Monday, May 6, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-6-24 Full episode B&B 6th May 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-6-24 Full episode B&B 6th May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Steffy needs to work. Start typing in Stores Sales on Rodeo Drive. Who's got the largest discount? Do I need a coupon?

  2. I just can't wait to see Steffy's face when she will found out Sheila is still alive! And I'm sure Liam is waiting for something like this to try to be with Steffy again...

  3. Shut up, Ridge.
    Looks like we are still going to have more episodes hearing that Sheila’s dead. The Sheila reveal can’t come soon enough!
    Please writers….don't drag this out for an entire week!
    Steffy is just going to get more obnoxious after she finds out. Must get exhausting being bitchy 100% of the time!!

    1. She still can get more hatful and mean
      I never felt disgusted with her before like i am now 🤮🤮🤮

    2. I agree with you 💯%!!!

    3. She has a nerve to speak bad about deacon or hope with the family members she has 😂😂

    4. Did you guys read that it is confirmed by the production that the end of Steffy and Finn is coming? Not surprising. I hope Finn finally reaches his limit and gives Steffy some reality check on her bitchiness instead of begging her. I understand her feelings towards Sheila but she is bitchy towards everyone (apart from her dad) - judgmental, doesn't budge an inch and generally insufferable. Seems Liam is into that so he can take her.
      Hope fainting was so early 90s soap 😅🙈 and I really hope that was the last time Sheila gives us a peek at her foot, it's disturbing.

    5. Milla, good! I didn’t read that, but it’s been coming for such a long time…it’s way overdue. I’m surprised he still acts as loving as he does towards her. Wait till she finds out her “vibe” is correct!! Lol. All hell is gonna break loose.
      I hope Finn points out her hypocrisy… she is only able to find forgiveness when it relates to Thomas, but no one else. But I doubt the writers will take us there.

    6. Lynn you're right unfortunately. Steffy and Taylor are rarely held responsible for their mistakes and hypocricy. Steffy is always called "right" and "strong" and "independent" when she's actually just vicious.
      Finn doesn't seem at all conflicted by his feelings now, he is outright supportive and happy Sheila is alive. And I don't expect him to suddenly change when he faces his yelling wife. She'll think she'll be able to influence him with demands and judgment but that will only get them to reach the tipping point faster. I have to point out that Finn is not blameless - he promised her that no matter what he will put her and their family first which won't be the case, so he will deserve Steffy's wrath. I don't see a way those two can make it work so they better realize it fast.

  4. Shella set it all up so Decon and finn will find her that way Finn will
    love her more and the war with Steffy will start.
    Think about it people

  5. Steffy how many days are you gonna wear those silly marching band boots?????? 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮

    1. Shella set it all up so Decon and finn will find her that way Finn will
      love her more and the war with Steffy will start.
      Think about it people

  6. i'm considering not watching anymore. finn gushing over sheila makes me sick. and don't even do the 'liam and steffi' dance again. need new writers.

    1. Same here. I haven't watch this episode, Monday lol

  7. @stilla, I agree. This whole Sheila, Sugar charade was somehow staged by Sheila. And what's going to happen when the police find out she didn't do her time in prison, it was someone else?? It's so unrealistic and unbelievable.
    @wesa..haven't been watching for the last 2 weeks. Just reading comments here and tonight watched the last 5 or 10 min. of each episode to see what the previews were. Need new writers?? definitely, unless I missed anything we are going to have to wait a year to find out who is Luna's father, watch Hope's line go down the drain because of the animosity between RJ and Zende. Boring....

    1. D - I’m gonna try Milla’s 1.5 speed trick. That’s the only way to get through the never-ending repetitiveness and monotony of the show.

    2. 🙂 it really helps. I just watched 2 weeks worth in under an hr. and really have nothing to say other than it's getting really monotonous. Now we will be hearing "I can't believe Sheila's still alive". What happened to the other SL's? Need more creative writing to keep their fans watching.

  8. I can’t believe Finn hasn’t told Steffy yet about Sheila! Do we have to go through another week of listening to Steffy say she has nothing to worry about because Sheila is dead. Let’s get on with the other stories. Can the LA police be that stupid to not have taken finger prints or looked at Sheila’s toes when they saw her dead? And who has missing toes and flaunts them. Her toes even had a perfect pedicure, wonder how that happened when she was laying there half dead? Don’t her toenails grow after several weeks. And as much as she hates Steffy, why would she worry about Sugar trying to kill Steffy? Something is fishy about that story.
