Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-21-24 Full episode B&B 21st May 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-21-24 Full episode B&B 21st May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Thanks Bob.

    Hope saying..you (Finn) are good man, prioritizing Steffy first, the marriage. Steffy is luck to have a man, husband standing by her, put her first. Yes Hope, is Steffy husband!!! Don't try to make a move. You need to go back to lame puke Liam!!!
    And Sheila saying don't want to cause trouble and make Steffy mad. HELLO you trying persuasive Finn going to your wedding, is exactly what youre doing. You don't and never will care about Steffy.

    1. Hope big mistake to talk to your mother! These must be lots of giggling and making fun of Brooke for showing up in a skin tight dress that looked like she crawled through barbed wire ripping it, and hair done by a car wash blow dryer.
      She came to rip into Zende for infractions NONE of her business. What's next? Will she insist on giving RJ an enema in the company bathroom like the crazy mother on Peyton Place? RJ will hate her if she continues to embarrass him.

    2. Hope doesn't have to try to make a move. Finn is getting there all on his own and soon he will start not wanting to go home and face the constant turmoil as Stefy tyrannizes him, dictating whom he is allowed to even "think about" The fact that Hope has grace and charm and lowkey, calm, instead of Stefy's gaping maw badgering and demanding in your face 24/7.

  2. My word Dr Finn!
    Who knew you were an Emergency Physician, Psychiatrist, Surgeon turned Chiropractor!!!!!!!
    What's next Hope's Gynecologist!?!?!?

    1. 🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏

    2. 🤣🤣👏🏻👏🏻

    3. 😂😂😂 yes. But in the good daughter's defense they sometimes study all aspects of medicine, but can specialized in a certain area. It's all the body.😂

  3. I think Finn might say to Sheila that he will think about it, and try to be there, but that he can't make any promises. He will then go home to Steffy, talk to her about it first, to see what she has to say, to get the 'hall pass'. Steffy is going to be such a bitch that Finn is probably going to say FUCK iT! And leave to support his birthmom. "You can't dictate med into not having any contact with my mother, Steffy! I am a grown man! Sure, I understand in regards to the children, but I am not a child! Stop treating me like I can't stand up for myself!" And off Finn goes.

    At the wedding, Sheila might think he isn't coming, and the wedding starts. When the priests says: "...... Speak now, or forever hold your peace", I first thought that maybe Steffy might be rushing in and cause drama. But it might happen differently. When the priest utter those words, Finn will enter, and give a little speech before he stands up for Deacon as his best man.

    Hope will be next to Sheila at the wedding, and when Finn has arrived, he will be by Deacons side, they will look eachother in the eyes, while Sheila and Deacon are saying their "I do's". Like Hope and Finn are getting married. At least it might look like they will start to develop feelings for eachother.

    Hope isn't a woman who is going to treat her husband like a child, like Steffy. This might make Finn fall head over heals for her. To not be judged by his wife, to be treated as the man he is.

    1. Sounds good! Probably much better than what the writers will actually come up with.

    2. If I am Finn I'd also appreciate a kind, feminine partner for a change, one that makes me feel strong and like I'm wearing the pants in the family. Not one that "lays down the law". Steffy is not "strong", she's judgmental, demanding and borderline emasculating. And she's acting more and more unhinged.

    3. @Lynn.... OMG... I just came to think of something that might happen.... just gave me the chills. Apparently it's gonna be a hell of a cliffhanger on friday... What if someone comes to kill Sheila, but misses... and Finn ends up being killed.... omg... all the drama that will spin out of that scenario.... Sheila will go back to her old ways, for sure, or maybe even blame herself, if she hadn't asked him to come... he would have stayed alive... Li might be the one pulling the trigger, and she will also blame herself... or no... Li doesn't think she does anything wrong, like Steffy, she will blame it on Sheila, that it is HER fault Finn is dead...

    4. @Milla, I agree... Finn is far too kind for Steffy, he is much more suited for Hope. Men needs to be men, otherwise you might as well cut off their balls... At least make them think they decide everything, don't be so up in the mans face Steffy..... Hide your hand a little... 😂

    5. My thoughts exactly Malin 😊

    6. Malin, Oh I hope Finn doesn’t die. He’s one of my favorite characters these days. We haven’t had great cliffhangers in a while, so I hope Friday’s is good….but with no one getting shot or stabbed. 😊

    7. Malin, please don't say "cut off their balls"! Steffy doesn't need any ideas on how to use her large kitchen knives. All the men reading this blog have just crossed their legs! 😂

    8. @Lynn I Hope Finn doesn't die either. He just needs a proper break from Steffy though, and be with someone who doesn't treat him like a toddler :)

    9. Malin, couldn’t agree more!

  4. What's coming My wife don't understand
    Bring on an affair and Hope never says no like her mom
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. 😂😂😂😂
      Mmmmm i guess she will be like steffy more than brook
      I would love to see the show that you are watching

    2. Exactly! Let's compare the # of Steffy's men to the # of Hopes men!!
      I'd say Steffy & Brooke are running a close race and Steffy is much younger than Brooke!

    3. And Taylor exceeded all of them
      Even for money for a period of time
      But we only hear
      Oh hope is turning to her mother 🤣🤣🤣
      Its wayyyy better than turning to steffy or tay tay 😂

  5. Sheila has finally found love with Deacon, hmm! Didn't she find that love with Deacon earlier then drop him like a hot potato when she thought Bill Spencer was interested, come on Deacon don't be the Maniacs 2nd choice 😅

  6. Sheila has not changed... screenshot my comments. Months from now you all will see how Sheila manipulated Sugar to go after Steffy because she knew steffy would fight back. Sheila always has a master plan.

    Hope reminds me of a young Brooke... all of a sudden she has headaches... lol
    Yet no sign of that in previous episodes.🙄 She know exactly what she is doing. 😒
    She did tell Steffy she will regret driving Thomas away.

    1. 👏👏👏, Sheila in no way has changed. Just look at the joy on her face when Li saw her, and Hope. It was a joke to her and she had a good sadistic laugh, and Hope 😇? Lol...some will say that's not her MO to stoop that low with Finn,. It's something Steffy would do. She warned Steffy, so now pay back is a bitch. If Thomas comes back then it will be, Finn who? After the destruction of Steffy's marriage.

    2. D - I don’t see how Hope could possibly guess that Finn would offer her a massage, oh wait….two massages based on the fact that she had a headache. That seems like such a stretch. I would be more inclined to believe that Hope had motive when she said to Finn….”I understand, Steffy wouldn’t want you to go. But how do you feel about it, Finn???” That seemed a little bit underhanded to me. But as a rule, I don’t see Hope as a sneaky person. That’s Steffy territory. Lol
      I still think that Steffy deserves whatever Hope has to dish out since Steffy ever so strongly inserted herself into Hope’s business and turned her life upside down. She really misses Douglas. It remains to be seen if she misses Thomas. She is concerned about her line, which she should be. But Thomas leaving may have left a permanent bad taste in Hope’s mouth with regard to the romantic aspect of things between Hope and Thomas.

    3. Well maybe it will be thomas who 😂😂😂😂😂

  7. Finn loves his mother, his wife hates her. I believe steffy is trying to keep Fin away from his mother, like Sheila kept her from her mother. I think Steffy should respect fins feelings and let him see Sheila and get to know her for himself, as long as she and the kids don't have to be around her. Finn should not have to hide his feelings from his wife. This is not going to be good for this marriage if Steffy dosent let up.

  8. Steffy is such a narcissist...Finn and Hope need to be together...it would serve Steffy right..
    Thank you Bob ❤️

    1. She has a very ugly soul
      I really can’t understand how such mean arrogant hateful character has any fans

  9. Can't wait to see Steffy taken down, she really belongs with Liam since he is a girly guy that she can control so easily

  10. Bob can you please upload today's program? TY
