Friday, November 10, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-10-23 Full episode B&B 10th November 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-10-23 Full episode B&B 10th November 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. The number of times I threw up in my mouth. OMG, could that weasel Liam find another hobby?

    1. And his answer to Sheila problems.
      "You're not going to like it. We have to convince Steffy to leave Finn".
      Brilliant idea....😂😂

    2. Liam needs to have several seats... he's doing too much

    3. Liam has always loved Steffy and Steffy lit up seeing Liam JMW and Scott still have chemistry
      Thank you Bob xxxx

    4. Why did ridge go to see Liam anyway? I've never known them to be buddies, and it doesn't seem that Ridge had any real reason to go out of the way to see Little puke, I mean Liam

    5. Taylor always has clothes hanging off of her. My God pull your sweater sleeve up!! You don't need to look sexy for your daughter

    6. I love wearing sweaters with the sleeves long and covering my hands, not trying to look sexy for anyone, it's just comfy and warm.

    7. Hilary is referring to the bare shoulder that Taylor is exposing in her “trying to look sexy” comment.

    8. To each their own. If it was Brooke I'm sure we wouldn't be hearing the same comments.

    9. Lol. Brooke doesn’t do the off the shoulder thing, probably because she realizes that is something young women typically do. Taylor wants to be 25 again. But she isn’t. Anyway, Hilary can comment any way she sees fit.

    10. Liam has always loved Liam. He is Ridge's spiritual son, going back and forth 2 women each time something is wrong. He is not fighting for the woman he claimed to love SOOOOO much, he's just walking away telling his selfish self that he just have to go back to Steffy because she sure is still in love with him. No matter if she is married and in love with another man, Liam doesn't care, he hate losing so as Hope rejected him, he'll try with his second choice. Let's call him MiniRidge from now.

    11. I'm so tired of Liam! He don't mind if woman is married. If he wants her, he's gonna do everything to get her.

    12. Liam has turned into the slimiest little weasel!! I actually used to like Liam a lot!! He was one of my favorite characters. But now he is a disgusting little troll trying to seize any opportunity he can get. I still think Liam is attractive physically, but his character is barf worthy these days!! 🤮🤮

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Thanks Lynn you are absolutely right, I was referring to the off the bony shoulder look. Also, not sure why D made the snarky remark about Brooke? I guess if you're critical of anything to do with Taylor it automatically makes you a Brooke lover? I don't know is that the rule here D?

    15. I was just referring to your comment "My god pull your sweater "sleeve up" you don't have to look sexy for your daughter, and how I like to wear sweater "sleeves long": Didn't realize until Lynn pointed it out your referring to the off the "bony" shoulder look and trying to look sexy at her age. If it was a comment towards Brooke like that, some of us would never hear the end of it. Not being snarky Hillary, just realistic. You have to ask Mmysh about the rules here. I have none, but apparently there are some for certain people.

    16. Exactly D!! If it was said about Brooke all hell would break loose 🤣🤣🤣 talk about hypocrisy!! Look at the comments just because that!! U were not even bagging out Brooks!! All u said was if we said these things about Brooke, and you r right!! 🤣🤣🤣 and yes, there r rules for some and not others!!

    17. Colly that's why some of us don't bother with comments here anymore. Your damned if you do and damned if you don't.

    18. Well D, then I will continue to be damned.. not going to bow 🙇‍♀️ to the hypocrisy here.. you said nothing wrong, oops , until Lynn chimed in.. I can understand why h said it in your second comment.. you were not being snarky to Hillary..

    19. Lynn and Hilary that's spot on. Taylor should dress as per occasion and her age. And chill people, if Brooke was displaying her shoulders when visiting her grandkids house that would also be weird.

    20. Lol, Colly. Look at all your DRAMA!! You ladies say far, far worse things about Brooke daily. Give us a dang break!!

    21. Lynn, look at all yours and others drama, just because Taylor’s sweater was off one shoulder??!! I would not have said anything if that was Brooke , because it’s not worth commenting on.. it’s a joke, that you guys will go to that length just to pick on Taylor.. it’s pathetic to be honest.. omg 😱 , the world is going to end because of it!! It’s just the tiniest excuse to have a biatch!! Give ME a break.. what a joke!!

    22. And Lynn you have the nerve to tell us that we will find any little excuse to have a go at Brooke, seriously 🤣🤣🤣

    23. At least we comment on what is worth commenting on, not pathetic crap like this 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣

    24. But look how many comments you still posted regarding this matter 😂😂😂😂😂🫣🫣

    25. Careful Colly, you are appearing unhinged. My guess is your blood pressure is off the charts in reading all your rants. You clearly need to calm down!

    26. Hahahaha Lynn, you're right! She's going to stroke out!

  2. Steffy, man up & slug Liam like you did Shelia!
    You women think you so independent & strong on B & B....more like a waste.
    You bring all this on yourselves!

  3. Steffy never says Liam no. So Liam thinks it could be possibile that she's coming back to him. Steffy really likes and cares about Liam when she's never even a little bit angry to him. And Li... I never liked her, she is so disgusting. More and more. She's the controlling diva.

    1. And the mystery seems to be leading to Finn being the one that will really be hurt "whenever" the truth about "whatever" the secret is comes out.

    2. Waiting for how that mystery goes.. I don't want anything to hurt Finn. He has enough problems already. Poor Finn, I feel sorry for him

  4. TY Bob. Have a great week end.

  5. Replies
    1. Yes she is...I'm wondering if she slept with Jack and Luna is Finn's 1/2 sister. Then again I don't know how that would be such a huge problem if the Forresters found out.

    2. Yes, I agree, poppy is gorgeous on all fronts!! D, I don’t think she slept with Jack, because then Finns would have partial Asian appearance like Luna.. I think there’s more to it, but the writers r so lazy these days, that this could possibly b all there is to it!!

    3. Colly nice to see you 🥰. No, if Sheila is Finn's mother and Jack the father there would be no Asian in Finn. But if Jack and Poppy had an affair it explains Luna's Asian heritage. There is still something missing. It'll be interesting to find out who Luna's father really is. A Forrester??

    4. Thanks love, ❤️ I have been very sick recently with pneumonia, then my cat had her kittens 24 hours after I got out hospital.. she has been keeping me up all night, but it’s worth it!! They are soooo damn cute!!

    5. Actually yes, sorry I am so tired love 🤣🤣🤣 I get what u mean.. don’t know what I was thinking??

    6. Colly the Poppy-Finn theory was mine and I was considering the same thing that Finn would look more Asian, but like you said the writing is so lazy when it comes to research… nothing is out of the question reg genetics. Do you remember how initially Steffy and Phoebe were identical until in their teens and then all of a sudden Phoebe was completely different and blond 😅

    7. Yes,how was Phoebe so blond 🤔 twins with two men 😂 they are both so darkhaired. Stephanie was blond, it could come from her. Not identic anymore 😁 Poppy is interesting new character, I like her but sure I don't know her yet... Li is disgusting. She won't allow anything good to happen in Luna's or Poppy's life.

    8. Milla, yes 🤣🤣🤣 the writers r lazier than they have ever been!! So your theory could be right!! I would love it if it turned out Finn was not Sheila’s son!! She would be busted big time!!

    9. I would love for Poppy to b his mother!! She is so sweet!!

    10. Colly your always taking care of other people (and now kittens) 🤗 but maybe now you should take a break and take care of yourself. Lol..who am I kidding. Seriously take care ok?

    11. Thanks love!!❤️❤️ I have been really flat out helping my parents sell their house and move.. I been up and down from Canberra to the south coast to help them, plus caring for my family, trying to work.. that’s why I got so sick!! Too much stress going on!! But I will b ok xx thanks lovely xx ❤️❤️❤️

    12. Wish I could post picture of kittens, they are adorable..

    13. I am not on social media platforms but I should open one for this reason.. it would be great to share photo’s and chat!! Let me try sort something out and will let you know xx

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I can't stand Li anymore. If she has sth to say she should just say it.
    I like Poppy. What a beauty. I hope she stays. When I see a new woman I always first think if she'd be good with Bill 😅 and this one could... Maybe.
    Wtf. When did Li get to Forrester and how did she know her sister would be there?! Could it be that Poppy is Finn's birth mom? When Taylor said "does Sheila have to be his mom?" the next thing they showed was Poppy. And also the way Li says "especially Finn"... Hm hm hm.

    "We have to *convince* Steffy to leave Finn" 🤣 Like a famous tiktoker would say "The delulu is very strong in this one" 😂 But Steffy is not really saying to her mother that she is immune to Liam. And yes Liam very manly thing to say you wouldn't go near Sheila 😅 that makes you a catch!

    1. It is soooooo stupid all this conversations about leaving finn
      What about hays
      He still Sheila’s grandson
      Or liam is thinking that steffy will give up hays or she will get full custody and finn can’t have any relationship with his son like this will keep sheila away
      The best solution for liam to kill finn and hays so sheila will no more has any relationship with steffy and finn will be removed forever
      I will try to give steffy the benefit of the doubt if next episode she will not kick liam out if her house she will be just as bad as he is
      And unfaithful woman
      It’s enough she they kissed twice and still hide it from her husband but now to allow him saying those words in her and her husband’s house it’s disgusting
      And not an act of a committed faithful wife
      Shutting Liam up is on her and only her
      Or she maybe wants to keep liam as a pocket man like he how she is to him

    2. Mmysh I don’t believe Steffy will firmly tell Liam to leave her alone. I think we may be entering the era of waffling women. She is being just as infuriatingly silent as Ridge and Liam when they have to take a stand.

    3. Apparently yeah
      But as i said I will give her the benefit of the doubt till next episode

    4. Liam, you are a disgusting little worm. You don’t see your hypocrisy in trying to steal another man’s wife??!!
      And look at Steffy acting all coy in her expressions to Liam’s advances. Don’t try so hard to push him away, Steffy!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      Liam and Steffy are just a matter of time. It’s not a matter of ‘if’, it’s a matter of ‘when’ they will hook up.
      Ridge doesn’t try to dissuade Liam in any way. Now that is hilarious!!
      Yes, Poppy is very attractive. And Li continues to be the raving lunatic.

    5. Hahahah don’t try so hard to push him away 😂 yeah she was brutal!

      Yes absolutely Lynn. Something will happen between those two 😀 I am actually from a creative perspective curious to see how they write their reunion. And I even hope it’s soon, anything controversial happening soon is better than this nothing.

    6. Yes Milla, wouldn’t that be sweet karma to Li, poppy ends up marrying Bill, a billionaire, and Luna marries a Forrester Heir, RJ!!

    7. Milla, yes, we definitely need something…..things seem stagnant right now.

    8. I don't like Steffy because she is too nice to Liam. She never calls him to stop. She is just listening to him. She's now awful to Finn. She can't tell her husband that Liam is hooking up on me. And never tells about kissing. Throw Liam out please!! Show me you're better woman!

    9. I also hope that Poppy will marry Bill!! There are no other alternatives

    10. How exactly is anyone safe with Liam? He is the wuss of the century! I would never turn to that coward to feel safe and secure! He's a total douche. That being said, we all know that Steffi and him will get back together before too long

    11. Well hilary to be fair
      I really disgust with liam right now and how his character is ruined
      But yeah one time he was that man who protect his family
      We still remember how much effort and what he did to protect hope from Thomas back in the day
      He didn’t rest searching for the truth about their daughter
      And how he saved hope from being kidnapped by Thomas and Thomas almost through him of the rough
      He wasn’t a wuss back then

    12. Ok then?? So if Steffy doesn’t kick Liam out of the house, she is being unfaithful??? 🤣🤣🤣 really??

    13. Very true Mmysh. That's exactly why I took Liam turning into his current state so hard and refused to believe it. Because for the past years he was so protective of Hope and their family, he bonded with Douglas, even when Hope sent him away to be with Steffy and TWO babies he wouldn't consider touching her and wouldn't stop wanting Hope and didn't even hesitate to propose to Hope right in Steffy's living room in front of Steffy. I have not lost hope that he will show his amazing caring side again. I have the feeling Scott is tired of current Liam and his lack of self-awareness regarding his waffling and I hope he insists the character evolves.

    14. Yes Colly she is. Steffy is basking in his attention now, knows that he will try to get her again and is not firmly pushing him away. Remember when Bill was trying to get her when Liam left her? *Then* she was firm and clearly saying at every turn that he should leave her alone. If she does the same now, we will applaud her. But those batting eyes tell another story.

    15. Indeed milla
      Apparently if steffy sleep with liam now colly will not consider her unfaithful
      Sure she will find an excuse


    16. I remember the last time they slept together all the "well he came to her house, she told him to leave and she wasn't married to Finn they were only dating"... Like what else could she have done?!? "You could have tried... You know... Not banging him..." 😅

    17. For goodness sakes Mmysh, really!! Yes if Steffy slept with Liam now, she would definitely b unfaithful, I would not b happy and would not support her.. how pathetic 🤦‍♀️🥱🥱🥱

    18. You gave her excuses before
      But anyway
      its really funny when you consider a wife letting her ex undermine her husband and her marriage in her family home is a good and faithful wife
      Im sure you don’t do that
      Even logic is twisted when it comes to steffy just typical

    19. Yes Milla, like Brooks pushed Deacon away??🤣🤣🤣 and Bill??

    20. I have never excused Steffy when she has done something that is truly wrong.. I didn’t support her when she slept with Liam, in the beginning of her relationship with Finn, and I would not support her any other time.. simple.. think what you like sweetie!!

    21. We still have a lot if comments from you saying otherwise but think what you like sweetie
      And still no answer to my comment a wife who let her ex come to her family home and undermine her husband and her marriage and ask her to leave her husband is an unfaithful with
      But in your opinion its not
      As i said i will give steffy the benefit of the doubt
      But for you according to your comments if she didn’t kick him out she still a good wife
      Isn’t that what your comment means 🤔

    22. I have no idea what Brooke is doing in the comparison AGAIN (except prove my point of whataboutism and deflecting) but she hasn't slept with those men in years (as much as I wish she would with Bill 😁). If she would, it would be cheating and I wouldn't excuse the behavior. She kissed with Deacon last year. Wrong behavior. Steffy didn't push Liam away when he kissed her twice. I remember clearly closed eyes which I never would have if I'm being kissed by someone I don't want. She also hasn't shown remorse about it which is worse. Hasn't admitted it.

    23. Exactly milla always proves out points
      And apparently colly addressed me he here not the other way around
      Again proves my point

  8. Steffy needs to use the white go-go boots to kick Liam to the he curb!

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 good one Renee!!

    2. Agree!! If Steffy never says Liam no, of course he thinks that they could reunite. Steffy sure loves Liam still. Seems like that 😡

    3. Patologi, Steffy made it clear to Liam both times he kissed her that she is happily married and he can’t just kiss her, and the third time at Eric’s place he tried, and she told him to leave.. She came home to Finn, not Liam, like he asked her to when he pulled that stunt and left her that message!! It could not be made any clearer!! But Liam is absolutely determined and on a mission to get Steffy back!! It won’t matter what she says or does.. He won’t give up!! She is also in a very difficult position because he is Kelly’s father and she has to coparent with him, which would be extremely difficult to do with any big blow ups, and it not affecting Kelly.. Liam needs to grow the F up and stop trying to break up a marriage!! ❤️❤️

  9. Steffy will NOT kick Liam to the kerb, she never actually has.
    Steffy loves the attention of her husband and the bit on the side (Liam). She has already committed adultery by kissing Liam twice. she is disgusting!! Tell your husband what you did Steffy, never going to happen because she knows he will walk.
    Yet everyone wants to serve it up to Hope for her ONE mistake (Thomas). Hope is a million times more ethical than Slutty has ever known how to be! Perhaps Hope realises that if she`s with Thomas, it`s the one and only guy who is safe from Steffy

    1. You really calling Hope “Ethical”??? Wow!! She is the least ethical on the show right now!! 🤣🤣🤣 if you call what she is doing ethical, yet have a go at Steffy for not telling Finn that Liam kissed her?? Mmmm🤔🤔🤔

    2. Hope who sleeps with the husband and lives with the husband and oh yeah got pregnant with the husband of ANOTHER woman! Yes so very very ethical! Oh and tricked a man into signing over half custody and legal rights to his son.

      Same ethical person who is playing with Thomas’s emotions and will toss him aside when something better comes along.

      Not to mention led Thomas on for ages while she was married. She loved all the adoring attention.

      Actually now that she’s the sexy looking woman who was hiding behind her school marm exterior, Liam may decide she deserves another chance 🤣😂🤣

    3. One can only hope!!! I can’t wait for Hope to toss Thomas aside!! Don’t want them together in any serious way….not ever!

    4. So bbfan since all you mentioned about hope applies to steffy and steffy is worse
      So steffy in your opinion also not ethical or she of course has excuses 🥱🥱

    5. Lynn do you remember how much i said the hate for hope will be back soon 😂😂😂😂

    6. Mmysh, I definitely remember!! 😂😂😂. You were so right!

    7. Hahah omg now it's Hope's fault for Thomas years long disgusting and criminal behavior because she "led him on"?!? The man who was more than happy to trade the custody of his son for sex? BBfan you keep impressing me with new and new interpretations (even though nothing beats the Quinn one). You guys should minor in defense law because literally for every awful thing done by Steffy, Taylor or Thomas you can find excuses. Or bonus points - push the blame on a Logan. Too bad nobody is buying it.

    8. Exactly milla
      I don’t know if its good fir a child to stay with a parent who consider him as a bargain chip and for what for sex 🤮🤮
      But yeah he had a tumor 😂😂😂
      And the funny thing is keep talking about me you know your mate ladies that i keep bringing the past
      Which im not until it’s needed
      How many times have we saw lies here
      Or not mentioning what really happened to serve some narratives
      Or even twisting what happened
      Not to mention the whataboutism which is in fact bringing up someone not related even to the topic and mostly its brook
      And again when hope slept with liam annulment papers was signed and he proposed
      First time steffy and liam were separated and divorce papers were filed even in real life separate couples seek other people
      And the matter of fact liam wanted to annul the marriage and steffy refused because she knows that hooe will not give him what she can and how weak he is he will not be able to wait 6 months and he will get back to her
      I don’t support hope for what she did because it makes sick with herself
      That she went to therapy
      If she didn’t have morals why would she felt like that? While she wasn’t doing anything wrong but its was against her beliefs
      Steffy was using hope’s morals against her and hope wanted to take that power from steffy over her
      But at the end she realized her mistake and moved out
      And that is not bringing up the past out of nowhere but mentioning these things about hope in this kind of a way is not the truth of what really happened
      But its so funny that hope or brook sleeping with a married men is wrong
      But its not when steffy and Taylor do that
      Hope is at wrong when she slept with married liam (while technically he wasn’t) while she was single but now thomas is a victim
      And did nothing wrong he is single and poor thing is so in love

    9. Maur I think the same thing! Hope probably just wants Thomas because he's the one guy Steffi won't sleep with (hopefully lol)

    10. Bbfan is responding to Maur’s comment that Hope is far more ethical than Steffy.. That is obvious, but you can’t help yourselves!! She did not say Steffy is better or ethical, in fact she did not even mention Steffy’s name!!..

      NO woman on this show is “ethical”!! Her point was that Hopes history points to the fact that she is NOT and has NEVER been “ethical”!! As for your comments about the Hope hate returning, I don’t hate Hope, but what she is doing is very wrong, and I am not going to support her behaviour!! It has nothing to do with “hate”.. I wouldn’t support Steffy or Taylor either if they were doing what Hope is.. Hope is being extremely selfish, and it’s all about her, and only her.. She knows how much Thomas loves her, and she is feeding off of that, to boost her own ego, with no regard to Thomas.. She knows she is playing with fire, and that he will be devastated if she leaves him for someone else, but she does not care one little bit.. She is behaving exactly like her mother, and even the show itself is highlighting that fact🤣🤣🤣 so whatever your argument about hate, if that’s all you have got??🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ 🤣🤣🤣 very amusing!!

    11. Liam and Steffy were still together when hope slept Liam and fell pregnant with Beth!! And yes Mmysh, you do bring up the same friggin repetitive things from the PAST in almost every single comment, it’s beyond adnauseum!! As you like to say, “it’s all there for everyone to see”!!🥱🥱🥱🥱

    12. Colly its the same shit everyday. Mmysh at 4:12 pm. Here we go. I read the same comments all most everyday on this blog. You criticize people for-Bringing up the past (which you do all the time) accuse everyone of lies to serve some narratives, twisting facts and truth, not to mention whataboutisms, bring up things not related just because you have a different opinion, you know what our comments will be. It does get tiring. Just saying. Sorry bad day so I'm going to bitch but I'm bitchin about "hypocrisy". It's ok for you but not others.

    13. D, it’s not worth getting upset about, truly.. in all honesty, I get a good giggle from mush’s comments, and hypocrisy!! It couldn’t be more obvious the hypocrisy that comes from her 🤣🤣🤣 for me, it’s laughable!! I find her comments highly amusing.. 🤣🤣🤣

    14. Colly Mmysh very clearly explained and it is true: she mostly brings this up in response to you guys. You are the ones who always first grab at Brooke's history which none of us is disputing (unlike what you claim below) to defend Steffy and Taylor and their hylorcricy *now*. That is what is annoying to us. For current bad behavior you find excuses or push on Logans and for hypocrisy (when they start judging Logans for things none of them are below) you only bring up the past of Brooke. God forbid you actually agree that Steffy and Taylor are no better. They have slept with more men and Steffy has always pursued married men. She is NOT doing it now, applause, but she is judging. Brooke and Hope never throw Taylor and Steffy's past in their face and the show is staged like that to only highlight their lapses. That's why we bring up the whole story. We have acknowledged Brooke's mistakes and a behavior that is of course not decent. But I am yet to see any, any of you admit Taylor's mistakes. Let alone Thomas. There everything including contributing to a woman's death is excusable. I think that's what fires up Mmysh too. If there was at least once admitting that those people have made awful things and cheated and even killed (yes Taylor has killed and so has Steffy and Thomas was the major factor for one case) without justifying maybe it would be different. But alas.

    15. Thanks milla
      Not only deny what happened and giving excuses
      It reach the degree of blaming the victim
      Which just sick

    16. Will hilary don’t worry even if that happens we will see excuses for steffy and thomas 😂😂😂😂

    17. Milla, sorry, but Mmysh brings up Thomas and his past in almost every comment, even when it’s not related, and you damn well know she does, and anything else to do with the Steffy and Taylor.. Seriously?? It’s there for everyone to see!! Maybe you just don’t see it?? Either you are not reading her comments or just turning a blind eye!! I would say it’s the latter!! You even told me once when I brought it up that you are not responsible for what your “mates” say!! Talk about hypocrisy!! I have not heard any of you say anything to her for her CONSTANT repetitive BS, but r so quick to bring it up if we do it!! You do it also time to time, like above somewhere you were reminiscing when Steffy slept with Liam!! So please!! Everyone can see her comments, so I am not phased love!!

    18. Milla, I freely admit tha Taylor and Steffy have behaved badly in the past!! And I have said, numerous times, NO woman on this show is innocent of anything.. They have all cheated, lied etc.. So not sure what you are getting at??

    19. 😂😂😂😂😂
      Thank god every one can see my comments which menes he relieved
      Because it shows the opposite if what you are saying
      But sure the truth hurts
      I got you 😂😂😂

    20. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ yep!! U got me good!!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣🥱🥱🥱

    21. It seems i do 😂😂😂😂😂😎😎😎

    22. Colly I stand by my words that when you come to me about my "mate" (that's how you always phrase it so I have to assume who it is) I don't know what is expected of me to do. Just like if I come to you and tell you "your mate is doing this and that". You can address that to the respective person and if you have a problem with my comments, address it to me. We are not in high school. You also jump in with your "mates" only when you agree with them or have I missed any time when you have chastised them (or whatever you expect people to do when you bring their "mates" behavior to them). You can call it turning a blind eye if you want. I call it normal blog behavior. In that situation I agreed with Mmysh that there are different standards for similar (or even worse) behavior of Taylor and her children. And honestly I have never seen critique of said behavior from any of you, maybe I have missed. But when I do see it, I will acknowledge.

    23. But what I have seen were plenty of excuses (some of which really outlandish) and pushing the blame on Logans for obviously wrong and criminal Steffy/Thomas/Taylor behavior.

    24. What is funny milla how she colly
      Because im not in fifth grade anymore
      Accuse us with the things they do
      Snd we have nothing to prove anyway
      The comments are here on the blog
      But the reason is obvious
      Its sad and pathetic actually (i know you hate the word pathetic) but sorry its. A Must here
      You have a good relationship kinda with colly and you both discuss stuff
      But in the end she attacked you in some comment below for saying your opinion just because she didn’t like it ( it’s obvious why)
      And as you said i don’t bring up the past without a need for it
      And btw if i am im not afraid or embarrassed to admit it
      Unlike others
      We are not the hypocrites here
      ( they keep saying that about us but if we say it oh they are bullying us the angels 😂)
      We call our fav out
      We don’t make lame excuses even for murder
      And we don’t condemn the action upon who is commenting them
      And that’s what they do not us and that us a totally hypocritical
      But if these accusations make colly feel better im ok with it as a pay it forward

  10. So tired of hearing how Steffy kissed Liam twice.. She did not kiss Liam twice, he kissed her and she pushed him away and told him off both times.. the first time we didn’t see it but the second time she stated I told you in Rome and I am telling you again, you can’t just come here and kiss me.. At Eric’s, she told him to leave.. Steffy is trying to b both respectful of the fact he is Kelly’s father, and that he has feelings for her.. She doesn’t want trouble because she has to coparent Kelly with Liam and doesn’t want this to affect Kelly..

    She came home completely committed to Finn, not Liam, that should have been enough of a hint to Liam, especially because he got to her first , being childish and leaving that text message.. The fact is he is determined to break her and Finn up.. I am not happy with Ridge going to Liam.. I think he is thinking along the same lines as Liam, that if Steffy leaves Finn for Liam, she is out of danger.. He is not considering that Hayes is also a target that Sheila wants..

    The only thing I will give Ridge, is when Liam tried to convince him that he would b the only one who could influence her to leave Finn, Ridges response was he won’t tell her who she should love and what to do with her family!! I will give him that much!!

    Not only that, Liam keeps bragging he can keep Steffy and the kids safe??? How, he just admitted he wouldn’t go near her.. Has he confronted Sheila and told her to stay away? No.. He is a chicken shit.. He couldn’t keep Steffy safe from Sheila to save his own life.. If Sheila came wielding a gun, he would run!! Steffy who?? Or he would faint, and save Sheila the job of shooting him out of the way, more like it!!

    1. I'm so tired of Liam. He wants to break up Steffy's marriage. And Ridge is his almost best friend now, why? It's wrong that Ridge goes to Steffy telling hey you must take a divorce. Finn is so
      kind and caring man. Why divorce him? Liam can't protect Steffy. So Steffy must stay with Finn! And I think that she will

    2. Colly brava totally agree with all the above!!!

      I love Steffy and I see her struggling with making Liam understand she’s happy being married to Finn and not having an issues with her coparent and long time friend.

      I think people forget she and Liam were besties and always stayed close. It’s one me the reasons Hole resents her so much.

      Liam is a coward and a narcissist. I hate that Bill is encouraging him to act like that, especially given Bill’s manipulating and dastardly deeds that caused all the issues in Liam and Steffy’s marriage.

      Steffy knows that Finn is the man for her and Liam is a waffling fool.

      She does need to tell Liam to back the hell off and stop targeting her marriage.

      Ridge WTF are you doing going to Liam behind Steffy’s back. Liam is a tosser and knowing he wants to destroy juice daughter’s marriage, you should be telling him to leave off and respect the marriage.

    3. Ridge is doing so wrong. Why he takes Liam's side!!

    4. Brave Colly ♥️ protecting your favours 😀 You are so right

    5. But Steffy wants to be friends with Liam and I get it. But she should tell Finn that Liam wants her back. That Finn could punch Liam to face. That I hope!

    6. But Steffy wants to be friends with Liam and I get it. But she should tell Finn that Liam wants her back. That Finn could punch Liam to face. That I hope!

    7. Patologi, I think Finn knows what Liam is doing!! And you r right, Ridge should not be going to Liam!! He is encouraging Liam to do what he is doing by going to see him.. Liam now thinks Ridge is in support of his behaviour..

      Steffy is in a very difficult position, Liam is her daughters father, and she has to coparent Kelly, and I know if it was me, I would not want my husband and the father of my first child at each others throat, because it would make coparenting extremely difficult, and will affect Kelly.. I would not want that.. ❤️❤️

    8. Bbfan I agree, Steffy does need to try and make it clearer to Liam to stop trying to come between her and Finn, even though she did several times already when he tried to kiss her, and you would think, her coming home to Finn and not even telling Liam , would have been a big enough hint!!.. But Liam is not going to listen anyway, and he is not going to giving up, she came home to Finn, not Liam, even though his little stunt leaving her that voice message in the hopes she would get upset at Finn and telling her to come home to him and not Finn.. She came home to Finn, which is why he was drowning his sorrows when he called his father to the restaurant.. He had to find out she was back from Kelly!! That would have stung!!🤣🤣🤣 but still, he persists.. It won’t matter what Steffy says to him, he is determined to get her back.. How humiliating, he says leave Finn and come back to “safety”, and we were good together, we “had a lot of fun”??!! 🤣🤣🤣 yes that’s Liam, that’s a good enough reason to leave your husband and break up your family 🤣🤣🤣 Just keep in mind Steffy, Liam said he wouldn’t go near Sheila 🤣🤣🤣

  11. As for Li, if this truly is the only reason she wants Luna gone, then what a biatch she is to do that to her!! But somehow, I think there’s more to it?? I don’t think poppy had an affair with Jack, because then Finn’s appearance would b half Asian, but, the laziness coming from the writers these days, that could possibly be all there is to it!!

  12. Maur, totally agree. Steffy has definitely been unfaithful to Finn. Months ago the Steffy fans were saying she needed to confess to Finn about what happened. But now there’s lots of deflection. No shock there. And Steffy certainly seems very happy to see Liam as she basks in his compliments / proposition. She is all smiles!!! Too funny!!! She loves, loves, loves the attention. Always has and always will. Lol

    1. No Lynn, I still maintain that Steffy should tell Finn about what LIAM DID.. and for the record, Brooks is the BIGGEST attention seeker of them all!! She certainly gets the gold “Star” title for attention seeking!! She always has been, and always will be.. She just loooves, loves, loves having 3 or more men pining for her, and she certainly doesn’t tell them to get lost!! She loooves it!! 🤣🤣🤣

    2. Colly, I say this everyday and it gets old to have to keep repeating myself….but here we go again….
      ****Can we please try to stay somewhat current???****
      Exactly whose attention has Brooke sought besides Ridge’s in months / even years??? Not a single solitary soul. Brooke didn’t even seek out Hollis. That was all Taylor’s doing in the hopes that Hollis and Brooke would become a thing so Taylor could once again get her hooks into Ridge. But alas, Taylor’s sinister plan failed miserably. Please let’s not talk about things that happened decades ago, and act like they are current. You aren’t fooling anybody.
      And as far as Steffy is concerned…..we all saw the kisses (multiple times) thanks to the many flashbacks the writers decided to bless us with. Anybody who still says that Steffy was not present for those kisses is fooling themself. The one in Rome in particular was well received by Steffy. As we’ve said 50 times, yes…..Liam initiated it, but Steffy did NOT put an end to it (them) nearly soon enough. The second Liam kissed her, she should have slapped him for being so presumptuous, but no such thing occurred. She ALLOWED the kiss(es) to take place. And that’s why she kept having her guilty flashbacks. But we have to remember it’s Steffy, so she really has no conscience at the end of the day. She just has her busybody judgy self who is worrying about what everyone else is doing! So now it’s just old news and Steffy will never tell Finn the truth. If it ever comes out, he will find out from someone other than his wife.

    3. Yes I would feel pretty damn sure that`s exactly how it will happen Lynn, I wouldn`t put it past Liam to put a scheme into action to ensure that Finn finds out about the kisses.
      Again, you`re right in regard to Steffy being involved in the kisses from Liam, she lapped it up big and at that time they were both married to other people. Steffy continues to talk about Hopes behaviour, what a damned hypocrite, she`s laughable and for her it`s a habit not a first time episode!
      Frankly, she and Liam belong together because they`re birds of a feather.
      It`s good to see Hope being her own person and standing her ground with Steffy. Steffy needs to stay out of other peoples lives and mind her own business and worry about her own dirty linen before she dares to behave in a judgemental and hypocritical manner about ANYONE else. She`s laughable!

    4. Lynn, I very much like the distinction "and act like they are current". To me it's one thing to point out Taylor and Steffy's hypocrisy *now* considering their behavior *before*. It's another to say Brooke is the most attention-grabbing person *now* based on evidence from years ago. She is not. She is focused on her relationship and trying to be there for Hope while very much restraining herself (I wouldn't, if I knew my daughter is sleeping with someone who was so evil and abusive to her, to Douglas and others, me included).

      If Brooke however would come at Steffy and call her a wh*re, then it would be comparable with Taylor and Steffy's judgmental behavior *now* like they never acted any whory way. And would be out of line. But again she's not.

      Bottom line Brooke, Taylor and Steffy all have shameful behavior in their past but only two of them are judgmental and hypocritical to the third one now.

    5. I'm angry to Steffy because she is too kind and caring to Liam. Of course she wants them to be friends but she should say that please stop trying me to be your wife again, you must understand that I'm in love with Finn. Steffy don't tell Finn that Liam wants her back. That's wrong.

    6. I'm waiting for Steffy slapping Liam's face! I'm so tired her being toooo kind to him.

    7. Milla, I absolutely agree, that they ALL have had bad behaviour!! Certainly, NO woman is innocent, but the show itself highlights that Brooke looooves the attention of ALL men, and that Hope is behaving exactly like her mother, the show itself highlights it!! So it’s no different because I say it, it won’t change the facts that Brooke has always been written that way, following her heart, and damned anyone in my way!! She loves the fact that all men faun over her!! Always has and always will!! It’s in her Core and is her MO, that’s just a fact, wether anyone wants to admit it or not.. I just reiterated what the show itself highlights.. Her own daughters were not enough to keep her Ego in check, she stomped on Bridgett’s marriages for her own selfish ego “twice” for goodness sakes, what mother does that?? Not once but twice.. The fact she told Taylor that Hope is not responsible for anything in the situation with Thomas says it all to me!! I am just stating it how it is and has always been.. she may be “committed” to Ridge for now, but it’s only a matter of time before another man comes along and feeds her ego and she will mess around kissing or worse, then hide it from Ridge, it’s been an endless cycle.. Ok I will give her that she hasn’t slept with anyone recent few years, but kissing bill, while married to Katie, saying it was cause of stress and hiding it, then deacon, dressed in lingerie, not bothering to change, prancing and strutting, she was also not past the point of knowing, she admitted it herself.. she will never change.. it’s her MO!!

    8. Actually Colly, what the show HIGHLIGHTED was that Brooke didn’t even consider Deacon’s or Bill’s advances when Brooke was apart from Ridge and wanted Ridge back. Both Deacon and Bill were determined, and Brooke didn’t once encourage either one of them. She had her heart set on Ridge and that was it. And she did NOT want any attention from Bill or Deacon. So sorry, but your theory holds no water.

    9. Ahh Lynn I love love that point (as much as I hate remembering her rejecting Bill 💔😅). You nailed it as usual!

    10. Milla, I completely agree, Bill is the hottest guy on the show! You have great taste!! 🥰🥰

    11. Awww thank you Lynn! 🥰 fingers crossed we see him more often.

  13. Lynn , tell that to your mate who CONSTANTLY brings up the past in EVERY SINGLE comment she makes.. and whenever it suites her narrative, havnt heard u say boo to her about it.. I just said it how it is and always been and will remain.. Sorry but I will comment how I please love, just like your mate and everyone else on here!! But thanks for the advice!!

    1. Oh honey did i bothered you this much
      That wasn’t bringing the past
      It was exposing the lies and the twisting of the truth 😊
      But uts goid to know how much effect it has
      Next time man up and mention my name don’t be afraid 😱

    2. Colly, you saying that “Brooke is the biggest attention seeker. Always has been, and always will be.” is what I take issue with. You know that is not the case. Yet you put it out there as fact. Please bring up examples of that for me, because I must have missed it. When in the last year has Brooke been that person you refer to?? As I said above, her only focus has been on Ridge or being on her own. She has NOT gone after the attention of any other man the entire time I’ve watched the show. Decades ago if you made that statement, there may have been some truth to it, but definitely not now. So yeah, you can comment as you want to. But you are straight up wrong saying things about who Brooke is ‘today’ just so you can bash her because you aren’t happy with all the Steffy bashing that’s been going on lately. So it’s pure deflection time for you. Even I have said Thomas has been great lately. I have nothing bad to say about his behavior currently other than he is being extremely naive, which he is!!! But you can’t possibly give Brooke any credit for being a grown up and not acting like an attention seeker in her current years, because that would require you give her a compliment and that would probably kill you. Lol.

    3. Lol, Mmysh. You make me laugh.

    4. Brooke is behaving a way better than years ago. She has mentally grown. Younger people have not yet

    5. Mmysh, you bother me??🤣🤣🤣 Another one with a big ego!! yes, you r right!! you are so important that I just can’t handle it!!🤣🤣🤣 I merely just stated a “fact”, so if Lynn has a go at me, for doing what you constantly do, but says nothing to you about it, when u r the worst for it, then I take issue with THAT, not you!! Your comments are the same almost every time, and it’s 🥱🥱🥱

    6. @Jason, I think it would make any woman feel good to have the attention of more than one woman.. I myself have been very happily married for the last almost thirty years!! I have been in that situation many times throughout my life, even had some of my husbands so called friends try to get me to leave or cheat on my husband!! It was not fun to say the least, to be brutally honest.. it hurt my husband very much that his own best mates would do that.. but this about the characters on the show.. The Logan supporters are trying to paint Steffy in a really bad light, but if anyone dare say that Brooke is no saint in that department, or any department, well, all hell breaks loose doesn’t it!!🤣🤣🤣 no one is “allowed” to bash Brooks for anything, at all, even when it is fact, and the show itself highlights it!! And Lynn, it was not that long ago, that Brooks was prancing about in her sexy nighty, in front of Deacon!! She could have got changed!! Still sober enough to stop it, but didn’t, admits herself, kissed him and hid it.. she also kissed bill not that long ago prior to the deacon thing, and her excuse was she was “stressed out”??🤣🤣🤣 Mayb not the 12 months, but still not that long ago!! And it will happen again, cause it always does!!

    7. Oh colly 😂😂😂😂😂
      Sure when i expose your lies and the twisting of what happened sure im the worst
      And you don’t like my comments
      Typical 😂😂😂
      Next time man up and mention my name
      Don’t do this first grade technique 🥱🥱🥱

    8. Omg, 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Mmysh you have a bigger ego problem than Brooke!! So very amusing.. thanks for the giggle!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    9. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🥱🥱🥱🥱

    10. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  14. And when we did try to “stick to the current”, your mate who u know I am referring, mocked us for it!! So can’t win either way!! Not tip toeing around anyone!! My comments r mine to make, no one else’s!!

    1. You just can't praise the Forrester's on this blog. That I've noticed. I have seen that the Logans are always better people. Yes, I remember what Brooke has also done wrong. They all are, no saints in this serie 😁 But it's true, what Forrester's done, everybody remembes always. It just it's so. And we can't do anything about that. I like some Logans and some Forresters. So it's difficult for me to understand 😅

    2. But I think that if someone is praising Brooke, so you should can praise Taylor or Steffy if you want. I think it should be the both sides in peace

    3. Patologi the phenomenon is both way - those who oppose Logans remember their behavior and bring it up, those who oppose Taylor (she is NOT a Forrester and hasn't been in decades) and her children make sure their misdeeds are not forgotten. Why? Because they (especially Taylor and Steffy) are judgmental and hypocritical. Nobody is shying away from bashing the Logans on this blog.

    4. Colly, the entire time I’ve seen your comments on this blog….I’ve never once seen you “tip-toe.” Thanks for the chuckle. 😬😬😬

    5. But every characters have their past. Everyone should let the past be and concentrate how they are now.

    6. Patologi, about 5 1/2 years ago, there was ONLY Logan bashing. That was pretty much all you would see on this blog.

    7. Especially Brooke has a good behaviour now. Just Ridge, no other men

    8. Patologi, exactly!!! That’s exactly why I had issue with Colly’s statement that Brooke is the biggest attention seeker. Because nothing could be further from the truth. That is NOT who Brooke is TODAY.

    9. Only Logan bashing, oh my god.. That's even sick that just One family has bashing

    10. Only Logan bashing, oh my god.. That's even sick that just One family has bashing

    11. And the same goes for praising one's favorites, actually even more. I have never seen anyone chastise anyone for praising who they support.

    12. Yes, Brooke has changed a lot and better way!

    13. Patologi, thank you. That’s what I’ve been trying to say. Brooke has definitely changed. 😊👍🏻

    14. They all have done so much bad things. There just ain't no saint there 😁 But that what matters is the behaviour today

    15. But also I like Thomas today. Because he wants Hope to feel really loved. I don't know if I like him next year but now Hope gets passion and too much sex 😅

    16. I like them who's behaviour is nice to others. So that's why it changes who I like 😁

    17. Patologi, I have read this same comment from Lynn so many times.. that there was only Logan bashing, because there was no Logan supporters on the blog before she came!! Firstly, there were Logan supporters on the blog then, granted not as many as now, but we all got along.. Lynn decided that it was time to stop all the Logan bashing, and has since , DEMANDED that forrester supporters stop bashing Brooke.. sadly, no one can try and force anyone to stop doing anything.. But the fact that you yourself has noticed the huge difference in the way we behave , compared to the Logan fans, many many times, and pointed it out, along with many other people, says it all ❤️❤️❤️

    18. You’re welcome Lynn!! Glad I could get a chuckle out of you 🤣🤣🤣

    19. It only gets hostile on the blog when you are here, Colly. Otherwise it’s pretty mellow. Lol

    20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    21. Exactly on the spot lynn 👍👍👍👍

    22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    23. What a load of crock Lynn 🤣🤣🤣 that’s hilarious!! 🤣🤣🤣 I seen plenty of hostility when I am not here, but it comes mostly from you guys, and most others don’t stand up to you because of how you ladies belittle them.. Mmysh chases people who make just general comments and have never spoken to her or responded to her, laughing faces at their comments or snide and belittling remarks, to Mandy and Annimae, and others who r forrester supporters.. she belittles people.. so you guys are pretty much free to act how you want.. When I am here, I am pretty much the only one that fires back, and you don’t like it.. that’s why you “think” it’s only hostile while I am here 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that was an extremely amusing comment Lynn!! The hostility started when you came with a mission to put us forrester supporters in our place!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 it’s all there for everyone to read!! How many times have so many people had a go at you ladies for how nasty and belittling your behaviour is.. if I had a dollar fof everyone who has commented on you ladies behaviour, I wouldn’t have to work 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I have not seen one comment about us ladies behaviour, except if it comes from one of you ladies!! So put it on me if it makes you feel better!! 🤣🤣🤣

    24. Colly 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the infamous emoji. Its 8:30pm here and just got home but when I saw that comment earlier I so wanted to reply but couldn't. Your right on, can't speak for the others, but alot of us I think have given up and don't waste the time to reply when all we hear is we twist the truth, make things up to suit our narratives, deflect blame etc...but I think I can say most don't take it to the extreme of personal attacks like some do. So yes, Lynn is right, only it's not because you haven't been here, some, and I for one don't bother anymore going any further than just leaving a comment about that days episode.

    25. Sorry now it's

    26. Mmysh, grow up love!! How old are you!! You always put laughing faces when you can’t defend your behaviour!! It just shows your immaturity!! And everyone sees it!! I am embarrassed for you!!

    27. Like the one you posted earlier and so many occasions
      Oh god how You contradict yourself and in the same post sometimes
      The one should be embarrassed here is u
      But apparently its hard for you to see 🫣🫣🫣🥱🥱🥱🥱

    28. Good Lord, Colly….you have WAAAAAY TOO MUCH free time in your hands!! Looks like you spent your entire weekend arguing with people on this blog. Like I said, it’s much more mellow when you aren’t around.

    29. Indeed lynn
      The comments are there and how many comments when she weren’t here
      Everyone can see 😉😉😉

    30. Its boring lynn and pathetic
      She bully us the come crying 😢
      I Just saw by chance her a d comments
      Because i always don’t read their‘s totally ignore unworthy comments
      But its funny how they bully others then come crying
      The only hypocrites her is you colly and d
      How pathetic and 🤢
      Just stop your obsession with me i know truth hurts 😂😂😂
      But just ignore my comments as i ignore u
      Easy i told you that several times now

    31. Lynn, you hate it that I am here!! Lynn you just can’t stand that I am here!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 When I came back after that very long spell away, you three musketeers went from constantly commenting to completely disappeared for a week 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that was hilarious!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ok, so how about you and Mmysh don’t comment to me and I won’t comment to you ladies.. I am more than sure you two will be happy with that arrangement!! I know I am!!

    32. Mmysh u only saw my comment by chance 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that’s why u have commented on every one my comments today, with an immediate response, like you were sitting waiting for me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 omg, you are hilarious sometimes 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You read everyone of my comments, and you can’t help but respond!! And you have been waiting for Lynn to jump on and chime in, for back up!! Look how excited you just got, to have one of your own to rant back to and back u up 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and you might want to get your ego in check love!! 🤣🤣

    33. 😂😂😂 you just keep proving my points colly
      How pathetic actually
      Go back and check who is responding to whom
      And sorry we are not that shallow to comment ehen the episodes are really boring and nothing new or worth commenting
      Don’t flatter yourself 😂😂😂
      And now its your arrangement 😂😂😂
      Oh that’s hilarious
      And yes i don’t read your comments unless it’s addressed to me
      Or sometimes i resd the very short ones that how i saw the first grade technique „your mate“
      But the rest i don’t really care
      Again the blog is here and im so satisfied because it proves my points
      But you like to fool yourself i can’t stop you
      Its not easy to have people here knows what really happened and can tell the truth
      I know that hurts
      And yeah if my ego needs to be checked i guess your logic and what is right and wrong needs to be checked along with your blood pressure because apparently i always made off charts 😂😂😂
      And yeah if you like to think i have an ego still better than defending disgusting actions and try to find excuses for 🤮🤮🤮
      Something serious need to be check with you 🫢

    34. Oh dear Colly, you give yourself far, far too much credit. I couldn’t care less whether you’re here or not. I’ve never been one to back down from a good throw down. You should know that better than anyone. And none of the Brooke fans have ever gone quiet because you came back!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 NOT ONCE!! I think your opinion of yourself and your perceived importance on this blog is very miscalculated. Spend your whole weekend firing away at people if that brings you joy. Absolutely no skin off my nose.

    35. And Mmysh needs no help in standing up to you, Colly! She does great on her own!!! You should see that very clearly in every comment she makes. And oh by the way, it was YOU who inserted yourself into the conversation. D, Hilary and myself were discussing Taylor’s bony bare shoulder. Then Colly felt the need to insert herself. So maybe you should take your own advice and not address us!

    36. Lastly, Colly…..why does my name appear in so many of your comments when you are addressing other people??? I never bring up your name in my comments to others. But you seem to be obsessed with Mmysh and myself as you plead your case to fellow bloggers. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I literally never mention you unless I am talking directly to you! I’d say you may want to check yourself!

    37. I agree with Lynn. I don't read Collys comments anymore mostly because there are just way too many. I get the gist just by reading the responses. We can all have our own opinions, and if I choose to comment on the clothes or makeup, I think that's fine! It's a show about fashion, isn't it? Why would my thoughts on the show be anything for anyone else to worry about? As you said Lynn, we're just having a conversation about fashion choices, so nobody should feel the need to insert anything hateful or bossy. We're not hurting anyone, so why do they care? It's totally mental! I have more things in life to get bent out of shape about than what women on this blog are posting.

    38. Colly, you are a brave Forrester fan. Other's are not defending their famous characters that much 😀 I have been here maybe an year. And I think here is more Logan fans, or maybe they comment more. I'm afraid to say that I like Thomas now, someone could say that am I like him 🤣 Also I like how Sheila is acting now. But it can be different next year 😁

    39. Patologi, don’t let others make you fearful to say what you want to say.. don’t worry you are not the first and won’t be last person to feel this way about the Logan supporters and how they treat other bloggers.. many people left this blog because of the way they treat others and belittle them.. I enjoy reading your comments no matter what they are.. don’t allow anyone to scare you or belittle you for your opinions.. everyone here is entitled to their opinions no matter what they are, and especially if they treat others with respect which you always do love!! I would hate to see you leave because of others.. just say what you would like to!!

    40. Thank you Colly ♥️♥️♥️ And I'm not leaving 😀 I enjoy being here and reading comments. But I'm over sensitive and feeling bad for arguing. But that's great that you don't care about that 👍👍👍

  15. Wake up Liam you can't always get your own way when it suits you and in any case Steffy shares a child with Fin and Sheila will be after him too ... So how is Liam going to get around that one

  16. Thanks Bob, now I'm not sure what I enjoy more B&B or the comments section🙃🌷

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 Debbie, a lot of people have said that!! 🤣🤣🤣 the show is pretty sad these days!!
