Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-2-24 Full episode B&B 2nd May 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-2-24 Full episode B&B 2nd May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Is Steffy throwing shade? lol she's coming back to mr waffles aka Liam

  2. TY Bob.

    Ivy is Steffy aunt. Lol
    I sure hope Steffy doesn't go back to boring puke Liam!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh boy Finn calling Sheila mom and all!!!!

    1. Hem NO, Steffy is not her Aunt at all... Ivy is Eric's niece so she is Ridge's cousin that makes Steffy her first cousin and as they are not blood related, it's only by the law

    2. If Ivy and Ridge are cousins, then Ivy and Steffy can't be cousins too. Ivy's kids and Steffy would be second cousins. In the countries I've lived in we call the cousins of our parents aunt and uncle.

    3. thank God my parents both don't have siblings, I find this cousin stuff so complicated

    4. Milla we have the same in my origin country
      The cousin of my parents are uncles and aunts

  3. Three's a crowd, STEFFY! Back off and take your lousy insults with you. Steffy is so bored and looks like she might have a hemmoraege if she has to listen to this trifle. Ivy manhandling Steffy's go-to rebound guy. Liam's going to get it as soon as Steffy gets him away from Ivy.

  4. I don’t trust and will never trust Sheila. And btw Sugar has been dead for how many weeks? At least that long Sheila has been without food and water. And "Sugar"s voice was ridiculous 😂😂 they could have at least changed her haircut a little. And of course she was smart and strong enough to take down Sheila - the terminator - but went to Steffy's and lunged unarmed at her expecting to kill her?

    Cringiest conversation between those three drinking wine 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

    1. Agree sheila can’t be trusted
      But yeah it happened to thomas and Quinn so why not her
      With recent crazy unrealistic SL‘s so why not

      But oh steffy 🤮🤮🤮
      So she went there to see deacon but suddenly kelly want to see her father while she is not even home 😂😂
      She is just so pathetic and such an embarrassment especially as a married woman

    2. @Milla One twist could be that Sugar had someone helping her, because they found water somewhere near. They didn't bring it with them, I think. Or another twist, Sugar and Sheila was in cahoots, she wasn't really dehydrated, and Sheila might have sent Sugar to Steffy just to scare her. Sugar might have thought it was enough, to just show her face to Steffy, being a little threatening, but didn't realize Steffy was willing to kill Sheila if pushed into a corner so to speak. We all know that Sheila is good at playing the long game, and to win her son over, she might have been this desperate, and willing to sacrifice Sugar, like she has done in the past, having Sugar serve Sheila's time in that mental ward or whatever it was. It could all be a ruse. She might of course be truly happy that Finn now calls her mom and that her plan worked, which is why we aren't seeing the evil Sheila yet. She knows that Steffy will NOT like Finn being all about Sheila now, and it will be the end of Finn and Steffy. She will be on her best behaviour for a long time now I think, unless she has truly changed and this was not a plan and the Sugar story was the truth.

    3. Malin if the writers put half the thought in their storylines that you do, we would have such a great experience 🤗 Instead they prefer to regurgitate the same lines over and over again and leave plot holes left and right.
      I hope they investigate Sheila's story and we get the truth.
      I can totally see Finn now being torn by his suddenly "reformed" mom and his bitchy wife (who in this case would have the right to bitch). Then Liam swoops in. I wonder if Ivy will have a real role here or just serve as Steffy starting to see Liam again as her love.

    4. Steffy is showing clear signs of jealousy. Interesting….😬😬😬
      And I agree with the statement that Sheila is not to be trusted. Sheila has said many times that she wishes Steffy was out of the picture. She may not have wanted Steffy killed, which would result in her being framed for the murder. But the idea that Sheila was truly concerned for Steffy’s safety was not believable.
      And I am no closer to understanding why Sugar assumed she was going to kill Steffy with her bare hands! That was lame then, and continues to be lame now!
      Ivy is already bugging me. Lol. She is pouring it on way too thick! She is coming across as being a little bit desperate in my opinion.
      I hope tomorrow’s cliffhanger includes Finn breaking the news to Steffy and Ridge. There are some serious “I told you so’s” coming their way!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂

    5. Why would Sugar help Sheila? Because of her she has another face and spent years in prison. Of course she wants payback. It's just a way for the writers to break Steffy and Finn. Of course she will go straight to Liam and with Ivy back, a new triangle (that's all they can do, no imagination at all, just seme SL again and again by just changing the names) Finn will find comfort in Hope's arms, as their "parents" are together and they kind of accepted it, they won't fight about it.

    6. @Lynn, it almost looks as if Ivy and Liam has planned this, and that he kinda seems a bit uncomfortable with Ivy's touchy feely stuff, because he really wants Steffy, and they are trying to make Steffy jelous. Liam might not have thought that Ivy would be so handsy and overboard flirty. But, when this has been said, she was already flirty before Steffy came there, and they had no idea she would pop by the restaurant, so they would have no reason to act like this before she showed up then.

      @Miss_sushi Idk, anything can happen in soaps, and knowing Sheila, she can be a master manipulator and always plays the long game, until she doesn't. Maybe she managed to manipulate Sugar. Se said that she was gonna meet her a couple of times, but Sugar didn't show up. What if she did show up afterall, and they planned all this? Why would Sheila go meet with a person that might want revenge, without being in a place that was public? I mean, I would at least not have met with a clearly unstable person without any witnesses, and I would have made sure to get home in public as well, never be alone. We can only wait and see how this plays out, but for sure, they can twist and turn the story any way they like, because we have no memories from Sugar to confirm what Sheila is 'remembering' or remembering ;)

    7. @Milla <3 I just love the show and try to spin any scenario into what could happen lol. I have no real pro and con against anyone. One week I might hate Steffy, cause she sure as hell can be very entitled and 'stuffy', next week I might feel pity for her because of whatever reason. Like now, I feel pity for Sheila, and I am truly hoping she has changed, because she HAD changed before she vanished. Deacon is good for her, and I love a good redemption story. Anyone can change, and we all know all these crazy characters have done something bad once or twice during the show, some things that would warrant jailtime. Sheila is a product of being looked like scum all her life, especially by the Forresters/friends of the Forresters, which is why she can become crazy. Also, she has an extra crazy trigger button, that makes her trigger faster than the rest, so she must be 'handled with care'. If ppl just watch what they say around her, and not confront her when they obviously think she is crazy, like Steffy stupidly did that time she and Finn got shot, there wouldn't have been anyone being shot.

    8. That's a lovely take on it Malin! 🤗And who knows maybe they go that road and Sheila does change! It's never too late 😀

  5. Can someone please get rid of Sheila so we don't have to go through her again, and that put on voice.

  6. Steffys face tho, when ivy was praising Liam 😂

  7. Sheila is definitely not someone to trust. it's almost too easy. Sheila would rather have Steffy out of her way, especially after their last fight. If Sugar threatened the kids, I'd give Sheila the benefit of the doubt, but Steffy? I think Sheila would take advantage of the situation. She would know what to say to get Sugar to do it, thinking she's in control when she's doing exactly what Sheila expects of her.

    1. What is the difference between Sugar & Shelia? One toe! 👣 😂


    Oh ivy giving steffy a hard time 😂😂😂😂

    Bounce scene

  9. What's really impressive on soapland is that when someone has plastic surgery to look like someone else, not only it's a prefect twin but they also manage to gave them the exact same voice!!! 😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣

  10. Now I just can't wait to see Steffy's face when she'll know!!!

  11. Woooooaaahh👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 finally some one putting that b*tch in her place getting in every ones business like that dammnn . Uhh didn't you came to see Deacon to get al up in his face again 🤣🤣 i hope Liam wil do Ivy sooo hard . Steffy is being so deliciously jealous about it, its gonna be very entertaining how Hope is not even married and she wont give 2 sh*ts about what or who Liam does 🤣 cant wait

    1. Steffy has a very possessive personality, if I can't have him, NO ONE can! She would prob rather go back to Liam, risk everything with Finn, for then to think she could always have Finn back with a snap of the fingers, and then bounce back and

  12. Thank the Lord, we will no longer have to hear anyone say “We don’t have to worry any more, since Sheila is dead”. How many people are going to be worried once again? I’m glad Sheila is back, but I wonder if the person Steffy punched that day at Deacon’s was Sheila or Sugar? Does Sheila even know about it, cause then she might not feel all warm and fuzzy about “protecting” Steffy from Sugar. Guess that will be a mystery for awhile!!

  13. really, what a joke this Sheila storyline
