Glad that the old scene was played where Hope learned that Thomas knew Beth was alive & kept that information from Hope knowing how hard she was grieving for the loss of her baby. That was cruel.
How about when Thomas run Emma down a cliff and kept it as quiet as a mouse ....remember hope wanted to say something about Thomas but Brooke was pushing for her to shut up ! And at the time Thomas was persistent and obsessed she was scared. She didn't intentionally hurt him but tomorrow over and over intentionally hurt others for his own personal gain. But it does change that he is Douglas biological father.
@lostintime haven't you been watching this show very long? Taylor has been with just about every single man that Brooke has and then some! Ridge, Thorne, Eric, Whip, Nick Marone, even Brooke's son Rick! Probably more that I can't remember. SMH.
@Dezzi you are exactly 💯 right! Liam should have thrown Thomas off of that roof! Thomas seems to be better, but talking to Mommy on the phone once in awhile isn't a cute! Unethical anyway. He's yanking Hope's chain again!
Love Kimberlin Brown as Sheila Carter, she is a wonderful actress. Krista Allen as grown on me as Taylor. The recast has really worked. Hunter Tylo is not missed at all, she did not want to come back. The lady has issues in real life still wish her the best.
Why in hell does Sheila think she has a future relationship with Finn? I know she's batshit crazy, but she legitimately seems to believe that they're going to be a happy family! Damn she is nucking futs😂🤣
Deacon probably recognizes that Sheila is the master escape con artist. He may fear that if he turns her in, that she will escape & come after either him or Hope for revenge. Deacon could defend allowing her to stay there by stating that Sheila held him hostage & made threats.
Im hoping deacon will find a way to get the hello away from shiela and NOT wind up back in jail himself he needs to take her damn money and run leave her ass in that damn apt and find himself a different place to live and maybe even a different job . Id love to see him open up his own self defense /boxing / karate/fight gym as a sin say
I think that maybe Thomas has really changed, and I hope so, but I'm so sick and tired of Taylor talking about how much he has changed and how he did all of the hard work LOL. I'm sick of her period. All Thomas did was talk to his mommy on the phone once in awhile for God's sake. No ethical psychiatrist would ever treat anybody they knew let alone a family member.
Thomas said….Douglas needs both of us. And I understand that’s impossible because you’re with Liam. But unlike Liam and my father, I’m a one woman man. And that woman is YOU. (Hope).
I will reserve commenting on Thomas' declaration to Hope until Monday's show because what he said could mean anything. There may be more to the conversation on Monday.
@ Elle, fair enough. I agree that sometimes a Friday cliffhanger can turn into something different than we all expected. But even if Thomas doesn’t declare his undying love for Hope once again, something is clearly amiss with him for saying what he said. Thomas will never be normal. That’s just the truth. His demon side runs too deep. At this point, I don’t care who gets Douglas. I just don’t want to see him on the show any longer. He continues to be an awful little actor. I’m really surprised they’ve chosen to cast this kid. I read he is keeping the role. 🫤🫤🫤
Mandy i agree. The damn logans always butting in taking whoever and whatever they want especially from the forresters especially taylor steffy and thomas its sickening its way past time for the forrestersand deacon to win out come out on top of the damn logans
Mandy are you actually so delusional, that biased against the Logans that you don`t believe what you heard with your own ears? "Hope unlike Liam and my father, I`m a one woman man and that woman is you." Can it be any plainer that he is up to his old tricks again? Hate to say I told you so!!!!!! He`s better? He`s a different person? He`s worked so hard? NO!! he`s the same manipulative bat shit crazy he`s always been. Only he`s become more manipulative, more deranged and smarter at hiding it. Some bloody expert Taylor is!!!! Poor we go again!!!!
Maur, I didn’t read your post until after I posted mine. Yes, exactly what you said! And I have no problem telling the Thomas lovers…I told you so!!! 😂😂
I've watched this show for too long to know that things can turn around in a flash. Thomas saying what he said doesn't mean an automatic return to his obsessive behavior however, it could mean a potential romance between him and Hope. Especially with the way Brooke and Liam have been acting and Liam "forgetting" all that Thomas did to ensure that he and Hope were reunited.
But aren’t you then admitting that Thomas absolutely has ulterior motives for wanting Douglas? If Hope is at all a driving factor, then Thomas is what we have been saying he is...a fraud. And he doesn’t deserve custody of Douglas. Because once again, he is just using Douglas as a means to an end.
That's not what I'm saying. A potential romance between them can possibly be Hope's desire, especially if she and Liam are constantly at odds about Thomas and Douglas. Who knows?
There aren’t enough I TOLD YOU SO’S in the world!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 All you Thomas fans heard it with your own ears, Thomas is back to wanting Hope. And I loved how they showed crazy Thomas in the scene from a couple years back!!!! Total and complete whack job!!! And like Liam and Brooke said, his 180 degree turn is way way too suspect. Thomas lovers have been saying for weeks how he’s changed and doesn’t want Hope! GUESS WHAT - WRONG!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Lynn, is going to be like that; cause the writers don't know what to do with Lame and Hopeless, to put them on the spotlight, to give a sense to their presence in the show, they always need to make Thomas or Steffy the bad ones, otherwise they're insignificant alone.
@Miah, I don’t think Hope or Liam are insignificant. If you have to be a total bitch like Steffy, or a nut job like Thomas to be “significant” in the show, then I’ll take insignificant any day of the week!! 😁😁😁
I think what Miah is saying is that no couple remains in happyland forever on this show. It's time for things to be shaken up with these 2. And since Steffy just got her husband back, there isn't room for Liam to be thrown into the mix there so, that leaves Thomas and Hope.
Thomas has gotten over a lot and has become a better person for it. We may see a different twist to his relationship with Hope. I keep saying that they won't go through the trouble of redeeming Thomas just to have him revert to his old ways. Thomas and Hope are much better together in their scenes anyway than Liam and Hope.
Elle, come on….you know better than that. They absolutely have no issue redeeming characters, then have them revert to their old ways. You said it yourself in your very first sentence above. Let’s place our bets now. I say Thomas is gonna screw up again big time, and I’ll give it two full months in real time…which could equate to 3,weeks or 6 months in Soap Opera time.
I really hope they don't have Thomas become psycho again. Like Deacon, he's come so far and, that just life. We do stupid (and sometimes, illegal) things when we're young but as we get older and maturity sets in, our priorities change. Thomas was all about Hope before but now, his main focus is Douglas. I am certain he just wants to be there for his son. His declaration to Hope can be him just saying that he still feels the same way about her. However, he also acknowledged her marriage to Liam which tells me that he does not intend to pursue her. At least not while she's married.
Deacon, I am losing all respect for you. Sheila has you wrapped around her little finger. And when she goes down, you are going down with her. Your window of opportunity is closing rapidly. Save yourself!!
I know we should have expected Deacon to screw up again, but I was so hoping that he would rise up and be a better person. Sadly it looks like he's going to let psycho Sheila ruin all the progress he's made. Just the fact he had sex with her, more than once!, has shown that he's lost his way.
I agree. When he first came back on the show he had a toughness to him. He didn’t put up with Sheila. But then she wore him down. Lol And maybe now that they have had sex he feels the need to be even more patient with her?? Come on Deacon, you can do sooooooo much better than crazy lady!!
Gosh the baby talk around Douglas was embarrassing for all involved. Please change that child with one that knows about acting... Hope is again being smart - Douglas likes it also because it is new. I kinda feel bad for Thomas :( he's not a bad guy, but seems he's mentally unstable and his "world renowned shrink" of mom didn't do squat to heal him. She should have her license removed for taking him as a patient and not treating him properly.
Bill 😍 I wish he would set his sights on Brooke again and take her from that loser. Have him sweat a bit.
Deacon, call the police, you gutless wheeny. For once don't be an embarrassment for your daughter.
Deacon clearly isn't thinking about all that he stands to lose by continuing to put up with Sheila. He needs to inform the authorities about her and cut her loose before things get worse.
Someone surely will suffer including Deacon himself. He's going to lose his daughter and he will also lose Brooke's respect. And he's going to land himself right back in prison. I don't know why he doesn't see that. Still hoping for some kind of turnaround.
I don’t think Thomas is trying to get hope back, I think he was just reassuring her he understands that she is with Liam and that he is not doing this to hurt her.. I think Thomas is moving too quickly though.. they should agree to have one or two weeks at a time at each home, that way douglas and hope can adjust better.. I think it is unfair to not give Thomas the opportunity to step up and be the father he wants to be for his son.. has he made mistakes , yes, no one on the show has a clean record.. Thomas had the perfect opportunity to b with hope and let Liam rot in prison, but he didn’t.. Liam should take that into consideration before bashing him.. he says, Thomas did seem like he changed, but now he doesn’t think so , all because Thomas wants to play a bigger role in his sons life?? What would Liam know about that.. he barely spends time kelly!! So pot kettle there if u ask me..
As for deacon, r u insane mate?? She is going to do to him what she did to Mike.. use him then spit him out when she is done.. kimberlin brown plays the role of Sheila so well..but where r they going to go with her, this time?
Oh dear. Hope it's nothing too serious. Glad to have you back. I don't know about you but for me, this blog provides a temporary haven away from life's troubles. 😊🤗
Also Ell, brook is still defending deacon and hopes relationship with him to ridge, but she won’t give Thomas the benefit of the doubt?? And it’s not because she doesn’t believe he’s changed, it’s all because he wants douglas to live with him and that’s upsetting hope.. that’s why.. and everyone else should keep their noses out of others business and let hope and Thomas work this out..
Agreed Colly! Brooke does not want her precious Hope upset and losing Douglas will make her upset. However, she fails to realize that Hope is a grown woman! I'm happy that Hope is taking charge of this situation on her own without letting what Brooke or Liam have to say deter her. If she had listened to them, she would not have gone over to Eric's and saw how happy Douglas is over there.
I don't even know what the big deal is anyway. Many children have moved from living with one parent to living with the next. As Thomas said, this is not about taking Douglas away from Hope. And I think that's what everyone is seeing it as.
Puleeze what about brro hope and liams actions from their past that they swear thet changed from and expecting every1. To forgivve and forget? Why do deacon and thomasboth not deserve the same especially when brook liam and hope keep repeating the same shizzle expecting demanding begging for forgiveness
Glad that the old scene was played where Hope learned that Thomas knew Beth was alive & kept that information from Hope knowing how hard she was grieving for the loss of her baby. That was cruel.
ReplyDeleteHow about when Hope left Thomas to drown and she and Brooke kept quiet
DeleteThat was also cruel.
DeleteHow about when Thomas run Emma down a cliff and kept it as quiet as a mouse ....remember hope wanted to say something about Thomas but Brooke was pushing for her to shut up ! And at the time Thomas was persistent and obsessed she was scared. She didn't intentionally hurt him but tomorrow over and over intentionally hurt others for his own personal gain. But it does change that he is Douglas biological father.
Deletehow about when brooke married all the man in the show ecxept from the pastor?
Delete@lostintime haven't you been watching this show very long? Taylor has been with just about every single man that Brooke has and then some! Ridge, Thorne, Eric, Whip, Nick Marone, even Brooke's son Rick! Probably more that I can't remember. SMH.
Delete@Dezzi you are exactly 💯 right! Liam should have thrown Thomas off of that roof! Thomas seems to be better, but talking to Mommy on the phone once in awhile isn't a cute! Unethical anyway. He's yanking Hope's chain again!
DeleteLove Kimberlin Brown as Sheila Carter, she is a wonderful actress. Krista Allen as grown on me as Taylor. The recast has really worked. Hunter Tylo is not missed at all, she did not want to come back. The lady has issues in real life still wish her the best.
ReplyDeleteI love the Sheila character. She gives us the only excitement so far on the show.
DeleteWhy in hell does Sheila think she has a future relationship with Finn? I know she's batshit crazy, but she legitimately seems to believe that they're going to be a happy family! Damn she is nucking futs😂🤣
DeleteHilary LMBO😆😆😂
Delete🤣nucking fuuts.. thats hilarious
DeleteWhat is Deacon's problem !!!! Why won't he turn Sheila in ???
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping he has some kind of plan and he's not that stupid.
DeleteDeacon probably recognizes that Sheila is the master escape con artist. He may fear that if he turns her in, that she will escape & come after either him or Hope for revenge. Deacon could defend allowing her to stay there by stating that Sheila held him hostage & made threats.
Delete@D oh he is stupid. And weak. Always has been. You should watch old episodes with him.
DeleteIm hoping deacon will find a way to get the hello away from shiela and NOT wind up back in jail himself he needs to take her damn money and run leave her ass in that damn apt and find himself a different place to live and maybe even a different job . Id love to see him open up his own self defense /boxing / karate/fight gym as a sin say
DeleteSheila's totally delusional. I didn't once hear Finn say he misses her. Her eyes are going to give her away.
ReplyDeleteThe missing toe will give Sheila away too if she slips up & wears sandals! 🤣
Delete🤣🤣🤣🤣 Good one.
Deleteim almost betting shiela will swear she is distant cousin to shiela to ahmm explain why she looks like her
DeleteI think that maybe Thomas has really changed, and I hope so, but I'm so sick and tired of Taylor talking about how much he has changed and how he did all of the hard work LOL. I'm sick of her period. All Thomas did was talk to his mommy on the phone once in awhile for God's sake. No ethical psychiatrist would ever treat anybody they knew let alone a family member.
ReplyDeleteI think Thomas is after Hope again. Thomas said to Hope, "unlike Liam & my father, I am a one woman man & that woman is you."
DeleteI'm giving him the benefit of hope. He seems sincere but I don't k ow his whole past.
Delete@kidd - good that you spot it. This "treatment" of Taylor's should cost her license.
DeleteThomas is not after Hope
ReplyDeleteHe wants his son
The logans need to but out
Mandy, I am concerned about your ability to understand what just took place. Lol
DeleteLynn and Maur? that's Mandy's opinion. Why do you have to be so critical?
DeleteBecause he actually said the words to Hope.
DeleteThomas said….Douglas needs both of us. And I understand that’s impossible because you’re with Liam. But unlike Liam and my father, I’m a one woman man. And that woman is YOU. (Hope).
DeleteI will reserve commenting on Thomas' declaration to Hope until Monday's show because what he said could mean anything. There may be more to the conversation on Monday.
Delete@ Elle, fair enough. I agree that sometimes a Friday cliffhanger can turn into something different than we all expected. But even if Thomas doesn’t declare his undying love for Hope once again, something is clearly amiss with him for saying what he said. Thomas will never be normal. That’s just the truth. His demon side runs too deep.
DeleteAt this point, I don’t care who gets Douglas. I just don’t want to see him on the show any longer. He continues to be an awful little actor. I’m really surprised they’ve chosen to cast this kid. I read he is keeping the role. 🫤🫤🫤
If that's the case Lynn, I hope they at least put him through some acting classes. The previous Douglas was so much better.
DeleteAgreed. He is so corny the way he acts. He has got to be related to someone who produces the show. That’s the only thing that makes sense.
Delete@Mandy seriously? Did you not see Thomas making a play for Hope again? If not, watch the end again 🙄🙄
DeleteMandy i agree. The damn logans always butting in taking whoever and whatever they want especially from the forresters especially taylor steffy and thomas its sickening its way past time for the forrestersand deacon to win out come out on top of the damn logans
DeleteAnd Thomas nearly died and logans kept quiet
ReplyDeleteThomas was ill
Logans forget and Bell is only fawning on da. Logans again
Thank you Bob xxxx
Thank you mandy seems some peeps need reminders that logans are not perfect lil goddesses they think they are
DeleteMandy are you actually so delusional, that biased against the Logans that you don`t believe what you heard with your own ears?
ReplyDelete"Hope unlike Liam and my father, I`m a one woman man and that woman is you."
Can it be any plainer that he is up to his old tricks again? Hate to say I told you so!!!!!!
He`s better? He`s a different person? He`s worked so hard?
NO!! he`s the same manipulative bat shit crazy he`s always been. Only he`s become more manipulative, more deranged and smarter at hiding it.
Some bloody expert Taylor is!!!!
Poor we go again!!!!
Maur, I didn’t read your post until after I posted mine. Yes, exactly what you said! And I have no problem telling the Thomas lovers…I told you so!!! 😂😂
DeleteI've watched this show for too long to know that things can turn around in a flash. Thomas saying what he said doesn't mean an automatic return to his obsessive behavior however, it could mean a potential romance between him and Hope. Especially with the way Brooke and Liam have been acting and Liam "forgetting" all that Thomas did to ensure that he and Hope were reunited.
DeleteBut aren’t you then admitting that Thomas absolutely has ulterior motives for wanting Douglas? If Hope is at all a driving factor, then Thomas is what we have been saying he is...a fraud. And he doesn’t deserve custody of Douglas. Because once again, he is just using Douglas as a means to an end.
DeleteThat's not what I'm saying. A potential romance between them can possibly be Hope's desire, especially if she and Liam are constantly at odds about Thomas and Douglas. Who knows?
DeleteNot in a million years!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
DeleteWon't that be a hoot though! 😁 And Liam will finally be alone. That's going to be the cherry on top. 🤣
DeleteThere aren’t enough I TOLD YOU SO’S in the world!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
ReplyDeleteAll you Thomas fans heard it with your own ears, Thomas is back to wanting Hope. And I loved how they showed crazy Thomas in the scene from a couple years back!!!! Total and complete whack job!!! And like Liam and Brooke said, his 180 degree turn is way way too suspect. Thomas lovers have been saying for weeks how he’s changed and doesn’t want Hope! GUESS WHAT - WRONG!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Yes Im happy to say it again WE TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!
DeleteMaur, 👍🏻👍🏻
Delete@Lynn, is going to be like that; cause the writers don't know what to do with Lame and Hopeless, to put them on the spotlight, to give a sense to their presence in the show, they always need to make Thomas or Steffy the bad ones, otherwise they're insignificant alone.
Delete@Miah, I don’t think Hope or Liam are insignificant. If you have to be a total bitch like Steffy, or a nut job like Thomas to be “significant” in the show, then I’ll take insignificant any day of the week!! 😁😁😁
DeleteI think what Miah is saying is that no couple remains in happyland forever on this show. It's time for things to be shaken up with these 2. And since Steffy just got her husband back, there isn't room for Liam to be thrown into the mix there so, that leaves Thomas and Hope.
DeleteThomas has gotten over a lot and has become a better person for it. We may see a different twist to his relationship with Hope. I keep saying that they won't go through the trouble of redeeming Thomas just to have him revert to his old ways. Thomas and Hope are much better together in their scenes anyway than Liam and Hope.
Elle, come on….you know better than that. They absolutely have no issue redeeming characters, then have them revert to their old ways. You said it yourself in your very first sentence above. Let’s place our bets now. I say Thomas is gonna screw up again big time, and I’ll give it two full months in real time…which could equate to 3,weeks or 6 months in Soap Opera time.
DeleteI really hope they don't have Thomas become psycho again. Like Deacon, he's come so far and, that just life. We do stupid (and sometimes, illegal) things when we're young but as we get older and maturity sets in, our priorities change. Thomas was all about Hope before but now, his main focus is Douglas. I am certain he just wants to be there for his son. His declaration to Hope can be him just saying that he still feels the same way about her. However, he also acknowledged her marriage to Liam which tells me that he does not intend to pursue her. At least not while she's married.
DeleteDeacon, I am losing all respect for you. Sheila has you wrapped around her little finger. And when she goes down, you are going down with her. Your window of opportunity is closing rapidly. Save yourself!!
ReplyDeleteI'm very disappointed in him. So wanted him and Brooke together and for Ridge to look like a jacka@#$&
DeleteI know we should have expected Deacon to screw up again, but I was so hoping that he would rise up and be a better person. Sadly it looks like he's going to let psycho Sheila ruin all the progress he's made. Just the fact he had sex with her, more than once!, has shown that he's lost his way.
ReplyDeleteI agree. When he first came back on the show he had a toughness to him. He didn’t put up with Sheila. But then she wore him down. Lol
DeleteAnd maybe now that they have had sex he feels the need to be even more patient with her?? Come on Deacon, you can do sooooooo much better than crazy lady!!
I also appreciated that flashback clip when Thomas was really off his rocker. He looks much better without the facial hair. Damn I'm shallow.
Deletewhy are they treat Douglas like a baby?
ReplyDeleteThank you! I was thinking the same. It's insulting to the child.
DeleteGosh the baby talk around Douglas was embarrassing for all involved. Please change that child with one that knows about acting... Hope is again being smart - Douglas likes it also because it is new.
ReplyDeleteI kinda feel bad for Thomas :( he's not a bad guy, but seems he's mentally unstable and his "world renowned shrink" of mom didn't do squat to heal him. She should have her license removed for taking him as a patient and not treating him properly.
Bill 😍 I wish he would set his sights on Brooke again and take her from that loser. Have him sweat a bit.
Deacon, call the police, you gutless wheeny. For once don't be an embarrassment for your daughter.
Deacon clearly isn't thinking about all that he stands to lose by continuing to put up with Sheila. He needs to inform the authorities about her and cut her loose before things get worse.
Delete@Elle I'm afraid it's too late. He missed all of his chances. Now she'll do what she'll do and someone will suffer because of this idiot.
DeleteSomeone surely will suffer including Deacon himself. He's going to lose his daughter and he will also lose Brooke's respect. And he's going to land himself right back in prison. I don't know why he doesn't see that. Still hoping for some kind of turnaround.
DeleteI don’t think Thomas is trying to get hope back, I think he was just reassuring her he understands that she is with Liam and that he is not doing this to hurt her.. I think Thomas is moving too quickly though.. they should agree to have one or two weeks at a time at each home, that way douglas and hope can adjust better.. I think it is unfair to not give Thomas the opportunity to step up and be the father he wants to be for his son.. has he made mistakes , yes, no one on the show has a clean record.. Thomas had the perfect opportunity to b with hope and let Liam rot in prison, but he didn’t.. Liam should take that into consideration before bashing him.. he says, Thomas did seem like he changed, but now he doesn’t think so , all because Thomas wants to play a bigger role in his sons life?? What would Liam know about that.. he barely spends time kelly!! So pot kettle there if u ask me..
ReplyDeleteAs for deacon, r u insane mate?? She is going to do to him what she did to Mike.. use him then spit him out when she is done.. kimberlin brown plays the role of Sheila so well..but where r they going to go with her, this time?
Agreed Colly. I don't think this thing with Thomas means a return to his obsession with Hope but, we will see.
DeleteMissed you, love.
thanks lovely, I was in hospital since the last time I posted, just got back home today.. just caught up on the episodes 😘😘
DeleteOh dear. Hope it's nothing too serious. Glad to have you back. I don't know about you but for me, this blog provides a temporary haven away from life's troubles. 😊🤗
DeleteGlad to see you back. Hope you're taking care and get plenty of rest, doctors orders. Was any of them as good looking as Finn? Lmao 🤣
DeleteNope 🤣🤣🤣 I would still b there if they were 🤣🤣
DeleteAlso Ell, brook is still defending deacon and hopes relationship with him to ridge, but she won’t give Thomas the benefit of the doubt?? And it’s not because she doesn’t believe he’s changed, it’s all because he wants douglas to live with him and that’s upsetting hope.. that’s why.. and everyone else should keep their noses out of others business and let hope and Thomas work this out..
DeleteAgreed Colly! Brooke does not want her precious Hope upset and losing Douglas will make her upset. However, she fails to realize that Hope is a grown woman! I'm happy that Hope is taking charge of this situation on her own without letting what Brooke or Liam have to say deter her. If she had listened to them, she would not have gone over to Eric's and saw how happy Douglas is over there.
DeleteI don't even know what the big deal is anyway. Many children have moved from living with one parent to living with the next. As Thomas said, this is not about taking Douglas away from Hope. And I think that's what everyone is seeing it as.
Puleeze what about brro hope and liams actions from their past that they swear thet changed from and expecting every1. To forgivve and forget? Why do deacon and thomasboth not deserve the same especially when brook liam and hope keep repeating the same shizzle expecting demanding begging for forgiveness
ReplyDeleteSo true, pammy! If Brooke can settle down and (sort of) be committed to one man, why can't anyone else change?
DeleteTrue Ell.. everyone is capable of change, except for Sheila
DeleteLol Colly.