Friday, May 24, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-24-24 Full episode B&B 24th May 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-24-24 Full episode B&B 24th May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Well...after not watching the show for weeks, reading comments yesterday was expecting a somewhat exciting show. 🥱 what a let down. The whole show everyone saying, "Finn won't show up for the wedding" was painful to listen to. Sheila's grin/smile really bugs me thanks to Lynn, who a yr or more ago said its like a cat sneer. That's all I see now. It's quite comical to watch.

    1. FINN, FINN, FINN... buckle up baby, it's gonna be a turbulent ride even though it was an accidental meeting.
      Did cat get your tongue? Are you man or mouse? Instead of looking like a dumb ox you could have left and bought the pizza 🍕closer to home..

  2. Did Eric not know all the crimes Quinn had committed when he married her? Wasn't much better.
    Haha Ridge "promises" Finn wouldn't come near that wedding. He's eaten his arrogant words so many times so far it's amazing.
    And where TF is the cliffhanger??
    Literally nothing exciting happened.
    At least we'll see Bill next week and some drama with HFTF. Apparently the trio of influencers and interns didn't do such a bangup job, shocker 😅

    1. Brava Milla! What a complete let down that was 😒. Been looking forward to some excitement, instead more repeat dialogue… poor actors must be so tired of saying the same lines!

      Maybe next week we will see something, Bill always delivers and is some eye candy too 😘

      Lol about the influencers and interns… too true! 😚😚

    2. BBFan I missed to say that it's a shocker that magic trio managed to do anything between hookups, drama and pregnancy scare 😅🙈
      You're right, poor actors!

    3. @Milla, I know right... I was expecting a much more eventful ending... guess spoilers about the cliffhanger is just to get ppl watching 😅 But I was right about one thing, Liam and Steffy wondering what is taking so long lol

    4. Malin we were promised a cliffhanger! And this isn't the first time they are lying to us in the "official" spoilers! Let's see how Steffy finds out Finn went and if it leads to something or the lazy writers leave yet another storyline unfinished.

    5. Well milla apparently its about the witch coming at hope
      The line doing ok
      She can really keep amazing me of how low she can go
      Such a vindictive bully 🤢🤢🤢

    6. You think she is canceling the line out of spite? I also thought it could be a possibility but she should give *some* business justification... I would expect at least...

    7. It is out of spite because the other day she was showing her father a design by RJ and how beautiful and amazing it is
      And its still early anyway to know if they fail
      So yeah it is out of spite
      I didn’t think she will be that low i gave her the benefit of the doubt
      But she always proved me wrong
      Its all about her not the company
      Wait until she starts telling liam to take beth
      But now finn will starts to see how ugly and disgusting she is from the inside

    8. Let's see Mmysh, I have very little faith in the writers to follow through storylines, especially promising ones. I also would expect RJ's designs to be good. Just with the whole Luna drama it never seemed like any of them were working, at least not the same way Thomas was. We can be against that relationship, but we can't deny that he was showing ready dresses every other week. But considering the timing, I can also expect that Steffy's decision is affected by her feud with Hope, so I agree.

    9. Well I guessed that one correctly….just another let down episode with no cliffhanger.
      Steffy is definitely going to shut down Hope’s line due to spite. She is so transparent. What she can’t control….she simply kills. She is such a piece of work!!
      I read Thomas is coming back to the show. So he’ll probably “save the line” again. Lol
      Sheila looked really pretty in her wedding dress.
      I liked how Brooke told Eric that Hope went to the wedding to support Deacon. Then Eric proceeds to ask Brooke if she was able to talk Hope out of going?? Lol. Uhhhhhh, no….she’s literally there right now.
      And yup, Finn said he was there to get pizzas, then was talked into staying. That one was easy to predict as well. Boring.
      Forget about the pizzas….Steffy is going to have Finn for lunch once she finds out!!

    10. Hahahah Lynn 😂😂 "have Finn for lunch" - gold! And you're right you called it that it will be boring... I expected at least *something* similar to a cliffhanger, like seeing the last scenes from the perspective of someone lurking there... But alas.
      Yes I can also see Thomas returning right on time to save the line. So predictable...

    11. I don’t think the line needs saving or needs thomas as a designer
      Unless he stands up to his bully tradhy sister

    12. Milla, the preview at the end looks somewhat interesting. Steffy hasn’t stuck it to Hope enough apparently, so now she’s gonna kill the line and leave Hope with nothing. Well nothing except Steffy’s husband. Lol.
      I had to laugh when Steffy brought up Sheila and the wedding to Liam at the same time she is pronouncing that the girls play date is making her forget about that very thing. How long did you forget about Shiela this time, Steffy?? 3 or 4 seconds??? Ridiculous.

    13. Mmysh, it’s gonna be interesting hearing Steffy justify killing off the line when it was Steffy herself who ran off the lead designer. She will of course have some lame excuse like she always does. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    14. OK ladies, not to be weird or anything…..but doesn’t it look like Steffy’s boobs have shrunk about 2-3 sizes in that summer top she had on today? I always thought she had huge boobs, but in that tank top she wore….they just looked just normal sized. And I’m not being critical. Just an observation. Lol

    15. Lynn, I assumed JMW had stopped nursing her newest bambino?

    16. That was my initial thought. She isn’t breast feeding anymore, so they are smaller now. Makes sense.

    17. Lynn haha if also made me laugh Steffy saying the girls make her forget about Sheila while she's talking about Sheila only. Next week spoilers (if we can even believe them) say Steffy and Hope will be officially at war lol. And Steffy is furious at "Finn's betrayal" 😀

    18. Steffy will make the sisters enemies
      Just like her hateful mother did to her and hope

    19. And yeah evrn if no one is speaking or thinking about sheila she brought her up

    20. Now that I think about it I feel a bit naive thinking that Steffy’s decision has much to do with the designers when of course it will have everything to do with her hate for Hope. It’s all over Steffy’s face!

    21. Yes milla that’s what happens when you put children in such position just because their last name

    22. I agree JMW probably stopped or stepped down on breast feeding her youngest one.

  3. Finn is really a spineless slow idiot.... he deserves everything that is going to happen to him & Steffy. Finn should go live with Shelia & Deacon! He can't even say 'No' & just turn around & walk away!
    All Hope is after is the Dr's D !

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

      True!! And Hope get your own man!!!

  4. TY Bob. Have a great week end.

  5. Have a nice weekend
    Thank you for your time bringing episodes to us xxxx

  6. If Steffy thinks Sheila is sooo dangerous to her family, why does she feed her daughter pizza that Sheila could have access to? Kelly could be told no for once. She could tell Kelly that they could not order pizza from there anymore. I guess the vindictive brat Steffy found another way to hurt Hope by cancelling HFTF. I hope the couture line flops and they have to beg Hope to start her line up again.

    1. She is raising her kids the same way she was raised
      They can get whatever they want

  7. I've never heard Ridge put his daughter in place. He takes her side on everything. He liked Hope for Thomas, yet he allowed Steffy to interfere in Hope and Thomas relationship causing Thomas to leave with Douglas. Why didn't he tell Steffie to bud out and encourage Thomas to stay so he could pursue the woman he loves. But he is CEO and Steffy is co CEo so Ridge has the final say on the decisions for the company, not you Steffy, demanding that Hopes line be cancel. She does not even respect her own father as CEO. That is totally disrespectful to step over Ridge head like that, and I'd bet he is not going to reprimand her. She is a true bully.

    1. Peggy, Steffy is the only person Ridge doesn’t stand up to. I think he’s afraid of her too. She truly is the evil queen.

  8. Finn is way too nice and passive sometimes. Those are not bad qualities, at times. In this case he needed to put his foot down and be assertive. As soon as he saw the wedding was there, he should have turned around and walked out! Sorry Kelly, who apparently "loves Deacon's specialty pizzas". Tonight it's Domino's. She's a child. I doubt she's developed such a strict list of restaurants at which she will only dine. And did they mention where was Hayes? He isn't seen very much. I guess he's too young to accurately learn and deliver lines that are supposed to be cute and adorable, but usually make the viewers cringe.
    Steffy has been going at Hope for a couple of weeks. Insults and snarky comments about her and both her parents. As if encouraging Thomas to leave town with Douglas was not enough, now I see from the next week teaser that she going after HFTF. Can anyone deny that is some low down dirty bitch moves? I'm sure Steffy will blame Hope for Finn staying for the wedding. Imagine if Steffy finds out about Hope getting that back and temple massage from Finn in his office. 🤯
    The highly anticipated war is on.

  9. I was waiting for Steffy to show up at Il Giardino....guess we:re going to have to wait... Thank you Bob ❤️..
    Have a good weekend 😘

  10. H'ordeurs as toes!!!! Cheesy 🧀👣 🧀👣 🧀👣 🧀 👣

  11. Glad they didn't exchange TOE rings! 🤮 😆 🤣

  12. I'm certain B&B will find some lame storyline to make the wedding end up unofficial on account the minister missed some recertification deadline due to him being homeless. Maybe that'll give reason for Ridge to stop with his same idiot lines 'Deacon are you seriously with that psychopath'? It's been 8 months, 3 weeks, 5 days and 23 hours Ridge!!!! Deacon and She-luh is REAL-duhhh. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
