Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-27-24 Full episode B&B 27th March 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-27-24 Full episode B&B 27th March 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. I don't feel bad for Thomas or Hope... Hope has told him many times that she's not ready for commitment. they shouldn't got together in the first place

  2. Can you please upload b&b March 15 2024 TY Bob

  3. TY Bob.

    Love Thomas so calm and collective!!!!!
    What Thomas said was a all true.!!
    You will never love me the way I love you. 100% Truth!!!!!
    You are out of time.👏🏻
    What hurts the most, is that the first time you say I love you, is when you rejecting me again.

    Thomas deserves better.
    Love, how his putting himself first, not Hope (all the time).

    I'm gonna miss seeing Thomas.

    1. they share joint custody of douglas. i see a custody battle on the horizon.

    2. Yes Thomas deserve better and i'm gonna to miss him to 😔

    3. Loved Thomas today and will surely miss him. He's not going away forever, only for a bit and he wants his son with him. Nothing wrong with that. Why would there be a custody battle?

    4. In California you can’t just take your child from their current environment without court approval. And no way out of the country. Hope could absolutely fight Thomas for custody. The courts generally like to leave kids where they are - where they go to school, etc..

    5. You need court approval to take a trip with your child? 🤔

    6. So you're telling me that Steffy had to go to court to get approval to take Kelly and Hayes out of the country when she took them to Paris last year?

    7. It depends on the length of the stay. If you are pulling a child out of school and the home he knows to go someplace far away without the other parent’s consent, then yes…the courts would definitely get involved.
      I don’t see this as just “a trip” which makes it sound like a 2 week vacation. Pretty sure that’s not what Thomas has in mind. I’m guessing he’s planning on being gone for months.

    8. I don’t think Kelly and Hayes were even old enough to be in school. And if Kelly was old enough for school, and Liam said “no”, then yes, there would have been issues.
      Would you assume it would be OK for Hope to just decide that she is going to take Douglas away from his family for some unspecified period of time? Again, we aren’t talking about a 2 week vacation. Thomas is implying he will be gone for an extended period.
      What happened to all the…..”Steffy shouldn’t be advocating that Thomas take Douglas away from his family!” ??

    9. Again, I am not in agreement with Steffy and her involvement in Hope and Thomas' bizniz. The ones who are supporting her would be better able to respond to your last question.

      However, regarding Thomas going away, I did not get the sense that it was going to be a permanent move or even a months-long move. I got the feeling that he is going away to clear his head and he wants to take Douglas with him to ensure that he feels supported since Douglas too, will be affected. As Thomas told Hope, Douglas has wanted his parents to be married for so long.

      Now, if Hope doesn't agree to Douglas going and Thomas takes him anyway, then there will definitely be a problem. However, the spoiler for today alludes to both Thomas and Hope having a difficult conversation with Douglas so, it seems that, as much as Hope doesn't like it, she's not going to stop Douglas from being with his father. She cannot stop Thomas from going - he has already made that very clear. To try to stop him from taking Douglas with him would just be cruel or spiteful on her part. And we know that Hope isn't like that.

    10. Besides, given their upper class status in society, I am pretty sure Douglas goes to a private school which would probably have a brother/sister school in Paris that Douglas can enroll in.

    11. If Hope agrees, then there is no issue. Children relocate to new schools all the time when people move. Or he could be homeschooled. I think where you and I see things most differently is how long Thomas will be gone for. I expect him to be gone quite a while. Otherwise, where’s the intrigue to all this?

  4. Steffy is taking everything away from Hope and Hope will return the favor and take everything from Steffy

    1. Yes, I suspect that Hope will get with Finn, too.

    2. Oh yes, that will be sweet karma for sure!

  5. Lynn here's a little taste of vintage 2012 Steffy the way she talks about the Logans... That tone, that look on her face that you want to smack so much 😅 that used to be her all the time. Entitled b. Get over it Steffy. She is not even making any adequate parallel because Brooke and Hope's ways and motivation are completely opposite. So it's as usual this Logan hate for the sake of hate whether what we say makes sense or not...
    I wish Brooke would just walk away and not listen to the brat, let alone engaging in defending Hope's feelings. I'd totally turn my back and say to Ridge I'm not gonna listen to this.
    "What do we have together exactly" - Thomas best question ever. Thomas was the hero of this episode. Finally to ask the tough questions he was avoiding while convincing himself of a life and future with Hope that she never said she wanted. And "you wouldn't say it and the first time you said it was when you were rejecting me" - I rest my case.
    Someone said perfectly yesterday how Hope can only talk about how he makes her feel. But what about what he needs? She was like smacked in the face wheb he mentioned finding someone else 😅she never thought Thomas could.
    Amazing acting Matthew 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 enjoy your break and return soon, you'll be really missed.

    1. Milla, I thought of you at the end of today's show with Hope standing there, egg on her face. Both Liam and Thomas have given her the heave-ho! You must be very pleased! 😁

    2. OMG Milla, I wanted to punch Steffy myself right through my phone. She is a total NASTY WITCH!!! I can’t stand her!!! Brooke handled herself so perfectly and even ADMITTED today that Hope loves Thomas! Brooke said it proudly and that little witch Steffy just kept dishing it out. Brooke should have clocked her!!!
      And I am so disgusted with Ridge the way he lets Steffy total belittle Brooke and just stands there like some stupid moron who is afraid to stand up to his bully daughter!! DISGUSTING!!! Then after a ton of holding back, Brooke just mentions Thomas past and all hell breaks loose from both Steffy and Ridge. What a crock of crap!!
      Thomas seemed to be under that same hypnotic trance Hope was under when she first started daydreaming about him. He was very cold in his approach with her today. And I think they both had valid points.
      The truth is….she doesn’t want to lose him because who else is gonna worship the ground she walks on?? She certainly doesn’t want to lose that!! And he was right in saying….”You are never going to be ready for marriage. And you will never love me like I love you!!!” She stood there dumbfounded knowing he had called her out!
      It’s ridiculous he is “leaving today.” Maybe you can pack for week in France and be on a plane in a couple of hours. But no way you just hop on a plane with the intent of leaving for a very extended time without putting some planning into it. But whatever.
      I’m glad he’s going. And like someone said above - I don’t feel sorry for either one of them. Yes, Thomas….too much has happened in your past to ever get to where you want to be with Hope in the future.
      I still think that Thomas pushing Hope so hard was stupid too. Because a year ago he would have given anything just to be alone with her. So his current expectations are no more realistic than hers. She wants her knight in shining armor but will never return the love he feels for her!!! 💯!!!

    3. Oh and heck yeah - I’m gonna say it OUT LOUD!!! Who is possibly gonna design for HFTF now that the one and only designer on the entire planet who understands her vision is refusing to design for her????!!!!!

    4. I think the double whammy to Hope is losing Douglas too!! That’s really gotta hurt!!! She ADORES that little boy. I think that’s Thomas’ way of really sticking it to her.

    5. Steffy needs treatment for sure she pathetic disgusting
      The hypocrite with such disgusting criminal past has the nerve to talk about the logen women
      Oh i took i life crap she seems to get over it really soon
      But oh yeah because she is putting tommy boy first what a punch of crap
      She has been always jealous of hope and wants what hope has
      But sure she can’t have thomas since he is her brother
      So let me just hurt hope
      She is so hateful and cruel to even think talking Douglas too
      She doesn’t care about him or thomas
      All she want is to hurt hope
      To hurt a logen with all the hurting she and her family did to them
      And lynn you are absolutely right
      So now its fine for the only designer in the planet and the galaxy to leave TODAY now the company will not lose money 😂😂😂😂
      But yeah steffy where thinking about the company when she forced thomas on hope
      I don’t feel sorry for hope or thomas
      Yes he was right today but he also never listened to what hope were saying
      She was honest with him and he used to say only the words she wants to hear
      Oh you being in my arms is enough
      And then acting differently
      He fooled himself and hope
      And if i were brook i would leave ridge
      I really don’t know why brook or hope never brought her past
      Especially hope with steffy’s mother past
      But we know that they are waaay better then thd cheap bully manipulator
      I hope the actress will get pregnant soon so maybe we will have a break from this disgusting hypocrite character she is playing

    6. Unconditional love indeed 😂😂😂😂

    7. Hahah Elle I didn't even think it that way. I don't wish Hope unwell in the big picture, I wish her happiness. And Thomas is getting more and more likeable to me. But yes in some way there is punishment for sacrificing her marriage for Thomas, only to find out she doesn't want to commit to him. And in the spirit of getting to know herself, I hope we see some self-reflection as to why. Ridge asked the question and I think she should too. What is the deeper reason to not "be ready" (while she was always ready for Liam for example and never saw a marriage to him as any blocker to focus on kinds or career) especially considering how Thomas makes her feel like the only woman in the world. Why is that not enough and will it ever be? Future will tell. I'm sure soon she'll bounce back..

    8. Mmysh, I have been completely disgusted with Steffy many times before. But today she made my blood boil! What a vengeful little €%#€¥¥#£€#<<!!!! Brooke has NEVER acted anywhere near that nasty the entire time I’ve watched the show. I honestly have zero clue how Steffy has any fans!!

    9. That’s what i ask myself all the time
      And i got to laugh when dhe said that hope is a manipulator
      While manipulative is steffy middle name
      And id someone else were talking I wouldn’t care
      But steffy 😂😂😂 with such disgusting past and with no morals or values
      And no what she said wasn’t true about brook
      Its the lies her dear mother told her
      And then we have thomas talking about brook 😂😂😂
      Yeah the one who killed an honest girl to keep his dirty secrets
      Maybe thomas will feel now how zoey felt when he used her to get hope jealous and to get Douglas upset
      But sure its ok for these spoiled brats to do whatever they want
      And thomas is so weak he just did what steffy told him to do
      Especially with douglas

      And and can we consider steffy is like brook she did use the “i will not allow it”

      But oh yeah she can use all the words she want 🥱🥱

    10. Mmysh, most of Steffy’s rant was about Brooke and how Brooke just took and took and destroyed everything in her path. Steffy brought up things from many decades ago. And Brooke just stood there and took it. No slap down from Ridge toward Steffy whatsoever. But the SECOND Brooke mentions things far more recent (Thomas’ past), Ridge comes roaring in like a freight train to defend his son. That was truly 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 worthy.
      So just so I’m clear - it’s perfectly fine for Steffy to berate Brooke and go on and on and on about her past and what a tramp she was, not to mention Steffy telling Brooke that she wants Hope to suffer, but the second Brooke brings up Thomas’ much more recent past, then Ridge steps in like some pit bull. That was just UNBELIEVABLE!!!! 😡😡😡😡

    11. And it still not true
      Brook didn’t took ridge from them
      Or take and take
      Brook raised these ungrateful brats
      Even Taylor said that recently and said you took care of my kids while i couldn’t
      So yeah they have been raised like step siblings
      If stuffy has 1 percent of of the caring compassionate personality brook has she would never be that cruel and nasty and evil
      But yeah she has her grandma genes plus Taylor’s
      And brook should tell them how their father left their cheating mother
      And she is acting like Taylor were first in her father’s life
      And sure she doesn’t blame him while he participates in this back and fourth
      She us acting like thomas’s mother abd ridge’s wife 😂
      You should watch the old episodes when she pushed thomas to go after hope
      Or when she trash hope to liam and that hope waiting for marriage to have sex is wrong and she has no right to not give liam that but sure she can 🤮🤮

    12. It's really not a nice color on Steffy to be so nasty to Brooke who like you said Mmysh raised her in some of her defining years. Both her and Thomas rarely acknowledge that since they exited their teens. I remember way back in the day Ridge saying how she stayed to help them with homework and everything. And for the longest time all Brooke has wanted was only Ridge so what is Steffy's problem? It's like Brooke now starting to throw Steffy's slutty past regarding Liam and Bill now and how all her children were with unclear paternity. I honestly don't know why Brooke is taking this.

    13. Indeed milla
      And sone saying that brook should have been honest with Thomas and tell him that hope loves him
      Yes i agree but when exactly these entitled brats ever granted Brook honesty??
      And some oh steffy got shot because she was protecting brook
      I had to laugh while steffy herself said she didn’t don’t for her but brook thank her anyway and she was grateful
      But its amaze me how some like to fool themselves
      But it seem some people just like the nasty bullies characters
      And even Taylor were ok with hope being with thomas as long as it serves steffy
      Remember how she was after caroline’s death
      But still we never saw brook or hope bringing up their ugly disgusting past including killing people not only having sex with men
      And yet none of then have ever hold accountable

    14. And if its true that ivy is coming back
      Oh finn will hear a lot of stuff about steffy he’s not gonna like especially pushing her to the electric panel 😂😂😂

    15. Mmysh what what 😅 what electric panel? Tell me that story. Sounds like another one of Steffy’s "accidents". Is there anyone she hasn't assaulted/tried to kill?

    16. I don’t know if you know the whole version
      But steffy being steffy interfered with liam and ivy and took liam from ivy not her first time 😂😂
      Anyway then starts dating wayyat and then thomas interfered and they kissed but you know steffy is all about honesty
      So she told wayyat and she and ivy were arguing and ivy followed her and put her hands to steffy and took her phone and throw it under the panel so steffy were trying to get and ivy and her still arguing and ivy wanted steffy to look at her so steffy pushed her and she get electrocuted and went to the hospital
      She almost died

    17. Omg 🙈🙈🙈 I wasn’t watching around that time so that’s new to me! Thanks for the recap. I hope she returns. We need more female characters and preferably with history with the current characters so that we care. It’s much easier to care than for the Lunas and the Poppy’s.

  6. Well, Hope tried. I think she was being genuine. But Thomas seems to have his mind made up; with a huge influence from Steffy. If I were Hope I would have to accept it, but we would have to discuss the Douglas situation. We're definitely not talking about permanently taking him to Paris. How is that good or healthy for that child? If Thomas does that he's being selfish. Will this become a custody battle?
    And Brooke should tell Ridge he will be sleeping in one of the guest bedrooms for a few days. Better yet, he can go stay with Steffy, since he's so comfortable listening to her. What a wimp! That was SO DISRESPECTFUL for him to stand there with his daughter totally trashing the woman he claims to love. And Steffy didn't hold back at all. I was really Team Steffy after the Sheila stabbing. Now I think Steffy is being a nasty, petty, evil _itch. And you can fill in the blank with a b or a w!
    I had a thought that would be so deliciously ironic. If Steffy successfully broke up Hope and Thomas, then Finn gives Hope a shoulder to cry on. Then those two become a couple. Ha! That's what you get sometimes when you are mean, and don't know how to mind your own business! 😛

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Soooooooooo disrespectful!!!

    2. And if ivy cane back she will be with liam
      And steffy will be running after another’s women man like she always used to be
      It will be such a good karma
      And she will never ever consider hope as Douglas’s mother
      She is disgusting and pathetic and sure needs therapy

  7. disappointed ridge didn't stick up for brooke when steffi basically called her a sl*t.

    1. Why are you surprised? He basically did the same thing yesterday when she started bad-mouthing Thomas. Ridge looked at her and said, "there she is..." as if to say there's the old Brooke Logan.

      He did try to stop Steffy a few times but he was probably more on board with her defending Thomas.

  8. I don't even think Hope was this broken up over Liam!

  9. I'm getting sick of Hope and Thomas and their messed up excuse of a relationship. They need to move on from each other. How can you fall in love with a guy who wasn't going to tell you that your baby was still alive? If Thomas really loved Hope, he would accept the fact that she's not ready for marriage. She made that clear so many times. Thomas does not love Hope, he's obsessed with her and this sick need for them to get married. Hope can do better.

    And Steffy, wow she sure bounced back from what happened with Sheila. She needs to butt out of this. If Sheila walked into that room, Steffy would be one scared chicken again.

    1. Spot on ….
      Im not sorry fir hope
      She deserves more
      A women has no respect for her daughter or her mother and brother and more for her pain and suffering while she thought her daughter was dead
      Such stupid woman doesn’t deserve sympathy

  10. Well Thomas u became Steffy's puppet. And Steffy became disgruntled

  11. Bravo Thomas this was the first time that he stood up Logan's family are always have their ways to take the men Ridge was very weak to fall into their trap repitly and the strange things is that people gave them all the rights and they always act like they were the victims
    Now Hope's revenge goes after Finn and make her life miserable

    1. I love Hope and Thomas together but I, too, was glad to see him be so candid with Hope.

  12. I don't think she is going to go after Finn. Hope is so mad at Steffy, she is going to get her back by followiing Thomas, and accepting his proposal. That, is just mean on Hope's part.

    1. You have a point there, i see Hope chasing after Thomas too :)

    2. I don't know if she will chase after him but I am also not convinced that Hope will go after Finn. She really seems to be in a place now where she is no longer willing to accept being with any man who's heart is with another woman, especially if that woman is Steffy!

  13. Steffi, Steffi, Steffi. I have no words. Yes I do. You absolute piece 💩.
    You're nasty, arrogant, self entitled, ignorant of the fact, opinionated and the list goes on. And on. And on. When are they going to put someone in there to stand up to this @#$&.
    She needs a good punch to the throat. 😤🤔🤬

    1. Her skirt its not good for her fall after she get bunched 😂😂😂😂

  14. Steffy is a piece of 💩....I hope that all this backfires on her...she would deserve It🤞🏻😅... thank you Bob ❤️

  15. People who talk bad about Steffy don't know what they are talking about. Steffy is just saying what the rest of us are thinking. She is not afraid to voice her opinions. (I love you Steffy. Well said and done)
    I am 100% team Steffy and Thomas.
    Those Logan think they are god's gift and everyone else must submit and obey THEM!!
    Thomas is way too good for Hope. Hope doesn't deserve him!
    Steffy is absolutely right when she says that Hope is like her mother.
    Sucks on a leftover candy until it has lost its taste and spits it out and takes a new one. No Hope will go after Finn. (New taste)

    1. I am not in agreement with Steffy getting so involved in Thomas and Hope's relationship however, I do agree that the Logans have kowtowed their way into everybody's business for far too long. Brooke, Katie and Donna getting smack dab in the middle of Eric and Quinn's marriage comes to mind. It's about time they get a taste of their own medicine. They have done it to so many people themselves.

    2. 😂 didn’t quinn ( another psychopath killer ) started interfering in brook’s marriage and tried to fix him with her friend shuna
      Didn’t she put alcohol in brook’s water just like sheila
      Oh but wait that was ok since its against the logens
      So quinn and others has the right to start interfering in the logens business but the logen has no right to fight back or it will be their fault
      And how convenient now steffy has no right to interfere with hope and Thomas relationship
      Steffy is nothing but a cheater bully hypocrite pathetic nasty witch
      But yeah its fine since its against the logen
      Let us cheer such behavior 🤮
      Why not since worst misdeeds were accepted and excused

  16. I think the problem with hope is that she is too focused herself and steffy. I see a pattern with her behavior. When Liam confronted her about the kiss with thomas, she brought Steffy up. Im not defending liam in any way but Hope has a hard time acknowledging has own behavior. She is making this all about steffy, but she doesnt realise that steffy wouldnt have anything to say if she was honest enough with herself and with thomas. She is so focused on how good and special thomas makes her feel, that she doesnt stop for a second and ask herself how she makes thomas feel. In this whole episode, she has not acknowledged even once thomas feeling. He is saying that he is hurt and all she wants is him to stick around and continue to make her feel good. She claims she has been very honest from the begining but so has Thomas. I mean maturity would have been for her to allow thomas to take the time he needs while she also thinks about what she really wants and how she wants to move forward. Sometime separation is necessary for a better reconciliation. I completely understand why steffy is so furious, and she is not against hope and thomas together, but against hope stringing thomas along with no clear commitment. She said hope should be either all in or all out, which makes sense for any type of relationship. I honestly think hope is with thomas to get back at liam. Maybe, just maybe she was expecting liam to bed her not sure, but i have a hard time believing that she truly loves thomas. And if she is truly a kind person, she would understand why thomas is hurting and why it is necessary for him to step back. And if brooke is right about hope not committing because of thomas past actions, then steffy is more right, hope shouldnt be with thomas. Or is hope with thomas to get revenge on Him?

  17. On another note, can Thomas aim to trigger a reaction from Hope by leaving? His calmness is troubling!

    1. He is a master manipulator, so yes, he’s probably up to something.
