Seems like getting access the money went to Sheila's head. Sheila should know she would be earning it having to boink someone she can't stand every night. He doesn't need a prenup because he can just have her killed when he tires of her. (It's ok if he does it.)
I could have barfed when Steffy came at poor Finn with that cow tongue all the way out for our benefit. She probably read or was told how unsexy their love scenes are so the tongue was out, in case he tried to get away, she could flick him back like a frog on a fly.
I just can’t with Steffy‘s whole monologue about what happened to Ridge, what he could be thinking and where could he be living 😂 Ah Bill, why did you continue pushing and why... didn't FBI barge in at that moment? Did they need it said five-ten times?! Sheila are you really smart saying all those things? 🤦🏻♀️
I loved the program today accept Steffy always kissing with Finn. Don't the authors get tired of showing them kissing?? Isn't Sheila was wise enough to keep her mouth shut?? Strange for a murderer.
Poor camera crew, they can't get away during hideous Steffy lovemaking. I wonder if there are groans that have to be edited out of the audio from the crew gagging..
Elle, this comment is specifically for you….Why was Carter’s jaw “hitting the floor when he found out Thomas was back on payroll” if as you stated, Eric and Carter agreed Thomas should be brought back as lead designer for HFTF??? I was the one who told you I didn’t remember that conversation between the board members. And you have been assuring everyone that it did in fact take place. Pretty funny to hear Katie say that to Brooke today!!! Soooooooo……
Actually i went back to the episodes the 1st and 2nd pf march episodes Because that comment from kaite makes my wondering Actually it was steffy‘s decision and her‘s only She didn’t even presented to eric and carter at all Of course we will hear it happens off screen but this time it can’t be because hope was there when they left and she didn’t know yet steffy’s decision So it was steffy’s ALONE And steffy spoke about its being months and what they tried to do during those months and there was no mentioning of interviewing new designers It seems i was busy when im watched those episodes to forget those details Because sometimes i watched while cleaning or preparing dinner 😂😂
And for the record and i wrote that before I don’t see steffy’s decision wrong He is her brother and she is co CEO So why not But her fans who kept defending her decision by saying it wasn’t only her‘s i think they see it wrong But sure she still cornered hope and gave her a choice of no choice
Mmysh, you always have an excellent memory and recall of events. About a week or two ago I went back a number of episodes to try to find that scene with Carter and Eric that Elle mentioned, and I couldn’t find it either. You and I both know Steffy made the decision to bring Thomas back. And now with Katie saying what she said to Brooke in today’s episode, Elle really needs to point us to the actual episode she is referring to. Cuz I agree, sure looks like this was nothing more than a Steffy and TAYLOR decision!!! 😂😂😂😂
Lynn, I believe I said previously that while Steffy cannot make a unilateral decision, she can make a recommendation. I clearly remember her, Eric and Carter finishing up the meeting when Hope walked in. I am thinking that Steffy would have made the recommendation to both Eric and Carter about bringing Thomas back AND about ensuring that Hope is okay with it. I can only guess (since Carter's jaw hit the floor) that he was in shock that Hope actually went along with it. I will say again that Steffy cannot make a decision on her own without the approval of the Board. Steffy does not own 100% of Forrester shares so all shareholders need to have their say for final approval by the Board.
We did not see the entire meeting so, as Mmysh stated, most of the meeting would have happened off screen and we would have only seen the end of it when Hope walked into the office.
But hope was there elle and she didn’t know This can’t be off screen We saw the whole meeting We didn’t see eric and carter leaving because it was in the next episode of 2nd of march So hope joined the meeting before steffy virtual proposal to eric and carter and they left while hope was still there So how really the off screen thing is going to work here ??
Wow ladies, you girl’s must have a lot of free time on your hands to feel the need to go back and rewatch previous episodes just to try to prove someone wrong?? Wish I had that much free time.. I think you ladies may be taking some comments way too seriously to feel the need to do that.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Then if it was just a "recommendation" to the Board and their jaws could "hit the floor" from the outcome eventually, that whole part of the process is not so vital and the said decision's main driver here was Steffy. Not that it even matters, because everyone on and off screen sees it that way - that she brought Thomas on, she is the one who gave the "choice" of "Thomas or nothing" to Hope, and if there are issues, nobody is gonna be saying "ah but Carter and Eric were on board!" 😅
😂😂😂😂 as always a childish replies and when someone put you in your place you start pointing fingers and play the victim Just typical as expected 😂😂😂 How lame and pathetic
Colly welcome back! Sorry but looking at the length of many many of your comments in the past and the frequency (plus the ability to dig into the past and make connections), that takes way way longer than the 2x19 mins Mmysh wasted to rewatch (or even less if she skipped over to the parts she needed, which I believe she did).
😂😂😂 oh colly a typical childish reply But then when someone puts you in your place you start pointing fingers and play the victim So typical lame and pathetic
😂😂😂 oh colly a typical childish reply But then when someone puts you in your place you start pointing fingers and play the victim So typical lame and pathetic
Colly came back! But only to bash us for (as Milla so perfectly pointed out) rewatching a few mins of a few episodes that she herself has done too many times to even count! 😂😂😂😂 Now that is FUNNY! Thanks for the laugh, Colly!
@Colly this is specifically for you. How's that for a welcome back with those replies. Just after Mmysh posed yesterday and I quote "Because i think you all ladies including me are nice people not bullies or mean girls i mean all of us her We interact with others in this same nice civilized and friendly way So if someone with sick mind took any of it that we are into them its on them not us So …" So glad to see your ok...I have emailed you a few times but had no replies so I was waiting for you to reach out. Hugs 🫂
Elle, I remember the meeting you are referring to when Hope walked in. But what I didn’t remember was any discussion of bringing Thomas back by the ‘board members.’ When Hope walked in, Steffy just asked her to stay because she wanted to talk to her. So if you are simply making ‘an assumption’ about what Eric, Steffy and Carter were discussing, then this is the first time I am hearing you say that. You have always stated that the board members (less Ridge) AGREED and that’s why (in your opinion) we were unjustly placing the blame on Steffy for the decision. Because, according to you, they had all agreed bringing Thomas back was the right thing to do. And if Steffy has spoken to Ridge (as she told Finn in today’s episode), then why hasn’t she told Ridge about Thomas?? Or are we also supposed to ‘assume’ that she and Ridge have had that discussion already? Bottom line, Thomas is back because of Steffy and Taylor (the wanna be board member.). 😂😂😂
Are you for real D Please stop being a follower and have a personality of your own With your comments quoting me just make your comment worse i don’t want to say the words but i think everyone knows it Did we mention colly without her started to conversation Can you stop with this ****** It’s pathetic 😂😂😂 And btw the things i‘ve said still applies and right But when someone is being not nice to us we will reply we are not weak or feel the need to suck up to others
Lynn we saw the whole meeting even before steffy joined So no steffy didn’t presented her suggestion to the board But anyway i think this will be mentioned again when they will be telling ridge Im sure they will give other indications as the ones we saw today by kaite
D - you sympathize with Colly’s comment only because you are also used to criticizing the bloggers rather than commenting on the show. You used to attempt to ‘straighten me out’ constantly. But your attempts were always in vain. 😂😂😂 We were having a perfectly reasonable discussion about events that happened IN THE SHOW, but then Colly makes her grand entrance by shooting out a SNARKY REMARK directed at Milla, Mmysh and myself. That was inappropriate and she should stick to commenting on the show itself. But as I said, D, that has very often been your M.O. as well. You love to ‘scold people’ rather than actually commenting on the dialogue of the show.
Mmysh, yes, Ridge should hopefully be joining his family pretty soon now that this Sheila thing should be coming to an end…one way or the other. And you are right, once Ridge returns and we see how that exchange goes with Ridge on the Thomas issue, we will know much more about how the decision came to be. I hope Ridge cleans himself up when he returns. I think his Samurai look just makes him look old.
And lynn just wait for another comment from D now playing the victim But its good all the bloggers can see all the comments and its so clear we are just replying and defending ourselves Because as i said before we are nice and enjoying being friendly and not bullies or mean So here i write it again to save D‘s time since she likes to use my words 😂😂 I feel like im Dostoyevsky 😂😂😂😂
Mmysh are you for real?? Stop being a follower? I can say the same to you. Who am I following and who quotes who on here. I've been commenting almost everyday on the show when there is something to comment about, but can't leave a lengthy comment because only a certain few can do that. But what I don't do is, if there is a comment and I don't agree with, or their opinion say it's, lame, pathetic, childish, delusional. And what other bloggers are left? All the comments are from you Milla and Lynn. I just play the victim..lmao. Was a busy day going to bed and have nothing to say about today's show. Didn't have time to watch it.
So you just came to day to support colly on attacking us just because she couldn’t prove us wrong Mmmmm what we call that mmm Just next time stick to the show and don’t mention my name then play the victim when i respond Or you really wrote a comment then forgot about it 😂😂😂 Really now im confused 😂😂😂 Do you really asking these questions 😂😂 And yes when someone is just attacking us personally just because we have a valid points So yeah its pathetic and lame and childish Go reread your comments maybe you will understand, i hope 🤞
No I just logged in to check comments to see if anything might have happened on today's show. It was a nice surprise to see Colly and that she's ok. I never mentioned your name in my reply to Colly. But when I saw the lame, childish pathetic comments towards her, like you, when I see personal attacks on people I will say something. You have done it to many people. And this I play the victim? Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 what the hell does that mean.
D - very convenient that you completely missed the snide comment from Colly to us. I guess you have selective reading skills. You just see what you want. All we did was REPLY to Colly’s snark. But as I said, you must have missed that part. Too frickin’ hilarious!!!
D I didn't out of nowhere "attack" Colly, like Lynn said she made her entrance only to say what? That we must have a lot of time on our hands because Mmysh watched some mins of old shows. And I just have to laugh when that comes from one of those who up until recently were writing WALLS and WALLS of comments that I couldn't possibly read let alone comprehend how someone can have the time and energy to write. This was actually also kind of surprising to me because Colly usually comments on the show interacts with our conversations and doesn't get personally mocking/attacking right off the bat. For a minute I even wondered if it's really "our" Colly or someone with that same name. But in any case I couldn't leave this unanswered.
Now im sure you have something wrong with your brain Coz a 5th grader will do better I think you are like 4 same style 😂😂😂😂😂 Now i got it Still playing the victim D But now proven yourself a child too 😂 Now copy my comment and put in another one Come on do it 😂😂😂 im waiting to laugh 😂
Lynn, I can stand corrected when I am wrong. I checked the transcript for March 2nd and, in this case, I can say that Eric and Carter did not know beforehand about bringing Thomas back, however, Steffy also did not make a unilateral decision. She told Thomas that it's not just her decision but that she has no problem recommending it. Here's the transcript:
Steffy: Thomas, it seems like you’re ready to redeem yourself. You hurt a lot of people.
Thomas: I know.
Steffy: I know you say you, you’re wanting to change. You’re seeing a therapist and I think you regret interfering in people’s lives. I really hope that chapter is over.
Thomas: It is.
Steffy: Okay. I think you’ve learned your lesson. You shouldn’t be punished anymore. And the truth is, we’re all paying the price not having Thomas here.
Thomas: So, does this actually mean…
Steffy: That you are no longer exiled. You’re welcome back to the company. And it’s not totally up to me, but… my professional recommendation would be… Thomas to come back and revive Hope for the future.
Thomas: As lead designer?
Steffy: As lead designer.
Thomas: Steffy, I– thank you so much. I– I– I’ve been waiting months to hear you say that.
Elle k don’t see her decision is wrong from her perspective of course He is her brother and sure she wants to help him and being busy with work will do What i was against is that decision was a board decision while it was steffy’s alone
The above transcript was from the March 2nd episode. Interestingly, I also came across the conversation between Steffy and Hope regarding pausing the line (also in this episode). And it was nowhere close to a so-called ultimatum from Steffy to Hope. Here is the transcript:
Hope: So, did eric and carter really have to leave?
Steffy: We were wrapping up our meeting and they wanted to give us some time alone to speak.
Hope: Why is that? Do they know something that I don’t? I mean, you said we were supposed to talk about Hope for the future. So… what’s really going on here? Steffy, this is a transitional period for us and– and we will get the line back on track.
Steffy: Nothing against my grandfather or Zende, but their specialty is couture. That needs to be their focus. Hope, it’s been months now. We can’t go on like this any longer.
Hope: What does that mean?
Steffy: As co-ceo it’s my responsibility to watch over the company finances. Therefore, I’m considering pausing your line.
Hope: You can’t be serious.
Steffy: I haven’t spoken to my father, but… the numbers aren’t good.
Hope: Steffy, I can get the numbers back up.
Steffy: This isn’t just about you, hope.
Hope: Well, I know myself and I know the line. I mean, I am Hope for the future, I can do it.
Steffy: You already said you had issues with the new design team.
Hope: Look, I believe in Zende. He’s more than capable and Eric said that he would stay involved. I mean, we are just getting started and besides, we’re already into the next collection. I mean, have you seen the designs?
Steffy: I’ve seen some of the prototypes.
Hope: It’s going to be beautiful.
Steffy: Hope, this isn’t personal, this is business. I am basing this off of declining sales and I don’t want my grandfather and Zende splitting their focus on your line and couture.
Hope: Hope for the future is more than just a clothing line, Steffy. It is about the communities that it reaches out to. This is about the messaging.
Steffy: This isn’t easy for me.
Hope: So you’re saying Hope for the future is on the chopping block?
Steffy: I am not suggesting we cancel it.
Hope: So then what are you proposing?
Hope: We’re gonna have to pump the brakes unless we figure out a solution.
This is where Taylor and Thomas came in and Steffy continued the conversation as posted above regarding bringing back Thomas. Hope did not have to take Thomas back because Steffy told her that she did not want to cancel the line, just pause it until another solution was found. There was no ultimatum from Steffy to Hope.
@Mmysh Based on the transcript that I posted, a final decision has not yet been made so I guess, we are both wrong. Steffy made a recommendation and now, we have to see if Ridge is going to agree with the recommendation. The way they keep bringing up if Ridge will be okay with Thomas being back, seems to suggest that Thomas staying on with HFTF is dependent on Ridge's decision.
Elle, I will say that the discussion you posted directly above between Steffy and Hope came BEFORE the ultimatum came from Steffy. It was on a subsequent episode where Hope was forced to choose….her line or Thomas returning. My understanding (now that Thomas is officially back at Forrester and on payroll again) is that Ridge is the final one to sign off on it. And Carter and Eric just must not have fought Steffy on the decision. Hence the “jaw on the floor” comment.
Lynn, I think you may be referring to the below. This was the last of the conversation between Steffy and Hope regarding Thomas coming back to HFTF. I still do not see an ultimatum. Steffy did say that it's Hope's call but without Thomas, there is no Hope for the future. I think Steffy was just expressing that HFTF is nothing without Thomas, not that the line would be cancelled if she did not take Thomas back. Hope could have therefore chosen to continue looking for another designer as Steffy had suggested before. She did not have to take Thomas back.
Steffy: That’s what I’m hoping. If you’re okay with it.
Thomas: So, what do you think, Hope? Willing to take me back as lead designer for your line?
Steffy: Hope, Thomas, the way you two collaborate, it can’t be duplicated. That’s been made abundantly clear. I’m ready to forgive my brother and work with him again, but I won’t force you to do it. It’s your call. But without Thomas, there’s no Hope for the future.
Hope: I would do just about anything to save my line, but– I’m sorry, I– I’m– I’m confused, because I was going to consider Thomas before, remember? But you– you talked me out of it.
Steffy: Yes, but the wounds were still so fresh then. We weren’t ready to work with thomas. We were keeping him at arms’ length. Justifiably. But he’s making changes. Changes for the better. I am confident he could resurrect your line, confident he could turn those numbers around, but only if you’re okay with it. So, what do you say? Are you willing to work with thomas again?
Thomas: I know this isn’t easy for you, Hope. I will respect any decision you make. Even if that means ending Hope for the future all together.
Hope: Thomas, how many times can I allow you to set me up to be disappointed, to be hurt?
Thomas: I’m sorry. Look, during this time, it’s been really painful for me. And almost excruciating. I’ve realized that I– I’m that type of person, I need to work, right? I need some kind of adrenaline rush in my life, and what bigger rush could there be than me coming back and help save Hope for the future? Look, I– I can’t take back what I did, and I’m so sorry for it, but I can move forward as a person, I can ask you for forgiveness. More than that, I can earn your forgiveness. Please, hope. Let me earn it. Let me come back to hope for the future.
Steffy: Maybe we should give them some time alone.
Taylor: I think so, too.
Steffy: Yeah, right.
Thomas: Thank you for believing in me.
Steffy: Thank you for showing me that I can. Let’s go.
Elle, the first part of the episode on Friday, 3-3-23….Steffy said to Hope. “Hope it’s your call. But without Thomas, there is no Hope For The Future.” That’s an ultimatum.
I tried to watch the 3-2-23 episode again, which shows the earlier part of the discussion, but the video has been removed so I wasn’t able to.
Another reference to the ‘ultimatum’ was when Thomas told Brooke that unless he came back as lead designer, the line would be finished. Brooke had just told Thomas that she didn’t want him to hurt her daughter again. And his response was based on how hurt Hope would be if she lost her line. That’s one of the reasons Brooke accepted his apology and said she would be OK with Thomas returning to FC.
Then it has to be that the writers do not know or are not sure what they want to convey because Steffy clearly said to Hope that she was not cancelling the line, just putting it on pause until they can find a solution. To me, if Hope was assured that the line wasn't being cancelled, it means that she was being given more time to find a designer. The only difference is that production on the line would have been halted until another designer was found. So, she did have another option other than going with Thomas. Taking Thomas back simply means that she didn't want to stop production on the line. But I could be wrong. All I know is if Steffy is saying one thing and Thomas is saying another, then it's conflicting.
Here is the site for the transcripts if anyone is interested:
Elle, there have been different things said at different times by Steffy. But did you see my comment above at 12:27 pm today? That was verbatim from Steffy’s mouth at the beginning of the episode on 3-3-23. But we have all talked about this enough. 😊 We can simply agree to disagree on Steffy’s intent.
Finally - Sheila admits to murdering someone! Are the Sheila Carter days finally behind us? Or is she going to figure out Bill set her up and flee again??
If Finn gets hot talking about Sheila at the time of sex, they have more problems besides Steffy being the grossest kisser and we have to see poor Finn get mauled every time. It's Steffy that starts off the unappetizing reparte before sex. Between Sheila and her dear daddy- way to sex up yer fella Steffy!
I would much rather see Steffy and Finn making out instead of Sheila and anyone. As for Bill. I just hope he doesn't start bragging and tell Sheila she's been played before the FBI can swoop in and get her. She will grab some heavy object, knock him out, and get away AGAIN.
The Steffy / Finn makeout scenes happen way too often. If it was once a month or so, it wouldn’t be so yuck 🤢, but it’s averaging once or twice a week these days. It got old a long time ago. But I do agree that nothing is worse than seeing Sheila kissing anyone. Lol. Those faces she makes when she’s trying to look sexy are soooooooo stomach turning!!! 😂😂😂
Yes lynn what are these faces she makes Not only with bill but also with deacon I hope the actress doesn’t do them in real life because it’s nothing like sexy
There won't be much Sheila kissing anyone coming I'm sure. Btw do you guys think she'll be caught after the fall? I think that in a typical soap fashion when they get to the scene, she will have disappeared. Even 20 years ago I saw her as a cockroach - you can't kill do catch - now it's a (less believable) part of her routine...
Milla, I always go by the length of their contract. My guess if Sheila has been renewed thru the end of 2023, the human cockroach most likely won’t be caught and thrown in prison any time soon. Personally, I don’t want to see her face anymore. I had my fill of Sheila Carter LONG AGO!!
Yes she did kill him. It was on B&B. It was a story with her first daughter Mary/Erica who were involved with Rick while he was married to Amber. This whole story was also the reason Taylor "died"
Thank you Bob🌹
ReplyDeleteFlirting with Bob?
DeleteReally how what she wrote is flirting??
DeleteToo funny! The “I don’t get it” person must see Hope as flirting with Thomas too. Some people really read into things, don’t they!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
DeleteYes lynn i was thinking the same
The rose 🌹 here doesn’t mean flirting
Maybe if hope bring thomas a red roses we can consider it flirting 😂😂😂
Mmysh, exactly!!
DeleteSeems like getting access the money went to Sheila's head. Sheila should know she would be earning it having to boink someone she can't stand every night. He doesn't need a prenup because he can just have her killed when he tires of her. (It's ok if he does it.)
DeleteI could have barfed when Steffy came at poor Finn with that cow tongue all the way out for our benefit. She probably read or was told how unsexy their love scenes are so the tongue was out, in case he tried to get away, she could flick him back like a frog on a fly.
WitchyPoo, you crack me up with your visuals. 😂😂😂
DeleteI just can’t with Steffy‘s whole monologue about what happened to Ridge, what he could be thinking and where could he be living 😂
ReplyDeleteAh Bill, why did you continue pushing and why... didn't FBI barge in at that moment? Did they need it said five-ten times?!
Sheila are you really smart saying all those things? 🤦🏻♀️
Im really just trying to know what steffy’s scenes added to episode
DeleteAbsolutely nothing
You can't eat and watch this show with disgusting displays like Steffy's tongue going after Finn.
DeleteThank you Bob xxxx
ReplyDeleteI loved the program today accept Steffy always kissing with Finn. Don't the authors get tired of showing them kissing??
ReplyDeleteIsn't Sheila was wise enough to keep her mouth shut?? Strange for a murderer.
Authors? Lol the make out scenes are for the camera and lighting crew. It's in their contract.
DeletePoor camera crew, they can't get away during hideous Steffy lovemaking. I wonder if there are groans that have to be edited out of the audio from the crew gagging..
DeleteDoes it seem like everyone is always having sex in the Forrester Creations Office? How unprofessional!!
DeleteElle, this comment is specifically for you….Why was Carter’s jaw “hitting the floor when he found out Thomas was back on payroll” if as you stated, Eric and Carter agreed Thomas should be brought back as lead designer for HFTF??? I was the one who told you I didn’t remember that conversation between the board members. And you have been assuring everyone that it did in fact take place. Pretty funny to hear Katie say that to Brooke today!!! Soooooooo……
ReplyDeleteActually i went back to the episodes the 1st and 2nd pf march episodes
DeleteBecause that comment from kaite makes my wondering
Actually it was steffy‘s decision and her‘s only
She didn’t even presented to eric and carter at all
Of course we will hear it happens off screen but this time it can’t be because hope was there when they left and she didn’t know yet steffy’s decision
So it was steffy’s ALONE
And steffy spoke about its being months and what they tried to do during those months and there was no mentioning of interviewing new designers
It seems i was busy when im watched those episodes to forget those details
Because sometimes i watched while cleaning or preparing dinner 😂😂
And for the record and i wrote that before
DeleteI don’t see steffy’s decision wrong
He is her brother and she is co CEO
So why not
But her fans who kept defending her decision by saying it wasn’t only her‘s i think they see it wrong
But sure she still cornered hope and gave her a choice of no choice
Mmysh, you always have an excellent memory and recall of events. About a week or two ago I went back a number of episodes to try to find that scene with Carter and Eric that Elle mentioned, and I couldn’t find it either. You and I both know Steffy made the decision to bring Thomas back. And now with Katie saying what she said to Brooke in today’s episode, Elle really needs to point us to the actual episode she is referring to. Cuz I agree, sure looks like this was nothing more than a Steffy and TAYLOR decision!!! 😂😂😂😂
DeleteLynn, I believe I said previously that while Steffy cannot make a unilateral decision, she can make a recommendation. I clearly remember her, Eric and Carter finishing up the meeting when Hope walked in. I am thinking that Steffy would have made the recommendation to both Eric and Carter about bringing Thomas back AND about ensuring that Hope is okay with it. I can only guess (since Carter's jaw hit the floor) that he was in shock that Hope actually went along with it. I will say again that Steffy cannot make a decision on her own without the approval of the Board. Steffy does not own 100% of Forrester shares so all shareholders need to have their say for final approval by the Board.
DeleteWe did not see the entire meeting so, as Mmysh stated, most of the meeting would have happened off screen and we would have only seen the end of it when Hope walked into the office.
But hope was there elle and she didn’t know
DeleteThis can’t be off screen
We saw the whole meeting
We didn’t see eric and carter leaving because it was in the next episode of 2nd of march
So hope joined the meeting before steffy virtual proposal to eric and carter and they left while hope was still there
So how really the off screen thing is going to work here ??
Wow ladies, you girl’s must have a lot of free time on your hands to feel the need to go back and rewatch previous episodes just to try to prove someone wrong?? Wish I had that much free time.. I think you ladies may be taking some comments way too seriously to feel the need to do that.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
DeleteThen if it was just a "recommendation" to the Board and their jaws could "hit the floor" from the outcome eventually, that whole part of the process is not so vital and the said decision's main driver here was Steffy. Not that it even matters, because everyone on and off screen sees it that way - that she brought Thomas on, she is the one who gave the "choice" of "Thomas or nothing" to Hope, and if there are issues, nobody is gonna be saying "ah but Carter and Eric were on board!" 😅
Delete😂😂😂😂 as always a childish replies and when someone put you in your place you start pointing fingers and play the victim
DeleteJust typical as expected 😂😂😂
How lame and pathetic
Colly welcome back! Sorry but looking at the length of many many of your comments in the past and the frequency (plus the ability to dig into the past and make connections), that takes way way longer than the 2x19 mins Mmysh wasted to rewatch (or even less if she skipped over to the parts she needed, which I believe she did).
Delete😂😂😂 oh colly a typical childish reply
DeleteBut then when someone puts you in your place you start pointing fingers and play the victim
So typical lame and pathetic
😂😂😂 oh colly a typical childish reply
DeleteBut then when someone puts you in your place you start pointing fingers and play the victim
So typical lame and pathetic
Thanks milla
DeleteActually that’s what i did it didn’t took 5 minutes
But it was worth it after seeing Colly‘s comment 😂😂😂
Thanks milla
DeleteActually that’s what i did it didn’t took 5 minutes
But it was worth it after seeing Colly‘s comment 😂😂😂
I also thought so Mmysh around 5 mins. There were probably Steffy and Finn makeout sessions you wanted to avoid at any cost 🤣
DeleteColly came back! But only to bash us for (as Milla so perfectly pointed out) rewatching a few mins of a few episodes that she herself has done too many times to even count! 😂😂😂😂
DeleteNow that is FUNNY! Thanks for the laugh, Colly!
@Colly this is specifically for you. How's that for a welcome back with those replies. Just after Mmysh posed yesterday and I quote "Because i think you all ladies including me are nice people not bullies or mean girls i mean all of us her
DeleteWe interact with others in this same nice civilized and friendly way
So if someone with sick mind took any of it that we are into them its on them not us
So …"
So glad to see your ok...I have emailed you a few times but had no replies so I was waiting for you to reach out. Hugs 🫂
Elle, I remember the meeting you are referring to when Hope walked in. But what I didn’t remember was any discussion of bringing Thomas back by the ‘board members.’ When Hope walked in, Steffy just asked her to stay because she wanted to talk to her. So if you are simply making ‘an assumption’ about what Eric, Steffy and Carter were discussing, then this is the first time I am hearing you say that. You have always stated that the board members (less Ridge) AGREED and that’s why (in your opinion) we were unjustly placing the blame on Steffy for the decision. Because, according to you, they had all agreed bringing Thomas back was the right thing to do.
DeleteAnd if Steffy has spoken to Ridge (as she told Finn in today’s episode), then why hasn’t she told Ridge about Thomas?? Or are we also supposed to ‘assume’ that she and Ridge have had that discussion already?
Bottom line, Thomas is back because of Steffy and Taylor (the wanna be board member.). 😂😂😂
Are you for real D
DeletePlease stop being a follower and have a personality of your own
With your comments quoting me just make your comment worse i don’t want to say the words but i think everyone knows it
Did we mention colly without her started to conversation
Can you stop with this ******
It’s pathetic 😂😂😂
And btw the things i‘ve said still applies and right
But when someone is being not nice to us we will reply we are not weak or feel the need to suck up to others
Lynn we saw the whole meeting even before steffy joined
DeleteSo no steffy didn’t presented her suggestion to the board
But anyway i think this will be mentioned again when they will be telling ridge
Im sure they will give other indications as the ones we saw today by kaite
D - you sympathize with Colly’s comment only because you are also used to criticizing the bloggers rather than commenting on the show. You used to attempt to ‘straighten me out’ constantly. But your attempts were always in vain. 😂😂😂
DeleteWe were having a perfectly reasonable discussion about events that happened IN THE SHOW, but then Colly makes her grand entrance by shooting out a SNARKY REMARK directed at Milla, Mmysh and myself. That was inappropriate and she should stick to commenting on the show itself. But as I said, D, that has very often been your M.O. as well. You love to ‘scold people’ rather than actually commenting on the dialogue of the show.
Mmysh, yes, Ridge should hopefully be joining his family pretty soon now that this Sheila thing should be coming to an end…one way or the other.
DeleteAnd you are right, once Ridge returns and we see how that exchange goes with Ridge on the Thomas issue, we will know much more about how the decision came to be.
I hope Ridge cleans himself up when he returns. I think his Samurai look just makes him look old.
But i liked the ponytail on him
DeleteBut sure he seems to need a shower 😂😂😂
He does look dirty. 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteHe does look dirty! 😂😂🤣🤣
DeleteAnd lynn just wait for another comment from D now playing the victim
DeleteBut its good all the bloggers can see all the comments and its so clear we are just replying and defending ourselves
Because as i said before we are nice and enjoying being friendly and not bullies or mean
So here i write it again to save D‘s time since she likes to use my words 😂😂
I feel like im Dostoyevsky 😂😂😂😂
Mmysh are you for real?? Stop being a follower? I can say the same to you. Who am I following and who quotes who on here. I've been commenting almost everyday on the show when there is something to comment about, but can't leave a lengthy comment because only a certain few can do that. But what I don't do is, if there is a comment and I don't agree with, or their opinion say it's, lame, pathetic, childish, delusional. And what other bloggers are left? All the comments are from you Milla and Lynn. I just play the victim..lmao. Was a busy day going to bed and have nothing to say about today's show. Didn't have time to watch it.
DeleteSo you just came to day to support colly on attacking us just because she couldn’t prove us wrong
DeleteMmmmm what we call that mmm
Just next time stick to the show and don’t mention my name then play the victim when i respond
Or you really wrote a comment then forgot about it 😂😂😂
Really now im confused 😂😂😂
Do you really asking these questions 😂😂
And yes when someone is just attacking us personally just because we have a valid points
So yeah its pathetic and lame and childish
Go reread your comments maybe you will understand, i hope 🤞
No I just logged in to check comments to see if anything might have happened on today's show. It was a nice surprise to see Colly and that she's ok. I never mentioned your name in my reply to Colly. But when I saw the lame, childish pathetic comments towards her, like you, when I see personal attacks on people I will say something. You have done it to many people. And this I play the victim? Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 what the hell does that mean.
DeleteD - very convenient that you completely missed the snide comment from Colly to us. I guess you have selective reading skills. You just see what you want. All we did was REPLY to Colly’s snark. But as I said, you must have missed that part. Too frickin’ hilarious!!!
DeleteD I didn't out of nowhere "attack" Colly, like Lynn said she made her entrance only to say what? That we must have a lot of time on our hands because Mmysh watched some mins of old shows. And I just have to laugh when that comes from one of those who up until recently were writing WALLS and WALLS of comments that I couldn't possibly read let alone comprehend how someone can have the time and energy to write. This was actually also kind of surprising to me because Colly usually comments on the show interacts with our conversations and doesn't get personally mocking/attacking right off the bat. For a minute I even wondered if it's really "our" Colly or someone with that same name. But in any case I couldn't leave this unanswered.
DeleteNow im sure you have something wrong with your brain
Coz a 5th grader will do better
I think you are like 4 same style 😂😂😂😂😂
Now i got it
Still playing the victim D
But now proven yourself a child too
Now copy my comment and put in another one
Come on do it 😂😂😂 im waiting to laugh 😂
Lynn, I can stand corrected when I am wrong. I checked the transcript for March 2nd and, in this case, I can say that Eric and Carter did not know beforehand about bringing Thomas back, however, Steffy also did not make a unilateral decision. She told Thomas that it's not just her decision but that she has no problem recommending it. Here's the transcript:
DeleteSteffy: Thomas, it seems like you’re ready to redeem yourself. You hurt a lot of people.
Thomas: I know.
Steffy: I know you say you, you’re wanting to change. You’re seeing a therapist and I think you regret interfering in people’s lives. I really hope that chapter is over.
Thomas: It is.
Steffy: Okay. I think you’ve learned your lesson. You shouldn’t be punished anymore. And the truth is, we’re all paying the price not having Thomas here.
Thomas: So, does this actually mean…
Steffy: That you are no longer exiled. You’re welcome back to the company. And it’s not totally up to me, but… my professional recommendation would be… Thomas to come back and revive Hope for the future.
Thomas: As lead designer?
Steffy: As lead designer.
Thomas: Steffy, I– thank you so much. I– I– I’ve been waiting months to hear you say that.
Elle k don’t see her decision is wrong from her perspective of course
DeleteHe is her brother and sure she wants to help him and being busy with work will do
What i was against is that decision was a board decision while it was steffy’s alone
The above transcript was from the March 2nd episode. Interestingly, I also came across the conversation between Steffy and Hope regarding pausing the line (also in this episode). And it was nowhere close to a so-called ultimatum from Steffy to Hope. Here is the transcript:
DeleteHope: So, did eric and carter really have to leave?
Steffy: We were wrapping up our meeting and they wanted to give us some time alone to speak.
Hope: Why is that? Do they know something that I don’t? I mean, you said we were supposed to talk about Hope for the future. So… what’s really going on here? Steffy, this is a transitional period for us and– and we will get the line back on track.
Steffy: Nothing against my grandfather or Zende, but their specialty is couture. That needs to be their focus. Hope, it’s been months now. We can’t go on like this any longer.
Hope: What does that mean?
Steffy: As co-ceo it’s my responsibility to watch over the company finances. Therefore, I’m considering pausing your line.
Hope: You can’t be serious.
Steffy: I haven’t spoken to my father, but… the numbers aren’t good.
Hope: Steffy, I can get the numbers back up.
Steffy: This isn’t just about you, hope.
Hope: Well, I know myself and I know the line. I mean, I am Hope for the future, I can do it.
Steffy: You already said you had issues with the new design team.
Hope: Look, I believe in Zende. He’s more than capable and Eric said that he would stay involved. I mean, we are just getting started and besides, we’re already into the next collection. I mean, have you seen the designs?
Steffy: I’ve seen some of the prototypes.
Hope: It’s going to be beautiful.
Steffy: Hope, this isn’t personal, this is business. I am basing this off of declining sales and I don’t want my grandfather and Zende splitting their focus on your line and couture.
Hope: Hope for the future is more than just a clothing line, Steffy. It is about the communities that it reaches out to. This is about the messaging.
Steffy: This isn’t easy for me.
Hope: So you’re saying Hope for the future is on the chopping block?
Steffy: I am not suggesting we cancel it.
Hope: So then what are you proposing?
Hope: We’re gonna have to pump the brakes unless we figure out a solution.
This is where Taylor and Thomas came in and Steffy continued the conversation as posted above regarding bringing back Thomas. Hope did not have to take Thomas back because Steffy told her that she did not want to cancel the line, just pause it until another solution was found. There was no ultimatum from Steffy to Hope.
@Mmysh Based on the transcript that I posted, a final decision has not yet been made so I guess, we are both wrong. Steffy made a recommendation and now, we have to see if Ridge is going to agree with the recommendation. The way they keep bringing up if Ridge will be okay with Thomas being back, seems to suggest that Thomas staying on with HFTF is dependent on Ridge's decision.
DeleteElle be careful people are told they have "too much time on their hands" for watching 5 min of episode, imagine how transcribing it would be seen 😀
DeleteI'm kidding of course, I myself applaud it! 👏🏼
Thanks, Elle. That was nice that you took the time to look into it. I appreciate you doing that for us.
DeleteNo worries, gals. I thought I'd just pull up the transcript to get to the bottom of it.
DeleteMilla, I don't do the actual transcribing. There's a website that I go to. I just copy and paste. 😀😂
Elle, I will say that the discussion you posted directly above between Steffy and Hope came BEFORE the ultimatum came from Steffy. It was on a subsequent episode where Hope was forced to choose….her line or Thomas returning.
DeleteMy understanding (now that Thomas is officially back at Forrester and on payroll again) is that Ridge is the final one to sign off on it. And Carter and Eric just must not have fought Steffy on the decision. Hence the “jaw on the floor” comment.
Elle that sounds handy! I'll try it some day too! 🤗
DeleteThanks elle for the idea of the script
DeleteBecause sometimes the episode we want is not available
I guess thomas will have a hard time with ridge probably but in the end ridge will come around
DeleteLynn, I think you may be referring to the below. This was the last of the conversation between Steffy and Hope regarding Thomas coming back to HFTF. I still do not see an ultimatum. Steffy did say that it's Hope's call but without Thomas, there is no Hope for the future. I think Steffy was just expressing that HFTF is nothing without Thomas, not that the line would be cancelled if she did not take Thomas back. Hope could have therefore chosen to continue looking for another designer as Steffy had suggested before. She did not have to take Thomas back.
DeleteSteffy: That’s what I’m hoping. If you’re okay with it.
Thomas: So, what do you think, Hope? Willing to take me back as lead designer for your line?
Steffy: Hope, Thomas, the way you two collaborate, it can’t be duplicated. That’s been made abundantly clear. I’m ready to forgive my brother and work with him again, but I won’t force you to do it. It’s your call. But without Thomas, there’s no Hope for the future.
Hope: I would do just about anything to save my line, but– I’m sorry, I– I’m– I’m confused, because I was going to consider Thomas before, remember? But you– you talked me out of it.
Steffy: Yes, but the wounds were still so fresh then. We weren’t ready to work with thomas. We were keeping him at arms’ length. Justifiably. But he’s making changes. Changes for the better. I am confident he could resurrect your line, confident he could turn those numbers around, but only if you’re okay with it. So, what do you say? Are you willing to work with thomas again?
Thomas: I know this isn’t easy for you, Hope. I will respect any decision you make. Even if that means ending Hope for the future all together.
Hope: Thomas, how many times can I allow you to set me up to be disappointed, to be hurt?
Thomas: I’m sorry. Look, during this time, it’s been really painful for me. And almost excruciating. I’ve realized that I– I’m that type of person, I need to work, right? I need some kind of adrenaline rush in my life, and what bigger rush could there be than me coming back and help save Hope for the future? Look, I– I can’t take back what I did, and I’m so sorry for it, but I can move forward as a person, I can ask you for forgiveness. More than that, I can earn your forgiveness. Please, hope. Let me earn it. Let me come back to hope for the future.
Steffy: Maybe we should give them some time alone.
Taylor: I think so, too.
Steffy: Yeah, right.
Thomas: Thank you for believing in me.
Steffy: Thank you for showing me that I can. Let’s go.
Elle, the first part of the episode on Friday, 3-3-23….Steffy said to Hope. “Hope it’s your call. But without Thomas, there is no Hope For The Future.” That’s an ultimatum.
DeleteI tried to watch the 3-2-23 episode again, which shows the earlier part of the discussion, but the video has been removed so I wasn’t able to.
DeleteAnother reference to the ‘ultimatum’ was when Thomas told Brooke that unless he came back as lead designer, the line would be finished. Brooke had just told Thomas that she didn’t want him to hurt her daughter again. And his response was based on how hurt Hope would be if she lost her line. That’s one of the reasons Brooke accepted his apology and said she would be OK with Thomas returning to FC.
Dear lynn you can find it in daily motion
DeleteOr something with bad quality on youtube
Thank you, Mmysh!
DeleteThen it has to be that the writers do not know or are not sure what they want to convey because Steffy clearly said to Hope that she was not cancelling the line, just putting it on pause until they can find a solution. To me, if Hope was assured that the line wasn't being cancelled, it means that she was being given more time to find a designer. The only difference is that production on the line would have been halted until another designer was found. So, she did have another option other than going with Thomas. Taking Thomas back simply means that she didn't want to stop production on the line. But I could be wrong. All I know is if Steffy is saying one thing and Thomas is saying another, then it's conflicting.
DeleteHere is the site for the transcripts if anyone is interested:
Thanks Elle for the link really appreciate it …
DeleteElle, there have been different things said at different times by Steffy. But did you see my comment above at 12:27 pm today? That was verbatim from Steffy’s mouth at the beginning of the episode on 3-3-23. But we have all talked about this enough. 😊
DeleteWe can simply agree to disagree on Steffy’s intent.
More Steffy and Finn fake romance! Please stop already! So sick of seeing those two suck face!! Blehhhh!! 🤮🤮🤮
ReplyDeleteFinally - Sheila admits to murdering someone! Are the Sheila Carter days finally behind us? Or is she going to figure out Bill set her up and flee again??
ReplyDeleteI think Bill and Sheila have a fight, and Sheila goes out a window or balcony.
DeleteI thought we will see the fall in this episode
DeleteSo sick and tired of the Steffy / Finn fake romance scenes!! Enough already!!! The two of them sucking face is BLEHHHHH!!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮
ReplyDeleteFinn & Steffy have no storyline, only making out.
DeleteNo storyline, just time fillers. It's literally also always the same "conversations" they have with every makeout 🤦🏻♀️ embarrassing.
DeleteSo true, Milla. They always talk about Sheila before and after the sex scenes! Maybe secretly it’s what gets them both HOT!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
DeleteOmg Lynn 😂😂😂 serious LOL! But so true, Sheila talking is always part of the fore- or afterplay 🙈🙈 kinky!
DeleteLynn 😂😂😂 not i noticed that
DeleteI meant now
DeleteIf Finn gets hot talking about Sheila at the time of sex, they have more problems besides Steffy being the grossest kisser and we have to see poor Finn get mauled every time. It's Steffy that starts off the unappetizing reparte before sex. Between Sheila and her dear daddy- way to sex up yer fella Steffy!
Deletewhat a great actor is don sheila's days are over locked her for life please.
ReplyDeleteShe escapes faster than the guard who brings her to her cell can dump off the handcuffs.
DeleteI would much rather see Steffy and Finn making out instead of Sheila and anyone. As for Bill. I just hope he doesn't start bragging and tell Sheila she's been played before the FBI can swoop in and get her. She will grab some heavy object, knock him out, and get away AGAIN.
ReplyDeleteAs per the video on the show FB page that’s exactly what he will do
DeleteThe Steffy / Finn makeout scenes happen way too often. If it was once a month or so, it wouldn’t be so yuck 🤢, but it’s averaging once or twice a week these days. It got old a long time ago.
DeleteBut I do agree that nothing is worse than seeing Sheila kissing anyone. Lol. Those faces she makes when she’s trying to look sexy are soooooooo stomach turning!!! 😂😂😂
Yes lynn what are these faces she makes
DeleteNot only with bill but also with deacon
I hope the actress doesn’t do them in real life because it’s nothing like sexy
Yes lynn what is with the faces 😂😂 i hope the actress doesn’t do them with her partner in real life
DeleteThere won't be much Sheila kissing anyone coming I'm sure. Btw do you guys think she'll be caught after the fall? I think that in a typical soap fashion when they get to the scene, she will have disappeared. Even 20 years ago I saw her as a cockroach - you can't kill do catch - now it's a (less believable) part of her routine...
DeleteMilla, I always go by the length of their contract. My guess if Sheila has been renewed thru the end of 2023, the human cockroach most likely won’t be caught and thrown in prison any time soon.
DeletePersonally, I don’t want to see her face anymore. I had my fill of Sheila Carter LONG AGO!!
Lynn, I noticed Sheila's face is now on the opening credits... 😂
DeleteRenee it been there for so long now
DeleteWhat im curious about is quinn picture and why it’s still there while they remove flo and shuana
Did Sheila actually kill this person or is she playing Bill?
ReplyDeleteHey maur long time
DeleteActually i don’t know
I don’t think he is from B&B
I never watched Y&R
Yes she did kill him. It was on B&B. It was a story with her first daughter Mary/Erica who were involved with Rick while he was married to Amber. This whole story was also the reason Taylor "died"
DeleteOmg thank you, i really don’t remember those details
DeleteThis was in B&B ??
DeleteI thought that too unknown
DeleteI never knew this guy before
Thanks for the response
Shela going to prison now
ReplyDeleteLet’s hope Shelia doesn’t get away! Hope Bill will wait until the FBI gets there before gloating.