The Bold and the Beautiful 11-8-23 Full episode B&B 8th November 2023
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- Days of our Lives
Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link
- The Young and the Restless
Thomas just step into the dark already 😁😁 "you are my queen of everything" 😅 "can't stop thinking about you, can't stop wanting you"... If we needed one word for that what would it be, what would it be...
ReplyDeleteThat hand-on-thr-hip pose of Taylor's 🤦🏻♀️ at least we know where Steffy's signature strut is coming from. And yes Thomas was not the one to initiate it but also not the one to stop it, instead he's wallowing in his obsession... Whatever dark road he goes down to, it will be on him equally. And sorry Brooke but it is true that Hope is looking for an ego boost. Hasn't even filed divorce papers... Smh.
Yes Steffy, it is insane. Now sic.
Thomas is not far enough along in his treatment to probably stop it, and Hope knows that. She's taking advantage of the situation to feed her ego.
DeleteLove her hair. The bangs really suit her. Feel like I've missed alot. Everyone is back. Maybe we'll get more than 1 storyline on the go.
Love Hope’s new hair! She’s sassy!! And her words to Steffy match her new hairstyle. 😁
DeleteTaylor bugs me so much. That hand on the hip thing is so obnoxious (like you mentioned, Milla.) And I think Thomas is creeping closer and closer to the dark side as well. He’s acting very obsessive. I am bugged that Hope doesn’t heed the warning signs. She is the one who is going to pay the highest price when Thomas snaps. Steffy’s comment “What are you doing? This is a place of business!!” Hilarious! Weren’t you and Finn just going at it in the shared CEO’s office just months back?? No hypocrisy there, Steffy. Lol. Although, I agree….NO ONE should be having sex or messing around in any of the offices. It is in fact, a place of business!!
At what point will Thomas be "far along in his treatment" to realize that what he's doing is dangerous? He's not a baby and everyone else around him realizes it. His shrink if he's worth any of his training would say that if he hears how he's doing his "queen of everything". Thomas does not get a free pass.
DeleteCompletely agree with you D. Seems many are forgetting Thomas is not the one who initiated the whatever this is between the two of them is at this point. Hope was daydreaming about Thomas for whatever length of time it was. Then she decided to move forward and kiss Thomas.
DeleteHe reacted the way some men would and accepted the kiss; she kissed him again and he accepted her kiss again.
I guess some viewers would have been happier if he pushed her away or perhaps slapped her 🤷♀️
He has been doing well by participating in therapy.
Hope understands that he has made strides in his personal development. Despite her trying to reassure herself by expressing what she is doing with this getting together with Thomas to him; she must have some understanding what it could do to any person.
I’m not sure how many men or women would not accept being approached in this manner with the slight hint of something to come from it.
Hope has to understand that this is truly unacceptable to do to any person.
I’m not even concerned about her separation or divorce papers. That’s not my concern.
Lynn I have to admit I hated Hope's attitude in the words "I'm following my heat". It always sounds like yet another cognitive dissonance in relation to her mother. But Steffy was really right to nail it with "so you're saying you're in love with Thomas?" It's always a treat to see Hope squirm around that question whenever someone asks it.
DeleteBig fan I literally said that Thomas was not the one who initiated it so I don't understand what you mean that "many viewers are forgetting" it. Many definitely have not. But it's not the kindergarten playground to go "she started it!!" and expect the teacher to support you. Here it's not only about who started it but who is perpetuating it especially when it's plain obvious he is getting obsessed again.
DeleteMilla - exactly! We all know “who started it!” And we also all see who’s perpetuating it!! And that would be Thomas with his never ending list of gushy, over-the-top compliments and near groveling as he worships his goddess!!!! LMAO!!! This is literally giving Hope ALL THE POWER!! And apparently Thomas is in too deep to even care! Interesting on the divorce papers not being filed. I hope that is not some foreshadowing of a reunion between Liam and Hope. I do not want her anywhere near Liam!! He continues to make himself look worse and worse with every passing episode.
DeleteYes, Thomas has an own home and they could go there after work. That business office is like some porn place, I don't like it. Thomas is all about Hope. I think at home he just thinks about Hope. Yes, a loyal husband who does everything for his wife if she's just Hope, I think. But what about if Hope wants a divorce.. Just a thought if they were married. I expected Brooke and Taylor having a real cat fight.. but maybe it's tomorrow.
DeleteTotally agree with you milla and lynn
DeleteAnd we know that hope who started that and we are disgusted with her we don’t defend our favorite mistakes
Didn’t we used to hear like everyday her that thomas is a changed man
But now he is still in the process
Whine we used to say its a process not because he said so
But fir his fans he is A CHANCED MAN
But now he is not
And i had to laugh when Taylor said about being with steffy in Europe wvere else she would be while she missed more important things and serious stuff while her children needed her the most
And then describing hope as a wound in her son’s live was so laughable
While he is her abuser who killed to hide the truth from her
And if he succeeded hope will still be grieving her daughter
But sure her psycho son can do no wrong
Its always somebody else’s fault when it comes to her and her children
I like hope’s look but not this new personality and attitude
This is not an upgrade it’s definitely the opposite
And where is the days that all we read is a praise for hope 😂😂😂😂
SOOO, our sweet little Hope has turned herself into "Naughty Hope." Bad Bad Girl is talking tough to Steffy now. She better watch it because she is risking in losing her line.
DeleteElizabeth a women who would do such things to herself and going that low deserve more than losing her line
DeleteMilla, at what point will Thomas be "far enough along in his treatment" depends on each individual. No he's not a baby but if he goes back to the dark side now, it's because he wasn't stable enough to handle what Hope is throwing at him, and she knows that. That's what his family is concerned about. So if he's perpetuating it who is really to blame?
DeleteMmysh, Thomas was a changed man in the making and making great strides, but it doesn't take much to derail someone that's in therapy or rehab.
@Mmysh Hope would lose her line only by how her new reputation becomes exposed and her values will all go down the toilet 🚽
DeleteD - if Thomas is perpetuating it, then he’s to blame. If the drug addict needs to stay away from all drugs to stay clean, then like the drug addict…Thomas should remove himself from all temptation of Hope. Hope is behaving cruelly for sure, but no one is forcing Thomas’ hand here. And if you notice, he comes on to her more and more these days, not the other way around. He knows exactly what to say to pull her in, and he continues to do it at his own peril. So as Milla said, it’s Thomas’ fault for perpetuating it.
DeleteElizabeth, Steffy wouldn’t try to pull HFTF, it’s far too successful / profitable. Besides, Steffy is just as upset with Thomas as she is with Hope. And while their “relationship” is beyond disgusting to me, it’s not Steffy’s call to make. They are adults and can do as they please. The only thing Steffy would have any say in is them having sex at the office. But as I mentioned earlier, Steffy has done the same at the office so she’d be a complete hypocrite for telling them no romance at FC.
DeleteLynn have to disagree. If a drug addict needs to stay away from drugs to stay clean then he should remove himself from temptation. But if he's not strong enough to do that yet and Hope knows it, then she is he one perpetuating the situation and must see by his actions as you said, he's becoming more invested in this than she is, so I don't see all the blame should be on Thomas. IMO
DeleteD - you can try to deflect responsibility all you want, but at the end of the day….Thomas is responsible for Thomas. It’s that simple in my opinion. Besides, as I said above…Thomas has been the one instigating things lately. So you can’t even legitimately put that on Hope. Hope is the winner in all of this. She is getting her ego fed, and Thomas is not allowed to have any expectations. If Thomas is willing to be played for a fool, then that’s on him.
DeleteIf this was another character (that you didn’t like so much) you would not be defending him. But because it’s Thomas, you want to put the blame on someone else. He is a grown man, not an impressionable child. He knows deep down inside that there’s a solid chance this will not end up working out, yet he continues to risk it. Oh well…… that what you take from this? If it was any other character that I don't like so much I would have a different opinion? Smh
DeleteIt was one of the many takeaways I listed above. Gosh is it such a stretch that you would defend one of your favorite characters on the show?? What was I thinking….no one ever does such a thing on this blog!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
DeleteThank you Lynn, I couldn't have said any of what you said better. Nobody is minimizing Hope's fault but the grown-up man who's been in therapy since 2018 should by this point know better. If he doesn't, there's plenty of family members who do and I hope they step in. Hope's main responsibility is to Hope, not to Thomas. She should take off the "I'm so worshipped" goggles and realize this is not heading any good direction.
DeleteExactly, i don’t know where was these concerns if steffy and Taylor especially Taylor when they forced hope and Taylor begged her to hire him
DeleteIt was like making a pills addict to work in a pharmacy
But sure everything is hope’s fault alone ( she is for sure at fault but not alone)
But like always he do no wrong when he drove emma of the road and killed her its was emma‘s fault not his
Just typical
I agree with all who say that Thomas is grown and knows what he is about, especially where his "weakness" for Hope is concerned. I would also say that even grown folks give in to their weaknesses at times, and this is not something that can be helped, no matter how grown you are.
DeleteThomas, as said above, is getting deeper and deeper into this thing with Hope and I believe that it is coming from his genuine love for her and not his obssession, mainly because he has been in therapy and knows how to channel his emotions in a healthy way now. He was obssessed with Hope before and is now in love with her.
If Hope is really in it just for an ego boost (which I don't think she is), she should let Thomas go instead of taking his word that he can handle it. The fact that she can't let him go tells us that this is more than just Thomas boosting her ego. She said that she is following her heart. That's what Brooke used to say about Ridge, and we all know that Ridge has been Brooke's one true love. Guess we will see where Hope's heart is leading soon enough.
Hope can only take Thomas' word again because it's two grown-ups being together. She has asked him about 200 times by now if he knows what this is. Not taking his word would not be treating him like a grown-up. She's not his mommy to have to question it past that. Plus she would never admit that it's for the ego boost, who would? Her behavior only shows a viewpoint like this "I asked you, I told you I don't love you, from here on it's good time for me and I'm assuming for you too. Ah and please keep saying I'm the one (#egoboost), I won't ever say it back but hey, I had my disclaimers almost certified by Carter at this point so 🤷🏼♀️"
DeleteAnd Thomas' thing with Hope has always been love and obsession mixed. I think his love language is obsession. He can't help himself. He said to multiple people that he's so "cured" that if she threw herself at him, he would reject her. Well... 😅 Lynn's comparison with drugs was accurate. Or with alcohol. There's a reason recovered alcoholics don't sip. An obsession/addiction is not cured by staying away physically for years and then suddenly starting doing the object of it and selling it as love. Any psych 101 student would know that, should be clear to his shrink too (if Thomas is still seeing him).
DeleteExactly milla
DeleteSo we should take his word he is changed
But no with hope thing we shouldn’t take his word that he us ok with this arrangement huh 🤔
"And Thomas' thing with Hope has always been love and obsession mixed. I think his love language is obsession. He can't help himself. He said to multiple people that he's so "cured" that if she threw herself at him, he would reject her."
DeleteExactly M. Thomas cannot help himself because of his weakness/addiction. It's like when Brooke had the champagne last Christmas Eve and just continued drinking and drinking herself into a stupor that she couldn't remember what happened the night before. Once she got the taste of alcohol, she couldn't help herself. And we all know that Brooke was not to be blamed for what Sheila did. It's the same with Thomas and Hope. Hope is fully aware of Thomas' past obssession with her but, despite that, has decided to give him a taste of what he has wanted all along. Now, he can't stop himself.
Last year, Brooke needed people around her to support her and make sure that she did not go back to drinking. Didn't Liam catch her at one point about to pour herself a drink and he had to physically get rid of the alcohol? The thing with Thomas is that noone is getting rid of Hope on his behalf. They are all telling her that what she is doing is wrong, but noone is actually making her stop, for Thomas' sake. Not that they could anyway, but you get where I'm coming from. Thomas is grown, yes but, as D said, he has not gotten far along in his treatment to be able to resist Hope. Even Brooke who is a recovering alcoholic for years, is still weak to alcohol because it is something that never really goes away. To say she is a grown woman who should be able to resist alcohol on her own or to blame her for turning to alcohol when she is weak is unfair. It's the same for Thomas.
I agree with almost everything Elle. The biggest difference between Thomas and Brooke however was that she was tearing herself open fighting it, went to meetings and finally kicked it again. If she had carried on like Thomas is with his addiction, she would be a drunk now or even worse. She was being a grown woman and took the help offered, showed that her treatment has taught her something. Now Thomas can do the same. But he won't. He'll keep going deeper and deeper. Again - Hope's responsibility is to Hope. For that she should stop it. But she has no responsibility towards adult Thomas.
DeleteMmysh indeed. Thomas is changed but not so changed that he can take responsibility of his life and cut himself off the addiction. Then he is, in fact, not changed.
DeleteAnd if that's the case then he has absolutely no business around Hope. If Taylor is the pro that she says she is, she will be really concerned. Hell, any mother, no matter her background, should be.
DeleteOf course, if Hope was really self-reflecting and going to therapy (as she probably should) she could realize what she's doing and why, and, indeed, stop it for both their sakes. But far be it from this show to go that deep.
DeleteExactly milla my point
DeleteSteffy and Taylor put thomas close to hope again
And it was wrong
When we said that back then thomas‘s fans were against us
But now since hope doesn’t love him
Oh if he couldn’t remove himself someone should do it for him
And the thing he is not that far in therapy its the opposite of he is changed that we kept hearing like every post
While we know that being changed takes time and work not because he said so
But sure anything can be changed for the sake of that thomas do no wrong and all the misdeeds he did were somebody else’s fault but sure not his
Mmysh yes Taylor should realize the role she played. She butted in back then having absolutely nothing to do with FC but was in everyone’s business all the time and pestering Hope to rehire Thomas. I really liked her talk to Thomas when she walked in on him and Hope some episodes ago. She showed a lot of self-reflection how she kept going after Ridge when she knew where his heart has always been. In the case of Thomas - he knows where Hope‘s heart is not.
Delete100 % milla
Delete"When we said that back then thomas‘s fans were against us"
DeleteMmysh, you might be wrong there because I remember saying, ad nauseum, that when Hope and Thomas started working together again, that Hope needed to set boundaries between them. Back then I said that Thomas and Hope did not need to work so closely together, that Thomas could design and Zende could be the one working with Hope sort of like a go-between. And I remember y'all were the ones saying why should Hope upend her life because Thomas is back with HFTF; that if Thomas is truly changed, Hope has nothing to worry about. Y'all had a lot of fun laughing at the thought of Hope instituting boundaries where Thomas was concerned.
"But now since hope doesn’t love him
DeleteOh if he couldn’t remove himself someone should do it for him
And the thing he is not that far in therapy its the opposite of he is changed that we kept hearing like every post
While we know that being changed takes time and work not because he said so
But sure anything can be changed for the sake of that thomas do no wrong and all the misdeeds he did were somebody else’s fault but sure not his"
I think you might be mis-reading or misunderstanding what is being posted. This is nothing close to what is said. For one thing, noone said that Thomas has changed just because he said so. We kept saying that he is in therapy with someone other than his mother. We also said that Thomas was not doing anything untoward with Hope. He was being a real gentleman. Even when Hope was coming on to him, Thomas would pull away his hands or walk away from her. Noone said that Thomas is changed just because he said so.
I understand it crystal clear
DeleteYou didn’t say it in the exact words but after a few sessions he us changed has the same meaning since all he was saying that he us changed
Again saying now that none of it his fault because he is not that far in therapy it means he isn’t changed
He didn’t pull away from her as he promised
He just asked her to take off her wedding ring to sleep with her wow such a man with principles
If hope was stupid and welling to degrade herself that’s doesn’t mean he is not at wrong too for going along with it or has no responsibility as much as hope
Working together was wrong at the first place
But now since this might get him to his older self so let us put all the fault at hope alone and how we can accomplish that since he is a changed man oh yeah he is not that far in therapy so he is still can’t think clearly around hope or act normal
So he is still kinda sick and sick people can’t be blamed
Just typical when it comes to thomas
I can't figure out which couple makes me want to puke more.... Shelia & Decon or Hope & Thomas! B&B should change it's name to 'The Toxic & Hypocrits".
ReplyDeleteThey are all very puke worthy.
DeleteTo me it's not even close. Deacon and Sheila are way more pukey, in my opinion.
DeleteHope and Thomas yuck
DeleteI love Thomas and Hope! Deacon and Sheila, I don't pay any attention to.
Deletei like the new hairdo on Hope. she looks hot and sexy with short hair.
ReplyDeleteYes me too , its better than granny Hope looks she got a couple yrs ago
DeleteI actually don't really like Hope's new hairdo, I guess it will take some getting use too. Its rather schoolgirl-ish in a way. Let's hope it doesn't get any shorter.
DeleteSo glad to have Steffy back!!! can't wait for more explosive scenes from her.
I love Hope's new look. It's to match with her new attitude. Out with the old boring and value-centred Hope.
DeleteI believe Hope will remember her values sooner than the hair grows back. She should stand up for herself to defend what she wants, that is a good progression (and she also found the balance between standing up and lashing out at her mom which is amazing). But her little office affair with a man she doesn't love (while still legally married!) is not something I will ever applaud.
DeleteTY BOB!!
ReplyDeleteHope and Thomas really need to stop getting freaky at work! How many times do people need to walk in on you? I can understand if it was the first time, and you just got caught up in the heat of the moment. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I would much rather be at home or in a hotel room where I don't have to worry someone walking in at an embarrassing moment.
ReplyDeleteYou're not old-fashioned. They need a motel. It's getting ridiculous at this point. It would be glorious if they decide to get busy in the holy CEO office again, Eric walks in and fires them both 😂
DeletePeople got fired for such milla
DeleteBut as tommy boy always said his name is on the building 😂😂😂😂
On the other hand them not doing it any normal place only highlights what they have is an office affair that looms when there's a chance to be caught and for Hope to throw her mommy issues in whoever catches them's face. Another really "healthy" aspect of it.
DeleteIndeed milla she is different and not in a good way
DeleteThomas does not always say that his name is on the building. He said it once to Liam who told him to get out of his own place of business.
DeleteBecause we only see Thomas and Hope at the office does not mean that they do not enjoy each other at home. All we see is Ridge and Brooke sharing kisses at the office. Are we to assume that they are not living or sleeping together and they only share kisses at the office?
Matter of fact, when Douglas had the surprise pizza dinner for his parents, Hope came to Thomas' place like she was used to being there. She had no question about why Douglas wanted her to meet him at Thomas' place and not at home at the cabin where Hope and Douglas supposedly live.
DeleteHaha Elle I did not see in any way Hope's arrival to have any signs that she's "used to being there". All we know is what we see. Brooke and Ridge is so not comparable since we know Ridge moved back in with her a while ago. We know that Hope and Thomas' living situation has not changed. They don't mention anything about being together out of the office, nothing along the lines of "I missed you when I woke up" etc.
DeleteHe said that to charli also
DeleteHe said it all the time when he needs
My name is on the building
Milla 👍👍👍
DeleteWhen did Ridge move back in with Brooke? Was that before or after 1) he was about to marry Taylor, 2) went away to get his head together when he was really working with the FBI and Bill, 3) when he came back and Brooke and Taylor were friends and she tried seducing him during their pact, or 4) after they returned from Rome? Maybe I missed that episode.
DeleteBut even if it was said that he had moved back in with Brooke, my point is that it is left to the imagination of the viewers that a lot of things happen 'off screen' that we don't see on the show. So to say that Thomas and Hope only have sex at the office, may not be entirely true.
Yes maybe you have missed it Elle. It was mentioned even by Eric as something positive he was looking forward to "not that he did not enjoy having Ridge there". It was right after Rome or a few eps after. So nothing compared to Thomas and Hope's office smash and dash.
DeleteI definitely missed that! I honestly thought Ridge was still at Eric's.
ReplyDeleteHahahahaha, Hope's look at Steffy! How dare you interrupt my buhdunkuhdonk just seconds away from getting dunked!
ReplyDelete🌭🍪 🥵⛹️🏀🛏️⛲🤯
That look was gold. 😂
DeleteJust a comment
ReplyDeleteUnknown, I agree, Brooke does look lovely. To me, she is the only one in her age range who doesn’t appear to have had a lot of work done. The guest-stars we saw at the fashion showdown had spent way, way, way too much time under the knife. Brooke is timeless. ❤️
DeleteBrooke is the most beautiful at her age if I think another women in their sixties. I could think she is 50 years. She is more beautiful than younger. I watched the first episode and :in my opinion she is more beautiful now
DeleteBrooke is the most beautiful at her age if I think another women in their sixties. I could think she is 50 years. She is more beautiful than younger. I watched the first episode and :in my opinion she is more beautiful now
DeleteAgree, Brooke looks amazing for her age. Equestrian exercise will keep anyone healthy at any age. Taylor also looks amazing at her age for everything she has gone through. Even though I'm sure a lot of them have had some Botox but not to extreme where they look like plastic dolls.
DeletePatologi and D, 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
DeleteYes indeed Taylor/Krista does look great.
DeleteBrooke anyways ❤️
Hope reminds me of a young Meg Ryan with her short hair cut. I love it. I reckon it really suits her. I wish that her and Thomas make something of this "romance" they have going as I think they would make a really loving couple if given the chance. THEY ARE ADULTS, why don't everyone get out of their faces. Being put down all the time from Thomas's family is just making her more defiant in playing it out how she wants. Those for me!
Delete**Thope for me
DeleteSo Hope is following her heart like her mother
ReplyDeleteLiam no longer interested in Hope logan
Steffy dealing with a sassy Hope now
Thank you Bob xxxx
Yeah the queen of paternity test
DeleteThe cheap one who was welling to put a bag on her head and pretend to be hope so oliver will sleep with her
That one right 😂😂😂😂😂😂
It's not Steffy's business what they'll do. But she is right, not at the office though they all are having that like a porn place 🙄 Steffy don't trust that Hope will stay with Thomas. She's afraid of what's going to happen if Thomas breaks his heart. I somehow feel sorry for Thomas because Hope can't say that she loves him. Maybe Hope is just boosting her ego because she enjoys Thomas saying how amazing she is
DeleteWell i don’t think thomas felt sorry when he killed emma or one he hide hope’s daughter and watched her grieving and suffering every day
DeleteNot only hope back then
He did his best for the truth not to come out
So no i don’t feel sorry fir him
Or fir hope when she will pay dearly fir her actions 🤮
Indeed Mmysh. I've always said that if Thomas was ever shown remorsing about those things (would have been great for a therapy) we would see him differently. It would be such glorious writing if someone from Emma's life comes back and starts investigating and asking people questions and brings some police procedure in this 😁 the show has so much potential to fill the 19 mins with interesting stuff and not only this repetitive nonsense.
DeleteIndeed milla
DeleteIt needs a conscience to be feel remorse
But you its emma‘s fault that he forced him to kill her
The most funny thing it was the same thing when sheila forced LI in the water
Im sure if died thomas‘s fans will saying sheila killed LI
Hope should be grateful that badass Steffy didn't hit her in the face. Thomas & Hope will continue fooling around in the office until Liam walks in on them... Then, Liam will hit Thomas...
ReplyDeleteGood one ☝️😂😂😂
DeleteSteffy has no right to hit anyone and should be arrested for assault. The spoiled selfish brat is not above the law of the land. Steffy shot Sheila first and skated. should have had the same jail time.
DeleteAgree WitchyPoo. And I hope Thomas decks Liam.
Delete👏 👏 👏
Who is going to report the assault? The woman who tried to kill her? Lmao! Please, let's be real now.
DeleteShe can report it if she wants btw
DeleteSo now if steffy shot sheila
Sheila can do nothing
Or the authorities since sheila shot steffy before while steffy shot sheila also before
What kind of logic is that
Exactly Mmysh.
DeleteThank you Bob 💫😜🫶🏼