
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-12-24 Full episode B&B 12th June 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-12-24 Full episode B&B 12th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. After Bill and Stefy's one night stand produced Kelly, Bill palmed off Kelly on Liam by switching DNA test results. See DAILYMOTION SITE Bill changes Kelly's DNA test result. Changes Kelly to being Liam's child. The sudden happiness of having a daughter doesn't seem real. Just desperate. Li already wants to send Bill's furnishings to auction for cash.

    1. Been seeing you comment this daily lol... here is "my theory" not a fact. Bill at the time was trying to win Steffy and did not care that he hurt his son. It would be more likely for him to change the result to make the baby his vs being his sons. So it makes ZERO sense why he would change it to be Liams when he was constantly telling Steffy that Liam is a waffler and that she can do better with him. He even tried to convince her to marry him and start a family with him with Kelly. That would've been the perfect time for the writers to add in the while paternity issue.

    2. OOPs it should say Poppie, NOT LI about the furnishings. Poppie tried to hustle Katy out, but it didn't work. When Katy suggested she needed to talk to Bill, Poppie suggested they have a lot of sex life to catch up on and he would be busy. Katy mentioned "Will" which is the dirty word Poppie doesn't want to hear because she can't talk Bill out of caring about him. Katy should try to talk Bill out of giving Poppie power of attorney because she might clean out his estate, will and any other property by getting herself and Luna as the sole beneficiaries of his will and estate. Wipe out all others, sons, family, etc. Poppie doesn't seem to hide her nefarious plans. She gives a quick smile when she would say, try it- that's just about talking to Bill at all.

    3. IF Bill fucked with the results, it would be because he loved Steffy so much that he sacrificed himself as a father to Kelly, so that Steffy could have what she wanted, who was Liam. I remember she was in shambles after she had sex with Bill that time. If he did it, it wasn't for Liam, it was for Steffy.

    4. Still doesn't make ANY sense. Bill hates losing. thats a big sacrifice especially because it's not like Liam and Steffy ended up together. So again, plenty of opportunities were there to expose the secret. Example Sheila had waaaay more to gain switching Bridgets paternity test so she can get Eric. Bill is NOT that selfless. the man demo'd a building with his son in there... he just doesn't have it in him to love steffy so much to lose his child, makes absolutely no sense, but hey, if it does to yal, thats fine.

  2. Well, Poppy's true colors are shining through. Katie can see right threw her. Hope? I'm not so hopeful anymore. Her true colors are starting to show.

  3. Wow Hope!!!!! Mommy Brooke knows.
    Not so innocent Hope!!

  4. TY Bob. Have great Hump day !

  5. Poor Brooke 😂😂😂😂😂

  6. Oh wow what is up with Katie. I think shes jealous of poppy or something up with poppy who knows. Hope you need to back the eff up off Finn. He will never love you the way he loves Steffy.

  7. Look at Brooke go! Such a good lady!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Wanting Hope to respect boundaries….the very same boundaries Steffy didn’t respect when she butted her big nose into Hope’s business time and time again!!
    Finn is wise beyond his years…..”Do you want that same level of animosity between Kelly and Beth??!!” It was like a lightbulb went on in that narcissistic head of Steffy’s!! 😂😂😂😂
    Hope is right, Finn deserves so much better than the mommy (Steffy) he has currently. Finn continues to be patient while his overbearing wife dictates who he can and can’t talk to. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ And that “I’m not jealous or insecure” comment that Steffy made simply tells us…..SHE’S VERY INSECURE AND JEALOUS!! 😂😂😂
    Still hoping Finn sees the light soon….and walks away from Steffy. I don’t think Hope is going to act on her fantasies anytime soon. But I think they would be a great couple. They do seem to be kindred spirits!!
    Oh Poppy, I see some very catty behavior going on there. I don’t doubt the results of the paternity test, but I think Poppy is getting way too comfortable way too fast in Bill’s mansion. I think Bill may have second thoughts about the living arrangements.

    1. Steffy with that smug arrogant face all the time, she doesn’t change it even for her husband now. I also hope he dumps her or at least starts setting some serious boundaries with little miss co-ceo. Everything you said about them is true.

    2. Milla, yes! Steffy is such an ice queen!! She stands there and lists all the bad things that have happened in Hope’s life lately and seems to revel in it. Not one ounce of empathy for Hope….even though Steffy was directly responsible for some of Hope’s problems. Steffy doesn’t have the ability to be kind unless the person is directly related to her. Everyone else gets treated like garbage. Exactly the opposite of who Finn is. And that’s why they make a horrible couple.

    3. @D give Poppy a break, Katie just walked into the house asif she still lived their, snide comments and of course Poppy is defending herself. Katie rejected cheating Bill all these year's now she's concerned that her and her son will get less money out when Billy boy goes to Heaven one day....the entire LOGAN family are gold diggers! I don't blame Poppy for defending herself and Luna, Katie is rude and sarcastic in such a subtle soft LOGAN way....bunch of gold digging HO's the Logan's

    4. Lynn, i think Brooke just wants Hope to live up to the values she herself put out there for the world to see. And how she became that way because she dod not want to be like her "mother" or "steffy" as you claim. But if she decides to give into her feelings, then that whollier than thou routine can come to a stop now, and just be who you "truly" are.

    5. @ Kae, I think Brooke has grown a lot as a person. And I think she genuinely wants Hope to follow a good and respectable path. In my opinion, Hope’s innocence was lost when she started things with Thomas. But even with that huge error in judgement, I see Hope as a kind and good person in her heart. Something I’ve never seen in Steffy. Brooke seems to be looking at the bigger picture and she realizes the ramifications that would come from Hope having feelings for Steffy’s husband. It would affect the blended families a lot! And Brooke wants to keep the peace.

  8. Katy isn't jealous of the guttersnipe -hustler- grifter Poppie. She is threatened because this lowlife scum could come in and grab everything by raiding and stealing everything out of the estate and will.

  9. Anyone else getting kinda psychopath vibes from Poppy? She wants to clean out everything 'Katie' from the house now, and that fake smile when Luna was there..... Give us your blessing??? Idk, even though Poppy looks like an angel, I think she might have an evil streak to her. She is getting too comfortable too fast in Bills mansion.

    About Finn and Steffy, he got her to think a bit at least, of the vicious circle. If she doesn't heed his words, it's exactly how it's gonna be.

    1. Yes, Poppy is getting way too comfortable way too fast. And those were some very passive / aggressive remarks Poppy made to Katie. Bill needs to have that conversation with Katie right away. I'm wondering just how long Poppy will last in that mansion? I don’t think Bill will put up with a bunch of drama.

    2. Maybe it’s my conspiracy mind again but Poppy "realized" or admitted that Bill can be Luna's father the same minute after he showed her his boat. Li may be right about her, she is not innocent.

  10. Katie sees the real Poppy and what she' s after...and wait until Bill finds out all about pill popping Poppy...and personally, I don't believe Bill is Luna's bio dad at all... Can't wait for the 💩to hit fan😅... should be very interesting 😉... thank you Bob 💞

  11. I must say today episode wasn't boring at all. I enjoyed it ooo

  12. And there you have it
    The real Hope Logan stand up!
    Thank Bob xxxx

    1. @Mandy, you mean the REAL HO mother like

  13. Brooke should slap Hope (with love and concern, of course), and tell her to "snap out of it"! Like Cher did to Nicholas Cage in Moonstruck. A mother knows her child. She can hear it in her voice, see it in her eyes. Brooke could tell when Hope was starting to have feelings for Thomas even before she would admit it. Hope needs to back off! Find new friends, see her own doctor, and find a chiropractor.
    And Katie should have a seat, call Bill, and tell him she will wait for him. I know that sounds a bit petty, but that Poppy is getting way too comfortable way too fast. 👸

  14. For hating Deacon and Sheila especially so bad they have no problem going to Deacon's restaurant, where they also live right upstairs. Steffy even demands Finn never goes near Sheila but had to have the pizza from there like it's the only pizza place or restaurant in LA. Why don't they just drop the crap already bashing Sheila and Deacon.

    1. Apparently, Deacons Pizza must be to DIE for ;)

  15. Woooowww applause for Finn 👏🏾👏🏾 who is next ? Kelly and beth ? Stop this bullshit already. The whole Forrester vs Logan thing is getting soooooo rediculous. I hope that Hope means what she is saying about not going after Finn. That is the only reason why Steffy would be proven right that this bullshit will go on until beth and Kelly will become grandmothers. If those two Precious Little girls will start fighting when they're adults like hope and Steffy i wil stop watching this whole show. I got so tired of Stephanie and Brooke when my mom and sister were watching. I got tired of the whole hope Liam and Steffy triangle watching myself not to mention Brooke and Taylor. Im tired of this whole family incest feud . Get over yourselfs already

  16. Katie now wants Bill that Poppy is with him and has a daughter. Wasn't she seeing Carter I guess B&B "forgot to tell us they broke up" just like they forget to tell us when people leave or are fired. Like when Quinn went to lunch and never talked about again. Lying saying Krista Allen was still on contract but really planned on firing her because Taylor isn't needed well her kids are on B&B. It just goes on and on. I loved B&B but the writing needs fixed and B&B needs to quit lying like the other day pretending Hope and Finn were really kissing it was all just a dream fantasy from Hope. Those are fine but don't make them seem as they are really happening or spoilers.

  17. Also a life long migraine sufferer any migraine sufferer knows that those "headaches" Hope was getting aren't really migraines! That massage Finn gave isn't really how it works. I wish B&B would research medical issues before they falsely depict. Today's episode was good however

  18. I dont think Katie is jealous, I think she is concern about poppy's sister calling her a goal digger. I think Katie is being cautious for Will and Bills sake. She did the same thing when she thought Bill was with Sheila. Thomas needs to come back for Hope, she is becoming reckless. Part of the reason her marriage to Liam failed was because Liam was still in love with Steffy. At some level hope must truly despise steffy for the failure of her marriage. She might unconsciously be trying to get back at steffy, by falling for steffy husband who she feels don't deserve Finn. But I don't think Finn will love hope the way he loves steffy, and I don't want hope to put herself in that same love triangle again where the man choosees steffy over and over again.. stay a way hope, your line will truly be canceled this time.

  19. Poppy's comment to Katy about Bill's place needing a feminine touch. I prefer Bill's decor to Poppy's decor. So, Poppy, please don't touch anything. I thought Luna was living at RJ's...
