Destiny 🤢🤮🤮🤮. Yea Ridge forces are trying to ruin our lives.. doesn’t mention her own bad behaviour it’s all of your children, former wife and your son trying to take custody from Hope lol… no Logan responsibility at all 🙄🙄.
Thomas was correct shared custody where Hope has Douglas 95% of the time yeahh and no it was NOT mutual! Hope and Brooke told Thomas how it would be after he was manipulated into giving Hope her “open adoption “ of Douglas. What a joke.
Enjoyed the eye candy to begin the show sigggggggh!
Sooo true brook. Never owns to her behavior blames it on everyone else then cries crocodile tears and begs for dorgiveneess which they all grrant because shes some sort of golden goddess smdh hell naw that custody agreement is in no way fair and doesnt even qualify az joint custody and has gotta change. If brook hope liam all get forgivess then thoomas damn well deserves forgiveness from his past which wasnt even his fault for hhaving.
Carter on 🔥🔥🔥🔥 loved that first scene!! As for Ridge, I am not above saying he over reacted initially however, Ridge is always on guard when brook is around her exes, especially Bill and Deacon, because let’s be honest here, he has a pretty good reason to.. Taylor doesn’t just waltz on in to brooks house uninvited..
And yes brook, u r not pointing fingers, then next breath, list the “forces” that r against u 🤣🤣🤣 I know the Logan fans will have a field day today.. But, it’s not over till the fat lady sings.. It will only b a matter of time.. I just wish they would move it along, it’s waaaay overdue to be over..
I didn’t see Ridge kissing Brooke or saying he loves her. He looks contemplative. However sadly he may never get over his blind spot where she’s concerned so buckle up mate and get used to seeing your wife with her many many many many exes’ hands all over her 🙄
@BBfan101 He only gave her a peck kiss and NO Frenchy, Frenchy, HA! HA! It's funny how she was doing the talking on the couch and he was being quiet as a mouse. BUT, since Hope walked in and heard how Ridge has feeling for Taylor as well, I wouldn't be surprised if Hope runs home and spills the beans to Mommy Dearest!
I compared the 2 scenarios - Taylor talking to Ridge yesterday and Brooke talking to him today. Ridge seemed pensive both times. The 2 major differences I saw was that Ridge told Taylor he loved her as opposed to Brooke telling him that he was her destiny. Secondly, Ridge was a lot more intimate with Taylor yesterday - holding her, looking directly into her eyes and hugging her. With Brooke, she was the one wrapping her arms around Ridge's neck and initiating kisses. Not sure what it all means. Guess we have to wait and see.
Steffy has busted hopes bubble big time abd hope knows. Steffy is right.. and of course shes gonna run straight to mommy dearest. Ridge needs to grow. Some knutts and just dump brooks asss and tell her he loves taylor and what she is and meanns to him and hes going back to taylor he came in saw her in bills arms which got him thinking about what taylor and his kids have told him brook however wants ro use her sexuality. As allways to weasle out from him being upset over catching her in bills arms..
Bbfan, Ell, l agree, Ridge went to talk to Taylor yesterday, and gave a fable excuse, dropped the L word about 3 times, and I think his facial expression throughout their conversations said it all!! Very different conversations.. brook did all the talking, and he pretty much didn’t say a lot, but remind her about bill just stopping by.. Time will tell.. no I love yous to brook, in fact I haven’t really heard him say that to her in a while, and if he did, it must have been fleeting?? Cause it certainly wasn’t heartfelt to remember.. I think the last time he said it to her was when he confessed about the kiss in Monaco, and he was trying to cover his ass with her then, and knew if he said it, that would b enough for her at that time.. but since,???
Lol Ridge didn't show affection because he ego was hit with Bill hugging Brooke and he was too busy thinking of what Taylor and Steffy sink in his head that Brooke will always turn to another man. Meanwhile he busy playing house with Taylor. Steffy is mini Brooke and the biggest hypocrite , difference is Brooke new she was pregnant for Steffy needed paternity test both time one for father and son and one for ex husband and future husband at the time , so she just a slut from the valley as Brooke and just as hypocrite and judgement.
Wow, Steffy taking charge! What Steffy wants to do could possibly affect Thomas in getting custody. Well, today Ridge DIDN'T storm out he stayed right there with Brooke, that is different, he usually walks out and slams the door.
Yeah he really couldn’t rationalize storming out when she was only hugging Bill but he definitely didn’t appreciate finding the fella in his home either.
I don't like Steffy pushing Taylor to break up Ridge's marriage. That's totally a Brooke move. It's time for her to step back and let her parents figure out what they want to do on their own. She already said her piece and it's been done to death.
@ D - now you’re catching on. Steffy’s work is not done. The little wanna-be diva is gonna dig her heels in even deeper. She is a snarky bitch and always has been! And you’re gonna see first hand Thomas’s sneaky side as well! Buckle up and enjoy the ride!! 😂🤣
Elle, I don’t like the way Steffy is pushing so hard either.. It’s not necessary.. And it’s getting soooo over the top, I can barely listen to it.. The writers r trying to kill us, I think.. It must be so hard for the actors, when they get their scripts, and it’s identical to their last one.. It would drive me insane..
And yet again here we go - when it’s the Forresters acting horribly - then it’s the writers of the show who are causing it. But when Brooke behaves badly - it’s all the character Brooke’s fault. Interesting perspective….NOT!!
Steffy is clearly mini Brooke no doubt, playing miss perfect Nancy but hypocrite and selfish like Brooke .They need to bring a long lost obsess ex of Finn so she can learn !
GROW UP, what are you 5 years old?? Maybe the poster who said they thought one of your alter ego’s was a teenager “trying” to pretend they are an adult.. and you trying to explain that your 50+ years old 🤣🤣 and you say I need professional help omg, is your hand stuck to your forehead?? 🤣🤣🤣
Anyone else get the feeling that Bill’s popping by to get advice about Katie was really a fishing trip to see if there cracks forming in Bridge and if he could get a look in? All his walk down memory lane and telling Brooke how beautiful she is, how no one else knows or understands him etc. Sure felt like a lot more. Brooke is such a liar, Bill wasn’t inconsolable lol seriously?? 🙄
@BBfan101 Yes, I thought the same thing. He may love Katie but not as much as he does Brooke. Katie was right that she feels the uncertainty that he couldn't stay sincere to her, all it would have to take is all three of them to gather in a room and watch how Bill will eye Brooke from a distance. Bill also has a thing for Steffy as well, but Steffy put her foot down that she didn't want to have anything to do with him, so for Bill asking for Katie back is a joke, when he still has Brooke (A) or Steffy (B) as his backup plan, why doesn't he try Li, she's available.
Bill is a believer in the "forces." He's putting himself in place in the event Ridge walks out on the queen of oopsies once again. I hope he knows his competition is a black belt. Although, Deacon might have decided that he's no longer interested. 🤷🏻♀️
Bbfan, yes, I do think that’s exactly what Bill was doing.. He mentioned Katie briefly, then started reminiscing about how they were, and he said the identical things to brook, that he said to Katie, “your the only one who understands me”, and so on.. Didn’t he say all those things to Katie when he first tried to get her back..?
Oh poor pathetic Taylor! you really are a desperado aren`t you? For goodness sake where is even an ounce of pride? I embarrassed for you. If any man ever treated me with such disdain the door would be slammed firmly in his face, never to be opened again. As Ridge told you, Brooke is his wife. I would like nothing more than for Brooke to kick Ridge out of her life and move on. She deserves so much better than him.
Well Brooke has also pined after him for years, so by your logic she really loves him too. I think they're both pathetic, as is any woman or man who would be a constant doormat and beg for someone's love and attention. There's nothing romantic or noble about that.
On one hand, Ridge is supposedly treating Taylor with disdain and affirming to her that Brooke is his wife. On the other hand, Brooke should kick Ridge out because she deserves better.
If the first scenario is to be believed, why should Brooke kick Ridge out? With all the disdain he's showing Taylor in addition to standing up for his wife, I would say Brooke is darn lucky that her husband only has eyes for her!
Of course, we know that is soooo far from the truth. 😂😂🤣🤣
Spot on Hilary, both woman have fought over him for him years, and he loves it.. And, they both should piss him off and find men that treat them both much better.. And I think it’s pretty clear what Maur meant Lynn.. It’s that attention to detail, u know??
Ridge will officially pick Brooke and Brooke should divorce that loser! And Taylor should set her sights on someone new as well. He plays both of them like a fiddle. But at the end of all this, Taylor is completely out of line for going after a married man!!! And she deserves what she gets. And that will always be crumbs!
🤣🤣🤣 u r way to sensitive Lynn.. So it’s ok for u to reply to me yesterday, when I was speaking to some else , being very snarky, but I can’t point anything out u?? 🧐🧐🧐🤣🤣🤣
Lynn, I am starting to think that you don’t really know what the word snarky means?? Or many other terms and words you use??
Or that, when you ask or agree with someone to not comment on your posts, but you continue to do so to them, which you have done many times to me, since we agreed not to , e.g yesterdays, todays..
So I reiterate, our agreement from a week ago, you don’t comment on mine, and I won’t comment on yours.. how is that on your snark o meter???
Well Colly, I would have been fine with that. But you started replying to my comments earlier in the week. So I started replying to yours as well. It is what it is. I will comment as I see fit. And reply as I see fit. Just like you do. And I know exactly what I mean when I use the various adjectives. If you want me to start critiquing the way you write, I’ll have a field day!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Umm Lynn, I don’t believe I did respond to any of your comments since our banter and then agreement, I will have to go back and check? And it’s ironic, I went back to yesterdays comments, to get my facts straight, as I know that is important to you, and when I went to the comments where you decided to chime in and make a comment in response to my comment to “sunshine”, and it appears that comment has suddenly disappeared since I posted what I just did above..?? So either you deleted, or Bob did?? It’s not like Bob to just go on the next day then back track the day before and just randomly delete random comments??🧐🧐🧐 so, “let’s try” it again Lynn, and please “try harder”, let’s stick to our agreement, and not respond to each other’s posts, starting .. Now!!
I didn’t delete anything yesterday and don’t even know what comment you are talking about. I think you must be retired cuz you seem to have tons of free time on your hands. I am gonna do what I do and reply as I see fit. If I feel like I want to address something that’s said, then I will. Most of what you write I honestly don’t even read because they are simply too long and waaaaay off base. Your problem is you get off on ganging up on people. I’ve seen it time and time again. And you think you’re so all knowing because you have watched the show for 100 years….so you must be the expert. The problem is, lots of other people have watched the show since its inception and they completely disagree with you. Some of the things you say are so ludicrous….like you blaming the writers when Steffy is a total bitch. But Brooke is simply a bitch by virtue of the fact that she is who she is…according to you! I hope you realize how ridiculous that is! What concerns me is that you don’t realize it! LMAO! So starting now you can ignore my comments if you like. I am gonna continue to comment when it’s warranted.
i don't know colly or have never responded to her but lynn you are saying she must be retired ..smh lol you are the one on here what seems like all the time commenting on everyone else comments that you don't like. and that is every comment where someone likes taylor and steffy or thomas but if they were saying they wanted to kiss brookes ass or hopes well then they would get a mention or a smiley face from you. why don't you go by the old if you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything. everyone is entitled to like and hate who they want but you act as if everyone should agree with you..and you said alot of people have watched it for 100 years well i happen to be one of those since day 1 i was a little kid and sneaking to watch it and if destiny is anything like brooke who has cheated lied and cheated again and played dirty in order to get that so called destiny then i wouldnt want it and if she was truly this outstanding strong women then she wouldn't sit idle around while ridge as she likes to remind everyone her husband is always with his ex wife who she knows loves him i would kick him out or tell him how its going to be. but she is a logan and look at donna what she did to quinn in honest talk her the logans think they can do or say or break any law to get what they want then tell everyone else they deserved it or cry and shed a tear..however i would take katie out of that she isn't like that so much bill hurt her one too many times and unlike brooke she isn't going to take him back lynn no one has put you on this comment board to go through everyones comments every hour and tell them they are wrong why not just comment on the peoples you agree with. and if you made a deal with them not to comment then stick to it don't comment to them and if they comment to you and you answer my god don;t be a douche and go and erase the comment to try to make them look stupid that only makes you look like the stupid one becuase i seen the comment yesterday she is refering to and it is gone now so if you didn't erase it then who did you are the only one who has that option and i highly doubt bob comes on here and erases messages
@ashblond 👏👏👏 Lynn, like u once said to me, “get your facts straight” before you make a point, and go back the last month or so, and see if I “ganged up” on anyone, also, check your own comments, and see if that is true for yourself.. I welcome you, or anyone to go back through my comments to see if what you say is actually factual.. Also, please note that anything that I have hyphenated are just some of your favourites to spit at myself and other people.. You use words and “adjectives”, that seem to be only OK for YOU to use on others, that rate pretty high on your “snark o meter”, but as soon as anyone throws it back, we’ll, what a drama, and on a rant you go!!
When you told me to not comment to you”, unlike you, I was mature enough to agree and “move on” with your request after, and even made sure to address whom I was commenting to, to ensure there was no confusion, however, so feel free, to go back and check if you must, and “get your facts straight” as I just did..
You broke your own rule, and our agreement, however, it appears you just want others to, “comply” to yours, because all the people (anyone who dares to disagree with you) that you have asked to no longer comment to you, have done as you asked, however, you have struggled to show the same respect or courtesy to.. If you go back further up the comments yesterday, you did in fact respond to me, even addressed me by my name, then did it again, however, that comment disappeared for some reason.. People who either do or don’t know me can clearly see your childish behaviour, and again, that is a testament to you..
I have had no issues or problems on this blog with anyone but you, and that is on you.. And disagreeing with you, and others, does NOT equate to “ganging up” on people, and if that were the case, you win hands down.. I will reiterate, I am mature enough and certainly not petty enough to apologise to anyone if I have offended them without intention, because let’s face it, it can happen occasionally, when you can’t see facial expressions, or hear tones of voice, but if you did that, you would not have enough time in the day to apologise to those you have offended and belittled.. You do a great job of offending others through your exceptional “Communication” skills.. Speaking of your communication skills, you made it a point to tell me that you have a BA in Communication, which I actually believe, because I have never in my years seen any one single person make the number of enemy’s that you have, and that is just in a blog!! That takes skill..
So, with all that said, I will say to you, what you have said to me, “at this point, you are a fly buzzing around me”, and “if you respond to me, you will get what you get”, “Quit” with the condescending comments, and lastly, but I will try to be more polite than you were to me and others on this one, “I know it’s hard for you to not respond to my comments, (please) try harder..
Ashrpblond and Colly I applaud you both. There is only 1 person that always has derogatory remarks if you don't agree with their opinion. We all have different opinions which we're entitled to and I think 90% of the people here don't put people down for it.
@ Ashrblond - I will say it a second time because apparently it didn’t get through the first time…I did NOT delete any comment on Thursday’s episode. And I couldn’t care less what you believe. It’s not my responsibility to convince you of anything. So believe what you want.
@ Colly, sorry to disappoint - but it’s a beautiful day outside and the heatwave has broken! So I’m busy busy today enjoying my day. I will say it one final time…I will comment / reply as I see fit. End of story. It’s getting left there. And whatever comment you are looking for to apparently prove some point - was NOT deleted by me. Peace out!
Lynn, others saw the comment, and it was there right up until I ”called you out”, in my @9.13pm comment above, because I did check earlier to ensure I had my facts straight, and it was still there.. In my reply to you, I stated “well, I was talking to sunshine”, then went on to respond to you.. Bob does not randomly delete comments unless they are highly in appropriate, such as Travis.. You are the only person who can delete your own comment and it’s odd it just disappeared on its own, which happened to be the comment where you could not help yourself and responded to me 🧐🧐🧐
Not Thursday just gone, but the one prior, you purposely went after me, to try and make me bite, but “accidentally”responded to Elle, because I had not had a comment anywhere in sight for you to seize the opportunity to launch a personal attack on me and my integrity.. You purposely misspelled Steffy’s name as, “stefy”, so you could “call me out” for misspelling brooks name without an e at the end, and no capital b, said I was immature for doing so, and that it is “my passive aggressive” way at trying to get to YOU, and “that its childish and helps me sleep at night”, and that the way I spell brooks name and always have, “says ALOT about me” as a person, and that “I should seek psychiatric help” for it..
You went on, to encouraged Elle to go back through my comments, because you had apparently “called me out on it” before, and dared for her to try to find one time I spelled it correctly, all in attempt to upset me so I would respond to you, because I had not responded to you for quite some time prior to that..
Then when I did respond to it, because I used the term for fucks sake, in other words, this is rediculous, you went on to call me “white trash”, and that I have a “potty mouth”, and even stooped to bring my daughters in on it, said “do my daughters know their mother has a potty mouth”, despite you using the big C word which I have never used, and other “potty mouth words”, and “dared me to deny” that I spell it incorrectly and so on and so on, and that Elle was “giving me waaay too much credit when you “dared me to deny it”.. You told me you saw me “begging” and l”lots of on the knee stuff huh”, and said your question was if she forgave me” when I offended Hilary, unintentionally, just to get at me..
In the past you have said such things, like I “must be smokin something” because I disagreed with you about brook, have told me “to quit telling lies”, because I brought up some of brooks past history.. I can sit here aaalll day Lynn, and quote all the condescending and belittling things you have said to me AND others..
I have NEVER called you any nasty names or accused you of smoking drugs or told you that you need professional help over something so petty, even during our argument, did I say anything, like those things to you..
I do not find it fair to delete a comment to try to make someone look bad, however, it does not matter, because I am truly over this bickering Lynn, it is ridiculous, petty, and childish behaviour... I left school many years ago, and I will ask you again, please do not respond to any of my posts and I will respectfully do the same.. Thank you..
The thing is, that Lynn denied it, then posted on “yesterdays” post that maybe I am the culprit, and that I should apologise to her, however, I am absolutely baffled at how she thinks I deleted HER comments, because HOW would I get access to HER account and delete HER comments?? Apart from that, the only other way I could delete her comments is if I was the moderator of this blog, which I am not?? And two people have come forward and said they saw the comment I was referring to, and I don’t even chat with ashrpblond.. so seriously, I am so over Lynn, like many people are on this blog, and I am seriously contemplating leaving the blog, because it’s not why I came here.. I came her for the show, and talk to other people, not to have someone trying to bait me all the time, and “call me out” and insult me about petty things like misspelling Brookes name, then call me names.. I am over it!! If I disappear, don’t stress, it’s just me had enough of this crap..
And the two I deleted above was because I was going to add to what I had already written and decided not to because I think I had addressed everything I needed to any way..
Look at the jackals going for it. Not reading your nonsense. Don’t care. You are just sad and pathetic. Believe what you want. Nothing was deleted from Thursday’s thread. Peace out jackals!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
The shoe is not on the other foot. I stand up for myself and don’t “bring in the troops.” I say this with total sincerity - I think you need help. You seem very unstable. Try not to obsess about me / this so much. Maybe go do something fun - leave your house or something. Good luck.
@Colly. You're not leaving. There's only 1 person that needs to leave. If the ones in her little "clique" can't see how ridiculous she really is then they are all the same.! 🤔
Lynn, since you keep responding to me, despite my numerous attempts to ask you not, and warned you just like you have others, “that if you keep responding , you will get what you get”, and you still responded just above.. so get this.. Firstly, can you see anywhere on this page where I have asked anyone (cavalry) to stand up for me?? NO.. They have “chosen” to stand up for me of their own accord, including one person who does NOT know me.. So what does that say?? I think its self explanatory, secondly, you think and say I am “obsessed” with you 🤣🤣 yeah right, you are starting to sound like Brooke 🤣🤣🤣 that is the utmost amusing thing out your mouth so far..I am beggining to think it’s the other way around, because you keep saying your not going to read my comments or respond, yet you have, to every single one and then plus some.. Add to that, I think you always feel the need to have the last word, which is quite concerning in itself?? Or perhaps it is just you acting like a child chucking a tantrum? “You might want to get that checked”.. Lastly, maybe you should read from the second paragraph downwards, from my 10.30pm comment, then tell me who is the really unstable one is.. Somehow I don’t think it’s me who is obsessed or needs professional help!!🤣🤣🤣
Colly don’t let the board’s number one bully drive you away! I thought about leaving too because of Lynn’s constant hostility and bully tactics along with her entourage of mini bullies.
We appreciate you here so please stay on. Don’t let the bully get rid of any non Logan lovers.
Colly - looks like you spend all your waking moments thinking about ways to respond. It isn’t me writing paragraph upon paragraph researching and scouring old comments to try to prove some idiotic point that you clearly can’t prove or this discussion would have stopped long ago. Let it go losers!!!!!!! I am not going anywhere - and just like the Logan’s - I win - you lose!!!!!
🤣🤣 do you have a space ship in your garage too?? 🤣🤣 I think your obsession with Brooke, is turning you into Brooke!!🤣🤣🤣 you sound more and more like her every day!!
As for Steffy, what a disgusting thing she is! How would she feel if someone targeted her marriage like she is her fathers? She has no respect for marriage as we have seen previously when she slept with Liam while she was married and she slept with Bill while she was married, she chased after Bill like a dog on heat while he was married to Katie. She is absolutely no better than she accuses Brooke of being, people in glass houses and all that.
Sorry Steffy didn’t sleep with Liam when she was married except when married to him! She was DATING Finn a few months when Mannequingate happened! How about Hope sleeping with Liam when he was married to Steffy… 🙄🙄.
Steffy didn’t chase Bill when she was married to Liam. It was ALL Bill pursuing her!
How about Brooke chasing and sleeping with Bill when he was married to Katie??
Someone did target her marriage to Liam, Hope and Brooke and they did it multiple times. When she had never cheated on him! Hope was shoving her way in after she caused Steffy’s upset that led to her accident and miscarriage then tried to steal her husband! Hope never respected Liam’s choice to marry Steffy any of the 3 times they were married! How dare she say anything to Steffy about that??
To be fair, I don't like hope either. They both have screwed married men and broken up relationships. I could care less about that. But steffy is a grade A bitch, and Hope isn't.
That is exactly right Hilary and yes you`re also right about Hope and Steffy, Steffy is a disgusting slag and Hope has more class, more class in her little finger than Steffy has in her entire body. Regardless of how it happened, it doesn`t change the FACT that she chased Bill relentlessly when he was married to Katie, used every opportunity she could to sleep with him, thank God he wanted no part in it then. She slept with Liam while he was married to Hope so yes you`re right BBfan101...pottle kettle black!
My my how quickly the logan fans forget whaat dopey hopey hogan did to steffys marriage when she ccame running back aand how her slut,y maw brook encouraged her to do so
The end of that episode was exactly what I know to be true of Steffy and Thomas. Steffy is a GRADE A BITCH (Thanks Hilary for your description of her that is dead on!!). And Thomas is the master schemer - so he is always up for destroying someone’s life. Those two make me sick!!!! And the way hypocrite Ridge talks to Brooke like he is the boss and she is some child who needs scolding just makes me detest him all that much more! Kick him to the curb, Brooke!! Don’t put up with that crap!!! And why isn’t Giggles telling Thomas and Steffy about the talk she literally just had with Ridge? I like how Hope is acting a little stronger these days and standing up for herself and Brooke. But she will never be a match for Steffy’s wickedness. That woman DOES NOT deserve Finn!!! He is way, way, way too nice for her!!
Maur revising history again!! Steffy NEVER slept with Bill while he was married to Anyone!! They slept together ONCE which was that night in the guest house!! The only that slept with Bill during his marriage to Katie is BROOKE!!!!
Steffy slept with Liam while he was married to Hope. And I know you'll say that hope did it 1st, but my point is steffy is a homewrecker too. And she was in a relationship with Finn so she cheated on him. She was also trying to get back with Liam when she screwed Bill. So she is equally as trashy as Brooke, she just isn't as old so doesn't have as many notches on her headboard. Give her 20 more years and she'll catch up😂
The way ridge (mr. Double Standard) talks down to everyone kills me. He's a hypocrite bully child! Him and his tantrums remind me of actual men I know lol! Ive always thought he was totally overrated. I've never seen his appeal other than the fact he's rich. But I've never found him attractive, and he doesn't have a personality
BBfan101 Yes i missed out the word TRYING, had Bill been open to it then it absolutely would have happened. I said he wanted nothing to do with her at that time and he didn`t. The fact is that she was the dog on heat trying to get in the pants of a married man. She just couldn`t succeed. at that point and that cannot be denied. My point is that she is a slut who TRIED at every opportunity to sleep with a married man!! I repeat...POT KETTLE BLACK!!!!
Bbfan, that’s the real reason why Hope came back from Paris, because she heard on the grapevine that Liam and Steffy’s marriage was in trouble.. And boy, didn’t she manipulate Liam at his most vulnerable.. Regardless of the circumstances, Hope’s aim, was to “be there” for Liam.. Yeah, right..
And yes, Bbfan, when Steffy found out Liam kissed Sally , she left and went to Erics guesthouse.. Bill hunted her down, to “be there” for her.. Got her drunk, then seduced her.. Bill has always had a big thing for Steffy.. so much so, all his manipulations to make Liam think she was still with him.. Which made it easier for Hope!!
lynn really has it out for anyone who wants taylor and ridge to end up together and i don't get it you really think that brooke makes him happy..her idea of making him happy is lets go have sex and get any other women out of your head and focus on us...she could give a crap how his day is or much less how his kids are doing..i don't think she has even seen finn since he came back and is alive...which is pathetic in itself..and i forget who in the comment said anything about steffy being a homewrecker..first this has nothing to do with steffy she wants her parents back together..and steffy did sleep with liam but she wasn't married to finn yet they were dating and who cares if he was married to hope. hope basically screwed steffy out of any time of being a family once she had was all about hope getting liam back. so hope got what she deserved..anyone watching can see ridge is not happy when he is with brooke he isn't kissing her or holding her or smiling at her looking into her eyes like he did with taylor yesterday..the way he was looking at her was how you look at someone you want to be with and makes you happy.. and he did hug taylor yesterday but she kinda pushed him off because she knew he was going to go to brooke. but not to worry he will find a reason soon to go and see doc
@ Ashrblond - I guess we’ll see if I’m correct and Ridge officially chooses Brooke as I’ve been saying all along. And I also hope Brooke dumps his sorry butt after he pledges his love for her - because that’s EXACTLY what Ridge deserves.
Also Maur, u said how would Steffy like someone targeting her marraige like she is her fathers, like Brooks pushed Hope to do everytime Hope did it to her, several times, with Brooke pushing and convincing Hope to do it?? Like that, you mean?? Brooks not only targeted Steffy’s marriage to Liam, but Taylor’s to Ridge for decades, and Quinn’s to Eric by telling Donna to go for it, and she didn’t just target someone’s marraige like she did Quinn’s, she was the very one to target and TAKE Stephanie’s marriage to Eric, her sister Katie’s marriage on more than one occasion to the point that it drove Katie to major paranoia, and helped Bill take Will off Katie, because she had post parting depression and again when she turned to alcohol because she was paranoid that Bill and Brooks were going behind her back, which they were, but let her believe they weren’t, and still didn’t come clean when it drove her to become an alcoholic.. Then she targeted and took, not one, but both her own daughter Bridget’s husbands, married one, while Bridget grieved through a miscarriage, and had Hope to her other husband Deacon, while Bridget was busy saving lives.. Also slept with Oliver, a virgin teenager, and again, her other daughters boyfriend.. So, yeah, I personally think, Steffy targeting Brooke’s marriage, because she actually has good reason to, is what Brooks deserves.. Karma.. Even Hope said to Donna, when Donna was having an affair with a married man and was worried Hope was judging her, Hope responded, quote “do you know who my mother is”.. And before anyone says that was in the past, well, so was Steffy sleeping with Liam, ONCE, while he was with Hope, Hope did it to Steffy several times.. Having said all that, so if Steffy is a “discusting thing”, then what does that make Brooke?? The story of her life, “A victim”??
It’s always all about Hope blah blah please… she was so underhanded the way she got Douglas to begin with and she is the one adamant that he only ever live with her. She’s not sharing anything.
I would be underhanded too if I saw a child being abused the way that poor little boy was. How on earth can you justify standing back and watch the terrible things that bastard was doing to that child!! Had it gone on any longer there would have been no coming back for that poor innocent child. Thank God for Hope!!
That's right Renee. The wealthy Forester family who all love each other so much, and have nannies on site 24/7. But not one of them gave 2 shits about him back then.
Bbfan, I noticed when Carter asked Thomas about the agreement, Thomas did not mention how brook and Hope undermined him, he just said sort of.. He could have told Carter the truth about how Hope really got custody.. brook on the other hand would have no issue throwing Thomas under the bus if it was reversed..
The Forrester's did not step up to take care of Douglas because by the time they realized what was really going on with Thomas, Brooke and Hope had already stolen his son from him. All along, unbeknownst to Thomas' family, Brooke and Hope were discussing ways to take Douglas from Thomas.
👏👏👏 And Brooke did it behind Ridges back.. I am unsure if even knows now, and covering for Brooke, or he , like Taylor doesn’t know.. Thomas’s reluctance at telling Carter the truth about how it happened, tells me Thomas hasn’t told anyone?
Thomas wouldn't tell anyone because he's considerate of Hope and the fact that she stands to lose her status as Douglas' mother if the truth were to be made known.
Thank you Bob. Steffy and her brother are now exaggerating for her mother to ho back with Ridge. Ridge loves to stay with his Selfish Brooke and Brooke loves to be loved by everyone. Bill is definitely in love, as always, with Brooke and Taylor is pushing the line to even think of getting back Ridge. Ridge and Brooke deserve each other.. Two selfish lucky people.
Going to be hurt and Ridge will be as big an idiot as ever. Just waiting to see what stunt Brooke pulls next. I still think she and Liam will hook up at some point.
Yup so do i and i can hardly wait till they explain why they did it. Will be when hope choses thomas and ridge dumps brook and goes back to taylor then the eexcuse will be their heartbreak of loss
A soap, but regardless who gets involved with a man who bounces back & forth with the same woman to start with, Brooke had a past with Ridge before Taylor came along, she should've steared clear, but no she pursued him anyway, so here we are like so many real life situations, a woman pursuing a man who has walked off from her for another a multitude of times, so tacky and belittling to ones own self, to pine after a man who doesn't respect anymore than that, let's face it if Ridge walked in and said to Taylor I've left Brooke I want you, she'd drop her drawers in a second, not much class on either side, but hey it's a soap! If they changed things we'd all have to find something to watch!!!!
Because, Taylor has always truly loved Ridge, to brook it’s about status, money, and beating Taylor.. It’s always been like that.. But the writers need to come up with something new.. It’s been done to death.. It’s driving people nuts..
Roxy, I agree with when u say who would want a man like Ridge bouncing back and forth.. But, for a very large part of the shows history, prior to Ridges history with brook now, Ridge fell in love with Taylor, after his first wife Carolyn died, and brook tried everything in her power to seduce Ridge away from Taylor, in fact the entire time they were married, both times they were married, and in between, and when Ridge thought Taylor was dead.. brook only ended up marrying brook, because she pounced on him while he was grieving, and extremely vulnerable.. So, in actual fact, it was brook who didn’t respect Taylor’s marriage to brook.. Now Taylor is finally standing up for herself.. Brook never ever respected Taylor’s marriage, not one bit, and brook has the nerve to cry that Taylor is not respecting hers.. At least Taylor is not resorting sex and seduction and schemes, like brook always did to her.. however, having said that , I think both woman should kick him to the curb..
Yaaay again steffy u go girl keep busting hopes chops every chance you get she knows what u say is true ..thomas made me giggle when he came in and squeezed steffys shoulder and called her his zebra themed sister . Her outfit was georgious. I hope she and thomas can finally get their dad to open his eyes and get rid of those rose colored glasses he wearsto see brook. He was definiitely not happy to see brook up in bills arms yet again. And the. Look hee had was one that said after walking in on tthem that he was seriously starting to think abbout whaat steffy thom and dooc told him he. Should admit to brook straight up tho how he feels about taaylor and how. Hhe is happy when hes with her because shes the calm and peaace to his worrld where brook iis drama and problems and stress he needs to tell brook he has told taylor this stuff andd for her to stop blaming taylor and their kids for the forces. Driving them apart thaat its her doing that.. writers need to stop dragging the story plot out as well just choose one of em already and move on to next story of brook trying to interfere witth them yet again because she just cant dare stand to let taylor win out over her
Steffy's top looks like it was shredded by a bear 🐻. The shirt should be part of Sheila's wardrobe. Add a pair of white sandals so that Sheila can shows off her 9 toes painted with black nail polish and she would be ready for the runway! 😂
You could probably find it in a thrift store who sells blouses from the late 80’s / early 90’s. Then you’ll just need some scissors to complete the look. 😬
Agree Hilary, we’ve been saying all along that Thomas is gonna use that voice app. All the Logan bashers are convinced it will be Liam and Brooke. Ridiculous! 😂😂😂 For sure it’s gonna be the revenge siblings - Thomas and Steffy. They literally just said they are gonna be trying - whatever it takes…to break up Ridge and Brooke. Spoiled little entitled brats that they are!! I hope Steffy gets what’s coming to her. And I hope it blows up Thomas’s chances of getting Douglas back.
Where is Sheila to show those amateurs some real trouble? I wouldn't wish on anybody, even on Steffy, to have their child taken even for a minute, but I want to see some action. Steffy and Thomas, didn't you brats learn from your previous ridiculous schemes that you suck? Like when they hid their dad's phone and when Thomas lied about berry-enduced sex? Just leave the machinations to the pros like Sheila. Whatever you do will blow up in your faces spectacularly, and worse will end up with another Taylor left either at the altar or before that.
And yes I totally think Bill showed up not for Katie, but for Brooke, it was so obvious 🥰 and it was even more obvious when he warned Ridge in the end not to be an idiot and blow it (it's like telling the pig not to go in the mud but still). To me the only hotter couple than Bill and Brooke was actually Bill and Steffy. Dynamite chemistry, too bad they only had the one night and it was cheating. But back in the 2010s they had some sizzling making out. I hope one day to see them together again.
Yes, in fact , in my own opinion, I think Bill and Steffy were the hottest couple so far!!! But I also liked brook and Nick, I think they had mad chemistry.. It was nice watching the flashback of them on the 35 year anniversary!!
Why didn't Taylor come straight out and tell Steffi and Thomas about the conversation she and Ridge had? Was she so embarrassed that Ridge had told her in his round about way that he was going back - not home - but back to his wife. Strange indeed.
B&B’s first few years, viewers were introduced to the wealthy Forrester clan and the middle-class Logan family. Eric Forrester (John McCook) rekindled his love for Beth Logan (Nancy Burnett). But the couple didn’t stand a chance as viewers seemed to root primarily for Eric’s wife, Stephanie Douglas Forrester (Susan Flannery) to succeed in breaking them up so she could hold onto her family. Stephanie’s victory was bittersweet as Eric agreed to remain with her but their marriage would be in name only. Stephanie was no fan of Beth’s daughter Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang), who set her sights on Stephanie’s son Ridge Forrester. A quadrangle emerged with Ridge, Brooke, Ridge’s brother Thorne Forrester, and Caroline Spencer (Joanna Johnson), who wed Thorne after being date-raped. In the 1990s, there seemed to be one eternal question that drove much of the show’s story –- would Ridge choose Taylor Hayes (Hunter Tylo) or Brooke to be his wife?
Aussie Deb, it was Taylor he chose.. After Ridges first wife died, he was grief stricken and sought a therapist in Taylor, and he fell madly in love with her and married her.. it was always Tridge, despite brooks best efforts to come between them by trying to seduce ridge at every opportunity.. when the original producer William Bell died, in year 2005, and Bradley, his son took over the show, he rewrote history, then it all became about brook.. bell jnr created the Ridge and brook destiny crap.. when William Snr was writing, it was always Tridge, long before brook ever married ridge.. she got him by default when he was at his most vulnerable after Taylor died..
@Colly! THANK YOU!!! It's always nice to see a fellow B&B fan that actually knows the history, before Dumbbell Jr came in and rewrote it. It was ALWAYS Tridge. Ridge was in love with Taylor and adored their family. Ridge always chose Taylor, but just like Dumbbell Jr, the HOEgan stans love to rewrite history and pretend that Ridge always chose Brooke lol. Anyone that watched this soap from day one, like me, knows that is NOT the truth.
I wish Brooke would remember how she felt back when she realized she doesn't need Ridge and dumped him at the altar for Nick (even before that, after Ridge dumped Taylor and begged her to take him back, but she was "nuh-huh"). She is debasing herself right now, no less than Giggles (I am objective and not blindly hating one and closing my eyes to the faults of other). Just kick the hypocrite f***er out already. This show should be more empowering to women instead of treating them like objects - to be chosen, to be allowed whom to speak to...
That's why I like Steffy so much. She's shown to be strong, independent, standing on her own 2 feet and not dependent on a man. More of the women on the show should be written this way.
Steffy definitely isn't independent. She was chasing married Bill and 5 mins later committed Liam. Also she is judgmental and hypocritical which is very offputting. I'm glad we don't have more of that.
@M That was eons ago! Steffy fell in love with Liam and wanted him in her life. However, the back and forth between her and Hope (and any other woman - remember Ivy?) was too much for her and she finally decided to let Liam go. I say good on her! She has certainly grown from the person she used to be.
@M, yes, I think both woman deserve better.. I have never really liked Ridge, especially when Ronn Moss was playing.. He never once really made the character likeable.. To me anyway..He just oozed arrogance.. Even though Bill is a D*%k, he somehow makes himself likeable?..
Also Elle, I like Steffy for the same reason.. She does show how woman can be strong, independent, brash, in a modern world.. And ALL the characters can Biatches, when they are out to get what they want.. especially the men 🤣🤣🤣
Brooke forgot about him after he wasn’t needed to get Ridge lol. One never hears about him. I’m waiting for him to be SORASd along with Will lol and they compete for someone lol.
Sorry Steffy, but Saints don't shoot people in the back and leave them for dead. Saints don't throw liquor bottles at babies in their crib. If Steffy is so happpy with Finn, why is she being such a hateful, spiteful, bullying witch with her war on the Logan's? Why is she not concentrating on Finn and the kids instead of a parent trap? Steffy has every trait of a sociopath. Ridge is a regular gaslighter. Brooke has done nothing wrong, but he tries to make her feel like she did. Ridge can his ex tart Taylor can slither all over each other like snakes in a viper pit, but Brooke is not allowed around Bill after Bill just found Li and reunited Steffy and Finn. Ridge is putting Brooke in a psychological prison telling her who she can and cannot see and is emotionally abusing her. I wish Brooke would finally get enough of Ridge and dump him and let him run to his 2nd choice teeny bopper ex.
Brooke has brought all of that on herself. Brooke has done nothing wrong? Seriously? Are we forgetting that she told her husband that Deacon is welcomed in HER house at any time? Are we forgetting that she disregarded her husband's feelings about her ex-lover and daughter's father? And just to point out, at that time, Ridge was not going after Taylor. Even when Taylor told him about Deacon staying over at his home on NYE, Ridge still did not fly into Taylor's arms. He was still very much devoted to his wife. It was not until he went after Deacon and Brooke came to Deacon's defense, that Ridge walked out. So, to say that Brooke did nothing wrong is inaccurate. Everything she did back then has led up to what is happening now. And to add to it, she cannot even support her husband's belief in his son being a good father to his son. Instead, she has made it all about Hope and Thomas' obsession with her. Not that she has any proof of that obsession except to say "Well, er, Thomas is not as bad as before, but you never know with him, honey." And now, she's once again in the home she shares with her husband, reminiscing about her past with Bill. Does she even realize that she keeps pushing Ridge away? How understanding can a husband be when his wife continues to enjoy the company of other men?
👏👏👏 I don’t like Ridge, and I have stated that numerous times since I have been on the blog, however, there’s many many very good reasons he doesn’t trust her around other men.. As Elle pointed out, she is not innocent when it comes what happened to Deacon.. Sheila was merely the catalyst.. brook was sober enough and knew exactly what was going on at the time of the kiss, and she pressure Deacon to stay and drink with her, oh come on, buddy old pal, we’re the words she used.. She admitted she was sober enough to know about the kids but “she let it happen”, were her words.. By the time Deacon got her into bed, she was gone then, but everything before then, she was well aware.. Then lied for months, silenced Douglas, got Liam and Hope to lie for her and they let brook manipulate Douglas, add to that, she defended Deacon.. So I am not sure how she is blameless.. She has done things to make Ridge doubt, so I think , although he did jump to the wrong conclusion, he is wary for a reason.. But I do agree, that Ridge needs to stop going back and forth, leading them both on.. He needs to choose and let the other be..
Also, Joy, the reason Taylor shot Bill, is because at the time, she was under the impression that Bill had raped Steffy.. Because he tracked her down and found her at Eric’s, then got her drunk, then manipulated to make it look like like she was still with him, after Liam found out.. it doesn’t make it right, but if she really thought that was what happened, then you can’t say she didn’t have good reason..
I agree Aussie Deb, which is why I said that it didn’t make it right.. And it doesn’t make it right.. I was just trying to explain the reason she did it.. Where about in Australia are you from?? I am in the ACT.. I hate this place, but I don’t think I could live in Sydney or Melbourne?? I love visiting the big Cities, but I don’t think I could live there.. It’s to busy for me..
@M And guess what! Bill LET Steffy catch him lol. Bill fell in love with Steffy, and was going to leave milk toast Katie for Steffy, until Katie dropped from a heart attack. I guess you conveniently forgot about that.
You also have the nerve to call Steffy hypocritical lol? Not only is Brooke the queen of sluts, but she's also the queen of hypocrites too lol. Noone on this show is innocent, but after everything Brooke has done to people ( her own daughter, Stephanie, Caroline, Macy, Taylor, her own sister, etc.) she is the LAST person that should be passing judgement on Thomas, or anyone else.
Sleeping once with Bill while he was pursuing her is NOT a relationship lol. She was married to Liam and to Wyatt… actually Hope was also married to Liam and to Wyatt. Bill wouldn’t touch Hope with a barge pole so no she never had a thing for him lol. Actually Katie was with Bill and Wyatt lol.
Yet it was just fine for Brooke to be with Eric, Ridge and Thorne, as well Nick Ridge’s half brother. 🙄🙄🙄🥱
Destiny 🤢🤮🤮🤮. Yea Ridge forces are trying to ruin our lives.. doesn’t mention her own bad behaviour it’s all of your children, former wife and your son trying to take custody from Hope lol… no Logan responsibility at all 🙄🙄.
ReplyDeleteThomas was correct shared custody where Hope has Douglas 95% of the time yeahh and no it was NOT mutual! Hope and Brooke told Thomas how it would be after he was manipulated into giving Hope her “open adoption “ of Douglas. What a joke.
Enjoyed the eye candy to begin the show sigggggggh!
That's classic Brooke, BB. Blame everyone else.
DeleteSooo true brook. Never owns to her behavior blames it on everyone else then cries crocodile tears and begs for dorgiveneess which they all grrant because shes some sort of golden goddess smdh hell naw that custody agreement is in no way fair and doesnt even qualify az joint custody and has gotta change. If brook hope liam all get forgivess then thoomas damn well deserves forgiveness from his past which wasnt even his fault for hhaving.
DeletePs. Ooohwee yuppers i loved that eye candy too them guys sexy and they know it lol they too sexy for rthei shirt too sexy for their shirt
DeleteCarter on 🔥🔥🔥🔥 loved that first scene!! As for Ridge, I am not above saying he over reacted initially however, Ridge is always on guard when brook is around her exes, especially Bill and Deacon, because let’s be honest here, he has a pretty good reason to.. Taylor doesn’t just waltz on in to brooks house uninvited..
DeleteAnd yes brook, u r not pointing fingers, then next breath, list the “forces” that r against u 🤣🤣🤣 I know the Logan fans will have a field day today.. But, it’s not over till the fat lady sings.. It will only b a matter of time.. I just wish they would move it along, it’s waaaay overdue to be over..
Colly, lmao haven't heard that saying for many years. 🤣
DeletePammy, you are hilarious love!! 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteI didn’t see Ridge kissing Brooke or saying he loves her. He looks contemplative. However sadly he may never get over his blind spot where she’s concerned so buckle up mate and get used to seeing your wife with her many many many many exes’ hands all over her 🙄
ReplyDelete@BBfan101 He only gave her a peck kiss and NO Frenchy, Frenchy, HA! HA! It's funny how she was doing the talking on the couch and he was being quiet as a mouse. BUT, since Hope walked in and heard how Ridge has feeling for Taylor as well, I wouldn't be surprised if Hope runs home and spills the beans to Mommy Dearest!
DeleteI compared the 2 scenarios - Taylor talking to Ridge yesterday and Brooke talking to him today. Ridge seemed pensive both times. The 2 major differences I saw was that Ridge told Taylor he loved her as opposed to Brooke telling him that he was her destiny. Secondly, Ridge was a lot more intimate with Taylor yesterday - holding her, looking directly into her eyes and hugging her. With Brooke, she was the one wrapping her arms around Ridge's neck and initiating kisses. Not sure what it all means. Guess we have to wait and see.
DeleteSteffy has busted hopes bubble big time abd hope knows. Steffy is right.. and of course shes gonna run straight to mommy dearest. Ridge needs to grow. Some knutts and just dump brooks asss and tell her he loves taylor and what she is and meanns to him and hes going back to taylor he came in saw her in bills arms which got him thinking about what taylor and his kids have told him brook however wants ro use her sexuality. As allways to weasle out from him being upset over catching her in bills arms..
DeleteHere’s some of the back and forth between Ridge and Taylor on yesterday’s show. Poor Taylor reduced to giving her sales pitch!
DeleteRidge - Brooke and I went thru some stuff, but now we’re fine.
Ridge - I moved back in with Brooke because I love her.
Taylor - You keep going back to Brooke for some reason.
Ridge - Not for “some reason”, she’s my wife!
Taylor - But should she be?
Ridge - What does that mean?!! (Sounding annoyed.)
Taylor did her very best sales-pitch, and she even threw in the Douglas thing for good measure! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Then Ridge hugs her - no kiss - and leaves to go see Brooke!
Bbfan, Ell, l agree, Ridge went to talk to Taylor yesterday, and gave a fable excuse, dropped the L word about 3 times, and I think his facial expression throughout their conversations said it all!! Very different conversations.. brook did all the talking, and he pretty much didn’t say a lot, but remind her about bill just stopping by.. Time will tell.. no I love yous to brook, in fact I haven’t really heard him say that to her in a while, and if he did, it must have been fleeting?? Cause it certainly wasn’t heartfelt to remember.. I think the last time he said it to her was when he confessed about the kiss in Monaco, and he was trying to cover his ass with her then, and knew if he said it, that would b enough for her at that time.. but since,???
DeleteLol Ridge didn't show affection because he ego was hit with Bill hugging Brooke and he was too busy thinking of what Taylor and Steffy sink in his head that Brooke will always turn to another man. Meanwhile he busy playing house with Taylor. Steffy is mini Brooke and the biggest hypocrite , difference is Brooke new she was pregnant for Steffy needed paternity test both time one for father and son and one for ex husband and future husband at the time , so she just a slut from the valley as Brooke and just as hypocrite and judgement.
DeleteWow, Steffy taking charge! What Steffy wants to do could possibly affect Thomas in getting custody. Well, today Ridge DIDN'T storm out he stayed right there with Brooke, that is different, he usually walks out and slams the door.
ReplyDeleteYeah he really couldn’t rationalize storming out when she was only hugging Bill but he definitely didn’t appreciate finding the fella in his home either.
DeleteI don't like Steffy pushing Taylor to break up Ridge's marriage. That's totally a Brooke move. It's time for her to step back and let her parents figure out what they want to do on their own. She already said her piece and it's been done to death.
DeleteAgree Elle. Brooke can screw things up on her own. No need to stoop to her level. It’s demeaning.
Delete@Elle totally agree and even Taylor said "let me and your Dad handle this" in other words shut up Steffy. She's relentless.
Delete@ D - now you’re catching on. Steffy’s work is not done. The little wanna-be diva is gonna dig her heels in even deeper. She is a snarky bitch and always has been! And you’re gonna see first hand Thomas’s sneaky side as well! Buckle up and enjoy the ride!! 😂🤣
DeleteElle, I don’t like the way Steffy is pushing so hard either.. It’s not necessary.. And it’s getting soooo over the top, I can barely listen to it.. The writers r trying to kill us, I think.. It must be so hard for the actors, when they get their scripts, and it’s identical to their last one.. It would drive me insane..
DeleteAnd yet again here we go - when it’s the Forresters acting horribly - then it’s the writers of the show who are causing it. But when Brooke behaves badly - it’s all the character Brooke’s fault. Interesting perspective….NOT!!
DeleteSteffy is clearly mini Brooke no doubt, playing miss perfect Nancy but hypocrite and selfish like Brooke .They need to bring a long lost obsess ex of Finn so she can learn !
DeleteLynn, please don’t comment on my posts, which you have done several times, when we agreed not to or on each other posts.. Thank u..
Delete@lynn, I was respond to Elle in case you didn’t realise!! Or did, but had to chime in anyway!! 🤣🤣🤣
Delete@ Colly, oh sorry. The writers made me respond. It wasn’t me. 🤣🤣😂😂😂
DeleteLynn, did you not read where I said, that “the” actors??
Delete@ Colly = LOSER!
DeleteGROW UP, what are you 5 years old?? Maybe the poster who said they thought one of your alter ego’s was a teenager “trying” to pretend they are an adult.. and you trying to explain that your 50+ years old 🤣🤣 and you say I need professional help omg, is your hand stuck to your forehead?? 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteAnyone else get the feeling that Bill’s popping by to get advice about Katie was really a fishing trip to see if there cracks forming in Bridge and if he could get a look in? All his walk down memory lane and telling Brooke how beautiful she is, how no one else knows or understands him etc. Sure felt like a lot more. Brooke is such a liar, Bill wasn’t inconsolable lol seriously?? 🙄
ReplyDelete@BBfan101 Yes, I thought the same thing. He may love Katie but not as much as he does Brooke. Katie was right that she feels the uncertainty that he couldn't stay sincere to her, all it would have to take is all three of them to gather in a room and watch how Bill will eye Brooke from a distance. Bill also has a thing for Steffy as well, but Steffy put her foot down that she didn't want to have anything to do with him, so for Bill asking for Katie back is a joke, when he still has Brooke (A) or Steffy (B) as his backup plan, why doesn't he try Li, she's available.
DeleteBill is a believer in the "forces." He's putting himself in place in the event Ridge walks out on the queen of oopsies once again. I hope he knows his competition is a black belt. Although, Deacon might have decided that he's no longer interested. 🤷🏻♀️
DeleteI wonder if they setting bill and brook up to hook up again in a romantic tryst that katie or ridge winds up walking in on
DeleteBbfan, yes, I do think that’s exactly what Bill was doing.. He mentioned Katie briefly, then started reminiscing about how they were, and he said the identical things to brook, that he said to Katie, “your the only one who understands me”, and so on.. Didn’t he say all those things to Katie when he first tried to get her back..?
DeleteOh poor pathetic Taylor! you really are a desperado aren`t you?
ReplyDeleteFor goodness sake where is even an ounce of pride? I embarrassed for you. If any man ever treated me with such disdain the door would be slammed firmly in his face, never to be opened again.
As Ridge told you, Brooke is his wife.
I would like nothing more than for Brooke to kick Ridge out of her life and move on. She deserves so much better than him.
Yes Maur! What kind of a loser would Pine after a man for years? Giggles is a total sap
DeleteA woman who truely does llove him is a woman who pines for years
DeleteWell Brooke has also pined after him for years, so by your logic she really loves him too. I think they're both pathetic, as is any woman or man who would be a constant doormat and beg for someone's love and attention. There's nothing romantic or noble about that.
DeleteOn one hand, Ridge is supposedly treating Taylor with disdain and affirming to her that Brooke is his wife.
DeleteOn the other hand, Brooke should kick Ridge out because she deserves better.
If the first scenario is to be believed, why should Brooke kick Ridge out? With all the disdain he's showing Taylor in addition to standing up for his wife, I would say Brooke is darn lucky that her husband only has eyes for her!
Of course, we know that is soooo far from the truth. 😂😂🤣🤣
Spot on Hilary, both woman have fought over him for him years, and he loves it.. And, they both should piss him off and find men that treat them both much better.. And I think it’s pretty clear what Maur meant Lynn.. It’s that attention to detail, u know??
Delete@ Colly - oh snarky one. I was replying to Elle’s comment. Attention to detail. Try it! 🤣🤣
DeleteRidge will officially pick Brooke and Brooke should divorce that loser! And Taylor should set her sights on someone new as well. He plays both of them like a fiddle. But at the end of all this, Taylor is completely out of line for going after a married man!!! And she deserves what she gets. And that will always be crumbs!
Delete🤣🤣🤣 u r way to sensitive Lynn.. So it’s ok for u to reply to me yesterday, when I was speaking to some else , being very snarky, but I can’t point anything out u?? 🧐🧐🧐🤣🤣🤣
DeleteLynn, I am starting to think that you don’t really know what the word snarky means?? Or many other terms and words you use??
DeleteOr that, when you ask or agree with someone to not comment on your posts, but you continue to do so to them, which you have done many times to me, since we agreed not to , e.g yesterdays, todays..
So I reiterate, our agreement from a week ago, you don’t comment on mine, and I won’t comment on yours.. how is that on your snark o meter???
Well Colly, I would have been fine with that. But you started replying to my comments earlier in the week. So I started replying to yours as well. It is what it is. I will comment as I see fit. And reply as I see fit. Just like you do.
DeleteAnd I know exactly what I mean when I use the various adjectives.
If you want me to start critiquing the way you write, I’ll have a field day!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oh and you always telling me what “D means” is beyond classic!! You are soooooo all knowing. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
DeleteUmm Lynn, I don’t believe I did respond to any of your comments since our banter and then agreement, I will have to go back and check? And it’s ironic, I went back to yesterdays comments, to get my facts straight, as I know that is important to you, and when I went to the comments where you decided to chime in and make a comment in response to my comment to “sunshine”, and it appears that comment has suddenly disappeared since I posted what I just did above..?? So either you deleted, or Bob did?? It’s not like Bob to just go on the next day then back track the day before and just randomly delete random comments??🧐🧐🧐 so, “let’s try” it again Lynn, and please “try harder”, let’s stick to our agreement, and not respond to each other’s posts, starting .. Now!!
DeleteI didn’t delete anything yesterday and don’t even know what comment you are talking about. I think you must be retired cuz you seem to have tons of free time on your hands. I am gonna do what I do and reply as I see fit.
DeleteIf I feel like I want to address something that’s said, then I will. Most of what you write I honestly don’t even read because they are simply too long and waaaaay off base.
Your problem is you get off on ganging up on people. I’ve seen it time and time again. And you think you’re so all knowing because you have watched the show for 100 years….so you must be the expert. The problem is, lots of other people have watched the show since its inception and they completely disagree with you. Some of the things you say are so ludicrous….like you blaming the writers when Steffy is a total bitch. But Brooke is simply a bitch by virtue of the fact that she is who she is…according to you! I hope you realize how ridiculous that is! What concerns me is that you don’t realize it! LMAO!
So starting now you can ignore my comments if you like. I am gonna continue to comment when it’s warranted.
i don't know colly or have never responded to her but lynn you are saying she must be retired ..smh lol you are the one on here what seems like all the time commenting on everyone else comments that you don't like. and that is every comment where someone likes taylor and steffy or thomas but if they were saying they wanted to kiss brookes ass or hopes well then they would get a mention or a smiley face from you. why don't you go by the old if you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything. everyone is entitled to like and hate who they want but you act as if everyone should agree with you..and you said alot of people have watched it for 100 years well i happen to be one of those since day 1 i was a little kid and sneaking to watch it and if destiny is anything like brooke who has cheated lied and cheated again and played dirty in order to get that so called destiny then i wouldnt want it and if she was truly this outstanding strong women then she wouldn't sit idle around while ridge as she likes to remind everyone her husband is always with his ex wife who she knows loves him i would kick him out or tell him how its going to be. but she is a logan and look at donna what she did to quinn in honest talk her the logans think they can do or say or break any law to get what they want then tell everyone else they deserved it or cry and shed a tear..however i would take katie out of that she isn't like that so much bill hurt her one too many times and unlike brooke she isn't going to take him back lynn no one has put you on this comment board to go through everyones comments every hour and tell them they are wrong why not just comment on the peoples you agree with. and if you made a deal with them not to comment then stick to it don't comment to them and if they comment to you and you answer my god don;t be a douche and go and erase the comment to try to make them look stupid that only makes you look like the stupid one becuase i seen the comment yesterday she is refering to and it is gone now so if you didn't erase it then who did you are the only one who has that option and i highly doubt bob comes on here and erases messages
Delete@ashblond 👏👏👏 Lynn, like u once said to me, “get your facts straight” before you make a point, and go back the last month or so, and see if I “ganged up” on anyone, also, check your own comments, and see if that is true for yourself.. I welcome you, or anyone to go back through my comments to see if what you say is actually factual.. Also, please note that anything that I have hyphenated are just some of your favourites to spit at myself and other people.. You use words and “adjectives”, that seem to be only OK for YOU to use on others, that rate pretty high on your “snark o meter”, but as soon as anyone throws it back, we’ll, what a drama, and on a rant you go!!
DeleteWhen you told me to not comment to you”, unlike you, I was mature enough to agree and “move on” with your request after, and even made sure to address whom I was commenting to, to ensure there was no confusion, however, so feel free, to go back and check if you must, and “get your facts straight” as I just did..
You broke your own rule, and our agreement, however, it appears you just want others to, “comply” to yours, because all the people (anyone who dares to disagree with you) that you have asked to no longer comment to you, have done as you asked, however, you have struggled to show the same respect or courtesy to.. If you go back further up the comments yesterday, you did in fact respond to me, even addressed me by my name, then did it again, however, that comment disappeared for some reason.. People who either do or don’t know me can clearly see your childish behaviour, and again, that is a testament to you..
I have had no issues or problems on this blog with anyone but you, and that is on you.. And disagreeing with you, and others, does NOT equate to “ganging up” on people, and if that were the case, you win hands down.. I will reiterate, I am mature enough and certainly not petty enough to apologise to anyone if I have offended them without intention, because let’s face it, it can happen occasionally, when you can’t see facial expressions, or hear tones of voice, but if you did that, you would not have enough time in the day to apologise to those you have offended and belittled.. You do a great job of offending others through your exceptional “Communication” skills.. Speaking of your communication skills, you made it a point to tell me that you have a BA in Communication, which I actually believe, because I have never in my years seen any one single person make the number of enemy’s that you have, and that is just in a blog!! That takes skill..
So, with all that said, I will say to you, what you have said to me, “at this point, you are a fly buzzing around me”, and “if you respond to me, you will get what you get”, “Quit” with the condescending comments, and lastly, but I will try to be more polite than you were to me and others on this one, “I know it’s hard for you to not respond to my comments, (please) try harder..
Ashrpblond and Colly I applaud you both. There is only 1 person that always has derogatory remarks if you don't agree with their opinion. We all have different opinions which we're entitled to and I think 90% of the people here don't put people down for it.
DeleteOh and Hillary I answered your question on Thursdays blog but not sure what time zone your in so it might have been really late for you.
Delete@ Ashrblond - I will say it a second time because apparently it didn’t get through the first time…I did NOT delete any comment on Thursday’s episode. And I couldn’t care less what you believe. It’s not my responsibility to convince you of anything. So believe what you want.
Delete@ Colly, sorry to disappoint - but it’s a beautiful day outside and the heatwave has broken! So I’m busy busy today enjoying my day.
DeleteI will say it one final time…I will comment / reply as I see fit. End of story. It’s getting left there.
And whatever comment you are looking for to apparently prove some point - was NOT deleted by me. Peace out!
Lynn, others saw the comment, and it was there right up until I ”called you out”, in my @9.13pm comment above, because I did check earlier to ensure I had my facts straight, and it was still there.. In my reply to you, I stated “well, I was talking to sunshine”, then went on to respond to you.. Bob does not randomly delete comments unless they are highly in appropriate, such as Travis.. You are the only person who can delete your own comment and it’s odd it just disappeared on its own, which happened to be the comment where you could not help yourself and responded to me 🧐🧐🧐
DeleteNot Thursday just gone, but the one prior, you purposely went after me, to try and make me bite, but “accidentally”responded to Elle, because I had not had a comment anywhere in sight for you to seize the opportunity to launch a personal attack on me and my integrity.. You purposely misspelled Steffy’s name as, “stefy”, so you could “call me out” for misspelling brooks name without an e at the end, and no capital b, said I was immature for doing so, and that it is “my passive aggressive” way at trying to get to YOU, and “that its childish and helps me sleep at night”, and that the way I spell brooks name and always have, “says ALOT about me” as a person, and that “I should seek psychiatric help” for it..
You went on, to encouraged Elle to go back through my comments, because you had apparently “called me out on it” before, and dared for her to try to find one time I spelled it correctly, all in attempt to upset me so I would respond to you, because I had not responded to you for quite some time prior to that..
Then when I did respond to it, because I used the term for fucks sake, in other words, this is rediculous, you went on to call me “white trash”, and that I have a “potty mouth”, and even stooped to bring my daughters in on it, said “do my daughters know their mother has a potty mouth”, despite you using the big C word which I have never used, and other “potty mouth words”, and “dared me to deny” that I spell it incorrectly and so on and so on, and that Elle was “giving me waaay too much credit when you “dared me to deny it”.. You told me you saw me “begging” and l”lots of on the knee stuff huh”, and said your question was if she forgave me” when I offended Hilary, unintentionally, just to get at me..
In the past you have said such things, like I “must be smokin something” because I disagreed with you about brook, have told me “to quit telling lies”, because I brought up some of brooks past history.. I can sit here aaalll day Lynn, and quote all the condescending and belittling things you have said to me AND others..
I have NEVER called you any nasty names or accused you of smoking drugs or told you that you need professional help over something so petty, even during our argument, did I say anything, like those things to you..
I do not find it fair to delete a comment to try to make someone look bad, however, it does not matter, because I am truly over this bickering Lynn, it is ridiculous, petty, and childish behaviour... I left school many years ago, and I will ask you again, please do not respond to any of my posts and I will respectfully do the same.. Thank you..
Colli! 🤣😇🤣 . Sorry for the spelling . It's late here . I'm refraining from posting my comments until tomorrow.
DeleteColly I saw the comments you are referencing. When a post says deleted by author it speaks for itself lol!
DeleteThe thing is, that Lynn denied it, then posted on “yesterdays” post that maybe I am the culprit, and that I should apologise to her, however, I am absolutely baffled at how she thinks I deleted HER comments, because HOW would I get access to HER account and delete HER comments?? Apart from that, the only other way I could delete her comments is if I was the moderator of this blog, which I am not?? And two people have come forward and said they saw the comment I was referring to, and I don’t even chat with ashrpblond.. so seriously, I am so over Lynn, like many people are on this blog, and I am seriously contemplating leaving the blog, because it’s not why I came here.. I came her for the show, and talk to other people, not to have someone trying to bait me all the time, and “call me out” and insult me about petty things like misspelling Brookes name, then call me names.. I am over it!! If I disappear, don’t stress, it’s just me had enough of this crap..
DeleteAnd the two I deleted above was because I was going to add to what I had already written and decided not to because I think I had addressed everything I needed to any way..
DeleteLook at the jackals going for it. Not reading your nonsense. Don’t care. You are just sad and pathetic. Believe what you want. Nothing was deleted from Thursday’s thread. Peace out jackals!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
DeleteIt’s not nice when the shoe is on the other foot, is it Lynn..
DeleteThe shoe is not on the other foot. I stand up for myself and don’t “bring in the troops.”
DeleteI say this with total sincerity - I think you need help. You seem very unstable.
Try not to obsess about me / this so much. Maybe go do something fun - leave your house or something. Good luck.
@Colly. You're not leaving. There's only 1 person that needs to leave. If the ones in her little "clique" can't see how ridiculous she really is then they are all the same.! 🤔
Delete@Lynne. Peace out jackass!! 🥱🥱
DeleteLynn, since you keep responding to me, despite my numerous attempts to ask you not, and warned you just like you have others, “that if you keep responding , you will get what you get”, and you still responded just above.. so get this.. Firstly, can you see anywhere on this page where I have asked anyone (cavalry) to stand up for me?? NO.. They have “chosen” to stand up for me of their own accord, including one person who does NOT know me.. So what does that say?? I think its self explanatory, secondly, you think and say I am “obsessed” with you 🤣🤣 yeah right, you are starting to sound like Brooke 🤣🤣🤣 that is the utmost amusing thing out your mouth so far..I am beggining to think it’s the other way around, because you keep saying your not going to read my comments or respond, yet you have, to every single one and then plus some.. Add to that, I think you always feel the need to have the last word, which is quite concerning in itself?? Or perhaps it is just you acting like a child chucking a tantrum? “You might want to get that checked”.. Lastly, maybe you should read from the second paragraph downwards, from my 10.30pm comment, then tell me who is the really unstable one is.. Somehow I don’t think it’s me who is obsessed or needs professional help!!🤣🤣🤣
DeleteColly don’t let the board’s number one bully drive you away! I thought about leaving too because of Lynn’s constant hostility and bully tactics along with her entourage of mini bullies.
DeleteWe appreciate you here so please stay on. Don’t let the bully get rid of any non Logan lovers.
Colly - looks like you spend all your waking moments thinking about ways to respond. It isn’t me writing paragraph upon paragraph researching and scouring old comments to try to prove some idiotic point that you clearly can’t prove or this discussion would have stopped long ago. Let it go losers!!!!!!! I am not going anywhere - and just like the Logan’s - I win - you lose!!!!!
DeleteLook at the Jackals going on and on and on. I have some superpower over all of you. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Delete🤣🤣 do you have a space ship in your garage too?? 🤣🤣 I think your obsession with Brooke, is turning you into Brooke!!🤣🤣🤣 you sound more and more like her every day!!
DeleteOh Billy Boy can't be arsed about Katey, he was there for Brooke because Katey doesn't want him 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
ReplyDeleteOf course he was there for Brooke. Going down memory lane with his ex-wife does not translate into showing concern for Katie.
DeleteAs for Steffy, what a disgusting thing she is!
ReplyDeleteHow would she feel if someone targeted her marriage like she is her fathers? She has no respect for marriage as we have seen previously when she slept with Liam while she was married and she slept with Bill while she was married, she chased after Bill like a dog on heat while he was married to Katie.
She is absolutely no better than she accuses Brooke of being, people in glass houses and all that.
Sorry Steffy didn’t sleep with Liam when she was married except when married to him! She was DATING Finn a few months when Mannequingate happened! How about Hope sleeping with Liam when he was married to Steffy… 🙄🙄.
DeleteSteffy didn’t chase Bill when she was married to Liam. It was ALL Bill pursuing her!
How about Brooke chasing and sleeping with Bill when he was married to Katie??
Pot meet kettle!
Someone did target her marriage to Liam, Hope and Brooke and they did it multiple times. When she had never cheated on him! Hope was shoving her way in after she caused Steffy’s upset that led to her accident and miscarriage then tried to steal her husband! Hope never respected Liam’s choice to marry Steffy any of the 3 times they were married! How dare she say anything to Steffy about that??
DeleteIt doesn't matter who initiated the cheating, she still participated, so she's a cheater
DeleteSteffy is a trollop, can't stand her ho ass
DeleteTo be fair, I don't like hope either. They both have screwed married men and broken up relationships. I could care less about that. But steffy is a grade A bitch, and Hope isn't.
DeleteThat is exactly right Hilary and yes you`re also right about Hope and Steffy, Steffy is a disgusting slag and Hope has more class, more class in her little finger than Steffy has in her entire body.
DeleteRegardless of how it happened, it doesn`t change the FACT that she chased Bill relentlessly when he was married to Katie, used every opportunity she could to sleep with him, thank God he wanted no part in it then.
She slept with Liam while he was married to Hope so yes you`re right BBfan101...pottle kettle black!
My my how quickly the logan fans forget whaat dopey hopey hogan did to steffys marriage when she ccame running back aand how her slut,y maw brook encouraged her to do so
DeleteThe end of that episode was exactly what I know to be true of Steffy and Thomas. Steffy is a GRADE A BITCH (Thanks Hilary for your description of her that is dead on!!). And Thomas is the master schemer - so he is always up for destroying someone’s life. Those two make me sick!!!!
DeleteAnd the way hypocrite Ridge talks to Brooke like he is the boss and she is some child who needs scolding just makes me detest him all that much more! Kick him to the curb, Brooke!! Don’t put up with that crap!!!
And why isn’t Giggles telling Thomas and Steffy about the talk she literally just had with Ridge?
I like how Hope is acting a little stronger these days and standing up for herself and Brooke. But she will never be a match for Steffy’s wickedness. That woman DOES NOT deserve Finn!!! He is way, way, way too nice for her!!
Maur revising history again!! Steffy NEVER slept with Bill while he was married to Anyone!! They slept together ONCE which was that night in the guest house!! The only that slept with Bill during his marriage to Katie is BROOKE!!!!
DeleteSteffy slept with Liam while he was married to Hope. And I know you'll say that hope did it 1st, but my point is steffy is a homewrecker too. And she was in a relationship with Finn so she cheated on him. She was also trying to get back with Liam when she screwed Bill. So she is equally as trashy as Brooke, she just isn't as old so doesn't have as many notches on her headboard. Give her 20 more years and she'll catch up😂
DeleteHilary, 😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
DeleteThe way ridge (mr. Double Standard) talks down to everyone kills me. He's a hypocrite bully child! Him and his tantrums remind me of actual men I know lol! Ive always thought he was totally overrated. I've never seen his appeal other than the fact he's rich. But I've never found him attractive, and he doesn't have a personality
DeleteAgreed. He is always grimacing and yelling at everyone in his whisper voice. Lol
DeleteBBfan101 Yes i missed out the word TRYING, had Bill been open to it then it absolutely would have happened. I said he wanted nothing to do with her at that time and he didn`t. The fact is that she was the dog on heat trying to get in the pants of a married man. She just couldn`t succeed. at that point and that cannot be denied.
DeleteMy point is that she is a slut who TRIED at every opportunity to sleep with a married man!! I repeat...POT KETTLE BLACK!!!!
Bbfan, that’s the real reason why Hope came back from Paris, because she heard on the grapevine that Liam and Steffy’s marriage was in trouble.. And boy, didn’t she manipulate Liam at his most vulnerable.. Regardless of the circumstances, Hope’s aim, was to “be there” for Liam.. Yeah, right..
DeleteAnd yes, Bbfan, when Steffy found out Liam kissed Sally , she left and went to Erics guesthouse.. Bill hunted her down, to “be there” for her.. Got her drunk, then seduced her.. Bill has always had a big thing for Steffy.. so much so, all his manipulations to make Liam think she was still with him.. Which made it easier for Hope!!
Deletelynn really has it out for anyone who wants taylor and ridge to end up together and i don't get it you really think that brooke makes him happy..her idea of making him happy is lets go have sex and get any other women out of your head and focus on us...she could give a crap how his day is or much less how his kids are doing..i don't think she has even seen finn since he came back and is alive...which is pathetic in itself..and i forget who in the comment said anything about steffy being a homewrecker..first this has nothing to do with steffy she wants her parents back together..and steffy did sleep with liam but she wasn't married to finn yet they were dating and who cares if he was married to hope. hope basically screwed steffy out of any time of being a family once she had was all about hope getting liam back. so hope got what she deserved..anyone watching can see ridge is not happy when he is with brooke he isn't kissing her or holding her or smiling at her looking into her eyes like he did with taylor yesterday..the way he was looking at her was how you look at someone you want to be with and makes you happy.. and he did hug taylor yesterday but she kinda pushed him off because she knew he was going to go to brooke. but not to worry he will find a reason soon to go and see doc
Delete@ Ashrblond - I guess we’ll see if I’m correct and Ridge officially chooses Brooke as I’ve been saying all along. And I also hope Brooke dumps his sorry butt after he pledges his love for her - because that’s EXACTLY what Ridge deserves.
DeleteAlso Maur, u said how would Steffy like someone targeting her marraige like she is her fathers, like Brooks pushed Hope to do everytime Hope did it to her, several times, with Brooke pushing and convincing Hope to do it?? Like that, you mean?? Brooks not only targeted Steffy’s marriage to Liam, but Taylor’s to Ridge for decades, and Quinn’s to Eric by telling Donna to go for it, and she didn’t just target someone’s marraige like she did Quinn’s, she was the very one to target and TAKE Stephanie’s marriage to Eric, her sister Katie’s marriage on more than one occasion to the point that it drove Katie to major paranoia, and helped Bill take Will off Katie, because she had post parting depression and again when she turned to alcohol because she was paranoid that Bill and Brooks were going behind her back, which they were, but let her believe they weren’t, and still didn’t come clean when it drove her to become an alcoholic.. Then she targeted and took, not one, but both her own daughter Bridget’s husbands, married one, while Bridget grieved through a miscarriage, and had Hope to her other husband Deacon, while Bridget was busy saving lives.. Also slept with Oliver, a virgin teenager, and again, her other daughters boyfriend.. So, yeah, I personally think, Steffy targeting Brooke’s marriage, because she actually has good reason to, is what Brooks deserves.. Karma.. Even Hope said to Donna, when Donna was having an affair with a married man and was worried Hope was judging her, Hope responded, quote “do you know who my mother is”.. And before anyone says that was in the past, well, so was Steffy sleeping with Liam, ONCE, while he was with Hope, Hope did it to Steffy several times.. Having said all that, so if Steffy is a “discusting thing”, then what does that make Brooke?? The story of her life, “A victim”??
DeleteThank you Bob
ReplyDeleteWasnt happy with Carter response of having to protect Hope
She is very shadey
It’s always all about Hope blah blah please… she was so underhanded the way she got Douglas to begin with and she is the one adamant that he only ever live with her. She’s not sharing anything.
DeleteI would be underhanded too if I saw a child being abused the way that poor little boy was. How on earth can you justify standing back and watch the terrible things that bastard was doing to that child!!
DeleteHad it gone on any longer there would have been no coming back for that poor innocent child.
Thank God for Hope!!
I agree, Maur. It was child abuse - at least emotionally. None of the Forresters were willing to step up & care for Douglas when Thomas was unable.
Delete@ Maur - absolutely!!!
DeleteThat's right Renee. The wealthy Forester family who all love each other so much, and have nannies on site 24/7. But not one of them gave 2 shits about him back then.
DeleteBbfan, I noticed when Carter asked Thomas about the agreement, Thomas did not mention how brook and Hope undermined him, he just said sort of.. He could have told Carter the truth about how Hope really got custody.. brook on the other hand would have no issue throwing Thomas under the bus if it was reversed..
DeleteThe Forrester's did not step up to take care of Douglas because by the time they realized what was really going on with Thomas, Brooke and Hope had already stolen his son from him. All along, unbeknownst to Thomas' family, Brooke and Hope were discussing ways to take Douglas from Thomas.
Delete👏👏👏 And Brooke did it behind Ridges back.. I am unsure if even knows now, and covering for Brooke, or he , like Taylor doesn’t know.. Thomas’s reluctance at telling Carter the truth about how it happened, tells me Thomas hasn’t told anyone?
DeleteThomas wouldn't tell anyone because he's considerate of Hope and the fact that she stands to lose her status as Douglas' mother if the truth were to be made known.
DeleteThank you Bob.
ReplyDeleteSteffy and her brother are now exaggerating for her mother to ho back with Ridge. Ridge loves to stay with his Selfish Brooke and Brooke loves to be loved by everyone.
Bill is definitely in love, as always, with Brooke and Taylor is pushing the line to even think of getting back Ridge.
Ridge and Brooke deserve each other.. Two selfish lucky people.
Very true. I wish they would leave it alone. Taylor is
DeleteGoing to be hurt and Ridge will be as big an idiot as ever. Just waiting to see what stunt Brooke pulls next. I still think she and Liam will hook up at some point.
DeleteAgree Tina, they said their piece to both parents, now let them work it out..
DeleteYep, I can see that happening at some stage!! They are both getting way too chummy with each other, licking each other’s ego’s and wounds..
DeleteYup so do i and i can hardly wait till they explain why they did it. Will be when hope choses thomas and ridge dumps brook and goes back to taylor then the eexcuse will be their heartbreak of loss
ReplyDeleteA soap, but regardless who gets involved with a man who bounces back & forth with the same woman to start with, Brooke had a past with Ridge before Taylor came along, she should've steared clear, but no she pursued him anyway, so here we are like so many real life situations, a woman pursuing a man who has walked off from her for another a multitude of times, so tacky and belittling to ones own self, to pine after a man who doesn't respect anymore than that, let's face it if Ridge walked in and said to Taylor I've left Brooke I want you, she'd drop her drawers in a second, not much class on either side, but hey it's a soap! If they changed things we'd all have to find something to watch!!!!
ReplyDeleteExactly Roxy 👏👏👏
DeleteBecause, Taylor has always truly loved Ridge, to brook it’s about status, money, and beating Taylor.. It’s always been like that.. But the writers need to come up with something new.. It’s been done to death.. It’s driving people nuts..
DeleteRoxy, I agree with when u say who would want a man like Ridge bouncing back and forth.. But, for a very large part of the shows history, prior to Ridges history with brook now, Ridge fell in love with Taylor, after his first wife Carolyn died, and brook tried everything in her power to seduce Ridge away from Taylor, in fact the entire time they were married, both times they were married, and in between, and when Ridge thought Taylor was dead.. brook only ended up marrying brook, because she pounced on him while he was grieving, and extremely vulnerable.. So, in actual fact, it was brook who didn’t respect Taylor’s marriage to brook.. Now Taylor is finally standing up for herself.. Brook never ever respected Taylor’s marriage, not one bit, and brook has the nerve to cry that Taylor is not respecting hers.. At least Taylor is not resorting sex and seduction and schemes, like brook always did to her.. however, having said that , I think both woman should kick him to the curb..
DeleteOops, meant brook only ended up marrying Ridge, however, brook marrying brook works too!!
DeleteOops again, it was brook who never respected Taylor’s marriage to *Ridge..
DeleteYaaay again steffy u go girl keep busting hopes chops every chance you get she knows what u say is true ..thomas made me giggle when he came in and squeezed steffys shoulder and called her his zebra themed sister . Her outfit was georgious. I hope she and thomas can finally get their dad to open his eyes and get rid of those rose colored glasses he wearsto see brook. He was definiitely not happy to see brook up in bills arms yet again. And the. Look hee had was one that said after walking in on tthem that he was seriously starting to think abbout whaat steffy thom and dooc told him he. Should admit to brook straight up tho how he feels about taaylor and how. Hhe is happy when hes with her because shes the calm and peaace to his worrld where brook iis drama and problems and stress he needs to tell brook he has told taylor this stuff andd for her to stop blaming taylor and their kids for the forces. Driving them apart thaat its her doing that.. writers need to stop dragging the story plot out as well just choose one of em already and move on to next story of brook trying to interfere witth them yet again because she just cant dare stand to let taylor win out over her
ReplyDeleteSteffy’s top (in my opinion) is honestly one of the ugliest blouses I have ever seen. Lol
DeleteSteffy's top looks like it was shredded by a bear 🐻. The shirt should be part of Sheila's wardrobe. Add a pair of white sandals so that Sheila can shows off her 9 toes painted with black nail polish and she would be ready for the runway! 😂
DeletePerhaps... with any luck... the bear might Steffy, the way it was supposed to with Sheila. Now that would be worth watching.
Deletemeant to be - might to do to Steffy
DeleteRenee 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteYou could probably find it in a thrift store who sells blouses from the late 80’s / early 90’s. Then you’ll just need some scissors to complete the look. 😬
DeleteYep. Her and Thomas are going to do something stupid
DeleteAgree Hilary, we’ve been saying all along that Thomas is gonna use that voice app. All the Logan bashers are convinced it will be Liam and Brooke. Ridiculous! 😂😂😂
DeleteFor sure it’s gonna be the revenge siblings - Thomas and Steffy. They literally just said they are gonna be trying - whatever it takes…to break up Ridge and Brooke. Spoiled little entitled brats that they are!! I hope Steffy gets what’s coming to her. And I hope it blows up Thomas’s chances of getting Douglas back.
Me too girl
DeleteWhere is Sheila to show those amateurs some real trouble? I wouldn't wish on anybody, even on Steffy, to have their child taken even for a minute, but I want to see some action. Steffy and Thomas, didn't you brats learn from your previous ridiculous schemes that you suck? Like when they hid their dad's phone and when Thomas lied about berry-enduced sex? Just leave the machinations to the pros like Sheila. Whatever you do will blow up in your faces spectacularly, and worse will end up with another Taylor left either at the altar or before that.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes I totally think Bill showed up not for Katie, but for Brooke, it was so obvious 🥰 and it was even more obvious when he warned Ridge in the end not to be an idiot and blow it (it's like telling the pig not to go in the mud but still).
ReplyDeleteTo me the only hotter couple than Bill and Brooke was actually Bill and Steffy. Dynamite chemistry, too bad they only had the one night and it was cheating. But back in the 2010s they had some sizzling making out. I hope one day to see them together again.
I was a HUGE Still fan! Sizzling for sure! 🔥🔥🔥
DeleteYes, in fact , in my own opinion, I think Bill and Steffy were the hottest couple so far!!! But I also liked brook and Nick, I think they had mad chemistry.. It was nice watching the flashback of them on the 35 year anniversary!!
DeleteWhy didn't Taylor come straight out and tell Steffi and Thomas about the conversation she and Ridge had? Was she so embarrassed that Ridge had told her in his round about way that he was going back - not home - but back to his wife. Strange indeed.
ReplyDeleteNo, she was not embarrassed. It's like she told Steffy, she and Ridge could handle this on their own.
DeleteB&B’s first few years, viewers were introduced to the wealthy Forrester clan and the middle-class Logan family. Eric Forrester (John McCook) rekindled his love for Beth Logan (Nancy Burnett). But the couple didn’t stand a chance as viewers seemed to root primarily for Eric’s wife, Stephanie Douglas Forrester (Susan Flannery) to succeed in breaking them up so she could hold onto her family. Stephanie’s victory was bittersweet as Eric agreed to remain with her but their marriage would be in name only.
ReplyDeleteStephanie was no fan of Beth’s daughter Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang), who set her sights on Stephanie’s son Ridge Forrester. A quadrangle emerged with Ridge, Brooke, Ridge’s brother Thorne Forrester, and Caroline Spencer (Joanna Johnson), who wed Thorne after being date-raped.
In the 1990s, there seemed to be one eternal question that drove much of the show’s story –- would Ridge choose Taylor Hayes (Hunter Tylo) or Brooke to be his wife?
Aussie Deb, it was Taylor he chose.. After Ridges first wife died, he was grief stricken and sought a therapist in Taylor, and he fell madly in love with her and married her.. it was always Tridge, despite brooks best efforts to come between them by trying to seduce ridge at every opportunity.. when the original producer William Bell died, in year 2005, and Bradley, his son took over the show, he rewrote history, then it all became about brook.. bell jnr created the Ridge and brook destiny crap.. when William Snr was writing, it was always Tridge, long before brook ever married ridge.. she got him by default when he was at his most vulnerable after Taylor died..
ReplyDelete@Colly! THANK YOU!!! It's always nice to see a fellow B&B fan that actually knows the history, before Dumbbell Jr came in and rewrote it. It was ALWAYS Tridge. Ridge was in love with Taylor and adored their family. Ridge always chose Taylor, but just like Dumbbell Jr, the HOEgan stans love to rewrite history and pretend that Ridge always chose Brooke lol. Anyone that watched this soap from day one, like me, knows that is NOT the truth.
DeleteI wish Brooke would remember how she felt back when she realized she doesn't need Ridge and dumped him at the altar for Nick (even before that, after Ridge dumped Taylor and begged her to take him back, but she was "nuh-huh"). She is debasing herself right now, no less than Giggles (I am objective and not blindly hating one and closing my eyes to the faults of other). Just kick the hypocrite f***er out already. This show should be more empowering to women instead of treating them like objects - to be chosen, to be allowed whom to speak to...
ReplyDeleteThat's why I like Steffy so much. She's shown to be strong, independent, standing on her own 2 feet and not dependent on a man. More of the women on the show should be written this way.
DeleteSteffy definitely isn't independent. She was chasing married Bill and 5 mins later committed Liam. Also she is judgmental and hypocritical which is very offputting. I'm glad we don't have more of that.
DeleteBut she is beautiful (the actress and she's talented) and fit very well with Bill.
Delete@M That was eons ago! Steffy fell in love with Liam and wanted him in her life. However, the back and forth between her and Hope (and any other woman - remember Ivy?) was too much for her and she finally decided to let Liam go. I say good on her! She has certainly grown from the person she used to be.
DeleteI loved her and Bill together so much, I made some videos:
@M, yes, I think both woman deserve better.. I have never really liked Ridge, especially when Ronn Moss was playing.. He never once really made the character likeable.. To me anyway..He just oozed arrogance.. Even though Bill is a D*%k, he somehow makes himself likeable?..
DeleteAlso Elle, I like Steffy for the same reason.. She does show how woman can be strong, independent, brash, in a modern world.. And ALL the characters can Biatches, when they are out to get what they want.. especially the men 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteM 👋👋👋👋
ReplyDeleteThe last we heard of RJ, he was at boarding school.
DeleteBrooke forgot about him after he wasn’t needed to get Ridge lol. One never hears about him. I’m waiting for him to be SORASd along with Will lol and they compete for someone lol.
DeleteSorry Steffy, but Saints don't shoot people in the back and leave them for dead. Saints don't throw liquor bottles at babies in their crib. If Steffy is so happpy with Finn, why is she being such a hateful, spiteful, bullying witch with her war on the Logan's? Why is she not concentrating on Finn and the kids instead of a parent trap? Steffy has every trait of a sociopath. Ridge is a regular gaslighter. Brooke has done nothing wrong, but he tries to make her feel like she did. Ridge can his ex tart Taylor can slither all over each other like snakes in a viper pit, but Brooke is not allowed around Bill after Bill just found Li and reunited Steffy and Finn. Ridge is putting Brooke in a psychological prison telling her who she can and cannot see and is emotionally abusing her. I wish Brooke would finally get enough of Ridge and dump him and let him run to his 2nd choice teeny bopper ex.
ReplyDeleteBrooke has brought all of that on herself. Brooke has done nothing wrong? Seriously? Are we forgetting that she told her husband that Deacon is welcomed in HER house at any time? Are we forgetting that she disregarded her husband's feelings about her ex-lover and daughter's father? And just to point out, at that time, Ridge was not going after Taylor. Even when Taylor told him about Deacon staying over at his home on NYE, Ridge still did not fly into Taylor's arms. He was still very much devoted to his wife. It was not until he went after Deacon and Brooke came to Deacon's defense, that Ridge walked out. So, to say that Brooke did nothing wrong is inaccurate. Everything she did back then has led up to what is happening now. And to add to it, she cannot even support her husband's belief in his son being a good father to his son. Instead, she has made it all about Hope and Thomas' obsession with her. Not that she has any proof of that obsession except to say "Well, er, Thomas is not as bad as before, but you never know with him, honey." And now, she's once again in the home she shares with her husband, reminiscing about her past with Bill. Does she even realize that she keeps pushing Ridge away? How understanding can a husband be when his wife continues to enjoy the company of other men?
Delete👏👏👏 I don’t like Ridge, and I have stated that numerous times since I have been on the blog, however, there’s many many very good reasons he doesn’t trust her around other men.. As Elle pointed out, she is not innocent when it comes what happened to Deacon.. Sheila was merely the catalyst.. brook was sober enough and knew exactly what was going on at the time of the kiss, and she pressure Deacon to stay and drink with her, oh come on, buddy old pal, we’re the words she used.. She admitted she was sober enough to know about the kids but “she let it happen”, were her words.. By the time Deacon got her into bed, she was gone then, but everything before then, she was well aware.. Then lied for months, silenced Douglas, got Liam and Hope to lie for her and they let brook manipulate Douglas, add to that, she defended Deacon.. So I am not sure how she is blameless.. She has done things to make Ridge doubt, so I think , although he did jump to the wrong conclusion, he is wary for a reason.. But I do agree, that Ridge needs to stop going back and forth, leading them both on.. He needs to choose and let the other be..
DeleteOops, with deacon and the kiss not kids..
DeleteAlso, Joy, the reason Taylor shot Bill, is because at the time, she was under the impression that Bill had raped Steffy.. Because he tracked her down and found her at Eric’s, then got her drunk, then manipulated to make it look like like she was still with him, after Liam found out.. it doesn’t make it right, but if she really thought that was what happened, then you can’t say she didn’t have good reason..
ReplyDelete@colly taking the law into your own hands is not a good reason. Period.
ReplyDeleteI agree Aussie Deb, which is why I said that it didn’t make it right.. And it doesn’t make it right.. I was just trying to explain the reason she did it.. Where about in Australia are you from?? I am in the ACT.. I hate this place, but I don’t think I could live in Sydney or Melbourne?? I love visiting the big Cities, but I don’t think I could live there.. It’s to busy for me..
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU @Elle! The rewriting of history some of these HOEgan fans do is astounding.
Delete@M And guess what! Bill LET Steffy catch him lol. Bill fell in love with Steffy, and was going to leave milk toast Katie for Steffy, until Katie dropped from a heart attack. I guess you conveniently forgot about that.
ReplyDeleteYou also have the nerve to call Steffy hypocritical lol? Not only is Brooke the queen of sluts, but she's also the queen of hypocrites too lol. Noone on this show is innocent, but after everything Brooke has done to people ( her own daughter, Stephanie, Caroline, Macy, Taylor, her own sister, etc.) she is the LAST person that should be passing judgement on Thomas, or anyone else.
Bill did indeed fall in love with Steffy, so much so that he gave her a silver replica of the sword he wears around his neck. What did Katie get? 🤣🤣🤣
Delete@Elle YES! Bill and Steffy were smoking hot!
ReplyDeletestefi accuse Brooke for her love life..what about Bill Spencer and his had a relationship with all of them
ReplyDelete👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 totally agree 😉
Deletethanks Sissy
DeleteSleeping once with Bill while he was pursuing her is NOT a relationship lol. She was married to Liam and to Wyatt… actually Hope was also married to Liam and to Wyatt. Bill wouldn’t touch Hope with a barge pole so no she never had a thing for him lol. Actually Katie was with Bill and Wyatt lol.
ReplyDeleteYet it was just fine for Brooke to be with Eric, Ridge and Thorne, as well Nick Ridge’s half brother. 🙄🙄🙄🥱