Sheila has money and can go somewhere else. So that's getting old too. This is a good disguise, Looks like everyone else EXCEPT her. She could do a whole life with this one. Anyone else would go and lay low somewhere. Just "out there" would be enough of a threat.
If u know Sheila , it’s not half obvious it’s her.. That’s why Finn had this bad feeling, he saw her in that restaurant that day, just after he got back, not sure if you remember? But I think from the look on his face he recognised her.. ?
Gosh that’s a gorgeous hairstyle on Brooke, at first I thought who’s the young hot thing before realizing it’s her ❤️
Sheila 😂 I'm trying to understand how the mask works in reality 😂😂 when she's outraged that thing is still unmoved 🙈
Deacon you're such an idiot. Sheila is manipulating you! She will lead to your downfall. And yes it's "best that you don't know" considering she's not going that far. Steffy isn't that smart either - "he was as shocked as us" 😂😂 so these mean diva looks and typical Steffy "boss" facial expressions were just her usual demeanor nothing more. Not expecting too much from her but Finn should have been more critical.
P.s Holy crap! How come Sheila of all people with her brilliant evil mind would wear open toed shoes 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ Steffy I take back my cattiness to you, you run girl before she kidnaps you!!! 😱😱😱 Would be so great if she didn't hang up on Taylor and she heard that "Sheila!!"
Mmysh, for sure! Sheila’s so cocky about her ability to get away with things, that now she wears open-toed shoes thinking no one will notice. She should have at least waited till she was out of town to put her missing toe on blast! But at least we are moving this along with Steffy seeing her! The Sheila saga has been completely stagnant for months!
Totally agree lynn Since sheila is a total megalomaniac Sure she will be like this Thinking she is invincible and she is so delusional Perfect qualities of a psychopath
Milla, all the women today looked great! That hairstyle does look lovely on Brooke, it makes her look younger!! Even though Steffy said that, if you rewatch, Finn says something like, the bottom line is Deacon said he doesn’t know where Sheila is, and if u look at Steffy’s face, she rolls her eyes, as if to say , yeah right, don’t believe that.. And it was Steffy’s idea to go straight to Deacon.. I have a feeling when she was in Finns office, she might have made that association, because of that day, that Deacon just showed up at her home but was out the back, not the front, and she questioned him why he didn’t knock at the front door?? It was when he went there and stopped Sheila as she was about to enter the beach house, and Deacon grabbed her arm and told her to get out of there.. So I think she knows Deacon was harbouring her all this time.. And if she didn’t know, she sure does now!! Why on earth would Sheila use the toilet at the restaurant?? She just finished fixing her disguise at Deacons..?? So stupid??
Colly Steffy rolls her eyes all the time and one may think she's onto one but then her words show she really isn't, she just has an attitude 😅 I hope she makes the connection now although I wouldn't expect her to. More like if Hope faces that creepy masked person she would make it. In any case I'm not sure Steffy would have that much time to make a connection immediately - I think Sheila will either take her or try to run.
@ Milla, I was thinking exactly the same thing in regards to the eye rolling comment. A better question is…when is Steffy NOT rolling her eyes??!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 It happens ALL THE TIME!
Well this is my third attempt at this comment. 😕😕😕 I agree with Milla, Steffy is constantly rolling her eyes! A Steffy eye roll means nothing other than Steffy is such a snarky diva, that eye rolls are like breathing for her.
@Milla I think the designers of today are having "Designers block" or because they can't figure what to create a new moderate design, I think they may be looking into past archives of some other studio clothing designers have done for the soap trying to find something to inspire them.
Great ending today! But why would Sheila got straight to Il Giardino? I know she's none cocky bitch, but really Sheila? And why oh why would she wear open toe shoes? I can't wait to see what happens Monday
Hilary isn't Deacon's apartment above Il Giardino? I think it was on her way out she decided to use the bathroom that's how she ended up there. What I can't fathom is why the rest of the characters - the richest ppl in LA - never go to any other restaurant! 😅😅
Yes his apartment is there. I just didn't know why she was inside. But yes you're right about how it's the only restaurant anymore eats at😂 I know it's because they are probably too cheap to use a different set, but still ☺️
That's exactly the reason, Hilary. Same reason Liam Spencer - one of the richest trust fund babies ever (they have us believe) lives in his MILs cabin (which suspiciously reminds us of the Big Bear cabin) with a wife and 2 kids 😅 and his dad the supposedly richest media man couldn't find a better house but Taylor's. And don't even get me started on that beach house pretty much everyone lived in for a long time.
@Milla, thank you for being aware that I was the one who noticed the episode was not complete. Seen that everyone else ignored it... but hey not surprised by it anyway
It looks like Steffy is pregnant again. The way she kept putting her arms in front of her while she was standing there at FC. And Brooke’s hair did look really nice in that style. She looked great! Kind of a boring episode for a Friday though. We’ll see if Sheila truly stays out of Deacon’s life, but I doubt she will.
And Elle, Brooke confirmed today that she knew Ridge was leaving town. So there it is.
Oh no! I didn’t see the whole thing evidently. It seemed like it ended weird. I will have to rewatch the end now that full version has been posted!!! 😲😲
Hi Lynn 👋🏻 I have to say that I did not see it as a confirmation but more like a shock at the suggestion that Ridge and Taylor were together. "No, I told Ridge he needed time to think. How dare he leave town with Taylor!" That's how what she said sounded to me. I could be wrong but we can agree to disagree. 😊
Regardless of how you perceived Brooke’s reaction to Hope’s question, the fact remains that Brooke knew. She’s known ALL along that they left separately. Nothing about how she has reacted or anything she has said has suggested otherwise. And Hope was not suggesting they were together either. Hope’s assumption was that they weren’t together…she just wanted her mom to confirm that. And NO-ONE said or suggested….”How dare he leave town with Taylor.” Not sure how or why you pulled that out of thin air????
Elle, that’s exactly how I saw it!! I think Brooke was concerned people might think they did, and he wanted to be with Taylor after all!! Her confirmation was, to “reassure” everyone, that it was “she” who told him to leave, and not come back to “her” until he had done some soul searching..🤣🤣🤣 she made it out like he wanted her back, but she said no, and go think about what you did, and when he has licked his paws, he will come back!! 🤣🤣🤣 that’s how I took it..!!🤣🤣🤣
Lynn, I wasn't saying that's what she said. I was saying that what she said sounded like she was saying "How dare he....? The tone of her voice I was referring to, not her actual words.
Absolutely Colly. Brooke was aghast at the thought of Ridge and Taylor being together which tells me that she isn't really sure what is going on. All she knows is that she told him to take time to figure himself out then she expects him to come back to her.
I was disappointed with Brooke. I was so proud of her standing up for herself against Ridge's BS but she is still really willing to take him back. Not sure how much time she thinks Ridge needs but he has been going back and forth between her and Taylor for years. That's not something you get over after a few days or weeks, or even months.
I think you both need to watch again. Brooke reacted in an extremely calm manner, simply assuring Hope that they hadn’t left together. Brooke was calm, cool and collected when she responded. In any case, my point was that BROOKE KNEW. She has known all along that Ridge did not leave town with Taylor. You are side stepping that point by trying to draw attention to the fact that you assume she reacted with indignation to Hope’s question. And all Hope was doing was wanting reassurance that they weren’t off together somewhere.
I still hope Brooke doesn’t take that slimeball back, but the more time that passes with him being gone, the more I expect they actually will reunite when he returns. So it can be this “grand reunion”, which pretty much none of the viewers even want. Myself included!!
Elle, I also think if you’re going to make assumptions about what Brooke was ‘thinking’…I think her thoughts have always been this - “He wouldn’t dare leave town with Taylor.” As opposed to what you suggested she was thinking, which was….”How dare he leave town with Taylor!” The latter implies she thought they’d left together. She would not think that because as I’ve said all along….SHE KNEW THEY LEFT SEPARATELY!!! Actually according to YOU on a previous comment were these words….”I don’t think anyone actually thought they left together, Lynn.” 😂😂😂😂😂 My original statement days and days ago was that Brooke knew R & T had left SEPARATELY. And I still stand by that 100%!!
But since your goal is always to make Brooke look bad - why would I assume you were capable of looking at anything objectively ?? So if we are gonna be snarky - then I will say that Steffy is either pregnant AGAIN in real life, or she is just straight up fat. Because that belly she has going on is very large!
@Colly: "she made it out like he wanted her back, but she said no, and go think about what you did, "
Don't you think that this statement contradicts with what Brooke *actually* said in this video and namely that she told Ridge he should figure out *what he wants*. How can she state that he should gi figure out "what he wants" and mean that he came back wanting her and she said no? 😅 like serious wtf?
How did that conversation possibly go? 😅 Ridge: Brooke I want you. Brooke: No, Ridge you go figure out what you want. Ridge: ... But didn't I just... *door slams in face*
Lynn, your view that I am not looking at things objectively speaks to your view of the situation as being the correct view and because I do not share your correct view, then I must not be objective. Similarly, I can feel that my view is the correct one and, as such, I can accuse you of being biased however, I have no such claim of being correct. As I said before, we see things very differently. That's all.
Milla, I know she didn’t say the actual words I wrote, obviously she didn’t!! 🤣🤣🤣 my point was that, that is what my perception of the point Brooke was trying to make to everyone.. That it was “she” that sent Ridge away, not that he went of his own accord, which is what he would have done anyway, wether she said it or not.. and that when he comes back, he will recommit to her because “she turned him away” when he went to tell her what happened.. The last thing Brooks wants is people thinking Ridge really wants to be with Taylor before her.. And she wants people to think the cps call is the reason he left her, not Taylor.. And In my view, after the way she acted with Taylor when she left, was that she won.. That look on her face when Taylor said goodbye.. So Brooke is ensuring everyone knows that “she sent him away to go soul searching”.. Everyone knows rumours get twisted in the office, and she wanted to set it straight that, he only left because she told him to go soul searching, which is what he would have done of his own accord.. see what I mean??
Elle, I too was proud of Brooke initially, until her conversation with Taylor, accusing her of knowing all along, and going along with it, despite Steffy confirming she had found out minutes before the ceremony, and Ridge telling Brooks that information.. But my biggest disappointment was the sly grin when Taylor said goodbye and left.. I was initially proud of her, until her true colours shone through, once again.. So, in my opinion, Brooke has just changed tactics, with Ridge.. She knows what Ridge loves about Taylor, and she is now trying to emanate that, to secure Ridge..
God Colly that's some so deep speculation it goes close to the level of conspiracy 😂😂 Brooke is much farther from caring to convince "everyone" of anything than you are, she knows nobody is thinking that much if Ridge would have gone anyway or not, they don't care and to her it makes no difference. Plus, again, in what part of her narrative could they start thinking he came saying he wants her? 😅 She said to them *exactly* what happened in her place - she told Ridge to go figure out what he wants. Anything else is as usual needless speculations born out of hate for Brooke. And she never said Taylor knew all along about Thomas' crime, but for her was enough to call out Taylor for knowing *at all* and proceeding with the wedding. Just like it was for Ridge. Taylor herself was beating herself up quite a lot about it and with good reason. Not just because of the relation to the wedding but also about what it says about her as a person. And that look on Brooke's face omg if I hear one more time about that 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ repeating that over and over is going into obsession.
Her faces are what gets her in trouble, Milla. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Seriously though, there are people who say one thing with thier mouth but their facial expressions are a dead giveaway for how they truly feel. KKL (Brooke) is like that.
Like I've said before, whatever she's saying with her face, she's entitled to that, considering everything. Even if it was that "she won" - considering truth came out in more ways than one, that's something I would feel too.
Btw I'm watching again old episodes that I have missed (while battling the longest wickedest cold of my life, covid was a picnic compared) specifically around when Taylor shot Bill and after, and have some questions - Mia and Rick got divorced right? Are they both still living in Paris? And how did they conceive their daughter - with a donor egg I assume?
Milla, I hope you feel better soon! Sorry to hear about your bad cold!! I just got over the flu. Things are going around for sure. It’s that time of year. Get better soon, friend! 😘
Milla they are divorced but still in paris not sure if they live together I doubt it Their daughter was from an egg of her sister and rick and her sister Nicol also was the surrogate mother
Milla, I had the actual flu not long ago, influenza and I ended in the ICU unit for two days, and hospital for a week.. Don’t take chances if your really unwell love.. That’s why I needed up in the hospital, I let it go too long.. The flu is deadlier than covid..
And for the record I don’t actually hate Brooke!! Believe it or not.. I just dislike her ALOT.. but as Ell said, her facial expressions say it all!! And she is very talented that she talk without saying a word!! 🤣🤣🤣
Hey Colly just now noticed your comments, I think they were hidden? Definitely weren't there earlier. I'm so sorry to hear you were in ICU!! And so glad you recovered!! I keep postponing that flu shot but should take care of it soon!! In my case it's some wicked sinusitis, just now went to doctors and she gasped when she saw my sinuses on ultrasound! And they are getting better compared to last week 😅now I have some nice strong antibiotics to take 1 week. Fingers crossed they take care of it 🤗🤗
Sheila, here's a little tip: If you have cut off your own toe and faked your own death, get rid of the open-toed shoes. They are a "dead" giveaway. Literally! I cannot wait until Monday's episode! I wonder if Hope will remember that mystery woman she met at Deacon's place, and realize THAT was Sheila. I hope Deacon gets some jail time. He deserves it! He should have sent that psycho chick out the door as soon as he realized who she was!
That’s the first thing that came to my mind too?? I think she will put it together and realise.. I think she was just annoyed that Finn and Steffy questioned her father, judging by the look on her face..
What are the odds that Steffy would spill her drink on Shelia? And, why, Shelia, if your are trying to avoid being discovered, would you wear sandals? Seriously, 9 toes with your signature black nail polish & you wear sandals? That was quite a cliffhanger, but not realistic that Steffy would find Shelia that fast.
ok its there now .and really sheila waring open toed shoes out in public with a toe missing. and steffy noticed when she looked down at her feet and knew she was sheila when she saw the missing toe.
TY Bob. I liked how Hope defended her father. She's very protective and covers up for Queen Brooke & Deacon. That's how Ridge should have been with his own son protecting him. I noticed how even Eric went against Thomas. That poor son has everyone against him.
@ Tina, you must have missed how Eric literally lunged at Thomas when the truth came out about the CPS call. Eric has been furious with Thomas from the minute he found out what Thomas did. Eric has always had a sweet spot for Brooke. You don’t mess with Eric’s Brooke! That’s for sure!!
And why would Ridge protect Thomas after the truth came out?? That’s the most ridiculous thing to say! Thomas betrayed EVERYONE. Thomas deserves exactly what he’s getting and then some!
So true Lynn and you haven't even seen all the decades before, there was literally nothing Brooke could do that would make him turn on her. Even when she divorced him to be with Ridge. His support of her was a constant and biggest issue between him and his late wife Stephanie. Only time he was really mad at her was when she took the controlling interest in FC (after they tried to screw her over with her rightful patent) 😅
@Tina I would get angry too if my own child betrayed me the way Thomas betrayed his father. Thomas did not just maliciously call CPS, he continued to lie to his father's face everyday. Every time they were at the office, every time Ridge saw Brooke, Thomas would look Ridge in the eye and lie. I do believe however, that after all is said and done, Ridge would realize that Thomas just had a misplaced sense of loyalty to his parents. All will be forgiven eventually.
Stop the presses!! Elle and I actually agree - 100% what you said above, Elle. I would just add that Thomas’ also had the intention of destroying Brooke’s marriage to his dad. But I do actually agree with your assessment. I almost fell off my chair in disbelief that we agreed! Lol.
It's like one of those unexplained phenomena that occurs every so often on earth, Lynn. 😂😂😂😂
Despite my support for Thomas, I never said that he was right in what he did, just justified. And if you take Brooke out of the equation, what he did to his father by lying to him everyday was much worse, in my opinion.
Once in a lifetime phenomena, yes!!! But you and I most certainly don’t agree on the “justified” part. I think pretty much you are the only one who believes it was justified. Well some of your fellow FF’s probably believe it. But not one single Forrester or Logan on the show believes it. Thomas’ level of deception and fraud are equally heinous in my book.
I think your understanding of the word “justified” is what bothers me. The term “justified” implies that it is a fair and equal retaliation. But that isn’t even remotely true!! Brooke going over to Thomas’ place of residence to tell Thomas it’s time Douglas come home is extremely reasonable given that Thomas had broken his original commitment to bring Douglas home after one night!! And Thomas had the NERVE to point a sharp knife at Brooke and threaten her while she was there. Even that part of it wasn’t ‘JUSTIFIED’ on Thomas’ part. And what he did subsequently, by faking the call to CPS to destroy Brooke’s marriage was as far from ‘justified’ as you can get. Absolutely NOTHING Thomas does is justified!!! It may be his “reasoning” behind acting in a horribly malicious manner. But it certainly is NOT justified.
Up to when Brooke walked into Thomas' home and attacked him, Thomas had done absolutely nothing to her. He was just minding his business while trying to be a good father to Douglas and working on the HFTF fashion preview. He was provoked big time so he retaliated and, in my opinion, it was justified. Brooke told lies on Thomas and he did the same to her.
Tina, I agree with Elle, I love Thomas too, but he really crossed the line with his father this time.. I do hope Ridge forgives him after it as all blown over, because he is his son, and a parent should never turn their back on their child.. But Thomas has to face the consequences of what he did.. I agree with Elle, that as much as I love and defend him, it was really wrong what he did to not just his father, but also everyone else.. it affected a lot of people, not just his father and Brooke..
OMG - are you serious?? Brooke attacked him? Gee we all must have missed that scene except for you!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Was it the big shovel she was wielding or perhaps the baseball bat she took into the house, or the huge ceramic vase she picked up and hit him over the head with it??? I’m confused about the weapon responsible for “the attack” because clearly I missed that scene. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 He “wasn’t minding his own business” as you put it. He took “possession” of Douglas for much longer than the AGREED UPON TIME!!! How many times do I need to repeat the same words till they sink in ??? 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ And he wasn’t provoked big time. There was NOTHING “big time” about what a woman who is 60 years old could do to a man in his 30’s. Are you insinuating Thomas was in fear for his life from big, bad Brooke??? 😂😂😂😂😂 BROOKE TOLD NO LIES ABOUT THOMAS. However, Thomas committed a crime (fraud for impersonating another) against Brooke!!!
The truth is Elle, I’m not gonna spend one more minute trying to convince you because you seem to have a clear case of denial. And quite honestly, the facts speak for themselves. There is NOT ONE CHARACTER on the show who is taking Thomas’ side over Brooke’s. Not a single one - not his parents - not his sister. Nobody. So that just proves that you are wrong. So I’m done trying to convince you. It’s pointless.
You really don't have to try to convince me of anything. As I've said before, we see things very differently. All of your dramatic utterances aside, you do know that an attack can be verbal, right? As for Thomas having Douglas for longer than one night, you seem to forget that Hope allowed Douglas to stay longer because he was enjoying his time with his dad and she did not want to deprive him of that. Continuing to harp on that extended one-nighter is therefore of no consequence. And it certainly does not give Brooke the right to barge into Thomas' home and attack him. Nevertheless, before all of that occurred, Thomas did nothing to Brooke to warrant her confronting him the way she did. Brooke made everyone think that Thomas was wielding a machete and threatening her with it, which is not what happened. She purposely left out the fact that it was a pocket knife that he was using to peel an apple. So yeah, she LIED and Thomas was therefore justified in his retaliation.
And if I'm to adopt your logic, nobody, not Hope, not Liam, not Ridge, not Eric, NOBODY, believed Brooke's accusations anyway because nobody confronted or berated Thomas for it. I guess that makes you wrong.
Elle, then by your logic…Thomas has “attacked” Brooke on multiple occasions as he has berated her on multiple occasions. But on those occasions you simply laugh and say, “I love how Thomas handles Brooke.” What a huge hypocrite you are! And you are making reference to my “dramatic utterances” when you use the word “machete” to describe how Brooke described the knife. Too hilarious! Ya….NO, the word machete was never once used in Brooke’s description. And just because no one yelled at Thomas about the knife besides Brooke does not equate to people being “angry at Brooke” for saying it in the first place. Brooke’s opinion was that Thomas shouldn’t have been using a sharp knife around Douglas. The truth is, Brooke should have simply been furious that Thomas pointed the knife toward her and threatened her as he held it. That’s what was completely unacceptable in that exchange. So again, no one got mad at Brooke for her feelings about the knife. But NO ONE will even speak to Thomas and NO ONE wants him around them now that they know he framed Brooke and lied through his teeth! So if you want to compare ‘the fallout’ between those two events…be my guest!! 😂😂😂😂😂
Lynn 👏🏼👏🏼 for what it's worth your reasoning is what I call common logic too, in case you're doubting it, and I know many people see it that way. Like many stretched out FF defenses here, not even their favorite characters use them because they know would be laughable. The "provoked" justification wouldn't work anywhere, even on a kidergarten playground they don't look favorably on the "she started it" 😅 so don't waste your virtual breath
@Lynn I am not trying to compare anything and have no desire to. You are the one that insists on making comparisons with everything. My argument was to show how Brooke's behaviour justified Thomas' actions. But as usual, when you can no longer defend, you opt to offend and deflect and sidestep from the main topic that was being discussed.
@Milla Please! Provocation is a very real thing. Matter of fact, most crimes of passion start off with one person provoking the other so please stop trying to make me look foolish. If you do not agree with my view of the situation, that's fine. What you and Lynn refuse to acknowledge is that Thomas had done nothing to Brooke to warrant her attack on him. Absolutely nothing, so yeah, he was provoked. If she had not attacked him the way she did, Thomas would have had no reason to do what he did. And if you with your claims of being objective cannot see that, it speaks to your biasness and not my supposedly skewed logic.
@Elle very glad you brought up the "crimes of passion" - that's the best example. There isn't one court that would acknowledge that the criminal's being "provoked" in any way justifies the crime. Crime of passion is still a crime and the criminal punished. How can you possibly think that example serves your theory? That's right next to the victim blaming rhetoric.
Or do we have a misunderstanding based on the difference of the words "justified" vs "explained"? Because to me, something being "justified" (and the way you put it forward with blaming Brooke), means the perpetrator is exculpated from blame because the other person has the blame with their behavior. In the crime of passion that's not the case - the murder of passion doesn't put the blame on the murdered because he/she provoked. The crime of passion is explained with the perpetrator feeling provoked, the crime is still on their side, they are still punished but we have the element of passion which can lessen the sentence compared to a premeditated crime. But the crime is still not justified.
I never said that Thomas was right. I was stating that provocation is something that happens all the time and can be applied here as well, as opposed to you saying that it could not be applied. And there are cases (and precedents) where provocation was looked at in determining whether a person is sentenced, for example, for murder or manslaugter. Provocation is looked at to determine whether a person would have committed the crime if the provocation was not there. Once the person is found to be of sound mind and his usual reasonable behaviour may have been affected by an act or acts of provocation, the sentence would be very different, usually lessened. However, the person would still be guilty. Thomas is guilty, yes, but his actions were provoked. I will say again, if Brooke did not attack him, none of what happened would have happened because Thomas was staying in his lane. Brooke is the one who purposely sought him out, not the other way around.
Okay if that's the meaning of justified than I understand better what you mean. It's still different from how I see the situation with Thomas but I understand your reasoning too.
If you would stop focussing on Thomas' actions for a minute and focus on what Brooke did, maybe then you would see what I am talking about. But you are so focused on absolving Brooke of all blame while pretending that she was some innocent victim of Thomas. But no matter how you try to spin it, Brooke was the one that decided to go against Hope's decision to allow Douglas to stay with Thomas just because she felt that Thomas was obsessed with Hope again. She did that all on her own without even telling Hope that she was going to see Thomas to try to get Douglas back. And I wonder why that was? Because Brooke knew that if she said anything to Hope, she (Hope) would not have allowed her to go and see Thomas. Brooke was very wrong.
So to understand best your stand - you think that if it weren't for how Brooke acted, Thomas wouldn't have done this particular thing with CPS or he wouldn't have done anything malicious against Brooke with the goal of reuniting his parents?
That is exactly what I am saying, M. Thomas, like Steffy, would have just continued to talk his parents ears off like he had been all along and before the opportunity to get Brooke out of the picture presented itself.
Milla, it seems to be the goal these days to nitpick every single thing I say to somehow prove that I am out of my ever-loving mind. So if I am to be honest, yes, I did think that you were trying to make me look like a fool just because I felt that Thomas was provoked into doing what he did. I am however, happy to know that was not your intention.
Okay I think that's where our perceptions differ and I'll tell you how (while still respecting yours): I think that Thomas would have actively searched for an opportunity to remove Brooke and found one. I think he was more invested than Steffy to remove Brooke because he has a special hate for her. Steffy was coming from a place that she can influence the parents to reunite and that will take care of the Brooke of it all by itself. Thomas was focused on removing the obstacle (=Brooke) expecting that that will take care of the reunion (and he was right). The opportunity presented itself by Brooke threatening to call CPS (Here I agree with you, that was less than smart of her) but I think Thomas would have continued to look for a way to remove her. I believe that also based on how he was acting before when pursuing this goal. But we will never know either way. We can just continue watching and see what they do next.
It really really wasn't. I was not fully understanding what you mean with "justified" and the more you repeated it, the more it sounded to me that it means all Brooke fault but now I understand the split of fault (in Brooke and in Thomas) in your mind.
🤓actually now while blowing nose thought of a better formula to express my understanding: Fe = Bf + T(Bf)
Fe: fault per Elle Bf: Brooke's faulty actions T(Bf): Thomases faulty actions as a function of Brooke's
Whereas to me it is Fm = T(Be) Fm: Fault per Milla Be: Brooke's existence Where Be is a constant and that's what makes the Fault a constant of only Thomas' actions 😂🙈🙈🙈
This flu/sinusitis is doing a number on you, Milla. Well thought out formulae! 😂
I understand where you are coming from as well. I cannot say that before the CPS instance, I saw Thomas actively trying to get rid of Brooke but, as I keep saying, we all see things very differently.
No that's true too, I can't deny he wasn't shown actively trying to sabotage her. But I believe his mindset is more in this direction to look for and find ways to get rid of Brooke. Glad you appreciate my math 😂I'm a geek by nature.
Elle, I agree with everything you have said above.. I am unsure how Lynn came to the conclusion you meant a “physical attack”?? That really baffled me, but she does have a tendency to take not just comments but actual singular words, as literal?? Thomas did absolutely NOTHING to prior to Brooke coming to his place of residence and “verbally” attack him, unjustified.. At that time, all Thomas wanted , was to step up as a father.. Brooke DID PROVOKE him.. period.. So Lynn, Milla, if someone verbally attacked you, without “cause”, would you stand by and say or do nothing?? NO, you wouldn’t.. You even said it yourself Lynn, on this very blog, if someone brings your name into any comment or has a go at you unfairly or unjustly , and your words were, “you bet I will snark back”!! If you were in a shopping center minding your own business and someone walked up to you and started on you and then started punching you, what would you do? Point made..
I don’t agree that what Brooke did to Thomas was an attack of any kind. She came to him and asked that he bring Douglas back to the cabin. How is that an attack??? It’s simply Brooke telling Thomas it’s past time to bring Douglas home. Period. She may have been out of line going there by herself. But she certainly didn’t attack Thomas in any way. It was Thomas who BERATED Brooke…as a matter of fact. And it was Thomas who held the knife pointed at Brooke while he threatened her and told her to stay away from his dad - WHO WAS ALSO BROOKE’S HUSBAND by the way - which made Thomas’ whole threat (or attack as you like to call it) completely laughable!!!! Please explain how Brooke “attacked” Thomas during that discussion??? Never happened. She simply told Thomas it was time for Douglas to be returned home. Colly, I wasn’t taking the term “attack” literal. I was obviously making fun of the word ‘attack’ by referencing the baseball bat, etc in my comment. Now back to the original discussion - I still have issue with the word Elle uses to describe Thomas’ actions. No where in that sentence should the word JUSTIFIED ever be used. Doesn’t matter what spin you put on it, it was not JUSTIFIED what Thomas did. And Elle, I haven’t been ‘deflecting’, I’ve been discussing your understanding / use of that particular word this entire time. Not one deflection here. Here’s the bottom line - Thomas seems to have been ostracized from the Forrester family. At least for now anyway!!!! AND THAT, IN MY OPINION, IS JUSTIFIED!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
And Colly, thank you for making my point for me. Yes, if someone gets snippety with me, I will snark back. Because that’s a REASONABLE response. I wouldn’t hunt them down and try to destroy their marriage. Because that would NOT be a reasonable response. And it would NOT BE JUSTIFIED. LOL
Ahh Lynn, that's where provocation comes into play. Provocation can make a person do things that they would not reasonably do. It may be your usual way to snark at people so, for you, that would be reasonable, but for me, I am usually very calm, so if someone stepped to me, I would either look at them directly like they were from an alien planet or I would just walk away. If I were to snark back, that would be unreasonable behaviour for me. And that behaviour would only come from me depending on the level of provocation.
Brooke and Liam had been bad-mouthing Thomas for some time and he knew about some of it through Hope. He did nothing. Then, his dad told him about Brooke threatening to call CPS on him and again, Thomas did nothing. Then Brooke barged into his home and started attacking him (no, she did not calmly ask him to return Douglas, lol). At that point, Thomas snapped and that would happen to any reasonable person where they are continually the target of someone else's agenda to get them out of the picture, which is what Brooke (and Liam) wanted to do. They wanted to get Thomas out of the picture by bringing Douglas back to the cabin. They felt that that would have solved Thomas' obsession with Hope. If they were open, like Hope, to seeing the change in Thomas and not judge him based on his past behaviour, then maybe Brooke would not have gone to his home and none of what happened next would have happened.
@Colly if I feel provoked, I'd retaliate verbally, sure, but wouldn't take illegal actions like Thomas. He felt provoked I agree, but that doesn't justify his reaction to said feeling.
@Elle but now whatever Hope saw has been rendered an illusion because she told them all they were right all along. Ridge told Brooke too that she was right and he didn't listen. So Thomas is out in the cold guilty by the whole jury.
But they weren't right, Milla. Liam and Brooke's stance all along was that Thomas was obsessed with Hope again. It was the very reason that they wanted Douglas back at the cabin, so that Hope did not have to be around Thomas as much and that they could have greater control over what was going on. On that point, they were wrong.
What Hope saw was a changed Thomas, not a perfect Thomas. And he has indeed changed from the obsessive person that he used to be even though he may still do destructive things. But I know you and the LFs do not see it that way, and that's okay. I respect your opinion.
Elle, whether or not you choose to snark back is neither here nor there. I’m talking about what most people would consider to be a reasonable response. In a tit for tat sort of way. This is truly not complicated. 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ No matter how you twist it, slice it, or contort it, Thomas’ behavior was not justified. And Thomas had no damn clue that Brooke and Liam were talking about him. How do you even make that as a point? There was no mention of any specifics about the conversations Brooke and Liam were having to Thomas. And please tell me exactly when in the episode I should watch where I can see Brooke “verbally attacking Thomas.” As I already said, it absolutely didn’t happen! Thomas has done FAR MORE VERBALLY ATTACKING OF BROOKE than the other way around. And when has Brooke ever retaliated even close to how Thomas retaliated??? Never!!! And how do you say Thomas is “not obsessed with Hope” when just literally days ago he stated again - for the 20th time - that she is the ONLY woman for him!!! A woman who is happily married to another man, Liam!! Didn’t he just attempt to kiss Hope - I’ll say it again….a married woman - and try to win her back with his manipulations! He is still in love with Hope!! He doesn’t deny that!! How is that NOT obsessed?? Just cuz he is no longer making out with mannequins does not mean he’s not obsessed. It simply means he is no longer hallucinating!! He’s just as crazy and deranged as ever. And as the Brooke fans keep saying - Brooke and Liam were right about Thomas all along!!! Thomas has his sights set on Hope! So how are Brooke and Liam wrong about him??!!! Do tell!!
Colly, your point above about going into a shopping center and someone starts punching me…Lol. 🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️ Was that reference supposed to show a parallel to your opinion of what Brooke did to Thomas when she went and told Thomas it was time for him to bring Douglas home?????? Lol. I am having a real tough time making the connection between Brooke saying that to Thomas and Brooke “punching” Thomas. It’s so completely off base, that I won’t even warrant the comment with a response. 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
So sorry for giving away today's ending for people who hadn't seen it. I couldn't contain myself. I couldn't wait to get on here to read everyone's comments and reactions. I got home from work early today so I got to see the episode on tv.
Do you guys think Steffy still has it in her purse 😅 and once Sheila kidnaps her they can stop by a clinic to have it reattached. It will be purely ornamental at this point but at least it will be her own 😂
Mills, lol!! I just wonder how it’s not completely decomposing now that’s it’s off ice! GROSS!!! Nothing like the smell of decomposing flesh to make your purse smell extra fresh!!! 🤮🤮🤮
Hahahah Lynn I would hope the police had preserved it in formaldehyde otherwise it would look like something from The Walking Dead by now 😂😂but still gross indeed!!
I hope Monday isn’t a let down - if Sheila just runs off again with Steffy standing there in shock, we will be back at ground zero. The only thing that will have changed is that they will know 100% that Sheila is alive. But that has already been pretty much known since Detective Finn solved the case. I want some real action!!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
And Colly, whomever the brilliant school administrator was who decided 12 year old girls should be cutting up big dead frogs needs to have their head examined!! The whole idea of it actually traumatized me!!! 😔😔😔
Lynn, same hear.. not to sound like a woos, but I actually cried.. when I saw all these dead frogs laying on their backs on all the desks, I didn’t react very well.. I am a massive animal lover.. and yes, asking 12/ year olds to do that, they should be shot.. that’s something you should in college..
@ Milla, and to think I got my crystal ball on sale at close out prices. Lol. JK. Monday really was a let down. Here we go again. It’s like Groundhog Day - the movie. Lol
Great cliffhanger, Monday better be all that and then some, can't stomach this Neverending storyline much longer... Bye Bye Sheila 👋
On another note : nice to see some diversity on the set, albeit extras, I noticed a couple dining at the restaurant and the female was wearing a hijab, nice🧕
When Steffy and Finn were at the table talking, I got a strange sense of foreboding in some of the last words he said to her before she got up to go to the washroom. I hope he doesn't die. With all the outrage from fans when he died the first time, I am hoping that they keep him on the show for the foreseeable future.
Elle for sure he won't die, I thought the same about the previous outrage and can't imagine them killing him off. I expect there to be a storyline where Steffy is presumed dead but again he saves her. And I can imagine like Lynn said that he may be the one to end Sheila forever (if that's even possible, at this point she's like a cyborg).
Ell, I don’t think it will be him this time.. I think Steffy will either go missing or presumed dead, and Finn will be the one looking for her and seeking revenge from Sheila.. I actually have a feeling JMW might be pregnant again, she has that glow and that fluids look about her, and her boobs are huge, unless it’s just that she is still breast feeding her other little man?? Maybe turbos will be a long lead up to her going on maternity leave again?? A bit presumptuous I know, but in her bridesmaid dress she seemed to have a little bit pot belly?? Not sure, unless it was the dress, and the outfit she had on as well? I know she and her husband wants a really big family , because they are both only children, but just a thought?
Lynn, that’s not nice!! But yes she has that pregnancy glow and puffiness to her.. When you are pregnant, your body creates 40% more blood and fluid volume to support the baby.. so she has that look to me, cause her arms and face , legs, everything seems bigger..
Yes, I’ve been pregnant before and know the look. And Steffy definitely has the look. Her stomach is just out of proportion to the rest of her. Something….another baby….is on the way I think. That girl is a baby making machine!! Lol.
I think the conversation between Steffy and Finn in the restaurant was very ominous.. With Steffy rehashing when Finn found her, and how they were talking, it was very ominous.. I think it was the lead up to Sheila and Steffies confrontation.. Maybe it’s Steffy Sheila kidnaps or kills? Then it’s Finns turn to think Steffy is dead? Then in his quest to find Sheila for revenge he turns bitter and into a bad guy??
The conversation at Il Giardino between Steffy and Finn did seem like a foreboding. But I can’t imagine Steffy or Finn getting killed off anytime soon. Esp Steffy, she’s too core to the show. But the kidnapping thing isn’t totally out of the question. However, I’m hoping Steffy kicks into gear her ‘badass-self’ that she’s always trying to portray, and she kicks Sheila’s ass!! Then Finn comes in to save Steffy, and Finn actually kills ‘9-lives Sheila’ once and for all!!! It just has to be Finn who kills Sheila. That would be the ultimate payback for her sins. I think if Sheila does survive this, there still may be a Hayes kidnapping on the horizon.
I just mentioned that sense of foreboding in my previous comment.
Lynn, Steffy looked genuinely scared when she realized it was Sheila, the woman who almost killed her. I'm not sure she might want to put on a brave face this time around. It sure would be a lot more exciting if she did though.
I would think anger and the feeling of wanting vengeance would be on Steffy’s side. She sure does HATE Sheila for everything she has done to Steffy and her family. That should give Steffy a super strong adrenaline rush! And that would work in Sheila’s favor. Besides Sheila is much older, and Steffy should be stronger since she’s in her 30’s. Bottom line, Steffy pretends to be the badass! But she really isn’t….not even close!
"I would think anger and the feeling of wanting vengeance would be on Steffy’s side. She sure does HATE Sheila for everything she has done to Steffy and her family. That should give Steffy a super strong adrenaline rush!"
Steffy had all of the above which was what prompted her to confront Sheila in the alley before. But then Sheila purposely tried to kill her. I think that would cause anyone to be afraid if they ever came face to face with their attacker again. I hope they don't have Steffy trying to be fearless against Sheila again because that would be really stupid even if it would make for a more exciting storyline.
Elle, what Steffy should have done is pretended she didn’t notice and that it was Sheila and left the toilet area immediately.. but common sense never plays out..
Lynn I don’t think they will kill Steffy off, but I think Sheila will do something, because that conversation with Finn and the flashback when they were reunited, all was an indicator I think, Elle you picked it up too didn’t you? I am not just imagining it? Maybe I am wrong?? I don’t know.. But Steffy looked terrified??
Awesome show Friday. Haven't watched all week but Friday was probably the show to watch. Love Deacon's one liners. Elle, he's getting whiplash too. He now sees she's certifiable , after all this time. I think Steffy will get knocked out by her and she'll get away so the storyline can continue. Monday will be interesting.
Did anyone notice that Sheila pass by the table when steffy & Finn was having they convo she's the one in black and then Sheila is in the washroom in black.
I think “” is referring to that black shadow that passes over Steffy and Finn as they are sitting at the table at the restaurant. But I’m not so sure that was intended to have been Sheila. It could have been anyone walking by. But it could also could have been Sheila.
I don’t know that it was intended to be Sheila, because Steffy walked in the opposite direction to go to the ladies room, and Sheila had dark blue jeans on.. but it did look like like Sheila rushed through that door which was the entrance to the toilets, she was in a hurry, wether it was purposeful to get Steffy alone?? Not sure?? But it’s all too ominous to me.. I think it’s Steffy who goes missing ?? The way Finn watched her walk off?? The flash back??
Sheila has money and can go somewhere else. So that's getting old too. This is a good disguise, Looks like everyone else EXCEPT her. She could do a whole life with this one. Anyone else would go and lay low somewhere. Just "out there" would be enough of a threat.
ReplyDeleteThat Sheila disguise makes one very strange-looking woman!
ReplyDeleteIt does 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteIf u know Sheila , it’s not half obvious it’s her.. That’s why Finn had this bad feeling, he saw her in that restaurant that day, just after he got back, not sure if you remember? But I think from the look on his face he recognised her.. ?
DeleteGosh that’s a gorgeous hairstyle on Brooke, at first I thought who’s the young hot thing before realizing it’s her ❤️
ReplyDeleteSheila 😂 I'm trying to understand how the mask works in reality 😂😂 when she's outraged that thing is still unmoved 🙈
Deacon you're such an idiot. Sheila is manipulating you! She will lead to your downfall. And yes it's "best that you don't know" considering she's not going that far.
Steffy isn't that smart either - "he was as shocked as us" 😂😂 so these mean diva looks and typical Steffy "boss" facial expressions were just her usual demeanor nothing more. Not expecting too much from her but Finn should have been more critical.
P.s Holy crap! How come Sheila of all people with her brilliant evil mind would wear open toed shoes 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
DeleteSteffy I take back my cattiness to you, you run girl before she kidnaps you!!! 😱😱😱
Would be so great if she didn't hang up on Taylor and she heard that "Sheila!!"
Milla, really good observation!!! She hung up with Taylor! Ugh!
DeleteIt would have been better for sure if Taylor heard it happen.
Thanks for the note milla
DeleteThe first video i watched didn’t have this ending
How stupid sheila is 😂😂
Mmysh, for sure! Sheila’s so cocky about her ability to get away with things, that now she wears open-toed shoes thinking no one will notice. She should have at least waited till she was out of town to put her missing toe on blast!
DeleteBut at least we are moving this along with Steffy seeing her! The Sheila saga has been completely stagnant for months!
Totally agree lynn
DeleteSince sheila is a total megalomaniac
Sure she will be like this
Thinking she is invincible and she is so delusional
Perfect qualities of a psychopath
Milla, all the women today looked great! That hairstyle does look lovely on Brooke, it makes her look younger!! Even though Steffy said that, if you rewatch, Finn says something like, the bottom line is Deacon said he doesn’t know where Sheila is, and if u look at Steffy’s face, she rolls her eyes, as if to say , yeah right, don’t believe that.. And it was Steffy’s idea to go straight to Deacon.. I have a feeling when she was in Finns office, she might have made that association, because of that day, that Deacon just showed up at her home but was out the back, not the front, and she questioned him why he didn’t knock at the front door?? It was when he went there and stopped Sheila as she was about to enter the beach house, and Deacon grabbed her arm and told her to get out of there.. So I think she knows Deacon was harbouring her all this time.. And if she didn’t know, she sure does now!! Why on earth would Sheila use the toilet at the restaurant?? She just finished fixing her disguise at Deacons..?? So stupid??
DeleteColly Steffy rolls her eyes all the time and one may think she's onto one but then her words show she really isn't, she just has an attitude 😅
DeleteI hope she makes the connection now although I wouldn't expect her to. More like if Hope faces that creepy masked person she would make it. In any case I'm not sure Steffy would have that much time to make a connection immediately - I think Sheila will either take her or try to run.
@ Milla, I was thinking exactly the same thing in regards to the eye rolling comment. A better question is…when is Steffy NOT rolling her eyes??!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
DeleteIt happens ALL THE TIME!
Well this is my third attempt at this comment. 😕😕😕
DeleteI agree with Milla, Steffy is constantly rolling her eyes! A Steffy eye roll means nothing other than Steffy is such a snarky diva, that eye rolls are like breathing for her.
I know Lynn 😅 the amount of eye rolls and the pseudo boss pouting can only tell us for sure that she's "onto" a huge face filler bill, nothing else.
DeleteHope steffy and brook looked nice
ReplyDeleteI like the outfits especially brook
Those long oldschool split sleeves on Steffy... 🤨 she looks better in more feminine outfits.
DeleteYes she does
DeleteBut i like this one
@Milla I think the designers of today are having "Designers block" or because they can't figure what to create a new moderate design, I think they may be looking into past archives of some other studio clothing designers have done for the soap trying to find something to inspire them.
Delete@Elizabeth someone here had written a hilarious comment that it looks like the hairstylists are sent by a rival soap 😂 maybe same with the designers!
DeleteWOW! What a dramatic ending Steffy running into Sheila, first she saw the toe and then when she looked into her eyes, SHOCKVILLE⚡⚡⚡⚡
DeleteGreat ending today! But why would Sheila got straight to Il Giardino? I know she's none cocky bitch, but really Sheila? And why oh why would she wear open toe shoes? I can't wait to see what happens Monday
DeleteHilary isn't Deacon's apartment above Il Giardino? I think it was on her way out she decided to use the bathroom that's how she ended up there. What I can't fathom is why the rest of the characters - the richest ppl in LA - never go to any other restaurant! 😅😅
DeleteYes his apartment is there. I just didn't know why she was inside. But yes you're right about how it's the only restaurant anymore eats at😂 I know it's because they are probably too cheap to use a different set, but still ☺️
DeleteThat's exactly the reason, Hilary. Same reason Liam Spencer - one of the richest trust fund babies ever (they have us believe) lives in his MILs cabin (which suspiciously reminds us of the Big Bear cabin) with a wife and 2 kids 😅 and his dad the supposedly richest media man couldn't find a better house but Taylor's. And don't even get me started on that beach house pretty much everyone lived in for a long time.
DeleteThank you Bob xxxx
ReplyDeleteThis episode is not complete. Bob please post the entire episode - at least the 19 + minutes of it. Thank you
ReplyDeleteNow here is the full version of the video.
DeleteThank you very much Bob
DeleteChelsea I think thanks to you we all went from "what a boring episode" to "holy hell!!" Thank you!!
Delete@Milla, thank you for being aware that I was the one who noticed the episode was not complete. Seen that everyone else ignored it... but hey not surprised by it anyway
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletewheres the end? its missing about a minute or two.
ReplyDeleteNow here is the full version of the video.
DeleteIt looks like Steffy is pregnant again. The way she kept putting her arms in front of her while she was standing there at FC. And Brooke’s hair did look really nice in that style. She looked great!
ReplyDeleteKind of a boring episode for a Friday though.
We’ll see if Sheila truly stays out of Deacon’s life, but I doubt she will.
And Elle, Brooke confirmed today that she knew Ridge was leaving town. So there it is.
Oh Lynn you gotta watch the last version with the missing minutes!!
DeleteWhat!!!!!!?????? Did you not see the whole episode? If you didn't, SPOILER ALERT: Steffy ran into Sheila, and recognized her!!!
DeleteAt first I was also "yawn" but now I'm 😳😳😳
DeleteForever 36 don't spoil it for Lynn!!
DeleteOh no! I didn’t see the whole thing evidently. It seemed like it ended weird. I will have to rewatch the end now that full version has been posted!!! 😲😲
DeleteAfter watching the reloaded version - I agree!! That’s a great Friday cliffhanger!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
DeleteHi Lynn 👋🏻 I have to say that I did not see it as a confirmation but more like a shock at the suggestion that Ridge and Taylor were together. "No, I told Ridge he needed time to think. How dare he leave town with Taylor!" That's how what she said sounded to me. I could be wrong but we can agree to disagree. 😊
DeleteRegardless of how you perceived Brooke’s reaction to Hope’s question, the fact remains that Brooke knew. She’s known ALL along that they left separately. Nothing about how she has reacted or anything she has said has suggested otherwise.
DeleteAnd Hope was not suggesting they were together either. Hope’s assumption was that they weren’t together…she just wanted her mom to confirm that.
And NO-ONE said or suggested….”How dare he leave town with Taylor.” Not sure how or why you pulled that out of thin air????
Elle, that’s exactly how I saw it!! I think Brooke was concerned people might think they did, and he wanted to be with Taylor after all!! Her confirmation was, to “reassure” everyone, that it was “she” who told him to leave, and not come back to “her” until he had done some soul searching..🤣🤣🤣 she made it out like he wanted her back, but she said no, and go think about what you did, and when he has licked his paws, he will come back!! 🤣🤣🤣 that’s how I took it..!!🤣🤣🤣
DeleteLynn, I wasn't saying that's what she said. I was saying that what she said sounded like she was saying "How dare he....? The tone of her voice I was referring to, not her actual words.
DeleteAbsolutely Colly. Brooke was aghast at the thought of Ridge and Taylor being together which tells me that she isn't really sure what is going on. All she knows is that she told him to take time to figure himself out then she expects him to come back to her.
DeleteI was disappointed with Brooke. I was so proud of her standing up for herself against Ridge's BS but she is still really willing to take him back. Not sure how much time she thinks Ridge needs but he has been going back and forth between her and Taylor for years. That's not something you get over after a few days or weeks, or even months.
I think you both need to watch again. Brooke reacted in an extremely calm manner, simply assuring Hope that they hadn’t left together. Brooke was calm, cool and collected when she responded.
DeleteIn any case, my point was that BROOKE KNEW. She has known all along that Ridge did not leave town with Taylor. You are side stepping that point by trying to draw attention to the fact that you assume she reacted with indignation to Hope’s question. And all Hope was doing was wanting reassurance that they weren’t off together somewhere.
I still hope Brooke doesn’t take that slimeball back, but the more time that passes with him being gone, the more I expect they actually will reunite when he returns. So it can be this “grand reunion”, which pretty much none of the viewers even want. Myself included!!
She knows because Steffy already informed her. We see things very differently but that's OK.
DeleteYou are right though. I think a Bridge reunion is inevitable.
Elle, I also think if you’re going to make assumptions about what Brooke was ‘thinking’…I think her thoughts have always been this - “He wouldn’t dare leave town with Taylor.” As opposed to what you suggested she was thinking, which was….”How dare he leave town with Taylor!” The latter implies she thought they’d left together. She would not think that because as I’ve said all along….SHE KNEW THEY LEFT SEPARATELY!!! Actually according to YOU on a previous comment were these words….”I don’t think anyone actually thought they left together, Lynn.” 😂😂😂😂😂
DeleteMy original statement days and days ago was that Brooke knew R & T had left SEPARATELY. And I still stand by that 100%!!
She didn’t know because of Steffy. Brooke would have had a severe reaction in that moment with Steffy if Steffy was giving her any new news.
DeleteBut since your goal is always to make Brooke look bad - why would I assume you were capable of looking at anything objectively ??
DeleteSo if we are gonna be snarky - then I will say that Steffy is either pregnant AGAIN in real life, or she is just straight up fat. Because that belly she has going on is very large!
Delete@Colly: "she made it out like he wanted her back, but she said no, and go think about what you did, "
Don't you think that this statement contradicts with what Brooke *actually* said in this video and namely that she told Ridge he should figure out *what he wants*. How can she state that he should gi figure out "what he wants" and mean that he came back wanting her and she said no? 😅 like serious wtf?
How did that conversation possibly go? 😅
Ridge: Brooke I want you.
Brooke: No, Ridge you go figure out what you want.
Ridge: ... But didn't I just...
*door slams in face*
Lynn, your view that I am not looking at things objectively speaks to your view of the situation as being the correct view and because I do not share your correct view, then I must not be objective. Similarly, I can feel that my view is the correct one and, as such, I can accuse you of being biased however, I have no such claim of being correct. As I said before, we see things very differently. That's all.
DeleteThe truth is….we are all biased when it comes to our characters.
DeleteMilla, I know she didn’t say the actual words I wrote, obviously she didn’t!! 🤣🤣🤣 my point was that, that is what my perception of the point Brooke was trying to make to everyone.. That it was “she” that sent Ridge away, not that he went of his own accord, which is what he would have done anyway, wether she said it or not.. and that when he comes back, he will recommit to her because “she turned him away” when he went to tell her what happened.. The last thing Brooks wants is people thinking Ridge really wants to be with Taylor before her.. And she wants people to think the cps call is the reason he left her, not Taylor.. And In my view, after the way she acted with Taylor when she left, was that she won.. That look on her face when Taylor said goodbye.. So Brooke is ensuring everyone knows that “she sent him away to go soul searching”.. Everyone knows rumours get twisted in the office, and she wanted to set it straight that, he only left because she told him to go soul searching, which is what he would have done of his own accord.. see what I mean??
DeleteElle, I too was proud of Brooke initially, until her conversation with Taylor, accusing her of knowing all along, and going along with it, despite Steffy confirming she had found out minutes before the ceremony, and Ridge telling Brooks that information.. But my biggest disappointment was the sly grin when Taylor said goodbye and left.. I was initially proud of her, until her true colours shone through, once again.. So, in my opinion, Brooke has just changed tactics, with Ridge.. She knows what Ridge loves about Taylor, and she is now trying to emanate that, to secure Ridge..
DeleteGod Colly that's some so deep speculation it goes close to the level of conspiracy 😂😂 Brooke is much farther from caring to convince "everyone" of anything than you are, she knows nobody is thinking that much if Ridge would have gone anyway or not, they don't care and to her it makes no difference. Plus, again, in what part of her narrative could they start thinking he came saying he wants her? 😅
DeleteShe said to them *exactly* what happened in her place - she told Ridge to go figure out what he wants. Anything else is as usual needless speculations born out of hate for Brooke.
And she never said Taylor knew all along about Thomas' crime, but for her was enough to call out Taylor for knowing *at all* and proceeding with the wedding. Just like it was for Ridge. Taylor herself was beating herself up quite a lot about it and with good reason. Not just because of the relation to the wedding but also about what it says about her as a person.
And that look on Brooke's face omg if I hear one more time about that 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ repeating that over and over is going into obsession.
You just hate her for still being able to do faces, since hers is not as pulled as some others' on the show 🤣
DeleteHer faces are what gets her in trouble, Milla. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
DeleteSeriously though, there are people who say one thing with thier mouth but their facial expressions are a dead giveaway for how they truly feel. KKL (Brooke) is like that.
Like I've said before, whatever she's saying with her face, she's entitled to that, considering everything. Even if it was that "she won" - considering truth came out in more ways than one, that's something I would feel too.
DeleteBtw I'm watching again old episodes that I have missed (while battling the longest wickedest cold of my life, covid was a picnic compared) specifically around when Taylor shot Bill and after, and have some questions - Mia and Rick got divorced right? Are they both still living in Paris? And how did they conceive their daughter - with a donor egg I assume?
I can't remember exactly but Mya is trans so she couldn't carry a child even if she wanted to.
DeleteMilla, I hope you feel better soon! Sorry to hear about your bad cold!! I just got over the flu. Things are going around for sure. It’s that time of year.
DeleteGet better soon, friend! 😘
Thank you dear Lynn 🤗🤗and glad you recovered!!
DeleteI'm also at the final line I think 🤞🏼🤞🏼
Milla they are divorced but still in paris not sure if they live together
DeleteI doubt it
Their daughter was from an egg of her sister and rick and her sister Nicol also was the surrogate mother
Mmysh, you have an amazing memory!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
DeleteMilla, I had the actual flu not long ago, influenza and I ended in the ICU unit for two days, and hospital for a week.. Don’t take chances if your really unwell love.. That’s why I needed up in the hospital, I let it go too long.. The flu is deadlier than covid..
DeleteAnd for the record I don’t actually hate Brooke!! Believe it or not.. I just dislike her ALOT.. but as Ell said, her facial expressions say it all!! And she is very talented that she talk without saying a word!! 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteIndeed Mmysh does 🤗
DeleteHey Colly just now noticed your comments, I think they were hidden? Definitely weren't there earlier.
DeleteI'm so sorry to hear you were in ICU!! And so glad you recovered!! I keep postponing that flu shot but should take care of it soon!!
In my case it's some wicked sinusitis, just now went to doctors and she gasped when she saw my sinuses on ultrasound! And they are getting better compared to last week 😅now I have some nice strong antibiotics to take 1 week. Fingers crossed they take care of it 🤗🤗
Lynn milla ❤️❤️❤️
DeleteThanks for your care ❤️❤️❤️‘s, Mmysh!!! ❤️❤️❤️
DeleteI am back at work this week and hopefully Milla is very close to having kicked her sickness as well!!
Sheila, here's a little tip: If you have cut off your own toe and faked your own death, get rid of the open-toed shoes. They are a "dead" giveaway. Literally! I cannot wait until Monday's episode! I wonder if Hope will remember that mystery woman she met at Deacon's place, and realize THAT was Sheila. I hope Deacon gets some jail time. He deserves it! He should have sent that psycho chick out the door as soon as he realized who she was!
ReplyDeleteSame thing I asked myself wondering if Hope will remember the woman she met at her dad lol
DeleteThat’s the first thing that came to my mind too?? I think she will put it together and realise.. I think she was just annoyed that Finn and Steffy questioned her father, judging by the look on her face..
DeleteWhat are the odds that Steffy would spill her drink on Shelia? And, why, Shelia, if your are trying to avoid being discovered, would you wear sandals? Seriously, 9 toes with your signature black nail polish & you wear sandals? That was quite a cliffhanger, but not realistic that Steffy would find Shelia that fast.
ReplyDeleteok its there now .and really sheila waring open toed shoes out in public with a toe missing. and steffy noticed when she looked down at her feet and knew she was sheila when she saw the missing toe.
ReplyDeleteTY Bob.
ReplyDeleteI liked how Hope defended her father. She's very protective and covers up for Queen Brooke & Deacon. That's how Ridge should have been with his own son protecting him.
I noticed how even Eric went against Thomas. That poor son has everyone against him.
@ Tina, you must have missed how Eric literally lunged at Thomas when the truth came out about the CPS call. Eric has been furious with Thomas from the minute he found out what Thomas did. Eric has always had a sweet spot for Brooke. You don’t mess with Eric’s Brooke! That’s for sure!!
DeleteAnd why would Ridge protect Thomas after the truth came out?? That’s the most ridiculous thing to say! Thomas betrayed EVERYONE. Thomas deserves exactly what he’s getting and then some!
DeleteSo true Lynn and you haven't even seen all the decades before, there was literally nothing Brooke could do that would make him turn on her. Even when she divorced him to be with Ridge. His support of her was a constant and biggest issue between him and his late wife Stephanie. Only time he was really mad at her was when she took the controlling interest in FC (after they tried to screw her over with her rightful patent) 😅
Delete@Tina I would get angry too if my own child betrayed me the way Thomas betrayed his father. Thomas did not just maliciously call CPS, he continued to lie to his father's face everyday. Every time they were at the office, every time Ridge saw Brooke, Thomas would look Ridge in the eye and lie. I do believe however, that after all is said and done, Ridge would realize that Thomas just had a misplaced sense of loyalty to his parents. All will be forgiven eventually.
DeleteStop the presses!! Elle and I actually agree - 100% what you said above, Elle. I would just add that Thomas’ also had the intention of destroying Brooke’s marriage to his dad. But I do actually agree with your assessment. I almost fell off my chair in disbelief that we agreed! Lol.
DeleteIt's like one of those unexplained phenomena that occurs every so often on earth, Lynn. 😂😂😂😂
DeleteDespite my support for Thomas, I never said that he was right in what he did, just justified. And if you take Brooke out of the equation, what he did to his father by lying to him everyday was much worse, in my opinion.
Once in a lifetime phenomena, yes!!!
DeleteBut you and I most certainly don’t agree on the “justified” part. I think pretty much you are the only one who believes it was justified. Well some of your fellow FF’s probably believe it. But not one single Forrester or Logan on the show believes it. Thomas’ level of deception and fraud are equally heinous in my book.
I think your understanding of the word “justified” is what bothers me. The term “justified” implies that it is a fair and equal retaliation. But that isn’t even remotely true!! Brooke going over to Thomas’ place of residence to tell Thomas it’s time Douglas come home is extremely reasonable given that Thomas had broken his original commitment to bring Douglas home after one night!! And Thomas had the NERVE to point a sharp knife at Brooke and threaten her while she was there. Even that part of it wasn’t ‘JUSTIFIED’ on Thomas’ part. And what he did subsequently, by faking the call to CPS to destroy Brooke’s marriage was as far from ‘justified’ as you can get. Absolutely NOTHING Thomas does is justified!!! It may be his “reasoning” behind acting in a horribly malicious manner. But it certainly is NOT justified.
DeleteUp to when Brooke walked into Thomas' home and attacked him, Thomas had done absolutely nothing to her. He was just minding his business while trying to be a good father to Douglas and working on the HFTF fashion preview. He was provoked big time so he retaliated and, in my opinion, it was justified. Brooke told lies on Thomas and he did the same to her.
DeleteTina, I agree with Elle, I love Thomas too, but he really crossed the line with his father this time.. I do hope Ridge forgives him after it as all blown over, because he is his son, and a parent should never turn their back on their child.. But Thomas has to face the consequences of what he did.. I agree with Elle, that as much as I love and defend him, it was really wrong what he did to not just his father, but also everyone else.. it affected a lot of people, not just his father and Brooke..
DeleteOMG - are you serious?? Brooke attacked him? Gee we all must have missed that scene except for you!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
DeleteWas it the big shovel she was wielding or perhaps the baseball bat she took into the house, or the huge ceramic vase she picked up and hit him over the head with it??? I’m confused about the weapon responsible for “the attack” because clearly I missed that scene. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
He “wasn’t minding his own business” as you put it. He took “possession” of Douglas for much longer than the AGREED UPON TIME!!! How many times do I need to repeat the same words till they sink in ??? 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
And he wasn’t provoked big time. There was NOTHING “big time” about what a woman who is 60 years old could do to a man in his 30’s. Are you insinuating Thomas was in fear for his life from big, bad Brooke??? 😂😂😂😂😂
BROOKE TOLD NO LIES ABOUT THOMAS. However, Thomas committed a crime (fraud for impersonating another) against Brooke!!!
The truth is Elle, I’m not gonna spend one more minute trying to convince you because you seem to have a clear case of denial. And quite honestly, the facts speak for themselves.
DeleteThere is NOT ONE CHARACTER on the show who is taking Thomas’ side over Brooke’s. Not a single one - not his parents - not his sister. Nobody. So that just proves that you are wrong. So I’m done trying to convince you. It’s pointless.
You really don't have to try to convince me of anything. As I've said before, we see things very differently. All of your dramatic utterances aside, you do know that an attack can be verbal, right? As for Thomas having Douglas for longer than one night, you seem to forget that Hope allowed Douglas to stay longer because he was enjoying his time with his dad and she did not want to deprive him of that. Continuing to harp on that extended one-nighter is therefore of no consequence. And it certainly does not give Brooke the right to barge into Thomas' home and attack him. Nevertheless, before all of that occurred, Thomas did nothing to Brooke to warrant her confronting him the way she did. Brooke made everyone think that Thomas was wielding a machete and threatening her with it, which is not what happened. She purposely left out the fact that it was a pocket knife that he was using to peel an apple. So yeah, she LIED and Thomas was therefore justified in his retaliation.
DeleteAnd if I'm to adopt your logic, nobody, not Hope, not Liam, not Ridge, not Eric, NOBODY, believed Brooke's accusations anyway because nobody confronted or berated Thomas for it. I guess that makes you wrong.
Elle, then by your logic…Thomas has “attacked” Brooke on multiple occasions as he has berated her on multiple occasions. But on those occasions you simply laugh and say, “I love how Thomas handles Brooke.” What a huge hypocrite you are!
DeleteAnd you are making reference to my “dramatic utterances” when you use the word “machete” to describe how Brooke described the knife. Too hilarious! Ya….NO, the word machete was never once used in Brooke’s description.
And just because no one yelled at Thomas about the knife besides Brooke does not equate to people being “angry at Brooke” for saying it in the first place. Brooke’s opinion was that Thomas shouldn’t have been using a sharp knife around Douglas. The truth is, Brooke should have simply been furious that Thomas pointed the knife toward her and threatened her as he held it. That’s what was completely unacceptable in that exchange.
So again, no one got mad at Brooke for her feelings about the knife. But NO ONE will even speak to Thomas and NO ONE wants him around them now that they know he framed Brooke and lied through his teeth! So if you want to compare ‘the fallout’ between those two events…be my guest!! 😂😂😂😂😂
Lynn 👏🏼👏🏼 for what it's worth your reasoning is what I call common logic too, in case you're doubting it, and I know many people see it that way. Like many stretched out FF defenses here, not even their favorite characters use them because they know would be laughable.
DeleteThe "provoked" justification wouldn't work anywhere, even on a kidergarten playground they don't look favorably on the "she started it" 😅 so don't waste your virtual breath
@Lynn I am not trying to compare anything and have no desire to. You are the one that insists on making comparisons with everything. My argument was to show how Brooke's behaviour justified Thomas' actions. But as usual, when you can no longer defend, you opt to offend and deflect and sidestep from the main topic that was being discussed.
Delete@Milla Please! Provocation is a very real thing. Matter of fact, most crimes of passion start off with one person provoking the other so please stop trying to make me look foolish. If you do not agree with my view of the situation, that's fine. What you and Lynn refuse to acknowledge is that Thomas had done nothing to Brooke to warrant her attack on him. Absolutely nothing, so yeah, he was provoked. If she had not attacked him the way she did, Thomas would have had no reason to do what he did. And if you with your claims of being objective cannot see that, it speaks to your biasness and not my supposedly skewed logic.
@Elle very glad you brought up the "crimes of passion" - that's the best example. There isn't one court that would acknowledge that the criminal's being "provoked" in any way justifies the crime. Crime of passion is still a crime and the criminal punished. How can you possibly think that example serves your theory? That's right next to the victim blaming rhetoric.
DeleteOr do we have a misunderstanding based on the difference of the words "justified" vs "explained"? Because to me, something being "justified" (and the way you put it forward with blaming Brooke), means the perpetrator is exculpated from blame because the other person has the blame with their behavior. In the crime of passion that's not the case - the murder of passion doesn't put the blame on the murdered because he/she provoked.
DeleteThe crime of passion is explained with the perpetrator feeling provoked, the crime is still on their side, they are still punished but we have the element of passion which can lessen the sentence compared to a premeditated crime. But the crime is still not justified.
I am speaking about justified, M. Not explained.
DeleteI never said that Thomas was right. I was stating that provocation is something that happens all the time and can be applied here as well, as opposed to you saying that it could not be applied. And there are cases (and precedents) where provocation was looked at in determining whether a person is sentenced, for example, for murder or manslaugter. Provocation is looked at to determine whether a person would have committed the crime if the provocation was not there. Once the person is found to be of sound mind and his usual reasonable behaviour may have been affected by an act or acts of provocation, the sentence would be very different, usually lessened. However, the person would still be guilty. Thomas is guilty, yes, but his actions were provoked. I will say again, if Brooke did not attack him, none of what happened would have happened because Thomas was staying in his lane. Brooke is the one who purposely sought him out, not the other way around.
And also justified to me means that the deed has a right and reasonable basis, which in a crime of passion is the exact opposite.
DeleteOkay if that's the meaning of justified than I understand better what you mean. It's still different from how I see the situation with Thomas but I understand your reasoning too.
DeleteIf you would stop focussing on Thomas' actions for a minute and focus on what Brooke did, maybe then you would see what I am talking about. But you are so focused on absolving Brooke of all blame while pretending that she was some innocent victim of Thomas. But no matter how you try to spin it, Brooke was the one that decided to go against Hope's decision to allow Douglas to stay with Thomas just because she felt that Thomas was obsessed with Hope again. She did that all on her own without even telling Hope that she was going to see Thomas to try to get Douglas back. And I wonder why that was? Because Brooke knew that if she said anything to Hope, she (Hope) would not have allowed her to go and see Thomas. Brooke was very wrong.
DeleteSo to understand best your stand - you think that if it weren't for how Brooke acted, Thomas wouldn't have done this particular thing with CPS or he wouldn't have done anything malicious against Brooke with the goal of reuniting his parents?
Delete(And PS it was never my intention to make you look foolish, I think you know that)
DeleteThat is exactly what I am saying, M. Thomas, like Steffy, would have just continued to talk his parents ears off like he had been all along and before the opportunity to get Brooke out of the picture presented itself.
DeleteMilla, it seems to be the goal these days to nitpick every single thing I say to somehow prove that I am out of my ever-loving mind. So if I am to be honest, yes, I did think that you were trying to make me look like a fool just because I felt that Thomas was provoked into doing what he did. I am however, happy to know that was not your intention.
DeleteOkay I think that's where our perceptions differ and I'll tell you how (while still respecting yours): I think that Thomas would have actively searched for an opportunity to remove Brooke and found one. I think he was more invested than Steffy to remove Brooke because he has a special hate for her. Steffy was coming from a place that she can influence the parents to reunite and that will take care of the Brooke of it all by itself. Thomas was focused on removing the obstacle (=Brooke) expecting that that will take care of the reunion (and he was right). The opportunity presented itself by Brooke threatening to call CPS (Here I agree with you, that was less than smart of her) but I think Thomas would have continued to look for a way to remove her. I believe that also based on how he was acting before when pursuing this goal.
DeleteBut we will never know either way. We can just continue watching and see what they do next.
It really really wasn't. I was not fully understanding what you mean with "justified" and the more you repeated it, the more it sounded to me that it means all Brooke fault but now I understand the split of fault (in Brooke and in Thomas) in your mind.
DeleteIf it is a formula, I think it will be:
DeleteC = B + T(B)
Where C = blame (culpa)
B = Brooke's actions
T(B) = Thomas' actions as a function of Brooke's actions
Now feel free to send someone with a big butterfly net looking for an escaped mental patient (me) with sinusitis 😅
🤓actually now while blowing nose thought of a better formula to express my understanding:
DeleteFe = Bf + T(Bf)
Fe: fault per Elle
Bf: Brooke's faulty actions
T(Bf): Thomases faulty actions as a function of Brooke's
Whereas to me it is
Fm = T(Be)
Fm: Fault per Milla
Be: Brooke's existence
Where Be is a constant and that's what makes the Fault a constant of only Thomas' actions 😂🙈🙈🙈
This flu/sinusitis is doing a number on you, Milla. Well thought out formulae! 😂
DeleteI understand where you are coming from as well. I cannot say that before the CPS instance, I saw Thomas actively trying to get rid of Brooke but, as I keep saying, we all see things very differently.
No that's true too, I can't deny he wasn't shown actively trying to sabotage her. But I believe his mindset is more in this direction to look for and find ways to get rid of Brooke.
DeleteGlad you appreciate my math 😂I'm a geek by nature.
Elle, I agree with everything you have said above.. I am unsure how Lynn came to the conclusion you meant a “physical attack”?? That really baffled me, but she does have a tendency to take not just comments but actual singular words, as literal?? Thomas did absolutely NOTHING to prior to Brooke coming to his place of residence and “verbally” attack him, unjustified.. At that time, all Thomas wanted , was to step up as a father.. Brooke DID PROVOKE him.. period.. So Lynn, Milla, if someone verbally attacked you, without “cause”, would you stand by and say or do nothing?? NO, you wouldn’t.. You even said it yourself Lynn, on this very blog, if someone brings your name into any comment or has a go at you unfairly or unjustly , and your words were, “you bet I will snark back”!! If you were in a shopping center minding your own business and someone walked up to you and started on you and then started punching you, what would you do? Point made..
DeleteI don’t agree that what Brooke did to Thomas was an attack of any kind. She came to him and asked that he bring Douglas back to the cabin. How is that an attack??? It’s simply Brooke telling Thomas it’s past time to bring Douglas home. Period. She may have been out of line going there by herself. But she certainly didn’t attack Thomas in any way. It was Thomas who BERATED Brooke…as a matter of fact. And it was Thomas who held the knife pointed at Brooke while he threatened her and told her to stay away from his dad - WHO WAS ALSO BROOKE’S HUSBAND by the way - which made Thomas’ whole threat (or attack as you like to call it) completely laughable!!!!
DeletePlease explain how Brooke “attacked” Thomas during that discussion??? Never happened.
She simply told Thomas it was time for Douglas to be returned home.
Colly, I wasn’t taking the term “attack” literal. I was obviously making fun of the word ‘attack’ by referencing the baseball bat, etc in my comment.
Now back to the original discussion - I still have issue with the word Elle uses to describe Thomas’ actions. No where in that sentence should the word JUSTIFIED ever be used. Doesn’t matter what spin you put on it, it was not JUSTIFIED what Thomas did.
And Elle, I haven’t been ‘deflecting’, I’ve been discussing your understanding / use of that particular word this entire time. Not one deflection here.
Here’s the bottom line - Thomas seems to have been ostracized from the Forrester family. At least for now anyway!!!! AND THAT, IN MY OPINION, IS JUSTIFIED!!!!!!!
And Colly, thank you for making my point for me. Yes, if someone gets snippety with me, I will snark back. Because that’s a REASONABLE response. I wouldn’t hunt them down and try to destroy their marriage. Because that would NOT be a reasonable response. And it would NOT BE JUSTIFIED. LOL
DeleteAhh Lynn, that's where provocation comes into play. Provocation can make a person do things that they would not reasonably do. It may be your usual way to snark at people so, for you, that would be reasonable, but for me, I am usually very calm, so if someone stepped to me, I would either look at them directly like they were from an alien planet or I would just walk away. If I were to snark back, that would be unreasonable behaviour for me. And that behaviour would only come from me depending on the level of provocation.
DeleteBrooke and Liam had been bad-mouthing Thomas for some time and he knew about some of it through Hope. He did nothing. Then, his dad told him about Brooke threatening to call CPS on him and again, Thomas did nothing. Then Brooke barged into his home and started attacking him (no, she did not calmly ask him to return Douglas, lol). At that point, Thomas snapped and that would happen to any reasonable person where they are continually the target of someone else's agenda to get them out of the picture, which is what Brooke (and Liam) wanted to do. They wanted to get Thomas out of the picture by bringing Douglas back to the cabin. They felt that that would have solved Thomas' obsession with Hope. If they were open, like Hope, to seeing the change in Thomas and not judge him based on his past behaviour, then maybe Brooke would not have gone to his home and none of what happened next would have happened.
@Colly if I feel provoked, I'd retaliate verbally, sure, but wouldn't take illegal actions like Thomas. He felt provoked I agree, but that doesn't justify his reaction to said feeling.
Delete@Elle but now whatever Hope saw has been rendered an illusion because she told them all they were right all along. Ridge told Brooke too that she was right and he didn't listen. So Thomas is out in the cold guilty by the whole jury.
Delete*deemed guilty
DeleteBut they weren't right, Milla. Liam and Brooke's stance all along was that Thomas was obsessed with Hope again. It was the very reason that they wanted Douglas back at the cabin, so that Hope did not have to be around Thomas as much and that they could have greater control over what was going on. On that point, they were wrong.
DeleteWhat Hope saw was a changed Thomas, not a perfect Thomas. And he has indeed changed from the obsessive person that he used to be even though he may still do destructive things. But I know you and the LFs do not see it that way, and that's okay. I respect your opinion.
Thank you Elle and I yours 🤗 I was just pointing out how it's shown to be perceived by everyone on the show.
DeleteElle, whether or not you choose to snark back is neither here nor there. I’m talking about what most people would consider to be a reasonable response. In a tit for tat sort of way. This is truly not complicated. 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
DeleteNo matter how you twist it, slice it, or contort it, Thomas’ behavior was not justified. And Thomas had no damn clue that Brooke and Liam were talking about him. How do you even make that as a point? There was no mention of any specifics about the conversations Brooke and Liam were having to Thomas.
And please tell me exactly when in the episode I should watch where I can see Brooke “verbally attacking Thomas.” As I already said, it absolutely didn’t happen! Thomas has done FAR MORE VERBALLY ATTACKING OF BROOKE than the other way around. And when has Brooke ever retaliated even close to how Thomas retaliated??? Never!!!
And how do you say Thomas is “not obsessed with Hope” when just literally days ago he stated again - for the 20th time - that she is the ONLY woman for him!!! A woman who is happily married to another man, Liam!! Didn’t he just attempt to kiss Hope - I’ll say it again….a married woman - and try to win her back with his manipulations! He is still in love with Hope!! He doesn’t deny that!! How is that NOT obsessed?? Just cuz he is no longer making out with mannequins does not mean he’s not obsessed. It simply means he is no longer hallucinating!! He’s just as crazy and deranged as ever. And as the Brooke fans keep saying - Brooke and Liam were right about Thomas all along!!! Thomas has his sights set on Hope! So how are Brooke and Liam wrong about him??!!! Do tell!!
Colly, your point above about going into a shopping center and someone starts punching me…Lol. 🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️
DeleteWas that reference supposed to show a parallel to your opinion of what Brooke did to Thomas when she went and told Thomas it was time for him to bring Douglas home?????? Lol.
I am having a real tough time making the connection between Brooke saying that to Thomas and Brooke “punching” Thomas. It’s so completely off base, that I won’t even warrant the comment with a response. 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
So sorry for giving away today's ending for people who hadn't seen it. I couldn't contain myself. I couldn't wait to get on here to read everyone's comments and reactions. I got home from work early today so I got to see the episode on tv.
ReplyDeleteReading the comments at first I was like huh? People were commenting it was boring & they were talking about fashion & hair! 😂😂😂😂
DeleteDon't sweat it Forever 🤗happens all the time!
DeleteI’m glad people said something. Otherwise some of us wouldn’t have known to rewatch! Great ending for sure!
DeleteExactly lynn
DeleteGood you all mentioned it
A very good Friday cliffhanger indeed, Unknown! Can't wait till Monday to see what happens next.
DeleteDo you guys think Steffy still has it in her purse 😅 and once Sheila kidnaps her they can stop by a clinic to have it reattached. It will be purely ornamental at this point but at least it will be her own 😂
DeleteMills, lol!! I just wonder how it’s not completely decomposing now that’s it’s off ice! GROSS!!! Nothing like the smell of decomposing flesh to make your purse smell extra fresh!!! 🤮🤮🤮
DeleteSorry - that should have said Milla!
DeleteHahahah Lynn I would hope the police had preserved it in formaldehyde otherwise it would look like something from The Walking Dead by now 😂😂but still gross indeed!!
DeleteTrue! It’s been a long time since my 7th grade science class where we had to dissect the frog. Actually, I just couldn’t do it. Poor little frog!! 😞😞😞
DeleteLynn I couldn’t either, I had to leave my classroom 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteUnknown, I don’t think we have had a cliffhanger as good as this one, for a while.. lately it’s just been meh 🫤
DeleteI hope Monday isn’t a let down - if Sheila just runs off again with Steffy standing there in shock, we will be back at ground zero. The only thing that will have changed is that they will know 100% that Sheila is alive. But that has already been pretty much known since Detective Finn solved the case. I want some real action!!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
DeleteAnd Colly, whomever the brilliant school administrator was who decided 12 year old girls should be cutting up big dead frogs needs to have their head examined!! The whole idea of it actually traumatized me!!! 😔😔😔
Delete@Lynn and that's literally what happened 😂it's like you wrote the jist of that episode.
DeleteLynn, same hear.. not to sound like a woos, but I actually cried.. when I saw all these dead frogs laying on their backs on all the desks, I didn’t react very well.. I am a massive animal lover.. and yes, asking 12/ year olds to do that, they should be shot.. that’s something you should in college..
Delete@ Milla, and to think I got my crystal ball on sale at close out prices. Lol. JK.
DeleteMonday really was a let down. Here we go again. It’s like Groundhog Day - the movie. Lol
@ Colly, we have that in common. I am an animal lover too! And anything to do with nature - it’s my peace in this world of crazy!
DeleteThis is actually a comical Soap! With Sheila cutting off her toe and also I want to give a shout out to the talented makeup artists!!
ReplyDelete🤣🤣🤣 agree!
DeleteHe is, isn’t he!! He’s quiet a catch!!
ReplyDeleteGreat cliffhanger, Monday better be all that and then some, can't stomach this Neverending storyline much longer... Bye Bye Sheila 👋
ReplyDeleteOn another note : nice to see some diversity on the set, albeit extras, I noticed a couple dining at the restaurant and the female was wearing a hijab, nice🧕
I noticed that as well, Lutfiyya!
DeleteBye Bye Finn for good this time🔪
ReplyDeleteNo, that can’t be how this ends. Sheila had to be the one dies. Poetic Justice and all….
Delete*has to be….not had to be.
DeleteWhen Steffy and Finn were at the table talking, I got a strange sense of foreboding in some of the last words he said to her before she got up to go to the washroom. I hope he doesn't die. With all the outrage from fans when he died the first time, I am hoping that they keep him on the show for the foreseeable future.
DeleteElle for sure he won't die, I thought the same about the previous outrage and can't imagine them killing him off. I expect there to be a storyline where Steffy is presumed dead but again he saves her. And I can imagine like Lynn said that he may be the one to end Sheila forever (if that's even possible, at this point she's like a cyborg).
DeleteBut Bell keeps coming up with new things that nobody expected so let's see 😀
DeleteSheila is like a “cyborg”. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. So true, Milla!!
DeleteHahahah isn't she? 😂 survives anything!
DeleteEll, I don’t think it will be him this time.. I think Steffy will either go missing or presumed dead, and Finn will be the one looking for her and seeking revenge from Sheila.. I actually have a feeling JMW might be pregnant again, she has that glow and that fluids look about her, and her boobs are huge, unless it’s just that she is still breast feeding her other little man?? Maybe turbos will be a long lead up to her going on maternity leave again?? A bit presumptuous I know, but in her bridesmaid dress she seemed to have a little bit pot belly?? Not sure, unless it was the dress, and the outfit she had on as well? I know she and her husband wants a really big family , because they are both only children, but just a thought?
DeleteMilla, cyborg 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteI’ve been saying she’s pregnant for a few days now. She’s pregnant or very fat.
DeleteLynn, that’s not nice!! But yes she has that pregnancy glow and puffiness to her.. When you are pregnant, your body creates 40% more blood and fluid volume to support the baby.. so she has that look to me, cause her arms and face , legs, everything seems bigger..
DeleteYes, I’ve been pregnant before and know the look. And Steffy definitely has the look. Her stomach is just out of proportion to the rest of her. Something….another baby….is on the way I think. That girl is a baby making machine!! Lol.
DeleteI think the conversation between Steffy and Finn in the restaurant was very ominous.. With Steffy rehashing when Finn found her, and how they were talking, it was very ominous.. I think it was the lead up to Sheila and Steffies confrontation.. Maybe it’s Steffy Sheila kidnaps or kills? Then it’s Finns turn to think Steffy is dead? Then in his quest to find Sheila for revenge he turns bitter and into a bad guy??
ReplyDeleteThe conversation at Il Giardino between Steffy and Finn did seem like a foreboding. But I can’t imagine Steffy or Finn getting killed off anytime soon. Esp Steffy, she’s too core to the show. But the kidnapping thing isn’t totally out of the question. However, I’m hoping Steffy kicks into gear her ‘badass-self’ that she’s always trying to portray, and she kicks Sheila’s ass!! Then Finn comes in to save Steffy, and Finn actually kills ‘9-lives Sheila’ once and for all!!! It just has to be Finn who kills Sheila. That would be the ultimate payback for her sins. I think if Sheila does survive this, there still may be a Hayes kidnapping on the horizon.
DeleteWhile I generally don’t root for Steffy, in this case I do!! Sheila needs to be wiped out once and for all!!!
DeleteI just mentioned that sense of foreboding in my previous comment.
DeleteLynn, Steffy looked genuinely scared when she realized it was Sheila, the woman who almost killed her. I'm not sure she might want to put on a brave face this time around. It sure would be a lot more exciting if she did though.
I would think anger and the feeling of wanting vengeance would be on Steffy’s side. She sure does HATE Sheila for everything she has done to Steffy and her family. That should give Steffy a super strong adrenaline rush! And that would work in Sheila’s favor. Besides Sheila is much older, and Steffy should be stronger since she’s in her 30’s. Bottom line, Steffy pretends to be the badass! But she really isn’t….not even close!
DeleteThat should have said….And that would work in Steffy’s favor (not Sheila’s.)
Delete"I would think anger and the feeling of wanting vengeance would be on Steffy’s side. She sure does HATE Sheila for everything she has done to Steffy and her family. That should give Steffy a super strong adrenaline rush!"
DeleteSteffy had all of the above which was what prompted her to confront Sheila in the alley before. But then Sheila purposely tried to kill her. I think that would cause anyone to be afraid if they ever came face to face with their attacker again. I hope they don't have Steffy trying to be fearless against Sheila again because that would be really stupid even if it would make for a more exciting storyline.
Elle, what Steffy should have done is pretended she didn’t notice and that it was Sheila and left the toilet area immediately.. but common sense never plays out..
DeleteLynn I don’t think they will kill Steffy off, but I think Sheila will do something, because that conversation with Finn and the flashback when they were reunited, all was an indicator I think, Elle you picked it up too didn’t you? I am not just imagining it? Maybe I am wrong?? I don’t know.. But Steffy looked terrified??
DeleteAwesome show Friday. Haven't watched all week but Friday was probably the show to watch. Love Deacon's one liners. Elle, he's getting whiplash too. He now sees she's certifiable , after all this time. I think Steffy will get knocked out by her and she'll get away so the storyline can continue. Monday will be interesting.
DeleteHiiiiii D! So happy to see you! 💕
DeleteSteffy and Liam coming up💕
ReplyDeleteDid anyone notice that Sheila pass by the table when steffy & Finn was having they convo she's the one in black and then Sheila is in the washroom in black.
ReplyDeleteWhich minute? At 16:10 I see someone but the pants seem different color.
DeleteI think “” is referring to that black shadow that passes over Steffy and Finn as they are sitting at the table at the restaurant. But I’m not so sure that was intended to have been Sheila. It could have been anyone walking by. But it could also could have been Sheila.
DeleteI don’t know that it was intended to be Sheila, because Steffy walked in the opposite direction to go to the ladies room, and Sheila had dark blue jeans on.. but it did look like like Sheila rushed through that door which was the entrance to the toilets, she was in a hurry, wether it was purposeful to get Steffy alone?? Not sure?? But it’s all too ominous to me.. I think it’s Steffy who goes missing ?? The way Finn watched her walk off?? The flash back??