Monday, May 29, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-29-23 Full episode B&B 29th May 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-29-23 Full episode B&B 29th May 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Someone better tell Taylor about her severe eyebrows, "I don't like your demeanor." Like the Dr told Uncle Leo after Elaine drew Sharpie eyebrows on him on Seinfeld.

  2. Is RJ the young male Taylor now? Just mindlessly haunting FC, interrupting meetings and butting in everyone's private relations? 😅 give the boy a storyline!
    Eric is really like a warm cup of honey milk 🤗 Nobody is so impartial and kind as him.
    Hope and Steffy cat fight was too tame. Hope should finally smack that smug face and let us see if it smacks back (so pulled). But she is not realizing the seriousness of her situation. Her marriage is in danger.

    Ah Taylor, Taylor 🙈🙈 Deacon's got you all figured out. Not that it takes a genius.

    1. So true about RJ. Where is he staying?

      And, you nailed it regarding Eric. Hence, Donna calls him her Honey 🍯 Bear 🐻! What happened to Donna?

      I felt Hope made some good points.

      This is not the first time Deacon has pointed out to Taylor that she is pushing Deacon to pursue a relationship with Brooke for her benefit. For a doc, she is a little slow to realize that Deacon knows her true motivation.

    2. Renee 🤗🤗 spot on! It will be an exciting week for Braylor once Taylor "shows her true colors".
      And yes Hope was right in the things she said I just have the feeling she's not realizing that her husband is now doubting her :( and as much as I dislike Steffy, she's not the real problem.

    3. Btw I don't know where RJ is sleeping but it seems like in FC 🤣 always looks crinkled like he just got out of bed and rolled into the CEO office. Especially next to all of them suited up folks.

    4. So is Taylor for real 😂
      Does she expect brook to forget all the disgusting things her metal son did
      And if brook forgave him that doesn’t mean she should trust him and forget
      And brook never even said that so she didn’t lie about her feelings about him
      And she has the nerve to talk about honesty while she didn’t tell her kids the truth about the lies they believe about brook
      And she didn’t told her that she is plotting behind her back with the deacon thing
      And it was a private conversation between brook and her daughter
      Taylor doesn’t have the right to know about it or everything happening in brook’s life
      What about you tell brook about her conversations about her or hope she had with her kids
      Such a Manipulator
      And Thomas doing so well now proves how bad she is at her job 😂

    5. I also wondered the same Mmysh! Why does Tylor feel entitled to dig into everyone's conversations and opinions, get an explanation and judge? Nobody owes her that. And Brooke never said that her guard on Thomas is off and it never will be. And for what it's worth, Taylor should ask Deacon too about his opinion on Thomas and how much he approves. Nobody on the "Hope" side of things will ever be too laissez-faire where Hope and Thomas are concerned.

    6. Exactly milla
      This is so hypocritical of her
      Deacon‘s opinion of thomas being around hope is exactly like liam‘s
      And i never heard brook saying that she forgot what thomas did or she totally trust him
      All she did that every time Taylor is talking about how much he changed brook always says i hope so
      Isn’t enough she forgave him
      And yeah Taylor you shouldn’t be tired about defending your son after all the horrific stuff he did for people
      It’s enough they forgave him you should be grateful to them not blaming them
      But sure now she will use this lame excuse to betray brook

    7. And btw i read today that the actor playing finn will not renew his contract so i don’t know how this play out in the show or it will not effect steffy’s marriage since she will take a paternity leave soon

    8. Mmysh I also saw someone mention Finn leaving but couldn't find a credible source confirming it yet. Do you have a link? As for Steffy, I hope she films her scenes in advance so that her maternity doesn't take her out for too long.

    9. I think Hope knows very well that Liam is onto her. It's why she tried assuring him again that she is committed to him and their family, and it's also why she confronted Steffy. She's trying to do damage control.

    10. Yes elle i guess she is
      She absolutely doesn’t want to lose her marriage or family and she loves her husband

    11. Milla i will try to find the link my dear

    12. Mmysh, Hope wants to have her cake and eat it too, is what I'm seeing.

    13. So why she is fighting it then ??

    14. Because she's fighting her feelings. She wants too believe she should be happy with Liam and the family they have built because she has always been told that, but she is not happy. It shows on her face.

    15. I don't know why she's fighting it. All I know is that of right now, Hope is denying her feelings for Thomas when she's with Liam but bringing up all of Liam's past infidelities when she's with Thomas.

    16. Hope knows he's onto her. But doesn't realize what that means, otherwise she would limit the Thomas time immediately. She must know by now that only talking and crying is not convincing anybody, no matter what she brings up with whom. Actions are needed.

    17. Go Hope! You could have added a little more bite to your words when talking to Steffy, but still proud of you for standing up to her!! I loved how Hope said to Steffy and to Liam just how important her life with Liam and her family are to her! Hope is saying all the right things! Now we need to see her walk the walk, not just talk the talk. She adores Liam just like the LF’s have said about 100 times!!! Taylor almost admitted she wants Ridge back. What the hell is that about?? Taylor is absolutely up to no good! Brooke looked lovely today. And she clearly has zero interest in Deacon. Taylor - please find a project / hobby besides meddling in Brooke’s love life. You’re gonna crash and burn, Taylor!!

    18. I think it’s you ladies that are actually in denial. Hope loves Liam and she loves her family she has with Liam. No matter what you say, that much has been true all along and Hope continues to tell everyone how she feels. I will continue to say that if ANYTHING inappropriate happens in Rome, Hope is going to be so incredibly sorry and will never stop regretting it. There is NO Thomas / Hope love story coming our way!

    19. D - the only thing I see on Hope’s face is determination to make sure Liam doesn’t lose faith in her or their marriage. She wants his trust because she values her marriage more than anything just like she said!
      Now she just has to back up those words with her actions when she is around Thomas. Liam being skeptical of her is new territory for Hope, and she’s not liking it. So yes, she is determined to prove to Liam how important he is to her! Not the actions of a woman who is pining to be with someone else!!! 😂😂😂

    20. Mmysh, so glad you are back! 😊

    21. Lynn 🤗 I hope this storyline is ending in Rome. I still have the feeling the Hope Thomas thing is a bait and the actual person to snap and do a stupid thing is Liam :( I hope I'm wrong and it ends well before their hard-earned life together shatters. Come to that that Finn may leave the show (who knows what Sheila will do, kidnap him?) and Steffy will be on the prowl again. I hope none of this comes true and the madness ends soon.

      And I'm rooting for poor Taylor to stop deluding herself and get herself the eligible sharp bachelor.

    22. Hi Milla! 🤗. I read some speculation on Finn leaving the show as well. It talked about the fact that he has had no real storylines of his own…he’s always just been the loving and supportive ‘Mr Steffy Forrester.’ LMAO!!!!
      Wouldn’t that be wild if all this leads up to Liam making some huge mistake with Steffy?! I hope it doesn’t go there again. I will be no more forgiving of him cheating than I will be if Hope does. Although the “ick factor” will be less if it’s Liam and Steffy than it will be if it’s Hope and Thomas.
      Steffy is such a damn tramp - I certainly wouldn’t put it past her. And the irony would be glaring after all the lecturing she has done to Hope.
      Liam does look quite lost in thought and he is definitely questioning Hope’s commitment.
      I’m still not even sure who is going on the trip to Rome??

    23. Im still disappointed with hope for even let her guard down around thomas not to mention having feelings
      And this she stayed with liam because her mother told her so its so absurd and wishful thinking
      No one stays with someone that long and fight for them just because someone told them so
      Brook only supported what hope wanted
      When hope married Wyatt brook told liam to back off and again supported hope’s choice
      And hope now is acting like any decent married woman act if she is having any attraction for a man other than her husband
      Still wrong to have that but it happens to anyone
      And a marriage with issues is only a myth
      So she and liam having some problems now doesn’t mean she is not happy with her marriage
      She is having feelings for thomas but that’s absolutely doesn’t mean love
      If she stopped loving liam im sure she would have told him and walk away from her marriage with him she got so many chances to do that but she didn’t
      Fighting those out of the blue feelings she is having is the decent thing to do for a married woman who doesn’t want to lose her marriage and husband
      In my opinion
      When she act on those feelings then we can say she is in love with thomas and she doesn’t love liam anymore

    24. And since steffy knows Thomas is in therapy to control his obsessive feelings...why put him in the path of said temptation to relapse?
      What a contradiction
      And guess what ....a sister who suspects what she suspect ...should not even encourage the Rome trip between Thomas and hope. Even r.j can see that.
      But not steffy. What steffy wants ..steffy gets..and she'll deal with the consequences as she normally casting blame.

    25. And thanks dear lynn 😘😘
      I hope you are feeling better now sweet lady ❤️❤️

    26. A marriage with no issues is a myth

    27. Ahahahah Lynn as usual you make me laugh and yes realistically - if there's no Finn, I can totally see her going for (after) Liam. I also would bash Liam if he cheats on Hope with her. But also her!
      And of course all the "she told him to leave" in the world won't save Steffy from bashing 😅 Nobody ever cared what she told them as long as what she did after was cheat.

      I just have the feeling he'll misinterpret something or will act impulsively. He's a wild card our favorite Liam. I believe he has grown a lot with Hope these past years (raising 2 kids, one of which Thomas') but with all his anxiety recently, I just have a bad feeling.

      But also Hope may get carried away after that showing, standing with Thomas in front of the flashlights, the coliseum, fontana Trevi etc can kiss him or sth like that. To me that's less likely considering how deliberately they are building it up that she's tempted, but you never know!

    28. Unknown don't forget Steffy she'll also be there 😁

      Mmysh Steffy will always blame Hope whenever she gets a chance. We've discussed this so many times that if she's so concerned about whatever the proximity with Hope may lead to, here's a suggestion - don't encourage it! You (Steffy) are his family and have a bigger obligation to his wellbeing than Hope does. Not to mention your quack of a shrink mama.

    29. "...otherwise she would limit the Thomas time immediately."

      @Milla This is exactly why I feel Hope is playing both sides. She wants Thomas so badly. You can see it every time she's with him. She talks about Liam's infidelities as though she's trying to feel less guilty for whatever she's feeling when she's around Thomas.

      Then, when she's with Liam, she swears up and down that he's the only one for her and that she doesn't want to lose her family. I don't know how anyone can say that she is totally in love with Liam and is committed to their family. She sure isn't acting like it.

    30. "And since steffy knows Thomas is in therapy to control his obsessive feelings...why put him in the path of said temptation to relapse?"

      I see Steffy is to be blamed again. This coming from the same ones who said that Hope shouldn't put boundaries between her and Thomas. The same ones who laughed when I suggested that all designs can go through Zende so that it would limit Thomas and Hope's interactions. How about you put the blame where it belongs - on Hope.

    31. "And guess what ....a sister who suspects what she suspect ...should not even encourage the Rome trip between Thomas and hope. Even r.j can see that."

      Hope's husband and mother will be there. Steffy's co-CEO, Ridge, will also be there. It's not like Thomas and Liam are going to Rome alone.

      Also, even though Steffy has her suspicions, hasn't Hope assured her (and the LFs also believe) that she doesn't have feelings for Thomas? So what's the problem?

    32. That should be Thomas and Hope*

    33. Other people being there doesn’t make it ok or fine
      Since steffy is the one talking about her brother’s progress
      And we said hope should have boundaries for her sake and her husband’s sake
      We discussed that multiple times but we never laughed
      But still steffy so concerned about her brother but still forced them to work together
      And btw we never said that hope doesn’t have feelings for thomas
      But we still don’t know the nature of those feelings or were they suddenly out of nowadays come
      And did steffy believed hope saying that she doesn’t have feelings for thomas ???
      I don’t think so she was more smug about it
      So yeah according to her center of concern her brother progress and she believes hope has feelings so she shouldn’t be onboard with that trip

    34. Exactly milla Taylor as the expert is more to blame than steffy to put them together
      Its like a putting a pills addict to work in putting the pills in the bottle and trusting them not to take one since they said they are clean and they are in therapy and when it happened the blame is on the bills 😂😂

    35. I don't see she needs Thomas desperately, I see very big discomfort and confusion in Hope because she doesn't understand what is going on with her. At no point do I see her being happy around him or relaxed. That's not love. That's torture.

      And "those" same ones (why do we keep calling each other "those" and "others", how about call me out directly?) who said she shouldn't put the boundaries said it in the very beginning when she was just her normal self. How many times do I have to repeat that? As soon as I saw the change in her I was saying the same. But that by no means at all diminishes the responsibility of his FAMILY who should do more than yell and pout at other people. Steffy is a terrible sister.

    36. Hope should limit the Thomas time for her own marriage. Steffy should find a way (other than yelling at Hope) from the other side to discourage Thomas time with her if she's really worried. At no point do I see her talking to him and trying to figure out with him if that's the best, if what she sees from Hope is affecting him, all I see is her lousy attitude at Hope.

    37. But either way we'll seen soon enough where it leads. I, like Lynn, have always said that nothing that grows out after the toxicity with Thomas will ever be long-term for Hope. She will probably have her moment with him. But she'll regret it. Or I see it quite likely also that he rejects her. I have high hopes for Thomas and actually believe what he's saying that he wouldn't do anything. At this point I may even say I believe him to do the right thing (or not do the wrong one 😅) more than Liam!

    38. Mmysh reminds me of Brooke's apartment which always has vodka! 😅🙈🙈 serious WTF.

    39. Yeah exactly lynn
      Why a recovered alcoholic has alcohol at their house with easy access
      How stupid
      But around that time brook was tempted to drink
      We heard all of that why she has alcohol at the house
      But sure that’s doesn’t applies for thomas

    40. Milla i meant you my dear 😁

    41. Milla, I never remember who actually says what, that's why I would say 'those' or 'others.' Recently, I thought Mmysh had said something in the past and was corrected. So to save having to call the wrong person, I'd rather not call names.

    42. Elle I understand thank you for explaining. It just looked passive-aggressive to me, like I want to say something about you but don't want to say it to your (digital 😅) face. But now I understand why you say it like this and don't feel like this anymore.

    43. Girl, I thought we got over that nonsense. 😂😂😎

    44. Thomas was brought back to 'save' HFTF. It would be rather counter-productive to pull him from the line just because Hope can't respect her own marriage. Why should he be punished? Also, Thomas and Hope are not children. Why is it up to Thomas' family to save Thomas from big, bad Hope? Steffy informed Hope of the consequences of her actions towards Thomas. Hope therefore needs to reel it in. No way can Steffy or Taylor be blamed for Hope's behaviour. If that's the case, maybe Brooke should be blamed too. She suspects that Hope has feelings for Thomas. And, she also thinks that Thomas will do something to Hope. Why then, doesn't she go to Steffy with her concerns?

    45. No one is blaming them for hope’s behavior
      But since they are so concerned about thomas why put him with his obsession 14 hours a day
      Logically that’s stupid especially for Taylor the so called psychiatrist
      But sure we kiss hope’s a$$ to hire him back but then we get back to what we really are

    46. Elle if it's not up to them to save him, why can't Steffy back off? You can't in one breath defend her bashing Hope for whatever she thinks she's doing, and in the next state it's not up to them to defend him from Hope. What I said before was that the first responsibility is his own. The second would be his family. If Steffy goes that road, and it seems she's trying to, she's doing it in the wrong way.
      And I'm not saying she should be pulling Thomas off the job now (it's too late anyway, the time to consider the impact was when she was saying that's the only way not to "shelf" the line). But she should be questioning, on his side, if that proximity with Hope is best for him. Both should back off, not just "big bad Hope".

    47. We have seen Steffy check in and question Thomas on numerous occasions, and he always told her that he doesn't have those feelings for Hope anymore (which I think is a lie). Steffy finally believed him and is seeing him working on himself. So both Thomas and Steffy are doing/have done what you've suggested.

      And yes, Steffy confronted Hope, as a concerned sister, to warn her against derailing her brother's progress. It doesn't mean it's her job or responsibility to defend Thomas. She can support him by telling him he's doing a good job etc. but she's not responsible for ensuring that he stays away from Hope.

      I will agree that she should check in with Thomas now that she knows about Hope's possible feelings but I can see her hesitation in doing that for fear of not putting any ideas in Thomas' head about Hope's feelings. For now, he's still in disbelief that Hope could actually be attracted to him.

    48. I just don't see the logic in confronting Hope only over 3 seconds of hand holding and then telling everyone about it but not doing anything else but blame Hope. Why not actually do something helpful? How is bashing and blaming her help him?
      And yes I agree she should check with him if she wants to be helpful. All else is spreading her observation which doesn't help anybody.

  3. RJ is proving he has all the top qualities to take over as CEO- eavesdropping at office doors, getting the low-down on private conversations, hiding when someone comes, constantly interrupting when he thinks the subject is boring, (Not about him)

    1. Sounds like RJ would be perfect to take over Charlie's job when he retires! 😂

      All RJ needs is a girlfriend to make lemon bars! 🤣

    2. 😂🤣😂😂🤣Briliant!!

  4. TY Bob!!
    Honestly I agree with Taylor. Hope doesn't realize how she's messing around with Thomas I think sooner or later hope will give into Thomas and Ridge with Brooke.

  5. Bradley Bell certainly knows how to turn honest characters into dishonest characters. Taylor going from a beautiful, smart, and wise woman who always thought honesty was the best policy, to a woman who has lost all sense of decency, who sometimes becomes deceitful, or she hops on the plane and goes away for a long time. She definitely playing with fire, and I know she is going to get burn, I'm sure we all know what will happen with Ridge and Brooke in Italy coming up. Taylor is only hurting herself and no one else. Now, as for Hope she is going to break her values and principles as well, and when she does will her HFTF survive if and when she starts giving into Thomas. Hope will get caught in the act by someone soon, and let's see if her honesty turns into baloney. She been doing some pretty good lying herself lately, and I think Liam is believing in Steffy's word about Hope & Thomas rather than him believing in his wife.

    1. When did Taylor was that woman exactly??

    2. @Mmysh Taylor was smart and beautiful woman back in 90's, I don't know exactly when Taylor's character came into the picture on B&B possibly in 1992.

    3. But also she was manipulative and a cheater
      And let Stephanie do her dirty work
      Never been honest and a long record with men no better than brook

    4. And you think she needs to let her children know this, why? So that Brooke doesn't look bad?

  6. Hope had no right to go after Steffy!! She is the one that has been flirting with Thomas and woolgathering about him.

    I guess if she keeps lying long enough she can make it true. She lied to Liam and Steffy and herself. She knows she DOES have feelings for Thomas, she even admitted it to Brooke. Now she’s panicking and covering her tracks.

    Why didn’t they bring RJ back other than to ask his parents if they love each other blah blah?? Give the lad a storyline please. I’m still hoping he goes to Spencer Pub and works on the new streaming platform.

    Rome should be good. The locale is amazing even if the story lines are the same old blah.

    1. If Hope had heard the way her husband was going on and on about Thomas to his sister, she would probably understand. But right now, she's trying to do damage control. But you're right, she needs to acknowledge that this whole debacle is because of her own devices.

    2. Bbfan I think he will end up at Spencer's (more family drama) and he does seem like he's looking to create trouble.

    3. Elle I replied to your comment at 3:24 pm too but it's not showing., but👏 👏 👏 sorry if it posts twice.

  7. So it took Steffy having to spell it out for Liam for him to realize that something is going on with his wife. The constant late nights alone with Thomas at the office wasn't a clue. The sudden passion when they're being intimate wasn't a clue. Even his gut feeling that something was up between his wife and Thomas didn't warrant him having a talk with his wife.

    Instead, his focus was on Thomas being the one that was up to something even though everyone kept saying that Thomas had changed. Now, Liam's obsession has moved from Thomas to what his ex-wife told him. Well let's see if Inspector Doofus can get to the bottom of it. 😂🤣

    1. 🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️😂🤣😂

  8. This video’s been removed as well. 😞

  9. Is hftf the only line in Forester? That the only thing they talk about

  10. Steffy is a Forester she can do whatever she wants 😂

  11. So now Taylor has turned into this meddlesome matchmaker trying to steer Brooke away from Ridge . Taylor should spend sometime reflecting on how honest she is being. And Hope well she knows damn well that she is attracted to Thomas and needs to own it.

  12. Thanks Bob. Taylor and Hope are playing games let's see what happens !!!

  13. Why is the episode removed? 😪

  14. TV really does imitate real life. Honesty, morality, and caring about other people used to be celebrated, but for years, so many fans have trashed Taylor while celebrating Brooke screwing everyone else's husband's, including the husband of her oldest daughter. I guess a lot of the female fans like to live vicariously thru the Brooke character. Smh.
