Monday, May 27, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-27-24 Full episode B&B 27th May 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-27-24 Full episode B&B 27th May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Why would Decon and Sheila post that pic with finn, what they was thinking 🤔

    1. I don't think either one of them were thinking or just don't care!

    2. I think they just wanted to share how happy they are. I don't think it was done intentionally malicious.

    3. Wasn't it Sheila who chose which photo to post??? Deacon didn't think about it but I'm sure that Sheila knew what the outcome would be. Jus sayin '.

  2. Katie barging into Bill's home while he was entertaining Poppy was awkward. As usual nobody locks doors or knocks! "That Katie" meets Luna's "Mint Popping" Mom. With all the time that Poppy spends at FC, how in the world have Katie & Poppy not met? 😂

  3. OMG Finn, you are such a loser, i really hope you lose Steffy forgood 🤮🤮

  4. I teared up a little when Deacon was talking to that guy. His facial expression when Deacon offered him a job. He looked so grateful and touched. And then Deacon gave him those two bags. I'm guessing it was food. Just a reminder that you never know how many people just need a helping hand; a chance to work. But at the risk of sounding cynical, please do a background check.
    So Deacon is now on my good side, despite marrying Sheila. I think he will eventually regret it.

    1. I pray he doesn't regret it because I'm very proud of the man Deacon has become and he managed to keep Sheila of all people on her best behaviour. He is exactly what she needs in a man, someone who is going to stand up to her and tell she can't be doing nonsense anymore. Look at Deacon, he just needed a second chance and he is striving and his daughter loves him and employees look up to him. I hope Sheila doesn't bring his world down. Even after he thought Sheila had fallen back and attacked steffy and died as a result, he still loved and cared for that woman. I pray she be a changed woman. But that lil prank she did with lee at the hospital gat me suspecting. Maybe B&B just wanted to ad a lil humour in the show🍆

    2. I pray he doesn't regret it because I'm very proud of the man Deacon has become and he managed to keep Sheila of all people on her best behaviour. He is exactly what she needs in a man, someone who is going to stand up to her and tell she can't be doing nonsense anymore. Look at Deacon, he just needed a second chance and he is striving and his daughter loves him and employees look up to him. I hope Sheila doesn't bring his world down. Even after he thought Sheila had fallen back and attacked steffy and died as a result, he still loved and cared for that woman. I pray she be a changed woman. But that lil prank she did with lee at the hospital gat me suspecting. Maybe B&B just wanted to ad a lil humour in the show🤷

    3. I pray he doesn't regret it because I'm very proud of the man Deacon has become and he managed to keep Sheila of all people on her best behaviour. He is exactly what she needs in a man, someone who is going to stand up to her and tell she can't be doing nonsense anymore. Look at Deacon, he just needed a second chance and he is striving and his daughter loves him and employees look up to him. I hope Sheila doesn't bring his world down. Even after he thought Sheila had fallen back and attacked steffy and died as a result, he still loved and cared for that woman. I pray she be a changed woman. But that lil prank she did with lee at the hospital gat me suspecting. Maybe B&B just wanted to ad a lil humour in the show.

  5. Ok now steffy is starting to talk to Finn as if he is a child. The man clearly went to get pizza. He believes his mother is changing in his heart of hearts, and Steffy you are entering some dangerous territory when it comes to matters of the heart. You are going to have to let Finn let things play out and dis over Sheila for who she really is, changed or not. You cannot direct his every move. He is going to start to resent you and see you as the problem.

  6. So Sheila dressed in dark Deacon and Hope and Tom but Finn in a beige jacket lol
    He stands out like a sore thumb.
    Thank u Bob xxxx

    1. Finn went to collect pizzas for Kelly and Beth's play date and did not knowingly go to the wedding hence the reason for his dress code. The wedding was to be at the beach.

  7. We can b*tch about it al we want . But Sheila and Deacon are happy . People never listen to other people . Al she ever wanted was to be loved by someone even if it was Taylor's friendship she just wants some love . If Deacon gives that to her the idea of het changing is not so impossible ass al these so called "perfect people" picture it to be . Just let them be happy already Jeez 🙄 Liam and Steffy deserve eachother. Hope does'nt even respects liams b*tching about everyone who is beneath him. And you can see on Finn's face already that he is sooo over this marriage . Being ambushed by Sheila al the time is God telling him that love and respect should come both ways in a marriage. This whole " i should be lucky with queen Forrester " marriage is just to rediculous for words

  8. i think that a new couple is in the making finn and hope

  9. Replies
    1. Lately, being Taylor's daughter is not looking so good either. Just sayin'.

  10. Can you please upload May 16 the 17 the 20 and 21....thank you
