Friday, November 18, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-18-22 Full episode B&B 18th November 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-18-22 Full episode B&B 18th November 2022


  1. They are going to drag this out until Thanksgiving. This year Thomas is the turkey 🦃. Stick a fork in him - he is done! Too many people know the secret.

    1. Douglas getting the nuances ofThomas' deed is remarkable.

    2. Douglas get to the wedding and go with your conscience.

    3. Who else knows about Thomas using the app to pretend he was Brooke?

    4. What happened to a Friday cliffhanger?

    5. Agree Renee. If nobody finds out sooner about the call little Douglas just might break down at the ceremony. What do you think Carter is going to do with the info he overheard? 🤔

    6. Booklover123, by "secret" I was referring to the reason Ridge got the annulment from Brooke. Brooke doesn't have that information yet. I believe Douglas & Turkey Tom are the only ones at the moment that know what he did with the app. But, Turkey Tom knows the dots are not hard to connect. Hence, he asked Ridge not to tell Brooke. Of course, Ridge gave his son the same look that he gives Brooke when she asked why...

    7. D, I think Carter is going to feel free to pursue a relationship with Katie. I hope he doesn't tell Katie what he overheard, because it would hurt her even though she knows that Bill loves Brooke.

    8. Booklover. It's still a cliffhanger. We'll have to wait until Mon, Tues or Wed to find out if there is a wedding or not. 😕

    9. Perhaps, we should be thankful this wedding is getting dragged out until Thanksgiving. It spares us from having to watch them balance a Thanksgiving meal on their laps while reminiscing about what a wonderful year it was...😳 Let's see...Finn & Steffy were both shot, marriages ended: Eric & Quinn, Ridge & Brooke, Bill & Katie, Jack & Li...

    10. Lmao 🤣 it was quite a yr.

    11. @Renee I love your comments 😂 stick a fork in him - he's done! 👏🏼

    12. Why does Brooke always coming out smelling like a rose. She probably has done more than anyone on the show and some bad stuff. Why once can't Thomas win going up against Brooke.

  2. Ridge thinks a hurried-up wedding will cure his doubts about being able to stomach Taylor's life time of giggles and saying "we're in love" until someone believes it. No one believes it now, or ever will. Bill's there offering Brooke true commitment. 5 minutes after saying the same thing to Katie. Steffy and Taylor gigling through trying to convince each other that this is for real, as opposed to wishful thinking.

    1. Indeed its so funny and pathetic these both trying for themselves and each other
      Let us see when Taylor knows that her precious psycho did it

  3. KKL, you’ve got to fire your hairdresser.

    1. Not into the skraggly oil clumpy look?

    2. I was trying to figure out if Brooke's hair was cut into a bob or if the long hair was in a low bun.

    3. It looked stupid for sure. If you want a bob, cut your hair. If not , don't try to for it😂

    4. Lol, I guess I’m the only one who liked it. I think it was tucked under which gave her hair fullness. I thought it looked nice on her. Lol

    5. I liked it too. Thought it looked very chic.

  4. Loganised Douglas no longer a Forrester
    Prefers the mattress to lovely Taylor

  5. Well we have had the Hope adoration society and now its Brookes turn
    Give us a break please!

    1. Take a break please for you and especially for us

    2. Yep Mandy, sooo boring love!!! I wish they would just move it along!! By the way you have been here a very long long time, and I enjoy your comments love!!

    3. Mmysh, did Mandy offend all of “us”, meaning all you guys, by her opinion, which she is entitled to?? Did she attack or hurt any of you by her opinion?? And people want to talk about ass kissing??

    4. Or was your comment part of the Logan fans mission to rid the blog of any forrester fans, even when they are sweet as pie, that really don’t deserve such nastiness??

    5. 😂😂😂
      Just to keep her healthy
      Its not good for her health
      Hypocrisy is not not
      Whining about the writers all the time
      And she believes it will never change
      So man up and quiet the show
      And i wonder if she doesn’t match your opinion you would be replying in other words
      But im sure you would
      The whining is boring
      I wish one day she would just write something else or at least answer our questions
      So please colly give us a break
      It so funny 😂
      The things your wrote
      Nastiness 😂😂😂
      But sure as we say her a camel can’t see his hump

  6. TY Bob for posting. Bob why are we having tons and tons of commercials?? It's never been like this before.
    Poor little Douglas who needs to carry on this cross. Why would the writers ever think of making a story up like this?????

    1. To make the Logans prettiest than everyone else😂😂we went from Brooke Victim of Sheila ( she went on Sheila face to pleaded Steffy case, when she doesn't really care about Steffy), she had a broken ankle and Ridge got back to take care of her now she victim of's been months since she's been in that living room playing the victim of anyone 😂😂😂

    2. It is not Bob,s fault for the ads, it is Dailymotion.

    3. In the New Year's Eve months so.

  7. I don’t prefer bill for brook
    But anyone but ridge
    Go for it brook and the next day ridge knows he will be leaving tay tay behind 😂

  8. Now Douglas loves Brooke, he prefers Brooke than his real grandmother. Everyone loves Brooke, the writers love Brooke, even Brooke loves Brooke 😂😂😂😂😂

    1. Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Brooke loves Brooks, first and foremost!! She loves no one more than herself!!

    2. Of course Douglas loves Grandma Brooke. But this has zero to do with which grandma he loves more. This has everything to do with Douglas having a conscience and wanting to do the right thing. Douglas is the example of what every parent hopes their child will be!! Honest and good!!! Go Douglas…you ROCK!!!!

    3. Don't forget Liam. Brooke's his favorite these days.

    4. Yes lynn
      Now the blaming goes to douclas
      How pathetic 😂😂😂

    5. Can you believe it?? Just 2 weeks ago he was the golden child, now he’s a rat fink for wanting to tell the truth. There are no limits in their determination to make the Forresters blameless. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    6. D, no one is blaming Douglas, Miah just said that Douglas is favouring go Brooke, rather than Taylor.. it’s twisted to sound that way.. Funny, it wasn’t that long ago I heard a Lfan outright blame Douglas twice for coming between Ridge and Brooke!! Exact words were, “oh no, no Ridge and Brooke again because of Douglas”..

    7. Elle, she is, because she is the only backing him at the moment..

    8. Not true. In addition to this comment above, someone (a FF) said earlier this week that Douglas is a spoiled little rich kid who needs to be sent away to private school so he doesn’t disrupt the marriage between Taylor and Ridge. Sorry Charlie (AKA Colly)….YOU BE WRONG!

    9. Lynn 😂😂 You nailed it. They'll say ANYTHING except that the precious Foresters are in the wrong. Nothing is ever their fault 😂😂

    10. That's right☺️ Brooke is the love of everybody's life ❤️

    11. Yes lynn exactly
      And usually this poster got a lot of applause 👏 on her posts from the ffs
      So yeah this comment also indicates something
      His real grandma
      But then no we consider hope his mother 😂😂😂
      How funny

    12. I was referring to Miahs comment, and brought up that I read a forrester had blamed Douglas, so people from both sides have done it, but Miah in particular was not blaming Douglas.. Mmysh, Hope is his mother, in the sense that, she has adopted him, so therefore Brooke is his adoptive grandmother.. no one is arguing that.. But Taylor is his biological grandmother, and that is what Miah was trying to say, that Douglas is favouring his adoptive grandmother, to his bio grandmother.. And your snarky comment that I used to get claps, but now I dint, is because Lynne’s nastiness is rubbing off on other people dear!! So posters are leaving, because this blog is no longer a blog about the show, it is now a blog for attacking posters, you included Mmysh.. If you want to treat people that way, that is your prerogative..

    13. It’s very very sad, because Bbfan has been on this blog since it’s inception, she did not personally attack others for their opinions, she disagreed with them, but did not attack them personally.. She has been run off this board , because of constant personal attacks for having a different opinion.. We are supposed to be adults, mature ones, and before Lynn goes on her usual rants about me being nasty to her, at times I bit back and said things I should not have in response to her behaviour towards me.. but I am so over this BS.. I am not going to give in to this crap anymore.. And I am not going to turn nasty anymore , no matter how nasty Lynn and her mates get..

    14. Colly just catching up on the blog now. All I want to ask is Bbfan ok? We were talking on blogs that were probably a day old but haven't seen her since. She was struggling with covid and really hope she is ok.

    15. D I am not sure love?? She hasn’t been on much in the last week I think.. Maybe she is still very sick.. I am.. but not sure, I hope she is ok?? Bbfan, if your reading, can u just pop in and let us know that you r ok?

    16. Mmysh, you come on here claiming your neutral, that you don’t like any character except hope, and you don’t condone or participate in attacking posters, unless they attack you, then it’s different, then do the complete opposite?? So what happened to as long as it’s as friends dear!!?? And people say I am an ass kisser 🤣🤣🤣 if people don’t like my comments they can just scroll on past.. But some just can’t help themselves.. 🤣🤣🤣 they say they ignore my comments, don’t read them cause they are nonsense, but yet can’t help but to respond..🤣🤣🤣

    17. You take care..I know the feeling with covid and wish I could post a pic of the weather right now, feeling like shit and the weather here doesn't help. Roads are closed already and have 5 more months of this. Sorry ppl nothing to do with the blog but how I envy you, Elle and anyone else that lives in the land if sun. 😔

    18. My nastiness is rubbing off on other people???!! Classic Colly!!! I learned my nastiness from you! You could teach lessons!!! So I guess you can take full credit for all the blog nastiness.
      And FYI….no one is leaving the blog. What’s happening is that many more Logan fans / Brooke fans are on this blog now compared to years past. And that’s simply gotta frost your hide!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
      And NO, Douglas is not FAVORING Grandma Brooke!!!! DOUGLAS IS FAVORING BEING HONEST AND NOT FRAMING INNOCENT PEOPLE FOR THINGS THEY DIDN’T DO!!!! What the hell is wrong with you, Colly!!????!!!

    19. For gods sake Lynn, grow up love.. yes, I am soooo sad that there are more Logan supporters, you are soooo RIGHT as usual love!! I could not give two hoots Lynn, seriously 🤣🤣🤣 I don’t care who agrees with you, what I don’t like is I have seen several other forrester fans, like Barbara and Mandy who are the sweetest most lovely people be personally attacked with a nastiness that’s beyond obnoxious, simply for stating their ooinions, or using words others don’t like.. When I get nasty, it’s in response to your nasty mess.. I have never been nasty to anyone who didn’t provoke it.. And you and your mates take it to a whole other level.. It’s beyond bitchy and a lot of the time completely unprovoked.. get this through your head, I don’t care anymore Lynn, I live my life helping and serving other people without reward, that is who I am, so I can sleep soundly at night.. I don’t treat people who don’t deserve it badly.. Your personal attacks have brought me down to a level and version of myself that is not who I am, so I really do not care what you or anyone else say or think!! You are waaaay to invested in a fictional show and especially fictional characters.. that says a lot more about you than it does me.. I am a very strong believer in Karma, so when things start going wrong for u, u might want to, what is it you say to me, “check yourself”.. this blog has turned into a school yard, with you at the helm..

    20. I noticed many Logan fans are being nasty, just for the sake of being nasty, Mmysh comment to Mandy, many of you to barbera, Hilary to me, for defending sweet Barbara, just to get her two cents in.. How old are you people??

    21. And to Bbfan who has Covid which can be deadly to people our age, and who hasn’t even been here to defend herself, so tell me, if that’s not a hell of a new level of nasty..

    22. Colly is right, Lynn ... you can include me in the people who have left the blog because of you. I continue to breeze past your comments but went back to the specific comment today to see what Colly was referring to. I finally left in April. I only come on here to watch if I miss this silly, poorly written but addictive show (hey, I’ve been watching since the beginning) on my television and normally don’t read the comments. I did today to see if things have changed. Nope. It’s worse. I left the Young and the Restless blog last December because of a psychotic bully called Alien Prober who even chased his biggest supporter, Seafoam Jade, off the blog. This type of bullying gets old and is not worth my time.

      I will let my peeps be my voice, BBfan, Colly & Elle. I also enjoy D and Mandy. No matter her point of view, Booklover’s tongue-in-cheek wit is a bonus. She’s so clever but some goes right over your heads. “Just saying” that I adore Barbara! In my mind she’s an older lady whose native language is not English.

      I’m sure I’m one of many. Maybe I’ll check in later next year hoping things have changed. Blessings.

    23. Bull, Colly, you obviously do care or you wouldn’t respond. Look how many times my specific name comes up in your comments. It’s constant! Even when I say nothing prior, you love to throw my name around in your rants! Quit being so obsessed and throwing my name out every chance you get! And quit memorizing every word I write. It’s creepy beyond creepy! I swear you must literally study what I write and take notes. And you have it all backwards. YOU and your crew started the nastiness and I happily returned the favor. I will not be a victim as I’ve told you 20 times before. As much as you LOVE to play the victim, I never will!! And I find it ironic that sooooo many Logan fans have made comments to you about your behavior. As I’ve also said before, I’m perfectly fine owning the nastiness I throw at you, but you always say it was all sugar and spice and everything nice before I came on the blog. Of course it was a perfect little wonderland before I came on, because it was literally ONLY Forrester fans. And you hated someone coming on disrupting your little Forrester love fest. Too damn bad!!! Reading the comments on this blog years ago was barf inducing!!! And Logan fans have actually commented that they didn’t want to participate in commenting until more of us started commenting because they didn’t feel comfortable enough to share their thoughts. So the tables have turned. And I haven’t taught anyone to stand up for themselves or to argue with you. They do that all on their own cuz you can be very obnoxious! I don’t control anyone’s actions. But sure blame me, cuz that’s so much easier for you and what you always do!! I just laugh. And for the love of God, quit telling everyone to grow up!! I think it’s YOU who needs to grow up!!! There is NO KARMA coming my way for defending myself against you! Maybe your karma is that there are so many Logan fans on the blog these days! Lol. Oh and lastly, you sure don’t do a very good job of ignoring me. You write TONS of comments addressing me. Why don’t you try leaving my name out of your comments. When that day finally comes I’ll believe you are ignoring me and I’ll rejoice!
      I’m off to enjoy my Sunday! Peace out!

    24. @ Unknown, clearly you haven’t been reading the comments. Months ago I spent a good portion of my time defending Booklover123 from the nastiness of the Forrester fans. Get your facts straight before pointing fingers.

    25. Colly you are a total hypocrite. You pretend like you skip over posts, but we all know you don't because you go on and on extensively about them. You chastise Logan fans for some slight, but then commit the same slight and defend others who do. Your self righteous attitude and condemnation of others on this blog is a fallacy. Practice what you preach or shut up about it. If anyone needs to grow up, it's you. You just can't let any comment go. You must spend hours a day on this blog judging by the volumes above, which I can HONESTLY say I didn't read. Don't you have other things to do? You are one of these people who loves to start shit, but then places the blame on everyone else.

    26. For god sake colly stop playing the victim
      Its pathetic and embarrassing
      I can go and bring the awful comments you wrote before
      Bust stop
      And tale a look un mirror
      And mandy the one you just push in our faces
      Is she a baby or something
      Or she knows her comments are absurd so never replied to any of our questions when we tried to have a discussion with her
      So are you her lawyer or just taking advantage to play the vict And the hero at the same time
      Its funny how you are now targeting me just because i don’t like your psycho murderer and his slutty sister 😂😂😂
      And keeps proving your memory wrong

    27. Are we just going to ignore that someone called themselves Alien Prober and Seafoam Jade? OK... Just checking.

    28. This blog is more of a soap opera than B&B is.

    29. Roseam I agree with you and it never was this bad. Lynn don't flatter yourself. No one is obsessed with you just sick of juvenile remarks. You're a big bully behind a keyboard but NO one is obsessed with you. Just disgusted.

    30. And here comes D….🙄🙄🙄
      D - seriously can you ever just mind your business?? Are you so desperate to get attention that you feel the need to insert yourself into the discussions that have ZERO to do with you??!!!! When have I brought up your name? NEVER!! I completely ignore you, but you feel the need to defend Colly at every turn. Is it because you don’t think she is capable of defending herself?? You certainly aren’t gonna come in and save the day. 😂😂😂😂 You and Colly are both little whiners. I’m gonna keep being me. And all you do by inserting yourself into the conversation is prove my point. You apparently just can’t get enough of me!! 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣 PATHETIC!!!!!

    31. Lynn is got nothing to do with defending Colly or anyone else. If I see somebody being ignorant or disrespectful to people I will say something, just as I would out in a store or on a street. So too bad if you don't like my comments.

    32. Unknown, I wondered you went to!! It’s sad you left because of that reason.. But it also “clearly” proves my point!! They can rant all they want, say what they want, they are just pissed because I called them out on their behaviour, and even though you came on here and proved that you left because of Lynn, they just completely ignored it, and jumped to the, they are the victims not me, mode.. The sheer number of times and the sheer number of people that have tried to stood up to Lynn and some of her buddies is incredible.. and that’s nog including those who don’t stand up for themselves.. I am hated so much by them, because I actually call them out.. The nastiness that came from them two days ago to people who did nothing at all to provoke it was just vial.. They take nastiness to new heights.. And D, look at the , what is it Lynn normally calls us, the jackals go for it!! Your not allowed to come to anyones defence, or make a comment against any of them, but look at them go!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 it’s quite amusing to watch 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    33. Hi 👋🏻, Colly 🤗😘 ... thanks for popping back to respond to me. Ikr and the way she answered me, she totally misunderstood - I wasn’t even talking to the narcissist while applauding Booklover’s efforts, in fact, some Brooke lovers chided her, “why are you on here?” ... “you are so hateful,” etc., etc. 🙄🙄🙄

      The blog mellowed when she left briefly earlier this year but of course with that ego, she couldn’t stay away. 🤣 I’m reminded of the Queen Bee in high school but in her case, she’s Queen of the Vile. 🤭

      I’m sure if we went back several months there are numerous users who, like me, continue to dwindle down because we don’t come on here to spar but to indulge with like-minded peeps to rejoice or commiserate over a frivolous soapy story which moves forward only 19 minutes per weekday. It’s such a waste of time and energy fighting with someone or her cohorts in such a juvenile way. I will never understand that point of view especially from those long-time watchers like us how anyone can be endeared to Brooke unless they, too, identify with her (the character, not the actress) - [even though we know Queen of the Vile has a secret girl crush 💕 on Brooke.] 😂😆😝

      Colly, what would happen if you scroll past you-know-whose comments and if you happen upon one, fight the urge to respond even if it’s directed toward you? For certain it would be maddening
      for this person to have no one to force herself upon because her goal is to be superior.

      I choose to avoid the comments and not participate because it’s just too negative for my spirit - even reading my peeps’ comments and seeing you all constantly being beat up and attacked by this cyber bully takes all of the fun out of why I came here & participated to begin with. All my best to you, Colly and our peeps - you, too, BBfan, who appears to be MIA.

    34. Unknown I have to applaud you. You said it perfectly. I haven't been on the blog as long as others, when I first joined there was a lot of "fun" arguing but then it got personal.
      Too bad. I have met some beautiful ppl, and Bbfan I really do hope she is ok.
      👏 👏 love your post.

    35. Hello there, D! 😄 What a lovely peep you are. How nice to see reasonable rational humans on here being supportive of our stance of the show and each other. There IS a nice way to say things. Remember when Colly, being herself, so open and giving, reached out a hand in friendship to you know who only to be bitten and brutalized? Well, I’m off again ... keep up the positivity my peeps. 🥰

    36. 🫂 I know who..take care.

    37. Unknown, you were always a true sweetheart.. it’s a shame you left!! We really do miss you love 😘.. Wish you would come back, but really don’t blame you!! But I commend the you for your comments love.. At least pop in every now and then, really miss talking with you.. And yes, D is absolutely beautiful soul!! I have a feeling Bbfan has given up hope too.. And yes, I got bit hard 🤣🤣🤣 old habits never die, and you know who, never misses an opportunity to strike 🤣🤣🤣 you watch now, I will cop the “you act like such a victim” card now 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she even offered me a Tshirt with victim on it 🤣🤣🤣

    38. D, all I can say love is, hypocrite!! 😘

    39. Hey D - you need to invest in a new pair of bifocals. Apparently your old eyes are failing you!!
      If you want to address someone being “disrespectful” then your stupid comment needs to be redirected to Colly, or “Colls” as I now refer to her. You may want to actually pay attention once in a while instead of (as Colly would say)….being completely up her ass!!!! “So far up her ass” I believe was the exact terminology that was used. 😂😂😂
      For the record, in case I haven’t made myself clear enough…in my opinion you are completely useless on this blog. I don’t value anything you have to say - ever. How’s that for honesty?? But to my earlier point - try turning your eyes to the comment that Colls made on 11-19-22 @ 4:50 pm. That was the FIRST RUDE COMMENT in this thread and it came from your master, Colls.
      So complain all you want about me. You just look like a complete buffoon every time you open your mouth. You literally NEVER know what you are talking about. At what point does it just become truly embarrassing for you?? I’m just curious…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    40. @ Unknown, wow I guess I must be a very powerful “bully” if I was successful at running you off. You could simply scroll on past my comments. But if you can’t find the willpower to do that, then that’s on you.
      To be clear, Colly has run some of the Brooke fans off as well. Or in some cases they were too scared to even start commenting because of the toxic and revolting Forrester love that used to literally ooze from this blog. But not anymore, now it’s much more even. As it should be! Comment, don’t comment. Couldn’t care less. Do what you do. You have zero effect on how I will move forward with my comments.

      And Colls, you’re just a broken record - I’ve already responded to all your tired comments and then some. You are really starting to bore me with all your redundancy.

    41. And Colls, no one hates you because you “call us out”. You keep saying that over and over again like there’s actual truth to it. The real truth is - the reason we “hate you” as you put it is because of your total bitchy, condescending attitude. You are actually horrible at “calling people out”, because 99.9999% of the time YOU ARE WRONG!!! So you clearly aren’t calling any of us out!! Maybe in your warped sense of self you are. But in real life…not so much !!!!!

    42. @ Unknown, you have your facts screwed up as well. You said…..”Some Brooke fans chided her for being on here.” No Brooke fans chided Booklover123 for being on here, they were Forrester fans - and that’s exactly when I came to Booklover’s rescue. They tried to run her / him off the blog and said “Why are you here if you hate the show so much?” And it was me who defended Booklover. There are so many nasty Forrester fans - too many to even count!! But some stand out above the rest as being the most nasty! And those are the ones I spar with the most!

  9. Well, this is going to trag out for god knows how long.. Taylor, you said it yourself, if Tidge told you this in Aspen you would have kept running.. That should be the sign to not rush into this marriage!! What a waste of scene fillers with Brooke and Bill.. Well Milla, you got plenty of Bill and Brooks time today, even though it was just the same repeat dialogue!! Steffy looked stunning in that dress.. They seem to be putting a lot more effort into the wardrobe department!!

    1. Yeah Colly it was a bit like those gorgeous looking desserts that you try and it's bleh 😅 it's no fun if Brooke just stands there with that face 😅 but my hopes are still up!

    2. 🤣🤣🤣 I don’t like Bill much, at all, but he has his moments.. for your sake love, I hope she ends up with him..

    3. @Colly You can see that Taylor still has doubts but it seems she'd rather push them aside in favor of going forward with the wedding. I'm holding out hope that she comes to her senses. If not, and Thomas is revealed while she's at the altar, I can't feel sorry for her because she would have walked down the aisle with her eyes wide open.

      Brooke and Bill are pure trash. Why would they even want to revisit them as a couple knowing the full (disgusting) history of what they did to Katie? It's unreal. I hope that Brooke puts her love for her sister first this time around.

    4. Elle, I am the same, I don’t want to see Taylor get hurt because she doesn’t deserve it, but like you said, she is putting too much faith in the things Ridge has been telling her, and after knowing he went to Aspen, right after that, and still she hasn’t opened her eyes, then it is her own fault.. I think Ridge telling her that it’s their time now, and she did ask if Brooke hadn’t have done what she did, and he said it wouldn’t matter, has made her put complete faith in him.. He is a pig, and both women deserves better.. As for Bill and Brooke, I don’t know if Brooke has it in her , to put someone else first, even if they are family.. I think she is more focused on getting Ridge back anyway.. So Bill can plead his case all he wants..

    5. They want to revisit it because Bill was in love only with Brooke when they were together and the theme is that she should finally be with a guy who doesn't run off to another woman at the first sight of trouble. And I so hope they do. Of course Brooke and Ridge will always be it, but in the short run a happy relationship with Bill would be nice to watch (for her fans, not the haters), especially since it would reinforce the message that she can be strong and see how much better she deserves.

    6. And as for Katie - it's not like he didn't try for a year to get back together with her - even against his real feelings. He wanted to do "the right thing" exactly because of the past hurt and because of their son. Something that Ridge could never show that level of character to do.

    7. He tried to do the right thing? He promised Katie that he did not want to be with Brooke, that she was the woman for him. Now, here he is saying the exact same thing to Brooke. And he is not like Ridge? He is even more arrogant in Ridge. At least Ridge shows some sense of conflict because he genuinely loves both women. With Bill, if one doesn't want him then he will go to the next.

    8. No, he tried for a year to go back to Katie. In a year Ridge acts like a bratty child and leaves and comes back about 15 times. Any man who attempts for a year would get tired eventually and move on. Now what he does is reveal his true feelings - that his love for Brooke never changed despite the fact he tried to reconcile with Katie - for their family, for her health, to make up for the past. Those are all reasons that Ridge would never understand. He just goes with whatever whim takes over, whatever kiss bruises his ego and runs to Shauna or Taylor or whoever else happens to be around.

    9. Exactly Elle, that’s the difference between them I think..

  10. Worst filler episode ever - literally nothing happened 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
    If Douglas wants to make some spectacular showdown, he should download that recording, plug his phone to a speaker and play a nice mix Mendelssohn march feat. Thomas 😅 aka DJ ThoFo 🎶

    1. Milla some of the spoilers said Thomas will lock douclas so he will not speak at the wedding
      I hope not
      But it will not be his first time anyway

    2. If Thomas does that, then he will lose my support, that’s for sure.. But at the same time, I would hate it, if once the dust settles, that his parents don’t turn their backs on him.. I would never ever turn my back on my kids.. What he has done is very wrong, and everyone agrees on that, but where his parents are concerned , his heart was in the right place.. He wants his dad out from under Brookes grip, because she continually betrays, lies, manipulates and hurts him and he knows his mum won’t do that.. And I maintain Brookes constant attacks on Houma, the manipulations and lies she pulled and the threat to do it, when at the time, he was just wanting to be a worthy father to his son.. A person can only take so much of that.. And even with Douglas, as wrong as it is to expect him to keep his secret, he has not treated Douglas badly, just like Brooke did the exact same thing.. BUT, if does something like that, then I will not support him any longer..

    3. Thomas, not Houma, autocorrect

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Milla that would be awesome! I'd love to see everyone's jaws hit the floor 😂

    6. @Colly no way in hell they turn his backs on him. If Ridge didn't after Beth, he won't for anything.

    7. Exactly he covered murder for him
      So this lie it’s small compared
      And sure brook will not involve the authorities

    8. Milla, those things didn’t involve Ridge directly, so I am not sure how Ridge will respond.. I don’t think Taylor would, because she is his mother.. But Ridge has turned his back on his family plenty of times for another woman, namely Brooke.. I just hope after the dust has settled, he will at least forgive him, and understand that although it was very wrong, his heart was in the right place where his parents are concerned??

    9. So just because they "don't involve" him he should be okay with his son aggresively trying to hide a stolen baby given to his daughter? 😅 of that were the case he would be an even more horrible human than he is.
      And he never turned his back on his kids, he left their mother. He had a relationship with them, propped them up at work, defended all their questionable behavior (eg Steffy going after Liam, he was even okay with her being with Bill). He is a husband to Brooke and a father to them, not in the same lane at all.

    10. And up until NYE, he never questioned Brooke about her behaviour. He just kept going back to her time and time again no matter what she did or who she slept with. I think this is what is meant by him turning his back on his family. Even he said it himself that he should have stayed with them instead of running after Brooke. He ended things with Taylor because she slept with another man ONCE while married to him and it was only because they both thought they were going to die. Maybe Ridge couldn't accept it because he didn't expect it from Taylor but it doesn't negate the fact that he forgave Brooke for way more than what Taylor did.

    11. Exactly milla
      But sure what Taylor fool herself with is true
      Always playing the victim 😂😂😂

    12. @Elle leaving their mother doesn't equal leaving them. I know what he said and you have mentioned it about 20 times already, no chance to forget. But saying that after being guilt-tripped by Steffy's constant whining and pushing for months doesn't change the fact that he was there for them for as much as a divorced father can be expected to be.
      What he forgave Taylor for and what not and why is a separate topic about his level of feelings to HER, not to his children.

    13. My gosh. OK Milla. I'll break it down for you.

      You said that Ridge defended the questionable things his children did and so, he did not turn his back on them. I sought to compare what you said with him defending Brooke's nasty behavior over the years as well YET he left his family to be with her. There are 2 sets of questionable behavior here: his children and Brooke. He chose Brooke and turned his back on his family. And for the 21st time, Ridge himself admitted to doing exactly that when he told Taylor that he should have stayed with his family instead of running after Brooke. It's not that he didn't have a relationship with them, it's that he chose Brooke over his family.

    14. Elle you repeating it doesn't make it more true - him "defending" Brookes "nasty" behavior (which I never even said, where was that?) equaling him leaving his family. It doesn't. He's a divorced man who was there for his children like any other in his position. And for the 22nd time - I remember what Ridge said. There was nothing about Brooke's "nasty" behavior there either. It was after Steffys nasty pushing leading to his guilt. Ridge has been awful to both women (and many others), but that doesn't equate him leaving/turning his back on his kids. As much as you repeat it.

    15. My repeating it may not make it true to you but it was very true to Ridge who said it to Taylor, which is the point of this entire argument! That he turned his back on his family. He said it on the show. Unless you are suggesting that he did not know what he was talking about.

      Also, you did not say anything about Brooke's nasty behaviour, I did. As I said, I used it in comparison to your argument about Steffy and Thomas' behaviour. I also did not say that Brooke's behaviour equated to that of Steffy and Thomas. You're going off on an entirely different trajectory. I said that I USED it as a comparison. I was not trying to EQUATE it to anything. I was simply sticking to the subject of Ridge turning his back on his family by highlighting 2 scenarios where untoward behaviour was displayed and Ridge had a choice - either he stayed with his bad-behaved children/family or he stayed with bad-behaved Brooke. He turned his back on his family and made the decision to stay with Brooke, again something Ridge himself admitted to.

    16. OK whatever. This going in circles will never convince me of what Steffy's years and years of whining and guilt tripping is based on, so better stay each with her own opinion.

    17. Elle, that is what I meant by him turning his back on his family, and he did admit that to Taylor and Steffy, and I don’t believe he said what he said because of Steffy.. I believe he had been doing a lot of soul searching and came to the realisation that his kids feel the way they do , because he left the family when they were young when he should have chosen them before a mother woman.. so what Elle is saying is correct in the sense that I meant it.. He had a young family who went through a lot when died both times and he had the opportunity to stay with his family, but chose another woman instead of his wife and children..

  11. Milla, I love that idea!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    Douglas is way too clever. His comment to Thomas was classic when he said….”You need me?? To keep quiet and not tell everyone what you did??!!!” Too dang funny!! You can just see how completely disgusted Douglas is with his dad!!! He’s torn between minding what Thomas tells him, and what he knows to be right and good….to tell the TRUTH!!!!
    I loved how Thomas told Ridge he can never tell Brooke. Too funny!!! I really wanted Thomas to take his great fall today. But it’s gonna happen next week instead. 😞😞😞😞😞
    And I was surprised by what Eric told Katie…..”whatever caused the annulment.” He knows about the call, but is playing dumb?? Not sure why Eric would say that.
    OK, stand back…I am about to give Taylor a compliment. Lol. Tayler has very pretty legs. For some reason they always have her in pants. But they should put her in dresses more often because her legs really are very pretty!!
    But Taylor saying that Ridge lied to her in Aspen and she is still planning on going through with the ceremony shows Taylor is very weak and has no self respect. I know I’m gonna feel bad for Giggles when this all comes crashing down!!! Poor Taylor is going to be the victim and it will all be Thomas’s fault!!!

    1. @ lynn no need to add anything 👏

    2. I bet Tay Tay won't be giggling when the truth comes out about Thomas 😂😂😂 She may not giggle for a while

    3. @Lynn Taylor is one way too hot Granny indeed 👌🏼👌🏼
      And I loved how Thomas said "Mom would never do what Brooke DID. She would never lie to you." - yeah you mean unlike yourself? 🤣

    4. Milla, I think in real life Taylor is only around 15 years older than Steffy. Not sure exactly, but I remember reading about their ages at some point and thought….Taylor isn’t even old enough to be Steffy’s mom.
      And yes, every time Thomas berates Brooke and is actually talking about himself but pretending Brooke is the evil con artist, I just want to smack him!! And then Ridge today totally heaping on the praise to Thomas saying how proud he is of his son for coming so far and being such a great dad to Douglas!! OMG!!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮

    5. @ Hilary, really good point!! We may have to rename Giggles in the near term!

    6. Very true Lynn, I mean I congratulate her for looking so good and indeed nothing wrong with being young 😅, but not really believable as Taylor with all her history and definitely not as their mom, let alone a grandma.

    7. Milla, there was talk back when everyone was guessing who would replace Hunter Tylo as Taylo, they were guessing it would be Kristen Alfonso, (Hope drone Dool), she too is stunning, but I think her and Krista Allen are around the same age?? Have you seen Krista Allen when she was in the return Baywatch series?? Wow, she was absolutely smoking hot!! That’s another Aussie saying!! 🤣🤣🤣

    8. Ah I haven't watched her in Baywatch, seen her only in the short-lived "Cashmere Mafia", but she's indeed a beauty, I can imagine younger even more! 👌🏼👌🏼

  12. Did Thomas look conflicted at the end when he hugged Ridge?

    1. In as much as he is scared he’s gonna get caught and that his world may all come crashing down!!! 😂😂😂😂😂

    2. I thought for a second the same thing. He did, indeed, at their last wedding, have a change of heart at the last second and admitted what he had done that lead to that wedding. And back then nobody knew (except Stephanie) and he could have let it be. Of course he was much younger and not yet in his psycho years (had only shot Rick, no biggie, it was a slow few years for Thomas)
      It would be kinda nice if he now also admits but I don't expect it.

    3. Milla and at that time he was so closed to brook
      He defended her against Taylor when she knew he kissed her
      Also steffy they were friends and Taylor didn’t like that her kids are close to brook
      These episodes were good

    4. So much better than now indeed ❤️ ah yeah Taylor who had previously gotten engaged to Rick (between both her daughters, classy) was so infuriated by that kiss (that Brooke didn't even want she was napping if I remember correct). She was acting like Thomas was some teenager Brooke was praying on, whereas he was grown up, had already married in Vegas when 18, six years prior, and again - he was the one with advances on her! 🤦🏻‍♀️

    5. Elle, he did look conflicted..

    6. Yes brook was asleep when he kissed her
      What was so hilarious when Taylor was talking to thomas
      Sure all the fault was on brook
      But she started to talk to him about oedipal complex
      I think its the only thing she knows about psychology 😂😂😂

    7. Ahahah omg 😂btw do you remember in the very very beginning Taylor was also shown as a much better professional. I remember before she got together with Ridge and was counseling him after Caroline's death she was superb. All of them were better professionals than now - designers, businessmen, scientist, psychiatrist... And the show was always 19 mins.

    8. Milla, I think that’s because the writers used to research things before writing the scripts.. it must be sooo dissapointing watching the current shows, after watching old episodes.. Just the flashbacks make me realise how good it was and what it has been reduced to now.. And i bet there was no constant repeat dialogue then.. 🤣🤣🤣

    9. I remember one episode from when Taylor was kidnapped by prince omar, he had her as part of his Harem.. And Ridge was in his palace and Taylor came out to do a dance for Ridge dressed in those beautiful genie 🧞‍♂️ clothes , her face was covered except her eyes.. Hunter Tylo had the stunning eyes.. I tell you, if any woman could turn me bisexual, it would be her 🤣🤣🤣

    10. Colly that's exactly true and can you imagine - back then they had to dig in books, talk to consultants etc. Now it's all available online and yet the level is in the dumps compared.

      Ahah yes I remember that - Ridge and Brooke somehow on their honeymoon ended up of course at Prince Omars place 😅🙈 and Taylor danced for them. Good times!

  13. Found this comment on another blog. Thought it sounded interesting -
    Thomas said a toast at the engagement party about his mother always being there for her children - So not true
    1) Taylor disappeared not once but twice - everyone thought she was dead the second time.
    2) Brooke raised those 3 kids as her own for years until Taylor rose from the dead.
    3) Taylor left a third time after shooting Bill.
    4) before shooting Bill, Taylor left to go back to France after killing Darla in the dui wreck that she never paid for ( DUI manslaughter)

    I guess Thomas’s evil brain can’t comprehend that mommy dearest left them!

    1. Based on what we've seen/heard on the show, even though we, as viewers, did not see Taylor, she frequently kept in contact with Steffy and Thomas. I guess that's why Thomas said what he said. It's true for him and Steffy as far as the script goes.

    2. Btw, when Taylor died, Thomas, Steffy and Phoebe were not even born yet so that will make your first 2 points invalid.

    3. How can Aussie Deb’s second point be invalid when she mentions “raising the kids”?? If she were raising the kids, they def would have been born already. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    4. She said that Brooke raised those kids for years until Taylor rose from the dead. When Taylor was presumed dead, there were no kids for Brooke to raise.

    5. Well unfortunately, I was not watching then to know what’s true. But what I do know is that Taylor has been absent from the show / from her kids lives for literally years, and I guess that’s really the point. Brooke has been far, far more present in their lives than Taylor has ever hoped to be.

    6. Elle, you are right,from my memory, I think it was the second time she was presumed dead?? they hadn’t had children at that stage..

    7. No, it doesn't make the second point invalid, just not applicable for the first disappearance. It's valid on its own and everyone acknowledged that at the time - Brooke was a mother to them at the time and they had a great life together including Hope and RJ.

    8. And she was presumed dead both times - the first time they thought she died in the plane crash, which she was supposed to be on, whereas she wasn't on the plane at all. That's why it was such a shock for them when she reappeared.
      The second time was even more spectacular when Ridge saw her, thought it was a ghost and dug her grave only to find a half Taylor statue/mannequin there 🙈

    9. @Elle and @Colly Taylor was presumed dead 2 different times one in a plane crash in 1994 & then again in 2002 at the hands of madwoman Sheila Carter. It was after Taylor was presumed dead because of Shelia that Brooke helped Ridge raise Thomas, Steffy and Phoebe.

  14. Hi Bob, I've been having an issue with the videos from few days ago only, it constantly buffers and does a freeze literally every minute, it's only videos on this blog. I have checked internet connection and did run a speed test and all is good on my side. Can you please advise further if possible. Are there any others with the similar issue? Or perhaps it's just in my region /continent. Thank you

    1. Lutfiyya, I’ve been having the exact same issues for about a week. It’s really frustrating. And it takes forever to get through the episode because of all the freezing up and buffering. 😞😞

    2. Thanks Lynn for the feedback, really appreciate it. I was starting to lose my mind, thinking it could be a continental issue and I'm so reliant on this blog to catch up on my favorite US soaps! Never had such issues previously, it's only been this week, hoping Bob can find a solution soon. Thank yooou

    3. Lutfiyya, ditto! I thought maybe I was the only one. Not happy you are experiencing problems too, but I am happy that I am not alone in this issue. Hopefully Bob can shed some light on it for us! B&B is the only soap I watch, but when it takes almost an hour to watch a 20 minute show, it’s a bit frustrating. Lol

    4. I don't know what this is related to yet. Maybe it's because of more comments. On phones with 4G Internet, the speed is constantly changing and the ping is high.

    5. Thanks Bob, my mobile device is on 4G, however I've tried the videos off my laptop as well, which is running on a fiber line. It's so strange and only been happening from sometime last week, have never had issues previously, nowadays the video pauses literally every second and only videos on the blog, every other site is working fine, I really hope you find the cause a and solution soon. Thank yooou

  15. Writers,just hurry the inevitable along, Brooke gets Ridge as always.The same old story line🤮🤮🤮🤮

  16. I can understand why Douglas is loyal to his adopted grandma Brooke. She has been around him more than his biological grandma Taylor. He doesn’t really know Taylor since she was overseas most of his life and never even raised her own children. Also, wasn’t his mom Caroline, Bill’s sister’s child, which makes Bill his great uncle.

    1. Roseam, The first time Taylor was presumed dead, her and Ridge were married, but did not have kids at the time.. The second time she was presumed dead, is when Ridge married Brooke, and Brooke help raise them.. But Taylor did raise her kids most of their lives, and Brooke was their stepmother.. Soo much of the talk about Brooke helping to raise them, was as a stepmother while she was married to Ridge.. Even when Taylor was offscreen, during most of their childhood she was there raising them.. When she left to go overseas , it was to help those in need and she was donating herself to those in need.. It was a selfless act, and Thomas and Steffy were adults when she left.. She kept regular contact with them while she was “gone”.. They were adults, and she was gone a couple of years.. So Douglas would have kept in contact with her also on FaceTime or whatever.. She freely admits she wasn’t there in person, through certain events, and regrets it, but it was not like she just left them as little kids willingly.. Douglas has spent only the last two years of his life with Brooke, in person.. Prior to that, he spent no time with Brooke.. Just because Taylor wasn’t always on screen does not mean she wasn’t there.. Apart from the second time she was presumed dead, which was not by choice, or for a long period of time, the only time Taylor was absent of her own accord, was to give herself to a charity organisation to help others, while her kids were adults.. Just because we don’t see the characters constantly on screen doesn’t mean they are not there.. Taylor had no idea Thomas was off the rails, till after the fact.. She still doesn’t even know how Hope really came to be Douglas’s adoptive mother.. No one informed her of anything till it was too late.. I don’t think it’s fair to have a go at her for being absent after her kids are full blown adults, to do something so selfless.. But, Brooke has had the opportunity to be physically present since Hope adopted him.. Hope has had him for roughly 2 years, out of ten years of his life..

    2. When Taylor returned to LA, she talked about finally getting to meet Douglas as she would talk to him online. Also, Douglas was around Brooke for 2 years, Taylor has been back for a year so there's not much of a difference if you add the year of face to face time with Douglas to the times she would speak to him online.

    3. So 2 years living with Brooke (including her babysitting him constantly which was mentioned hundreds of times by Hope, Liam) is equal to 1 year video chats with Taylor and 1 year of her living in LA which to Douglas was her coming over from time to time in the months he's been living at Eric's? It's not just about the quantity of face time, also the quality.

    4. So one year of face to face time with her grandson as well as the previous years of his life where he could talk to her online does not represent quality time? Douglas would have been spending time with Taylor (online) for longer than he spent with Brooke who only came into his life 2 years ago.

    5. Yes 2 years of real care for the boy does represent more than online chats. The first one is picking him up from school, cooking him meals, reading to him. The second one is saying hi and having some laughs on a screen.

  17. And I am not saying you had a go at her for being absent, but many logan supporters have..
