a break.. who knows?? But I genuinely hope she is ok, and I am glad u find it all amusing..
It’s absolutely not like her.. she’s been on this blog since well before I have been on here, and she always tells everyone if she has to leave, for example Easter.. so I just honestly hope she is ok?
Well I will say this, Booklover123 has been attacked by multiple people on this blog. And for zero reason. Booklover never even argues with people. He / she simply posts and people attack. And as a result of me standing up to the bullies, I was accused of being the same person as Booklover. Ridiculous! Me not wanting BBFAN to reply on my comments directly was a result of her always needing to be right. She would “reply” on everyone’s posts she didn’t agree with and was always needing to be right. So yes, I had an issue with her constantly feeling the need to correct me. She can have all the opinions she wants, just like I can. And if she didn’t like what I wrote, then just ignore my comment and go post what she believed. But her need to constantly correct everyone is what drove me crazy. I certainly didn’t tell her to get off the blog. She has as much right ti be here as anyone.
And honestly, when I’m told that my opinions don’t count cuz I haven’t watched the show for 30 years, I call bull on that. I can like whomever I want to like. I don’t need permission.
One final thing to respond to in what Colly said….”I’m glad you find it all amusing, Lynn.” Not sure what you are trying to imply here. And I’m also not sure what you think I find “so amusing.” If you are implying that I would be happy if something happened to her in real life, then all I gotta say is “WOW!!!” This is a bunch of people sharing ideas about the make-believe life of the Forresters and Logans. I would never wish harm to come to anyone in their “real life”. So I will assume that is not what you are implying.
I agree. Sometimes it's better than the soap for a laugh. But chill Lynn. That's not what I got by Colly's reply and it's not about make believe Forresters and Logans.
@ D, I think you need to chill. You need to calm down. You need to stop telling people what they need to do. As Colly said, I’ll keep being me. You keep being you and it’s not your place to tell anyone to chill or calm down. You are not the blog police. So don’t be telling me what I need to do.
Oh, my goodness - those scissors ✂️ in Sheila's hand!
ReplyDeleteSheila absolutely cannot change. Why in heaven's name would she want to attack Deacon's daughter?
DeleteI don't believe Sheila is targeting Hope. I think Sheila would attack anyone who recognized her and would blow her cover. Afterall, Sheila cut off her own toe so she could have freedom. She even said she would do it again...
DeleteI had to laugh, when hope asks about her name being Italian and Sheila says it mean I always win 🤣🤣 and Liam is right, I give him stars for what he said about ridge is waiting to pounce on hope with the old I told u so.. brook looked a bit worried for a second there when Liam said if that happens!! 🤣🤣 that scene was so messed up with brook ridge and Liam.. Liam’s worried about hope, brooks worried about deacon and his confrontation, and ridge already gloating like the pompous pig he is..loved his response when brook said did it get physical, and ridge genuinely seemed shocked when he said no, what am I, 12?? Umm it sure got physical last time!! 🤣🤣 anyone notice the both concerned and confused look on Liam’s face when brook said she believes it’s all coming from steffy and Taylor??
DeleteLet's wait for Booklover & Lynne's hateful comments....I think it's the same person using two different log in's 🤣🤣🤣🤣 crazy bunch, it's just a soapie 🤣
ReplyDeleteIt's just a soapie but it's fine for you to break rules and talk other posters. Why you think you are high and mighty is because anyone doesn't like your favorites is a problem for you. Bob might be interested in reminding people what they need to talk about the soap and characters, even if you don't agree. Skip reading the ones you don't like or face getting shut down.
DeleteScion sticky don't correct other posters - Onyx Path Forumshttp://forum.theonyxpath.com › forum › main-forum › 1...
No one without the title "Moderator" gets to tell other posters how to post. ... Do not use the Flag button to disagree with a rules post or official ..
Here's what I wish would happen. Brooke would decide she didn't love ridge anymore and send him packing. Then Taylor could have him, but probably won't want him because she couldn't technically beat Brooke. Ridge would be so lonely and distraught that he'd leave the country. I hate ridge almost more than Sheila. He is such a hypocritical asshole. He can play rubdown with Taylor all the time, but Deacon isn't even allowed to talk to Brooke? F*** Ridge. I wish someone would murder him 😂
Deleteunknown August 26, 2022 at 11:42 AM
DeleteLet's wait for Booklover & Lynne's hateful comments....I think it's the same person using two different log in's 🤣🤣🤣🤣 crazy bunch, it's just a soapie 🤣
@booklover, you are a LOT more crazy than I originally thought 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you do realize that it's a soapie right 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is not about the program, This is a soapie but you are OPENLY and maliciously attacking the people.
To target specific people for this type of bullying is not ok!!!!!!!!!!! How dare you and how narrow minded can you be?!
I understand that this bullying is because there opinion differs from yours...how childish can you be?
This is a chat forum? Grow up!
Bob this is your site,I strongly suggest you put some hard and fast rules in place regarding this behaviour. It needs to be stopped NOW!!
Lol, Booklover123 and I ARE NOT the same person. We have very different writing styles and opinions about things. I just enjoy standing up against bullies like “Asrpblond” and “unknown”.
DeleteIt’s been said before, and I will say it again….
You ladies are not the blog police. Your opinions are no more valid than anyone else’s. So simply mind your business!
👏👏👏👏 Well said. Some of these commenters act like we're talking about their children, not a show! It's ridiculous how they become so vicious because we have, gasp, a different opinion! How dare us not agree with them!
DeleteJust ignore the comments because they really are unnecessary. Eventually, it will stop.
DeleteBrooke time to dig in and demand Ridge play by his own rules and stay away from Taylor. Or both shut up and forget it. Ridge kissing Taylor was the perfect move to capatalize on. Stay together out of fear and live in fear forever.
ReplyDeleteRidge forget Deacon and worry about Douglas and Thomas' bad driving skills. Deacon throw up Ridge kissing Taylor now.! Ridge'a tirade would end quicker. Ridge has the teabags to tell Deacon about his bad choices? Dragging two women along is classy? Ridge needs to get his head soaked by a bucket over a door. Hope thinks Deacon has a new gf. Sheila can fold up the knife for now, maybe later some action. When is Ridge the gasbag's vacay?
@booklover, you are a LOT more crazy than I originally thought 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you do realize that it's a soapie right 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
DeleteThanks for the perfect examples of rule breaking. Moderator, this poster is breaking rules attacking other posters and needs to be reminded of the or shut down.
DeleteThis poster : unknown August 26, 2022 at 12:02 PM
Delete@booklover, you are a LOT more crazy than I originally thought 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you do realize that it's a soapie right 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bob is kind enough to spend time uploading for us all to enjoy.
DeleteI personally respect and appreciate all
Any comments that are nasty dont belong here
Keep posts short to help Bob
If u cant post positive just say a Thank You
Yes, Ridge is delusional. He says he wants to protect everyone, but truth is….he just wants to control everyone!!!
DeleteHe sux! He's the dictator of Las Angeles
DeleteI totally agree ..if ridge is gonna demand brook 2 stay away from deacon she should give him the ultimatum of staying away from taylor brook feels threatened by her and ridge is threatened by deacon and he and brook both being hypocritical holier than thou bullies to their arch rivals enemies. It needs to stop ridge doesnt know if deacon wont or is a changed man and taylor and steffy are not the ones pushing thom on douglas that was purely thom but yes his family are gonna back him up. Brook say thom cant have everything he wants well then neither can she and hope. He was unstable due to damn brain tumor. Medical prib not his damn fault he is stable caple of raising his son now tge truth needs to come out now about that letter from caroline thom wrote stating carol wabted hope to be douglases mom if she should die
DeleteI wish Deacon could have told Ridge that his interests are actually elsewhere - with his ex-wife. That would sure have sent Ridge into a tailspin. Haha.
DeleteIf by ex-wife, you mean the one who is doing her best to be his current wife (Taylor), Deacon has not even mentioned Taylor once recently. That ship has long sailed. And I think Ridge is beyond worked up trying to “protect” Brooke. So no, Taylor doesn’t figure into this mix at all.
DeleteLynn, you are delusional if you think Ridge won't have a conundrum if he gets wind that Deacon was putting the moves on Taylor. It doesn't matter if Deacon isn't presently doing so (he isn't presently taking photos with Brooke and Hope either), Ridge would not stand for it.
DeleteYou may not like Taylor but if Ridge can accost Deacon for the woman that he has not fully recommitted to, how do you think he will react for the woman he is currently committed to spending all his time with?
Lol, Elle. Look at you grossly exaggerating to make your point. Ridge is NOT currently “committed to spending all his time with Taylor.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
DeleteLet’s see…has he moved back in with Taylor? Nope. Slimy Ridge went to France with Taylor for their daughter Steffy. Since he’s been back he’s been with Brooke on multiple occasions. The family dinner (where the “Forrester” women pulled their sluttiest clothes out of the closet so they could squuuuueeeeze into them) was a dinner celebration for Finn returning to the family as well as thinking that Douglas may be returning to the fold. But that was in no way Ridge committing to spend all his time with Taylor. And we saw Ridge get visibly angry with Taylor and Steffy at Steffy’s when the 2 cackling hens were berating Brooke. Ridge is a dog and will most likely play both sides for as long as he can.
I’ve been saying for months that once Ridge fully commits to Brooke, and he will…I absolutely hope Brooke kicks his sorry ass to the curb!!! Immediately!
But what I do know is that Ridge will not choose Taylor to be the one he fully commits to. That will simply never happen. Her giggly, juvenile behavior would send him over the edge in 5 minutes!!!
Lynn, since Ridge moved back in with Brooke, how often have we seen them together? Even Brooke voiced her concern to Hope recently that she and Ridge have not been spending a lot of time together. Ridge is with Taylor at Steffy's, at the office and at Eric's. We have seen him with Brooke when he first moved back in, when he returned from Monaco, at the office when he told her about the kiss with Taylor and on Friday's show when he returned from the Forrester party at Eric's. However, in all of those times we saw him with Brooke, there was more arguing and stand-offs between them than intimacy. With Taylor, he is either kissing her, hugging her, having his hands on her or telling her how she makes him feel. And this is what I meant when I said he is more committed to spending time with Taylor because he is actually spending time with her and developing a closeness with her compared to the times he spends with Brooke. Come on now.
DeleteAnd I really do not care who Ridge ends up with. Both women deserve better. If he chooses to be with Taylor, kudos to Brooke for dodging a bullet. If he chooses to be with Brooke, kudos to Taylor for dodging a bullet. It really does not matter to me. However, it is very clear to see that, for some time now, Ridge has been enjoying spending time with Taylor and has been doing so as much as he can. I cannot say the same for Brooke. Brooke has been relegated to interfering in Hope's family problems, chit-chatting with Liam, taking photos with Hope and Deacon and scheming with Donna. She and Ridge have had minimal contact time together.
Elle, we see things very very differently. The reason Ridge has seen Taylor more..,
Delete1. She insists on stalking him at the office. She just shows up uninvited all the time.
2. Ridge goes to his daughter’s house to see a Steffy who has been away for weeks. And see his grandkids etc. He is not there to specifically spend time with Taylor. He is simply spending time with the group of them.
3. I already fully addressed the “family dinner” above.
And Ridge has absolutely not had his hands “all over Taylor”. She hangs on him like a lovesick teenager and looks up at him with those doey eyes that make everyone want to vomit.
4. And of course there is dissension over the Douglas thing. That’s a given and causing friction between Ridge and Brooke. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her and want to get past it.
I gotta cut this one short. Busy day in my “real life!” 🤣😂😂🤣
Lynn, just because you don't want to admit that Ridge has been loving being around Taylor doesn't mean it is not true. Ridge told Taylor while they were at Eric's that she makes him feel good. If you think that has nothing to do with why he is always going over to Steffy's, kissing Taylor, hugging her or putting his hands around her waist or on her legs, then you are either very naive or, as I said before, just don't want to admit it.
DeleteI don't know if Taylor shows up uninvited to Ridge's office or not but even if she did, you don't see Ridge angry about it or acting like she's unwelcomed. He always gets a huge smile on his face when he sees her and always finds an excuse to put his hands on her. Maybe you're too busy being repulsed by Taylor to notice it. I understand because I cannot see anything past Douglas' bad acting whenever he is in a scene. Lol.
@Elle, here’s what I will say…Ridge never gets a huge smile on his face when he sees anyone. And that very much includes Taylor. Ridge is definitely not a smiley guy. He always looks annoyed as far as I’m concerned.
DeleteThe ONLY time I actually saw Ridge get a huge smile on his face was when they were told Finn was alive. That’s honestly one of the very first and only times I have ever seen him truly smile. He mostly scowls through all his scenes.
You keep bringing up the kiss like it’s happened numerous times. It happened in France. That was it. And you are also conveniently forget to mention that he recently told Brooke he loves her more than anything. Clearly, as I have already stated multiple times, Taylor literally swoons over Ridge in a completely disgusting fashion, as she hangs on his every word. It’s so damn pathetic and unattractive. Brooke doesn’t force herself on Ridge, she gives the asshole his space. I’m sure Ridge loves the over the top adoration Taylor gives him. It simply feeds his ego. However, not once has he told Taylor he’s in love with her or wants her back. Not once. He’s playing them both as I keep saying. Taylor is acting completely slutty by actively pursuing a married man. I will say it again, where’s your outrage??? If it were Brooke doing what Taylor is doing, we’d never hear the end of it!!!!
Once Brooke and Ridge get past this Douglas tug-o-war, they will reestablish their commitment. And once Ridge is fully committed to making things work with the love of his life, Brooke, that’s when I hope she will once and for all dump his butt!!!!
Ridge is so right, Deacon is a total waster, so weak. Sheila's got worse and ready to strike again total psycho
ReplyDeleteNo ridge is not right i think deacon may play sheila.. take her money and run and turn her in to authorities. Being he refuses to let hope or even brook down.ridge just acting like a bully trying to control people and hypocritacly putting them down all the time without knowing truth of it.. or giving a benefit of doubt especially when hes jelly and feels threatened by them
DeleteIf Ridge is so concerned about his wife how about spend some time with her or move on to "Taylor". He's being totally erratic these days, randomly popping here and there like a jack in the box and unable to express proper emotions.
ReplyDeleteLiam being a detective was so cute. They should give this boy a storyline at long last, he's being wasted always chatting with his MIL.
Deacon 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ If he has half a brain he should just turn Sheila in.
Why don't the writers put Brooke and Liam together, they're so alike, they're always in the same page 🤷🤷
ReplyDeleteThank you Bob xxxx
ReplyDeleteOn Ridge's "To Do" list for today (and every day): 1. Go harass Deacon at his place of work, being sure to remind him never to come to my place of work; 2. Drop by to see Taylor and be all touchy-feely with her to lead her on; 3. Argue with Brooke about our children's issues with each other. Repeat from beginning.
ReplyDeleteSo true! 🤣
DeleteYou got that right 😂 How dare him come by Deacon's work place to harass him. What a dick
DeleteOkay Deacon, now that you know it's Sheila, and you are sober how can you stand to look at that crazy treacherous dog. Then make out with her too. Yuck! Dude, you can do better. Go get a hooker. At least you would be helping someone pay some bills. 😁
ReplyDeletePuleeze ridge you have no right going to deacons job getting up in his face over tge sltitious named brook that you married. You already know she cant stay loyal to you and the pic wasnt his fault he was invited by hope to come to office but of course brook just happened to pop in at same time get over it. They have a child 2gether same as u & taylor haz kids 2gether.. stop acting like a bully & lay off of deacon.. u are no better than he is ... deacon i would just get an advance on that money sheila offered to give u take it and run off somewhere else and call authorities and let em know where shes at..find a way to turn her in without you winding up back in jail
ReplyDeleteGood idea. That's exactly what Deacon should do.
DeleteAgreed! However, I'm not sure a dead woman can walk into a bank to withdraw her money.
DeleteLmao Elle. I do hope Pammy's scenario is what writers have in store. I was starting to like Deacon and really hope he's not that stupid and has an agenda. BUT who knows where they take this.
DeleteSo sheila ur disquise working so far but you go harming hope ya can bet deacon gonna wind up killing u and finding nearest bear country or alligator pond to feed the animals
ReplyDeleteBy Gosh brook if ur spoied whiny daughter hope can haz whatever she wants then so can thomas so u need to gtfo sdstfu
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts exactly. Brooke says Thomas can't get what he wants, at the same time insinuating that Hope can get everything she wants. Sometimes I just can't with Brooke.
DeleteBrooks a narcissist, simple as that.. she won’t change.. at the beginning of the show, her flash back with ridge, asking her to support him while he supports his son.. what she is really thinking, is how am I going to be able to stop Thomas taking Douglas without ridge noticing, so it looks like she is supporting but is not!! We will wait and see.. back when brook was at Eric’s begging ridge to come home, after his meal with Taylor.. part of her big spiel to get him to come home, was that she realises as a wife she needs to listen to him and respect and support him and I quote “and that’s what I am going to do”!! So let’s see if she does.. or let’s see if she uses others like Donna and hope etc, to make it appear as though she is but in the background, brewing the witches pot!!
DeleteGood point, Colly. And that's why I say that Brooke will end up losing Ridge. She never learns and she just can't help herself.
DeleteRidge, how do you say the things you do without cracking up at the ridiculousness of it all??!!! Let’s see….you have been playing touchy feely with Taylor for the last week plus. So while you are off playing house with Taylor, you think it’s perfectly fine to also go to Deacon’s place of work and totally harass him for a pic with Brooke from days ago that was completely innocent??!!! Just when you think people on this show couldn’t get anymore hypocritical, they surprise you and take it up a notch!!!
ReplyDeleteRidge needs to go!!! Please Brooke, dump his sorry butt!!!
DeleteI would really like to see Brooke and Deacon give it another try. Deacon would cherish her for sure. But he needs to get rid of Sheila and stop allowing her to manipulate him. He just needs to let the authorities know that she just showed up at his place in disguise. He won't get charged with harboring a fugitive if he just tells them the truth about what happened. However, the longer he allows Sheila to stay, the worse it will get for him.
DeleteNah Ell, deacons to good for brook.. he deserves someone who won’t use him as a doormat.. brook is quick to discard any man who doesn’t serve her a purpose..
DeleteOh now, now Colly…let’s not be so bitter. Brooke deserves the best! Just cuz you don’t like her doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a ton to offer a man. She is beautiful, intelligent, accomplished and fierce for the ones she loves! And you refuse to even spell her name correctly. It’s Brooke not brook.
DeleteAre all the women in here daydrinkers?
ReplyDeleteOh how I wish Lynn.
ReplyDeleteI just want to see Brooke kick his sorry butt to the kerb.She deserves happiness with a man who is dedicated to her and only her.
All that crap with Steffy and Thomas and the Forrester family! The only Forrester in the room was Eric. He really believes he deserves to use the name Forrester.
It`s no wonder Rick despises him, because Rick really is Erics son and a Forrester in every sense of the name.
I`m not sure why he doesn`t go look up his biological father, perhaps the Maroneys don`t want him in their lives and I can fully understand why.
I`m hoping this near miss with Hope will wake Deacon up and he gets rid of Sheila out of his life forever. Yes, Deacon is a scoundrel but he`s a far better man than Ridge could ever wish to be.
Booklover and Lynn are obviously one and the same person. Hilarious! Lmao
Delete@SayWhat, go smoke some more of whatever you’re smoking. Just sit back and enjoy the high that you are obviously experiencing. Booklover123 has been on this blog far longer than I have and most likely has watched this show for decades. I just started watching less than 4 years ago. So go troll someone else, I have zero use for you and your conspiracy theories!!! 😂😂😂
DeleteWow!!! So, Ridge can have his cake and eat it, too!!! It’s OKAY to not invite his wife to a family dinner, cozy up to Taylor and let Taylor be all touchy, feely and huggy with him, BUT Deacon can’t be in a selfie with Hope and Brooke. I agree Deacon and Hope did that intentionally but Ridge is going overboard with this. I wouldn’t want a man who couldn’t decide who he wants.
ReplyDeleteTaylor and Brooke have accepted Ridge's behavior for years so it's no surprise Ridge continues to treat them the way he does. They both allow it.
DeleteI honestly believe that secretly hope did want ridge to see the photo of her brook and deacon together in hopes of it causing brook abd him some issues in hopes of it splitting them up because she secretly wants her parents back together the same as steffy and thom wañt their parents back together. But really someone needs to get it thru ridges thick skull the pic was not his fault hope had invited deacon to stop by the office to chat and look at some of her designs yet mommy dearest just halpened to pop in around same time was no bad intentions on deacons part maybe a lil on hope who secretly wanted for ridge to see it and cause probs between him and brook. As it is ridge hasnt fully recommitted to brook yet
ReplyDeleteHeck yeah deacon should have brought up the kiss ridge and taylor shared and also the forrester dinner party brook was convienently not invited to but taylor was. And fact it was brook who kissed him not him that kissed her on new years. Ridge is being a hypocrit and self rioghtous bully its pathetic he needs to be knocked off his high horse too when it comes to deacon and attacking him blaming him instead of holding brook accountable for any of her bad behaviorr he is wrong to even be harassing deacon on his job that he works hard at to prove to hope and brook he is changed and wants to and trying his best to do right by hope and even brook
ReplyDeleteRidge and brook both infuriate me for placing all their problems on someone else instead of on each other where it belongs same as hope makes me sick with her whiniy crying pouting when she doesnt get her way with something
ReplyDeleteYeah, I got to say, ridge is really way out of line.. firstly, not cool to confront deacon at his work place.. firstly , it could put deacons job on the line, and what’s going on with them has nothing to do with work.. that would have been humiliating and downgrading to deacon.. ridge is totally acting like the pompous a*^+# he iz actually meant to b on this show.. I can’t stand him and I hope Taylor doesn’t go down that road again..
ReplyDeleteDeacon, wake up and turn Sheila in.. what r you doing!! If u really want to prove to hope you have changed, turn Sheila in..
Brook, go stick your nose in someone else’s business please.. or why don’t you go and confront Thomas to his face about this?? You won’t do that because you know he won’t tolerate your demands..
I don't get why Ridge even paid Deacon a visit in the first place. It was so random. When Brooke tried to explain what happened, he barely had a reaction. What changed?
DeleteI agree about Deacon. He needs to stop putting up with Sheila and her manipulations. This close call with Hope should put some sense into his head. Hopefully.
Come on Liam Thomas has been upset his son thinks he dont care
ReplyDeleteDouglas is his son not Liams
Come on Liam Thomas has been upset his son thinks he dont care
ReplyDeleteDouglas is his son not Liams
I agree Mandy, and considering that, Liam didn’t not want anything to do with Douglas initially, because he firstly didn’t agree with what brook and hope did to get custody, and secondly, he did not want to do that to Thomas because he would have been upset if anyone did that to him where kelly was concerned.. but typical Liam, agrees with anything brook says because he knows how much power and influence brook has over hope.. so what’re ever the monster in law says goes 🤣🤣🤣
ReplyDeleteWhere is Bbfan? I hope she's okay. Bbfan, if you're reading, please let us know you're okay. Thanks. Miss you. 😊
ReplyDeleteYes I have been wondering the same thing?? Hi bfan, where r u love?? U ok?? If you don’t want to blog anymore it’s all good, but just check in and let us know your ok love??
DeleteYou ladies didn’t see my same question days ago. I had asked where BBFAN had disappeared to and said that you aren’t your normal trifecta without her. 😬😬😬
DeleteI didn't see your message. I would have responded if I did.
DeleteYes , Lynn, I saw that message!! I chose to ignore it..😬😬😬
ReplyDeleteAnd yet here you are asking about BBFAN!! 😂😂😂
DeleteWell this is highly unusual for bfan.. she has been on this blog for as long as it’s been created I think, and she usually lets everyone know if she is not going to be on for a while, so it’s only natural that Ell and I would be worried about her Lynn.. perhaps those grillings you gave her when you came back here, telling her not to reply to you and how stressed out being on here made you, because you felt she was attacking you everytime she dared to disagree with you, may have promted her to take a break.. who knows?? But I genuinely hope she is ok, and I am glad u find it all amusing..
DeleteIt really isn't like her, Colly, to just disappear. She would usually say something. I truly hope all is okay with her.
DeleteAnd Lynn has basically stated that things are not the same without her here. 😁😉
DeleteIt’s absolutely not like her.. she’s been on this blog since well before I have been on here, and she always tells everyone if she has to leave, for example Easter.. so I just honestly hope she is ok?
DeleteWell I will say this, Booklover123 has been attacked by multiple people on this blog. And for zero reason. Booklover never even argues with people. He / she simply posts and people attack. And as a result of me standing up to the bullies, I was accused of being the same person as Booklover. Ridiculous!
DeleteMe not wanting BBFAN to reply on my comments directly was a result of her always needing to be right. She would “reply” on everyone’s posts she didn’t agree with and was always needing to be right. So yes, I had an issue with her constantly feeling the need to correct me. She can have all the opinions she wants, just like I can. And if she didn’t like what I wrote, then just ignore my comment and go post what she believed. But her need to constantly correct everyone is what drove me crazy. I certainly didn’t tell her to get off the blog. She has as much right ti be here as anyone.
And honestly, when I’m told that my opinions don’t count cuz I haven’t watched the show for 30 years, I call bull on that. I can like whomever I want to like. I don’t need permission.
DeleteOne final thing to respond to in what Colly said….”I’m glad you find it all amusing, Lynn.”
DeleteNot sure what you are trying to imply here. And I’m also not sure what you think I find “so amusing.” If you are implying that I would be happy if something happened to her in real life, then all I gotta say is “WOW!!!” This is a bunch of people sharing ideas about the make-believe life of the Forresters and Logans. I would never wish harm to come to anyone in their “real life”. So I will assume that is not what you are implying.
That is NOT what I said..wtf.. I am not even going to respond to that Lynn.. u just keep on being u and I will keep on being me..
DeleteThis blog has more drama than the actual soap. 😳
ReplyDeleteI agree. Sometimes it's better than the soap for a laugh. But chill Lynn. That's not what I got by Colly's reply and it's not about make believe Forresters and Logans.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first joined the blog it was all humor no matter if you're a Forrester or Logan fan. Miss that 😔
ReplyDeleteMe too D!!
ReplyDelete@ D, I think you need to chill. You need to calm down. You need to stop telling people what they need to do. As Colly said, I’ll keep being me. You keep being you and it’s not your place to tell anyone to chill or calm down. You are not the blog police. So don’t be telling me what I need to do.
ReplyDeleteOh and D, I don’t think Colly needs her little side kick / mini me (that’s you D) defending her. You seriously need to butt out!!!!